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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Assessment of how supporters become attached to a sports team

Pressinger, Gabbi Michelle 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In social psychology, social scientists have become interested in explaining social behaviour: how and why individuals become attached and why they pursue on-going close relationships. The investment model was developed that suggests how attachment to a relationship is formed. It has been suggested that the investment model can be applied to a wide variety of interpersonal relationships. In the same way as a relationship is formed between two individuals, the attachment that supporters have to a sports team is also formed. To understand the psychological connection supporters have to a sports team, the Psychological Continuum Model (PCM) was developed. PCM suggests supporters first become aware of a sports team, then supporters may become attracted, this leads to attachment to the sports team and allegiance to the sports team may then occur. Past research has focused on different aspects of the PCM. However, very few studies have yet explained how supporters become attached to a sports team. This study combines the PCM and the investment model to assess how supporters become attached to a sports team. Understanding the psychological connection that supporters have to a sports team was required thus, the Psychological Continuum Model (PCM) was used. How supporters become attached (based on the PCM) to a sports team was further understood by the investment model variables. Thus, the PCM was adapted and applied with the investment model. The study comprised of a 2x2x2 full factorial experimental research design. For the purposes of the study, respondents were first made aware of the sport, fistball. Respondents completed a questionnaire that was used to measure their attraction and attachment to a fistball team. During the interview, respondents were shown one of eight treatments, in the form of a newspaper clip on a poster that was manipulated using the investment model variables. The eight posters comprised of fictitious fistball teams to avoid any bias that may have been formed had another sport been chosen. There were 36 respondents per treatment group, ensuring that respondents could be split between the different levels of supporters. A repeat group was also conducted to ensure the validity of the study. The realised sample comprised of 318 respondents. The target population was South African supporters in LSM groups 8 to 10. Judgement sampling was used as no sampling frame exists for supporters. Respondents were selected in shopping malls in Gauteng due to the culturally diverse nature of the province. The results revealed that based on the level of support, attachment to a sports team varies. The results suggested that low supporters have a higher attraction than high supporters. High supporters are already attached to a sports team, and are not necessarily interested in being attracted to a different sports team. It would be recommended to attract high supporters by having initiatives that involve teams, where supporters‟ attachment to the team already exists. High supporters were considered to be those who were attached to a sports team. To package and deliver products and/or services most effectively, sport marketers should appeal to high supporters‟ attitudes, as it is their attitude that guides their behaviour. Based on the findings, there is an opportunity for sport marketers to encourage low supporters to become attached to a sports team by using the investment model variables. By incorporating social psychology with sport consumer behaviour, a better understanding of sport supporters was attained. In the same way that a dating relationship has various stages of courtship that may eventually lead to marriage, the relationship that supporters have with a sports team also goes through stages which may lead supporters who show allegiance. The study reveals that, similarly to a dating relationship where an attraction to an individual first needs to be formed, the type of sport plays a role in attracting supporters to a sports team. Likewise, whether an individual pursues a relationship depends on the investment model variables, which is also the case for supporters. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die sosiale sielkunde stel sosiaal-wetenskaplikes toenemend daarin belang om sosiale gedrag te verklaar: hoe en waarom individue geheg raak aan sosiale objekte en waarom hulle voortgesette verhoudings nastreef. Die beleggingsmodel, wat aan die hand doen hoe gehegtheid deur middel van ʼn verhouding tot stand gebring word, is ontwikkel. Daar word voorgestel dat die beleggingsmodel toegepas kan word op ʼn wye verskeidenheid van interpersoonlike verhoudings. Op dieselfde wyse waarop ʼn verhouding tussen twee individue gevorm word, word die verbintenis wat ondersteuners met ʼn sportspan het, ook verwesenlik. Ten einde die psigologiese verbintenis tussen ondersteuners en ʼn sportspan te verstaan, is die Psigologiese Kontinuummodel (PCM) ontwikkel. Die PCM suggereer dat ondersteuners eerstens van ʼn sportspan bewus word, dan moontlik aangetrokke voel tot die sportspan. Dit lei tot ʼn gehegtheid en moontlik uiteindelik getrouheid aan die sportspan. Vorige navorsing het die soeklig op verskillende aspekte van die PCM laat val, maar baie min ondersoeke het al verduidelik hoe ondersteuners ʼn verbintenis vorm met ʼn sportspan. Hierdie studie kombineer die PCM en die beleggingsmodel om vas te stel hoe ondersteuners ʼn verbintenis vorm met ʼn sportspan. Die PCM is gebruik omdat dit nodig was om die psigologiese verbintenis te verstaan wat ondersteuners met ʼn sportspan tot stand bring. Deur die veranderlikes van die beleggingsmodel in ag te neem, is daar verder lig gewerp op hoe ondersteuners geheg raak aan ʼn sportspan (gebaseer op die PCM). Die PCM is dus aangepas en tesame met die beleggingsmodel toegepas. In die studie is gebruik gemaak van ʼn 2x2x2 volle faktoriale eksperimentele navorsingsontwerp. Vir die doel van die studie is respondente eers bewus gemaak van die sport vuisbal. Die respondente het ʼn vraelys voltooi wat gebruik is om hul aangetrokkenheid tot en gehegtheid aan ʼn vuisbalspan te meet. Tydens die onderhoud is agt afsonderlike behandelings aan die respondente vertoon, elk in die vorm van ʼn koerantknipsel op ʼn plakkaat wat gemanipuleer is met die gebruik van die beleggingsmodel se veranderlikes. Die agt plakkate het fiktiewe vuisbalspanne uitgebeeld om enige vooroordeel uit te skakel wat moontlik sou voorkom as ʼn ander sportsoort gebruik was. Daar was 36 respondente per behandelingsgroep om te verseker dat respondente tussen die verskillende vlakke van ondersteuners verdeel kon word. ‟n Herhalingsgroep is ook gebruik om die geldigheid van die studie te verseker. Die gerealiseerde steekproef het uit 318 respondente bestaan. Die teikenpopulasie was Suid-Afrikaanse ondersteuners in LSM-groepe 8 tot 10 aangesien hulle die meeste mediablootstelling ontvang het. Daar is gebruik gemaak van oordeelsteekproefneming, aangesien geen steekproefraamwerk vir ondersteuners bestaan nie. Respondente is in groot winkelsentrums in Gauteng geselekteer vanweë die kultuurdiverse aard van die provinsie. Die resultate het getoon dat, gebaseer op die vlak van ondersteuning, die vlak van gehegtheid aan ʼn sportspan varieer. Die resultate suggereer dat laevlakondersteuners meer geneë is om ʼn verbintenis te vorm as hoëvlakondersteuners. Hoëvlakondersteuners het reeds „n band met ʼn sportspan en voel nie noodwendig die behoefte om ʼn verhouding met ʼn ander sportspan te vestig nie. Daar word dus aanbeveel dat hoëvlakondersteuners aangetrek word deur inisiatiewe aan te bied waarby spanne betrokke is wat reeds vaste aanhangers het. Hoëvlakondersteuners is beskou as diegene wat ʼn verbintenis met ʼn sportspan het. Ten einde produkte en/of dienste op die effektiefste wyse te verpak en te lewer behoort sportbemarkers op hoëvlakondersteuners se ingesteldheid te fokus, aangesien dit hul ingesteldheid is wat hul gedrag rig. Volgens die bevindinge bestaan daar ʼn geleentheid vir sportbemarkers om, deur van die beleggingsmodel se veranderlikes gebruik te maak, laevlakondersteuners aan te moedig om hulle aan ʼn sportspan te verbind. Deur sosiale sielkunde met sportverbruikersgedrag te kombineer is ʼn beter verstaan van sportondersteuners bereik. Net soos daar tydens ʼn liefdesverhouding verskillende stadiums van hofmakery is wat uiteindelik tot ʼn huwelik kan lei, gaan die verhouding wat ondersteuners met ʼn sportspan het ook deur stadiums wat uiteindelik getroue ondersteuners kan oplewer. Die studie toon ook dat, net soos in ʼn verhouding waar individue eers net met mekaar uitgaan, en hulle later sterk aangetrokke raak tot mekaar, daar in sport ook ʼn dieper verhouding moet ontwikkel. Dit blyk dat die soort sport ʼn belangrike rol speel wanneer ondersteuners tot ʼn sportspan aangetrek word. Net soos by ʼn liefdesverhouding, hang die sportondersteuner se verbintenis ook af van die veranderlikes van die beleggingsmodel. produkte en/of dienste op die effektiefste wyse te verpak en te lewer behoort sportbemarkers op hoëvlakondersteuners se ingesteldheid te fokus, aangesien dit hul ingesteldheid is wat hul gedrag rig. Volgens die bevindinge bestaan daar 'n geleentheid vir sportbemarkers om, deur van die beleggingsmodel se veranderlikes gebruik te maak, laevlakondersteuners aan te moedig om hulle aan 'n sportspan te verbind. Deur sosiale sielkunde met sportverbruikersgedrag te kombineer is ʼn beter verstaan van sportondersteuners bereik. Net soos daar tydens 'n liefdesverhouding verskillende stadiums van hofmakery is wat uiteindelik tot 'n

