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Estudo in vitro sobre a remineralização de lesões cariosas com o uso de materiais resinosos contendo partículas de fosfato dicálcico dihidratado funcionalizadas com TEGDMA / Remineralization potential of resin composites containing TEGDMA-functionalized calcium phosphate particlesAlania Salazar, Yvette Alania 27 April 2017 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito de compósitos experimentais contendo nanopartículas de fosfato dicálcico dihidratado (DCPD) na remineralização de lesões artificiais em esmalte, em função do conteúdo de partículas de DCPD e da funcionalização destas com dimetacrilato de trietileno glicol (TEGDMA). Cinco compósitos contendo uma concentração equimolar de dimetacrilato de glicidila bisfenol A (BisGMA) e TEGDMA e 60 vol% de partículas foram manipulados. A fase inorgânica foi constituída por partículas de vidro de bário silanizadas e 0% (controle: Sem DCPD), 10% ou 20% (em volume) de partículas de DCPD, funcionalizadas (F) ou não (NF) com TEGDMA. Foram produzidas lesões artificiais subsuperficiais em fragmentos de esmalte humano mediante a imersão destes em 30 ml de solução desmineralizante (pH 5.0) por 12 dias a 37°C. Os blocos de esmalte foram divididos em 6 grupos (n=6 - 10), de acordo ao compósito aplicado na lesão: Sem DCPD, 20% DCPD NF, 20% DCPD F, 10% DCPD NF, 10% DCPD F além de um grupo sem a aplicação do compósito (Sem tratamento, ST) e expostos a ciclagem de pH (16 dias, 4 h em solução desmineralizante/pH=5 e 20 h em solução remineralizante/pH=7). As soluções foram trocadas a cada 4 dias, e coletadas para calcular o conteúdo de cálcio e fosfato mediante espectrofotometria. Os corpos de prova foram seccionados longitudinalmente e avaliados mediante microradiografia transversal (TMR). Os parâmetros analisados foram a profundidade da lesão (LD, ?m), a perda mineral integrada (?Z, vol%.?m) e a média da perda mineral (R). Foi calculado o ??Z (%, [100x(?Zinitial - ?Ztreatment)/?Zinitial]) para estimar a porcentagem de remineralização. Os dados foram submetidos a análise de variância (ANOVA) a um critério e o teste de Tukey para comparações múltiplas (alfa = 0.05). Todos os grupos restaurados mostraram recuperação mineral entre 3 a 23%. Houve diferencia significativa entre o ??Z do grupo ST e os contendo DCPD funcionalizado. No entanto, devido à alta dispersão de dados (particularmente no grupo Sem DCPD), não foi observada diferença significativa entre os grupos cuja lesão foi recoberta por compósito. Todos os grupos contendo DCPD mostraram maior recuperação mineral nos terços médio e profundo da lesão. O grupo ST mostrou desmineralização adicional. A concentração de íons cálcio e fosfato no meio de imersão não foi influenciada pela presença de DCPD, independentemente da funcionalização ou da porcentagem de DCDP no compósito. Concluiu-se que os compósitos contendo DCPD foram capazes de promover a recuperação mineral nas áreas mais profundas da lesão. / The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of experimental composites containing dicalcium phosphate dihydrate (DCPD) nanoparticles on remineralization of artificial enamel lesions, as a function of DCPD particle content and their functionalization with triethylene glycol dimethacrylate (TEGDMA). Five composites containing equal parts (in mols) of bisphenol A glycidyl methacrylate (BisGMA) and TEGDMA and 60 vol% of filler content were manipulated. Filler phase was constituted by silanized barium glass (BG) and 0% (control: no DCPD), 10% or 20% (by volume) of DPCD particles, either functionalized (F) or non-functionalized (NF) with TEDGMA. Artificial subsurface lesions were produced in human enamel fragments by immersing them in 30 ml of demineralization solution (pH 5.0) for 12 days at 37°C. Fragments were divided into six groups (n= 6 - 10), according to the composite applied on the lesion: no DCPD, 20% DCPD NF, 20% DCPD F, 10% DCPD NF, 10% DCPD F plus an unrestored group (non treated, NT) and exposed to pH cycling (16 days, 4 h in demineralization solution/pH=5 and 20 h in remineralization solution/pH=7). Every 4 days the solutions used were changed and collected to calculate calcium and phosphate content through spectrophotometry. Specimens were sectioned longitudinally and evaluated using transverse microradiography (TMR) for lesion depth (LD, in ?m) and integrated mineral loss (?Z, vol%.?m). ??Z% [100x(?Zinitial - ?Ztreatment)/?Zinitial] was used to estimate remineralization. Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA/Tukey test (alpha: 0.05 for all tests). All restored groups showed enamel remineralization, ranging from 3% to 23%. Significant differences were observed between NT group and groups containing functionalized DCPD. However, due to high data scattering (particularly in the group without DCPD), no statistically significant differences were found between the groups that had their lesions covered by composite. Groups containing DCPD showed more mineral recovery in the middle and the deepest third of the lesion. NT group showed further demineralization. Calcium and phosphate ion concentrations were not influenced by the DCPD particle content or its functionalization with TEGDMA. In conclusion, all composites containing DCPD particles were able to promote mineral recovery of the enamel lesion, mainly on the deeper areas of the lesion.
