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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Développement d'une démarche d’aide à la connaissance pour la conception de bâtis performants / Development of a knowledge-aid approach for designing high-performance buildings

Talbourdet, Fabien 25 September 2014 (has links)
Les demandes des usagers conjuguées à la réglementation nécessitent de concevoir des bâtiments de plus en plus confortables et économes en énergie. En parallèle de ces exigences, les réglementations concernant les bâtiments sont renforcées dans différents domaines (acoustique, sécurité incendie, risque sismique,…) afin d’obtenir des bâtiments plus sûrs et correspondant aux demandes des usagers. Les impacts conjugués de ces deux facteurs engendrent une complexification de la conception des bâtiments.Cette thèse présente une démarche d’aide à la connaissance pour la conception de bâtis performants se basant sur une méthode d’optimisation. Cette démarche vise à ce que les architectes et les bureaux d’études aient une connaissance claire du potentiel de leur projet (exploration de solutions) en phase amont de conception, pour concevoir des bâtiments les plus performants possibles. Ce potentiel est évalué via des paramètres de la géométrie extérieure et intérieure ainsi que des caractéristiques énergétiques du bâti. La démarche leur permet également d’évaluer les avantages et inconvénients de différentes géométries et solutions de conception qu’ils envisagent pour répondre à leurs projets. Cette démarche est appliquée à un immeuble de bureaux à Lyon.Pour le cas testé, la démarche permet d’obtenir rapidement des solutions performantes et de définir pour certains des paramètres étudiés, des valeurs conduisant aux solutions performantes dans une partie de l’espace des solutions ou dans l’ensemble de cet espace.Cette application de la démarche montre également qu’il peut exister des solutions ayant des besoins énergétiques et des coûts de construction proches mais étant très différentes en termes de paramètres de conception. Bien que remettant en cause l'applicabilité directe de la démarche, ce résultat met en exergue un problème nouveau. Cette thèse pose alors les bases pour une nouvelle étude. / Both aspirations of users and improvements in the thermal regulation require that the comfort and the energy efficiency of new buildings improve. In addition to these requirements, regulations are strengthening in many fields such as acoustics, fire safety and mechanical performance. The combined effects of these factors are making it increasingly hard to design buildings. This thesis presents a knowledge-aid approach for designing high-performance buildings based on an optimization method. This approach aims to provide clear knowledge of the potential of projects (exploration of various options) for architects and design offices at the beginning of the design that will allow them to design the best possible high-performance buildings. This potential is evaluated using external and internal geometric parameters as well as the energy characteristics of buildings. This approach also allows them to assess geometries and design solutions which are intended to be used for their projects.This approach will be applied to an office building in Lyon, France. For the tested case, the approach obtains quickly efficient solutions and also finds, for some parameters, values to design efficient solutions on part of the Paretofront or in this entire front. This application of the approach also shows that there may be solutions which are close in terms of energy needs and cost but could be very different on design parameters. This problem could influence robustness of the approach but highlights a new problem. This thesis then lays the foundation of a new study on this topic.

Analýza rizik navrhování staveb s ohledem na vybrané materiálové charakteristiky / Risk analysis of building design with regard to the selected material characteristics

Jirásková, Iveta January 2015 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the verification of physical and mechanical characteristics of hardened concrete, especially concrete compressive strength, static and dynamic modulus of elasticity. The job description is to perform a series of laboratory analyzes for structural concrete and evaluate the test results meet requirements that are specified in the European standards for designing buildings. The work also includes selected techniques for risk assessment (FMEA, Pareto diagram, Ishikawa diagram) and their application to selected process. Part of the work is also a static comparison of measured characteristics and consideration of the risks associated with variations in the monitored quantities.

Polyfunkční dům / Polyfunctional building

Pavlík, Vojtěch January 2017 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with a new polyfunctional building with in the town Třebíč. The aim of this work is to develop design documents for building construction. It is detached building with five above-ground floors and one basement. Spaces that are used to operate on the first floor and second floor are operationally separated. Three floors are intended for occupancy 30 – 40 persons.

