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Germánské spony starší doby římské v Čechách / Germanic Brooches of the Early Roman Period in BohemiaČerný, Martin January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation evaluates Germanic fibulae of the Early Roman Period found in the area of Bohemia. The catalogue mainly consists of ca. 740 already published brooches. For the purpose of this dissertation, many of them have been newly documented as well as some so far unpublished finds which are introduced in the appendix of the dissertation. The dissertation sums up our present knowledge of particular types and variations of fibulae and makes their chronology more accurate - based on various combinations of brooches occurring in graves. Alternatively it deals with their connection to certain sex, age and social status. The most common type of brooches is by far the group of the eye-brooches (ca. 300pcs). Regarding the dating, the author managed to cast doubt upon information about some of the brooches found in the literature. The analysis has proven a long survival of some types of fibulae. Key words: brooches - fibulae - Early Roman Period - Germans - Chronology
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Antisemitismus v denících Venkov, České slovo a Večerní České slovo v období 1939-1941 / Antisemitism in daily Venkov, České slovo and Večerní české slovo in the season 1939-1941Vávrová, Pavlína January 2016 (has links)
Thesis is focused on analysing the content of anti-Semitic materials and its aim is to find out how the amount of such materials was changing in three chosen newspapers which had been legally published in Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia in the period March 1939 - September 1941. Those materials have been divided into categories according to the character of their content. In the thesis, there is mentioned how the amount of anti-Semitic materials changed inside each category. In the conclusion, the single results of each daily are compared here.
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La nueva noche: el imaginario de la bohemia, género revisteril y vedettes (Santiago, 1950-1973)Araya Riveros, Lorena Andrea January 2007 (has links)
Desde la antigüedad, la noche ha representado para el hombre un espacio que entraña misterio y desconfianza. No obstante, importantes actividades ligadas al desenfreno y diversión se han gestado en este territorio. La noche adquiere un abanico de significaciones que conforman parte de la identidad de diversas colectividades. El propósito de esta investigación es examinar diversos elementos que forman parte de un imaginario nocturno de la sociedad chilena, a través de la circulación y elementos de la bohemia santiaguina, durante el período 1950-1973. La bohemia se expresa en la afluencia de diversos espacios de sociabilidad y prácticas artísticas específicas al margen de la sociedad tradicional. Relaciono este ámbito de ocio con una cultura de masas en pleno desarrollo para el período en estudio y la concepción de un imaginario que se nutre de elementos de una sociedad chilena que se percibe en búsqueda de la modernidad y lo cosmopolita, pero que, al mismo tiempo, busca definir su identidad a través de elementos representativos de lo nacional. El desarrollo de esta temática considera en primer lugar, el análisis de ciertas redes y qué prácticas específicas, se vislumbran parte de estas nociones. El énfasis se centra en el género revisteril chileno y las Compañías de Revistas, como Bim Bam Bum, Picaresque y Humoresque. El segundo propósito se vuelca hacia develar el significado social del cuerpo y la gestualidad en esta época. La vedette, uno de los integrantes de la revista es parte de esta búsqueda, porque en ella se sitúan una serie de problemáticas que atañen a la inscripción de su figura en lo frívolo, lo sensual y también asociada a la marginalidad, formando parte del imaginario nocturno. Además la vedette es relevante porque constituye una figura femenina escasamente estudiada en nuestra cultura.
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Mozart-Rezeption in BöhmenVolek, Tomislav 02 February 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Gegenwärtig sind wir damit beschäftigt, auf der Basis der internationalen Zusammenarbeit die Resonanz des Phänomens "Mozart" in den Ländern Mittel-und Osteuropas zu bilanzieren und verschiedene Perspektiven und Interpretationen dieses Phänomens zu konfrontieren. Meine Aufgabe ist es, die Mozart-Rezeption in Böhmen zu erörtern.
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Marketingová studie vybrané turistické destinace - Východní Čechy / Marketing study of turistic region - Eastern BohemiaTočoňová, Jana January 2010 (has links)
The object of the study is presentation and marketing analysis of touristic region Eastern Bohemia. The study is divided into two sections. First section is theoretic. It desribes marketing, touristic destination and destination marketing. Second section is practical and contains marketing environment of Eastern Bohemia, primary and secondary offer of region, identification of main competitors and marketing research of visitors. The final part of study summarizes essential imperfections and barriers of development of tourism in the region and suggests some solutions.
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Jihočeská vrcholová cyklistika a její proměny v letech 1948-1989 / South Bohemian Cycle Sport and its Transformations between 1948 and 1989ŠULÁKOVÁ, Eva January 2019 (has links)
The submitted thesis deals with South Bohemian cycle sport and its transformations between 1948 and 1989. It examines the development of individual clubs in České Budějovice, Tábor and Milevsko with regard to internal and external factors. Beside the club activities, it also focuses on cyclist´s everyday life in socialist Czechoslovakia and analyses the development of cycling equipment, training methods, eating habits and their effect on the performance of the cyclists. Another important factor the thesis investigates is compulsory military service as it played an important part in forming the cycle sport in socialist Czechoslovakia.
