Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bohemia""
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Vývoj pleistocénního zalednění české části Šumavy (Případová studie z okolí Černého a Čertova jezera) / Development of Pleistocene glaciation of the Czech part of the Šumava Mts. (Case study of the Černé and Čertovo Lakes)Vočadlová, Klára January 2011 (has links)
This Ph.D. thesis presents new facts about a paleoenvironmental development of the northern part of the Bohemian Forest (area of Černé Lake and Čertovo Lake) in the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene. The main goals of the research are: characterize the glacier landforms in the Bohemian Forest and define the variance of these landforms; determine factors influencing formation and development of the glaciation in the study area; describe environmental settings and its changes during deglaciation and in Early Holocene by using environmental proxies. This research proceeds from original data obtained by geomorphological mapping, morphometric analysis and proxy data analyses originated from a sediment sequence in a peat bog in the Černé Lake vicinity. The common attributes of the Bohemian Forest cirques and cirque variability was determined using morphometric and morphologic characteristics of the cirques on the Bavarian and Czech side of the mountain range. These characteristics were compared with other cirques of the Bohemian Massif and other chosen mountain ranges of the world. The cirque overdeepening was defined on the basis of headwall shapes and it emerged that overdeepening of the cirques in the Bavarian Forest and in the High Sudetes reflects a different extent of the Pleistocene glaciation....
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Kooperace stakeholderů v destinaci cestovního ruchu / Coollaboration of Stakeholders in a Tourism DestinationHOUDEK, Lukáš January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the thesis Collaboration of Stakeholders in a Tourism Destination is to evaluate the level and intensity of cooperation in tourism in the South Bohemian Region from the perspective of key stakeholders in the destination, including the management and development relationship of tourism in the destination. In the first part of the research, the information concerning the destination management and marketing, the stakeholders and their cooperation was obtained with the help of secondary data. For the collection of secondary data, printed literature and websites were mainly used in connection with the selected tourism destination - the South Bohemian Region. Based on the findings from the literature and other secondary sources, the collection of primary data was planned in the form of a questionnaire survey. It has become clear that the destination marketing organizations, which best meet the attributes of power, legitimacy and urgency, are the key stakeholder. According to the research, it was found out that the cooperation between the public and private sectors is significantly inadequate. There are several major obstacles that prevent effective cooperation among the particular stakeholders. To improve the cooperation, it is necessary to streamline the communication between the organizations and other stakeholders and to plan a project within the tourism industry, which will help with the cooperation among as many stakeholders as possible.
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Udržitelný a odpovědný cestovní ruch v Jihočeském kraji / Sustainable and Responsible Tourism in South BohemiaBOUČKOVÁ, Miroslava January 2019 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is to apply the principles of sustainability and responsibility in the South Bohemian region as a tourism destination in relation to Chinese clients and related problems with the subsequent use of modern methods and trends for the development of tourism destination with regard to sustainable and responsible tourism.
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"Das böhmische deutsch" : perda e coineização de variantes do alemão de imigrantes boêmios no Rio Grande do SulHabel, Jussara Maria January 2017 (has links)
Die vorliegende Untersuchung befasst sich mit der Variation des gesprochenen Deutsch von Nachfahren böhmischer Einwanderer in der Gemeinde von Linha Brasil in Paverama, Rio Grande do Sul, Südbrasilien, auch Eestreich (vgl. Hdt. Österreich) von der lokalen Bevölkerung genannt. Diese Gruppe von Einwanderern siedelte sich um 1873 in der Gegend an, und zwar in einem Gebiet, in dem bereits Hunsrücker sowie auch andere Gruppen angesiedelt waren. Als Böhmer bezeichnet man im Folgenden eine Gruppe deutschsprachiger Einwanderer, die aus der Ausgangsmatrix Böhmen stammt, das heute ein Teil der Tschechischen Republik ist, zum Zeitpunkt der Auswanderung aber zur ehemaligen Österreichisch-Ungarischen Monarchie gehörte (1867-1918). In Brasilien kamen diese Immigranten nicht nur in Kontakt mit dem Portugiesischen, sondern auch mit anderen deutschen Varietäten, besonders mit dem Hunsrückischen in der Nachbarsiedlung Santa Manoela (auf Deutsch auch Russland genannt). Das