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Obtenção e caracterização de cimentos macroporosos de α-TCP pelo método de espumação direta manualVásquez Niño, Andrés Felipe January 2016 (has links)
Os cimentos de fosfato de cálcio (CFCs) formam uma pasta viscosa após a mistura de uma fase sólida (sal de fosfato de cálcio) com uma fase líquida (água ou uma solução aquosa). Esta pasta endurece, dando lugar a um precipitado que contenha um ou mais fosfatos de cálcio, que graças à sua formação à temperatura corporal evita uma resposta imunológica negativa do organismo. Embora uma das caraterísticas mais importantes dos cimentos de -TCP seja sua reabsorbilidade pelo organismo, a taxa de reabsorção In Vivo pode ser lenta devido à ausência de macroporos abertos. No presente trabalho foram obtidas estruturas macroporosas com presença de interconexões a partir da mistura de cimento de -TCP com uma fase líquida espumada. A fase líquida foi constituída de diferentes concentrações de hidrogenofosfato de sódio e um surfactante (Lutensol ON 110 ou Lauril Sulfato de Sódio), sendo espumada por agitação manual num sistema composto por 2 seringas conectadas por uma válvula de PVC. Após, foi acrescentado o pó de cimento, o qual foi misturado com a espuma no mesmo sistema. Verificou-se que as soluções com Lutensol apresentaram maior espumabilidade (218 – 400%) que as soluções com Lauril (63 – 209%). A difração de raios X evidenciou a transformação de -TCP em Hidroxiapatita deficiente em cálcio em todas as amostras após a imersão em solução de Ringer. As amostras preparadas com Lutensol apresentaram macroporos abertos com diâmetros maiores a 100m. Além disso foi observado que a macroestrutura final e o tamanho dos macroporos dos cimentos espumados varia em função das concentrações de fosfato e surfactante, além da proporção L/P. Por outro lado, a resistência a compressão das amostras macroporosas diminuiu com o aumento da porosidade total. Finalmente, foi observada a formação de uma camada continua de apatita sobre a superfície dos cimentos após imersão em SBF durante 21 dias. Este estudo sugere que as amostras de cimento de fosfato de cálcio espumadas com Lutensol possuem potencial para uso como arcabouços (scaffolds) para crescimento de tecidos. / Calcium phosphate cements (CPCs) form a viscous paste after mixing a solid phase (a calcium phosphate salt) with a liquid phase (water or an aqueous solution). This paste hardens, forming a precipitate with one or more calcium phosphates, which thanks to their formation at body temperature prevent a negative immune response. Even though one of the most important characteristics of -TCP cements is their resorbability in the body, their In Vivo resorption rate is low due to the lack of open macropores. In the present work, macroporous interconnected structures were obtained by mixing the -TCP cement with a foamed liquid phase. The liquid phase was composed of different concentrations of sodium hydrogenphosphate and a surfactant (Lutensol ON 110 or Sodium Lauril Sulfate), and it was foamed by manual agitation in a system of two syringes connected by a PVC valve. The cement powder was then added to the system and mixed with the foam likewise. Solutions with Lutensol showed better foamability (218 - 400%) than solutions with Lauril (63 - 209%). X-ray diffraction showed the transformation of -TCP into Calcium Deficient Hydroxyapatite in every sample after immersion in Ringer’s solution. Samples prepared with Lutensol showed open macropores with diameters greater than 100m. It was found that final macrostructure and size of macropores in the foamed cements vary according to phosphate and surfactant concentrations, as well as to the L/P ratio. It was also found that compressive strength of the macroporous samples decreased with the increase of the total porosity. Finally, a continuous apatite layer was observed on the surface of the cements after immersion in SBF for 21 days. This study suggests that the calcium phosphate cement samples foamed with Lutensol have potential to be applied as scaffolds for bone tissue regeneration.
