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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pivní stezky v Jihočeském kraji / Beer Trails in Jihočeský kraj

Kruchňová, Zuzana January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate beer tourism potential of Jihočeský kraj. The first part of this thesis deals with the characteristics of gastronomy and beer tourism. The first chapter also presents successful foreign projects of gastronomy tourism. The second chapter presents tourism infrastructure and beer industry in Jihočeský kraj. In this chapter there are described and evaluated breweries in the region. The third chapter identifies possible reasons for Jihočeské pivní stezky project failure. Last chapter suggests beer cycle trails and beer packages on the ground of previous chapters.

Analýza filmového turismu v destinaci Český ráj / The Analysis of Film Tourism in the Czech Paradise Destination

Talašová, Barbora January 2013 (has links)
This Master thesis deals with the film tourism in the Bohemian Paradise. The main part of the Thesis is focused on the analysis of Bohemian Paradise as a place suitable for film tourism and the evaluation of the offer in the field of film tourism. To achieve these goals was used among others SWOT analysis and the method of benchlearning. The result of the Thesis is finding that in the Bohemian Paradise is the potential for the development of film tourism but it is not used to the maximum. Based on the analysis are presented recommendations for the new products of film tourism which could destination management organization offer in its territory.

Turistika v Českém ráji v období před první světovou válkou (se zaměřením na město Turnov a jeho okolí) / Tourism in Bohemian Paradise before WWI (city Turnov and neighbourhood)

Mojsl, Antonín January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the tourism in the Bohemian Paradise, the emphasis is on the town of Turnov that is regarded with its neighbourhood as a tourist centre of the region. The thesis describes the last third of the 19th century and the period before the First World War. The first part of the work focuses on the phenomena associated with the development of modern tourism in the observed region, such as the growing sector of services, the advent of railways or tourist organization. This section also includes chapter on the genesis of the name Bohemian Paradise (Český ráj). The other part of the thesis analyses the town Turnov and its surroundings. After a brief introduction, the thesis studies technical and material base that the town offered to the incoming visitors. The attention is turned to accommodation and catering services, summer apartments or local guide services. The main part describes the activities of the local department of the Czech Tourist Club. The department was founded in 1892 and fully took the initiative associated with the organization of tourism in the region, such as marking of hiking trails, keeping and enhancement of local landmarks, publication of promotional and guide materials, operation of tourist stations or student dormitories, and organization of lectures and...

Život a dílo Wilhelma Matzky / Life and Work of Wilhelm Matzka

Chocholová, Michaela January 2011 (has links)
Wilhelm Matzka (1798-1891) was a German mathematician as well as an important person of the University of Prague and an eminent representative of the mathematical community in the Czech countries in the middle of the 19th century. This thesis is original and reminds of his life as well as of his scientific, pedagogical and organizational activities. The center of this work is formed by the analysis and the evaluation of Matzka's mathematical work, its classification in the development of mathematics and its education. There are mentioned his studies and monographs on mathematical applications like physics, chronology, astronomy and geodesy as well, which give the thesis a sig- nificant interdisciplinary character. This thesis presents also lot of historical connections and provides a view of the situation in the German, Czech and European world of mathematics in the 19th century.

Brachiopoda a polychaeta v tafocenózách české křídové pánve / Brachiopoda and polychaeta in Taphocenoses of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basis

Sklenář, Jan January 2013 (has links)
The sesile suspension feeders of Brachiopoda and Polychaeta phyla are relatively well represented in the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin (BCB), and show significant diversity. All three subphyla of Brachiopoda (Linguliformea, Craniiformea and Rhynchonelliformea) are present in the fossil record of the sedimentary basin infill; from Polychaeta, there has hith- erto been evidence of only the Canalipalpata subclass members that created solid, usually carbonatic tubes. In both abundancy and diversity, the most richest associations of fossil brachiopods and polychaets occure in near-shore facies of the Cenomanian to the Lower Turonian, and hemipelagic facies of the Late Turonian age. Prior research, as shows the literature survey given by the author, has been focused mainly on representatives of both groups of near-shore facies origin. The aim of this thesis is to fill in the existing gaps in our understanding of these groups within the BCB. This objective is accomplished in the form of a series of studies (Sklenář & Simon 2009, Vodrážka & al. 2009, Sklenář & al., in press) elaborating the following topics in detail: (A) taxonomy, distribution, morphology, variabil- ity, evolutionary relationships and stratigraphic significance of cancellothyrid brachiopod Gyrosoria abundant in the Middle and particularly in...

Fyzikální model vývoje Českého masivu / Evolution of the Bohemian Massif: Insights from numerical modeling

Maierová, Petra January 2013 (has links)
The Bohemian Massif was consolidated during the Variscan orogeny (~400-300 Ma), which involved several oceanic subductions and collisions of continental micro-plates. The central part of the Bohemian Massif, the Moldanubian domain, shows a large accumulation of felsic high-pressure metamorphs. We present a numerical model of exhumation of these rocks due to continental collision and underthrusting. The key feature of the model is a felsic (light, rheologically weak and rich in radioactive elements) material in the lower crust of one of the colliding blocks. We examine the influence of the rate of convergence of the two blocks, radiogenic heating in the felsic lower crust and efficiency of erosion, on the model evolution and pressure-temperature conditions in the lower-crustal material. The models where the material is sufficiently weakened due to radiogenic heating show formation of an orogenic plateau, sedimentation in a foreland basin, and crustal thickening accompanied by gravity-driven exhumation of the lower crust and subsequent sub-horizontal flow in the middle crust. In colder and/or faster models, the thickening is dominated by folding. We correlate the tectonic style of these two types of models with differences between the high-grade rocks in the southern (Moldanubian) and northern (Sudetic) parts...

