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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude cristallochimique et physico-chimique de matériaux phosphatés et fluorophosphatés à base de cadmium / Structural and physical-chemical study of cadmium based phosphates and fluorophosphates

Aboussatar, Mohamed 19 December 2016 (has links)
Ce travail est consacré à l’étude cristallographique et aux propriétés électrochimiques et optiques de phosphates et fluorophosphates de cadmium. L’exploration du système NaF – CdO – NaPO3 a mis en évidence un nouveau fluorophosphate de formule Na2CdPO4F et a permis de reconsidérer le polymorphisme du phosphate NaCdPO4. Les structures cristallines de ces deux phases ont été résolues grâce à des données de diffraction des rayons X, à partir de matériaux obtenus sous forme pulvérulente par voie céramique. La caractérisation du fluorophosphate Na2CdPO4F a également menée par spectroscopie infrarouge, diffusion Raman et Résonance Magnétique Nucléaire. L’étude électrochimique, menée sur des solutions solides de type Na2(Cd/Mn)PO4F, a révélé que la présence simultanée de deux cations divalents était bénéfique pour l’amélioration des taux de sodation/désodation. Les propriétés de luminescence des matériaux NaCdPO4 et Na2CdPO4F dopés en ions Eu3+, ion émetteur d’une fluorescence rouge, sont étroitement corrélées aux propriétés structurales. Certaines formulations de type NaCdPO4 : Eu3+ sont intéressantes en vue d’une application comme composante rouge dans des dispositifs d’émission de lumière. L’étude du système LiF – CdO – NaPO3 a révélé l’existence d’un fluorophosphate inédit de formule Li4Na41Cd30P30O117F20. Sa structure cristalline, déterminée sur monocristal, est caractérisée par la présence d’une entité inédite PO3F2, où le phosphore admet une coordinence 5. / This work is devoted to the crystallographic study and the electrochemical and optical properties of cadmium phosphates and fluorophosphates. The investigation of the NaF - CdO - NaPO3 system revealed a new fluorophosphate of formula Na2CdPO4F and the polymorphism of the phosphate NaCdPO4. The crystal structures of these two phases were solved using XRD powder diffraction data, from materials obtained by a ceramic route. The characterization of the fluorophosphate Na2CdPO4F was also carried out by infrared spectroscopy, Raman scattering and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. The electrochemical study, carried out on solid solutions of the Na2(Cd/Mn)PO4F type, revealed that the simultaneous presence of two divalent cations was beneficial for the improvement of the sodation/desodation rates. The luminescence properties of the red emitters NaCdPO4: Eu3+ and Na2CdPO4F: Eu3+ are closely correlated with the structural properties. Some formulations of NaCdPO4: Eu3+ type are of interest for application as red components in light emitting devices. The study of the LiF - CdO - NaPO3 system revealed the existence of an original fluorophosphate of formula Li4Na41Cd30P30O117F20. Its crystal structure, determined on monocrystal, is characterized by the presence of a novel entity PO3F2, where the phosphorus admits a five-fold coordination.

Novel routes to nanodispersed semiconductors

Green, Mark A. January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

Effect of environmental factors on spermatogenesis. : Ex-vivo assessment of low level of cadmium or bisphenol A on testicular meiotic cells. : Dosage of metals in semen and in DNA of spermatozoa.