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Investigations of structure and dynamics in solids by high resolution nuclear magnetic resonanceRothwell, William Paul January 1980 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Chemistry, 1980. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND SCIENCE. / Vita. / Includes bibliographical references. / by William Paul Rothwell. / Ph.D.
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Composite chitosane-phosphate de calcium : synthèse par atomisation séchage et caractérisation structurale / Composite chitosan-calcium phosphate : spray drying synthesis and structural characterizationLe Grill, Sylvain 29 January 2018 (has links)
Ce mémoire porte sur l'élaboration et la caractérisation d'un matériau composite chitosane/phosphate de calcium destiné à une utilisation dans le domaine de la substitution osseuse. Le procédé d'atomisation-séchage a été choisi pour élaborer ce composite sous forme d'une poudre susceptible d'être transformée en revêtement ou objet 3D. Une étude préliminaire a permis d'appréhender les mécanismes de synthèse du phosphate de calcium, la phase minérale, par atomisation-séchage. Une suspension de particules d'hydroxyapatite stœchiométrique ou d'apatite biomimétique dispersées dans une solution acide mène systématiquement à l'apparition d'une phase amorphe. La proportion de cette phase amorphe dans la poudre atomisée-séchée est dépendante de la taille et de la cristallinité du matériau d'origine. L'atomisation séchage d'une solution acide contenant les ions précurseurs de calcium et phosphate mène à la formation d'une phase principalement amorphe. Cette poudre a pu être décrite à différentes échelles : à une échelle de l'ordre du nanomètre apparaissent des clusters, à une échelle de l'ordre de la centaine de nanomètres des agrégats sphériques de clusters organisés en chapelet tortueux et imbriqués sont identifiés et enfin à une échelle micrométrique des agglomérats de nanoparticules ont été mises en évidence. Le phosphate de calcium ainsi synthétisé possède un rapport molaire Ca/P proche de 1.3. Au-delà de ce rapport dans la solution à atomiser, de l'acétate de calcium (utilisé ici comme précurseur) recristallise dans la poudre. Pour élaborer la poudre composite, le polymère a été solubilisé et ajouté d'abord dans une suspension acide d'hydroxyapatite avant atomisation. Cette première stratégie mène à la formation d'un composite qui présente de fortes inhomogénéités de répartition des phases organiques et minérales. Pour limiter ce problème lié à la distribution de tailles de grains de la phase minérale, une seconde stratégie a été développée. Une solution de polymère contenant des précurseurs de phosphate de calcium a été préparée pour favoriser l'association à l'échelle nanométrique des deux phases. Après atomisation-séchage, un matériau composite présentant une très bonne dispersion de la phase minérale dans la matrice organique est synthétisé. La structuration de la phase minérale est modifiée par la présence du polymère. Cette modification se traduit par une diminution de la fraction volumique des clusters et, à l'échelle supérieure, la phase minérale n'est plus présente sous forme de chapelet mais en particules sphériques isolées. Par ailleurs, une interaction chimique est envisagée en raison des liaisons de type hydrogène, ioniques ou de coordinations possibles entre les deux phases. La présence du polymère inhibe également la formation