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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die kanoniese benadering van B S Childs (Afrikaans)

Claassen, Gustav Fredrich 29 January 2009 (has links)
Afrikaans Dit is meer as dertig jaar gelede dat Childs (1964) sy belangrike artikel lnterprefation in Faith gepubliseer het. Dit het die begin ingelei van 'n nuwe fase in die Ou-Testamentiese navorsing. Talle verdere publikasies van Childs het die lig gesien. Sy publikasies het baie reaksie uitgelok. Die kanoniese benadering van Childs sou tot 'n debat lei wat steeds nie uitgewoed is nie. Hlerdie studie poog om 'n evaluering van die benadering van B. S. Childs te maak. As 'n hipotese word gestel dat die kanoniese benadering van Childs hom nog steeds in die hoofstroom van die historiese kritiek bevind. Childs maak nog steeds van die resultate van die histories-kritiese metode gebruik. Dit word gedoen teenoor aannames dat Childs a-histories werk en sy eie siening dat die kanoniese benadering 'n paradigmaskuif verteenwoordig. Die hipotese word uitgewerk aan die hand van die volgende werkswyse: Na inleidende opmerkings volg 'n bespreking van die plek wat Childs inneem in die navorsing oor die kanon. Dit word gevolg deur 'n gedeelte wat aandag gee aan outobiografiese gegewens oor Childs, sy belangrikste publikasies en die ontwikkeling van sy kanoniese benadering. 'n Uiteensetting van Childs se benadering gegee aan die hand van kernkonsepte volg hierna. Om Childs as 'n kind van sy tyd te sien word daar gekyk na die invloed wat sy mentors op hom gehad het asook ooreenkomste wat hy met ander teoloë en nie-teoloë het. Ten einde Childs in perspektief te sien word reaksie op sy benadering vervolgens aan die orde gestel. Reaksie op die benadering van Childs word geëvalueer in die daaropvolgende deel. Indien Childs nie 'n paradigmaskuif verteenwoordig nie, wat is dan sy relevansie vir die toekomstige debat? Die laaste hoofstuk is 'n konklusie wat die bydrae van Childs evalueer en die moontlike implikasies van die kanoniese benadering vir die toekoms bespreek. Die studie bevestig die feit dat die kanoniese benadering hom nog steeds binne dieselfde kader as die historiese kritiek bevind. Childs is in die implementering van sy benadering afhanklik van die resultate van die histories-kritiese metode. Om hierdie rede kan Childs nie geëtiketteer word dat hy a-histories werk nie. Die aanspraak wat gemaak word dat hy 'n paradigmaskuif bewerksteliig het, gaan ook nie op nie. Dit neem egter niks weg van die feit dat B. S. Childs 'n monumentale bydrae tot die Ou-Testamentiese wetenskap gemaak het nie. English It is more than thirty years ago since Childs (1964) published his important article Interpretation in Faith. This article introduced the start of a new phase in OldTestamentical research. A number of other publications by Childs have since seen the light. His publications have elicited wide reaction. The canonical approach of Childs would lead to a debate that has still not abated. This study attempts to evaluate B.S. Childs' approach. It is hypothesised that the canonical approach by Childs still finds itself in the mainstream of historical criticism. Childs still uses the results of the historical critical method. This is done in contrast to the suppositions that Childs operates a-historically and to his own view that the canonical approach represents a paradigm move. The above hypothesis was developed using the following methodology: Introductory comments followed by a discussion of Childs' place in canonical research. Subsequently, autobiographical data on Childs, his most important publications and the development of his canonical approach are presented. It is followed by a discussion of his approach in view of fundamental concepts. To view Childs as a child of his time, regard must be had to the influence of his mentors on him and the similarities he shared with theologians and non-theologians. To place Childs' approach into perspective, reaction to the approach is discussed and evaluated. If Childs does not represent a paradigm move, what then is his relevance for future debate? The final chapter is a conclusion of the study where Childs' contribution is evaluated and possible implications of the canonical approach for the future are discussed. The study confirms the fact that the canonical approach still finds itself in the same cadre as the historical criticism. Childs depends on the result of the historical critical method for the implementation of his approach. He can therefore not be labelled as a-historical. Furthermore, claims that he accomplished a paradigm move can not be sustained. However, the fact that Childs made a monumental contribution to Old Testamentical scholarship can never be negated. / Thesis (DD)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Old Testament Studies / unrestricted

