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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pohřebiště bylanské kultury v Lovosicích / Burial-ground of Bylany Culture from Lovosice

Půlpán, Marek January 2012 (has links)
The work is concerned with the archaeological finds from Lovosice, Ustecky kraj, CR obtained in 2002. The major part consists of description and drawing documentation of 15 well-equipped from the Early Iron Age. Movable artifacts are analyzed typologically and chronologically. The funeral rite is evaluated in the frame of spatially-functional relations between human relicts and burnt offerings. Immovable finds are analyzed with respect to the parameters of holes, construction and things. In the same way the graves are categorized into the finding groups. The funeral site is evaluated with regard to the form, structure, total range and chronological trend. The main goal consists in a definition of evolutionary horizons of the funeral site and their comparison between Czech and Central European chronological systems. These horizons, in the future, can make one of the main pillars for evaluating grave and settlement finds of Hallstatt age in NW and C Bohemia. The area of Lovosice necropolis is interpreted as a site of central relevancy and the dead as elite with significant influence over the cultural and economic development of the region. Nowadays, Lovosice represents one of the richest, most widely researched and therefore most important funeral site of Ha C1 - Ha D1 in Bohemia. Keywords Hallstatt...

Gravarna från Nygårds : en rumslig analys av ett järnåldersgravfält i Västerhejde socken / The graves from Nygårds : a spatial analysis of an Iron Age burial ground at the parish of Västerhejde.

Kynman, Saga January 2019 (has links)
Throughout Scandinavia the funeral practices of the Iron Age were, in general, inhumation or cremation. The Iron Age society held many overarching beliefs but with a great ritual flexibility where practices could vary between communities. This study examines the Iron Age burial ground at Nygårds in the parish of Västerhejde, Gotland. The graves consist of both cremated and skeletal remains dating to the period of 400–600 AD. Thus, two different funeral customs were practiced at the burial ground during the same time period. Although excavated in the 1970s, no detailed analyses have been carried out on the Iron Age remains from Nygårds or their grave goods. This study aim is consequently to contribute with new information about the burial ground at Nygårds and the individuals who were interred there. By examining the spatial composition of the two burial customs, their demographic and grave goods, differences and similarities emerge. With the burial grounds spatial structure as a framework, this study discusses the different aspects of the Iron Age life and what the actions of the living can tell us about their dead.

Separated by gender? A contribution to the debate on Roman Imperial Period burial grounds in northern Germany

Jonsson, Rebecka January 2016 (has links)
This study concerns 28 Roman Iron Age Germanic burial grounds located in proximity to the river Elbe (dt. "Elbegermanen"). Situated in the northern German states Brandenburg, Hamburg, Lower Saxony, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Saxony-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein and dated 0-300 AD (Earlier Roman Imperial Period); the sites primarily consist of urn burials and have been interpreted as separated by gender. Although a debated issue in German archaeology, critical questions derived from theoretical problematization have usually been omitted from the discourse. This study aims to discuss gender theory to address this research gap. Geographical patterns have been explored through a spatial analysis and reconstruction of the Roman Imperial landscape. Two sites are compared in case studies and the end results connect the theoretical discussions and GIS-analysis. The results show that the combination of a large-scale regional analysis and small-scale analysis of specific sites is beneficial in order to acknowledge the varieties and move beyond the interpretations that dominate the prevalent discourse.

Raně středověké pohřebiště v Praze-Lahovicích / Early medieval burial ground in Prague-Lahovice

Sandanusová, Anna January 2019 (has links)
The early medieval burial ground in Prague-Lahovice is so far the largest village necropolis and is for the time being unprecedented in Bohemia. The submitted work will be devoted to a comprehensive analysis of this burial complex, which was located near the confluence of the Vltava and Berounka. The main basis for the elaboration of the overall analysis will be electronic records of funerary units, which will be linked to the overall plan of the Lahovice burial ground and will provide the main graphical background. The work will also be devoted to specifying the internal chronology of the burial ground and its spatial distribution. Attention will also be paid to the burial rite, the demography of the buried population and the evaluation of its settlement environment in the Early Middle Ages. Finally, the importance of the early medieval burial ground in Prague-Lahovice will be evaluated in the context of the development of the Prague basin in the Early Middle Ages. Keywords Prague-Lahovice - early medieval - burial ground - analysis

Únětická sídliště a pohřebiště v Hošticích - Sečných loukách 4 a v Mořicích - Pololánech 1 / Únětice culture settlements and burial grounds at Hoštice - Sečné louky 4 and Mořice - Pololány 1 (Moravia)

Novotná, Klára January 2011 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is processing archeological locality Hoštice-Sečné louky 4 and Mořice-Pololány 1. Take up with archeological findings, their analysis, determination, primary interpretation and contextualization to the chronological period. The work includes an assessment of correlate settlement and burial ground of uneticer culture, and interpretation settlement burials.

