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Jan Hus: as cartas de um educador e seu legado imortal / Jan Hus: the letters of an educator and his immortal legacyAguiar, Thiago Borges de 06 December 2010 (has links)
Esta tese é um estudo da figura de Jan Hus, tradicionalmente conhecido como reformador religioso da Boêmia do século XV, olhando-o sob a perspectiva da História da Educação. Inspirados nas propostas metodológicas de Carlo Ginzburg para a construção da narrativa histórica a partir do estranhamento das fontes, o paradigma indiciário, analisamos as cartas escritas por Hus. Iniciamos com um estudo de como essas cartas, escritas há quase seiscentos anos, podem ser lidas levando em conta sua historicidade, estrutura retórica, edição e tradução. Identificamos a rede de relações que essa correspondência engendrou e observamos uma intenção educativa da parte do autor das cartas ao escrevê-las. Selecionamos um conjunto de vinte e três cartas que denominamos de pastorais e nelas encontramos um padrão de escrita voltado a dar continuidade à tarefa pastoral que Hus realizava na Capela de Belém, constituindo sua ação educativa por meio de cartas. Também analisamos a relação educador-educando que Hus estabeleceu com seu discípulo Martin de Volyne. Por fim, partimos do relato de Petr de Mladonovice e das edições traduzidas das cartas de Hus para observar a construção, rememoração e recriação do legado educativo deixado por Hus de mártir e mestre defensor da verdade. Concluímos com um questionamento para a História da Educação do lugar que esse personagem ocupa atualmente e como esse lugar é, e pode ser, construído pelo historiador. / This thesis is a study of the figure of Jan Hus, traditionally known as the Bohemian religious reformer of the fifteenth century, looking at it from the perspective of the History of Education. Inspired by Carlo Ginzburg\'s methodological proposals for the construction of historical narrative from the strangeness of the sources, the evidential paradigm, we analyze the letters written by Hus. We begin with a study of how these letters, written nearly six hundred years ago, can be read taking into account its historicity, rhetorical structure, editing and translation. We identify the network of relationships that engendered this correspondence and watch an educational intention of the author of the letters on writing them. We selected a set of twenty-three letters that we called \"pastoral\" and in them we find a pattern of writing intended to continue Hus pastoral task that was performed at the Bethlehem Chapel, constituting its educational activities through letters. We also analyzed the relationship between educator-learner that Hus established with his disciple Martin of Volyne. Eventually, based on the report of Petr of Mladonovice and the translated editions of the letters of Hus we look into construction, remembering and rebuilding the educational legacy left by Hus of martyr and master defender of the true. We conclude with a question for the History of Education concerning the place that currently occupies this character and how this place is and can be constructed by the historian.
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Tensile source components of swarm events in West Bohemia in 2000 by considering seismic anisotropyRößler, Dirk, Krüger, Frank, Rümpker, Georg, Psencik, Ivan January 2006 (has links)
Earthquake swarms occur frequently in West Bohemia, Central Europe. Their occurrence is correlated with and propably triggered by fluids that escape on the earth's surface near the epicentres. These fluids raise up periodically from a seemingbly deep-seated source in the upper mantle.
Moment tensors for swarm events in 1997 indicate tensile faulting. However, they were determined under assumption of seismic isotropy although anisotropy can be observed. Anisotropy may obscure moment tensors and their interpretation.
In 2000, more than 10,000 swarm earthquakes occurred near Novy Kostel, West Bohemia. Event triggering by fluid injection is likely. Activity lasted from 28/08 until 31/12/00 (9 phases) with maximum ML=3.2. High quality P-wave seismograms were used to retrieve the source mechanisms for 112 events between 28/08/00 and 30/10/00 using > 20 stations. We determine the source geometry using a new algorithm and different velocity models including anisotropy. From inversions of P waves we observe ML<3.2, strike-slip events on steep N-S oriented faults with additional normal or reverse components. Tensile components seem to be evident for more than 60% of the processed swarm events in West Bohemia during the phases 1-7. Being most significant at great depths and at phases 1-4 during the swarm they are time and location dependent. Although tensile components are reduced when anisotropy is assumed they persist and seem to be important. They can be explained by pore-pressure changes due to the injection of fluids that raise up. Our findings agree with other observations e.g. correlation of fluid transport and seismicity, variations in b-value, forcing rate, and in pore pressure diffusion. Tests of our results show their significance.
