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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comparative analysis of the performance of Asian and Black-owned small supermarkets in rural areas of Thulamela Municipality, South Africa

Nkondo, Livhuwani Gladys 18 September 2017 (has links)
Institute for Rural Development / PhDRDV / Studies conducted in some parts of the world have highlighted the fact that Asian-owned small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) always thrive better than those that other racial groups own. For example, a Global Entrepreneurship Monitor study revealed that in South Africa, Blacks owned few businesses and rarely took advantage of the entrepreneurial opportunities available to them even though there are policies that underpin the promotion of SMME. The aim of this study was to compare the determinants of performance of Asian and Black-owned small supermarkets in Thulamela Local Municipality. Specific objectives of the study were to: (1) assess the indicators of performance of small supermarkets; (2) compare the performance factors of Asian- and Black-owned small supermarkets; and (3) suggest intervention strategies to improve the performance of the small supermarkets. A cross-sectional study underpinned by a mixed methods approach and techniques was applied in two sequentially integrated phases. The first phase was qualitative in nature and participants were officials from the Local Economic Development units in Thulamela Local and Vhembe District Municipalities, representatives of Associations of Business Owners, Blacks (Venda and Shangaan speaking) small supermarket owners and Asian (Indians/Pakistanis and Chinese) small supermarket owners. Snowball sampling was used to select interviewees. Data was analysed using the Atlas- ti.7.0.81 software. The second phase was quantitative in nature. Small supermarket owners who were involved during qualitative phase also participated in phase two. Data was analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) ver 24.0 for windows. Mann-Whitney tests were conducted to establish if there were differences in the perceptions of participants due to race, gender and geographic location. The indicators of success commonly mentioned were number of employees, profit, survival of the business over a long period, and stock or inventory and growths. Asian-owned small supermarkets were performing better because they used more effective and efficient purchasing plus supply systems. Their collectivist culture and networking abilities made them realise higher levels of efficiency when purchasing goods compared to the Black entrepreneurs. Black-owned small supermarkets were performing poorly because of their weak entrepreneurship culture, human capital and business ties. Unfair competition from spaza shops negatively affected their performance. Other factors hindering the performance of the latter were crime and rigid labour laws. In small supermarkets owned by Asians, shoplifting and burglaries were monitored using surveillance cameras during the day. Security companies were deployed during night hours. iii Regarding perception of motivation to start a business, there were significant differences due to race of small supermarket owners and location or area of operation (P < 0.05). Significant differences in perception (P < 0.05) among the races and due to gender and location were attributed to the culture of business owners. Effects of social capital on performance of small supermarkets were reported (P < 0.01). Based on the findings of this study, small supermarket owners should strengthen their human capital through participating in training programmes, especially on supply chain management, marketing and financing. The need for creating networks that help to access information needed to take advantage of the support from the state institutions and the non-governmental sector was evident. Thus, it was concluded that improved performance of small supermarkets could be realised through strengthening human capital, joint purchasing, establishing effective networks and diversifying business activities.

Desarrollo de una propuesta metodológica para medir el impacto que tiene la aplicación de prácticas de Total Quality Management sobre el rendimiento organizacional en Pymes