The influence of human and social capital on the strategic entrepreneurial behaviour of businesswomen

Oostenbrink, Marlizanne 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to determine the type of decision-making approaches used by businesswomen, both intrapreneurs and entrepreneurs, under conditions of uncertainty, and how the human and social capital they possess influence their strategic entrepreneurial behaviour (SEB). Entrepreneurial decision making often takes place under uncertain conditions, in which rational models provide little guidance for decision makers. Effectuation is proposed as an alternative decision model to rationality, particularly for emerging opportunities. Although some exploratory work has been conducted on this school of thought, research gaps remain. Particularly, there is a lack of research on businesswomen, despite the fact that they are an important group of entrepreneurs within the economy with great potential to contribute to economic growth, development and employment generation. The study population was South African businesswomen, and the membership register of the South African Businesswomen's Association (BWA) was used as a sampling frame. An online survey was sent to all members and a total of 269 usable responses were obtained. Data were analysed with SPSS using descriptive and inferential statistical techniques. The findings indicate there are no significant differences between the decisionmaking approaches of intrapreneurs and entrepreneurs, and that they use both effectuation and causation when shaping and implementing new initiatives, while the literature argues that these two approaches are distinct and dichotomous. In using a causal approach, the respondents value planning and a systematic approach to new, uncertain projects, although they realise the benefit of flexibility and of limiting the downside loss to their decisions; therefore they also incorporate elements of effectual logic. Furthermore, businesswomen's ability to cultivate relationships plays an integral role in the SEB process for both effectuation and causation, with businesswomen emphasising their relationships with key stakeholders. Concerning businesswomen's human capital, the study finds that self-efficacy plays an important role in terms of businesswomen's confidence, and that it has an impact on both SEB decision-making approaches. Several theoretical, practical and educational implications arise from these findings. Theoretically, this study contributes to the decision-making literature by showing that businesswomen utilise both decision-making styles and do not merely rely on one or the other. Furthermore, it also shows that relationship cultivation and self-efficacy are significantly related to both SEB approaches. Practically, both businesswomen and other stakeholders, such as financial institutions, should recognise the relevance and importance of using both styles and not stress causation above effectuation, as is the case currently. Furthermore, entrepreneurial self-efficacy, which is relevant for both approaches to SEB, can be raised through investing in targeted training and education in female entrepreneurship. For entrepreneurship educators, these findings emphasise that courses should incorporate both decision-making styles and that these skills should be developed in students. Business management students should be taught that, while logical, planned and prediction-based causal approaches are appropriate under stable conditions, effectuation provides resources to approach uncertain conditions more effectively. In addition, entrepreneurial initiatives with a low degree of innovativeness also would be more suited to a predictive, casual approach, while initiatives with a higher degree of innovativeness would benefit from using effectual principles. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om die besluitnemingsmetodes van sakevroue, beide intrapreneurs en entrepreneurs, onder omstandighede van onsekerheid te bepaal en te bestudeer hoe die menslike en sosiale kapitaal wat hulle besit hul strategiese entrepreneuriese gedrag (SEG) beïnvloed. Entrepreneuriese besluitneming vind dikwels onder onsekere omstandighede plaas waar rasionele modelle min leiding aan besluitnemers verskaf. Effektuasie ("effectuation") word voorgestel as 'n alternatiewe besluitnemingsmodel tot rasionaliteit, spesifiek vir ontluikende geleenthede. Hoewel daar reeds verkennende navorsing in die veld gedoen is, is daar steeds navorsingsgapings. Daar is veral 'n tekort aan navorsing oor sakevroue ten spyte van die feit dat hulle een van die belangrikste groepe entrepreneurs binne die ekonomie is, met groot potensiaal om 'n bydrae tot ekonomiese groei, ontwikkeling en werkskepping te lewer. Die studiebevolking was Suid-Afrikaanse sakevroue, en die lederegister van die Suid-Afrikaanse Sakevrouevereniging (BWA) is as steekproefraamwerk gebruik. 'n Aanlynopname is aan al die lede gestuur en 'n totaal van 269 bruikbare antwoorde is ontvang. Data is ontleed met behulp van SPSS deur gebruik te maak van beskrywende en inferensiële statistiese tegnieke. Die bevindinge dui aan dat daar geen betekenisvolle verskil tussen die besluitnemingsbenaderings van intrapreneurs en entrepreneurs is nie en dat beide effektuasie ("effectuation") en kousaliteit ("causation") in die vorming en implementering van nuwe inisiatiewe gebruik word. Volgens die literatuur is hierdie twee besluitnemingsbenaderings egter duidelik onderskeibaar. In die gebruik van 'n kousale ("causal") benadering heg die respondente waarde aan beplanning en 'n sistematiese benadering tot nuwe, onseker projekte. Hulle besef egter die voordeel van buigsaamheid en die beperking van besluite wat met kousaliteit gepaard gaan; hulle neem dus ook elemente van effektuasie-logika in ag. Verder speel sakevroue se vermoë om verhoudings te kweek 'n integrale rol in die SEG-proses vir beide effektuasie ("effectuation") en kousaliteit ("causation"), met sakevroue wat hulle verhoudings met sleutel rolspelers beklemtoon. Met betrekking tot sakevroue se menslike kapitaal het die studie gevind dat self-doeltreffendheid 'n belangrike rol in terme van sakevroue se vertroue speel en dat dit 'n impak op beide SEGbesluitnemingsbenaderings het. Verskeie teoretiese, praktiese en opvoedkundige implikasies ontstaan uit hierdie bevindinge. Teoreties het hierdie studie bygedra tot besluitnemings-literatuur deur aan te toon dat sakevroue gebruik maak van albei besluitnemingstyle en nie net op een staatmaak nie. Die studie het ook gevind dat die kweek van verhoudings, asook selfdoeltreffendheid, beduidend verband hou met beide SEG-benaderings. Prakties moet sakevroue en ander belanghebbendes, soos finansiële instellings, die toepaslikheid en belangrikheid van die gebruik van beide style herken, en nie op kousaliteit klem lê bo effektuasie nie. Verder kan entrepreneuriese selfdoeltreffendheid, wat vir beide benaderings tot SEG relevant is, verhoog word deur in geteikende opleiding en onderrig oor vroulike entrepreneurskap te belê. Vir entrepreneurskapopvoeders beklemtoon hierdie bevindinge dat kursusse beide besluitnemingstyle in ag moet neem en dat hierdie vaardighede in studente ontwikkel moet word. Ondernemingsbestuurstudente moet leer dat hoewel logiese, beplande en voorspellingsgebaseerde kousaliteitsbenaderings onder stabiele omstandighede toepaslik is, effektuasie maniere bied om onsekere situasies meer effektief te benader. Entrepreneuriese inisiatiewe met 'n lae graad van innovasie is meer geskik vir 'n voorspellende, kousale benadering, terwyl inisiatiewe met 'n hoër mate van innovasie voordeel sal trek uit die gebruik van effektuasiebeginsels.