de l'acétate de calcium cristallin en favorisant la formation d'un sel d'acétate de chitosane. Deux techniques de mises en forme ont été étudiées (MAPLE, pour l'élaboration de revêtements minces et l'impression 3D de pâte pour l'obtention d'objet massif) et ont permis de mettre en avant le potentiel de transformation de la poudre préparée par atomisation séchage. Les études biologiques faites sur le revêtement ont de plus permis de démontrer les propriétés antibactériennes du matériau utilisé. / This thesis deals with the development and characterization of a chitosan/calcium phosphate composite material for use in the field of bone substitution. The spray-drying method was chosen to develop this composite in the form of a powder that could be transformed into a coating or 3D object. A preliminary study made it possible to understand the mechanisms of synthesis of calcium phosphate, the mineral phase, by spray-drying. A suspension of stoichiometric hydroxyapatite particles or biomimetic apatite dispersed in an acidic solution systematically leads to the appearance of an amorphous phase. The proportion of this amorphous phase in the spray-dried powder is dependent on the size and crystallinity of the original material. The spray drying of an acidic solution containing the precursor ions of calcium and phosphate leads to the formation of a mainly amorphous phase. This powder could be described at different scales: on a scale of about one nanometer appear clusters, on a scale of about one hundred nanometers spherical aggregates of clusters organized into tortuous and nested chaplets are identified and finally on a micrometric scale, agglomerates of nanoparticles were highlighted. The calcium phosphate thus synthesized has a molar ratio Ca/P close to 1.3. Beyond this ratio in the solution to be atomized, calcium acetate (used here as a precursor) recrystallizes in the powder. To develop the composite powder, the polymer was solubilized and added first into an acid suspension of hydroxyapatite before atomization. This first strategy leads to the formation of a composite that has strong in homogeneities in the distribution of organic and inorganic phases. To limit this problem related to the grain size distribution of the mineral phase, a second strategy has been developed. A polymer solution containing calcium phosphate precursors has been prepared to promote nanoscale association of the two phases. After spray-drying, a composite material having a very good dispersion of the mineral phase in the organic matrix is synthesized. The structuring of the mineral phase is modified by the presence of the polymer. This modification results in a reduction of the volume fraction of the clusters and, on the larger scale, the mineral phase is no longer present in the form of a string but in isolated spherical particles. Moreover, a chemical interaction is envisaged because of the hydrogen, ionic or possible coordination bonds between the two phases. The presence of the polymer also inhibits the formation of crystalline calcium acetate by promoting the formation of a salt of chitosan acetate. Two shaping techniques were studied (MAPLE, for the elaboration of thin coatings and the 3D printing of dough for obtaining massive objects) and made it possible to highlight the transformation potential of the prepared powder by spray drying. The biological studies made on the coating have also demonstrated the antibacterial properties of the material used.