Ali Muhammed Wali, Sazan 25 November 2014 (has links)
Nous avons fait l'analyse des flux cytométrie nous a permis d'évaluer les changements dans le nombre de cellules de Sertoli et germinales par le cadmium. Seulement cellules germinales ont diminué dans le temps et de manière dose-dépendante. CS fragmenté, asynapsis et "mitée" CS ont été observés. Cd induit modifications ex-vivo en cours de la méiose. BPA changé chronologie de la méiose et active le point de contrôle de pachytène. Asynapsis et la fragmentation ont été induites. Noyaux leptotène anormaux, et zygotène asynapsed, observées. CS pulvérisé indiqué les anomalies de recombinaison et / ou d'appariement génétique.BPA modifie principales fonctions biologiques et les voies canoniques. Le nombre de gènes affectés par BPA a augmenté au cours du temps d'exposition. Changement Fold augmenté. Quatre fonctions altérées étaient le cancer, la mort cellulaire, le développement cellulaire et la cellule de cellulaire signalisation. Nous insistons sur le fait que les gènes liés à l'ADN interagi ORD réparation perturbés.la mesure des métaux dans le plasma séminal et de l'ADN du sperme des hommes normaux et anormaux. Nous avons utilisé ICP / MS pour mesurer la concentration de métal dans l'ADN de le sperme et plasma séminal. Tous les métaux analysés ont été détectés dans le plasma séminal. De l'ADN de sperme, As, Hg, Sb et Se, ont été non détecté par cette méthode. Aucune correlation des concentrations de métaux entre le plasma séminal et d'ADN de sperme ont été observées. Les concentrations de métaux, dans le sperme normaux et anormaux, visualiser une augmentation significative de Sb dans le plasma séminal et de Al dans l'ADN des spermatozoïdes dans le sperme de groupe anormal. / We did Flow cytometric analysis enabled us to evaluate changes in the number of Sertoli cells and germ cells by cadmium. Only germ cells were decreased in a time and dose dependent manner. Fragmented SC, asynapsis and "motheaten" SC were observed. Cd induced ex-vivo modifications in meiotic process. BPA changed meiotic chronology and activates the pachytene checkpoint. Asynapsis and fragmentation were induced. Abnormal leptotene nuclei, and asynapsed zygotene, observed. Pulverized SC indicated the abnormalities of genetic recombination and/or pairing. Transcriptomic analysis showed that BPA alters main biological functions and canonical pathways. The number of genes affected by BPA increased over the exposure time. Fold change increased. Four impaired functions were cancer, cell death, cellular development and cell to cell signaling. We emphasize that interacted genes linked to DNA DSB repair disturbed.The other part of this thesis is including the measurement of metals in seminal plasma and in sperm DNA of normal and abnormal men. We used ICP/MS to measure the metal concentration in the seminal plasma and sperm DNA. All metals analyzed were detected in seminal plasma. In sperm DNA, As, Hg, Sb and Se, were undetected with this method. No correlation between the seminal plasma and sperm DNA metal concentrations were observed. The metal concentrations, in normal and abnormal semen, visualized a significant increase of Sb in the seminal plasma and of Al in the sperm DNA in the abnormal semen group.

Temperature Tolerance of Freshwater Fish Exposed to Water-Borne Cadmium

Carrier, Roxie 05 1900 (has links)
Lethal toxicity values (96 h LC50; mg Cd/L) for the test species were similar: Lepomis cyanellus, 11.52; Notropis lutrensis, 6.62; Pimephales promelus, 3.58. However the effects of cadmium concentration and exposure time on temperature tolerance varied between species. Neither cadmium concentration nor exposure time had a significant effect on the CTM of green sunfish. Both cadmium concentration and exposure time had a significant effect on the CTMs of red shiners and fathead minnows. By day 10 mean CTMs were 2.3 t- 4.5 C (red shiners) and 4.2 to 5.7 C (fathead minnows) lower than control CTM. These results suggest a potential problem in cadmium contaminated systems for high environmental temperatures to stress or kill fish.

Sorption et désorption du cadmium dans deux sols agricoles amendés de composts et de coquilles d'oeufs de poules

Nguyen, Van Trang 16 April 2018 (has links)
Le cadmium (Cd) est l'un des métaux les plus toxiques car il produit des effets néfastes sur l'activité biologique du sol, les plantes, le métabolisme, et la santé de l'homme et des animaux. L'objectif de cette étude est de déterminer la sorption et la désorption du Cd dans deux sols, un sol sableux et un sol limono-argileux, amendés avec 10% de matériaux biologiques (quantité destinée à la restauration des sites contaminés). Les quatre matériaux biologiques mis à l'essai sont: i) un compost à base de bovins de boucherie et de sciure de bois (CBS), ii) un compost à base de bovins de boucherie et de paille (CBP), iii) un compost commercial à base de tourbe et de déchets de crevettes (CTC) et iv) une farine de coquilles d'oeufs de poules (FCO). L'application des matériaux biologiques a rehaussé la capacité des sols à retenir le Cd. Une augmentation progressive de la sorption a été observée avec les temps de contact allant de 0,5 h à 4 semaines. Le rehaussement de la température de 5 à 450C a augmenté la quantité de Cd sorbée. Les données de sorption pour des concentrations de Cd2+ ajoutée variant de 0 à 2000 mg Cd/kg ont été le mieux décrites par la forme linéaire de l'équation de Freundlich. La quantité de Cd sorbée a augmenté avec l'accroissement de sa concentration dans la solution d'équilibre. D'une manière générale, la capacité des sols à retenir le Cd augmentait dans l'ordre suivant: sols amendés de CBS ou de CBP < sols amendés de CTC < sols amendés de FCO. L'étude de désorption du Cd fraîchement sorbé a été réalisée au moyen d'extractions singulières utilisant la solution Mehlich-3 ou DTPA-TEA-CaCl2 et d'extraction séquentielle utilisant successivement les solutions Ca(NO3)2, TEA-DTPA-CaCl2 et HCl. La quantité de Cd désorbée est directement proportionnelle à la quantité de Cd fraîchement sorbée. Les résultats suggèrent que les amendements biologiques pourraient être appliqués aux sols afin de rehausser leurs propriétés de rétention du Cd.

