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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

INBROTT OCH STÖLDER PÅ BYGGARBETSPLATSER : En kvantitativ och kvalitativ undersökning om problematiken, effekten och det förebyggande arbetet mot stölder på byggarbetsplatser.

Lindahl, Robin January 2023 (has links)
Stölder och inbrott på byggarbetsplatser är ett problem byggbranschen i Sverige haft svårt att stoppa under många år, trots omfattande åtgärder och säkerhetssystem. Gärningsmännen verkar ofta ligga steget före. Det tycks vara svårt att hitta en balans i omfattningen på åtgärderna att förebygga inbrott och kostnaden för dessa åtgärder. Enligt brottsförebyggande rådet (BRÅ) har dock anmälningar mot inbrott och stölder minskat under de senaste tre åren. Känner byggbranschen av denna minskning och har industrin funnit åtgärder för att minska stölder på byggarbetsplatser? Målet med examensarbetet är att påvisa vilka åtgärder som fungerat mest effektivt mot inbrott samt belysa problemområden där byggbranschen måste jobba mer aktivt för att bromsa stöldtrenden. I detta examensarbete har en enkätundersökning skickats ut till 57 platschefer inom Skanska Sverige AB. Resultatet visar att användandet av förstärkta gång- och körgrindar är mer frekvent använda på byggarbetsplatser som inte har haft stöld vid inbrott, vilket indikerar att detta är det mest effektiva områdesskyddet. Dock finns det många faktorer och omständigheter som gör det svårt avgöra vad som fungerar bäst för en specifik arbetsplats. Därför bör utökade gränskontroller, bättre märkning/stöldskydd på maskiner och mer studier från fler länder påbörjas omgående. Nyckelord: Stölder, inbrott, områdesskydd, säkerhetssystem, byggarbetsplatser.

Energy simulation and life cycle costs : estimation of a building's performance in the early design phase

Schade, Jutta January 2009 (has links)
Sustainable development and the protection of the environment are key issues in our society today. The building stock in Europe accounts for over 40% of the final energy consumption, CO2 emissions and generation of waste. A large part of the life cycle performance is determined early. Investigations show that when 1% of the project costs are spent, roughly 70% of the lifecycle cost of the building has been committed indicating that decisions taken early greatly affect the life cycle performance. The building's shape, selected materials, structural system, internal room distribution, and building services systems are some of the most important factors that influence the environmental and energy performance of a building throughout its lifecycle.The objective of the conducted research was to investigate what kind of energy analyses are possible to carry out in the early design phase to give the decision makers a more holistic view of the energy performance of a building over its life cycle. Three research questions have guided the research work; (1) What types of energy simulations are possible to make in the early design phase? (2) How reliable are early energy estimations compared to results when detailed models are available? (3) How does energy consumption affect the life cycle cost of a building?The research work is based on literature reviews, a theoretical framework for model based design of life cycle aspects in general and energy performance in particular developed in the European Union sixth framework project InPro. The study includes a number of energy performance calculations at different levels of information maturity in the early design phase. Different energy simulation programs were used for this purpose. The study was performed for an existing building where design parameters like window area, building envelope and indoor climate been changed. In total 28 cases were analysed using four different energy analysis tools at three levels of information maturity. The resulting life cycle costs were also estimated for the different cases with varying rates of interest and forecasts of the energy price. The result of this study shows that energy calculations usable for design decision can be made at different levels of information maturity. Depending on the maturity level more or less detailed design information is available which influences the estimated energy consumption. Therefore early estimations when the information maturity is low should only be used to compare different design alternatives at the same design stage. However, the result shows that these early estimations can give a clear tendency guiding the design in a more energy efficient direction. When the information maturity is higher and indoor climate simulations are possible to make at room level, the result gets more accurate. However, the use of more sophisticated energy simulations tools is time consuming and error prone since the amount of input data needed is much higher. This calls for better integration between the design and energy analysis especially when more advanced energy simulations are performed. The resulting life cycle costs of the different cases are strongly affected by the estimated energy consumption, the selected real rate of interest, the forecast of energy prices as well as the discount time.The conclusion of this study is that energy calculations are usable for the decision making of design alternatives in the early design phase. Also, life cycle cost estimates can support the decision makers in the analysis of different financial scenarios.

