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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O papel do eixo urbano de Benavente-Samora Correia-Salvaterra de Magos-como subsistema da região de Lisboa

Lucas, Maria do Céu Domingos January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Intervenções em espaço urbano-contributo para a elaboração de um quadro de indicadores de avaliação

Reis, Júlia Susana Costa dos January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Pienenevän infrastruktuurin suunnittelu ja hallinta

Raatikainen, S. (Seppo) 23 April 2004 (has links)
Abstract Migration is a heterogeneous phenomenon in many senses. However, certain tendencies are emphasized. Most built-up areas lose their inhabitants and only few population centers increase their population, both in Finland and generally in Europe. Empty or less utilized structures remain after out-migration. The consequences are most evident in the housing sector. In this phenomenon there is a strong risk that the structures cannot function but they lose their function ability. The reasons are economic and functional. The point of departure for the study was to find the means to respond to this cumulating development. The different service structures also decrease or become thinner, while the population is aging, requiring additional attention. The theoretical framework of the study includes the development of new methods that correspond to the research problem and a new planning model for diminishing infrastructures. The stages of the planning model include the definition of the needs and prospects of planning, the management of changes of the functions and, finally, the making of integrated plans for the adjustment of the physical structures. The position of the dissertation in relation to its scientific background is explained by reviewing the tradition of infrastructure planning and related planning theory. The research work advanced, however, in real time - the tests of the contexts were so actual that they had to be updated many times during the research. Besides the actuality, another interesting feature were the comparative studies directed to the infrastructure contexts of five EU countries and their subject municipalities. The aim of the study was to examine whether the modelled planning of diminishing infrastructure is feasible and whether it aids the adjustment of structures. The research clearly revealed that planning of diminishing infrastructures is beneficial and even necessary in numerous built-up areas. An important achievement of the study is the principle to be followed in making adjustments to structures that have become oversized. The dissertation revealed that there are lots of opportunities to make adjustments within the physical structures. The dimensions of adjustment are numerous and dissimilar to each other. An important association was that the stages of negative growth of the infrastructure networks are similar, following the same logic and sequential order in different built-up areas. The changes in dwelling and other functions of buildings determine the development of other infrastructure networks. A comforting result of the study is the fact that there is seldom need for massive dismantling operations of infrastructures in Finland. The decremental, step by step adjustment of structures is, however, at any rate occasionally necessary in most built-up areas. The making of adjustments requires broad data and the use of a frequently up-dated monitoring system. The standards and norms of physical structures are also too general with disregard to differences in entropy, treating in a similar fashion the cases of both growth and decline. The overriding rule in diminishing areas may be the maintenance of the stability of infrastructure networks. Attention on the oversized structures is worthwhile, since, for all parties concerned, it is beneficial to adjust the size of physical structures to the level of their use. / Tiivistelmä Muuttoliike on monessa suhteessa heterogeeninen ilmiö. Tietyt muuttojen suuntaukset kuitenkin korostuvat. Useimmat taajamat menettävät asukkaitaan ja vain harvat väestökeskukset kasvattavat asukasmääräänsä sekä Suomessa että yleisesti Euroopassa. Muuton jälkeen jää tyhjiä tai vajaakäyttöisiä rakenteita. Selkeimmin seuraukset ilmenevät rakennuksissa. Ilmiön yhteydessä on muodostumassa riski, että rakenteet eivät voi toimia vaan menettävät toimintakykynsä. Syyt siihen ovat taloudellisia ja toiminnallisia. Vahva tutkimuksen käynnistävä peruste oli löytää keinot, joilla reagoida tähän kumuloituvaan kehitykseen. Myös erilaiset palvelujen rakenteet vähenevät tai tulevat ohuemmiksi. Samalla kertaa väestö vanhenee ja vaatii lisää huomiota. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys sisältää tutkimusongelman käsittelyyn soveltuvien uusien erityisten menetelmien kehittämisen ja suunnitteluprosessin vaiheet sisältävän mallin kokoamisen. Vaiheina tarkastellaan suunnittelun tarpeet ja mahdollisuudet, toimintojen muutoksenhallinta ja lopulta rakenteiden sopeuttava fyysinen suunnittelu. Tutkimus asettuu sisälle tiedeympäristöönsä siten, että siinä tuodaan laajalti esille infrastruktuurin suunnitteluperinne. Tutkimus liikkui kuitenkin reaaliajassa - kontekstien testaukset olivat niin ajankohtaisia, että niitä päivitettiin monia kertoja tutkimuksen aikana. Ajankohtaisuuden ohella mielenkiintoisia piirteitä olivat myös kansainväliset kontekstit, kun tutkimus suuntautui viiteen EU- maahan ja niiden kohdekuntiin. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, onko pienenevän infrastruktuurin mallinnettu suunnittelu mahdollista ja edistääkö se rakenteiden sopeuttamista. Tutkimus toi selkeästi esille, että pienenevien rakenteiden suunnittelu on hyödyllistä ja jopa välttämätöntä lukuisissa taajamissa. Tärkeä tutkimuksen saavutus on nähdä periaate, jonka kautta ylimitoittuneiksi tulleiden rakenteiden sopeuttaminen voidaan toteuttaa. Tutkimuksessa on tullut ilmi, että sopeuttamiseen on runsaasti mahdollisuuksia fyysisten rakenteiden sisällä. Merkittävä tulos oli, että sopeuttamisen dimensioita on lukuisia ja ne ovat keskenään hyvin erilaisia. Tärkeä assosiaatio oli myös se, että pienenevän kehityksen vaiheet infrastruktuurin verkoilla olivat samankaltaisia sekä toimivat usein samalla logiikalla ja vastaavassa järjestyksessä eri taajamissa. Rakennusten sisältämien toimintojen tai asumisen elinkaaren vaiheet ovat määrääviä muiden infrastruktuurin verkkojen kehitykselle. Lohdullinen tutkimustulos on, että infrastruktuurin kertaluonteisen, massiivisen pienentämisen tarve on harvinaista Suomessa. Dekrementaalinen, vaiheaskelin tapahtuva rakenteiden sopeuttaminen on kuitenkin ainakin ajoittain tarpeen useimmissa taajamissa. Sopeuttamiseen tarvittava tietomäärä on kuitenkin laaja ja se edellyttää taajaman rakenteiden reaaliajassa toimivaa ja päivittyvää seurantajärjestelmää. Fyysisten rakenteiden normitus on myös liian yleispätevää ilman entropian eroja ja normit ovat lähestulkoon yhtäläisiä kasvavissa ja pienenevissä tapauksissa. Pienenevissä taajamissa voi verkkojen toiminnan stabiilisuuden säilyttäminen olla päällimmäisin normi. Ylisuuriin rakenteisiin kannattaa kiinnittää huomiota, sillä fyysisten rakenteiden on edullista olla käyttötarpeidensa kokoisia - kaikkien osapuolten kannalta nähtyinä.