zentrale Ziel dieser Studie besteht darin, die Konstitution und Merkmale der deutschen Varietät dieser böhmischen Einwanderergruppe im Kontakt mit dem Hunsrückischen als dominierende Koine und dem Portugiesischen als Amtssprache Brasiliens zu erkennen. Diese Sprachkontakte spielen eine zentrale Rolle in der Dynamik der Variation; sie werden in einem Sprachkontinuum zwischen standardsprachlichen Merkmalen und dem Substandard beschrieben Es wird daher insbesondere 1. nach linguistischen Merkmalen gesucht, die mit dem ursprünglichen Repertoire der böhmischen Einwanderer verbunden sind. Man geht hinsichtlich dieses Repertoires von einer Diglossie aus, zwischen der Standardnorm für schriftliche und formelle Funktionen und einer basilektalen Varietät für die familiären und informellen Funktionen. 2. Hinsichtlich der Weiterentwicklung des Deutschen bei dieser böhmischen Gruppe werden ergänzend die Folgen des Kontakts mit der Hunsrückischen Koine beschrieben. 3. Durch den Vergleich mit dieser Koine wird der Grad der Präsenz von böhmischen Dialektmerkmalen in den verschiedenen sozialen Segmenten (diastratische und diagenerationelle Dimension) genauer erschlossen, sowie auch die sozialen Faktoren, die diese Entwicklung beeinflussen. Zum Schluss werden zur Kontrolle perzeptuelle Aspekte der Kennzeichnung der böhmischen Varietät im Kontakt zwischen den Sprechern beider Sprachgemeinschaften erfasst (diarreferentielle Dimension). Um die gesprochene Variation und sprachliche Gestaltung des Deutschen der böhmischen Gruppe zu analysieren, orientiert sich die vorliegende Untersuchung an den theoretischen und methodischen Prinzipien der pluridimensionalen und relationalen Dialektologie (THUN, 1998), wie im ALMA-H Projekt (Sprachkontaktatlas der deutschen Minderheiten im La Plata-Becken: Hunsrückisch, koordiniert von C. Altenhofen / UFRGS und H. Thun / Universität Kiel) durchgeführt Diese Perspektive versucht die Daten der sprachlichen Variation der Forschungsobjektsprache („deutschböhmische Varietät“) in verschiedenen Dimensionen der Analyse zu konfrontieren. Die diatopisch-kinetische Dimension enthält die Variation der Sprache zwischen der Ursprungsmatrix (Böhmen) und dem heutigen geographischen Gebiet (Brasilien), in der sich Einwanderer im Jahre 1873 niederließen. Die diagenerationelle Dimension konzentriert sich auf die Variation zwischen der älteren Generation (GII) und der jüngeren Generation (GI). Schließlich wird in der diastratischen Dimension auf der Basis kontrastierender Daten von Ca (mit Hochschulbildung) und Cb (bis zur Sekundarschule) die Rolle der Schulbildung näher präzisiert. Für die Datenerhebungen wurde einen Fragebogen verwendet, der auf dem Fragebogen des ALMA-H basiert und ausgewählte Variablen spezifisch für die Ziele der Untersuchung umfasst. Es wurden insofern Interviews mit vier Gruppen von Informanten durchgeführt (CaGII, CbGII, CaGI und CbGI), vier in Linha Brasil (als böhmisches Ort) und vier in Santa Manoela (als Hunsrückisches Vergleichsort). Dabei wurden nur wenige böhmische Merkmale erkannt und mit den verschiedenen Dimensionen korreliert Die Ergebnisse bestätigen die Hypothese, dass diese böhmischen Migranten zwar mit einer Diglossie kamen, in dem sie eine Varietät [+dialektal] für informelle Beziehungen und eine Varietät des Standarddeutschen [+Standard] für formale Funktionen verwendet haben, aber nach fast 145 Jahren einen starken Koineizierungsprozess nachweisen, durch diese Einwanderer ihr Deutsch an die hunsrückische Koine angepasst haben und praktisch durch sie ersetzt haben. Es überleben lediglich vereinzelte basilektale Formen der Ursprungsmatrix (Böhmen), obwohl überwiegend als passive Kenntnisse (die nur zum Teil in Erinnerung kommen) und fast ausschließlich in der älteren Generation (CbGII). Dieser Verlust verschärft sich im Gegensatz dazu immer mehr bei Sprechern der jüngeren Generation (GI), die zunehmend zur Hunsrückischen Varietät übergeht, sowie auch des Portugiesischen als herrschende Amtssprache. / A presente pesquisa ocupa-se com a variação do alemão falado por descendentes de imigrantes boêmios na comunidade de Linha Brasil, autodenominada ‘Eestreich’ (Hdt: Österreich), em Paverama, no Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brasil. Esse grupo de imigrantes instalou-se na localidade por volta de 1873, em uma área em que já estavam hunsriqueanos (Hunsrückisch) e outros grupos. O conceito de boêmio refere-se à matriz de partida dos imigrantes alemães na Boêmia (parte da atual República Tcheca), que na época da emigração pertencia ao antigo Império Austro-Húngaro (1867-1918). No Brasil estes imigrantes entraram em contato não somente com o português, mas também com outras variedades do alemão, em especial com o Hunsrückisch falado na comunidade vizinha de Santa Manoela (autodenominada de ‘Russland’) e demais comunidades do entorno. O objetivo central deste estudo é identificar como se formou o alemão falado pelos boêmios. Para isso, consideram-se os contatos linguísticos presentes na comunidade, entre as variedades da matriz de origem (possivelmente a norma local do Hochdeutsch e uma variedade dialetal de uso familiar) e