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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


劉育蘋, Liu, Yu-Ping Unknown Date (has links)
即便是強勢的品牌,一旦缺乏適當的管理與維護,都會使品牌出現病徵或是老化。昔日重視企業金融更甚於消費金融的公營行庫(老行庫),徒具悠久的品牌歷史,在面對日愈崛起的消費金融市場開始面臨成長的困境,漸淪為銀行品牌經營的後段班。反觀其他致力經營消費金融的民營銀行,這幾年飽嚐豐收的果實,獲利上屢屢告捷,且塑造消費大眾對其品牌良好的體驗與感受。近年來,這些老行庫分別以不同的方式開始進行品牌的活化工程,尤以華南銀行、土地銀行動作頻頻,企圖從內而外活化品牌,重拾昔日光彩。本研究希望將不同的個案經驗做出系統性的整理,以及推論高階主管背後隱含的思維與目的,找出品牌活化的關鍵要素;同時系統化整理出中國信託打造品牌的經驗,藉以和老行庫做為比較,再針對兩家個案銀行的做法以及欲朝向品牌活化之路邁進的企業提出建議。 故本研究目的包括:(1)探討台灣銀行業所處的消費金融市場之背景環境為何,瞭解從事消費金融業務對於品牌經營之重要性;(2)將銀行業的品牌分析予以具像化,以瞭解其目前品牌經營之現況,並從品牌權益觀點來瞭解其面臨的主要問題為何;(3)藉由企業訪談以分析個案銀行如何規劃與執行品牌打造與品牌活化的策略,並試圖結合相關之理論架構,瞭解品牌策略背後的意涵,對未來欲進行品牌打造或是品牌活化的企業提出實質建議;(4)運用學術的理論,對國內老行庫業者提出實質建議。 本研究採個案研究法,以具有悠久品牌歷史的老行庫:華南銀行與土地銀行,為主要研究對象;並另列對消費金融發展具有前瞻性的銀行領導品牌-中國信託,做為前列個案銀行的比較對象。進而根據文獻探討,發展出藉由品牌分析發掘品牌權益出現之問題,進而推動不同策略,以修復品牌權益以活化品牌之研究架構,再以公司觀點出發,訪談中高階主管,並結合理論分析其意涵。 本研究之命題發展主要列示如下:(1)囿於以往老行庫經營階層固守之心智模式,而喪失掌握業務發展趨勢之先機;(2)發展消費金融業務程度較淺的老行庫,較不易掌握品牌經營現貌;(3)透過品牌分析,銀行業者較能掌握品牌權益喪失的主因,以做為之後指導品牌活化策略的基礎;(4)各銀行之品牌價值主張不同,致使各家以不同的策略來活化品牌;(5)各銀行不同之品牌活化策略,有著程度不一的品牌權益之修復效果;(6)相較於沒有清楚品牌識別的銀行而言,具有清晰的品牌識別之銀行較能增加消費者印象,對於鞏固品牌形象較為有利;(7)品牌活化必須不斷透過內部溝通以凝聚共識,由內而外傳達品牌新作為;(8)組織結構需要逐步隨品牌活化策略推動而改變。


林瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
老品牌往往能夠創造夢想來滿足消費者的夢想,且能長時間保持一致性,獲得消費者的信賴,如此老品牌方能長青。 品牌經營者不能完全仰仗老品牌的知名度而不做任何革新,否則當銷售量下跌、成長率衰退的時候,老品牌的原有支持者逐漸年老,新的客群又未能接續支持老品牌,此時光環退色,當年風光不再,徒留懷舊與感慨的傷情。 為避免危機臨頭,能長期創造佳績,永保金字招牌閃亮,品牌經營者應不時在目標顧客中注入新生命,創造令人印象深刻的復甦,重新恢復品牌地位。 「國語日報」從1948年創刊,六十年來的執著,推行國語文教育不懈,在語文教育與兒童文學領域,均創建輝煌佳績,六十年來堅持以教育理念辦報及關心社會公益,在讀者心目中建立多面向的良好品牌印象。 本研究從品牌再造觀點出發,供給面透過「國語日報」內部高層深入訪談來研究,需求面透過針對國語日報的讀者──學童、家長及教師,舉辦焦點團體討論,整理出由消費者需求角度切入的觀點,重新定義「國語日報」的品牌定位,加以品牌創新,讓國語日報經由品牌再造在未來可以繼續發光發熱六十年。 / Old brands are often able to create dreams that satisfy what consumers yearn for, and remain consistent over a long period of time, winning consumers’ trust and loyalty. Brand operators should not fully rely on established name recognition without making any change. Otherwise, when sales drop and growth decline, and original supporters of an old brand gradually age and new customers do not fill the gap left behind, the brand would lose its luster, leaving only reminiscence and much regret. To prevent an impending crisis, and deliver brilliant performance in the long term and maintain an unshakable status forever, brand operators should constantly inject new life into target customers, creating a revival that leaves a deep impression and restoring brand status. Since its establishment in 1948, the Mandarin Daily News has for 60 years commit itself to the promotion of Mandarin education, showing splendid performance in language education and children’s literature. For 60 years, the newspaper has built its business on the concept of education and has contributed greatly to social welfare, establishing an excellent, multi-faceted brand image amongst readers. By compiling opinions from the perspective of consumers’ requirements through in-depth interview with the Mandarin Daily News’ top level management and the newspaper’s readers, including students, parents and teachers, the Study, taking the approach of brand reengineering, seeks to redefine the brand positioning of the Mandarin Daily News and achieve brand innovation that would allow the newspaper to continue shining in the next 60 years.

策略行銷4C分析品牌活化策略-以A食品公司在台為例 / Strategic marketing 4C analysis of brand revitalization strategies- an example of food corporation A in Taiwan

陳盈臻, Chen, Yin Chen Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣食品產業市場競爭激烈,許多歷史悠久的老字號品牌為維持自身的競爭優勢,必須不斷地因應外在環境改變與消費者喜好轉變,達成品牌活化之目標。本研究的食品產業指公司將食品產品製造完成並送往各通路販售,為零售業中的食品類別。而本研究以A食品公司為研究主體,A公司原先定位為藥廠,但隨著通路結構的改變促使其推出食品級產品販售於一般零售通路,故此研究主要探討的是A公司推出食品級產品後轉型成為食品公司後的具體作法。 本研究透過深度訪談法了解A食品公司在面對品牌老化的危機之下,落實哪些品牌活化的實際作法,撰寫成個案,並以策略行銷4C架構探討其成效;進一步針對四種成本提出建議,以供A食品公司制訂未來發展策略時參考。 結果發現,A食品公司在四個成本都有多項具體措施,然在專屬陷入成本這一塊目前較沒有強調,又食品產業中若能漸進地提升顧客的專屬陷入成本,有利於品牌商維繫舊顧客關係。因此,本研究在第五章個案研究分析部分針對四種成本各自提供品牌商未來發展建議,包含因應消費者生活型態調整產品與通路策略、聘請專人經營臉書粉專、將可信度納入為代言人選擇標準之一等;其中,本研究提供A食品公司兩個具體解決方案以增加顧客的專屬陷入成本,如屬於促銷相關專屬資產的「建立分級會員制」,以及加強心理層面認同的專屬資產「舉辦主題影片募集活動」,希望提升本學術研究對於實務上之貢獻。 / Lots of new brands provide similar products to the food market, making the Taiwanese food market become more competitive. Some food companies, especially for those historic brands, need to react to those external environment changes and the changes of consumer's taste to achieve the goal of brand revitalization. The food company in this paper refers to companies that produce food products and sell them in general retail stores. Food Company A is the main research target of this paper. Because of the shift in retail channels, Food Company A started to provide food products in new retail channels as opposed to traditional pharmacies. Therefore, this paper analyzed actions after Food Company A started to provide food products in the new channels. This paper conducted in-depth interviews to discuss the practical actions taken by Food Company A and then analyzed them by using the "Strategic Marketing 4C Analysis". After a complete analysis, this paper provided several recommendations to help Food Company A develop a further plan. In chapter five, this paper provided different recommendations to different costs, including constantly changing products and channels strategies bases on changes of consumer’s taste, recruiting an expert operating the Facebook page, and considering the credibility of the brand representatives. Moreover, it found that Food Company A did not put enough emphasis on the cost of addiction; therefore, this paper provided two practical plans to enhance the cost of addiction in chapter five to contribute to Food Company A; for example, the different levels of membership and the competition of theme video.

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