A study of the brand characteristics of Oakley

Peters, Wilhelm 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / Any brand has a specific identity that the company wants to portray to consumers in its target market – its brand identity – what the brand stands for. This is also the case for Oakley, a luxury brand competing in the sports and fashion industries. In essence the brand identity of a company is that what the brand is characterised by and what it stands for in the minds of consumers. By communicating its brand identity to consumers, a company create associations with the brand, which in turn forms the brand image that consumers have of the brand. The greater the degree to which consumers associate the brand with those characteristics that the brand in effect stands for, the greater the congruence between brand image and brand identity. The aim for a company is to realise a brand image in the minds of consumers that is similar, if not the same as the brand identity that it has identified for itself. In this study, the brand identity of Oakley is identified and the brand image that consumers have of the brand examined. The two concepts are then compared to find out to what degree the two are related and whether Oakley has in fact managed to portray their brand identity accurately (as reflected through the brand image). The relationship between price and quality for a brand represents the degree to which consumers believe the brand to be worth the money paid for it. It is widely believed that a brand with a high price is also of high quality and vice versa. This is not necessarily exclusively the case. The concept of quality and value differ from one individual to another, since it is based on the subjective perception of each individual. As mentioned earlier, associations form part of the brand image that consumers have of a brand. One of these associations might be their perception of quality of the brand, given the price of the brand. A luxury brand can charge a premium price, on the basis of various characteristics, one of which is the fact that the brand is perceived to be of high quality. Oakley is a luxury brand and charges a premium price. The study examines the quality and price of the brand by looking at the perceptions that consumers have of the brand with reference to the price/quality relationship, which represents one of the associations that contribute towards the formation of consumers’ brand image.

