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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uticaj ekstrudiranja na promene odabranih fizičko-hemijskih svojstava soje

Kukić Predrag 02 February 2018 (has links)
<p>Cilj istraživanja je da se utvrde promene hemijskog sastava proizvoda na izlazu iz ekstrudera i prese (sojine pogače i ulja), tj. njihovog kvaliteta sa aspekta njihove dalje primene u proizvodnji stočne hrane, primene u prehrambenoj industriji ili daljoj primeni sojinog ulja u proizvodnji biodizela, a sve u funkcionalnoj zavisnosti od promenljivih karakteristika ulazne sirovine i parametara rada ekstrudera. Ekstrudiranje sojinog zrna vr&scaron;ilo se na ekstruderu tip E751, proizvođača &bdquo;SREM PRODUKT&ldquo; DOO iz Laćarka, a presovanje na presi tip PM-5S proizvođača &bdquo;BRONTO&ldquo; iz Ukrajine. Istraživanja koja su sprovedena u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji rađena su kao doprinos pro&scaron;irenju znanja vezanih za proces proizvodnje sojine pogače i sojinog ulja, a pored toga&nbsp; kako bi dobili praktične smernice za optimalnu kontrolu i modelovanje procesa estruzije i ceđenja soje kao i projektovanja ekstrudera. U cilju dobijanja i analiziranja podataka koji bi mogli da utvrde promene hemijskog sastava proizvoda na izlazu iz ekstrudera i prese (sojine pogače i ulja), tj. njihovog kvaliteta sa aspekta njihove dalje primene u proizvodnji stočne hrane, primene u prehrambenoj industriji ili daljoj primeni sojinog ulja u proizvodnji biodizela, a sve u funkcionalnoj zavisnosti od promenljivih karakteristika ulazne sirovine i parametara rada ekstrudera, sprovedena su eksperimentalna i laboratorijska ispitivanja. Eksperimentalna istraživanja su namenjena praktičnoj primeni kojom bi se proces proizvodnje sojine pogače i sojinog ulja mogao usavr&scaron;iti i optimatizovati. Rezultati koji su dobijeni ovim istraživanjima mogu biti korisni svima koji se bave proizvodnjom sojine pogače i sojinog ulja. Eksperimentalna istraživanja obavljana su na ekstruderu tip E-751 i presi tip PM-5S, ali su rezultati primenjivi i na drugim ekstruderima i presama drugih proizvođača koji koriste soju kao sirovinu i proizvode&nbsp; sojinu pogaču i sojino ulje. Na osnovu izvr&scaron;enih istraživanja, obrađenih i prodis<br />___________________Doktorska disertacija,&nbsp; autor:Kukić Predrag_____________________<br /><br /><br />_______________________________________________________________IV od 34<br />kutovanih rezultata do&scaron;lo se do funkcionalnih zavisnosti između pojedinih parametara ekstruzije i od promenljivih karakteristika ulazne sirovine sa jedne strane i karakteristika ekstrudata i sojinog ulja sa druge strane i na osnovu toga do&scaron;lo se do određenih zaključaka. Na osnovu eksperimentralnih ispitivanja ocenjen je uticaj promene odabranih fizičkohemijskih svojstava soje pri ekstrudiranju zrna soje. U disertaciji se krenulo od analize polazne sirovine tj. soje i njenog sadržaja proteina, ulja, slobodnih masnih kiselina i vlage, a zatim variranjem režima rada ekstrudera tj. doziranja ulaznog materijala praćeno preko opterćenja pogonskog elektromotora ekstrudera izraženog preko jačine struje [A], povr&scaron;ine otvora mlaznice i vlažnosti soje, praćen je sadržaj slobodnih masnih kiselina, fosfora i vlage u sojinom ulju posle presovanja ekstrudata, kao i sadržaj proteina, vlage, ulja, aktivnost ureaze i PDI u sojinoj pogači. Na osnovu sprovedenih istraživanja do&scaron;lo se do funkcionalnih zavisnosti između zadatih režima rada ekstrudera, ulazne sirovine i odabranih fizičko-hemijskih svojstava soje pri ekstrudiranju zrna soje. Tako da se sa porastom povr&scaron;ine otvora mlaznice i doziranja mase povećava se produkcija sojine pogače. Produkcija sojine pogače se povećava i kada se vlažnost ulazne sirovine povećava. Sa povećanjem vlažnosti ulazne sirovine i interakcije doziranja mase i povr&scaron;ine otvora mlaznice sadržaj vlage u sojinoj pogači se povećava. Na osnovu izvedenih istraživanja može se tđ. zaključiti da sa povećanjem povr&scaron;ine otvora mlaznice ekstrudera raste sadržaj ulja u sojinoj pogači za svaku od tri vlažnosti soje kao ulazne sirovine, dok sa povećanjem doziranja ulazne sirovine smanjuje se sadržaj&nbsp; ulja u sojinoj pogači za svaku od tri mlaznice. Povećanjem povr&scaron;ine otvora mlaznice ekstrudera, dolazi do smanjenja sadržaja proteina u sojinoj pogači, dok je obrnuto kod povećanja doziranja ulazne sirovine, tj. sa povećanjem doziranja sirovine u ekstruder povećava se sadržaj proteina u sojinoj pogači. Pozitivan efekat aktivnosti ureaze (∆pH) u<br />___________________Doktorska disertacija,&nbsp; autor:Kukić Predrag_____________________<br /><br /><br />_______________________________________________________________V od 34<br />sojinoj pogači je za veće vrednosti kako povr&scaron;ine otvora mlaznice, tako i interakcije promenljivih W (vlažnosti soje) i D (doziranje mase soje određeno preko opterećenja elektromotora). U sojinoj pogači PDI se povećava sa povećanjem vlažnosti ulazne sirovine, povr&scaron;ine otvora mlaznice ekstrudera i doziranja zrna soje kao ulazne sirovine. Razmatrajući dobijene podatke za sojino ulje dobijeno ceđenjem produkta ekstruzije dobijenog ekstruzijom soje sa predviđenim vlažnostima ulazne sirovine do&scaron;lo se do zaključka da se produkcija ulja smanjuje sa povećanjem povr&scaron;ine otvora mlaznice ekstrudera, a da pri povećanju doziranja ulazne sirovine povećava se produkcija sojinog ulja. Sadržaj vlage u sojinom ulju smanjuje se sa povećanjem povr&scaron;ine mlaznice ekstrudera, kao i sa povećanjem doziranja ulazne sirovine. Na osnovu ocenjenog modela najveće vrednosti sadržaja SMK se postižu pri najmanjim razmatranim vrednostima vlažnosti ulazne sirovine, pri čemu sadržaj SMK se povećava sa povećanjem doziranja mase.