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Small-aperture seismic array monitors Vogtland earthquake swarm in 2008/09Rößler, Dirk, Hiemer, Stephan, Bach, Christoph, Delavaud, Elise, Krüger,Frank, Ohrnberger, Matthias, Sauer, David, Scherbaum, Frank, Vollmer, Daniel January 2009 (has links)
The most recent intense earthquake swarm in the Vogtland lasted from 6 October 2008 until January 2009. Greatest magnitudes exceeded M3.5 several times in October making it the greatest swarm since 1985/86. In contrast to the swarms in 1985 and 2000, seismic moment release was concentrated near swarm onset. Focal area and temporal evolution are similar to the swarm in 2000.
Work hypothysis: uprising upper-mantle fluids trigger swarm earthquakes at low stress level. To monitor the seismicity, the University of Potsdam operated a small aperture seismic array at 10 km epicentral distance between 18 October 2008 and 18 March 2009. Consisting of 12 seismic stations and 3 additional microphones, the array is capable of detecting earthquakes from larger to very low magnitudes (M<-1) as well as associated air waves. We use array techniques to determine properties of the incoming wavefield: noise, direct P and S waves, and converted phases.
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Tarpukario kultūros atspindžiai epistoliniame palikime. M. ir K. Petrauskų lietuvių muzikos muziejaus archyvo analizė / Reflections of the Interwar Culture in the Epistolary Heritage. The Analysis of M. and K. Petrauskai Lithuanian Music Museum ArchiveFilinaitė, Andrijana 14 June 2013 (has links)
Magistriniame darbe aptariamas tarpukario laikotarpis ir analizuojami tuo laikotarpiu rašyti M. ir K. Petrauskų lietuvių muzikos muziejuje saugomi laiškai ir rankraščiai. Tai - K. Petrausko laiškai žmonai E. Žalinkevičaitei-Petrauskienei; susirašinėjimas tarp Kipro, jo brolio Miko Petrausko ir Elenos; gerbėjų „meilės laiškai“; amžininkų laiškai Kiprui; susirašinėjimai tarp laikmečio inteligentijos. Kaip pagalbinė medžiaga, leidžianti plačiau atskleisti temos aktualumą buvo pasirinkti ir A. ir P. Galaunių namuose esantys laiškai bei rankraščiai. Laiškai padeda atskleisti to meto žmonių mąstymą, pasaulėžiūrą bei problemas, susijusias su nacionalumo paieškomis, politika, kultūra ir žmonių jausmais. / The paper defines the interwar period, the period letters and manuscripts which are preserved at M. and K. Petrauskai Lithuanian Music Museum. Among them - K. Petrauskas’ letters to his wife E. Žalinkevičaitė-Petrauskienė; correspondence between Kipras, his brother Mikas Petrauskas and Elena; “love letters” from Kipras’ admirers; letters of the contemporaries to Kipras; correspondence between the interwar intelligentsia. The helpful material also includes letters and manuscripts from Galaunė Family Museum, which allows to reveal the topicality of the analyzed subject. The letters help us to explore the subtleties by revealing the people’s mindset, worldview and problems of the era, which are connected with searching for identity, politics, culture and people’s feelings.
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Prostorová analýza výroby a zpracovatelských kapacit bioprodukce - Jihočeský kraj / Spatial analysis of organic food production and processing capacity in region of South BohemiaZEDEK, Milan January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on mapping of organic farming in the South Region particularly in terms of spatial distribution of organic farms, their production and deployment of processing capacities organic production. South Bohemia region is due to its geographical conditions suitable for organic farming. It is one of the largest in amount of organic farms. However the diversity of production is not too different. There is mainly dominating extensive cattle farming in areas of permanent grassland.This dissertation was elaborated in terms of explorational purpose of University of South Bohemia ? Economical Faculty MSM 6007665806, focusing on support of development concerning higlands and uplands areas in the region of south Bohemia.