Configuration of modularised building systems

Jensen, Patrik January 2010 (has links)
Swedish building industry is mainly project-oriented where the design process is sequential involving various disciplines separated both in time and space. During the last decades the industry has been criticised and accused of having problems with quality and low productivity. One cause is believed to be deficiencies in information transfer between different functional teams in the project organisation. A more product-oriented approach has been proposed by some as one solution that can improve quality and productivity. Several construction companies have started to develop platforms consisting of standardized technical solutions and processes that can be adapted and used in specific projects. However, the current practice of involved disciplines need to adapt to new methods and processes and the question is; Is it possible to apply principles based on mass customisation in the one-of-a kind project dominated construction industry?In the shift to mass customization, the manufacturing industry is developing product platforms from which customized products can be configured in a so called configuration process. A product platform in the manufacturing industry consists of modules that can be combined into customized products using a configuration system. Modularization is the method used to organize the components of a product family with the aim to simplify and minimize the number of component variants to improve customization without compromising the productivity of the manufacturing process. Erixon (1998) defines modularization as; "Decomposition of a product into building blocks (modules) with specified interfaces, driven by company specific reasons". The aim of the thesis is to study and propose solutions of the integration between architectural design, engineering and production using mass customisation principles without changing the traditional structure of the AEC industry. The author's background as practising structural design engineer in an AEC consultancy company has made it possible to study, propose and apply methods in two real-life industrial cases and in one development project of a building system for multi-storey wooden houses. The research performed mainly relies on qualitative research methods combined with action research. The result of the thesis is a configuration demonstration, in which four product views been identified; the customer, the engineering, the production and the assembly view. Constraints and rules of the building system is transferred upstream while design information is transferred downstream the value chain using design automation and design guides embedded in the different disciplines CAD applications. The process has been illustrated for a cut-to-fit configurable wooden slab module in which a design guide is used in the architect tool transferring dimensional information via XML to the knowledge based engineering tool where the detailed design is automated. The result, including shop floor drawings, bill of quantities and CNC files is then used in the prefabrication of the customized floor slab module. The knowledge based engineering tool used in the demonstration is a product configurator integrated into a 3D CAD system mainly used in the mechanical industry. To implement configuration processes in the construction industry it is evident that constraints and rules of the building system needs to be transferred upstream to disciplines working early in the specification process. Otherwise the risk is high that "ad-hoc" solutions violating the rules of the building system will be transferred downstream to engineering and production causing quality issues and lower productivity as a result. Implementing configuration processes will also require new business models. AEC consultants with competence in engineering and advanced design tools can develop new modularised building systems and configuration tools rather