Sukcese pavoučích společenstev v lomech Českého krasu / Succession of spider assemblages in quarries of Bohemian Karst

Siegelová, Eva January 2015 (has links)
In this thesis, the succession of spider assemblages in five limestone quarries of different ages in Bohemian Karst has been studied. The main goal of this paper was studying changes of spider assemblages along successional gradient. Furthermore, different environmental factors affecting spider communities and also assemblages of spider communites in different terraces of the quarry have been studied. Standardized methods (pitfall traps, hanging desk traps, shifting leaf litter, sweeping of herb vegetation, and beating shrubs) have been used for recording the highest possible richness of spiders. The results showed that position of the terraces and the age of the quarry do not affect species richness and density. Species density of epigeic spiders increased significantly with number of the plant species. The results showed that spiders do not have their own succession, but they are following vegetational succession. The environmental factors which affect species composition of spiders from the pitfall traps are positon of terraces, shading and moss cover. Although the age of the quarry was insignificant for spiders from pitfall traps, every quarry was inhabited by different spider communities. Shrubs and tree-dwelling spiders showed correlations with the age of the quarry. Data recorded from...

Vznik mafických granulitů v důsledku metamorfních a metasomatických procesů na kontaktu felsických a ultramafických litologií (granulitový masiv Dunkelsteiner Wald, Český masiv) / Formation of mafic granulites as a result of metamorphic and metasomatic processes at the contact of felsic and ultramafic lithologies (Dunkelsteiner Wald granulite massif, Bohemian Massif)

Zelinková, Tereza January 2018 (has links)
English Abstract The Dunkelsteiner Wald granulite massif in Lower Austria belongs to the Gföhl unit of the Moldanubian zone of the Bohemian Massif. Predominant rocks are felsic granulites which in some places contain garnet pyroxenites and peridotites. There are positions of mafic and intermediate granulites on their intersection. Primary mineral association of mafic granulites is garnet, clinopyroxene rich on Jd and Ca-Tschermack component and kyanite. These rocks probably represent Ca-richer variant of pyroxenites. Contemporary mineral association is make by garnet, clinopyroxene, plagioclase and orthopyroxene. Accessory there is amphibole, spinel, rutile and Ilmenite in the rocks. Sapphire inclusion in garnet cores close to kyanite inclusions has been observed in several cases. Decompression of these rocks creates specific symplectite textures in mafic granulites characterized by plagioclase inclusions. These inclusions are partly or fully surrounded by garnet porphyroblasts on their edges and coarse grain symplectics of plagioclase and pyroxene in matrix. A possible explanation of emergence of this specific texture in rocks on intersection with felsic granulite is an infiltration of melt from felsic lithology. Proof can be the enrichment of K component on edges of plagioclase grains. On the other hand,...

Jiří Sehnal, Adam Michna of Otradovice - composer: perspectives on seventeenth-century sacred music in Czech lands. Transl. by Judith Fiehler. Olomouc,Palacký University 2016, 236 S. DOI 10.55607/ff.16.24449869. ISBN 978-80-244-4986-9. Summary

Sehnal, Jiří 08 May 2020 (has links)
Adam Michna z Otradovic (Adam Michna of Otradovice, 1600–1676) was the most important figure of Bohemian music history of the mid-17th century. He lived in the time of the deep political and ecclesiastical changes, an aftermath, in the Bohemian Lands, of the 1620 White Mountain Battle. The events of the Thirty Years’ War have influenced the whole of the early 17th century; nevertheless, music development did not stop. The forcible re-Catholicisation, instigated by the Habsburgs aided in the arrival of new music trends from Italy to Bohemia.

Programy podpory zdraví na základních školách v Jihočeském kraji / Health promotion programs of health in primary schools in the South Bohemian Region

Dubská, Linda January 2017 (has links)
This thesis on the topic of health promotion programs in primary schools in the South Bohemian Region deals with projects that focus on the health of pupils attending primary school. The aim of the study was to find out what is the attitude of directors selected primary schools in the South Region to programs promoting health. Another objective was to evaluate the attitudes and assessment of Directors to use the effectiveness of these programs. The research is divided into theoretical and practical part, the theoretical focuses on the basic concepts, such as e.g. health, healthy lifestyles, health promotion programs, prevention, health determinants like. In other parts of the work are described individual health promotion programs, which schools are offered in the South Bohemian region, which surveyed schools also utilize. In the practical part is based on research, which is divided into two blocks. The first block is focused on the director of elementary schools and one block refers to providers of health promotion programs. In connection with the set goals, it was found that the level of implementation varies widely because headmasters somewhere implementation have been very sophisticated and large number of programs elsewhere is only a few programs and implementation lags. Following the partial...

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