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Landscape-level responses of boreal forest bird communities to anthropogenic and natural disturbanceVan Wilgenburg, Steven L. 02 January 2008 (has links)
In an attempt to manage values other than timber production, forestry companies have sought a new paradigm to manage forest resources. Based on the hypothesis that wildlife in the boreal forest has adapted to habitat structures created by natural disturbances, some forest harvests have been modified to approximate patterns left after natural disturbance. Attempts at approximating natural disturbance have included retention of patches of live trees within cutblock boundaries, cutting to natural stand boundaries and application of harvest plans with spatio-temporally aggregated cutblocks (single-pass harvests). Single-pass harvesting is a recent attempt to better approximate natural disturbance in the boreal and has not been evaluated for its potential to sustain wildlife. I therefore contrasted residual patch pattern and composition, as well as landscape-scale avian abundance and composition in 1) single-pass; 2) multi-pass; and 3) salvage logged post-fire harvests, and contrasted these with unsalvaged post-fire sites. Post-fire sites were used to define the Natural Range of Variation (NRV). Seventy-two plots (12 post-fire, 15 post-salvage harvest, 16 single-pass harvest, and 29 multi-pass harvest) were surveyed for avian community composition and abundance one to five years post disturbance. <p>I contrasted the composition of remaining live forest stands at the landscape-scale and in residual patches by pairwise comparison of pre- and post-disturbance composition. At the landscape-scale, non-metric mutlidimensional scaling suggested post-disturbance landscape composition of post-fire and salvage-logged plots was similar to pre-disturbance landscape composition, with a tendency toward greater survival of hardwoods and lower survival of jack pine (Pinus banksiana) or black spruce (Picea mariana). However, harvesting of hardwoods and mixedwood stand types in single and multi-pass harvests led to landscapes with more bog and swamp habitats. <p>Comparison of residual patch composition with pre-disturbance composition was made using blocked multi-response permutation procedures. Post-fire plots (i.e. NRV) had residual patches that were representative of pre-disturbance composition, but with slightly more hardwoods and less black spruce/jack pine than expected by chance. All harvested treatments had similar biases among residuals to those left by fire, except that multi-pass harvests tended to leave less mixedwood habitat than expected. Multi-pass harvests also had less area in residual patches, and patches were smaller, more isolated and less complex in shape. Single-pass harvests had residual patches that were more representative of the size, shape, complexity, and change in composition seen post-fire. Multi-pass harvests only had 14% of the residual patch area in patches at least 5 ha in size, whereas this proportion was higher in fire (83%), salvage-logged areas (42%), and single-pass harvests (57%). Old-growth associated species might only persist in patches 5 ha or larger, and so multi-pass harvesting may have negative consequences for these forest birds.<p>Redundancy analysis indicated that bird communities differed from the NRV in all harvest treatments. However, single-pass harvests provided a slightly better fit to NRV than did multi-pass harvesting. Community similarity was influenced by non-linear responses to area harvested, residual retention, residual composition and pre-disturbance forest composition. An optimization routine was used to select harvest characteristics that would maximize community similarity to NRV. Optimization suggested that community similarity to NRV can be maximized by using single-pass harvests over multi-pass harvests, harvesting 66-88% of of a planning unit, and retaining 5-19% of the harvest area as live residual patches.<p>My results suggest that single-pass harvesting may be ecologically more sustainable than multi-pass harvests. Future studies are required to determine whether both harvesting treatments converge with NRV through time. Greater overlap of salvage-logged avian communities with NRV suggests that experimentation with prescribed fire as a post-harvest treatment may be the best method to bring harvests ecologically closer to NRV, and highlights the need to conserve early post-fire habitats.