The effect of the senses on the perception of a brand

Van Jaarsveld, Karien 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Against the background of the challenge marketers face in influencing consumer perceptions of brands, this study attempts to assess the effect of the senses on the perception of a brand. Perception is the way in which consumers interpret the world around them, with the senses as the receptors of information from the environment. One way of influencing consumer perceptions is by stimulating or involving multiple senses in brand building. To test this statement, the following research question was drawn: ‘Do the senses affect the perception of a brand?’The empirical study was one of an experimental nature, and a 2 x 2 x 2 factorial design was used to assess the effect of the senses on the perception of a brand. In order to focus the research and to provide information to a leading distributor of alcohol spirits in South Africa, it was decided to concentrate on alcohol, more specifically, brandy. Due to the nature of the selected brand, sensory properties in relation to the product were used to measure the effect of the senses on brand perception. The nature of the brand is a consumable, and taste was used as the dependant variable to measure perceptions. The stimulated senses in the experiment are sight, sound and smell. The stimuli were: sight with the visible brandy colour, sound in the form of brandy being poured into a glass and smell as an enhanced honey aroma. Several experiments were conducted in a sensory laboratory, which assessed the effect of the senses on the perception of a brand, by way of individual main effects, two-way interactions and a three-way interaction. A convenience sample of 240 alcohol spirit consumers, from the Western Cape, was used to conduct the experiment. The empirical results indicated that the three independent variables (individual main effects or two-way interactions) did not have significant effects on perception. Most importantly, it was found that the three-way interaction of sight, sound and smell did have a significant effect on the perception of a brand. Therefore, this study revealed that multiple stimulated senses affect the perception of a brand. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie handel oor die effek van sintuie op persepsie van ’n handelsmerk, teen die agtergrond van die bemarkings uitdaging wat bemarkers teenstaan om verbruikers se persepsie van handelsmerke te beinvloed. Persepsie is die manier waarop verbruikers die wêreld interpreteer, met die sintuie as ontvangers van inligting vanuit die omgewing. Een manier waarop persepsies beinvloed kan word, is deur die stimulering en betrekking van ‘n meerderheid van sintuie met die bou van handelsmerke. Om hierdie stelling te toets is die volgende navorsingsvraag gestel: ‘Beinvloed die sintuie die perspesie van ‘n handelsmerk?’Die empiriese studie was eksperimenteel van aard, en ‘n 2 x 2 x 2 faktoriese ontwerp is gebruik om te bepaal wat die effek van die sintuie op ‘n handelsmerk persepsie is. Om inligting aan ‘n verspreider, wat ‘n markleier van alkohol spirietes in Suid-Afrika is, te verskaf, is daar besluit om op alkohol, en meer spesifiek, brandewyn te fokus. Weens die aard van die gekose handelsmerk is sensoriese eienskappe in verband met die produk gebruik om die effek van die sintuie op die handelsmerk te bepaal. Die produk is ‘n verbruikbare produk, en smaak is as die onveranderlike gebruik om persepsie te meet. Die gestimuleerde sintuie in die eksperiment was sig, klank en reuk. Die stimuli was: • sig met die sigbaarheid van die brandewyn kleur, • klank in die vorm van ‘n brandewyn wat geskink word en • reuk as ‘n beklemtoonde heuningreuk. Verskeie eksperimente is uitgevoer in ‘n sensoriese laborotorium om te bepaal wat die effek van die sintuie op die persepsie van ‘n handelsmerk is. ‘n Geriefliksheidsteekproefmetode van 240 verbruikers, van die Wes Kaap, was gebruik om die eksperiment uit te voer. Hierdie respondente was almal alkohol verbruikers wat ook spirietes gebruik. Die empiriese resultate het getoon dat die drie veranderlikes (individuele hoof effekte of tweerigting interaksies) geen beduidende effek op persepsie gehad het nie. Die belangrikste bevinding was die dat die drierigting interaksie van sig, klank en reuk wel ‘n beduidende effek op die persepsie van ‘n handelsmerk gehad het. Die studie het getoon dat, dus veelvoudige gestimuleerde sintuie die persepsie van ‘n handelsmerk beinvloed.

Developing a scale to measure the benefits of co-production in the tourism industry

Taljaard, Aimee 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Value underlies the notion of marketing, yet it has not received as much attention in marketing literature as it demands. The importance of value co-creation and co-production has confirmed the importance of the active role customers play in value creation. Customers use functional and emotional benefits to guide their interactions with suppliers, which stem from value perceptions. To attract customers to engage in co-production, suppliers offer certain benefits via their value propositions, requiring suppliers to have a thorough understanding of these benefits to incorporate them into their co-production interactions. This study sets out to develop a scale to measure the benefits customers seek from their co-production interactions with suppliers in the travel planning context, because of the inherent nature of interaction, customisation and active customer participation in the ‘production’ of a trip. To develop a reliable and valid instrument to measure the benefits of co-production, Churchill’s (1979) scale development paradigm was followed in the present research design. Exploratory research in the form of a literature review, insight-stimulating examples, and in-depth interviews with tourism suppliers and travel customers were undertaken to specify the domain, define the construct, identify the dimensions, and generate a pool of 323 items, which was refined in two purification phases. Initially 10 benefit dimensions were proposed: customisation, convenience, confidence, expertise, enjoyment, exploration, financial, support, social and symbolic benefits. The pool of 323 items was subjected to expert judging, resulting in a 64-item scale measuring the 10 benefit dimensions. The questionnaire was formatted into an online survey to collect a convenience sample of 269 responses. The results of an exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach alpha estimates reduced this conceptualisation to 32 items measuring six dimensions: convenience, customisation, expertise, psychological, financial, and support benefits. The revised scale was used in a second purification phase to collect a judgement sample of 565 responses. A confirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach alpha estimates were used to reduce the scale to 19 items, measuring three benefit dimensions: functional, financial, and psychological benefits. The final scale exhibited an acceptable model fit, and showed strong evidence of reliability and validity, therefore achieving the objective of the study. The study concludes with a reliable and valid instrument for academics and practitioners to measure the benefits of co-production in the tourism industry. The scale provides academics with empirical insight into the gap between conditions prior to customer participation and active customer participation in co-production. The scale enables travel agents to identify deficiencies in their co-production processes, and to evaluate the extent to which customer benefits are met. Once travel agents are aware of these benefits they can be integrated into their values propositions and co-production interactions. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Waarde is onderliggend tot die idee van bemarking, maar dit geniet nie die aandag in bemarkingsliteratuur wat dit verdien nie. Die belangrikheid van waarde mede-skepping en mede-produksie het die gewig van die aktiewe rol wat kliënte speel in waarde-skepping bevestig. Kliënte word gelei deur funksionele en emosionele voordele gedurende hulle interaksies met verskaffers. Hierdie voordele spruit uit waarde persepsies. Om kliënte aan te moedig om aan mede-produksie deel te neem, bied verskaffers sekere voordele in hul waarde aanbiedings. Dit vereis dat verskaffers 'n goeie begrip moet hê van hierdie voordele sodat dit geïnkorporeer kan word in hulle mede-produksie. Hierdie studie se doel is om ‘n skaal te onwikkel wat die voordele wat kliënte rakende hulle mede-produksie interaksies soek met verskaffers sal meet. Die skaal is ontwikkel binne die konteks van reis beplanning in die toerismebedryf. Dit is as gevolg van die inherente aard van interaksie, aanpassing en aktiewe kliënt deelname in die ‘produksie’ van sulke beplanning. Om ‘n betroubare en geldige skaal te ontwikkel wat die voordele van mede-produksie meet, is die skaal ontwikkeling paradigma van Churchill (1979) gevolg in die huidige navorsingsuitleg. Verkennende navorsing in die vorm van 'n literatuurstudie, insig-stimulerende voorbeelde en in-diepte onderhoude met toerisme verskaffers en reiskliënte is onderneem om die domein te spesifiseer, die konstruk te definieer, die dimensies te identifiseer en 'n poel van 323 items te genereer wat in twee suiweringsfases verfyn is. Aanvanklik is 10 voordeel dimensies voorgestel: customisation, convenience, confidence, expertise, enjoyment, exploration, financial, support, social en symbolic. Die poel van 323 items is aan ’n paneel van kundiges voorgeleê en 'n 64-item skaal het hieruit voortgevloei. 'n Aanlyn-opname is gebruik en 'n gerieflikheidsteekproef het tot 269 response gelei. Die resultate van 'n exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis en Cronbach alpha analises het die 'n 64-item skaal konseptualisering tot 32 items verminder wat ses voordele dimensies meet: convenience, customisation, expertise, psychological, financial, en support. Die hersiene skaal is gebruik in 'n tweede suiweringsfase en die steekproef het 565 response gehad. Die resultate van ‘n confirmtory factor analysis en Cronbach alpha metings het die skaal verder verminder tot 19 items, meet drie voordele dimensies: functional, financial en psychological. Die finale skaal stel uit 'n aanvaarbare modelpassing, en het sterk bewyse van betroubaarheid en geldigheid en derhalwe is die doel van die studie bereik. Die studie sluit af met 'n betroubare en geldige instrument wat dit moontlik maak vir akademici en praktisyns om die voordele van mede-produksie in die toerisme-industrie te meet. Die skaal bied akademici met empiriese insig tot die gaping tussen die toestande voor deelname en na aktiewe kliënte deelname in mede-produksie. Die skaal sal reisagente in staat stel om leemtes in hul mede-produksie prosesse te identifiseer, en die voordele wat die kliënt uit die mede-produksie uit pit te meet. Sodra reisagente bewus is van hierdie voordele kan hulle die voordele ïntegreer in hulle waarde aanbiedings en mede-produksie interaksies.

