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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Válka v myšlení a každodenním životě jihočeské nižší šlechty ve druhé polovině 16. a na počátku 17.století / War experience in everyday life of the south Bohemian lower noblemen in the period of the second half of the 16th century and the early 17th century

KOREŠ, František January 2013 (has links)
The author of the diploma thesis endeavoured, with the help of historic-anthropological methods, to depict a variety of forms of the war experience of the south Bohemian aristocracy in the period before the Battle of White Mountain. The subject of his interest focused on the fates of men and women of noble origin, on the background of three key military events of the second half of the 16th century and the early 17th century. Two expeditions of the Bohemian troops against the Turks in 1566 and 1594, and the invasion of Bohemia by the Passau army in 1611 had a very strong impact on the way south Bohemian knights thought, behaved and acted. Personal correspondence of selected aristocratic families served as the heuristic starting point in the search for the answer to the question which ways an aristocrat chose to defend values tested by centuries and to enforce his own or his family?s interests. The objective of the entire research was to amplify the knowledge about the history of lower aristocracy, by stressing the unique role of a historical participant in war. Treating the topic of war experience gave rise to a contribution on the borderline between the political, military, social and cultural areas of history of the early Modern Age.

Analýza tektonického vývoje jednotky Královského Hvozdu / Structural evolution of the Královský Hvozd Unit

Vrtiška, Luboš January 2014 (has links)
5 English abstract The introduction of the thesis represents a profound research of current knowledge and survey results to date about the geodynamic tectonic boundary development of the Teplá- Barrandien unit/Moldanubian senzu stricto and the Královský Hvozd unit in the Šumava Mountains. It also describes in detail lithology of the Královský Hvozd unit and historical as well as contemporary opinions of the tectonometamorphic development of the Královský Hvozd unit and adjacent Moldanubian unit and Teplá-Barrandien unit. The research part of the thesis brings results of the analysis of the Královský Hvozd unit tectonic development in relation with the tectonic development of broader surrounding area. The research combines field structural data, detailed microstructure data acquired from collected samples and results of studying deformation mechanisms on orthogneiss samples from the Královský Hvozd unit using the EBSD (Electron Back Scattered Diffraction) performed on partly recrystalised quartz aggregates. The research output is a construction of a tectonic development model of the Královský Hvozd unit and the adjacent area. Four main deformation events (D1-D4) were determined on the basis of structural record and their time sequence in the rocks of the Královský Hvozd unit. On the basis of kinematic...

Analýza projektů předložených v prioritní ose 1 Počáteční vzdělávání OP VK ve Středočeském kraji / The Analysis of projects application applied within Operational Program Education for Competitiveness in the Central Bohemian Region in the first priority axis - Initial education

Březková, Ilona January 2010 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the analysis of project application that may be financed from the European Social Fund for Operational Program Education for Competitiveness in the Central Bohemian Region. Education and educational institutions in the Czech Republic are addressed, but the paper is primarily focused on the problems in the European Policy of Economic and Social Cohesion in Europe Union. In the theoretic part the Operational Program Education for Competitiveness is also described. The main attention is on the first priority axis; initial education. The practical part concentrates on the education in Central Bohemia Region in comparison with its social, economic and demographic situation. The projects which were registered in Operational Program Education for Competitiveness in Central Bohemia Region are analyses in the first priority axis - Initial education in the period of 2007 - 2009

Odezva vybraných řek Českého masivu na litologické a tektonické podmínky / Response of selected rivers of the Bohemian Massif to lithological and structural conditions

Flašar, Jan January 2012 (has links)
Three groups of streams were selected in the area of the Bohemian Massif: the Berounka river with its source streams; the Vltava river with its tributaries the Malše and the Lužnice; the Labe river with its tributaries the Cidlina, the Bystřice and the Javorka. The lithological and tectonical influences to several parameters of the streams were studied. These parameters include: stream gradient, orientation of the stream and sinuosity of the stream. Data were obtained from digital elevation models, aerial photographs, topographical and geological maps. The longitudinal profiles of the streams (in the combination with geological cross-sections), the SL indexes and the gradient/sinuosity graphs were created on the basis of the obtained data. These tools were used for evaluation of the influence of lithology and the tectonics to the streams. The evolution of the streams and the stream-groups was evaluated and compared as well. A strong influence of lithology on the stream gradient was found on most of the analysed streams. The tectonic situation, on the contrary, had strong influence on the orientation of the streams, especially in the resistant rocks. Also, there were selected areas, where was a higher probability of quaternary vertical movements influencing the streams (mountainous areas of the Novohradské...