L’institution basilicale : Statut canonique, enjeu des relations église/états / The Basilica Institution : Canonical status and the stakes of church and state relationship

Ouattara, N'Golo Drissa Michel 29 June 2018 (has links)
L’institution basilicale, ancrée dans le plus ancien passé de Rome, s’est longtemps caractérisée par un plan architectural spécifique héritant de l’édifice païen. Enrichie de privilèges liturgiques, partageant parfois les fonctions ou entrant en concurrence avec la cathédrale, graduellement dotée d’un statut canonique, la basilique constitue aussi un enjeu des relations que l’Église catholique romaine entretint avec les États et, au-delà, avec les sociétés civiles. La symbolique puissante et le prestige attachés aux basiliques – et au premier chef à celles, majeures et patriarcales, de la Ville – ont commandé, pour partie sur le fondement d’un décret de Pie VII daté de 1805, l’élaboration d’une politique pontificale d’octroi du titre de basilique mineure à des sanctuaires inscrits à la fois, moyennant un jeu d’échelles complexe, dans leur espace local et dans la dimension universelle, confluence permettant notamment aux pontifes de les utiliser comme relais de l’enseignement magistériel. Après le concile Vatican II et le décret du 9 novembre 1989 de l’actuelle Congrégation pour le Culte divin et la Discipline des Sacrements, la requête d’institution basilicale est d’abord appréciée au niveau de l’Église locale (diocèse et Conférence des évêques) avant d’être transférée au Saint-Siège, ce qui témoigne de la revalorisation des Églises particulières dans le processus. Celui-ci implique une relation triangulaire entre les trois protagonistes que sont le Saint-Siège, les responsables politiques de la région ou du pays où se trouve l’édifice construit ou à construire et le « peuple chrétien » concerné par la basilique instituée ou candidate au statut. In fine, c’est l’usage de la basilique par les fidèles, les pèlerins et les visiteurs qui contribue à définir l’importance générale de telle ou telle basilique pour l’Eglise. Le présent travail interroge sur la raison d’être et les caractéristiques propres aux basiliques, leur développement et leur multiplication à partir du XIXe siècle et surtout des pontificats qui ont suivi Vatican II ; sur 1.765 basiliques recensées actuellement, moins de 150 appartiennent à la période antique, médiévale et moderne, autant au XIXe siècle, mais plus d’un millier sont instituées au XXe siècle et plus de 200 depuis l’an 2000. Leur statut d’églises éminentes semble s’accommoder de leur expansion et de l’augmentation de leur fréquentation, voire les favoriser. Ce mouvement dynamique contemporain mérite d’être évalué comme signe de vitalité ecclésiale, de mutation autoentretenue ou de déploiement des orientations de Vatican II. À défaut de propositions d’évolution juridique, qui ne semblent pas s’imposer dans l’état actuel des choses, le présent travail contribue à une réflexion sur l’avenir de l’institution basilicale. / The basilican institution, rooted in the oldest past of Rome, has long been characterized by a specific architectural plan inheriting the previous pagan building. Enriched with liturgical privileges, sometimes sharing the functions or competing with the cathedral, gradually having a canonical status, the basilica was also involved in the relations that the Roman Catholic Church maintained with the states and civil societies. The powerful symbolism and prestige attached to the basilicas - and first and foremost to the City's major and patriarchal basilicas - commanded, partly on the basis of a decree of pope Pius VII (1805), the elaboration of a pontifical policy linked to the granting of the title of minor basilica. The Holy-See then granted the basilican title to shrines inscribed simultaneously in their local space and in the universal dimension, confluence allowing especially the pontiffs to use them as relay of magisterial teaching.After the Vatican II’s council and the decree of 9 November 1989 of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, the query for a basilican institution is first appreciated at the level of the local Church (Diocese and Conference of Bishops) before being transferred to the Holy See, an evolution which indicates the revalorization of the particular Churches in the institutional process. The actors involved in the basilica’s case of recognition present a triangular relationship between the Holy See, the political leaders of the region or country where the building is constructed or to be built and the "Christian people" concerned by the established or candidate basilica status. Ultimately, it is the current use of the basilica by the faithful, pilgrims and visitors that helps to define the general importance of this or that basilica for the Church.The present work questions the usefulness of basilicas, their development and multiplication from the nineteenth century and especially during the pontificates that followed Vatican II. From a total of 1.765 basilicas currently listed, less than 150 belong to the ancient, medieval and modern period, as much in the nineteenth century, but more than a thousand were instituted in the twentieth century and more than 200 since 2000. Their status as eminent churches seems to be accommodating themselves to their expansion and the increase in their attendance, or even to encourage this development. This dynamic contemporary movement has to be evaluated as a sign of ecclesial vitality, self-sustaining change or deployment of the Vatican II orientations.In the absence of proposals for legal evolution in this thesis, proposals which do not seem to be necessary in the current state of affairs, the present work contributes to a reflection on the basilican future in general in order to better define its coming trajectory.