than selling engineering hours in design of specific buildings. This can also foster the development of more open and flexible building systems on the market. / Svensk byggindustri är i huvudsak projektbaserad med en sekventiell projekteringsprocess där olika discipliner är separerade i både tid och rum. Detta arbetssätt har utsatts för hård kritik och blivit beskyllt för att ha låg produktivitetsutveckling med brister i informationsöverföring mellan de olika aktörerna som sedan får stora konsekvenser på byggplatsen. Ett produktorienterat arbetssätt har av vissa ansetts som lösningen som kan förbättra kvaliteten och produktiviteten. Genom att utveckla standardiserade byggsystem kopplat till standardiserade arbetsprocesser skapas en produktiv plattform som sedermera kan utvecklas till att konfigurera projektanpassade byggnader. Med nya arbetssätt kommer dagens aktörer att behöva anpassa sig till nya förhållanden och frågan som uppkommer, är det möjligt att införa industriella konfigureringsmetoder i byggandet? Denna avhandling är inriktad på att studera och föreslå metoder för att modularisera och konfigurera byggsystem med hjälp av IT-verktyg. Metoder som kan ersätta dagens projekteringsprocess med en konfigureringsprocess av utvecklade byggsystem.Konfigureringsmetodik kan sammanfattas som ett strukturerat arbetssätt att åstadkomma kundanpassning med bibehållen standardisering med avseende på produktion. För att lyckas med kundanpassningen krävs det att produkten är uppbygga kring moduler och att konfigureringsverktyg utvecklas som stödjer byggsystemets möjlighet att kundanpassas. Modularisering är en metod som har använts inom många olika industrier med syftet att förenkla och minimera antalet komponentvarianter med bibehållen möjlighet för kundanpassning och produktionseffektivitet. En parallellisering av produktion ökar samtidigt produktiviteten för själva tillverkningsprocessen. Erixon (1998) sammanfattar Modularisering som; "indelning av produkter till byggblock (moduler) med specificerade gränssnitt och utvecklade med företagets speciella förutsättningar".Syftet med avhandlingen är att studera och föreslå lösningar för integration mellan arkitektonisk design, konstruktion och produktion baserade på metoder hämtade ifrån "Mass Customisation" utan att ändra den traditionella strukturen inom byggindustrin. Författaren är verksam som konstruktör i ett konsultföretag som verkar inom dagens projektbaserade byggande, vilket gjort det möjligt att studera, föreslå och tillämpa metoder i två verkliga industriella fall och i ett utvecklingsprojekt av ett byggsystem för flervåningshus trähus. Den forskning som har bedrivits bygger i huvudsak på kvalitativa forskningsmetoder i kombination med aktionsforskning.Från fallstudierna har ett IT-baserat CAD verktyg tagits fram, där 4 vyer av produkten har definierats; Kund-, Ingenjörs-, Produktions- och Montagevy. Byggsystemets regler kan illustreras i arkitekters IT- verktyg och sedermera överföras till produktions och montagevyn via parametrisering i ingenjörsverktyget. Regler för byggsystemet definieras i ingenjörsvyn och byggsystemets förutsättningar överförs mellan olika aktörer med få dimensionsparametrar via XML-format. IT-verktyg som används inom ingenjörsvyn är hämtade ifrån den fasta industrin som har mer utvecklade funktioner för definiering av parametrar och parmetriseringsfunktioner. För att konfigureringsmetodiken skall kunna användas inom befintlig byggprocess krävs det att begränsningar för byggsystemet kan överföras till aktörer som verkar tidigt i processen, vilket leder till minskad risk för "ad-hoc" lösningar vid tillverkning av produkten. Ett sådant arbetssätt kräver också att nya affärsmodeller utvecklas i branschen. Aktörer med kunskaper inom IT och CAD har då goda förutsättningar att utveckla och tillhandhålla effektiva konfigurerbara byggsystem. Det skulle också främja utvecklingen av öppna och mer flexibla byggsystem på marknaden. / Konfigurationssystem för teknikplattformar