Анализ экономической эффективности внедрения информационного моделирования объектов капитального строительства : магистерская диссертация / Analysis of the economic efficiency of the implementation of information modeling of capital construction projects

Путинцев, А. А., Putintsev, A. A. January 2023 (has links)
Цель исследования анализ и оценка экономической эффективности внедрения информационного моделирования в проектную деятельность. Научная новизна исследования состоит в проведении анализа на более позднем этапе применения информационного моделирования в проектировании. В итоге получены результаты оценки экономической эффективности, позволяющие проецировать и давать укрупненный прогноз роста затрат и доходов организаций, планирующих внедрить информационное моделирование в свою проектную деятельность. / The purpose of the study is to analyze and evaluate the economic efficiency of introducing information modeling into project activities. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the analysis at a later stage of the application of information modeling in design. As a result, the results of the economic efficiency assessment were obtained, which allow projecting and giving an enlarged forecast of the growth of costs and incomes of organizations planning to introduce information modeling into their project activities.

Rätt från början : Att verka för användbara och tillgängliga lokaler inom hälso- och sjukvård / Right from start : To Work for Useful and Accessible Space Within Health and Care

Callert Jakobsson, Helene January 2017 (has links)
Sammanfattning Arbetsskador är ett problem inom sjukvården i Sverige. Både arbetsolyckor och framförallt arbetssjukdomar orsakade av för höga arbetsbelastningar utgör en stor andel arbetsskador hos vårdpersonal. Syftet med studien var att kartlägga och beskriva arbetet i byggprocessens byggarbetsgrupper för vård- och omsorgsbyggnader och lokaler, i vilka ergonomer och arbetsmiljöingenjörer ingår, då de kopplas in i byggprocessen. Målet var ett kunskapsunderlag som utgörs av detta examensarbete och ett samlingsdokument i appendix med metoder och relevant litteratur. Analysperspektivets grund var byggprocessen, ergonomi, metoder och samtalsmetodik. En kvalitativ undersökningsmetod användes i studien. Åtta personer med olika yrkesbakgrunder och med god erfarenhet av arbete i byggarbetsgrupper, byggfrågor och ritningsgranskning intervjuades individuellt. Resultatet pekar på att ergonomer och arbetsmiljöingenjörer är kunskapsbärarna av arbetsmiljö i byggprocesserna. Metodiken var att följa den av projektledaren uppgjorda planen för byggprocessen. De viktigaste arbetssätten och den viktigaste metoden var att skapa en god dialog och samtal, ha ett lösningsinriktat förhållningssätt samt att visualisera ritningar i byggarbetsgruppen. Deras roll i byggarbetsgruppen var att coacha och handleda framförallt brukare/vårdpersonal för att hjälpa dem att få ett tydligt beslutsunderlag för att kunna ta genomtänkta beslut. Slutsatsen tyder på att ergonomer och arbetsmiljöingenjörer är viktiga i byggprocessen i byggarbetsgrupperna för att sätta fokus på arbetsmiljöperspektivet. De behöver kopplas in i byggprocessens planeringsskeden, de tidiga skedena, för att kunna påverka utformning av framtida arbetsplatser. Medverkan av dessa två yrkesgrupper i byggprocesser, kan alltså komma vårdpersonalen/brukarna tillgodo i form av en arbetsmiljö som till stor del blir utformade efter vårdpersonalens/brukarnas krav och behov samt främjar deras hälsa och förhindrar arbetsskador. Framöver behövs en riktad utbildning för ergonomer och arbetsmiljöingenjörer som ska delta i byggprocesser. Det finns stora möjligheter för arbetsmiljöingenjörer och ergonomer att utveckla sin roll i byggprocessen till en mer framträdande sådan. Nyckelord: Ergonomer, arbetsmiljöingenjörer, byggprocessen, hälso- och sjukvårdslokaler, metoder, arbetssätt / Abstract Occupational injuries are a problem in healthcare in Sweden. Both occupational accidents and most of all occupational diseases caused by great physical workloads constitute a large proportion of work related musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) of healthcare professionals. The aim of the study was to explore and describe the work process in the design teams of the building design process. The main focus was the building design process of health care buildings and the design teams where ergonomists and safety engineers are asked to participate. The purpose was to create a knowledge base consisting of this study and an appendix with methods and relevant literature. Eight people with different professions were interview. All of them had a good hold on the building design processes and on hospital architecture issues. Among them there were two ergonomists and two safety engineers. The result indicates that ergonomists and safety engineers were those who possessed the knowledge of working environment factors such as ergonomics in the building design processes. The methodology was to follow the agreed plan for the building design process established by the project Manager. Moreover the role of the ergonomists and safety engineers in the design team was to coach and supervise particularly the healthcare professionals. The main approach was to create a good dialogue and conversation and to keep a solution-oriented approach in the design team. Furthermore the most important method was to visualize drawings of Architects which made it possible for the healthcare workers to be able to audit the drawings correctly. This procedure gave the healthcare professionals a decision-making support which helped them to make well-reasoned decisions about their future work environment. The conclusion indicates that ergonomists and safety engineers are important because of their unique knowledge of working environment, especially ergonomics. Ergonomists and safety engineers need to be involved in the early phases of the building design process in order to be able to influence the design of new workspaces. The participation of these two professions in the design team may also benefit the healthcare workers with a future work environment which is largely designed according to their requirements and needs and will probably help to prevent MSDs. In the future there is a need for a specific education just for the ergonomists and the safety engineers participating in the building design process of healthcare buildings. There are great opportunities for them to develop their role towards a more prominent one in the building design process. Keywords: Ergonomists, safety engineers, building design process, health care architecture, methods, procedures / Planering och projektering av nya arbetsmiljöer

