Spelling suggestions: "subject:"byta"" "subject:"byte""
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Komparace právní úpravy zániku nájmu bytu v České republice a Polsku / A comparison of legal regulation of termination of flat lease in the Czech Republic and PolandHanusek, Viktor January 2015 (has links)
Housing is one of the basic needs of everyone. If this need is not satisfied, one does not feel safe. In fact, one suffers in other respects, does not have privacy and is not able to engage in other activities. There are various ways how to realize the need of housing. Nevertheless, the biggest limiting factor is the financial situation of the person. Therefore, the vast majority of the population lives in a leased flat these days. The lessee is in the position of the weaker party regarding the contract. Therefore, the law provides a special legal protection for the lessee. I decided to write a diploma thesis that would concern the housing law. It happened after passing optional subject called Housing law and I have gained valuable knowledge about legal issue of lease housing. Frankly, I was impressed by its dynamics and frequency. I chose a comparative topic thanks to my study abroad in Wrocław within the Erasmus programme. That programme provided me an access to Polish literature. Moreover, I had a great opportunity to consult the Polish law with lawyers teaching me at the University of Wrocław. The main aim of my diploma thesis is to analyse the ways of the legal regulation of termination of flat lease in the Czech Republic and Poland. This corresponds to the structure of the thesis. The first...
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Nájem bytu / Residential leaseVávrová, Aneta January 2015 (has links)
The aim of my thesis is to analyse the legislation regarding the residential lease and to compare the new Civil code regulation with the old Civil code regulation. Whereas some provisons of the old Civil code were completely replaced by the new legislation and some were practically left untouched. The thesis is composed of seven chapters and subchapters. The introductory part consists of the overview of the historical evolution of the residential lease and definition of fundamental terminology. The main part of the thesis concentrates on describing the residential lease and changes of the relating legislation. The last part concentrates on interesting court rulings. The first chapter presents the overview of the changes in the residential lease legislation, from the 19th century to the present day and is divided into three broad historical periods. The second chapter comprises the main definitions including definiton of the residential lease, definitiv of a flat, cooperative housing flat, sublease and other types of flats. The third chapter mentions various ways of establishing the residential lease and mainly concentrates on lease contract, which is the most common reason for establishing the residential lease. The fourth chapter summarizes the changes in the regulation of rights and obligations of...
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Nájem bytu / Lease of a residential premiseFišpera, Jaroslav January 2014 (has links)
The aim of my thesis was to describe the legislation regarding the lease of an apartment, as it is included in the Act No.89/2012 Coll., the civil code. The new civil code brought a lot of changes into the Czech legal system. The changes affected lease of an apartment as well. In my thesis I also adress the legislation of recent past, as it is vital to compare it to the new one. Thesis itself is divided into seven chapters and they are divided into subchapters. In each charter I will describe the new legislation with occasional remark to the recent one. In chapter one I describe the development of the legislation of the lease of an apartment, from the roman era, through middleages, modern codes of law, all the way to current state. The second chapter is focused on the definition of key legal institutes regarding lease of an apartment. It is crucial to define these institutes as they are vital for understanding of the whole legislation. In the third chapter I describe ways in which the lease of an apartment can come into existence. I mostly compare the old legislation with the new one. Chapter four is focused on rent and other payments related to the lease of an apartment. I describe how the rent is defined either in civil code or in other legal acts. In charter five I analyze the rights and...
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Výpovědní důvody z nájmu bytu - současná a budoucí právní úprava / The legal reasons of termination of residental lease - current and future legislationPráglová, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
The legal reasons of termination of residental lease - current and future legislation The thesis is composed of five separate chapters and a comparison table as an annex. The paper analyzes the different reasons for the termination of a lease of flat according to currently active legislation and the legislation that comes into force on January 1, 2014. The author chose this topic because the issue of housing and residential lease affects all of us and it is thus important to recognize the exact content of individual reasons for termination. Given that a radical change awaits us in this field, the author decided to compare and evaluate the future legislation. The first chapter outlines a historical development of the reasons for termination in our modern democratic history. Primarily, it focuses on the changes that have been brought upon the termination reasons by the Act No. 107/2006 Coll. and 132/2011 Coll. To maintain a better consistency of the paper, the second chapter examines the basic terminology and assess where and how they are regulated today and how they will be in a few months time. In particular, the author provides the definitions of a flat, lease contract, parties to the lease contract, and describes various options of termination of the lease of flat. Similarly, the author deals...