Probing protein dynamics in vivo using non-canonical amino acid labeling

Aya Saleh (9172613) 28 July 2020 (has links)
<div><p>The cellular protein pool exists in a state of dynamic equilibrium, such that a balance between protein synthesis and degradation is maintained to sustain protein homeostasis. This equilibrium is essential for normal cellular functions and hence alteration in protein dynamics has several pathological implications in developing and adult tissues. Recent progress in mass spectrometry (MS) and metabolic labeling techniques has advanced our understanding of the mechanisms of protein regulation in cultured cells and less complicated multicellular organisms. However, methods for the analysis of the dynamics of intra- and extra-cellular proteins in embryonic and adult tissues remain lacking.</p><p>To address this gap, we developed a metabolic labeling technique that enables labeling the nascent murine proteome via injection of non-canonical amino acids (ncAAs), which can be selectively enriched by “clickable” tags for identification and quantification. Using this technique, we developed a MS-based method for the selective identification and quantification of the intra- and extra-cellular newly synthesized proteins in developing murine tissues. We then applied this technique to study the dynamic regulation of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins during embryonic and adolescent musculoskeletal development. We show that the applied technique enables resolving differences in the nascent proteome of different developmental time points with high temporal resolution. The technique can also reveal protein dynamic information that cannot be captured by the traditional proteomic techniques. Additionally, we identified key ECM components that play roles in musculoskeletal development to provide insights into the mechanisms of musculoskeletal tissue regeneration.</p><p>To fully characterize our labeling technique, we developed a mathematical model to describe the biodistribution kinetics of azidohomoalanine (Aha), the most widely used ncAA, in murine tissues. The model enabled measuring the relative rates of protein synthesis and turnover in different tissues and predicting the effect of different dosing regimens of Aha on the degree of protein labeling. Finally, we analyzed the plasma metabolome of Aha-injected mice to investigate the impact of Aha incorporation on normal physiology. The analysis revealed that Aha administration into mice does not significantly perturb metabolic functions. Taken together, the findings presented in this dissertation demonstrate the utility of the ncAA labeling technique in mapping protein dynamics in mammalian tissues. This will ultimately have a significant impact on our understanding of protein regulation in health and disease. </p></div><br>

Learning Generalized Partial Policies from Examples

January 2020 (has links)
abstract: Many real-world planning problems can be modeled as Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) which provide a framework for handling uncertainty in outcomes of action executions. A solution to such a planning problem is a policy that handles possible contingencies that could arise during execution. MDP solvers typically construct policies for a problem instance without re-using information from previously solved instances. Research in generalized planning has demonstrated the utility of constructing algorithm-like plans that reuse such information. However, using such techniques in an MDP setting has not been adequately explored. This thesis presents a novel approach for learning generalized partial policies that can be used to solve problems with different object names and/or object quantities using very few example policies for learning. This approach uses abstraction for state representation, which allows the identification of patterns in solutions such as loops that are agnostic to problem-specific properties. This thesis also presents some theoretical results related to the uniqueness and succinctness of the policies computed using such a representation. The presented algorithm can be used as fast, yet greedy and incomplete method for policy computation while falling back to a complete policy search algorithm when needed. Extensive empirical evaluation on discrete MDP benchmarks shows that this approach generalizes effectively and is often able to solve problems much faster than existing state-of-art discrete MDP solvers. Finally, the practical applicability of this approach is demonstrated by incorporating it in an anytime stochastic task and motion planning framework to successfully construct free-standing tower structures using Keva planks. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Computer Engineering 2020