Adapting building design to climate change for an office building in Stockholm through solar control techniques / Anpassa byggnadsdesign till klimatförändringar i en kontorsbyggnad i Stockholm genom solskyddstekniker

Costanzo, Matteo January 2020 (has links)
Climate change will affect many human activities and sectors. Among those, the built environment will face several challenges with respect to the varying climate conditions. The present study investigated the global warming impacts on energy demand and indoor climate comfort for an office building in Stockholm. Considering a service life of 50 years, the future climate conditions were investigated for the only air temperature increase in 2070, in accordance with the medium forecasted greenhouse gas emissions scenario provided by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Another climate morphing approach was adopted to develop the climate file for the year 2080 considering the variation of all the weather parameters. Three different passive cooling solutions, such as external roller shade, electrochromic glazing, and internally ventilated shading, have been implemented in the case study building to decrease the cooling demand. The characteristics of the strategies were preliminarily assessed and then implemented into the building energy simulation software IDA-ICE to evaluate the energy performances with respect to the different climates. The results indicated that an increment of the cooling demand and a reduction of the heating usage will be experienced in the future. The different morphing approaches displayed the inherent uncertainties when future evaluations are performed, although similar weather patterns were found. The improvement of the solar and optical properties, such as the introduction of the exhaust air extraction and the electrochromic technology, implied a lower cooling and ventilation usage. The EC technology reported the lowest cooling demand, while the internally ventilated shading option outperformed the others in terms of annual energy consumption. / Klimatförändringar kommer att påverka många mänskliga aktiviteter och sektorer. Bland dem kommer den byggda miljön att möta flera utmaningar med avseende på de olika klimatförhållandena. Denna studie undersökte effekterna av den globala uppvärmningen på energibehovet och inomhusklimatkomforten för en kontorsbyggnad i Stockholm. Med hänsyn till en livslängd på 50 år undersöktes de framtida klimatförhållandena för ökningen av lufttemperaturen utomhus till 2070, i enlighet med det medelprognoserade växthusgasutsläppsscenariot som tillhandahålls av International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). En annan klimatförändringsmetod antogs för att utveckla klimatfilen för år 2080 med tanke på variationen i alla väderparametrar. Tre olika passiva kyllösningar, såsom utvändigt solskydd (vertikalmarkis med screenväv), elektrokromt glas och invändigt ventilerat solskydd, har implementerats i fallstudiebyggnaden för att minska kylbehovet. Karaktären av strategierna utvärderades preliminärt och implementerades sedan i programvaran för byggenergisimulering IDA-ICE för att utvärdera energiprestanda med avseende på de olika klimaten. Resultaten indikerade att en ökning av kylbehovet och en minskning av värmeanvändningen kommer att ske i framtiden. De olika klimatförändringsmetoderna visade de inneboende/medföljande osäkerheterna när framtida utvärderingar utförs, även om liknande vädermönster hittades. De passiva kyllösningarnas reducering av total solenergitransmission, såsom införandet av frånluftsutsug och den elektrokroma tekniken, innebar en lägre kyl- och ventilationsanvändning. EC-tekniken rapporterade det lägsta kylbehovet, medan det invändiga ventilerade solskyddet överträffade de andra när det gäller årlig energiförbrukning.


