Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bohemia""
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The political and social doctrines of the Unity of Czech Brethren in the fifteenth centuryBrock, Peter January 1954 (has links)
No description available.
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Historická ložiska cinabaritu v Čechách - genetická studie. / Historical cinnabar deposits in Bohemia - genetic study.Velebil, Dalibor January 2010 (has links)
The study of fluid inclusions proved the metamorphic origin of the cinnabar-pyrite mineralization at the deposit of Horní Luby. In addition, thermal conditions of the mineralization formation were determined. During the deposit forming processes, the primary homogenous H2O-CO2 fluid of the temperature of about 300řC was differentiated to fractions rich in H2O or CO2. The differentiation took place in several stages in the temperature range between 200 to 150řC. Quartz crystallized from the parent fluid at the temperature about 300řC, pyrite at temperatures in the range of 220řC to 210řC and cinnabar at temperatures in the range of 195řC to 160řC. The cinnabar is thus the youngest mineral at the deposit (crystallization succession. quartz - pyrite - cinnabar). At the deposit of Jedová hora, quartz crystallized at the temperature of about 160řC to 150řC, barite at temperature of about 115řC (the fluid boiling point) and cinnabar in the range between these temperatures. The origin of mercury at all Czech historical deposit of cinnabar can be very likely related to Lower Paleozoic submarine volcanism. In all cases, the pre-concentrated mercury was remobilized during the Variscian metamorphosis, followed by precipitation in form of veins with cinnabar or as cinnabar impregnation. Study of tetrahedrite...
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Projekt cyklistické naučné stezky v Chráněné krajinné oblasti Český kras / Project of Educational cycle trail in the Protected Landscape Area in Bohemian KarstTesařová, Alena January 2013 (has links)
Title: Project of Educational cycle trail in the Protected Landscape Area in Bohemian Karst Objective: The objective of this work was to create an Educational cycle trail in the Protected Landscape Area of the Bohemian Karst. The trail, natural and cultural attractions and other information process into guidebook which will be available at tourist information centers and on the Internet. Methods: Collecting and sorting information about the natural and cultural wealth of the region. Summarizing information in guidebook and creating a trail. Subsequent test the applicability of a booklet form of a questionnaire to a group of cyclists who created the route with the completed booklets. Results: The results of this work are two proposal of Educational cycle trail in the Protected Landscape Area of the Bohemian Karst, which are processed into guidebook that contains trail description, information about each trail and map material. The final form of the trail is also based on results of questionnaires and direct responses of testees. The guidebook can be offered to information centers in the area of Bohemian Karst or through them be available in electronic form on the Internet. Keywords: cycling, Educational trail, Protected Landscape Area, Bohemian Karst.
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Zakládání geoparků v konceptu udržitelného rozvoje na příkladu kandidátského Geoparku Joachima Barranda / Establishing geoparks in concept of sustainable development on the example of Joachim Barrande GeoparkČervinková, Romana January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the application of a new instrument for landscape protection and nature conservation which is the foundation of Geoparks, with a particular focus on the candidate Joachim Barrande Geopark. The aim of this paper is not only to assess the impacts of tourism on this area. Management of establishment of the geopark is discussed, too. The thesis emphasizes the current relations, cooperation and attitudes of the actors. Proposals to improve the efficiency of establishment of Geoparks are an integral part of the paper, too. It also critically appreciates the phenomenon of Geoparks, which is widely discussed in the concept of sustainable tourism. The thesis gives an overview of the legislative restrictions related to the protection of nature and implies the confrontation of the nature conservation interests with the interests of tourism. Key words: sustainable development, tourism, geotourism, geopark, Bohemian Karst
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Geneze Au-Sb mineralizace na ložisku Krásná Hora / Genesis of Au-Sb ores at the Krásná Hora depositNěmec, Matěj January 2014 (has links)
Ore deposits of the Krásná Hora ore district are the main representative of the Sb-Au mineralization in the Czech Republic. It can be classified genetically as epizonal subtype of orogenic gold deposits. Spatially and partly temporally are associated with the intrusion of the Central Bohemian Pluton. The ore bodies are related to quartz veins that follow the course of E-W striking lamprophyre dykes, which are usually heavily crushed and altered. Ore shoots with massive stibnite are located mainly at the intersections of these E-W trending veins with the NW-SE striking tectonic fault zones. Au-Sb ores at Krásná Hora ore district formed in an area of repeatedly activated fault zones. Three generations of hydrothermal quartz were identified on microscopic scale. Earliest quartz (Qtz1), which was considered in the literature auriferous originated from low-salinity H2O - CO2 fluids at ~350 řC and at a depth of about 5 km. The younger quartz (Qtz2) originated at lower temperatures of about 260 řC and lower depth of about 3-4 km from low/saline aqueous fluids. Both older (Qtz1) and younger quartz (Qtz2) are not auriferous. The gold is associated with younger paragenetic formation (Anti + Au + Cc + Qtz3) that fills in intergranular spaces and fractures in Qtz1 and Qtz2 . Due to the partial exhumation of the...