Critical functions of Reck in mouse forebrain development

Li, Huiping 25 November 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(生命科学) / 甲第22133号 / 生博第420号 / 新制||生||55(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院生命科学研究科高次生命科学専攻 / (主査)教授 渡邊 直樹, 教授 千坂 修, 教授 原田 浩 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy in Life Sciences / Kyoto University / DFAM

Extracellular laminin regulates hematopoietic potential of pluripotent stem cells through integrin β1-ILK-β-catenin-JUN axis / 細胞外ラミニンはインテグリンβ1-ILK-βカテニン-JUN経路を介して多能性幹細胞の造血能を制御する

Yuzuriha, Akinori 24 May 2021 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(医学) / 甲第23383号 / 医博第4752号 / 新制||医||1052(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学専攻 / (主査)教授 河本 宏, 教授 髙折 晃史, 教授 金子 新 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DFAM

Accelerating Monte Carlo Molecular Simulations Using Novel Extrapolation Schemes Combined with Fast Database Generation on Massively Parallel Machines

Amir, Sahar 05 1900 (has links)
We introduce an efficient thermodynamically consistent technique to extrapolate and interpolate normalized Canonical NVT ensemble averages like pressure and energy for Lennard-Jones (L-J) fluids. Preliminary results show promising applicability in oil and gas modeling, where accurate determination of thermodynamic properties in reservoirs is challenging. The thermodynamic interpolation and thermodynamic extrapolation schemes predict ensemble averages at different thermodynamic conditions from expensively simulated data points. The methods reweight and reconstruct previously generated database values of Markov chains at neighboring temperature and density conditions. To investigate the efficiency of these methods, two databases corresponding to different combinations of normalized density and temperature are generated. One contains 175 Markov chains with 10,000,000 MC cycles each and the other contains 3000 Markov chains with 61,000,000 MC cycles each. For such massive database creation, two algorithms to parallelize the computations have been investigated. The accuracy of the thermodynamic extrapolation scheme is investigated with respect to classical interpolation and extrapolation. Finally, thermodynamic interpolation benefiting from four neighboring Markov chains points is implemented and compared with previous schemes. The thermodynamic interpolation scheme using knowledge from the four neighboring points proves to be more accurate than the thermodynamic extrapolation from the closest point only, while both thermodynamic extrapolation and thermodynamic interpolation are more accurate than the classical interpolation and extrapolation. The investigated extrapolation scheme has great potential in oil and gas reservoir modeling.That is, such a scheme has the potential to speed up the MCMC thermodynamic computation to be comparable with conventional Equation of State approaches in efficiency. In particular, this makes it applicable to large-scale optimization of L-J model parameters for hydrocarbons and other important reservoir species. The efficiency of the thermodynamic dependent techniques is expected to make the Markov chains simulation an attractive alternative in compositional multiphase flow simulation.

Protein Design and Engineering Using the Fluorescent Non-canonical Amino Acid L-(7-hydroxycoumarin-4-yl)ethylglycine