as variedades do novo meio, especialmente o português e o hunsriqueano como coiné dominante. Assim sendo, este estudo envolve os seguintes objetivos específicos: 1) descrever as marcas linguísticas associadas à variedade dos imigrantes boêmios na sua comparação com a variedade da coiné hunsriqueana; 2) verificar o grau de presença de marcas mais dialetais do boêmio nos diferentes segmentos sociais (dimensão diastrática e dimensão diageracional), identificando os fatores sociais que atuam na conservação ou perda dessas marcas; e 3) analisar a percepção dos falantes e o significado social dessas marcas no contato com as demais variedades (dimensão diarreferencial) Para analisar a variação e configuração linguística do alemão falado pelo grupo boêmio, este estudo se orienta pelos pressupostos teórico-metodológicos da Dialetologia Pluridimensional e Relacional (THUN, 1998), como vem sendo praticada pelo projeto ALMA-H (Atlas Linguístico-Contatual das Minorias Alemãs na Bacia do Prata: Hunsrückisch), coordenado por C. Altenhofen (UFRGS) e H. Thun (Univ. Kiel, Alemanha). Essa perspectiva busca confrontar os dados da variação linguística da língua-objeto da pesquisa (o “alemão dos boêmios”) em diferentes dimensões de análise. Na dimensão diatópico-cinética considera-se a variação da língua entre a matriz de origem (Böhmen) e a área geográfica atual (RS), onde os imigrantes se fixaram em 1873. A dimensão diageracional se foca na variação entre a geração mais velha (GII) e a mais jovem (GI). Por fim, na dimensão diastrática analisa-se o papel da escolaridade, contrastando os dados da Ca (com a escolaridade superior) e da Cb (até segundo grau). Para a coleta de dados foi utilizado um questionário reduzido, a partir do questionário-base do Projeto ALMA-H, e adaptado no sentido de selecionar variáveis relevantes para atingir os objetivos deste estudo. Deste modo, foram realizadas entrevistas e observações de campo com quatro grupos de informantes (CaGII, CbGII, CaGI e CbGI) em Linha Brasil (como núcleo boêmio) e em Santa Manoela (como ponto de comparação hunsriqueano), a fim de identificar as marcas distintivas do boêmio e sua correlação (perda ou manutenção) conforme as diferentes dimensões de análise Os resultados confirmam a hipótese de que estes imigrantes boêmios vieram com uma diglossia, em que usavam uma variedade [+dialetal] para as relações informais e uma variedade [+standard] do Hochdeutsch para funções formais, mas também confirmam um forte processo de coineização que levou os boêmios a acomodarem sua fala à coiné do Hunsrückisch. No entanto, algumas formas basiletais da matriz de origem (Böhmen) resistiram a esse processo, embora sobrevivam predominantemente como conhecimento passivo, especialmente de falantes da geração mais velha (GII). Por outro lado, a geração jovem (GI) ainda possui o conhecimento ativo do hunsriqueano, contudo tende a substituir cada vez mais esta variedade de imigração pelo frequente uso do português. / The current research investigates the variation of the German language spoken by descendants of Bohemian immigrants in the community of Linha Brasil, self-named 'Eestreich' (standard German: Österreich), in Paverama, Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil. This group of immigrants settled in the locality around 1873, in an area in which there were already Hunsrückisch speakers and other groups. The concept of Bohemian refers to the starting matrix of German immigrants in Bohemia (part of the present Czech Republic), which at the time of emigration belonged to the former Austro-Hungarian Empire (1867-1918). In Brazil, these immigrants had contact not only with Portuguese, but also with other varieties of German, especially the Hunsrückisch, spoken in the neighboring community of Santa Manoela (self-named 'Russland') and other surrounding communities. The main purpose of this study is to identify the German spoken by Bohemian immigrants, considering all the linguistic contacts present in this community. There are language varieties from the matrix of origin, possibly the local standard German and a dialectal variety of family use, besides the varieties of the new environment, especially the Portuguese and the Hunsrückisch as dominant koine. Therefore, this study involves the following specific objectives: 1) to describe the linguistic marks associated with the variety of Bohemian immigrants, comparing them with the variety of the Hunsrückisch's koine; 2) to verify the presence the degree of more dialectal Bohemian marks in the different social segments (diastratic dimension and diagenerational dimension), identifying the factors that contributed for conserving or losing these marks; and 3) to analyze the perception and social meaning of these marks by the speakers, in the contact with the other varieties (diarreferential dimension) To analyze the variation and linguistic configuration of German spoken by the Bohemian group, the study is guided by the theoretical and methodological principles of Pluridimensional and Relational Dialectology (THUN, 1998), as it has been practiced by the ALMA-H project (Linguistic Contact Atlas of German