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Sadržaj fosfora u ulju se smanjuje sa povećanjem doziranja ulazne sirovine u ekstruder. Veća temperatura eksturzije [oC] postiže se pri manjim vrednostima vlage i povr&scaron;ine otvora mlaznice. Sa povećanjem doziranja mase i pri fiksnim vrednostima vlage i povr&scaron;ine otvora mlaznice očekivana vrednost temperature eksturzije opada. Sa povećanjem doziranja sirovine u ekstruder maksimalna očekivana vrednost potro&scaron;ene energija po kilogramu produkcije (sojina pogača + sojino ulje) se smanjuje. Sa povećanjem doziranja sirovine u ekstruder maksimalna očekivana vrednost potro&scaron;ene energije po kilogramu produkcije sojine pogače se smanjuje. Sa povećanjem doziranja sirovine u ekstruder minimalna očekivana vrednost potro&scaron;ene energije po kilogramu produkcije sojinog ulja se povećava</p> / <p>AB&nbsp;<br /><br />The aim of this research is to determine the changes in chemical composition of the products at the outlet of the extruder and press (soya meal and oil), i.e. their quality in terms of their further use in animal feed production, food industry or the further use of soybean oil in bio-diesel production, with the functional correlation between the variable characteristics of feedstock and operating parameters of the extruder. Extrusion of soybeans was carried out on the extruder, type E-751, manufactured by &quot;SREM PRODUKT&quot; DOO from Lacarak, and pressing of oil on the press, type PM-5S, manufactured by &quot;BRONTO&quot; from Ukraine. Studies that were conducted in this PhD Thesis were done as a contribution to the expansion of knowledge related to the production process of soya cake and soya oil, and to provide practical guidelines for the optimal control and modeling of the extrusion process and squeezing soybeans, as well as for the designing of the extruder. Some experimental and laboratory tests were conducted in order to obtain and to analyze data that could determine changes in chemical composition of the products at the outlet of the extruder and press (soya cake and oil), i.e. their quality in terms of their further use in animal feed production, food industry or the further use of soybean oil in bio-diesel production, all with the functional correlation between variable characteristics of feedstock and operating parameters of the extruder. Experimental researches are intended for practical application, by which the production process of soya cake and soybean oil could be enhanced and optimized. The results obtained in these researches can be useful to everyone involved in the production of soya cake and soya oil. Experimental studies were carried out on the extruder, type E-751 and the press, type PM5S, but the results are also applicable to other extruders and presses from other manufacturers, that use soybean as a raw material and produce soybean cake and soybean oil. The conducted researches, processed and discussed results have led to the functional correlations between different extrusion parameters and variable characteristics of the incoming raw<br />___________________Doktorska disertacija,&nbsp; autor:Kukić Predrag_____________________<br /><br /><br />_______________________________________________________________IX od 34<br />materials on the one hand, and the characteristics of the extrudate and soybean oil on the other hand, and further on to the certain conclusions. Based on the experimental researches, the impact of changes in selected physical and chemical properties of soybeans was evaluated in the extrusion of soybeans. The PhD Thesis started with the analysis of raw material i.e. soybean and its composition: protein, oil, free fatty acids (FFA) and moisture, and then, the content of free fatty acids, phosphorus and moisture in soybean oil after pressing the extrudate were monitored, as well as protein, moisture, oil, urease activity and PDI (Protein Dispersibility Index) in soya cake by varying the operating mode of the extruder, i.e. feeding of raw material, monitored via load of the main drive motor of the extruder expressed through amperage [A], the die openings surface and moisture of soybeans. The conducted researches have led to the functional correlations between the preset operating modes of the extruder, incoming raw material and selected physical and chemical properties of soybeans in the extrusion process. Thus, with increasing the die openings surface and feeding mass, the production of soya cake is being increased as well. Production of soya cake is also increased with the increase of moisture in the incoming raw material. Moisture content in soya cake is being increased with the increase of moisture content in a feedstock and interactions of feeding mass and the die openings surface. Based on the conducted researches, it can be concluded that the oil content in soybean cake is being increased with the increase of the extruder die openings surface for each of the three moisture content in soybean as a feedstock, while the oil content in soybean cake is being decreased with increased dosage of feedstock for each of the three extruder dies. By increasing the surface area of the extruder die openings, there is a decrease of the protein content in soya expeller cake, while vice versa, with an increase in the dosing of input raw material, i.e. with increasing dosage of raw material to the extruder, the protein content in soya expeller cake is increased. The positive effect of urease activity (&Delta;pH) in soya cake is for larger values of the surface of extruder die<br />___________________Doktorska disertacija,&nbsp; autor:Kukić Predrag_____________________<br /><br /><br />_______________________________________________________________X od 34<br />openings as well as for the interaction of variables W (moisture in soybean) and D (soybean mass dosage determined via the load of the main electric motor). PDI in soybean cake increases with the increase in moisture content of raw material, the surface of the extruder die openings and the dosing of soybeans as a feedstock. Considering the data obtained for soybean oil, manufactured by squeezing the extruded soy product with the predicted moisture content in the feedstock, it has been concluded that the oil production decreases with increasing the surface of the extruder die openings, while by increasing the dosage of incoming raw material, the production of soybean oil is increased. Moisture content in soybean oil is reduced with the increase of the surface of the extruder die openings, as well as with an increase in dosage of feedstock. Based on the evaluated model, the largest values of FFA content were achieved with the smallest considered values for the moisture content in the incoming feedstock, wherein the content of FFA increases with increasing the feeding mass. The phosphorus content in the oil decreases with increasing the feeding of raw material into extruder. Higher extrusion temperatures [oC] are achieved at the lower values of moisture and surface of extruder die openings. With increasing the feeding mass and fixed values of moisture content and die openings surface, the expected value of the extrusion temperature decreases. With increasing the dosage of raw materials into the extruder, the largest expected value for the energy, spent per kilogram of production (soybean cake + soybean oil), decreases. By increasing the dosage of raw materials in the extruder, the largest expected value for the energy, spent per kilogram of soya cake production, is reduced. With increasing the dosage of raw materials in the extruder, the lowest expected value of energy, spent per kilogram of soybean oil production, increases</p>