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Recuperação do cálcio contido em resíduos de incubatório por meio de tratamentos ácidosBugatti, Ederson Pastor 03 October 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Neusa Fagundes (neusa.fagundes@unioeste.br) on 2017-08-29T13:39:19Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-10-03 / The generation of hatchery waste has been following the significant increase in poultry activity in Brazil. Due to this waste being aggressive to handle and of difficult recovery of nutrients, especially calcium, chemical treatments may be the solution. This study aimed to assess the feasibility of calcium recovery contained in hatchery waste through reaction with phosphoric and nitric acids in different concentrations. Besides the yield in calcium solubilization, pH and electric conductivity of the liquid fraction from the reaction were determined, as well as the yield of final product derived from lyophilization, probably dicalcium phosphate and calcium nitrate, both products of agronomic, nutritional, and commercial values. The most interesting results considering the yield of calcium solubilization were obtained using phosphoric acid in higher concentrations, i.e. 100 and 90%, namely 84.8 and 78.8%. For the nitric acid, the highest yields were obtained at concentrations of 100, 90, and 80%, with average scores of 72.2, 71.6, and 68.5% respectively. The yield of salt from the reaction with the acid was 2.5 and 2.4 tons of dicalcium phosphate per ton of waste hatchery (dry weight) and 2.0, 1.8 and 1.7 tons of calcium nitrate by tons of hatchery waste (dry mass). It was concluded that phosphoric acid at 100% was more efficient in the recovery of calcium contained in the hatchery waste, although nitric acid promotes further degradation of other components of hatchery waste, which generates a liquid fraction with higher electrical conductivity. / A geração de resíduos de incubatório acompanha o expressivo aumento da atividade avícola do Brasil. Em função de ser um resíduo agressivo ao manejo e de difícil recuperação dos nutrientes nele contido, principalmente o cálcio, tratamentos químicos podem ser a solução. Objetivou-se avaliar a viabilidade da recuperação do cálcio contido nos resíduos de incubatório por meio da reação com os ácidos fosfórico e nítrico em diferentes concentrações. Além do rendimento na solubilização do cálcio, determinou-se o pH e a condutividade elétrica da fração líquida provenientes das reações e o rendimento do produto final derivado da liofilização desta fração, provavelmente o fosfato bicálcico e o nitrato de cálcio, ambos produtos comerciais com valores agronômico e nutricional. Os resultados mais interessantes, considerando o rendimento da solubilização do cálcio, foram obtidos com o uso do ácido fosfórico nas maiores concentrações, ou seja, 100 e 90%, a saber, 84,8 e 78,8%. Para o ácido nítrico, os maiores rendimentos foram obtidos nas concentrações de 100, 90 e 80%, com resultados médios de 72,2, 71,6 e 68,5%, respectivamente. O rendimento do sal proveniente da reação com os ácidos foi de 2,5 e 2,4 toneladas de fosfato bicálcico por tonelada de resíduo de incubatório (massa seca) e 2,0, 1,8 e 1,7 toneladas de nitrato de cálcio por tonelada de resíduo de incubatório (massa seca). Concluiu-se que o ácido fosfórico na concentração de 100% foi mais eficiente na recuperação do cálcio contido nos resíduos de incubatório, embora o ácido nítrico promova uma maior degradação de outros componentes do resíduo de incubatório, o que gera uma fração líquida com maior condutividade elétrica.
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Les ciments brushitiques à base de wollastonite - Réactivité, propriétés et application au traitement et au conditionnement d’effluents contaminés par du strontium / Wollastonite-based brushite cement - Reactivity, properties and application for the treatment and conditioning of strontium contaminated effluentLaniesse, Priscillia 14 February 2019 (has links)
Ce travail vise à étudier l’hydratation et les propriétés des ciments brushitiques à base de wollastonite dans la perspective d’une application au traitement et au conditionnement de déchets radioactifs de faible ou moyenne activité acides et/ou contaminés en strontium. Une étude des processus conduisant à la prise et au durcissement d’un ciment commercial est d’abord menée. L’influence de la composition de la solution de gâchage sur les réactions mises en jeu est ensuite précisée. Enfin, une première évaluation du potentiel de ce matériau pour la décontamination ou l’immobilisation d’effluents aqueux contaminés en strontium est réalisée.Les pâtes de ciment brushitique à base de wollastonite sont préparées à partir de wollastonite broyée et d’une solution d’acide phosphorique concentrée contenant des cations métalliques (Zn2+ et Al3+) ainsi que du borax. La wollastonite réagit selon un processus de dissolution/précipitation qui conduit à la formation de brushite, de