Expanding the use of contract inspections in construction : An approach to inter-project knowledge diffusion? / Utökad användning av entreprenadbesiktningar : Ett sätt att sprida kunskap mellan projekt?

Lundkvist, Robert January 2011 (has links)
This licentiate thesis presents a taxonomic approach to classification of defect information in construction projects. A conceptual model, based in a frame of reference consisting of the concepts of Continuous Improvement, Performance Measurement, Knowledge Management, as well as the current Quality Management regime of the industry helps to understand how the use of Contract Inspections can be developed towards facilitating inter-project knowledge diffusion and continuous improvement in construction.Three research questions were formulated:RQ I:How is information from inspection reports currently used?RQ II:How could information from inspection reports be utilised further?RQ III:How should information from inspection reports be structured and codified, to enable storage and future data analysis to facilitate continuous improvement?Qualitative as well as quantitative data has been collected in three different studies. In the first contractors were surveyed through a questionnaire about their use of different suggested experience feedback concepts, such as contract inspections. In the second other project participants than contractors was an interviewed, asking them how they use inspections and how the current usage could be extended. In the third study, a single case study about the inspection activities in one construction project, the purpose was to analyse the method and results of Pre- and Final Inspections. These results were interpreted through classification theory. It is further suggested how inspection data could be enhanced for the purpose of database storing, transforming, and easy access.The thesis concludes that both contractors and the other project roles currently use and view inspections as they are prompted in the General Conditions (AB 04), i.e. as an activity that document what defects there are for the contractor to rectify. Several companies have started to store inspection reports on project-dedicated servers, a routine that is thought to enhance the access to information to some extent. Several respondents have also introduced the compilation of defect statistics.Except automating the compiling of descriptive defect statistics, a system for managing inspection information, giving the widest access to the information about previously experienced defects, is expected to serve a Continuous Improvement process with input for identifying reoccurring problems in the production process. This system could as well be utilised for giving performance feedback to contractors and suppliers. Through continual surveying of the performance of current projects, the performance of the production process can be monitored. Based on the analysed reports, and the literature on taxonomy, the conclusions for RQ III identifies 15 different types of data tags, or types of information, that should be used as structure for the defects’ information: Unique Project Identifier, Unique Defect Identifier, Inspection Identifier, Responsibility, Defect Serial Number, Floor level, BSAB 96 Space Code, BSAB Object code, Defect type, Defect description, Rectification measure, Flag for Safety Issue, Cause, Date logging, and Photos.Future research should focus on the validation of the proposed model and system, suggested through case studies. / Den här licentiatavhandlingen presenterar ett taxonomiskt upplägg för att klassificera informationen om de fel som uppkommer i byggprojekt. Tre forskningsfrågor formulerades:FF I: Hur används informationen i besiktningsutlåtandena i nuläget?FF II: Hur kan användningen av informationen i besiktningsutlåtandenavidareutvecklas?FF III: Hur bör informationen från utlåtandena struktureras och kodifieras, för att tillåta lagring samt framtida dataanalys, till hjälp för Ständiga förbättringar?Kvalitativ, såväl som kvantitativ, data har samlats in över tre olika studier. I den första tillfrågades Sveriges byggentreprenörer genom en enkät hur de använder olika typer av föreslagna erfarenhetsåterföringsaktiviteter, t.ex. entreprenadbesiktningar. I den andra studien intervjuades övriga projektroller om hur de använder besiktningsinformationen, samt hur det nuvarande användandet kan utökas till andra områden. I den tredje studien, en singel-fallstudie över besiktningsaktiviteterna i ett större byggprojekt, analyserades och klassificerades informationen om felen från projektets besiktningsutlåtanden utifrån det svenska klassificeringssystemet för byggbranschen, BSAB 96.Resultaten visar att alla tillfrågade projektroller idag har den syn på besiktningar som de är tänkta från början, som de presenteras i AB 04, d.v.s. som en aktivitet som dokumenterar de fel som finns i ett projekt och som entreprenören måste åtgärda innan besiktningen blir godkänd. Ett flertal företag har dock börjat spara de färdiga besiktningsutlåtandena på projektportaler, en rutin som torde öka möjligheten till spridning av besiktningsinformationen något. Några respondenter har även börjat med att sammanställa enklare statistik över fel inom produktionen i företaget. Baserat på de analyserade besiktningsutlåtandena och litteraturen om taxonomier så föreslås även 15 olika klassificeringsbegrepp, med syftet att förädla informationen om felen i utlåtandena: Unikt Projekt-ID, Unikt Fel-ID, Besiktnings-ID, Ansvar, Löpnummer fel, Våning, BSAB 96 Utrymme-kod, BSAB element/objekt-kod, Feltyp, Felbeskrivning, Åtgärd, Flagga för säkerhetsproblem, Orsak (förslagsvis grundorsaksanalys), datumloggning och foton.Förutom att kunna automatisera statistikframställning, så ger en systemlösning för att hantera besiktningsinformation möjligheter till att kunna sprida informationen om tidigare producerade fel. Systemet antas kunna förse en process för Ständiga förbättringar med input för att kunna identifiera systematiskt återkommande fel och därav problemområden för förbättringsorganisation att arbeta med.Baserat på idéerna om Ständiga förbättringar, prestationsmätningar och Knowledge Management utvecklades en modell för hur arbetet med entreprenad-besiktningar kan utvecklas till att kunna hjälpa vid med kunskapsspridning mellan projekt samt Ständiga förbättringar. Framtida forskning bör framförallt fokusera på att validera den föreslagna modellen och systemet, förslagsvis genom fallstudier.