Estudo do desempenho do processo de microfiltração tangencial com membranas cerâmicas aplicado à retenção de bactérias e redução de sólidos suspensos de uma bebida à base de açaí / Performance study of the crossflow microfiltration process with ceramic membranes applied to the bacteria retention and suspended solids reduction of the beverage based on açai

Haneda, Renata Natsumi 18 August 2010 (has links)
Nesta pesquisa de doutorado, o processo de microfiltração tangencial com membranas cerâmicas é investigado visando à retenção de bactérias (Escherichia coli CCT 0549) e redução de sólidos suspensos de uma bebida à base de açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart.). As membranas comerciais selecionadas foram manufaturadas com \'alfa\'-alumina (\'AL IND.2\'O IND.3\') e possuem tamanho nominal de poro, fornecido pelo fabricante no valor de 0,8\'mü\'m e 1,2\'mü\'m. O valor nominal da membrana de 1,2\'mü\'m é maior que a largura da Escherichia coli (0,8\'mü\'m). Como, a princípio, o microrganismo está fisicamente sujeito a passagem pela membrana de 1,2\'mü\'m, esta estrutura micro-porosa foi submetida à impregnação de prata. Este procedimento visou verificar a influência da prata como material bactericida para auxiliar na redução/eliminação das bactérias inoculadas na bebida à base de açaí. Para tanto, a estrutura cerâmica micro-porosa foi tratada quimicamente com solução de citrato de prata e submetida à queima até a temperatura de 600 graus Celsius para eliminação dos compostos orgânicos e conseqüente impregnação de nanopartículas de prata metálica nos poros da membrana. Este processo de impregnação proporcionou um discreto aumento no índice de retenção microbiana em regime de escoamento turbulento (Re=20000). A caracterização morfológica, a composição e a impregnação de prata nas membranas foram realizadas com o auxílio da Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV) e do Detector de Energia Dispersiva de Raio-X (EDX). Estas mesmas técnicas foram utilizadas para caracterizar o fenômeno físico-químico de formação da camada polarizada sobre a superfície da membrana. A análise da retenção de bactérias foi realizada através da contagem de unidades formadoras de colônia (UFC/mL) em placas Petrifilm \'EC POT.TM\'. O desempenho das membranas na retenção de material particulado suspenso foi analisado pela técnica de espectroscopia de ultra-som e por comparação qualitativa, entre concentrado e permeado, via microscopia ótica. A redução de antocianina (cianidina-3-glicosídeo) e o conteúdo de polifenóis totais foram investigados via espectrofotometria, apresentando relação direta com o tamanho dos poros da membrana e com o regime de escoamento. Desta forma, parâmetros fluido-dinâmicos do processo, tais como: número de Reynolds, pressão transmembrana e fluxo transmembrana foram caracterizados para uma ampla faixa do escoamento turbulento e analisados com o modelo de resistência em série. Os resultados experimentais obtidos neste trabalho indicaram que o processo de microfiltração tangencial é uma boa alternativa à retenção de microrganismos e simultânea redução de sólidos suspensos da bebida à base de açaí. / In this doctoral research, the crossflow microfiltration process utilizing ceramic membranes was investigated aiming at the bacteria retention (Escherichia coli) and reduction of suspended solids of beverage based on açai (Euterpe oleracea Mart.). The selected commercial membranes of \'alfa\'-alumina (\'AL IND.2\'O IND.3\') had nominal pore sizes of 0.8 and 1.2 \'mü\'m and were manufactured by Andritz Group from Austria. The membrane nominal value of 1.2\'mü\'m is larger than the width of the Escherichia coli (0.8\'mü\'m). Therefore, as the microrganisms are subjected to pass through the pores of this membrane, it was submitted to silver impregnation. This procedure aimed to verify the silver influence as a bactericide material to assist in retention or elimination of bacteria during the microfiltration process. In this way, the microporous structure was chemically treated with a silver citrate solution and then, subjected to burning until 600 Celsius degrees to eliminate organic compounds and consequent impregnation of nanoparticles of metallic silver in the membrane pores. The morphology characterization, composition, and impregnation of silver in membranes were analyzed by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy Dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDX) spectrometer. The same techniques were utilized to characterize the physicochemical phenomenon of polarization layer formation on the membrane surface. The analysis of bacteria retention was performed by the counting of colony forming units (CFU/mL) in Petrifilm Plates \'EC POT.TM\'. The performance of the membranes in the retention of solids in suspension was analyzed by Ultrasound Spectroscopy - APS100 and Optical Microscopy. The variations of the anthocyanin concentration and the total polyphenol content were investigated by spectrophotometry, showing direct relationship with the membrane pore size and flow regime. Therefore, fluid-dynamical parameters, such as Reynolds number, transmembrane pressure, and permeate flux were characterized for a large range of turbulent flow and analyzed with the resistance-in-series model. The experimental results of this research indicated that the microfiltration process is a suitable alternative to retain microrganisms and simultaneously decrease suspended solids of the beverage based on açai.