Minorities in Río de La Plata Basin: Hunsrückisch), coordinated by C. Altenhofen (UFRGS) and H. Thun (University of Kiel, Germany). This perspective tries to confront the data of the linguistic variation of the research-object language (the "Bohemian German dialect") in different dimensions of analysis. The variation of the language between the origin matrix (Böhmen/Bohemia) and the current geographical area (Brazil) is considered under the diatopic-kinetic dimension, where immigrants settled in 1873. The diagenerational dimension focuses on the variation between the older generation (GII) and the younger generation (GI). Ultimately, in the diastratic dimension, the sholarity role is analyzed by comparing the data from Ca (from secondary school to university) against the Cb (from the illiterate to those who finished nine years of school). For data collection, a reduced questionnaire was used based on the ALMA-H questionnaire and adapted to select relevant variables to achieve the purposes of this study. Thus, interviews and field observations were carried out with four informants groups (CaGII, CbGII, CaGI e CbGI) in Linha Brasil (as a bohemian nucleus) and in Santa Manoela (as a point of Hunsrückisch comparison) in order to identify the distinctive marks of the Bohemian and their correlation (loss or maintenance) according to the different dimensions of analysis The results confirm the hypothesis that these Bohemian immigrants came with a diglossia, in which they used a variety [+ dialect] for informal relationships and a variety [+ standard] of the standard German for formal functions. They also confirm a strong koineisation process that led the Bohemians to accommodate their speech to the Hunsrückisch's koine. However, some basilect forms of the origin matrix (Bohemia) resisted this process, although they survive predominantly as passive knowledge, especially of speakers of the older generation (GII). On the other hand, although the young generation (GI) still has the active knowledge of the Hunsrückisch, they tend to replace this variety of immigration more and more by the frequent use of Portuguese.
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Analýza služeb neziskových organizací v příhraničních oblastech Jihočeského kraje / Analysis of Non-Profit Organizations in the Border Areas of the South Bohemian RegionBrožík, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis assess the analysis of range of services provided by the non-profit organizations in the areas along the borders of South Bohemian region. This assessment is to be based on gaining information on current condition of non-profit sector in the given region as well as the possibility of cross-border cooperation with foreign subjects of similar kind. The practical part of this diploma thesis is dealing with research of the range of activities being engaged by the non-profit organizations in the area. Non-profit organizations which had been asked have shown the interest in cooperation with both domestic and foreign non-profit organizations. Based on the output of the research a report concerning the condition of the non-profit sector has been made, as well as recommendation on further activities of the non-profit organizations.
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Geological and geophysical characterization of accretionary and collisional systems : the Central Asian Orogenic Belt and the Bohemian MassifGuy, Alexandra 14 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Large-scale accretionary and collisional crustal orogenic architecture is studied combining structural geology, lithostratigraphy, geochronology and magmatic petrology with gravity, magnetic and seismic data. This multidisciplinary approach allows characterizing the structure and composition of the orogenic crust in two accretionary-collisional systems. The Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) constituting one third of the Asia continent and the Bohemian Massif are two Palaeozoic orogens formed by accretion followed by collision. It is proposed that the CAOB formed by successive Paleozoic accretion of oceanic and continental fragments followed by a late Palaeozoic to early Mesozoic N-S convergence of North Chinese and Siberian Cratons. The comparison between the potential fields and the geological data reveals an incorrect compartmentalization into different lithostratigraphic terranes. In contrast to geology the geophysical approach allows the analysis of the crustal structures on a complete thickness of crustal column. This thesis presents a compilation of geological data combined with unique gravity and magnetic results which are integrated into a preliminary model for the architecture of the continental crust. Conversely, an important collection of complementary data is available for the Bohemian Massif, allow more precise 3D geophysical forward modeling. In this area, geophysical data reveal the occurrence of an allochtonous lower crustal layer with a felsic composition. This indicates that the Variscan orogenic crust actually resulted from the accretion of contrasted crustal fragments.