silice amorphe et d’un aluminophosphate de calcium et de zinc amorphe dont la structure a été caractérisée par RMN-MAS du 31P et 27Al. La précipitation de brushite est précédée par la formation transitoire de phosphate monocalcique monohydraté. La simulation thermodynamique à l’aide d’un code de spéciation géochimique de la réaction de la wollastonite avec une solution d’acide phosphorique reproduit bien la séquence de précipitation des phases cristallines observée expérimentalement.Il apparaît que la concentration optimale de l’acide phosphorique dans la solution de gâchage est comprise entre 9 et 10 mol.L-1. Le bore retarde la prise du ciment tandis que le zinc l’accélère. L’ajout d’aluminium, qui permet la précipitation massive d’aluminophosphate de calcium amorphe, s’avère nécessaire pour obtenir un matériau avec de bonnes performances mécaniques. Une étude de surfaces de réponses par plan d’expériences, suivie d’une optimisation multicritères, a permis d’identifier un domaine de compositions de solutions de gâchage conduisant à un matériau possédant les propriétés recherchées (en terme de temps de prise, auto-échauffement et résistance mécanique) pour une matrice de conditionnement de déchets.Une étude cristallographique montre par ailleurs que la brushite peut incorporer au moins 30 % (mol/mol) de strontium en substitution du calcium dans sa structure. Des essais de piégeage du strontium par une pâte de ciment broyée, menés en suspension diluée, conduisent à une isotherme de sorption de type S, témoignant de l’existence de plusieurs mécanismes de rétention. Enfin, un essai de lixiviation sur un monolithe contenant du strontium révèle le bon confinement de ce dernier, avec un coefficient de rétention Rd plus de 100 fois supérieur à celui obtenu avec une pâte de ciment Portland. / This work aims at studying the hydration process and the properties of wollastonite-based brushite cements. These binders may indeed offer new prospects for the treatment or conditioning of low- or intermediate- level radioactive wastes characterized by a strong acidity and/or a contamination by strontium. First, a study of the hydration process is carried out with a commercial cement. Then, the influence of the mixing solution composition on the setting and hardening process is determined. Finally, a first assessment of the potential of this material for the decontamination and immobilization of strontium-containing aqueous effluents is performed.Wollastonite-based brushite cement pastes are prepared by mixing ground wollastonite and a phosphoric acid solution containing metallic cations (Al3+ and Zn2+) and borax. Wollastonite reacts through a dissolution/precipitation process, which leads to the formation of brushite, amorphous silica and amorphous zinc and calcium aluminophosphate whose structure has been investigated by 31P and 27Al MAS-NMR. The brushite precipitation is preceded by the transient formation of monophosphate calcium monohydrate. The thermodynamic simulation of the wollastonite reaction with a phosphoric acid solution, using a geochemical speciation code, fairly well reproduces the precipitation sequence of crystalline phases observed experimentally.It appears that the optimum phosphoric acid concentration in the mixing solution is comprised between 9 and 10 mol.L-1. Boron retards the cement setting whereas zinc accelerates it. The addition of aluminium, which leads to the massive precipitation of amorphous calcium aluminophosphate, is proved to be necessary to obtain a material with high mechanical strength. Thanks to response surface methodology and multi-criteria optimization, a composition domain of the mixing solution is pointed out, leading to a material with good properties (in terms of setting time, self-heating and mechanical strength) for waste conditioning.A crystallographic study also shows that brushite is able to incorporate at least 30 % (mol/mol) of strontium in substitution for calcium in its structure. Strontium retention tests by a ground cement paste in diluted suspension lead to a type S sorption isotherm, meaning that several retention mechanisms are involved. Finally, a leaching experiment performed on a cement monolith containing strontium shows that this species is well confined within the cement matrix, with a retention coefficient at least two orders of magnitude higher than that of a Portland cement paste.
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Inflammatory studies on bone cementModugu, Asha January 2012 (has links)
Simvastatin, a cholesterol lowering drug, has the capacity to stimulate bone formation along with having anti-inflammatory effects. Incorporating simvastatin to the calcium phosphate cement would result in slow release of the drug stimulating bone formation and by preventing a local inflammation and bone resorption. The main aim is to study and examine the inflammatory response towards calcium phosphate cements in vitro and compare it with cements incorporated with simvastatin.