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Paleoekologické aspekty evoluce ústřic rodu Rhynchostreon Bayle / Palaeoecological aspects of Rhynchostreon Bayle oyster evolutionRantuch, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
This paper presents a multilevel analysis of palaeoecological aspects of the process of the Rhynchostreon genera evolution. According to the latest results of research, the process of genus appears to be more dynamic than previously assumed.The processes of internal dynamics of the environment in conjuncture with other studied aspects of the late cretaceous environment (e.g. paleotemperature, salinity, etc.) were a significant factor that initiated the activity of selective pressure and represents an important factor in group evolution. In this work we provide the overall hypothesis about co-evolution of two intrageneric (sisters) lineages in Rhynchostreon genera. The definiton of evolutionary trends of intrageneric lineages within the presented hypothesis (including a new description of oyster species) is supported by various analytical methods, which anchors them in the current zoological nomenclature system. An electron microscopy, isotopes and biometrical analysis of a shell in cooperation with some of the sedimentologic methods suggest a relation of lithology (as a result of environmental aspect) and evolution process. The transregional concept of proposed ecological-evolutionary models, based on materials studies from various paleogeographic regions of cretaceous world, increases the...
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Variabilita chemického složení apatitů alkalických hornin Českého masívu / Variability of chemical composition of apatites from alkaline rocks of the Bohemian MassifMészárosová, Noemi January 2015 (has links)
III Summary This thesis is focused on crystal chemistry and crystal structure of apatites from alkaline rock of the Bohemian Massif. Fifteen samples of volcanic rocks, mostly of the Cenozoic age was selected for the study. Sample No. 5 is of the Silurian age. Sample No. 15 originates from volcanic rock of the Cenozoic age from the Slovak Western Carpathians. This sample was chosen for this study due to its substantially different chemical composition. The contents of major and minor elements in apatites were measured on an electron microprobe, the contents of some minor and trace elements were determined by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Selected samples were investigated by cathodoluminescence (CL) spectrometry. Crystal structure of studied apatites was characterized by X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. It was found that dominant anion at position X is fluorine. The OH content calculated on the basis of the fully occupied position X is significant in some samples. The amount of Cl is generally low. The exception is the sample No. 15 where Cl reached up to 0.6 apfu (Z = 2). Studied apatites contain many substitutions but they are generally of minor extent. Strontium, iron and REE at position M belong to the most common and most important substituents for calcium in...
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Sukcese měkkýších společentev v lomech Českého krasu / Succession of mollusk assemblages in quarries of Bohemian KarstKocurková, Alena January 2012 (has links)
Molluscan succession was studied in 18 abandoned limestone quarries of different age in Bohemian Karst. The number of species in studied quarries increases in the time. The less species were found in the oldest quarries. This trend was probably caused by habitat diversity decline although it is not conclusive. The best predictors of mollusk species composition are type of surrounding vegetation, light and the cover of tree layer. It is important to take into account correlations of the other environmental variables with light and the cover of tree layer. Compositions of mollusk assemblages of north and south-facing slopes differ, but these differences diminish with ongoing succession. Quarries represent suitable model sites for the study of succession.
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Reforma křtu v českých zemích od 15. do 17. století: Analýza liturgických textů / The Reform of Baptism in the Czech Lands from the 15th to 17th Century: An Analysis of Liturgical TextsChalupski, Michal January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis called "The Reform of Baptism in the Czech Lands from the 15th to 17th Century: An Analysis of Liturgical Texts" is focused on comparation of liturgical texts dealing with baptismal liturgy. The main objects of my interest are Agenda created in our territory from the 15th to 17th Century. In the first part of the thesis there is a short outline of baptismal's liturgy evolution from the New Testament period to the Martin Luther's reform. In the next part there are presented domestic Agenda containing baptismal forms which are the main subject of this thesis. These Agenda comes from Roman Catholic church, from Utraquist church, three Agenda represented the evangelical type and the last item describes the baptism in Unitas Fratrum during the period of Lukáš Pražský. This is list of the Agenda: Agenda Pragensis, the manuscript marked "Křižovníci XVIII G 21", Agenda správy a posluhování církevního na Horách Kutnách by Václav Štefan Teplický, Pravidlo služebností církevních by Tobiáš Závorka Lipenský and Zprávy kněžské by Lukáš Pražský. This thesis is focused on comparation of similarities and differencies in baptismal liturgy recorded in this Agenda and on the research of links between Agenda and the baptismal liturgical tradition which is described in the first chapter, with intention to...
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Stavby a mechanismy vmístění granitoidů typu Weinsberg (Moldanubický batolit) / Fabrics and emplacement of Weinsberg - type granitoids (Moldanubian Batholith)Pour, Ondřej January 2012 (has links)
English abstract This diploma thesis is concerned with the brief introduction to the structures and fabrics in granitoid plutons. In the next part of this work are sumarized results of structural analyses of Weinsberg-type granite intrusion (Prášily and Strážný pluton) located in the SW part of high-grade rocks of the Moldanubian Zone. This research proceeded based on a combination of field structural data and results of AMS (Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility) method. The emplacement and crystallization of both studied magmatic bodies took place in cooperation with the final phases of S3-fabrics development. This "bavarian phase" has a character of heterogenous deformation with indications of the dextral subhorizontal shear (WNW-ESE strike). During this event, syntectonic emplacement and internal fabrics development of strážný pluton took place at ~322 Ma. The transpression was followed by the localized transtension tectonics in NE direction, probably in cooperation with exhumation of high-grade metamorphic rocks of Bavarian terrane. In this phase, at ~320 Ma, the granitoids of Prášily pluton were emplaced into the considerably exhumed crust of the Moldanubian region.
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