Removal of Filter Cake Generated by Manganese Tetraoxide Water-based Drilling Fluids

Al Mojil, Abdullah Mohammed A. 2010 August 1900 (has links)
Three effective solutions to dissolve the filter cake created by water-based drilling fluids weighted with Mn3O4 particles were developed. Hydrochloric acid at concentration lower than 5 wt% can dissolve most of Mn3O4-based filter cake. Dissolving the filter cake in two-stage treatment of enzyme and organic acid was effective and eliminated the associated drawbacks of using HCl. Finally, combining low and safe concentration of HCl with an organic acid in one-stage treatment was very effective. Hydrochloric acid (10-wt%) dissolved 78 wt% of Mn3O4-based filter cake at 250°F after 28 hours soaking time. However, Chlorine gas was detected during the reaction of 5 to 15-wt% HCl with Mn3O4 particles. At 190°F, 1- and 4-wt% HCl dissolved most Mn3O4 particles (up to 70-wt% solubility). Their reactions with Mn3O4 particles followed Eq. 8 at 190°F, which further confirmed the absence of chlorine gas production at HCl concentrations lower than 5-wt%. EDTA and DTPA at high pH (12) and acetic, propionic, butyric, and gluconic acids at low pH (3-5) showed very low solubilities of Mn3O4 particles. GLDA, citric, oxalic, and tartaric acids produced large amount of white precipitation upon the reactions with Mn3O4 particles. Similarly, DTPA will produce damaging material if used to dissolve Mn3O4-based filter cake in sandstone formation. At 4-wt% acid concentration, lactic, glycolic, and formic acids dissolved Mn3O4 particles up to 76 wt% solubility at 190°F. Malonic acid at lower concentration (2-wt%) dissolved 54 wt% of Mn3O4 particles at 190°F. Manganese tetraoxide particles were covered with polymeric material (starch), which significantly reduced the solubility of filter cake in organic acids. Therefore, there was a need to remove Mn3O4-based filter cake in two-stage treatment. Enzyme-A (10-wt%) and Precursor of lactic acid (12.5-wt%) dissolved 84 wt% of the filter cake. An innovative approach led to complete solubility of Mn3O4 particles when low and safe concentration of HCl (1-wt%) combined with 4-wt% lactic acid at 190°F. HCl (1-wt%) combined with lactic acid (4-wt%), dissolved 85 wt% of the Mn3O4-based filter cake after 18-22 hours soaking time at 250°F in one stage treatment.

Truthful and Fair Resource Allocation

Lai, John Kwang 25 September 2013 (has links)
How should we divide a good or set of goods among a set of agents? There are various constraints that we can consider. We consider two particular constraints. The first is fairness - how can we find fair allocations? The second is truthfulness - what if we do not know agents valuations for the goods being allocated? What if these valuations need to be elicited, and agents will misreport their valuations if it is beneficial? Can we design procedures that elicit agents' true valuations while preserving the quality of the allocation? We consider truthful and fair resource allocation procedures through a computational lens. We first study fair division of a heterogeneous, divisible good, colloquially known as the cake cutting problem. We depart from the existing literature and assume that agents have restricted valuations that can be succinctly communicated. We consider the problems of welfare-maximization, expressiveness, and truthfulness in cake cutting under this model. In the second part of this dissertation we consider truthfulness in settings where payments can be used to incentivize agents to truthfully reveal their private information. A mechanism asks agents to report their private preference information and computes an allocation and payments based on these reports. The mechanism design problem is to find incentive compatible mechanisms which incentivize agents to truthfully reveal their private information and simultaneously compute allocations with desirable properties. The traditional approach to mechanism design specifies mechanisms by hand and proves that certain desirable properties are satisfied. This limits the design space to mechanisms that can be written down and analyzed. We take a computational approach, giving computational procedures that produce mechanisms with desirable properties. Our first contribution designs a procedure that modifies heuristic branch and bound search and makes it usable as the allocation algorithm in an incentive compatible mechanism. Our second contribution draws a novel connection between incentive compatible mechanisms and machine learning. We use this connection to learn payment rules to pair with provided allocation rules. Our payment rules are not exactly incentive compatibility, but they minimize a measure of how much agents can gain by misreporting. / Engineering and Applied Sciences

Colloidal Fouling of Salt Rejecting Nanofiltration Membranes: Transient Electrokinetic Model and Experimental Study

Mamun, Md. Abdullaha-Al- Unknown Date
No description available.

