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Šiaurės Amerikos laisvosios prekybos sutartis, jos veiklos mechanizmas bei įtaka šalių dalyvių ekonominei ir socialinei raidai / North American free trade agreement, its mechanism, and its impact on economic and social development of member countriesMaslauskaitė, Indrė 06 January 2007 (has links)
Šiuolaikinis pasaulinis ūkis pasižymi nuolatos vykstančiais integraciniais procesais, visos šalys
dalyvauja tarptautin÷je prekyboje, išskyrus tokias retas išimtis kaip Šiaur÷s Kor÷ja. Šalys d÷l
įvairiausių priežasčių jungiasi į asociacijas, bendrijas, sąjungas, sudarydamos sutartis, konvencijas,
Globalizacijos procesas daro reikšmingos įtakos tarptautin÷ms kapitalo rinkoms, prekių rinkoms,
makroekonominei (biudžeto) politikai, pramon÷s santykiams ir darbo rinkos reglamentavimui.
Šiuolaikiniame pasauliniame ūkyje, vykstant globalizacijos procesams, šalys jungiasi į integracines
grupuotes, o integraciniai procesai keičia pasaulinę ūkio struktūrą, darbo pasidalijimą, gamybos
veiksnių jud÷jimo apimtis ir mastą.
Šiaur÷s Amerikos laisvosios prekybos sutarties (original. klb. North American Free Trade
Agreement) šalių integracin÷ grupuot÷ – viena stambiausių ir ekonomiškai stipriausių pasaulio
integracinių grupuočių. Šiaur÷s Amerikos laisvosios prekybos sutartis (NAFTA) – tai sutartis, sudaryta
tarp Kanados, Jungtinių Amerikos Valstijų ir Meksikos. NAFTA’os susitarimas pasirašytas 1994 m.
sausio 1 d. NAFTA – tai trišal÷ prekybin÷ Šiaur÷s Amerikos šalių integracin÷ grupuot÷. Šiaur÷s
Amerikos laisvosios prekybos sutartis sudaryta pratęsiant 1989 m. Kanados ir JAV laisvosios prekybos
sutartį. NAFTA, priešingai nei ES, neturi nei antinacionalinių valdžios organų, nei įstatymin÷s
sistemos, viršesn÷s už nacionalines. NAFTA – tai sutartis, sudaryta vadovaujantis tarptautine... [to full text] / Integrative processes are very characteristic to contemporary global economy, every country participates in the international trade, except for such rare exceptions as North Korea. Due to various circumstances countries integrate into associations, communities, unions, by concluding agreements, conventions and contracts.
The process of globalizations makes significant influence on international markets of capital, product markets, macroeconomic (budget) policy, industrial relationship and on the regulation of labour market. In contemporary global economy, in the presence of globalization, countries integrate into integrative groups, as a result, the integrative processes change the structure of the global economy, labour division, volumes and scope of production.
The integrative group of North American Free Trade Agreement is one of the largest and economically strongest world’s integrative groups. North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is an agreement, which was concluded among Canada, United States of America and Mexico. NAFTA was concluded on the 1st of January 1994. NAFTA is a trilateral integrative group of North America. North American Free Trade Agreement was concluded as an extension of Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement. NAFTA, contrary to EU, has nor antinational organs of authority, neither legislative system, which would be superior to national legislative system. NAFTA is an agreement, which was concluded following the international legislative... [to full text]
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Grafinės duomenų bazės blokų atributų valdymo sistema / The graphical data base block attribute management systemLukoševičius, Kęstutis 12 January 2005 (has links)
In the recent two years the analysis of principal and connective circuitry drawings proved that the principal and connective circuitries of very complicated projects are kept in a single file. Therefore, traditional specialized automated design system are not able to build and draw hybrid circuitries with the fragments of electromechanically networks together with the display of sensors and processors. The number of elements in such project files may reach from a few hundred until a few thousand. As this number is so high, the standard AutoCAD means do not quite fulfill the designers’ needs of working with blocks and their attributes. In this way they choose automated means that do not limit their abilities in preparing technical, assembly and tuning documentation, necessary for the completion of the projects.
Therefore, based on the master’s paper, in order to fulfill the aforementioned needs, the building of the graphical data base block attribute system management system has been completed.
The objective of the paper is the attributes and management of the graphical data base blocks.
The purpose of the paper is to create a system of the graphical database attribute management and the means of using it. The purpose is defined by the following tasks: graphic data bases are analyzed; also the graphical data base blocks, their attributes, constituent parts and their management; the means of using the system in the medium of Auto CAD; based on the master’s paper the system of... [to full text]
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