Gravfält och byar - En komparativ undersökning av sex gravfält från Värend / Gravefields and villages - A comparative analysis of sex gravefields from Värend

Rexhepi, Albion January 2019 (has links)
Abstract Gravfält och byar - En komparativ undersökning av sex gravfält från Värend. Gravefields and villages - A comparative analysis of sex gravefields from Värend. Abstract   The basis that this study stands on, is that iron age-gravfields represents nearby village communities. The purpose of this study was to investigate if six gravefields within the old folkland Värend represent different villages, or does the six representative gravefield-villages only show dissimilarity in social differences that occurred within the villages?   A comparative method analysis was used in this study, to help examine comparisons of the different grave types within the gravefields and the social phenomena that they reflect. To help the method further, old maps of the gravefields were used and field observations were made, to get a better picture in how the different grave types were placed and arranged within the gravefields and landscape.   The results show that these six gravefields probably represents their own nearby villages, and many of the graves that occur within the different gravefields, are alike to each other, which show that these supposed representative gravefield-villages had similar grave traditions. / Sammanfattning Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka sex gravfält från det gamla folklandet Värend, varav de sex gravfälten ligger idag inom Växjö kommun. Gravfälten som undersöktes var Lilla Fjäll-gravfältet (Växjö RAÄ 111:1), Ingelstad-gravfältet (Östra Torsås RAÄ 1:1), Telestad-gravfältet (Växjö RAÄ 12:1), Skir-gravfältet (Växjö RAÄ 19–20:1), Orraryd-gravfältet (Nöbbele RAÄ 3:1) och Västenhaga-gravfältet (Bergunda RAÄ 25:1). Denna studie fokuserade sig på att undersöka de olika gravtyper som förekommer inom de sex gravfälten. Detta gjordes för att kunna hitta spår av hur de olika gravfältens representativa by-samhällena kan ha återspeglats. Detta gjordes genom att identifiera skillnader mellan respektive gravfält och därefter diskutera vad skillnaderna kan representera. Jag ville veta om det handlar om olikheter mellan sex skilda byar som begravt sina döda eller beror olikheten på sociala skillnader inom byarna? Resultatet visade på att det förekommer ett varierande och komplext gravstruktur där vissa av gravarna kan ha representerat olika gårdar inom byarna, medan vissa av gravarna representerades som högstatusgravar och religiösa/rituella gravar. De olika gravfälten visade även på att de representerade egna närbelägna byar.

Přechodové rituály jako téma v učebnicích dějepisu / Rites of passage as a theme in the history textbooks

Geyerová, Simona January 2015 (has links)
The intention of the Diploma thesis Rites of passage as a theme in the history textbooks is analyze the history textbooks of upper primary school in terms of rites of passage. This practical part is preceded by general introduction to the issue of rituals and rites of passage. The following is a discussion of selected rites of passage, which are weddings and funerals. Selected rites of passage determine the direction which is going analysis itself textbooks. In general I am interested in themes of weddings, funerals and all other facts that are associated with the issue in analyzing textbooks. Then I find out, how and what extent selected rites of passage are presented to pupils. So that pupils gain the most information from the particular way in view of the rites of passage, I deal also possibilities to enrich a certain representation of ritual. The conclusion summarizes the main reasons for the changes of rites of passage that appear in the history books for upper primary school. KEYWORDS ritual, rite of passage, textbook, funeral, grave, burial ground, wedding, wedding ceremony

Atypické pohřbívání ve středověkých Čechách / Atypical burials in medieval Bohemia

HLADÍKOVÁ, Miroslava January 2011 (has links)
Tthis presented work is focused on a issue of atypical burials in medieval Bohemia. There are groups of people and the reasons which they led a community to such an action at that time. This work contains a summary of selected sites with the mentioned specific graves. Analysis and evaluation of character and significance of atypical burials in a medieval community is a part of this work.

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