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Cena bytu z pohledu investora / The price of the flat from point of view of investorGrebík, Josef January 2015 (has links)
This master´s thesis deals with the issue of purchase of the apartment from the perspective of an investor. The aim of the thesis is to evaluate the possible variants of purchase of the apartment, while the main attention is focused on a comparison of the acquisition of an existing apartment, which requires reconstruction, and on the possibility of the construction of a new apartment in the form of loft conversion or superstructure. Possible variants of the solution are discussed in a broader context in order to determine the optimal variant for the investor.
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Vlastnictví bytů a nebytových prostor / Ownership of flats and non-residential premisesBrinda, Pavol January 2017 (has links)
The subject of dissertation thesis is description of selected issues of apartment ownership. The thesis analyses in detail the historical development of the institute in the world from antiquity to the modern legal regulations of the 21st century. Particular attention is paid to the historical development of apartment ownership in the territory of today's Czech Republic. In the next part, the author describes the legislative and theoretical concepts of apartment ownership used in various legal systems of Europe. In the light of these foreign legal regulations, author also evaluates the legal construction of apartment ownership introduced by the new Czech Civil Code. After defining apartment ownership and describing its basic features, the author focuses on a detailed analysis of one of the basic elements of this institute - its subject. In this part, the thesis deals mainly with the question how the new Civil Code has defined the unit, the flat and the common parts of the land and building. The author deals in detail with new possibilities in determining the size of co-ownership shares of unit owners on common parts of the land and building. As part of the analysis of the subject of apartment ownership, the author does not just describe existing legislation, but also compares it with the previous...
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Privatizace městského bytového fondu v Havlíčkově BroduŠulc, Petr January 2007 (has links)
Cílem diplomové práce je přiblížit čtenáři vývoj a základní charakteristiky koncepce bytové politiky ČR a dále pak způsob jakým vznikl městský bytový fond. Čtenáři této práce by měli pochopit právní koncepci privatizace obecních bytů a její aplikaci na konkrétním případu privatizace bytového fondu v Havlíčkově Brodu, kterou zde uvádím včetně jejího zhodnocení. V poslední kapitole se budu věnovat vyhodnocení výsledků dotazníků, které jsem získal na základě výběrového šetření od dotazovaného spektra lidí, jichž se privatizace týkala. Na jeho základě ověřím pomocí statistické metody Chí-kvadrat test logické hypotézy stanovené na základních ekonomických úvahách a všeobecně známých skutečnostech.
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Zánik nájmu bytu / Termination of flat leaseJaša, Jaromír January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with termination of flat lease. The main aim of this thesis was to focus on particular ways by which lease of flat terminates. Significant part of the thesis is devoted to termination of flat lease by notice, which is relatively in detail defined on Act. No. 40/1964 Col., the Civil Code. The Supreme court's decisions are published in the thesis very often, because these decisions take irretrievable place in the field of termination of flat lease. The thesis contains also short discourse about several questions concerning termination of flat lease.
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Aplikace různých metodik ocenění srovnatelných nemovitostí ve městě MikulověHoráková, Eva January 2014 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the method of property valuation of selected housing units located in the town of Mikulov. The first part provides an explanation of the basic concepts related to this matter, the differences between price and value, methods of property valuation and the characterization of the real estate market. In the second part, an actual valuation is performed and the selected housing units which were actually sold are described. The negotiated purchase price and the values determined by the method of direct comparison and administrative valuation are compared.
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Podpora rozhodování v oblasti investic do nemovitostíEftimiadis, Thomas January 2015 (has links)
This master thesis deals with an investment topic that is focused on real estates. In order to compare these investments with their possible alternatives in terms of returns and risks there are also mentioned investment options in selected stocks, bonds and commodities. The comparison of return and risk results in a creation of comprehensive portfolios compiled for the specific investor profile, depending on his risk tolerance. Based on analysis outcomes and economic development forecasts the recommendations how to invest in a current market situation of the Czech Republic as well as major world economies are given in the thesis.
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