Andrade Arteaga, Carla Alexandra 21 March 2022 (has links)
[ES] El contexto mundial actual de competitividad global hace que las empresas deban invertir muchos de sus recursos en ofrecer productos y servicios de calidad a precios competitivos. Desde hace muchos años el cliente demanda un producto de alta calidad y puede escoger entre muchas empresas de dónde obtenerlo, lo que hace que estas deban articular los mecanismos necesarios para ofrecer el nivel de calidad requerido en sus productos/servicios invirtiendo la menor cantidad de recursos posible. En este sentido, muchas empresas llevan años aplicando técnicas o herramientas de gestión de calidad, como por ejemplo Kaizen, control estadístico de calidad o diseño de experimentos por nombrar algunas, que les ayuden a alcanzar dicho nivel de calidad. Así, es ampliamente aceptada la existencia de una correlación entre la aplicación de técnicas de Gestión de Calidad Total (TQM) y la mejora del rendimiento empresarial que dará lugar a mayores beneficios. Sin embargo, a pesar de que se pueden encontrar numerosos trabajos científicos que relacionan la aplicación de TQM y el rendimiento empresarial, entendido éste como una parte concreta de la organización tal como producción o innovación, la cuantificación del efecto de TQM sobre el rendimiento empresarial global, utilizando un enfoque estratégico y equilibrado a través de un Cuadro de Mando Integral (CMI), es un tema de investigación actual no abordado hasta el momento y que se pretende desarrollar en esta Tesis Doctoral. Con este enfoque, las empresas obtendrán información adicional relevante para la toma de decisiones, respecto a cuáles son las técnicas y elementos de TQM que más impactan en su rendimiento organizacional estratégico y equilibrado, por lo que deberían ser priorizadas. Además, la aplicación de técnicas TQM genera directamente una serie de mejoras a nivel táctico-operativo en las organizaciones, por lo que las relaciones entre las técnicas TQM, el rendimiento empresarial estratégico medido y gestionado mediante un CMI y las mejoras empresariales mencionadas, son estudiadas y analizadas en profundidad en la presente Tesis Doctoral. A tal fin, en primer lugar se efectúa un estado del arte donde se analizan publicaciones científicas relevantes para demostrar la existencia de un hueco investigador. A continuación, se diseña una propuesta metodológica de seis fases para cuantificar el impacto de los elementos de TQM sobre el rendimiento organizacional, en el contexto de un CMI y en PYMES, siendo dichas fases: Fase 1. Definición de los elementos estructurales. Fase 2. Establecimiento del equipo de trabajo. Fase 3. Selección de los elementos. Fase 4. Determinación de la técnica MCDA. Fase 5. Aplicación de la técnica MCDA. Fase 6. Análisis de resultados. Entonces, las fases de la propuesta son aplicadas a una PYME del sector del petróleo en Ecuador y se presentan los resultados obtenidos en dicha aplicación. Finalmente, se establecen una serie de conclusiones generales y se enuncian unas líneas futuras de investigación. / [CA] El context mundial actual de competitivitat global fa que les empreses hagin d'invertir molts dels seus recursos a oferir productes i serveis d'alta qualitat a preus competitius. Des de fa molts anys el client demana un producte d'alta qualitat i pot escollir entre moltes empreses d'on obtenir-lo, el que fa que aquestes hagin de articular els mecanismes necessaris per oferir el nivell de qualitat requerida en els seus productes / serveis invertint el mínim de recursos possible. En aquest sentit, moltes empreses porten anys aplicant tècniques o eines de gestió de qualitat, com ara Kaizen, control estadístic de qualitat o disseny d'experiments per nomenar algunes, que els ajudin a aconseguir aquest nivell de qualitat. Així, és àmpliament acceptada l'existència d'una correlació entre l'aplicació de tècniques de gestió de qualitat total (TQM) i el rendiment empresarial entès aquest com la millora dels productes / serveis de l'organització que donarà lloc a majors beneficis. No obstant això, tot i que es poden trobar nombrosos treballs científics que relacionen l'aplicació de TQM i el rendiment empresarial, entès aquest com una part concreta de l'organització tal com producció o innovació, la quantificació de l'efecte de TQM sobre el rendiment empresarial, utilitzant un enfocament estratègic i equilibrat a través d'un quadre de comandament integral (CMI), és un tema d'investigació actual i que es pretén desenvolupar en aquesta tesi doctoral. Amb aquest enfocament innovador, les empreses obtindran informació addicional rellevant per a la presa de decisions, respecte a quines són les tècniques i elements de TQM que més impacten en el seu rendiment organitzacional estratègic i equilibrat, de manera que haurien de ser prioritzades. A més, l'aplicació de tècniques TQM genera directament una sèrie de millores a nivell tàctic-operatiu a les organitzacions, de manera que les relacions entre les tècniques TQM, el rendiment empresarial estratègic mesurat mitjançant un CMI i les millores empresarials esmentades, són estudiades i analitzades en profunditat en la present tesi doctoral. Amb aquesta finalitat, en primer lloc es fa un estat de l'art on s'analitzen publicacions científiques rellevants per demostrar l'existència d'un buit investigador. A continuació, es dissenya una proposta metodològica de sis fases per quantificar l'impacte dels elements de TQM sobre el rendiment organitzacional, en el context d'un CMI, en PIMEs, sent aquestes fases: Fase 1. Definició dels elements estructurals. Fase 2. Establiment de l'equip de treball. Fase 3. Selecció dels elements. Fase 4. Determinació de la tècnica MCDA. Fase 5. Aplicació de la tècnica MCDA. Fase 6. Anàlisi de resultats. A continuació, les fases de la proposta són aplicades a una PIME d'al sector de l'petroli a l'Equador i es presenten els resultats obtinguts en aquesta aplicació. Finalment, s'estableixen una sèrie de conclusions generals i s'enuncien unes línies futures de recerca. / [EN] The current worldwide competitive context makes that organization are struggling to be and become competitive. Since many years ago, customers demand high-quality products and he/she might choose from many different suppliers, which makes those enterprises must articulate the necessary mechanisms to offer such a quality level. In this sense, many organizations apply techniques of quality management, e.g., Kaizen, quality statistical control or design of experiments to mention some, to help them out reaching the required quality level. Then, it is widely accepted the existence of correlation between the application of Total Quality Management (TQM) techniques and organizational performance, understanding the latter as the improvement of the products/services that leads to higher benefits. However, even though it is possible to find many scientific works that relate the application of TQM and organizational performance improvement, relating this to a specific part of the organization such as production or innovation, the quantification of the effect of TQM on performance measurement, using a Balanced Scorecard (BSC) and, therefore, at the strategic and balanced level, is a current research topic, which is intended to be developed within this PhD Thesis. With this innovative approach, organizations would obtain additional relevant information for their decision-making processes about which the most relevant TQM techniques and tools are and should, therefore, be prioritized and improved. Besides, the application of TQM techniques directly generates some specific improvements at the tactic-operative level in organizations, and then the relationships among the TQM techniques, the organizational performance measured through a BSC, and the mentioned organizational improvements are studied and analyzed in this research. Then, a state of the art if firstly developed, analyzing relevant scientific publications, to identify the research gap. The next task is to design a six-phases methodological proposal to quantify the impact of TQM elements over organizational performance in SMEs within a BSC context, being the phases: Phase 1. Definition of the structural elements. Phase 2. Establishment of the work team. Phase 3. Selection of the elements. Phase 4. Determination of the MCDA technique. Phase 5. Application of the MCDA technique. Phase 6. Analysis of results. Then, these six phases are applied to a SME of the petroleum sector in Ecuador and the main results achieved are presented. Finally, the main conclusions are stated as well as some future research possibilities. / Andrade Arteaga, CA. (2022). Desarrollo de una propuesta metodológica para medir el impacto que tiene la aplicación de prácticas de Total Quality Management sobre el rendimiento organizacional en Pymes [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/181511 / TESIS

Hodnocení výkonnosti společnosti metodou benchmarkingu / Corporate Performance Evaluation of CORA MANAGEMENT s. r. o. and Proposals for its Improvement

Dusík, Jakub January 2018 (has links)
benchmarking, five-stage model of benchmarking, competition, performance, comparsion

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