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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Μεθοδολογία ανάπτυξης νέων συστημάτων μάθησης στην επεξεργασία, ανάλυση και ταξινόμηση ιατρικής εικόνας / Development of new machine learning methods for medical image processing and analysis

Γκλώτσος, Δημήτριος 11 December 2008 (has links)
Η διαχείριση της πληροφορίας που προέρχεται από εικόνες ιστοπαθολογίας μικροσκοπίου (βιοψίες) αποτελεί διεργασία υψηλής πολυπλοκότητας που αξιοποιείται για την εξαγωγή διαγνωστικών και προγνωστικών συμπερασμάτων από τον ιστοπαθολόγο. Η πολυπλοκότητα αυτή πηγάζει από τον τεράστιο όγκο βιολογικών οντοτήτων που περιέχονται στο δείγμα βιοψίας αλλά και στις μεταξύ τους πολυσύνθετες αλληλεπιδράσεις. Οι πιο σύγχρονες μέθοδοι τεχνητής νοημοσύνης προτείνουν εναλλακτικές προσεγγίσεις για την επίλυση των προβλημάτων υψηλής πολυπλοκότητας αυτού του τύπου. Ανάμεσα όμως στην είσοδο (δεδομένα) και έξοδο (αποτέλεσμα) των ‘έξυπνων’ υπολογιστικών συστημάτων, κρύβεται η μεθοδολογία και στρατηγική επεξεργασίας και ανάλυσης της διαθέσιμης πληροφορίας. Κατά το στάδιο αυτό οι παράμετροι ελέγχου διαχωρίζονται και συσχετίζονται μεταξύ τους ΄τυφλά’ (π.χ. με νευρωνικά δίκτυα, ασαφή λογική) σύμφωνα με συγκεκριμένα μαθηματικά κριτήρια (π.χ. πιθανοκρατικά, ελάχιστων τετραγώνων κ.α.) χωρίς όμως να λαμβάνουν υπόψη την ‘ευρετική’ (heuristic) του ειδικού με αποτέλεσμα να παρουσιάζουν πεπερασμένη ακρίβεια, μεγάλο χρόνο υλοποίησης, αδυναμία γενίκευσης. Έτσι, η απόδοση των συστημάτων αυτών εξαρτάται από το μέγεθος και ποιότητα (θορυβώδη, ελλιπή δεδομένα κ.α.) των δεδομένων, το πλήθος των συνδυασμών των ποσοτικών χαρακτηριστικών που περιγράφουν τα δεδομένα, τον καθορισμό των πλούσιων σε πληροφορία χαρακτηριστικών, την σημαντικότητα των επιμέρους χαρακτηριστικών και των μαθηματικών κριτηρίων ταξινόμησης. Για παράδειγμα πολλά χαρακτηριστικά περιγράφουν καλύτερα την υπό μελέτη διεργασία αλλά η εξαγωγή των πλούσιων σε προγνωστική πληροφορία χαρακτηριστικών απαιτεί πολλούς συνδυασμούς και μεγάλη υπολογιστική ισχύ. Επίσης πολλά χαρακτηριστικά σημαίνει εξειδίκευση του συστήματος στα δεδομένα εκπαίδευσης και αδυναμία εφαρμογής σε άγνωστα δεδομένα. Η παρούσα διατριβή διαπραγματεύεται τον σχεδιασμό, ανάπτυξη και υλοποίηση νέων μεθόδων επεξεργασίας και ανάλυσης ιατρικών εικόνων, επικεντρώνοντας ειδικότερα στην εφαρμογή των μεθόδων αυτών σε υπολογιστικό σύστημα μικροσκοπίας για την διάγνωση όγκων εγκεφάλου τύπου αστροκυττώματος. / Even though histological diagnosis is fundamentally important for patient's management, the potential of diagnostic errors in astrocytomas grading still remains substantially high, ranging from 25% to 40% in routine conditions. Diagnostic errors originate mainly from the lack of experience of experts; rare cancers low prevalence and their biological complexity hinder the establishment of concrete criteria able to predict tumours' behaviour, and, thus, to administrate proper treatments. The latter might explain the fact that a/ although promising treatments have been proposed, death rates have not been yet reduced and b/ the cost of rare cancers management still remains one of the highest healthcare economic burdens in Europe and worldwide. The aim of this thesis was to design, develop and implement new computerized methods to improve manual and computer-assisted malignancy grading of astrocytomas. Scientific objectives comprised: a/ develop a reliable and accurate segmentation algorithm for nuclei detection in routinely stained with H&E histopathological images of astrocytomas, b/ investigate and quantify modifications in nuclei morphology and texture with respect to the degree of tumour abnormality of astrocytic tumours, c/ evaluate whether quantitative analysis of cell nuclei by computer-assisted image analysis could assist the routinely performed malignancy grading of astrocytomas using conventional means, d/ investigate potential modifications in chromatin distribution, which might be used to improve the diagnostic evaluation of cases that histopathologists have difficulty in reaching definite diagnosis (i.e. 'intermediate' grade tumours), e/ support more reliable separation of high grade tumours into clinically meaningful subgroups of patients with grade III and grade IV tumours. For realizing the above objectives, a computer-assisted microscopy system was designed, built and implemented. The system was developed using novel methodologies that integrated state-of-art pattern recognition algorithms for microscopy image segmentation and classification. In addition, new classification techniques have been introduced. The usefulness of the proposed methods has been validated experimentally.