Mapping coordination within a competitive dialogue process : Studying the setting of sustainability goals and their fulfillment in municipality urban development

Törnå, Niklas January 2022 (has links)
Several of Sweden’s municipalities have coordinated some of their urban development in dialogues processes to increase the fulfillment of stated sustainability goals (SGs). This thesis aims to increase the knowledge of how coordination occurs within a Competitive Dialogue Process (CDP) between and within the municipality and the building actors. To translate from the series of activities present in the municipalities building process to how the municipality coordinate towards fulfilling stated sustainability goals, I have used my understanding of Henry Mintzberg’s (1979) coordination mechanisms (CMs): Direct supervision, Mutual adjustment, Standardization of skills & norms, work, and outcome. The CMs are directly connected to if coordination occurs in an organization (means of coordination), while other concepts such as decentralization/centralization (Mintzberg, 1979; Thompson, 1967;March & Simon, 1958; et al.) are not directly connected to coordination (conditions for coordination). Decentralization/centralization within an organization can create coordination, but it is not certain since an organization could, for example, be decentralized and have no coordination. With the coordination mechanisms and the concepts of means of coordination/conditions for coordination, I have conducted a deductive case study with interviews and workshops with Luleå kommun, five other comparison municipalities, and selected building actors present in Luleå kommuns CDP “Nature town”. The major findings from the thesis are: - A mapping of a series of activities in the CDP, where two stages occurred: The criteria formulation and the follow-up/checking. - When the CMs are applied to the activities within the CDP, a trend emerged where standardization was more visible at the criteria formulation stage. Since CMs are means of coordination, the lack of standardization in the later stage of the CDP could impact the fulfillment of stated SGs. - A vertical dimension was introduced where the activities were categorized as either mandatory or optional. Since the division between mandatory/optional is a form of decentralization, it is also a condition for coordination; It is not directly connected to the coordination within the CDP, and the vertical CMs in the CDP needs to be further investigated to study the impact of vertical dimension in the fulfillment of the stated goals. - This thesis lacks the perspective of consciousness in coordination. I have applied CMs to the CDPs activities; however, it is my analysis in retrospect of how the building actor(s) and the representatives from the municipality described the CDP and their actions. Further research needs to be done on the level of consciousness of the building actor(s) and the representatives from the municipality when they act towards the stated SGs.

4D in city transformations : systems, processes and actors

Johansson, Tim January 2012 (has links)
The city of Kiruna is facing the challenge of relocating a large proportion of the existing city centre as a consequence of the subsidence caused by underground mining activities. This relocation includes urban residential areas, industrial areas, offices and spaces such as parks and infrastructure. There are a number of challenges in such a city transformation process which require the active participation of the public in the urban planning processes. A big challenge is the stakeholder management since there are stakeholders who share responsibility for the decision-making for the urban plans of the city transformation. The sharing of decision-making has led to a situation where plans are only accepted through discussions and consensus. Much of the planning content is related to time and space which means that 4D models, being 3D planning models linked with schedules, are suitable for enhancing the understanding of the time dimension of planning content, as well as their status. Therefore it is hypothesised that: “4D visualization enhances the opportunity to create transparent, accessible and understandable plans for stakeholders to support communication with urban planners.” The idea of such a support system is that the stakeholders can monitor how the planning content and the planning stages including the realization evolves over time. To investigate how such a planning support system can be realized, the following research questions were defined: RQ1. What are the most important aspects to be communicated in a city transformation process?RQ2.How can this information be visualized and communicated to stakeholders to support a transparent decision-making process?RQ3. What are the requirements of a support system to manage such a process?The city transformation in Kiruna was used as a case study involving the first three steps of a 5 step system research approach.The most important aspects of the city transformation were understanding the forces of transformation, the complexity of the problem to solve (its wickedness), stakeholder values, planning stages and alternatives and the planning regulations controlling the decision-making process. Two main challenges was identified: first, the stakeholders’ power and interests change over time. Second, current methods of communicating the planning proposals do not encourage the public to participate in the city transformation process. The urban information can be visualized to support the accessibility of plans by the public, enhancing the opportunity to share ideas and remarks and support collaborative design and decision-making. Adding a time dimension can help the understanding of (1) the transition from an original state to a new planned state and (2) the spatial consequences of an urban transformation process over time and the dynamics of urban planning under re-development.The case study showed that the traditional communication of urban plans through open exhibition and documents did not provide an efficient method of dissemination and receiving information, especially between the public and urban planners. Therefore, as an answer to the third research question, a planning support system was proposed that could support iterations, visualize plans and status, visualize the planning content adapted to different stakeholders and support two-way asynchronous communication all in a simple, easy-to-use interface to encourage the public to participate in the urban planning process. A first prototype of the communication platform was created based on Google Earth and Facebook, including time-space visualization of urban planning information and the support of two-way asynchronous communication for collecting geo-referenced public opinions. A generic model of urban planning processes was also developed to describe the relationship between stakeholder, design and process more deeply. It was concluded that a PSS must support process, design and stakeholders in order to be efficient. The model was tested against the regulatory framework of the Swedish Plan and Building Act. The development of a generic PSS collaboration hub was proposed that supports the different levels of urban planning processes in a city.