Domenique R Lumpkin (12639406) 17 June 2022 (has links)
<p>This dissertation focuses on the creation of a paradigm shift in building innovation. Challenges in achieving building energy-efficiency at scale highlight the complexity of the building performance problem, which is embedded with social, cultural, physical, environmental, and economic factors. Traditional approaches to building design have difficulty accounting for these multi-faceted variables and related longitudinal barriers and intangible impacts. Firstly, key stakeholders and their economic constraints change throughout time, and this variability is not traditionally considered upfront or addressed throughout a building’s operation. Secondly, buildings have social, cultural, environmental and economic implications that are difficult to quantify and evaluate against strictly functional design objectives. Therefore, current deeply technical and often system-specific building design strategies could benefit from whole-building solutions that account for this complexity and enable a paradigm shift in design toward human-centered outcomes (i.e., well-being, health, financial sustainability) and effective (i.e., equitable and sustainable) buildings. </p> <p>To drive this shift, an impact-based innovation framework was employed to pursue system-level and ecosystem-level strategies to optimize longitudinal building value assessment and distribution. First, a grounded theory study was pursued which identified gaps in current design practice that miss underlying building subsystem interactions which influence building performance. A system-level taxonomy of the building was then defined, linking identified sub-system synergies to functional, emotional and social building benefits for inhabitants. Then, an exploratory mixed-methods study was pursued, yielding a longitudinal building value framework that helps characterize key stakeholders, building design choices, and shared efficacy metrics. Building on these inputs, a multi-stakeholder, longitudinal building value assessment model was developed. The model was tested on two residential building development scenarios, highlighting its ability to capture the true impact of buildings on affected stakeholders over time in terms of tangible and intangible building costs and benefits. Finally, business model innovation concepts were employed to identify specific changes in stakeholder value delivery and capture strategies that could redistribute building costs and benefits over time, and thereby facilitate a shift in the paradigm of design and value capture in the residential building industry. </p>

Framtidens enbostadshus : Att bygga på höjden med minimerad bostadsarea utformat enligt framtida energikrav / The future one-family house : Building high with a minimum gross internal area designed according to future energy requirements

Gustafsson, Pernilla, Loberg, Johan January 2014 (has links)
Tomtmarkerna i urban bebyggelse blir allt mer attraktiva. En minskning av byggnadsarean medger positiva ekonomiska effekter på markkostnaden då tomtpriserna tenderar att bli allt högre i stadsmiljö. En stor del av totalkostnaden vid nyproduktionen av ett enbostadshus är tomtpriset. Framtidens enbostadshus bör utformas med ett begränsat tomtbehov samt uppfylla framtida energikrav.   Examensarbetet har utförts i samarbete med småhustillverkaren Eksjöhus, vilka till följd av de ökade markpriserna upplever en minskad efterfrågan för nyproduktion av småhus. Likt övriga hustillverkare står Eksjöhus också inför uppfyllandet av framtida energikrav.   Syftet med examensarbetet är att utforma framtidens enbostadshus, genom att effektivisera tomtutnyttjandet och förbättra energiprestandan. Frågeställningarna vilka besvaras i arbetet är ”Vilken är den minsta möjliga bostadsarean för entréplanet i ett enbostadshus, med bibehållen tillgänglighet enligt svenska krav?”, ”Hur kan rumsfunktionerna disponeras för ett enbostadshus i tre våningar med bibehållna boendekvalitéer?”, ”Hur kan ett enbostadshus utformas för att klara EUs direktiv för år 2020 beträffande byggnaders energiprestanda?”. Målet med arbetet är att utforma ett enbostadshus i tre våningar med minsta möjliga bostadsarea på entréplanet, som klarar EUs direktiv för år 2020 beträffande byggnaders energiprestanda.   En litteraturstudie genomfördes för att utreda kompaktboendets effekter på boendekvalitén samt energieffektiv byggnadsutformning. En fallstudie av tre byggnader utreddes boende i flera plan. Utformningen av framtidens enbostadshus genomfördes i ett skissarbete och slutligen beräknades byggnaden för att uppfylla den rådande kravspecifikationen för NNE-hus.   En yteffektiv planutformning åstadkoms genom överlappandet av betjäningsareor, effektiv disposition av rumsfunktioner samt gemensamma kommunikationsytor. Entréplanets utformning resulterade i en bostadsarea på 51,4 m2. Byggnaden är utformad för att tillgodose kravet på tillgänglighet i enlighet med BBR och SIS. Rumsfunktionerna som finns representerade på entréplanet är kök, badrum, avskiljbar sängplats samt utrymme för sittgrupp, matplats, tvätt och förvaring. Plan 2 utgörs till största del av ett vardagsrum vilket knyts samman med entréplanets sociala funktioner. Byggandens privata våning utgörs av plan 3 vilket inrymmer två av byggandens tre sovrum.   Byggnaden följer nu gällande krav för 2020-målet, utformat som ett NNE-hus genom en energieffektiv utformning och egenproduktion av el från solceller. Vår slutsats är att förhållande, disponering, kommunikation av rumsfunktioner samt åtskild placering av privata och sociala utrymmen är väsentligt för att minimera bostadsarean samt för att bibehålla en god bostadskvalité. / Building plots in urban settlements are becoming more attractive. A reduction of the gross floor area allows a positive economic impact on the cost when the prices tend to become high in urban settlements. A large amount of the total cost for the production of a new one-family house is the price of the building plot. The future one-family house should be designed with a limited need of land and also meet future energy demands.   The work was performed in collaboration with the small house manufacturer Eksjöhus, which due to the increased price of land are experiencing a decline in demand for construction of new one-family houses. Like the rest of the small house manufacturer, Eksjöhus are also facing the fulfillment of future energy requirements.   The purpose of this study is to design tomorrow's one-family house, by increasing the efficiency of land use and to improve the energy performance. The questions, which are answered in this work are "What is the minimum floor space for the ground floor of a one-family house, while maintaining accessibility according to Swedish demands?", "How can room functions be arrange for a one-family house in three floors with maintained housing qualities?", "How can a one-family house be designed to meet the future EU energy strategy towards 2020 concerning energy performance of buildings? ". The goal of this work is to design a one-family house in three floors with a minimum floor space on the entrance floor, which meet the future EU energy strategy towards 2020.   A literature study was conducted to investigate the impact of compact living on the living quality and energy efficient building design. In a case study of three buildings, housing in several floors was investigated. The design of a future onefamily house was conducted in a sketch work and finally the building was calculated to fulfill the current specification for a Zero-energy building.   A space-efficient plan design is accomplished by overlap the service areas, efficient disposition of room functions and by shared communication areas. The design of the entrance floor resulted in a gross internal area of 51,4 m2. The building is designed to meet the requirement of accessibility according to BBR and SIS.   Room functions which are represented on the entrance floor are kitchen, bathroom, separable bed space and space for sitting, dining, laundry and storage. Plan 2 consists of a large living room which is connected to the social functions on the entrance floor. The private floor of the building is plan 3 which consist of two of the building's three bedrooms.   The building is designed to meet the future EU energy strategy towards 2020. The building is a Zero-energy building due to the energy efficient design and the selfproduction of electricity from solar cells.   Our conclusion is that the relationship, disposition, communication and the separate placement of private and social spaces is essential to reduce the living space and to maintain good housing quality.