Etude du rôle de protéines G dans les gliomes de haut grade : Implication dans la migration et le phénotype mésenchymateux. / Study of the role of G proteins in high-grade gliomas : implication in migration and the mesenchymal phenotype

Dembélé, Kléouforo-Paul 18 December 2019 (has links)
Représentant environ 45% de tous les gliomes, le GBM est la tumeur cérébrale la plus agressive chez l’adulte. Comme nous l’avons décrit dans l’introduction de ce manuscrit, le caractère très hétérogène du GBM associé aux signatures moléculaires et expressions géniques, mais également aux conditions microenvironnementales hypoxique et inflammatoire, contribuent à la récidive quasi-systématique après exérèse complète-radio/chimiothérapie, et expliquent les nombreux échecs thérapeutiques. Malgré l’arsenal thérapeutique potentiellement disponible, appliqué parfois de manière multimodale, la survie des patients atteints de GBM n’est pas significativement améliorée, les défis à relever pour améliorer cette survie et la qualité de vie des patients restent énormes. Ainsi, l'identification de facteurs exprimés de manière différentielle qui pourraient mieux définir le comportement agressif des cellules de GBM fournirait une base pour le développement de thérapies innovantes et peut-être plus efficaces. Une des caractéristiques des GBMs est leur capacité très migratoire et invasive, relayées principalement par des facteurs chimiotactiques dans un microenvironnement tumoral hypoxique et inflammatoire. Les récepteurs couplés aux protéines G (RCPGs) et leurs ligands, particulièrement les RCPGs de chimiokines, surexprimés dans les GBMs et stimulant la migration chimiotactique, l’invasion et l’angiogenèse jouent un rôle majeur dans le développement des GBMs et l'acquisition d'un phénotype agressif. Dans ce contexte, notre équipe avait démontré que le récepteur UT de l’urotensine II (UII), une chimiokine peptidique pro-angiogénique et pro-inflammatoire, ainsi que le système chimiokine bien connu SDF-1a/CXCR4 semblent systématiquement co-exprimés dans les GBMs, plus spécifiquement dans les zones vasculaires et périnécrotiques, montrant une corrélation avec le grade des gliomes. In vitro, nous avions aussi établi que l’UII/UT stimule la migration chimiotactique des cellules de GBM via les couplages de type Gαi/PI3K et Gα13/Rho/ROCK, des couplages précédemment mis en évidence pour le système SDF-1α/CXCR4 et d’autres RCPGs chimiotactiques. De plus, une récente analyse de la base de données TCGA (The Cancer Genome Atlas) en composante principale réalisée par Alexandre Mutel, étudiant en thèse dans l’équipe, a permis d’identifier la signature d’expression des RCPGs exprimés dans les gliomes et particulièrement dans les GBMs, qui révèle un nombre très important de RCPGs chimiotactiques. Dans l’ensemble, leur expression et activité signalisante redondantes fréquemment associées à la tumorigenèse, en particulier dans les GBMs, soulignent l’intérêt d’étudier les noeuds de signalisation communs à l’ensemble de ces RCPGs chimiokines. Ces noeuds sont principalement représentés par les protéines G hétérotrimériques composées des sous-unité α, β et γ, qui couplent ces RCPGs et relayent les effecteurs secondaires intracellulaires, probablement essentiels à la régulation de l’agressivité des GBMs. Ainsi, l’objectif de mon travail de thèse était d’identifier les principales protéines Ga, b et g parmi les 31 protéines G exprimées chez l’Homme dans les gliomes et celles plus spécifiquement associées au degré de malignité, et à l’agressivité