Effect and uptake of cadmium and lead mixtures on selected vegetables : environmental and public health implications

Nwosu, Julius U. 11 December 1992 (has links)
Graduation date: 1993

Aqueous Rechargeable Batteries with High Electrochemical Performance

Liu, Yu 07 August 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Mit der Entwicklung der Weltwirtschaft steigt der Energieverbrauch weiterhin stark an. Darüber hinaus reduzieren sich die nicht erneuerbaren Energiequellen, wie Öl, Erdgas und Kohle und die Umweltverschmutzung wird größer. Daher soll die Energienutzung in eine neue, erneuerbare und umweltfreundliche Richtung gehen. Die Arbeit hat zum Ziel innovative, wässrige Akkumulatoren zu entwickeln. Im Allgemeinen können wässrige Akkumulatoren gemäß der Elektrolyte in drei verschiedenen Kategorien eingeteilt werden. Es gibt feste, organische und wässrige Elektrolyte einschließlich saurer, alkalischer und neutraler. In Bezug auf metallbasierte negative Elektroden können sie auch als Lithiumbatterie, Natriumbatterie sowie Magnesiumbatterie etc. bezeichnet werden. Daher werden im ersten Kapitel einige typische Akkumulatoren, wie die Lithiumionenbatterien, Daniell-Element, Weston-Zelle, Nickel-Cadmium-Batterie und Bleibatterie vorgestellt. Im Vergleich zu organischen Elektrolyten wurden wässrige Akkumulatoren aufgrund ihrer billigen, leichten und sicheren Bauweise in den letzten Jahren umfassend untersucht. Zusätzlich dazu ist die ionische Leitfähigkeit von wässrigen Elektrolyten um zwei Größenordnungen höher als die von organischen Elektrolyten. Dies garantiert eine hohe Entladungsrate für wässrige wiederaufladbare Batterien. Somit bieten wiederaufladbare Batterien potentielle Anwendungen in der Energiespeicherung und -umwandlung. Allerdings verursachen starke Säuren oder Basen, die als Elektrolyte für sekundäre Batterien eingesetzt werden, eine starke Korrosion. Somit wären neutrale wässrige Elektrolyten (oder Elektrolytlösungen) mit einem pH-Wert in der Nähe von sieben, wie zum Beispiel schwach basisch oder sauer, die beste Wahl für wässrige Akkumulatoren. Aktive Elektrodenmaterialien der Batterien, die hochgiftige Schwermetalle wie Blei, Quecksilber und Cadmium enthalten, belasten die Umwelt. Um die Menge an Schwermetallen und Säure (oder Basen) zu verringern, sowie die spezifische Kapazität von Batterien zu erhöhen, untersucht diese Dissertation vor allem die elektrochemische Leistung der PbSO4/0,5M Li2SO4/LiMn2O4-Zelle, der Cd/0,5M Li2SO4+10mM Cd(Ac)2/LiCoO2-Zelle und von C/Cu/CNT-Gemischen als negative Materialien in 0,5 M K2CO3–Elektrolyt-Halbzellen. Die zugehörigen experimentellen Ergebnisse werden wie folgt zusammengefaßt: Im Kapitel 3 wurde eine säurefreie Bleibatterie auf Basis des LiMn2O4-Spinells als positive Elektrode, PbSO4 als negativer Elektrode und der wässrigen Lösung von 0,5 M Li2SO4 als Elektrolyt zusammengesetzt. Die spezifische Kapazität auf Basis von LiMn2O4 beträgt 128 mA•h•g-1 und die durchschnittliche Entladungsspannung beträgt 1,3 V. Die berechnete Energiedichte ist 68 W•h•kg-1, bezogen auf die praktischen Kapazitäten der beiden Elektroden. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die positive Elektrode der Bleibatterie (PbO2) vollständig durch umweltfreundliches und billiges LiMn2O4 ersetzt werden kann, wodurch 50 % des Bleis eingespart werden können. Außerdem wird Schwefelsäure nicht benötigt. Kapitel 4 zeigt eine wässrige wiederaufladbare Lithiumionenbatterie, die metallisches Cadmium als negative Elektrode, LiCoO2-Nanopartikel als positive Elektrode und eine wässrige, neutrale Lösung von 0,5 M Li2SO4 und 10 mM Cd(Ac)2 als Elektrolyt enthält. Die durchschnittliche Entladungsspannung beträgt 1,2 V und die spezifische Entladungskapazität beträgt 107 mA•h•g-1 auf Basis von LiCoO2. Die berechnete Energiedichte beträgt 72 W•h•kg-1, bezogen auf die praktischen Kapazitäten der beiden Elektroden. Wie bereits oben beschrieben demonstrieren die Ergebnisse, dass 100 % von Quecksilber und der alkalischen Elektrolyt im Vergleich zur Weston-Zelle bzw. der Ni-Cd-Batterie, eingespart werden können. Kapitel 5 zeigt einen Verbundwerkstoff von Kupfer, das auf der Oberfläche von CNTs durch eine Redoxreaktion zwischen Kupferacetat und Ethylenglykol, zur Verwendung als negative Elektrode bei hohen Strömen in der Energiespeicherung, hergestellt wurde. Der so hergestellte C/Cu/CNT-Verbundwerkstoff zeigt ein besseres Geschwindigkeitsverhalten und eine höhere Kapazität ebenso wie eine exzellente Zyklusstabilität in