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Jihočeské národní divadlo ve třicátých letech 20. století / The South Bohemian National Theatre in the 30th of the 20th CenturyŠVESTKOVÁ, Jitka January 2011 (has links)
The main aim of this project is to introduce the developement of the national theatre in České Budějovice in 1930s. We got the important information by reading a few books and mostly from period magazines, newspapers and records stored in the National local archives in České Budějovice. Unfortunatelly, despite thorough search for information we cannot ensure it is all credible. However, we tried hard to create complete a complex overview of drama in those days. First, the project focuses on general description of the theatre conditions, who the manager was, how the theatre flourished as far as finance is concerned or how the drama activities were influenced by other industrial or political circumstances. Then, the other topic is dramatics in each season, choice of plays and their reception. The other parts deal with drama tours and Josef Stejskal, who shifted drama to a higher level in 1930s. In appendix you can find the registers of ensemble members, the overview of repertoire in Jihočeské národní divadlo in each season and also several period photos.
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Analýza průběhu epidemie pandemické chřipky v Jihočeském kraji / Analysis of the flu pandemic in the South Bohemian RegionHUDEČKOVÁ, Kateřina January 2011 (has links)
In the thesis there are chronologically processed data about incidence of influenza Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 from its first incidence in spring 2009 in Mexico until the official end of the 6th phase of pandemic announced by the WHO in august 2010. These data were collected by means of secondary analysis. The thesis is focused on the Region of South Bohemia from the first proved incidence of Pandemic influenza (H1N1) 2009 here. The data necessary to meet the objectives of the work and to answer the research questions were collected in cooperation with the Regional Hygienic Station of the South Bohemia in České Budějovice. 3 deaths were analysed in the context of incidence of Pandemic influenza (H1N1) 2009 in the Region of South Bohemia and anti-epidemic measures were assessed. Differences in 121 people with Pandemic influenza (H1N1) 2009 in the Region of South Bohemia from the point of view of age and sex were described. In 52 people with the flu from the Region of South Bohemia ?traveller? history was recorded (these people were infected during their stays abroad) and most of them had stayed in Germany. Indicators of morbidity (ARI) in the Region of South Bohemia and in the whole Czech Republic were also processed and then graphically compared.
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Habsburkové a slezská knížata. Postavení a pozice vládců slezských knížectví v rámci habsburské monarchie a říše v raném novověku / The Habsburgs and the Silesian Princes. The Status of Silesian Principalitiesˈ Rulers within the Habsburg Monarchy and the Holy Roman Empire in the Early Modern PeriodSchindlerová, Karolína January 2018 (has links)
Silesia greatly differed from other lands of the Bohemian Crown with regard to its specific political, administrative, religious and cultural development. This situation was caused partly due to the fragmentation of Silesian territory. In the Middle Ages, Silesia was divided among many independent principalities ruled by the members of the Piast Dynasty. During the 14th century the Silesian princes accepted the sovereignty of the Bohemian king. When the ruling dynasties died out, these principalities were inherited by the Crown. The king could then grant the principality to the members of noble families. At the same time as the Habsburgs entered the Bohemian throne, reformation began to spread in Silesia. By the end of 16th century most of the Silesian princes had converted to lutheranism. The only Catholic prince was the bishop of Wrocław as a master of Nysa principality. Approximately 90 percent of the Silesian inhabitants had become Lutheran by the end of 16th century. Confesinal tensions were simmering throughout the Habsburg Monarchy. With the help of Bohemian estates, the protestant Silesian princes received the letter of majesty containing religious rights (1609). Due to the violations of religious freedom, the Silesian princes and estates joined the Bohemian revolt (1619) After the defeat...
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Význam kamenolomů pro ochranu a ekologii středoevropských stepníků (Eresus spp.) / Significance of quarries for the conservation purposes of Central European spider \kur{Eresus} spp.BLAŽKOVÁ, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
Selected quarries and adjacent areas of xerophilous grassland in Bohemian karst were examined for the presence of velvet spider burrows. Selected microhabitat valuables were collected and their significance for ladybird spider analyzed.
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