Cellphone banking adoption and continuance of use in an internet banking context : a study of consumers'cross-channel cognitive evaluations

Nel, Jacques 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The convergence of the Internet, wireless technologies, and mobile devices has led to the development of a new paradigm of transacting, namely, mobile commerce. Because banking activities are easily digitised and automated, banks have seized the mobile transacting opportunity and have developed cellphone banking applications that allow more flexibility for bank clients than internet banking in terms of anywhere, anytime banking. For banks, considering the benefits associated with multi-channel customers, the ideal situation would be that bank clients using internet banking also adopt and continue to use cellphone banking in the future. Therefore, to assist marketing managers with the development of marketing strategies to enhance the concurrent use of internet and cellphone banking, this study investigates the influence of internet banking cognitive evaluations on the perceived usefulness and the perceived ease of use of cellphone banking in the formation of the intention to use and the continuance of use intention of cellphone banking. A literature review revealed that two consumer behaviour theories can guide crosschannel cognitive evaluations between the internet banking and cellphone banking channel namely, expectation-transfer theory and status quo bias theory. In the context of this study, expectation-transfer theory can explain cross-channel evaluative synergies from the internet banking channel to the cellphone banking channel, as well as dissynergies; whilst status quo bias underpins only evaluative dissynergies. These theories point to internet banking beliefs that could influence the perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness of cellphone banking. Based on the literature review, a conceptual model was developed of the formation of intention to use and the continuance of use intention of cellphone banking in an internet banking context. To assess the validity of the model empirically, data were collected from 678 users of only internet banking and 491 users of both internet and cellphone banking. The data collected in the empirical phase of the study were analysed using the structural equations modelling (SEM) software program AMOS 20.0. The results revealed that the perceived convenience and time saving of internet banking positively influence the perceived usefulness of cellphone banking for the users of both internet and cellphone banking. On the other hand, only the perceived convenience of internet banking influenced the cellphone banking usefulness perceptions of the users of only internet banking. Furthermore, internet banking trust and risk perceptions only influenced the cellphone banking usefulness perceptions of the users of only internet banking. Expectation-transfer in both cohorts was also confirmed between the ease of use perceptions of internet banking and the perceived ease of use of cellphone banking. The results also confirmed that internet banking facilitating conditions negatively influence the perceived usefulness of cellphone banking (evidence of status quo bias). The theoretical contribution of the study is apparent at three different levels. Firstly, the conceptual model of cross-channel cognitive evaluations extends the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) with beliefs of a related technology as the determinants of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. Secondly, the study provides more insights into how cross-channel cognitive evaluations influence the formation of intention to use and the continuance of use intention of cellphone banking. And lastly, the study identifies additional sources of expectation-transfer and status-quo bias in the multichannel marketing context. The study provides valuable insights into internet – cellphone banking multi-channel consumer behaviour that should be considered by managers in the development of cellphone banking marketing strategies. To facilitate the conversion from internet banking to the concurrent usage of internet and cellphone banking, managers of cellphone banking services must ensure that the internet banking service is reliable and risk free. Equally important, cellphone banking must be marketed as a complementary channel to internet banking. In other words, the usefulness of cellphone banking must be emphasised in situations when the bank client is not near a computer to do internet banking or when he/she does not have the time or money to use a computer for internet banking. And lastly, to enhance the adoption of cellphone banking marketing communications must emphasise the similarities between internet and cellphone banking so that expectation-transfer between the two channels can influence behavioural intentions to adopt cellphone banking. Based on the results of the study, several recommendations can be made to enhance the continuance of use of cellphone banking. Firstly, marketing communications must remind the concurrent users of internet and cellphone banking of why they are using cellphone banking. The most important reason to remind them of is the usefulness of cellphone banking in situations where there is a lack of internet banking facilitating conditions. Marketing managers should also take note that cellphone banking users do not draw on internet banking trust and risk perceptions to form perceptions of the usefulness of cellphone banking. It may be that they only consider trust and risk perceptions directly related to cellphone banking. This conclusion emphasises the importance of cellphone banking trust and risk perceptions in cellphone banking continuance of use behaviour. Finally, the study quantified the influence of internet banking cognitive evaluations on the formation of intention to use and the continuance of use intention of cellphone banking. Considering this result, the study provides valuable information for marketing managers of cellphone services. The methodology employed can also guide future studies exploring cross-channel evaluations in a multi-channel marketing context. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die sameloop van maklike toegang tot die Internet, die ontwikkeling van draadlose tegnologieë en die beskikbaarheid van mobiele toestelle het gelei tot ʼn nuwe transaksieparadigma, naamlik mobiele handel. Aangesien bankaktiwiteite maklik digitiseer en outomatiseer, het banke die mobiele verrigtingsgeleentheid aangegryp en selfoonbankaanwendings ontwikkel wat vir bankkliënte meer buigsaamheid as internetbankdienste inhou wat ‘enige plek, enige tyd’ bankwese betref. Gegewe die voordele van multikanaal gebruik, is die ideaal vir banke dat kliënte wat internetbankdienste gebruik, ook selfoonbankdienste aanvaar en in die toekoms bly gebruik. Met die oog daarop om bemarkingsbestuurders by te staan in die ontwikkeling van bemarkingstrategieë om die gelyktydige gebruik van internet- en selfoonbankdienste te bevorder, ondersoek hierdie studie die invloed van kognitiewe evaluerings oor internetbankwese op die waargenome nuttigheid en waargenome maklike gebruik van selfoonbankdienste in die vorming van die gebruiksvoorneme en voortgesette gebruiksvoorneme ten opsigte van selfoonbankdienste. ʼn Literatuuroorsig het getoon dat twee verbruikersgedragsteorieë kruiskanaal kognitiewe evaluerings tussen die internetbankkanaal en selfoonbankkanaal kan voorlig, naamlik, Verwagtingsoordragteorie (“Expectation-transfer Theory”) en Status Quo Vooroordeel Teorie (“Status Quo Bias Theory”). In die konteks van hierdie studie kan Verwagtingsoordragteorie kruiskanaalevalueringsinergieë en dissinergieë van die internetbankkanaal na die selfoonbankkanaal toe verduidelik, terwyl Status Quo Vooroordeel Teorie slegs evaluerende dissinergieë stut. Hierdie teorieë belig internetbankoortuigings wat die waargenome nuttigheid en waargenome maklike gebruik van selfoonbankdienste kan beïnvloed. ʼn Konseptuele model van die vorming van die gebruiksvoorneme en voortgesette gebruiksvoorneme van selfoonbankdienste in ʼn internetbankkonteks is op grond van die literatuuroorsig ontwikkel. Met die oog daarop om die geldigheid van die model empiries te bepaal, is data van 678 gebruikers van slegs internet bankdienste en 491 gebruikers van internet sowel as selfoonbankdienste ingesamel. Die data wat tydens die empiriese fase van die studie ingesamel is, is met behulp van die strukturele vergelykingsmodelleringsagtewareprogram (“structural equations modelling” (SEM)) AMOS 20.0 analiseer. Volgens die resultate het die waargenome gerieflikheid en tydbesparing van internetbankwese die waargenome nuttigheid van selfoonbankdienste positief beïnvloed by gebruikers van beide internet en selfoonbankdienste. Hierteenoor het slegs die waargenome gerieflikheid van internetbankdienste die selfoonbankdiensnuttigheidswaarnemings van gebruikers van slegs internetbankdienste beïnvloed. Verder het internetbankdiensvertroue en risikowaarnemings slegs die selfoonbankdiensnuttigheid van die gebruikers van slegs internetbankdienste beïnvloed. Verwagtingsoordrag in beide kohorte is ook bevestig tussen die maklike gebruik persepsies van internetbankdienste en die waargenome maklike gebruik van selfoonbankdienste. Die resultate bevestig ook dat internetbankfasiliteringsomstandighede die waargenome nuttigheid van selfoonbankdienste negatief beïnvloed (manifestering van status quo vooroordeel). Die teoretiese bydrae van die studie blyk op drie vlakke. Eerstens brei die konseptuele model van kruiskanaal kognitiewe evaluerings die Tegnologie Aanvaardingsmodel (“Technology Acceptance Model” (TAM)) uit ten opsigte van oortuigings oor ʼn verwante tegnologie as die bepalers van waargenome nuttigheid en waargenome maklike gebruik. Die studie bied tweedens ook insigte in hoe kruiskanaal kognitiewe evaluerings die vorming van gebruiksvoorneme en voortgesette gebruiksvoorneme van selfoonbankdienste beïnvloed. Die studie identifiseer laastens ook addisionele verwagtingsoordrag- en status quo vooroordeel bronne in die multikanaalbemarkingskonteks. Die studie bied waardevolle insig oor internet – selfoonbankmultikanaal-verbruikersgedrag wat bestuurders in die ontwikkeling van selfoonbank-diensbemarkingstrategieë moet oorweeg. Om die oorskakeling van internetbankdienste na die gelyktydige gebruik van internet en selfoonbankdienste te fasiliteer, moet bestuurders van selfoonbankdienste verseker dat internetbankdienste betroubaar en risikovry is. Wat net so belangrik is, is dat selfoonbankwese as ʼn komplementêre kanaal tot internet bankwese bemark moet word. Die nuttigheid van selfoonbankwese moet, met ander woorde, beklemtoon word in situasies waar die kliënt nie naby ʼn rekenaar is vir internetbankgebruik nie of wanneer hy/sy nie die geld of tyd het om ʼn rekenaar vir internetbankdienste te gebruik nie. Laastens, om die aanvaarding van selfoonbankwese te versterk, moet bemarkingskommunikasiemateriaal die ooreenkomste tussen internet en selfoonbankwese op so ʼn wyse beklemtoon dat verwagtingsoordrag tussen die twee kanale gedragsvoornemens om selfoonbankdienste te aanvaar, beïnvloed. Verskeie aanbevelings spruit voort uit die resultate oor hoe die voortgesette gebruik van selfoonbankdienste verhoog kan word. Eerstens moet bemarkingskommunikasieboodskappe die gelyktydige gebruikers van internet en selfoonbankwese herinner waarom hulle selfoonbankdienste gebruik. Die belangrikste rede in hierdie verband is die nuttigheid van selfoonbankwese in situasies waar internetbankfasiliteringsomstandighede afwesig is. Bemarkingsbestuurders moet ook in ag neem dat selfoonbankgebruikers nie op internetbankvertroue en risikowaarnemings steun om persepsies oor die nuttigheid van selfoonbankwese te vorm nie. Hulle oorweeg waarskynlik net vertroue en risikopersepsies wat direk met selfoonbankdienste verband hou. Hierdie gevolgtrekking beklemtoon die belangrikheid van vertroue in selfoonbankdienste en riskowaarnemings in voortgesette selfoonbankgebruikgedrag. Laastens, die studie kwantifiseer die invloed van kognitiewe evaluering oor internetbankwese in die vorming van selfoonbankwese gebruiksvoorneme en voortgesette gebruiksvoorneme. Veral in die lig van hierdie resultaat bied die studie waardevolle inligting vir selfoonbankdiensbemarkingsbestuurders. Die metodes wat gebruik is, kan ook verdere studies waarin kruiskanaalevaluerings in ʼn multikanaal-bemarkingskonteks ondersoek word, rig.