wässrigen 0,5 M K2CO3-Lösungen im Vergleich zu einfachem Kupfer. Die Kohlenstoffbeschichtung kann die Auflösung von Kupfercarbonatkomplexen verhindern, die Elektrodenleitfähigkeit erhöhen und die Oberflächenchemie des aktiven Materials verbessern. / With the economic development of the world, energy consumption continues to rise sharply. Moreover, non-renewable energy sources including fossil oil, natural gas and coal are declining gradually and environmental pollution is becoming more severe. Hence, energy usage should go into a new direction of development that is renewable and environmental-friendly. This thesis aims to explore innovative aqueous rechargeable batteries. Generally, rechargeable batteries could be classified into three categories according to the different electrolytes. There are solid electrolytes, organic electrolytes and aqueous electrolytes including acidic, alkaline and neutral. In terms of metal-based negative electrodes, they also could be named lithium battery, sodium battery as well as magnesium battery etc. Therefore, some typical rechargeable batteries are introduced in Chapter 1, such as lithium ion batteries, Daniell-type cell, Weston cell, Ni-Cd battery and lead-acid battery. Compared to organic electrolytes, aqueous rechargeable batteries have been investigated broadly in recent years because they are inexpensive, easy to construct and safe. Additionally, the ionic conductivity of aqueous electrolytes is higher than that of organic electrolytes by about two orders of magnitude. Furthermore, it ensures high rate capability for aqueous rechargeable battery. Consequently, aqueous rechargeable batteries present potential applications in energy storage and conversion. However, strong acid or alkaline, which is used as the electrolyte for secondary batteries, will cause serious corrosion. Thus, neutral aqueous electrolyte (or pH value of electrolyte solution close to 7 such as weak alkaline and acid) would be the best choice for aqueous rechargeable battery. In addition, the electrode active materials of batteries containing highly toxic heavy metals such as Pb, Hg and Cd, pollute the environment. As a result, in order to reduce the amount of heavy metals and acid (or alkaline) as well as increase the specific capacity of batteries, this dissertation mainly studies the electrochemical performance of PbSO4/0.5M Li2SO4/LiMn2O4 full battery, Cd/0.5M Li2SO4+10 mM Cd(Ac)2/LiCoO2 full battery and C/Cu/CNT composites as negative material in 0.5 M K2CO3 electrolyte as half cell. The related experimental results are as follows: In Chapter 3, an acid-free lead battery was assembled based on spinel LiMn2O4 as the positive electrode, PbSO4 as the negative electrode, and 0.5 M Li2SO4 aqueous solution as the electrolyte. Its specific capacity based on the LiMn2O4 is 128 mA•h•g-1 and the average discharge voltage is 1.3 V. The calculated energy density is 68 W•h•kg-1 based on the practical capacities of the two electrodes. These results show that the positive electrode of the lead acid battery (PbO2) can be totally replaced by the environmentally friendly and cheap LiMn2O4, which implies that 50 % of Pb can be saved. In addition, H2SO4 is not needed. Chapter 4 shows an aqueous rechargeable lithium ion battery using metallic Cd as the negative electrode, LiCoO2 nanoparticles as the positive electrode, and an aqueous neutral solution of 0.5 M Li2SO4 and 10 mM Cd(Ac)2 as the electrolyte. Its average discharge voltage is 1.2 V and the specific discharge capacity is 107 mA•h•g-1 based on the LiCoO2 . In addition, the calculated energy density based on the capacities of the electrodes is 72 W•h•kg-1. As described above, the results demonstrate that 100 % of Hg and alkaline electrolyte can be saved compared with the Weston cell and the Ni-Cd battery, respectively. The work reported in Chapter 5 deals with a composite of copper grown on the surface of CNTs as prepared by a redox reaction between copper acetate and ethylene glycol for use as negative electrode at high currents in energy storage. The as-prepared C/Cu/CNTs composite exhibits better rate behavior and higher capacity as well as excellent cycling stability in aqueous 0.5 M K2CO3 solution compared to the unsupported copper. The carbon coating can effectively prevent the dissolution of copper carbonate complexes, increase the electrode conductivity, improve the surface chemistry of the active material and protect the electrode from direct contact with electrolyte solution.