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Age effects on seed productivity in northern black spruce forests (<i>Picea mariana</i>)Viglas, Jayme Nicole 30 May 2011 (has links)
Climate change is predicted to increase rates of fire activity in boreal forests. A shortened fire return interval may result in different outcomes of community structure in the northern boreal forest, since the age of a forest influences seed production and potential post-fire regeneration. With two closely timed fires, dominant boreal conifers such as black spruce (Picea mariana) may be vulnerable to regeneration failures after fire because of the long time required to reach reproductive maturity. I report on the relationship between stand age and seed productivity of black spruce in northern Yukon Territory and central Alaska. I used fire history maps to select sites of various stand ages, including stand ages that would occur in a short fire return interval (less than 80 years) versus longer fire intervals (up to 200 years). At each site, I measured stand density and basal area using the point-center-quarter method. Ten black spruce trees were randomly selected for cone surveys and age analysis. I also selected a subset of five trees for detailed analyses of cone and seed production within yearly cohorts. The results of this study illustrate the strong relationships between stand age and stand basal area with cone and seed production of northern black spruce. The resulting equations can be used to predict the seed capacity and regeneration potential of black spruce stands with known stand basal area or stand age. I estimate, along with the number of seeds required to produce a two year old black spruce seedling on high quality seedbeds, stands burned at an age less than 50 years will likely have reduced black spruce post-fire density. On low quality seedbeds, black spruce forests are more vulnerable to regeneration failures and fire cycles less than 150 years are likely to result in reduced recruitment. Under a shortened fire return interval these northern black spruce forests are likely to have reduced post-fire density.
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Linkages of nitrogen and phosphorus availability to ecosystem processes and succession in forests of northern Sweden and New ZealandLagerström, Anna, January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, 2009. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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Forest management strategies for CO₂ mitigationBackéus, Sofia, January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, 2009. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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Ackumulation av CO2 och CH4 i istäckta boreala sjöar : Hur förändras ackumulationen i sjöar påverkade av avverkning jämfört med referenssjöar?Sandström, Maria January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this report was to quantify the accumulation of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) in ice-covered lakes in winter (October-March) during three consecutive years, and to assess whether the concentrations of DIC and CH4, as well as the ratio DIC:CH4 differs between years and between lakes affected by clearcutting and untreated reference lakes. Water- and gas samples were collected from four boreal lakes (two affected by clearcutting and two untreated reference lakes) located in Västerbottens inland in spring. The lakes were found to accumulate on average 91, 55, and 84 mgCm-2d-1 during winters 2012-2013, 2013-2014, and 2014-2015, mostly originating from CO2. The concentrations of DIC (autumn and spring) were higher in the affected clear-cut lakes compared to reference lakes for all years, including the reference year (2012-2013) before clear-cutting. No such difference was found for CH4 or the ratio DIC:CH4. Accumulated concentrations of CO2 and CH4 varied between years while the ratio (accumulated) CO2:CH4 increased over time for all lakes but with no difference between the clear-cut lakes and the reference lakes. The differences between the clear-cut and the reference lakes, hence, are unclear with differences between years likely stemming from natural variations. The effects of clearcutting in catchment areas might be more visible at other times of year not seen in this study which focuses only on winter. The amount of CO2 and CH4 accumulated under ice in lakes was substantial i.e. high-lighting the importance of including winter accumulation of greenhouse-gases in estimations of yearly emissions from lakes.
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Classification of trembling aspen ecosystems in British ColumbiaKlinka, Karel January 2001 (has links)
This pamphlet provides a summary of a fuller report issued under the same title.
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Classification of trembling aspen ecosystems in British Columbia. Full report.Krestov, Pavel, Klinka, Karel, Chourmouzis, Christine, Hanel, Claudia 03 1900 (has links)
This full report presents the first approximation of vegetation classification of trembling aspen ecosystems in interior British Columbia. The classification is based on a total of 186 plots sampled during the summers of 1995, 1997 and 1998. We used multivariate and tabular methods to synthesize and classify ecosystems according to the Braun-Blanquet approach and the methods of biogeoclimatic ecosystem classification. The aspen ecosystems were classified into 15 basic vegetation units (associations or subassociations) that were grouped into four alliances. Communities of the Populus tremuloides – Mertensia paniculata, and Populus tremuloides – Elymus innovatus alliances were aligned with the boreal Picea glauca & mariana order and were distributed predominantly in the Boreal White and Black Spruce zone; communities of the Populus tremuloides – Thalictrum occidentale alliance were also aligned with the same order, but were distributed predominantly in the Sub-Boreal Spruce zone; communities of the Populus tremuloides – Symphoricarpos albus alliance were aligned with the wetter cool temperate Tsuga heterophylla order and the drier cool temperate Pseudotsuga menziesii order and were distributed in the Sub-boreal Spruce, Interior Western Hemlock, Montane Spruce, and Interior Douglas-fir zones. We describe the vegatation and environmental features of these units and present vegetation and environmental tables for individual plots and units.