Formas orgânicas e inorgânicas de fósforo em solos tratados com resíduos orgânicos e relações com disponibilidade / Organic and inorganic phosphorus forms of soils ammended with organic wastes and relationships with availability

Braos, Lucas Boscov 01 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by LUCAS BOSCOV BRAOS null (lucasbraos@hotmail.com) on 2018-01-05T13:13:58Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_Lucas_Boscov_Braos.pdf: 1554570 bytes, checksum: e5419ca73de20bad4b5d5693b1cbae54 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Alexandra Maria Donadon Lusser Segali null (alexmar@fcav.unesp.br) on 2018-01-08T10:18:47Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 braos_lb_dr_jabo.pdf: 1554570 bytes, checksum: e5419ca73de20bad4b5d5693b1cbae54 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-08T10:18:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 braos_lb_dr_jabo.pdf: 1554570 bytes, checksum: e5419ca73de20bad4b5d5693b1cbae54 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-01 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Conhecer as formas e as transformações do fósforo (P) aplicado via fertilizantes orgânicos e minerais é importante para melhorar o manejo e otimizar o uso do P. Os objetivos com o presente trabalho foram avaliar formas orgânicas e inorgânicas de P em solos adubados com esterco bovino, torta de filtro e superfosfato triplo em função do tempo de contato solo-adubo, e estabelecer relações entre as formas de P e a disponibilidade. As formas de P orgânico (Po) e inorgânico (Pi) foram determinadas em amostras de Latossolo Vermelho argiloso (LV) e de Argissolo Vermelho Amarelo arenoso (PVA), adubadas ou não com 100 mg dm-3 de P nas formas de esterco bovino, torta de filtro e superfosfato triplo, e mantidas em incubação por 15, 45, 90 e 180 dias. O Pi foi fracionado em P solúvel e fracamente retido, P ligado ao Al ou Fe, P ocluso e P ligado ao Ca. O P orgânico foi fracionado em Po lábil, Po da biomassa microbiana, Po moderadamente lábil, Po dos ácidos fúlvicos, Po dos ácidos húmicos e Po residual. Com as amostras de solo também foi conduzido experimento com plantas de milho para determinar a produção de matéria seca e a absorção de P. No latossolo foi observado maior teor de Pi ocluso e Po residual e a adubação também aumentou os teores dessas frações, indicando que o P dos adubos é incorporado às frações menos disponíveis, o que torna os teores de P disponível menores neste solo. No argissolo predominaram Pi ligado ao Fe e Po associado aos ácidos húmicos, e o P adicionado foi incorporado às formas ligadas ao Al e ao Fe, que contribuíram para maior disponibilidade de P neste solo. As frações mais estáveis tanto do Pi quanto do Po não se correlacionaram com o P disponível, e as frações menos estáveis se correlacionaram com a matéria seca acumulada e o P absorvido pelas plantas, indicando que mesmo estando em maior teor, as frações mais estáveis contribuem de forma mais limitada para a absorção de P pelas plantas. No solo latossolo, o acúmulo de P nas formas ligadas ao Al e ao Fe, no tratamento com superfosfato triplo, foi determinante para maior disponibilidade. No solo argissolo, o aumento das formas de P ligado ao Al e ao Fe, junto ao menor acúmulo de P ocluído no tratamento com esterco bovino, resultou na maior disponibilidade. A interação entre tipo de solo e adubo definiu o destino do P aplicado, bem como a disponibilidade / Evaluating the forms and transformations of phosphorus (P) applied via organic and mineral fertilizers is important to improve the management and optimize the use of P. The objectives of the present study were to evaluate organic and inorganic forms of P in two soil types, fertilized with dairy manure, filter cake and triple superphosphate, as a function of the incubation time, and to establish relationships between soil P forms and P available, plant uptake P and growth. The organic (Po) and inorganic (P) forms of P were determined on samples of typic Hapludox clayey and arenic Hapludult sand, fertilized or not with 100 mg dm-3 of P as dairy manure, filter cake and triple superphosphate, and incubated for 15, 45, 90 and 180 days. Pi was fractionated into soluble and weakly bound P, Al or Fe bound P, occluded P and Ca bound P. The organic Po was fractionated into labile Po, microbial Po, moderately labile Po, fulvic acids associate Po, humic acids associate Po and residual Po. In the soil samples, an experiment with maize plants was also carried out to determine the plant dry matter production and the absorption of P. It was observed higher levels of occluded Pi and residual Po in the Hapludox. The fertilization also increased the contents of these fractions indicating that P is incorporated to the less available fractions. Therefore, the available P contents were smaller in this soil. In the Hapludult, Fe bound Pi and humic acids associated Po were the predominant P forms. The added P was incorporated into the Al and Fe bound P forms, which contributed to higher P availability in this soil. The more stable fractions of both Pi and Po did not correlate with available P, and the less stable fractions correlated with accumulated dry matter and P uptook by plants, indicating that even having a higher P content, the more stable fractions contribute in a more limited way to the P uptake by plants. In the Hapludox, the increase of Al, Fe bound P in the triple superphosphate treatment was crucial for greater availability. In the Hapludult, the increase of Al, Fe bound P, with lower occlusion of P in cattle manure treatment, resulted in higher availability. The interaction between the soil and fertilizer type defined the fate of the applied P, as well as the availability / FAPESP 2014/11466-3

Aproveitamento dos subprodutos da indústria de suco de laranja para aplicação em alimentos.