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[pt] Este trabalho tem por finalidade empreender uma reflexão
crítica do
panorama cultural no Rio de Janeiro a partir do estudo de
sua boemia literária, do
período que vai do manifesto republicano de 1870 às
primeiras décadas do novo
século - período intitulado de Belle Époque. As
transformações de cunho
modernizante, a secularização do Estado, as batalhas pela
abolição e pela
proclamação da república, bem como o esforço coletivo para
vencer as barreiras
relativas à ascensão social e política e, mais tarde, a
reurbanização da cidade e a
supressão da cultura popular formam o pano de fundo deste
estudo. O que se
pretende aqui é enquadrar a boemia no fulcro do dilema
burguês: por um lado, os
interesses do capital; pelo outro, os ideais de emancipação
do homem. Neste
sentido, a boemia serve de mediadora entre temporalidades
históricas sobrepostas,
uma vez que, se a modernização permitiu que ela viesse a
lume, ao mesmo tempo,
a própria modernidade refuta a instabilidade de seus papéis
sociais. Comprimida
pelo imaginário de um mundo antigo e a instrumentação de um
mundo moderno,
os boêmios se apresentam como figuras sacrificiais que
ritualizam o desespero
moderno. / [en] The main purpose of this work is to develop a critic
reflection of the cultural
process in Rio de Janeiro based on its literary bohemia,
through the period that
goes from the republican manifest of 1870 to the first
decades of the new century
- period known as Belle Époque. The modernization changes,
as the
secularization of the State, the battles for the abolition
of slavery and for the
proclamation of the republic, as well as the struggles to
overcome the obstacles
for social and political ascension and, later, the re-
urbanization of the city and the
suppression of popular culture form the background of this
research. What is
pretended here is to fit the bohemia in the middle of the
bourgeois dilemma: the
interests of capital, in the one hand; the ideals of
emancipation of mankind, on the
other hand. For that, the bohemia makes the mediation
between overwhelmed
historical temporalities: if the modernity allows the
bohemian phenomenon to
arise, this same modernity refuses the instability of their
social roles. Compressed
by the imaginary of an archaic world and the instrumental
possibilities of a
modern world, bohemians present themselves as sacrificial
figures that ritualize
the modern desperation.
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Vývoj a struktura osídlení severozápadních Čech v raném středověku / Development and structure of early medieval settlement in northwest BohemiaKRAUS, Miroslav January 2017 (has links)
The thesis summarizes and subsequently describes and evaluates contemporary knowledge, development and structure of early medieval settlement in the northwestern part of the Czech Republic. Emphasis is placed on the spatial relation of settlements and burial grounds to local selected features of the natural environment, which is evaluated on the basis of graphical representation and statistical processing in individual periods of czech early Middle Ages. The spatial context and the distribution of the settlement in the landscape are also evaluated. Spatial settlement properties are processed into catalogs and are handled in GIS and statistical tools. The resulting model is rather of a general nature because it is the first comprehensive treatment of the early medieval settlement in this part of Bohemia and is thus discussed from a methodological point of view.
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Změna využití ploch na Chebsku - nová divočina / Land use change in the Cheb area - new wildernessPekárková, Hana January 2019 (has links)
The theses deals with exploration of new wilderness which comes into being in abandoned areas in border regions in the Cheb district. Using the newly defined transformation index, two cadastral territories in the district were identified with the highest probability of new wilderness occurence. The occurrence of a new wilderness was demonstrated in both cadastral areas and was categorized into typology already established. Photographs and ArcGis maps were added to the field survey. Post-habitat and post-agrarian new wilderness were identified in both cadastral territories. Further, there were identified post-montane and post-aquatic new wilderness. Despite the position near the border, where the Iron Curtain was located, post- military new wilderness was not identified there. New wilderness occurs in both localities on more than 10 % of area. Keywords: Land use, change of landscape, new wilderness, West Bohemia
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Kamenosochařská a řezbářská díla Jana Karla Hammera ve středních a jižních Čechách / Jan Karel Hammer's Stone Sculptural and Woodcarving Work in Central and South BohemiaŠiková, Terezie January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to record and evaluate from art-historical point of view the stone sculptural and woodcarving work of Jan Karel Hammer, whose activity was documented between the years 1737 and 1757 on the border of central and southern Bohemia. The topic of thesis was chosen due to the fact, that this interesting artist has not yet been introduced to the professional public. Automatic attribution of all sculptural and woodcarving work in the area around Čimelice, where Jan Karel Hammer spent the last two decade of his life, to his hand together with a sharp increase of works, that are assumed to belong to him, led to the need for critical review. With the exceptions of Hammer's works the information was drawn from topografical, historical and regional literature and from archival sources. Because of the literary character and limited number of sources the main emphasis was placed on formal analysis. The examined material was divided into several cathegories, as can be seen in the structure of final catalogue. Thanks to detailed knowledge of works it was possible to identify author's distinctive style, which can be detected also in the workshop production, and all specifics of his work. Attention focused on the sources of inspiration and style orientation took us to the Prague art center...
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