Halide-Assisted Synthesis of Cadmium Chalcogenide Nanoplatelets

Meerbach, Christian, Wu, Cong, Erwin, Steven C., Dang, Zhiya, Prudnikau, Anatol, Lesnyak, Vladimir 01 April 2021 (has links)
Atomically flat colloidal semiconductor CdSe nanoplatelets (NPLs) with precisely controlled thickness possess a range of unique optoelectronic properties. Here, we study the growth of CdSe, CdTe, and CdS NPLs with the aim of synthesizing thicker NPLs in order to extend their optical activity further into the lower energy/larger wavelength range. We employ cadmium halides, which lead to faster reaction kinetics as confirmed by control experiments with cadmium hydroxide as a Cd-precursor. Addition of halides in all cases led to the formation of thicker NPL species, as compared with the corresponding syntheses without these additives. Analysis of a recent theoretical model of the platelet growth mechanism confirms an earlier suggestion that reducing both the reaction enthalpy and the surface energy of CdSe, by replacing acetate ligands with chloride ions, should indeed lead to thicker NPLs as observed. We noticed a formation of Cd0-metal nanoparticles in the first stage of the synthesis by preparing the Cd-precursor, which is another key finding of our work. We assume that these particles can serve as an active cadmium source facilitating the growth of the NPLs. The resulting 6 ML CdSe NPLs exhibited bright photoluminescence with quantum yield of up to 50%, exceptionally narrow spectrum centered at 582 nm with full width at half-maximum of approx. 11 nm, and small Stokes shift of 2 nm. Moreover, we demonstrated the synthesis of heterostructured core/shell CdSe/CdS NPLs based on 6 ML CdSe platelets, which also exhibited bright fluorescence. This work shows the possibility to overcome energetic barrier limiting the size (thickness) control by using appropriate promoters of the growth of CdSe, CdTe, and CdS 2D structures.

Bioaccumulation and sub-lethal effects of intermittent and continuous exposure to metals on the marine mussel, Mytilus galloprovincialis

Amachree, Dokuboba January 2014 (has links)
Aquatic organisms experience intermittent exposure to contaminants. The hazard from such discontinuous exposure may not simply be predicted from existing continuous exposure. Little is known about the bioaccumulation responses of shellfish to metals during intermittent compared to the continuous exposure counterparts. This study was designed to compare the bioaccumulation responses of two metals (Cd and Hg) singly (Chapters 3 and 4) or mixtures (Chapters 5 and 6) during continuous and intermittent exposure. Responses were examined using a multi-assay approach in areas of oxidative stress, osmoregulation, haematology and organ pathology. Tissue metal concentrations were highest in the gill and digestive gland for both metals. The linear or curvilinear pattern of accumulation was observed in the continuous exposure. While an alternating temporal uptake and clearance corresponding with the exposure was observed in the gill (Hg alone) and haemolymph (Cd alone) in intermittent profile. At the end, the study shows that accumulation of Hg or Cd was less in the intermittent compared to the continuous exposure for most tissue. Sub-lethal responses during Hg or Cd alone were similar in both regime apart from the severe pathology in the gill (continuous exposure) and inflammation in the digestive gland (intermittent exposure) observed in the Hg alone treatment (Chapter 4). For Hg plus Cd mixture, the additive effect in accumulation was observed in both exposures. Sub-lethal responses during mixtures were not affected in the intermittent. However, an antagonistic interaction was observed in the TBARS during continuous exposures for all tissues apart from the digestive gland. In terms of risk assessment, regulations for the single metals in continuous exposure will be protective for intermittent events at least for adult M.galloprovincialis.