Crizel, Tainara de Moraes January 2013 (has links)
O Brasil é o maior produtor mundial de suco de laranja e os resíduos gerados deste processamento representam sérios problemas ao meio ambiente. No entanto, estes resíduos podem ser considerados como subprodutos da indústria por possuírem elevado teor de fibras, possibilitando sua utilização como ingrediente em alimentos. As fibras podem ser adicionadas como substituto de gordura, resultando em produtos mais saudáveis. Neste sentido, este trabalho visa estudar a possibilidade e viabilidade do aproveitamento dos subprodutos da indústria de sucos de laranja para aplicação em alimentos. As fibras obtidas a partir dos subprodutos de laranja foram adicionadas como substituto de gordura em sorvetes e bolos. Foi realizada a caracterização físico-química e funcional das fibras, sendo também avaliados os compostos fenólicos e carotenoides presentes. As fibras foram submetidas a tratamentos como a hidrodestilação com o objetivo de reduzir o sabor amargo. Análises físico-químicas e sensoriais foram realizadas nos sorvetes e nos bolos. Duas amostras diferentes de fibra de laranja: F1 (casca, bagaço e sementes) e F2 (casca) foram analisadas sendo que ambas apresentaram alto teor de fibra dietética total e uma relação ideal entre fibra solúvel e insolúvel. A F2 apresentou os maiores teores de compostos fenólicos (125 mg/g) e carotenoides (1,21 mg/100 g) quando comparada a fibra F1. Essas fibras quando adicionadas ao sorvete de chocolate reduziram em média 70 % o teor de gordura, sem modificar propriedades sensoriais de cor, odor e textura, porém provocou efeitos negativos sobre o sabor e o sabor residual dos sorvetes. A adição de 1,0 % de fibra da casca de laranja, submetida à hidrodestilação, em sorvete de limão reduziu aproximadamente 50 % o teor de lipídeos das amostras e não modificou o conteúdo de proteína, as propriedades de cor, os valores de pH, os parâmetros de textura e não provocaram mudanças na aceitação dos atributos sensoriais do produto original. A fibra bruta da casca de laranja também pode ser considerada uma boa alternativa como substituto de gordura em bolos. Já que foram obtidas reduções de até 90 % no teor de lipídeos e até 27 % no valor calórico do produto. A adição de 3 % de fibra de laranja, não alterou a formulação do bolo de forma a modificar sua preferência perante os julgadores, mostrando resultados semelhantes em todos os parâmetros sensoriais comparativos ao bolo padrão. / Brazil is the world's largest orange juice producer and the wastes generated by this process represent serious environmental problem, however these residues may be regarded as byproducts of industry because their high fiber content allowing its use as ingredient in foods. Fibers can be added as fat replacer, resulting in healthier products. Thus, this work aimed to study the possibility and viability of orange juice industry byproducts utilization for application in foods. The fibers obtained from the orange juice byproducts were added as fat replacer in ice creams and cakes. The physicochemical and functional characterization of the fibers were performed, and carotenoids and phenolic compounds content were evaluated. The fibers were submitted to treatments such as hydro-distillation aiming to reduce the bitter taste. Chemical, physical and sensory analyses were performed in ice creams and cakes. Two different samples of orange fiber were analyzed: F1 (peel, pulp and seeds) and F2 (peel). Both samples showed high levels of total dietary fiber and an ideal ratio between soluble and insoluble fiber. The F2 showed higher levels of phenolic compounds (125 mg/g) and carotenoids (1.21 mg/100 g) when compared to fiber F1. The use of orange fiber as a fat replacer in ice cream led to a 70 % reduction of fat without causing significant changes on product attributes such as color, odor and texture, however caused negative effects on the taste and aftertaste of ice cream. The addition of 1 % of peel orange fiber, submitted to treatment by hydro-distillation, in lemon ice cream resulted in a mean reduction of approximately 50 % of the samples fat content and did not significantly modified properties as protein content, color properties, pH values, melt rate and texture parameters, and caused no changes in the acceptance attributes of original product. The crude peel orange fiber can be considered a good choice as a fat replacement in cakes, since the results showed 90 % reduction in lipid levels and 27 % in the caloric value of the product. The addition of 3 % orange fiber did not change the cake formulation in order to modify their preference before the judges, showing similar results in all sensory parameters comparable to standard cake.