An investigation into the employability skills of undergraduate Business Management students / Marlé Geel

Geel, Marlé January 2015 (has links)
The globalised world of business is driven by employers with a demand for employees who are skilled in teamwork, communication, problem solving and self-management. In particular new entrants such as graduates need to possess these skills to function effectively in the working environment. However, employers are concerned with graduates’ employability level, due to their inability to find graduates with the required skills to effectively contribute and adapt to the working environment. The employability skills of graduates depend largely on the role of universities in the development of these skills. Therefore, more national and international universities are focusing on enhancing the employability of graduates by collating job-market and economic information. Although this input by universities suggests a signal of change, these initiatives are still not enough to ensure the employability of graduates or their effective functioning in the working environment. The primary objective of this study is to investigate final-year undergraduate business management students’ ability to perform the pertinent employability skills which are deemed essential in the business environment. In this study the participants’ ability to demonstrate four employability skills on specific levels were measured. These skills include problem solving, communication, teamwork and self-management. In this study a multi-methods approach was used to collect, analyse and report data. Multimethods include both quantitative and qualitative research methods. The quantitative method was used for analysing aspects of problem solving, communication (written and oral) and teamwork by using different tests to determine the participants’ skill levels. The qualitative method was used for collecting and report on other aspects of problem solving and selfmanagement. A total of 45 final-year undergraduate business management students took part in this study. Data entry, tabulation and statistical analysis of quantitative data were done by the Statistical Consultation Services of the North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus) whereas qualitative data were analysed by an external expert as well as the researcher. The results of this study indicate that students are not yet fully competent to demonstrate these employability skills at the end of their studies, which places considerable pressure on universities and lecturers to empower students with employability skills. Although it might seem that employers have high expectations for graduates, employers do not expect candidates to be completely competent when they enter the work environment. The candidates are expected to be able to learn, adapt in the work environment and develop the skills needed for their specific work. It is recommended that universities must implement skills development strategies and develop close relationships with the private sector in order to establish work-integrated learning initiatives. Students are also expected to develop their own skills by taking initiative and taking responsibility for their own learning and development. Henceforth, it is recommended that lecturers develop their own educational abilities to be able to develop students’ employability skills. The most essential limitations of this study include time constraints and limited funding. The magnitude of data collection also limited the study to focus only on four employability skills namely problem solving, communication (written and oral), teamwork and self-management, pertaining to the employability skills of graduates. / MCom (Business Management)|cNorth-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

An investigation into the employability skills of undergraduate Business Management students / Marlé Geel

Geel, Marlé January 2015 (has links)
The globalised world of business is driven by employers with a demand for employees who are skilled in teamwork, communication, problem solving and self-management. In particular new entrants such as graduates need to possess these skills to function effectively in the working environment. However, employers are concerned with graduates’ employability level, due to their inability to find graduates with the required skills to effectively contribute and adapt to the working environment. The employability skills of graduates depend largely on the role of universities in the development of these skills. Therefore, more national and international universities are focusing on enhancing the employability of graduates by collating job-market and economic information. Although this input by universities suggests a signal of change, these initiatives are still not enough to ensure the employability of graduates or their effective functioning in the working environment. The primary objective of this study is to investigate final-year undergraduate business management students’ ability to perform the pertinent employability skills which are deemed essential in the business environment. In this study the participants’ ability to demonstrate four employability skills on specific levels were measured. These skills include problem solving, communication, teamwork and self-management. In this study a multi-methods approach was used to collect, analyse and report data. Multimethods include both quantitative and qualitative research methods. The quantitative method was used for analysing aspects of problem solving, communication (written and oral) and teamwork by using different tests to determine the participants’ skill levels. The qualitative method was used for collecting and report on other aspects of problem solving and selfmanagement. A total of 45 final-year undergraduate business management students took part in this study. Data entry, tabulation and statistical analysis of quantitative data were done by the Statistical Consultation Services of the North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus) whereas qualitative data were analysed by an external expert as well as the researcher. The results of this study indicate that students are not yet fully competent to demonstrate these employability skills at the end of their studies, which places considerable pressure on universities and lecturers to empower students with employability skills. Although it might seem that employers have high expectations for graduates, employers do not expect candidates to be completely competent when they enter the work environment. The candidates are expected to be able to learn, adapt in the work environment and develop the skills needed for their specific work. It is recommended that universities must implement skills development strategies and develop close relationships with the private sector in order to establish work-integrated learning initiatives. Students are also expected to develop their own skills by taking initiative and taking responsibility for their own learning and development. Henceforth, it is recommended that lecturers develop their own educational abilities to be able to develop students’ employability skills. The most essential limitations of this study include time constraints and limited funding. The magnitude of data collection also limited the study to focus only on four employability skills namely problem solving, communication (written and oral), teamwork and self-management, pertaining to the employability skills of graduates. / MCom (Business Management)|cNorth-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

A methodology to link strategic quality requirements to operational activities in manufacturing

Cooke, G. January 2010 (has links)
Organisations can deploy Total Quality Management (TQM) through company quality programmes in order to achieve improved business performance. A review and analysis of TQM literature found that the areas of strategic quality management, quality practices and quality activities (tools and techniques) have evolved largely independently without relationships being established. Employee involvement (EI) is a key element of TQM yet the involvement of individuals in specific quality activities is an under-researched topic. The aim of this research is to propose a framework which links these areas and provides a methodology for manufacturing organisations to use to link quality activities to strategic quality requirements and therefore facilitate the management of their quality programme. Exploratory case study research has underpinned the research methods adopted. Information about the deployment of TQM through quality programmes via quality practices and quality activities was gathered through interviews, documentation and surveys. Specific details regarding the actual quality activities engaged in by individuals were obtained by participant observation. The data was evaluated both within case and cross case using a selection of methods. Findings have resulted in the creation of two unique frameworks. The first, the Quality Programme, Quality Activities and Performance (QPQAP) framework, provides a structure to link strategic quality requirements to quality activities via performance measures and includes a feedback process to facilitate continuous improvement and sustain the quality programme. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) has been adapted to deploy the QPQAP Framework and an analysis process developed. The second framework describes an Activity Classification System (ACS) that can be used to categorise and analyse an individual’s day-to-day quality activities and judge the application and effectiveness of these activities. Combined, these frameworks provide a Quality Programme Management Framework which enables organisations to make decisions about the application of quality activities and adjustments necessary to improve performance and fulfil strategic quality requirements.