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Středověká šlechtická sídla na hranici jižních a středních Čech (Hrad Šelmberk a jeho archeologický výzkum v roce 2006) / The Mediaeval Noble Residences on the Boundary of the South and Middle Bohemia Regions (The Castle Selmberk/Schallenberg and it´s Archaeological Research of 2006JANDA, František January 2013 (has links)
The handed-in thesis is divided in two parts. The first part is focused on the problems of residences in a limited area on the connected line of the towns: Veselí nad Lužnicí in the south, Bechyně in the southwest, Milevsko in the west, Sedlec - Prčice in the northwest, Votice in the north, Načeradec in the northeast and Chýnov in the east. It tries to give a survey of evolution and typology of particular noble and royal residences in the above mentioned area (archaeological findings, written sources, available bibliography). The second part deals with the material culture of the Šelmberk Castle acquired at the archaeological research in 2006. The aim of this part is analysis, synthesis and interpretation of stratified findings which were obtained from four archaeological excavations with a various amount of layers. Another part of the thesis is maps, charts as well as a depiction of particular findings including photo documentation.
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Raně středověká tuhová keramika z jižních Čech / Early Medieval Graphite Pottery from South BohemiaMAŠKOVÁ, Hana January 2016 (has links)
On the early medieval sites in South Bohemia, the graphite pottery can be found very often. This kind of pottery can be considered as a topic arising many questions and problems. With the help of the interdisciplinary way, the diploma thesis aims to summarize these issues for the early middle age, especially in South Bohemia.
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Řešení revitalizace konkrétních ploch průmyslových a armádních brownfieldů / Revitalization of specific areas of industrial and military brownfieldsDUŠEK, Milan January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is focused on issues of a real, military and industrial brownfield. There is explained the term ''brownfield'' in the first part of this thesis and then there are described types, classifications, methods of mapping, opportunities of revitalization and their financing. The second part is focused on a real, industrial and military brownfield in the South-Bohemian region, his history and a potential utilization in the years to come.
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Schwarzenbergové a železnice. Vztah primogenitury Schwarzenbergů k železniční dopravě v 19. století Schwarzenbergové a železnice Vztah primogenitury Schwarzenbergů k železniční dopravě v 19. století / Schwarzenbergs and the railway. Relationship primogeniture Schwarzenberg to rail transport in the 19th century.IVANOV, Jan January 2011 (has links)
Railway and nobility - at first glance the opposite sides of one coin. The aristocracy was considered conservative part of society, as a symbol of "the old times". Railway presented the other side of the coin: ?the new age? and economical progress. What was the same on these two symbols? Why nobility supported the build of railroads through their domain? How was the role of Nobles in the construction of railroads? The point of view of this publication is at the history of railways in terms of Nobles as the businessmen. Shows an example of primogeniture Schwarzenberg, how aristocrats engage themselves in the construction of railways, railway companies in the management and support local projects. You can find here examples of the nobility built industrial railroad for their business. The work shows that the nobility to maintain its economic power after the abolition of feudalism had to adopt modern capitalism and the development of rail transport.
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Vývoj a fungování českých sborů dobrovolných hasičů ve venkovských obcích na jihu Čech v letech 1876-1939 / Development and the functioning Czech volunteer fire brigades in the country the south of Bohemia in years 1876-1939ZÍKA, Rudolf January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the activities of Czech volunteer fire brigades in the country. It is based on accessible sources. The work is split up to five basic chapters. It contains an extensive list of the literature and sources for this topic and the abundant pictorial and tabular supplements. The first chapter describes development of fire-protectional legislation and laws important for the function of the volunteer fire brigades. The second part brings basic informations about the development of higher levels and main institutional ranks of fire brigades organisation in the Czech lands. The third part deals with the description and analysis of functions, administration and activities of volunteer firemen in the country. The fourth chapter is devoted to the membership Czech volunteer fire brigades, especially to their description, division and analysis of age and social level. The fifth section deals in detail with the management of fire Department and its accounts, what is divided into a part of the incomes and expenses. The final part summarizes the findings and points to other possibilities and procedures of study concentrated on this broad and interesting theme.
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