Seid Ahmed, Yassmin January 2020 (has links)
MACHINABILITY ENHANCEMENT OF STAINLESS STEELS THROUGH CONTROL OF BUILT-UP EDGE FORMATION / Demand for parts made from stainless steel is rapidly increasing, especially in the oil and gas industries. Stainless steel provides a number of key advantages, such as high tensile strength, toughness, and excellent corrosion resistance. However, stainless steel cutting faces some serious difficulties. At low cutting speeds, workpiece material and the chips formed during machining tend to adhere to the cutting tool surface, forming a built-up edge (BUE). The BUE is an extremely deformed piece of material which intermittently sticks to the tool at the tool-chip interface throughout the cutting test, affecting tool life and surface integrity. Unstable BUE can cause tool failure and deterioration of the workpiece. However, stable BUE formation can protect the cutting tool from further wear, improving the productivity of stainless steel machining. This thesis presents an in-depth study of machining performance using different coated tools and various coolant conditions to examine the nature of the different tool wear mechanisms present during the turning of stainless steels. Then, different textures are generated on the tool rake face to control the stability of BUE and reduce friction during the machining process. Results show that the BUE can significantly improve the frictional conditions and workpiece surface integrity at low cutting speeds. Finally, square textures on tool rake face were found to control the stability of BUE and minimize the friction at the tool-chip interface. This reduces the average coefficient of friction by 20-24% and flank wear by 41-78% and increases surface finish by 54-68% in comparison to an untextured tool. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / Three main objectives are presented in this thesis. The first is a detailed investigation of the performance of stainless steel machining obtained by the use of different coated cutting tools and various cooling conditions. The goal of this research is to assess the reduction of tool service life, productivity, and part quality. The thesis also examines the causes of workpiece material adhesion to the cutting tool during the cutting test and to better explain its effects on tool wear and workpiece surface finish. This phenomenon is known as the "built-up edge" (BUE). Finally, different textures are applied on the cutting tool via a laser to stabilize the BUE formation on the cutting tool, thereby improving the quality of the part.