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Calcium Phosphate Cements Loaded with Pantoprazole as Novel Bone SubstitutesFurtado Araujo, Michel Victor 30 July 2008 (has links)
Calcium phosphate cements are produced by the mixing of calcium phosphate powders in an aqueous solution resulting in a low-temperature synthesized hydroxyapatite. They have been used as bone substitutes and drug delivery systems. The present work examined the possibility of a machine-based modification to this process to derive a standardized preparation method of calcium phosphate cements that could be loaded with Pantoprazole. To examine the characteristics of these novel materials, the following analyses of hand- and machine-made cements, with and without Pantoprazole were undertaken: in vitro surface characterization, dissolution, hydroxyapatite conversion, Pantoprazole delivery, as well as in vivo reparative bone formation and particulate degradation. The in vitro surface characterization, dissolution at different pHs, and drug release analyses showed insignificant differences between hand- and machine-prepared cements. However, machine-made cements showed increased hydroxyapatite conversion, decreased dissolution at pH 7.4, and better in vivo outcomes than commercially available bone-substitute particulate biomaterials.
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Calcium Phosphate Cements Loaded with Pantoprazole as Novel Bone SubstitutesFurtado Araujo, Michel Victor 30 July 2008 (has links)
Calcium phosphate cements are produced by the mixing of calcium phosphate powders in an aqueous solution resulting in a low-temperature synthesized hydroxyapatite. They have been used as bone substitutes and drug delivery systems. The present work examined the possibility of a machine-based modification to this process to derive a standardized preparation method of calcium phosphate cements that could be loaded with Pantoprazole. To examine the characteristics of these novel materials, the following analyses of hand- and machine-made cements, with and without Pantoprazole were undertaken: in vitro surface characterization, dissolution, hydroxyapatite conversion, Pantoprazole delivery, as well as in vivo reparative bone formation and particulate degradation. The in vitro surface characterization, dissolution at different pHs, and drug release analyses showed insignificant differences between hand- and machine-prepared cements. However, machine-made cements showed increased hydroxyapatite conversion, decreased dissolution at pH 7.4, and better in vivo outcomes than commercially available bone-substitute particulate biomaterials.
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Synthesis Characterization And Modification OfCicek, Gulcin 01 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The constitutive studies of this thesis were achieved and presented in three parts. In the first part, the effects of solid state synthesis process parameters and the impurity content of primary calcium precursor on the cement-type hydration efficiency for the conversion of &alpha / -tricalcium phosphate (Ca3(PO4)2 or &alpha / -TCP) into hydroxyapatite (Ca10-xHPO4(PO4)6-x(OH)2-x x = 0&ndash / 1, or HAp) have been investigated (at 37° / C). &alpha / -TCP was synthesized by thermal processing of stoichiometric amounts of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and monetite (CaHPO4) at 1150&ndash / 1350° / C for 2 h. Three commercial grade CaCO3 powders of different purity were used as starting materials for the synthesis process and the resultant &alpha / -TCP products for all synthesis routes were compared in terms of the material properties and their reactivities.
In the second part of the studies, &alpha / -TCP and chitosan fiber (CF) composites were prepared as injectable bone cement systems which have a potential to degrade in time to be replaced by the natural bone tissue. &alpha / -TCP/CF composites were prepared in different compositions and the effect of CF addition on cement properties were examined by mechanical and injectability tests as well as microstructural and phase analysis studies.
In the third part of the studies, metal chelating property of CFs was used on development of controlled zinc release systems that can be applied in local zinc deficiency therapies of bone tissue. For this purpose, CF scaffolds were prepared by wet-spinning technique and appropriate amount of zinc was loaded to these scaffolds in regard to the zinc content of a healthy human bone tissue. Zinc release studies were performed on calcium phosphate (CaP) covered and non-covered CF scaffolds and zinc ion concentrations of the release solutions were determined by ICP-MS.
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