des GBMs puis à déterminer le rôle d’une de ces protéines G dans les mécanismes de prolifération et d’invasion de cellules de GBM. Dans un premier temps, nous avons analysé l’expression des 31 sous-unités (15α, 5β et 11γ) de protéines G sur la base de données transcriptomiques du The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), et démontré que les niveaux d'ARNm codant pour les sous-unités Gαz, Gαi1, Gβ4, Gβ5 et Gγ3 sont relativement faibles dans les GBMs tandis que les sous-unités Gα12, Gα13, Gα15, Gαi2, Gαi3, Gβ2, Gγ5, Gγ11 et Gγ12 sont particulièrement surexprimées dans les GBMs et sont associées à un mauvais pronostic en termes de récidive et de survie du patient. / GBM is the most common (∼45% of all gliomas) and aggressive primary malignant brain tumor in adults. As described in this document's introduction, GBM highly heterogeneous phonotype associated with molecular signatures and gene expressions, but also with hypoxic and inflammatory microenvironmental conditions, contribute to frequent recurrence after complete resection-radio/chemotherapy, and explain the multiple therapeutic failures. Most of the current treatment options for GBM, although sometimes multimodal, the survival of GBM patients is not significantly improved, and the challenges to improve patient survival and quality of life remain enormous. Thus, the identification of differentially expressed factors that could better define the biological behavior of GBM, would provide a basis for the development of novel therapies and may be more effective. One of the characteristics of GBMs is their highly migratory and invasive properties, relayed mainly by chemotactic factors belonging to the hypoxic and inflammatory tumor microenvironment. G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) and their ligands, particularly the chemokines GPCRs, overexpressed in GBMs and stimulating migration, invasion and neoangiogenesis, play a key role in the development of GBM and the acquisition of an aggressive phenotype. In this context, our team demonstrated that UT, the receptor of urotensin II (UII), a pro-angiogenic and pro-inflammatory chemokine, as well as the well-known chemokine system SDF-1/CXCR4 are systematically co-expressed in GBMs particularly in vascular and perinecrotic areas and their expression are correlated with grade. We also demonstrated in vitro that UII/UT stimulate GBM cells chemotactic migration and invasion via activation of the pathways Gαi/PI3K and Gα13/Rho/ROCK, pathways that have previously been identified for the SDF-1α/CXCR4 system and other chemotactic GPCRs. In addition, a recent principal component analysis of TCGA (The Cancer Genome Atlas) database performed by Alexandre Mutel, PhD student in the team, has identified the expression signature of GPCRs in gliomas and particularly those which are overexpressed in mesenchymal GBM, among which many chemotactic GPCRs are included. Taking together, their redundant expression and signaling activity frequently associated with tumorigenesis, particularly in GBMs, raises the issue of studying signaling nodes common to all these GPCRs. These nodes, are primarily represented by heterotrimeric G proteins, composed of α, β and γ subunits, that couple these GPCRs relaying many intracellular secondary effectors, probably essentials in the regulation of GBM aggressiveness. In this context, the aim of my thesis work was to identify the main Ga, b and g subunits among the 31 G proteins expressed in human gliomas and those more specifically associated with the malignant grade, and the aggressiveness of GBMs and then to determine the role of one of these specific G proteins in GBM cells proliferation and invasion mechanisms. For that, we first analyzed the expression of the 31 subunits (15α, 5β and 11γ) of G proteins from the TCGA database and showed that the mRNA expression of Gαz, Gαi1, Gβ4, Gβ5 et Gγ3 are relatively low in GBMs while Gα12, Gα13, Gα15, Gαi2, Gαi3, Gβ2, Gγ5, Gγ11 and Gγ12 subunits, are particularly overexpressed in GBM and are associated with a poor prognosis in terms of recurrence and patient survival.