LCC och LCA för stommaterialen KL-trä och betong : En jämförande fallstudie av Täby hus 7-8

Hajsaid, Hani, Salar, Darya January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate two different building materials for the construction of the framework of two apartment buildings by the name of Täby house 7-8. The materials used for the framework are typically cross-laminated timber and concrete. Wood is a naturally occurring and renewable building material that mainly consists of lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose. Cross-laminated timber is a building product that consists of an odd number of layers (3, 5, 7) that are glued together at a 90 degree angle to the embedded layer. Concrete can be recycled but is not a renewable building material. Concrete is a mix of stone, cement, and water. The lifespans of the materials are very good and with maintenance, they can be very long. In construction, managers estimate lifespan of the building materials to be between 70-100 years, this study assumes a lifespan of 100 years. The focus of the study is on the cost efficiency and effect on the environment. To investigate the cost efficiency, an Life-cycle costing (LCC) study has been performed while the effect on the environment is assessed with an Life-cycle assessment (LCA) study. The LCC study includes production costs of the construction for the two different houses. The management costs are also measured, however, due to the frame not being a part of the facade, it doesn't affect the management cost LCA studies are performed, on each material. The studies are cradle-to-grave. The management is not included in the LCA-studies as the framework does not affect the environment. The results of the LCC yielded 18 718 [SEK/m2] for the concrete frame and 17 281 [SEK/m2] for cross-laminated timber (CLT). Results showed that CLT is 1 437 [SEK/m2] cheaper than concrete. The results for the LCA yielded 200 [kg CO2/m2] for the concrete frame and 128 [kgCO2/m2] for CLT. Results showed that the concrete frame has 72 [kg CO2/m2] more emissions than CLT. The literature overview and the interview studies found that a building with a frame consisting of CLT is more cost efficient and has a lower environmental impact than a building with a concrete frame. This is with the assumption that the other components used in the building are similar between the two studied buildings.

Återbruk av blymönjebehandlat stål : Hantering och åtgärdsförslag

Mäkinen, Terese, Nilsson, Johanna Louise January 2022 (has links)
This study compares the health aspects of lead oxide paint and the technical effects of the material used on steel profiles. The purpose of the study is to give recommendations about how to treat the older beams coated with the paint practically and according to the Swedish law and recommendations. The Swedish Work Environment Act and the Environmental Code as of 2022 has been reviewed to find any legal basis that the paint has to be removed. Although the law recommends the use of alternative, non-toxic materials, it does not prohibit the use of them if necessary. The use of materials which can cause injuries to one’s health should be evaluated, regarding the work environment, and the workers that will be exposed to the substance. Apart from the laws, studies have also been carried out at the library, in Swedish Standard Institute reports, in charts from early 1900s, and current charts of dimensions and characteristic values of the steel components. This resulted in the conclusion that reuse of steel is encouraged and there are ways to verify the serviceability of the components. Lead is toxical to humans, animals, and the environment if exposed in larger amounts or for a long period of time. Lead oxide in paint is one of the most effective corrosion inhibitants today and is still sold to professionals.