Derivados da extração do óleo de girassol para vacas leiteiras

Santos, Juliana dos [UNESP] 22 February 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:33:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2008-02-22Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:04:34Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 santos_j_dr_jabo.pdf: 232621 bytes, checksum: cf6fd264854938082a91312f8084750d (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Avaliou-se as digestibilidades in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS), proteína bruta (DIVPB), fibra em detergente neutro (DIVFDN) e fibra em detergente ácido (DIVFDA), consumo de alimentos, produção e composição do leite e viabilidade econômica de dietas contendo 0, 20, 40, 60% de torta de girassol, em substituição ao farelo de girassol e milho, para vacas em lactação. As digestibilidades foram obtidas no fermentador ruminal DAISY II (Ankon® Technology), em um delineamento em blocos casualizados, com 4 tratamentos e 4 repetições. Para avaliar o consumo, produção e composição do leite, oito vacas da raça holandesa, com 113 dias em lactação, foram alimentadas com silagem de milho ad libitum e 1kg de concentrado para cada 3kg de leite produzido. Os animais foram distribuídos em dois quadrados latinos 4x4, primíparas e multíparas, com 4 períodos de 19 dias. Verificou-se que a inclusão de torta de girassol diminuiu linearmente (P<0,01) as DIVMS e DIVFDN em aproximadamente 0,014% para cada unidade percentual de torta adicionada e aumentou os consumos de extrato etéreo e mineral (P<0,01). O consumo de extrato etéreo foi 12,24% superior no tratamento com 60% de substituição comparado ao concentrado sem torta de girassol, mas não afetou o consumo total de matéria seca (13,55 kg/vaca/dia, em média). A porcentagem de proteína no leite diminuiu linearmente e a concentração de N-uréico no leite aumentou à medida que houve substituição do farelo pela torta de girassol. Houve aumento no custo por kg do concentrado. Dependendo da disponibilidade e conveniência econômica, a torta de girassol pode substituir até 60% do farelo de girassol. / In vitro digestibility of dry matter (IVDDM), crude protein (IVDCP), neutral detergent fiber (IVDNDF) and acid detergent fiber (IVDADF), nutrients intake, milk production and composition, and economical viability of the diets with four levels of sunflower cake (0, 20%, 40%, 60%), in replacement to sunflower meal and corn grain for dairy cattle, was evaluated. The in vitro digestibilities of the concentrates were obtained through DAISY II Ruminal Fermentator (Ankon® Technology), in a randomized blocks design, with four treatments and fours repetitions. To evaluate the nutrients intake and milk production and composition, eight Holsteins cows, with 113 days in lactation, were fed with corn silage ad libitum and 1kg of concentrate for every 3kg of milk produced. The cows were divided in two Latin Square (4x4), primiparous and multiparous, in four periods of 19 days. It was found that the inclusion of sunflower cake decreased linearly (P<0.01) the IVDDM, IVDNDF, in 0,014% percentual unit and increased intake of mineral and ether extract (P<0.01). Ether extract intake was 12,24% higher for cows fed with 60% replacement compared with concentrate without sunflower cake, but not influenced the dry matter intake (13,55 kg/cow/day). The protein percentage decreased linearly and increased the N-urea concentration. Increase was observed in the cost by kilo of the concentrate as there was participation of the sunflower cake. Depending on the availability and economic convenience, the sunflower cake can substitute until 60% of the sunflower meal.

Subprodutos de oleaginosas como fontes alternativas na alimentação de cordeiros em terminação /

Santos, Viviane Corrêa. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Jane Maria Bertocco Ezequiel / Banca: Mauro Sartori Bueno / Banca: Edson Ramos de Siqueira / Banca: Américo Garcia da Silva Sobrinho / Banca: Juliana Borsari Dourado Sancanari / Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de avaliar a introdução de subprodutos de oleaginosas na alimentação de ovinos. As dietas foram compostas por 30% de feno de capim tifton e 70% de concentrado, composto por milho em grão, farelo de soja, torta de soja, torta de girassol e torta de amendoim. Para a avaliação do desempenho, características quantitativas da carcaça e qualitativas da carne, foram confinados 24 cordeiros da raça Santa Inês, machos nãocastrados, desmamados com, aproximadamente, 70 dias de idade, com peso corporal médio de 19 + 2 kg, utilizando-se delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Para a avaliação da digestibilidade foram utilizados oito cordeiros da raça Santa Inês machos não-castrados com aproximadamente 70 dias de idade média, peso corporal médio de 16 kg, adotando-se o método de coleta total de fezes. O delineamento experimental foi em 2 Quadrados Latinos 4 x 4 e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade. Para a avaliação da degradação ruminal, valores de pH e concentrações de nitrogênio amoniacal foram utilizados quatro ovinos com peso corporal de aproximadamente 40 kg, canulados no rúmen. No experimento de desempenho, a duração do confinamento, o ganho de peso diário, a conversão alimentar e o consumo de MS não foram afetados (P>0,05), com médias de 54,29 dias, 259 g/dia, 4,29 kg de MS/kg e 1,32 kg/dia, respectivamente. Não houve diferença (P>0,05) para o consumo de MS, MO, PB, CT e EB entre as dietas experimentais, no ensaio de digestibilidade. Não houve diferença (P>0,05) entre as dietas para a digestibilidade da MS, MO, PB, FDA, CT e CNF com médias de 76,23; 74,47; 76,44; 41,12; 73,00 e 90,03%, respectivamente. As características quantitativas da carcaça e qualitativas da carne não foram influenciadas (P>0,05) pelas dietas. Em relação aos rendimentos dos cortes, não houve efeito das dietas para todas as ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The aim of this work was evaluate introduction of byproducts of oleaginous in sheep feeding. Diets were composed for 30% of Tifton hay and 70% of concentrate based on corn grain, soybean meal, soybean cake, sunflower cake and peanut cake. For performance evaluating, carcass quantitative characteristics and qualitative of the meat, 24 Santa Inês lambs with initial age and weight of 70 days and 19 + 2 kg, according to a completely randomized design. For digestive evaluate, weight Santa Inês sheep with initial age and weight of 70 days and 16 kg, adapted to the use of bag, for collect feces. Animals were distributed in a replicated 4 x 4 Latin Square and means were compared by Tukey's test with 5% significance level. For ruminal degradability evaluate, pH values and ammonia nitrogen concentration four sheep with weight 40 kg rumen cannulated. By the performance trial, duration of confinement, weight gain, fed conversion and the dry matter intake were not affected (P>0,05), with averages of 54.29 days, 259 g/day, 4.29 kg of DM/kg and 1.32 kg/day, respectively. There were no difference P>0,05) for intake DM, OM, CP, CT and CE among treatments, digestibility trial with averages of 76.23; 74.47; 76.44; 41.12; 73.00 and 93.00%, respectively. There were no differences for digestibility DM, OM, CP, ADF, CT and NCF. The carcass quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the meat were not influenced (P>0,05) by diets. For the cuts dressing, no effect was observed for the analysed variables among diets. The byproducts did not influence (P>0,05) the sensory characteristics of the meat of lambs with averages of 7.49; 7.36 and 7.34 to flavour, texture and global acceptance, respectively. There were no differences for cholesterol with average of 38.22 mg/100 g meat among diets. The diets was not allow a significant alteration in the fatty acids found in the meat of lambs. There was no effect of ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Aproveitamento dos subprodutos da indústria de suco de laranja para aplicação em alimentos.