Evaluation of Preprocessing Methods on Independent Medical Hyperspectral Databases to Improve Analysis

Martinez-Vega, Beatriz, Tkachenko, Mariia, Matkabi, Marianne, Ortega, Samuel, Fabelo, Himar, Balea-Fernandez, Francisco, La Salvia, Marco, Torti, Emanuele, Leporati, Francesco, M. Callico, Gustavo, Chalopin, Claire 03 January 2025 (has links)
Currently, one of the most common causes of death worldwide is cancer. The development of innovative methods to support the early and accurate detection of cancers is required to increase the recovery rate of patients. Several studies have shown that medical Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI) combined with artificial intelligence algorithms is a powerful tool for cancer detection. Various preprocessing methods are commonly applied to hyperspectral data to improve the performance of the algorithms. However, there is currently no standard for these methods, and no studies have compared them so far in the medical field. In this work, we evaluated different combinations of preprocessing steps, including spatial and spectral smoothing, Min-Max scaling, Standard Normal Variate normalization, and a median spatial smoothing technique, with the goal of improving tumor detection in three different HSI databases concerning colorectal, esophagogastric, and brain cancers. Two machine learning and deep learning models were used to perform the pixel-wise classification. The results showed that the choice of preprocessing method affects the performance of tumor identification. The method that showed slightly better results with respect to identifing colorectal tumors was Median Filter preprocessing (0.94 of area under the curve). On the other hand, esophagogastric and brain tumors were more accurately identified using Min-Max scaling preprocessing (0.93 and 0.92 of area under the curve, respectively). However, it is observed that the Median Filter method smooths sharp spectral features, resulting in high variability in the classification performance. Therefore, based on these results, obtained with different databases acquired by different HSI instrumentation, the most relevant preprocessing technique identified in this work is Min-Max scaling.

Methodological considerations of the Canadian job-exposure matrix and the evaluation of the risk of brain cancer in relation to occupational exposure to metallic compounds

Pasquet, Romain 12 1900 (has links)
Le cancer du cerveau est associé à une morbidité importante et à un fardeau économique considérable pour les systèmes de santé, les patients et leur famille. Malheureusement, on en sait toujours très peu sur l’étiologie de cette maladie. Les métaux, les métalloïdes et les fumées de soudures constituent une grande famille de cancérogènes professionnels potentiels à laquelle des millions de travailleurs sont exposés. La littérature scientifique fournit certains éléments de preuve que l’exposition professionnelle à quelques composés métalliques pourrait augmenter le risque de cancer du cerveau, mais la plupart des études publiées étaient limitées dans leur taille d’échantillons et en leurs capacités de mesurer efficacement l’exposition professionnelle à vie. Cette thèse a pour objectif de fournir de nouveaux éléments de preuve concernant l’association entre l’exposition professionnelle à certains composés métalliques et les deux principaux sous-types histologiques du cancer du cerveau, le gliome et le méningiome. Deux projets existants constituent la base de cette thèse: INTEROCC, une grande étude internationale cas-témoins sur l’association entre l’exposition professionnelle et le cancer du cerveau, incluant 2 054 cas de gliome, 1 924 cas de méningiome et 5 601 témoins, ainsi que CANJEM, une nouvelle matrice emplois-exposition basée sur plus de 30 000 emplois. CANJEM est un tableau croisé de trois axes: un axe de codes professionnels, un axe de périodes de temps et un axe d’agents chimiques. CANJEM fournit diverses mesures d’exposition à des agents professionnels sélectionnés en fonction d’un titre occupationnel et d’une période de temps. CANJEM étant un outil complexe conçu pour offrir une flexibilité considérable à l’utilisateur, les deux premiers volets de cette