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Testing site index-site factor relationships for predicting lodgepole pine and interior spruce productivity in central British ColumbiaKlinka, Karel, Kayahara, Gordon J., Chourmouzis, Christine January 1998 (has links)
Knowledge of the potential productivity of a tree species becomes especially important when timber production is the primary management objective. However, direct determination of potential productivity is often not possible. For example, in situations
where the site is unstocked, stocked with trees unsuitable for productivity measurement, or stocked with species other than the one of interest. In these cases, an indirect estimate using known characteristics of the site itself is required. Such estimates were made using regression to model site index with indirect measures of site quality for lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) and interior spruce (Picea engelmannii × P. glauca) in the Sub-Boreal Spruce (SBS) zone of central BC. We tested the utility of these productivity relationship models for predicting the site index of lodgepole pine and interior spruce (Kayahara et al. accepted for publication).
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Recreating a functioning forest soil in reclaimed oil sands in northern AlbertaRowland, Sara Michelle 05 1900 (has links)
During oil-sands mining all vegetation cover, soil, overburden and oil-sand is removed, leaving pits several kilometres wide and hundreds of metres deep. These pits are reclaimed by a variety of treatments using mineral soil or a mixed peat and mineral soil as the capping layer and planted with trees with natural colonisation from adjacent sites.
A number of reclamation treatments covering different age classes were compared with a range of natural forest ecotypes to identify the age at which the treatments become similar to a natural site with respect to vegetation composition and key soil attributes relevant to nutrient cycling.
Ecosystem function was estimated from plant community composition, litter decomposition, development of an organic layer and bio-available nutrients. Key response variables including moisture, pH, C:N ratios, bio-available nutrients and ground-cover were analysed by non-metric multidimensional scaling and cluster analysis to discover which reclamation treatments were moving towards or merging with natural forest ecotypes and at what age this occurs.
On reclaimed sites, bio-available nutrients including nitrate generally were above the natural range of variability but ammonium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and manganese were generally very low and limiting to ecosystem development. Plant diversity was similar to natural sites from 5 years to 30 years after reclamation, but declined as reclaimed sites approached canopy closure. Grass and forb leaf litters decomposed faster than aspen or pine in the first year, but decomposition on one reclamation treatment fell below the natural range of variability. Development of an organic layer appeared to be facilitated by the presence of shrubs, while forbs correlated negatively with first-year decomposition of aspen litter.
The better restoration amendments for tailings sands involved repeated fertilisation of peat: mineral mixtures in the early years of plant establishment, these became similar to a target ecotype at about 25 years. Good results were also shown by subsoil laid over non-saline overburden and fertilised once, these became similar to a target ecotype at about 15 years. Other treatments receiving a single application of fertiliser remain entrenched in the early reclamation phase for up to 25 years.
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Saproxylic Insect Communities in Boreal Mixedwoods of Northeastern Ontario as a Function of Variation in Woody Debris Quality and Quantity and Sampling MethodsDennis, Robert William James 13 January 2010 (has links)
Saproxylic insects rely on dead or dying wood at some point in their development and appear to be sensitive to forest management. In 2005 and 2006, I sampled saproxylic insects in mixedwood boreal forests in northeastern Ontario to assess effects of: 1) different logging practices, 2) variations in woody debris (WD) qualities, and 3) different sampling methods. I also compared insect communities between heavily decayed WD and soil. Although I collected data on all arthropod orders, I focused on the families of the Diptera and parasitic Hymenoptera and the morphospecies of the Scelionidae and Diapriidae. These insects showed clear responses to the WD quality treatments, but not to the different logging treatments. A few families were affected by ex situ sampling. I also found that the faunas of soil and WD are rather distinct from each other. This study shows that WD is a source of forest biodiversity. Consequently, sustainable forest management will rely on studies like this to conserve and maintain the biodiversity of Canada's largest group of eco-zones.
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