En analys av skillnaden på beräknad klimatpåverkan för en byggnad i olika beräkningsverktyg / An analysis of the difference in estimated climate impact for a building in different calculation tools

Begovic, Arnela, Fatula, Ali January 2022 (has links)
Den ökande växthuseffekten bidrar till uppvärmning av vår planet och byggbranschen står fören betydande del av utsläppen. I Sverige står bygg- och fastighetssektorn för 21 procent av detotala utsläppen av växthusgaser där importvaror inkluderas. Uppförande av nya byggnaderstår för en tredjedel av de totala utsläppen som orsakas av Bygg- och fastighetssektorn.Sverige har som mål att uppnå noll nettoutsläpp senast år 2045. Trots en minskning med 45procent utsläpp av växthusgaser inom bygg- och fastighetssektorn, krävs det ytterligareåtgärder för att uppnå Sveriges klimatmål.Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur mycket beräknad klimatpåverkan skiljer sig åt omklimatdatan till största del består av specifik data respektive generisk data. I studienundersöktes vilka skillnader som uppstår vid framtagning av klimatdeklarationer i tre olikaprogramvaror.För uppnå studiens syfte och besvara uppsatta frågeställningar utfördes en litteraturstudie,intervjustudie och en kvantitativ undersökning. Intervjustudien bestod av 10 respondentersom arbetar med klimatdeklarationer dagligen. Den kvantitativa undersökningen baserades påatt ta fram fem olika klimatdeklarationer för en fiktiv byggnad som tillhandahölls frånOneClick LCA.Fem olika klimatdeklarationer togs fram, där tre av klimatdeklarationerna utfördes iberäkningsverktyget Oneclick-LCA, ett i Bidcon och ett i beräkningsverktyget IVL-BM. Tvåav de tre klimatberäkningar som utfördes i Oneclick-LCA baserades på cirka 90 procentspecifik klimatdata i form av EPD:er där den faktiska klimatpåverkan för en produktredovisas. Den tredje klimatberäkningen framtagen Oneclick-LCA baserades på endastgenerisk klimatdata från Boverkets klimatdatabas. I beräkningsverktyget Bidcon och IVL-BMbaserades klimatberäkningarna på endast generisk klimatdata från boverkets klimatdatabas.Nämnda programvaror är mest kända bland utvalda respondenter. Resultatet avklimatdeklarationerna redovisas nedan. ● Oneclick LCA specifik klimatdata 1: 230 600 kg CO₂e ● Oneclick- LCA specifik klimatdata 2: 179 300 kg CO₂e ● OneClick LCA generisk klimatdata: 269 000 kg CO₂e ● Bidcon generisk klimatdata: 273 000 kg CO₂e ● IVL Byggsektorns miljöberäkningsverktyg generisk klimatdata: 266 000 kg CO₂e Studien visade att skillnaden på den totala beräknade klimatpåverkan är marginell mellan deolika beräkningsprogrammen som undersöktes. Studien visade även att klimatberäkningarsom till största del baseras på specifik data resulterar i en lägre beräknad klimatpåverkan ijämförelse med generisk data. Trots val av EPD:er med hög klimatpåverkan blev resultatet avden totala beräknade klimatpåverkan 16 procent lägre i jämförelse med generisk data. / In Sweden, the construction and real estate sector accounts for 21 percent of the totalgreenhouse gas emissions where imported goods are included. Construction of new buildingsaccounts for a third of the total emissions caused by the Construction and Real Estate sector.Sweden aims to achieve zero net emissions by 2045.The purpose of the study is to investigate how much the climate impact differs if the climatedata largely consists of specific data and generic data, respectively. The study examined thedifferences that arise when producing climate declarations in three different software.To achieve the purpose of the study and answer set questions, a literature study, interviewstudy and a quantitative survey were conducted. The quantitative study was based onproducing five different climate declarations for a fictitious building provided by OneClickLCA. Two of five climate declarations produced are largely based on specific data. Theclimate calculations were performed in OneClick LCA, Bidcon and the IVL constructionsector's environmental calculation tools. The mentioned software was best known amongselected respondents. The results from the calculations are presented below: ● Oneclick LCA specific climatdata1: 230 600 kg CO₂e ● Oneclick- LCA specific climatdata2: 179 300 kg CO₂e ● OneClick LCA generic climatdata: 269 000 kg CO₂e ● Bidcon generic climatdata: 273 000 kg CO₂e ● IVL Byggsektorns miljöberäkningsverktyg generic climatdata: 266 000 kg CO₂e The study showed that the difference in the total calculated climate impact is marginalbetween the different calculation programs that were examined. The study also showed thatclimate calculations that are mostly based on specific data result in a lower calculated climateimpact compared to generic data. Despite the selection of EPDs with a high climate impact,the result of the total calculated climate impact was 16 percent lower compared to genericdata.