Assessing brand fit using conjoint analysis

Bucker, Silke 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Many studies have been conducted on the occurrence of brand image transfer, but very few of them have focused on one of the most important determinants of such transfer namely, brand fit. Brand image transfer is the transfer of brand associations, attributed to another entity, to the brand, while brand fit has been defined as a consumer learning process that seeks to match those brand associations held of the relevant brands involved. This study proposes to assess brand fit. Since a variety of brands were involved in this study, conjoint analysis was used as a method of assesing brand fit. In particular, choice-based conjoint analysis was singled out because of its capability to allow the relative advantage of brands considered jointly to be ascertained. Brands might not be able to be measured if taken one at a time. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods were employed in order to assess brand fit using conjoint analysis, which was the main reason for this study. Rugby sponsorships were chosen to asses brand fit, as this particular game is the second most-watched sport in South Africa, with the highest monetary value attached to its sponsorships at the time of this study. The qualitative research was accomplished by using focus groups to determine which brands were typically perceived to be associated with the Springbok rugby brand. The different industries and brands used in the focus groups were selected on the grounds of their being current, previous, and potential sponsors of the Springbok rugby brand. The quantitative research was conducted by means of an online questionnaire, sent via a link in an email to a chosen database on the social networking site, ‘Facebook’. A screening question served to ensure that only rugby supporters would be eligible to complete the survey. The information was captured in ‘real time’ in the conjoint analysis software, thereby determining which brands were perceived to best fit the Springbok rugby brand. The realised sample was composed of a younger, more male-dominated group. All respondents were also Springbok supporters who possessed sufficient knowledge on the Springbok brand and sponsors. There were six brands identified to fit the Springbok rugby brand, namely, Castle, Vodacom, SASOL, Canterbury, Nike, and Adidas. These identified brands proved that the study did indeed assess brand fit using conjoint analysis. Conclusions were drawn that brand fit could be established in a variety of ways. The most dominant ways were by leveraging the sponsorship, and also by sponsoring on a continuing basis. These two ways serve to inform consumers of the sponsorship, making them aware of the brands, and building the basis of brand fit in their minds. Brand fit was also achieved based on similar brand images of the two different brands. It was found that brand fit was absolutely essential for a successful brand image transfer. Before undertaking a sponsorship, it is important to establish if a perceived brand fit between the various brands will be perceived. If not, additional leveraging of the sponsorship, by means of a marketing campaign, should be used to teach consumers the basis of the brand fit between the various brands. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Talle studies is reeds uitgevoer aangaande handelsmerk beeld oordrag, maar baie min van hierdie studies het gefokus op een van die belangrikste determinante van diesins, naamlik handelsmerk pas. Handelsmerk beeld oordrag is die oordrag van die handelsmerk assosiasies, toegeskryf aan ‘n spesifieke entiteit, na die betrokke handelsmerk, terwyl handelsmerk pas gedefinieër word as 'n verbruiker leerproses wat poog om die handelsmerk assosiasies van die betrokke handelsmerke te laat pas. Hierdie studie poog om handelsmerk pas te beoordeel. As gevolg van die verskeidenheid handelsmerke betrokke in hierdie studie is vereenigde analise gebruik as 'n metode om handelsmerk pas te beoordeel. Besluitneming-gebaseerde vereenigde analise is gekies aangesien dit die vermoë het om die relatiewe voordeel van handelsmerke wat as gesamentlik beskou word vas te stel. Handelsmerke sal nie akkuraat gemeet word op individuele basis nie. Kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe navorsing is gedoen om handelsmerk pas te beoordeel met behulp van vereenigde analise, en dit was die hoof doelwit van hierdie studie. Rugby borgskappe is gekies om handelsmerk pas te beoordeel aangesien dit die tweede grootste kykertal in Suid-Afrika het, asook die hoogste monetêre waarde geheg aan borgskappe gedurende die tyd van hierdie studie. Kwalitatiewe navorsing is gedoen, met behulp van fokusgroepe, om te bepaal watter handelsmerke geassosieër word met die Springbok rugby handelsmerk. Die verskillende industrieë en handelsmerke gebruik in die fokus groepe is geselekteer deur die navorser op grond van huidige, vorige en potensiële borgskap van die Springbok rugby handelsmerk. Kwantitatiewe navorsing is gedoen met behulp van 'n aanlyn vraelys wat gestuur is deur 'n skakel in 'n epos aan 'n gekose databasis op die sosiale netwerk, Facebook. 'n Siftings vraag het verseker dat net rugby ondersteuners die opname voltooi. Die inligting is, soos ingesleutel deur respondente, in die vereenigde analise sagteware opgeneem. Sodoende was handelsmerke waargeneem as die wat die beste pas het met die Springbok rugby handelsmerk, bepaal. Die steekproef het bestaan uit 'n jonger, manlike dominerende groep respondente. Al die respondente was inderdaad Springbok ondersteuners met voldoende kennis oor die Springbok handelsmerk, asook Springbok borge. Ses handelsmerke is geïdentifiseer om te pas by die Springbok rugby handelsmerk, naamlik Castle, Vodacom, SASOL, Canterbury, Nike en Adidas. Hierdie geïdentifiseerde handelsmerke bewys dat die studie inderdaad handelsmerk pas beoordeel het met behulp van vereenigde analise. Gevolgtrekkings is gemaak dat handelsmerk pas op ‘n verskeidenheid maniere kan ontstaan. Die mees dominante is advertering van die borgskap asook, om ‘n borgskap te onderhou op ‘n deurlopende basis. Dit lig die verbruikers in aangaande die borgskap, maak hulle bewus van die borgskap tussen die twee handelsmerke, en vorm ‘n basis waarop handelsmek pas by verbruikers kan plaasvind. Handelsmerk pas is ook bereik onder handelsmerke met soortgelyke handelsmerk beelde. Dit is gevind dat handelsmerk pas absoluut noodsaaklik is vir 'n suksesvolle handelsmerk beeld oordrag. Voordat enige borgskap onderneem word, is dit belangrik om vas te stel of verbruikers wel ‘n passing tussen die verskillende betrokke handelsmerke, waarneem. Indien nie, sal ekstra bemarking rondom die borgskap gedoen moet word deur middel van 'n bemarkingsveldtog, om die verbruikers in te lig, op grond van wat, handelsmerk pas tussen die verskeie handelsmerke gevorm kan word.

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