Análise de vigas de madeira pregadas com seção composta I / Analysis of nailed timber built-up I beams

Góes, Jorge Luís Nunes de 09 April 2002 (has links)
As vigas compostas pregadas possuem vasta aplicação como material estrutural, desde vigas para instalações residenciais e industriais até longarinas de pontes de pequenos vãos, apresentando como principais vantagens o baixo custo e a facilidade de execução, não exigindo mão-de-obra qualificada. Este trabalho tem como objetivo o estudo teórico e experimental de vigas de madeira com seção composta I formadas por peças de madeira serrada e solidarizadas por pregos. São apresentados os critérios das normas EUROCODE 5, DIN1052 e NBR 7190, bem como a teoria a respeito do assunto. É avaliado o procedimento de cálculo da NBR 7190, em comparação com o EUROCODE 5, sendo realizada verificação experimental dos critérios destas normas, por meio de ensaios de flexão em protótipos de vigas compostas em escala natural. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que o modelo do EUROCODE 5 é o mais indicado para estimar a rigidez efetiva, tensões normais e de cisalhamento como também a força nos conectores / The built-up I beams are widely employed as structural elements, from residential and industrial facilities, to girders for bridges of small span. The fact that they do not demand skilled workmanship, the low cost and easiness of construction are their main advantages. This research aims at the theoretical and experimental analysis of built-up I beams, made of sawn elements nailed jointed. The EUROCODE 5, DIN 1052 and NBR 7190 criteria as well as the basic theory are presented. The design procedure adopted by NBR 7190 is compared to the EUROCODE 5 one. Experimental evaluation of these criteria is made subjecting built-up beam prototype to bending tests. The results should that the EUROCODE criteria is the most recommended for estimate the effective rigidity, normal and shear stresses as well as the load on a fastener

Análise da mancha urbana a partir de séries temporais de imagens Landsat: estudo de caso nos municípios do trecho oeste do rodoanel Mário Covas. / Analysis of urban stain from temporal series of Landsat images: case study in the municipalities of the west department of Rodoanel Mário Covas.

Bacic, Bruna Lahos de Jesus 15 December 2017 (has links)
O presente estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a expansão da mancha urbana através da análise multitemporal dos índices BUILT-UP e NDBI calculados a partir de imagens de sensores remotos. A técnica de votação será explorada para, a partir de uma análise multitemporal, aprimorar a qualidade do mapeamento da área urbanizada. Paralelamente mapas coropléticos da população total residente são analisados para, em conjunto com a interpretação dos mapas oriundos da técnica de votação, subsidiarem a discussão sobre a relação entre a expansão das áreas construídas relacionadas não ao Rodoanel Mário Covas (SP-21) mas as rodovias que o interceptam. As explorações da aplicação do método de votação obtiveram resultados satisfatórios e apontaram que é de suma importância a heterogeneidade das mesmas para seus resultados serem aprimorados, além da importância da aquisição das imagens em períodos chuvosos a fim de manter a diferenciação do solo exposto com as áreas urbanas. / The present study aims to evaluate the expansion of the urban spot through the multitemporal analysis of BUILT-UP and NDBI indices calculated from remote sensor images. The voting technique was explored in order to improve the quality of mapping of the urbanized area, based on a multitemporal analysis. At the same time, maps of the total resident population are analyzed in order to support the discussion of the relationship between the expansion of the built-up areas related to the Mário Covas Roadway (SP-21) and the highways that intercept him. Based on the results obtained, it was possible to observe that the urban sprawl is related not to the Rodoanel but like highways that intercept it. The explorations of the application of the voting method obtained satisfactory results and pointed out that the heterogeneity of the subtitles for their results and improved, as well as the importance of the acquisition of the images in rainy periods in order to maintain the difference between exposed soil and urban areas.

Cidades médias e ordenamento do território-o caso da Beira Interior

Costa, Eduarda Pires Valente da Silva Marques da January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Divercidade-urbanografia do espaço de Coimbra até ao estabelecimento definitivo da Universidade

Rossa, Walter January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Os efeitos da nova travessia rodoviária do Tejo na organização espacial da AML-Sul

Gésaro, Maria Custódia Ricardo January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

A informática e o desenho assistido por computador no planeamento urbanístico

Santos, Carlos António Jesus dos January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

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