thèse ont été consacrés à l’examen de certaines des considérations méthodologiques associées à l’utilisation de CANJEM dans le cadre d’une étude épidémiologique. Premièrement, nous avons examiné comment la modification de la résolution des axes de codes professionnels et de périodes de temps influençait la proportion d’emplois pouvant être liés à CANJEM dans l’étude INTEROCC. Nous avons ensuite comparé l’accord de paires de versions de CANJEM pour la probabilité d’exposition et la concentration pondérée par la fréquence d’exposition de 19 composés métalliques en utilisant le coefficient d’accord de Gwet (AC2). Nous avons observé que, selon la résolution utilisée, CANJEM pouvait lier entre 70,7% et 98,1% de l’ensemble des emplois disponibles dans l’étude INTEROCC. De plus, la modification de l’axe de code professionnel avait un impact plus important que la modification de l’axe de période de temps sur les mesures d’expositions. Deuxièmement, l’évaluation par des experts est généralement considérée comme l’étalon-or dans l’évaluation rétrospective de l’exposition professionnelle. Différents seuils peuvent être appliqués à la probabilité d’exposition fournie par CANJEM afin de distinguer «exposé» de «non exposé». Nous avons comparé les rapports de cotes (RC) obtenus à l’aide de plusieurs versions de variables d’exposition binaire et cumulative pour neuf cancérogènes potentiels du poumon avec des RC obtenus à l’aide de l’évaluation par des experts. Des modèles de régression logistique inconditionnels ont été utilisés pour examiner l’association entre chaque variable d’exposition et le cancer du poumon chez 1 200 cas de cancer du poumon et 1 505 témoin issus d’une étude cas-témoin basée à Montréal. La sensibilité de l’évaluation dérivée de CANJEM par rapport à l’évaluation par experts variait de 0,12 à 0,78, tandis que la spécificité variait de 0,84 à 0,99. Dans l’ensemble, CANJEM a été capable reproduire les associations obtenues avec l’évaluation par experts, l’utilisation de seuils de probabilité de 25% ou 50% fournissant généralement les meilleurs résultats. Finalement, nous avons examiné le lien entre l’exposition professionnelle à 21 composés métalliques et le gliome ainsi que le méningiome dans l’étude INTEROCC à l’aide de régressions logistiques conditionnelles. La stratégie analytique était basée sur les observations faites dans les deux premiers volets. Nous n’avons observé aucune preuve de la présence d’association entre les agents sélectionnés et le gliome, mais la présence d’associations positives entre ces agents et le méningiome a été suggérée. Des associations statistiquement significatives ont également été observées entre le méningiome et une exposition inférieure à 15 ans aux fumées de plomb (RC (intervalle de confiance de 95%)) (1,67 (1,02-2,74)), aux composés du zinc (2,14 (1,02-3,89)), aux fumées de soudure (1,80 (1,17-2,77)), aux fumées d’oxydes métalliques (1,51 (1,03-2,21)) et entre une faible exposition cumulée au chrome VI (1,99 (1,03-3,84)) et aux fumées de brasage (1,83 (1,17-2,87)). L’évaluation rétrospective de l’exposition constitue l’un des principaux défis de l’épidémiologie professionnelle. Dans cette thèse, nous avons constaté que CANJEM, bien qu’imparfaite, était une approche appropriée pour l’évaluation de l’exposition professionnelle dans les études épidémiologiques. Bien qu’il soit difficile de déterminer le rôle exact joué par chacun des agents examinés, nos résultats supportent la présence d’une association positive entre les composés métalliques et plus particulièrement les fumées métalliques et le méningiome. / Brain cancer is associated with substantial lifelong morbidity and considerable economic burden for public health systems, patients, and their families. Very little is known regarding the etiology of this disease. Metals, metalloids, and welding fumes are a large family of potential occupational carcinogens to which millions of workers are exposed. The literature provides some evidence that occupational exposure to a few metallic compounds could increase the risk of brain cancer, but most published studies were limited in sample size and ability to effectively measure lifetime occupational exposure. In this