Evaluation of biomarkers for testicular toxicity

Elkin, Naomi D. January 2010 (has links)
Non-clinical safety assessment is essential during the drug development process in the pharmaceutical industry, and involves numerous, detailed in vitro and in vivo toxicology tests (general, reproductive and genetic), and safety pharmacology studies. The testis is a common organ for adverse drug effects leading to attrition of potential compounds. It would, therefore, be useful to detect testicular toxicity as early as possible in the drug development process. Histopathology is the standard method for assessing testis toxicity, but a biomarker for ‘early warning’ detection of testicular toxicity would be far more useful in non-clinical toxicology studies. The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the feasibility of this approach. It is thought that proteins can leak from seminiferous tubules into testicular interstitial fluid following testicular damage, due to either loss of integrity of the blood-testis barrier (BTB) or germ cell damage. A potential biomarker protein could, therefore, leak out of seminiferous tubules into interstitial fluid and then into blood following toxicological insult to the testis. A suitable biomarker protein must be testis specific, abundant, and not normally be present in blood. It may also need to have a low molecular weight. To investigate if proteins do leak out of seminiferous tubules following testicular damage, three known testicular toxicants which affect different aspects of the testis were used; cadmium chloride causes disruption to the blood-testis barrier and spermatogenesis, methoxyacetic acid (MAA) specifically causes a loss of pachytene spermatocytes, and 1,3-dinitrobenzene (DNB) causes Sertoli cell vacuolation and subsequent germ cell disruption. Adult male Wistar rats were treated with various doses of these toxicants to give mild and moderate responses. Samples were collected 24 hours later. Testicular damage was investigated by immunohistochemistry for well-known germ cell markers (DAZL, VASA) and using a general antibody to seminiferous tubule proteins. The integrity of the BTB was evaluated using immunofluorescent co-localisation of occludin, ZO-1, claudin-11, N-cadherin and β-catenin, and a biotin tracer. Protein leakage was investigated using analysis of interstitial fluid samples by 1D gel electrophoresis and staining with Coomassie-based dye or Western blotting for germ cell proteins and with the general antibody to seminiferous tubule proteins. Protein leakage from seminiferous tubules into interstitial fluid was observed with high dose cadmium chloride treatment. This was coincident with a loss of integrity of the BTB. No leakage was observed with MAA treatment which caused a specific loss of pachytene spermatocytes, or DNB which caused Sertoli cell vacuolation. With both treatments the BTB did not appear to be damaged suggesting that protein leakage occurs only following loss of integrity of the BTB. This was further investigated using treatments reported to specifically disrupt the BTB, namely intra-testicular administration of glycerol or transforming growth factor-β3, with samples collected 48 hours later. The damage caused was very localised, although BTB disruption with glycerol treatment caused some protein leakage. The presence of germ cell proteins in interstitial fluid samples before and after the development of the BTB during normal development was also evaluated, although most proteins of interest were not expressed in germ cells of the immature testis before BTB formation. Finally, five potential biomarker candidate proteins (ADAM3, Calpastatin, DAZL, FABP9, VASA) were selected and investigated using samples from the testicular toxicant studies. Smaller molecular weight proteins were thought to be more likely to leak out of seminiferous tubules, however, VASA, a large molecular protein (76kDa) was shown to leak into interstitial fluid following high dose cadmium chloride treatment. However, FABP9 (low molecular weight) was found to be the most promising biomarker for loss of BTB integrity. The results suggest that a biomarker could only be detected if there is a loss of integrity of the BTB and severe disruption of spermatogenesis, thus conferring no real advantage over present histopathology-based toxicity evaluations. Therefore, an automated immunohistochemistry and image analysis method was investigated as a refined method for detection of testicular toxicity at the end of a toxicology study, and shown to have promise.

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