Železobetonová konstrukce vysoké administrativní budovy / The concrete structure of a high office building

Skuhravý, František January 2018 (has links)
Aim of The Diploma Thesis was to design load-bearing structure of a multi-storey reinforced concrete building, to realize structural analysis in Dlubal-RFEM software and dimension its selected parts. Designed structure is based on already erected building in office edifices campus in Brno-Slatina district. Its original number of storeys was increased from ten to nineteen, so the specific problems connected to high-rise building designing could be solved. Time dependent deformations of vertical structures were analysed in detail, so the changes in load of horizontal elements could be described more precisely, because of its direct dependence on compression of the columns. Within the paper, foundation structure dimensions were designed, assessment and design of composite columns assembly were made, as well of floor slab in 2nd floor with column deformations impact check on the 17th floor. Also, the external walls, pillars and shear core walls were designed and assessed. Formwork drawing of designed structure parts and detailed drawing of reinforcement of assessed elements were elaborated. Based on Diploma Thesis results it can be stated, that if influence of nonuniform load of vertical structures within the high-rise building designing is neglected, consequent project would presumably be uneconomic, or dangerous after an optimization attempts.

Zastřešení víceúčelového sportovního objektu / The Roof Structure of a Multipurpose Sport Building

Malchárek, Robert January 2017 (has links)
The subject of the Diploma thesis is a design wooden structures of a multipurpose sport building in Šumperk. The floor plan measurements of the building are 45,0 x 48,0 m with the maximum height 15,0 m. The solution is choosen on the basis of two variants. The structures is designed with respect to ultimate and serviceability limit states. The multipurpose sport building is consist of 13 main truss centre to centre spacing 4,0m. The main structural system is design as the three-hinged arched structure made of solid timber and in the second variant as the arched structure made of glue laminated timber. The spatial rigidity of the structure is secured of diagonal bracing. The roofing is carried by rafter which are safed by purlin and then by upper chord. The steel columns are design as a part of gable wall. The project was carried out in the scia Engineer 2014 software. Some of the particular elements both variants were checked and designed by manualy calculating. The thesis includes structural design report, joints structures, drawings and production drawing the element of the three-hinged arched structure.

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