thesis, we aimed to provide new evidence concerning the association between occupational exposure to selected metallic compounds and glioma and meningioma, the two major histological subtypes of brain cancer. Two existing projects provided the basis for the thesis: INTEROCC, a large international pooled case-control study on the association between occupational exposures and brain cancer, including 2,054 glioma cases, 1,924 meningioma cases, and 5,601 controls; CANJEM a new job exposure matrix based on the expert assessment of > 30,000 jobs. CANJEM is a cross-tabulation of three axes: an occupation code axis, a time period axis, and a chemical agent axis that provides various metrics of exposure to selected occupational agents based on a job title and a time period. However, CANJEM is also a complex tool designed to offer considerable flexibility to the user. The first two components of this thesis focused on the examination of some of the methodological considerations associated with the use of CANJEM in the context of an epidemiological study. First we examined how changing the resolution of the occupational code and time period axes, affected the proportion of jobs in the INTEROCC study that could be linked to CANJEM. We then compared the agreement among pairs of versions of CANJEM for the probability and frequency weighted concentration of exposure to 19 metallic compounds using Gwet’s agreement coefficient (AC2). We observed that, depending on the resolution used, CANJEM could be linked to 70.7% to 98.1% of all jobs available in the INTEROCC study. Furthermore, we observed that varying the occupation code axis had a greater impact than varying the time period axis. Neither the metrics of exposure nor the linkage rate were strongly affected by other aspects of CANJEM examined. Second, expert assessment is usually considered the gold standard in retrospective occupational exposure assessment. Different cutpoints can be applied to the probability of exposure provided by CANJEM to distinguish “exposed” from “unexposed”. We compared odds ratios (ORs) obtained using multiple versions of a binary ever and a cumulative exposure variable for nine potential and known lung carcinogens with ORs obtained using expert assessment. Unconditional logistic regression models adjusted for potential confounders were used to examine the association between each exposure variable and lung cancer in 1,200 lung cancer cases and 1,505 controls from a Montreal based case-control study. Sensitivity of the CANJEM-derived assessment vs. the expert assessment ranged from 0.12 to 0.78 while Specificity ranged from 0.84 to 0.99. Overall, CANJEM was fairly successful in reproducing the associations obtained with the expert assessment method, with the use of probability thresholds of 25% or 50% generally providing the best results for both exposure variables. Finally, we examined the association between occupational exposure to 21 metallic compound and glioma and meningioma in the INTEROCC study using conditional logistic regression adjusted for potential confounders. The analytical strategy was based on the observations made in the two previous components. We observed no evidence of association between the selected agents and glioma, but there was evidence of positive associations between some of the agents and meningioma. Statistically significant associations with OR (95% confidence interval) were also observed between < 15 years of exposure to lead fumes (1.67 (1.02-2.74)), zinc compounds (2.14 (1.02-3.89)), soldering fumes (1.80 (1.17-2.77)), and metal oxide fumes (1.51 (1.03-2.21)) and low cumulative exposure to chromium VI (1.99 (1.03-3.84)) and soldering fumes (1.83 (1.17-2.87)) and meningioma. One of the main challenges in occupational cancer epidemiology is retrospective exposure assessment. In this thesis we found that, while imperfect, CANJEM was a cost-efficient approach to occupational exposure in epidemiological studies. Although it is difficult to determine the exact role played by individual agents examined, our results provide some support for the presence of a positive association between metallic compounds, and more particularly metallic fumes, and meningioma.