Crizel, Tainara de Moraes January 2013 (has links)
O Brasil é o maior produtor mundial de suco de laranja e os resíduos gerados deste processamento representam sérios problemas ao meio ambiente. No entanto, estes resíduos podem ser considerados como subprodutos da indústria por possuírem elevado teor de fibras, possibilitando sua utilização como ingrediente em alimentos. As fibras podem ser adicionadas como substituto de gordura, resultando em produtos mais saudáveis. Neste sentido, este trabalho visa estudar a possibilidade e viabilidade do aproveitamento dos subprodutos da indústria de sucos de laranja para aplicação em alimentos. As fibras obtidas a partir dos subprodutos de laranja foram adicionadas como substituto de gordura em sorvetes e bolos. Foi realizada a caracterização físico-química e funcional das fibras, sendo também avaliados os compostos fenólicos e carotenoides presentes. As fibras foram submetidas a tratamentos como a hidrodestilação com o objetivo de reduzir o sabor amargo. Análises físico-químicas e sensoriais foram realizadas nos sorvetes e nos bolos. Duas amostras diferentes de fibra de laranja: F1 (casca, bagaço e sementes) e F2 (casca) foram analisadas sendo que ambas apresentaram alto teor de fibra dietética total e uma relação ideal entre fibra solúvel e insolúvel. A F2 apresentou os maiores teores de compostos fenólicos (125 mg/g) e carotenoides (1,21 mg/100 g) quando comparada a fibra F1. Essas fibras quando adicionadas ao sorvete de chocolate reduziram em média 70 % o teor de gordura, sem modificar propriedades sensoriais de cor, odor e textura, porém provocou efeitos negativos sobre o sabor e o sabor residual dos sorvetes. A adição de 1,0 % de fibra da casca de laranja, submetida à hidrodestilação, em sorvete de limão reduziu aproximadamente 50 % o teor de lipídeos das amostras e não modificou o conteúdo de proteína, as propriedades de cor, os valores de pH, os parâmetros de textura e não provocaram mudanças na aceitação dos atributos sensoriais do produto original. A fibra bruta da casca de laranja também pode ser considerada uma boa alternativa como substituto de gordura em bolos. Já que foram obtidas reduções de até 90 % no teor de lipídeos e até 27 % no valor calórico do produto. A adição de 3 % de fibra de laranja, não alterou a formulação do bolo de forma a modificar sua preferência perante os julgadores, mostrando resultados semelhantes em todos os parâmetros sensoriais comparativos ao bolo padrão. / Brazil is the world's largest orange juice producer and the wastes generated by this process represent serious environmental problem, however these residues may be regarded as byproducts of industry because their high fiber content allowing its use as ingredient in foods. Fibers can be added as fat replacer, resulting in healthier products. Thus, this work aimed to study the possibility and viability of orange juice industry byproducts utilization for application in foods. The fibers obtained from the orange juice byproducts were added as fat replacer in ice creams and cakes. The physicochemical and functional characterization of the fibers were performed, and carotenoids and phenolic compounds content were evaluated. The fibers were submitted to treatments such as hydro-distillation aiming to reduce the bitter taste. Chemical, physical and sensory analyses were performed in ice creams and cakes. Two different samples of orange fiber were analyzed: F1 (peel, pulp and seeds) and F2 (peel). Both samples showed high levels of total dietary fiber and an ideal ratio between soluble and insoluble fiber. The F2 showed higher levels of phenolic compounds (125 mg/g) and carotenoids (1.21 mg/100 g) when compared to fiber F1. The use of orange fiber as a fat replacer in ice cream led to a 70 % reduction of fat without causing significant changes on product attributes such as color, odor and texture, however caused negative effects on the taste and aftertaste of ice cream. The addition of 1 % of peel orange fiber, submitted to treatment by hydro-distillation, in lemon ice cream resulted in a mean reduction of approximately 50 % of the samples fat content and did not significantly modified properties as protein content, color properties, pH values, melt rate and texture parameters, and caused no changes in the acceptance attributes of original product. The crude peel orange fiber can be considered a good choice as a fat replacement in cakes, since the results showed 90 % reduction in lipid levels and 27 % in the caloric value of the product. The addition of 3 % orange fiber did not change the cake formulation in order to modify their preference before the judges, showing similar results in all sensory parameters comparable to standard cake.

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