Kommunikation och samarbete melllan beställare och entrepenör / Communication and cooperation between buyer and the entrepreneur

Samir, Lina, Barikan, Maria January 2017 (has links)
I samband med det ökade bostadsbehovet i landet ökar behovet av nybyggda bostäder. För att kunna effektivisera bostadsbyggandet är det av värde att förbättra byggprocessen. Med förbättring avses kommunikation och samarbete mellan beställare och entreprenör som vidare kan leda till tids- och kostnadseffektivisering. I byggprocessen är flera personer inblandade från tidig projektering till slutlig förvaltning. Alla inblandade parter jobbar för ett gemensamt mål där samarbetet kan pågå under flera år. Nyckeln till ett framgångsrikt och lyckat projekt är god kommunikation och ett bra samarbete under hela byggprocessen. Examensarbetet som följer är utfört i samarbete med företaget Riksbyggen. Syftet med arbetet är att kunna effektivisera framtida projekt. Detta görs genom undersökning av kommunikationen och samarbetet för tre utförda nybyggnadsprojekt. Målet med denna studie är att uppmärksamma när det brister i både kommunikationen och samarbetet mellan beställare och entreprenör. Kunna identifiera bra tillvägagångssätt som använts för att uppnå god kommunikation och samarbete. Även ta fram konstruktiva åtgärdsplaner för att effektivisera och förbättra den framtida kommunikationen och samarbetet. Studien har en kvalitativ utformning, empiriinsamlingen består huvudsakligen av semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Genom intervjuer med nyckelpersoner från de tre undersökta nybyggnadsprojekten har en uppfattning erhållits över hur samarbetet och kommunikationen mellan beställaren och entreprenören varit. Resultatet visar att där beställaren arbetat med entreprenören i samverkan under tidigare byggskeden har det skapat mervärde i projektet. När det exempelvis har varit tidspress och organisationsbyten i projekten har det påverkat samarbete och kommunikationen till det sämre. Varje byggprojekt är unikt med olika medarbetare, därför är det av värde att anpassa kommunikationsformen och samarbetet efter projekt. Examensarbetet lyfter även fram värdet av att erfarenhets återföra och förbättringsförslag för Riksbyggens system gällande detta. / With the shortage of vacant accommodation in the country, the need to develop new housing has increased significantly. To accomplish this in the most effective manner, the entire building process needs to be improved. The communication between the developer and the contractor is one such major aspect that may lead to furthering time and cost efficiency. During the construction process, several parties are involved from the early planning to the management of the development. All involved parties work towards a common goal where the cooperation between them could last several years. The key to a success is thorough and clear communication as well as good cooperation between the parties throughout the entire building process. This report is made in cooperation with Riksbyggen. The aim is to streamline future projects by examining the communication and cooperation methods used three previous construction projects. The purpose of this study is to examine the shortcomings in both the communication and cooperation between developer and contractor, and to identify good practices employed to achieve good communication and cooperation, as well as take constructive action to improve future projects. The study has a qualitative design; and empirical data collection consists mainly of semi-structured interviews. Through interviews with key figures from the three investigated construction projects, an overall idea of the cooperation and communication between developer and entrepreneur has been obtained. The results show that when the developer worked alongside the contractor during the early construction phases, it added value to the project. Time constraints and organizational changes in the projects had a negative impact on cooperation and communication between the parties. Every construction project is unique, it is therefore profitable for the overall value of the project to customise the communication and cooperation forms according to the projects nature. The thesis also highlights the value of experience feedback and improvement suggestions for Riksbyggen experience systems.

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