The pukl and Chodsko: Aspects of linkage between a bagpipe and an ethnographic region

Cwach, Michael Albert January 2012 (has links)
The pukl, commonly called dudy, is a bellow-blown bagpipe whose origin and development can be traced to older forms known as grosser Bock and polnischer Bock. The instrument is an important feature in the identity of Chodsko, an ethonographic region of West Bohemia. This thesis shows the significance of the pukl in Chodish tradition through its organology, pedagogy, performance practice, and history. Through the novel Psohlavci, Alois Jirásek offered a footing for reinforcement of Chodish traditions. The thesis argues that a succession of makers, performers, teachers, institutions, and events have woven a web of tradition in which the pukl holds a significant position. Supporting evidence is shown from artworks that are visible to the public as well as decoration on the instrument. Selected from the Chodish canon, the beloved song, ‘Zelený hájové’, illustrates the use of the dialect and ornamentation as being indicative of the region. Two DVDs, The Call of Dudy and Zelený Hájové …, and a glossary of Chodish terms together with a catalogue of field recordings are included. / Accompanied by 2 DVDs which are available through Interloan.

Analýza využití dotací z Programu rozvoje venkova pro zlepšení tržních příležitostí (ekofarmy Jihočeský kraj) / Analysis of the use of subsidies from the Rural Development Programme for the improvement of market opporunities (eco-farms South Bohemian Region)

ŠIKOVÁ, Vladimíra January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is focused on evaluating the engagement of organic farms in South Bohemia in Rural Development Programme ? Axis I (improving the competitiveness of the agricultural, food and forestry sectors) and Axis III (improving quality of life in rural areas and diversification of rural economy).Literature gives a basic overview of the Common agricultural policy, organic farming and how to obtain grants from the European Union. In introduction of practical part are presented the basic statistic data about the organic farming in South Bohemian Region. The next chapter is focused on the use of subsidies in organic farming and on the controlling of authorize projects. At the end of this thesis are presented chosen successful projects.

Stavba kůry v českém masívu z dat seismických refrakčních experimentů / Crustal Structure of the Bohemian Massif Based on Seismic Refraction Data

Hrubcová, Pavla January 2010 (has links)
The deep structure of the Bohemian Massif, the largest stable outcrop of the Variscan rocks in central Europe, was studied using the data of the international seismic refraction and wide- angle reflection experiments CELEBRATION 2000, ALP 2002 and SUDETES 2003. The data were interpreted by seismic tomographic inversion and by 2-D trial-and-error forward modelling of the P and S waves. Above, additional constraints on the crustal structure were imposed by reflectivity or gravity modelling, and by receiver function interpretation. Knowledge of the crustal velocity structure in the Bohemian Massif was complemented by its azimuthal variation. Though consolidated, the Bohemian Massif can be subdivided into several tectonic units separated by faults, shear zones, or thrusts reflecting varying influence of the crust forming processes. The resultant velocity models determined different types of the crust-mantle transition reflecting variable crustal thickness and delimiting contacts of these tectonic units at depth.

Mluvená čeština napříč generacemi / The Spoken Czech within the Generations

MĚŠŤANOVÁ, Květa January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this Dissertation Thesis is to gather the generation language among the elderly and younger (generation) in South Bohemia to find out phonetical, formal, lexical differences, which have been happening during the generation shift.

Revize a zhodnocení biotopů se současným a historickým výskytem vybraných druhů čeledi \kur{Orchideaceae} v CHKO Český ráj / Revision and evaluation of sites with current and historical occurrence of selected species \kur{Orchidaceae} in Bohemian Paradise (Czech: Český ráj)

ALBRECHTOVÁ, Linda January 2017 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis was the research of vegetation at localities in the Protected Landscape Area Bohemian Paradise. There were choosen areas: Natural Monument Podloučky and Protected Area Fialník, where grows an orchid Gymnadenia conopsea subsp. montana. There were made 60 phytocenological samples, and described: biotop, altitude, slope, huminidy and exposure. There were found four orchid species in the localities. Phytocenological samples were compared with each other. It has been shown that differences between localities are greater than the differences between orchid and non-orchid samples. Significant differences were also found in comparing the coverage in the floor between locations and abundace of species in each floor.

Iluminované rukopisy roudnické druhé třetiny 14. století / Illuminated Manuscripts from the Monastery of Augustinian Canons in Roudnice nad Labem from the Second Third of the 14th Century

Gaudek, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
The house of canons regular in Roudnice nad Labem was founded 1333 by John IV of Dražice after his return from Avignon. It was a very important and richly supported monastery, which is demonstrated besides other things by the younger fragment of necrologium, dated 1458-1464 (State Regional Archive in Třeboň, fond Velkostatek Třeboň, registratura IA 3K β 28e). The thesis deals with the Bohemian illuminated manuscripts from the 2nd third of the 14th century from the library from Roudnice, which is quite unique between all the Bohemian houses of regular canons for the high percentage of illuminated manuscripts. The Missale of John of Dražice ( KNM XIII B 9) is an excellent example of some high quality manuscript in the time around 1340 in Bohemia. The ornamental initials show parallels to the recent Western European style. One of them, VD initial on the folio 57r, is filled by the coat-of-arms of the Dražice family, gold wine sprig with three leafs in the red field. But the most interesting is the canon leaf (65r), a classical representative of Central European linear style. The leaf was glued to its place. The same praxis we see in the slightly younger Missale of Chotěšov Monastery (NK XIV C 3). The canon leaf from Chotěšov (185v) is more delicate in its colors and forms, distinctly knowledgeable of...

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