Identifying Novel In Vivo Epigenetic Dependencies in Glioblastoma

Miller, Tyler Eugene 13 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Ambient Ionization Mass Spectrometry for Intraoperative and High-Throughput Brain Cancer Diagnostics

Hannah Marie Brown (12476919) 29 April 2022 (has links)
<p>My research has focused on the development and translation of ambient ionization mass spectrometry (MS)-based platforms in clinical and surgical settings, specifically in the area of brain cancer diagnostics and surgical decision making. Ambient ionization MS methods, such as those described herein, generate and analyze gas phase ions with high sensitivity and specificity from minimally prepared samples in near-real-time, on the order of seconds to minutes, rendering them well suited to point-of-care applications. We used ambient ionization MS methods, specifically desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (DESI-MS) and extraction nanoelectrospray ionization mass spectrometry (nESI-MS) to molecularly characterize brain cancer biopsies. The characterization was made using diagnostic compounds identified as markers of disease state, tissue composition, tumor type, and genotype in human brain tissue. Methods were developed and validated offline in the laboratory and translated to clinical and surgical settings, thereby generating chemical information on prognostic features intraoperatively and providing valuable information that would be otherwise unavailable. We believe that, with approval, the methodologies described can assist physicians and improve patient outcomes by providing analytical tools and molecular information that can inform surgical decision making and adjuvant treatment strategies, complementing and not interfering with standard of care protocols.</p> <p><br></p> <p>We have successfully demonstrated the use of desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (DESI-MS) for the expedient molecular assessment of human glioma tissue biopsies based on lipid profiles and prognostic metabolites, both at the tumor core and near surgical margins, in two small-scale, clinical studies. Maximal surgical resection of gliomas that avoids non-infiltrated tissue is associated with survival benefit in patients with glioma. The infiltrative nature of gliomas, as well as their morphological and genetic diversity, renders treatment difficult and demands an integrated imaging and diagnostic approach during surgery to guide clinicians in achieving maximal tumor resection. Further, the estimation of tumor cell percentage (TCP), a measure of tumor infiltration at surgical margins, is not routinely assessed intraoperatively. </p> <p>We have previously shown that rapid, offline molecular assessment of tumor infiltration in tissue biopsies is possible and believe that the same assessment performed intraoperatively in biopsied tissue near surgical margins could improve resection and better inform patient management strategies, including postoperative radiotherapy. Using a DESI-MS spectral library of normal brain tissue and glioma biopsies to generate a statistical model to classify brain tissue biopsies intraoperatively, multivariate statistical approaches were used to predict the disease state and tumor cell percentage (TCP) of each biopsy, thereby providing an measure of tumor infiltration at surgical margins via molecular indicators. In addition to assessment of tumor infiltration, we have developed DESI-MS assays for detecting the oncometabolite 2-Hydroxyglutarate (2HG) to detect isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) mutations in gliomas intraoperatively. Knowledge of IDH genotypes at the time of surgical resection could improve patient outcomes, as more aggressive tumor resection of IDH-mutated gliomas is associated with increased survival. While assessments of IDH genotype are typically not available until days after surgery, we have demonstrated the ability to provide this information is less than five minutes. An intraoperative DESI-MS system has successfully been used in a proof-of-concept clinical study and intraoperative performance validation of this platform is ongoing. The findings of these two studies as well as strengths, weaknesses, and areas of improvement for upcoming future iterations of the research are discussed.</p> <p><br></p> <p>Point-of-care applications necessitate the adaptation of MS methodologies to smaller devices. Miniature mass spectrometers (Mini MS) boast small footprints, simple operation, and low power consumption, noise levels, and cost, making them attractive candidates for point-of-care use. In a small-scale clinical study, we demonstrated the first application of a Mini MS for determination of IDH mutation status in gliomas intraoperatively. This study paves a path forward for the application of Mini MS in the OR. With its small footprint and low power consumption and noise level, this application of miniature mass spectrometers represents a simple and cost-effective platform for an important intraoperative measurement. </p> <p><br></p> <p>While MS-based methods of tissue analysis can detect molecular features of interest and rapidly produce large quantities of data, their inherent speed is rarely utilized because they are traditionally coupled with time-consuming separation techniques (e.g., chromatography). Ambient ionization MS, specifically DESI-MS, is well suited for high-throughput applications due to its lack of sample preparation and purification techniques. In an attempt to rapidly characterize microarrays of tissue biopsies, we developed a high-throughput DESI-MS (HT-DESI-MS) method for the rapid characterization of disease state, human brain tumor type, glioma classification, and detection of IDH mutations in tissue microarrays (TMA) of banked and fresh human brain tissue biopsies. We anticipate that HT-DESI-MS analysis of TMAs could become a standard tool for the generation of spectral libraries for sample classification, the identification of biomarkers through large-scale studies, the correlation of molecular features with anatomical features when coupled to digital pathology, and the assessment of drug efficacy. </p>

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