January 2020 (has links)
abstract: Proteins are, arguably, the most complicated molecular machines found in nature. From the receptor proteins that decorate the exterior of cell membranes to enzymes that catalyze the slowest of chemical reactions, proteins perform a wide variety of essential biological functions. A reductionist view of proteins as a macromolecular group, however, may hold that they simply interact with other chemical species. Notably, proteins interact with other proteins, other biological macromolecules, small molecules, and ions. This in turn makes proteins uniquely qualified for use technological use as sensors of said chemical species (biosensors). Several methods have been developed to convert proteins into biosensors. Many of these techniques take advantage of fluorescence spectroscopy because it is a fast, non-invasive, non-destructive and highly sensitive method that also allows for spatiotemporal control. This, however, requires that first a fluorophore be added to a target protein. Several methods for achieving this have been developed from large, genetically encoded autofluorescent protein tags, to labeling with small molecule fluorophores using bioorthogonal chemical handles, to genetically encoded fluorescent non-canonical amino acids (fNCAA). In recent years, the fNCAA, L-(7-hydroxycoumarin-4yl)ethylglycine (7-HCAA) has been used in to develop several types of biosensors. The dissertation I present here specifically addresses the use of the fNCAA L-(7-hydroxycoumarin-4-yl)ethylglycine (7-HCAA) in protein-based biosensors. I demonstrate 7-HCAA’s ability to act as a Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) acceptor with tryptophan as the FRET donor in a single protein containing multiple tryptophans. I the describe efforts to elucidate—through both spectroscopic and structural characterization—interactions within a 7-HCAA containing protein that governs 7-HCAA fluorescence. Finally, I present a top-down computational design strategy for incorporating 7-HCAA into proteins that takes advantage of previously described interactions. These reports show the applicability of 7-HCAA and the wider class of fNCAAs as a whole for their use of rationally designed biosensors. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Biochemistry 2020

Úloha transkripčního faktoru TCF4 v kmenových buňkách střevního epitelu a střevních nádorech / The role of TCF4 transcription factor in intestinal epithelial stem cells and tumors

Hrčkulák, Dušan January 2019 (has links)
For more than 20 years, T-cell specific factor 4 (Tcf4) is the most intensively studied member of the conserved Tcf/Lymphoid enhancer-binding factor (Lef) family of transcription factors. Together with β-catenin coactivator, Tcf4 represents the prominent nuclear effector of canonical Wnt signaling in the intestinal epithelium. Regulation of Wnt-β-catenin signaling in intestinal stem cells is crucial for tissue homeostasis and tumor formation initiation. Up to date, several mouse models were generated to manipulate Tcf4 abundance or activity in vivo and dissect its function. Moreover, mutational screens and expression profiling of human colorectal tumors were carried out to disclose a contribution of TCF4 to tumor progression. However, subsequent studies brought conflicting results in relation to the potential of Tcf4 to activate or repress Wnt target genes and drive or inhibit cell proliferation. Here in this study, we analyze publicly available datasets for global expression of TCF4 and its paralogs in human tissues and colorectal cancer (CRC) samples. Notably, we present newly generated Tcf4flox5 mouse with a conditional Tcf4 allele that can be used to eliminate expression of Tcf4 from two alternative promoters of the gene. Using this mouse strain we documented that Tcf4 loss led to the demise of...

Comparison and Implementation of Query Containment Algorithms for XPath / Jämförelse och implementation av Query Containment-algoritmer för XPath

Wåreus, Linus, Wällstedt, Max January 2016 (has links)
This thesis investigates the practical aspects of implementing Query Containment algorithms for the query language XPath. Query Containment is the problem to decide if the results of one query are a subset of the results of another query for any database. Query Containment algorithms can be used for the purpose of optimising the querying process in database systems. Two algorithms have been implemented and compared, The Canonical Model and The Homomorphism Technique. The algorithms have been compared with respect to speed, ease of implementation, accuracy and usability in database systems. Benchmark tests were developed to measure the execution times of the algorithms on a specific set of queries. A simple database system was developed to investigate the performance gain of using the algorithms. It was concluded that The Homomorphism Technique outperforms The Canonical Model in every test case with respect to speed. The Canonical Model is however more accurate than The Homomorphism Technique. Both algorithms were easy to implement, but The Homomorphism Technique was easier. In the database system, there was performance to be gained by using Query Containment algorithms for a certain type of queries, but in most cases there was a performance loss. A database system that utilises Query Containment algorithms for optimisation would for every issued query have to evaluate if such an algorithm should be used. / Denna rapport undersöker de praktiska aspekterna av att implementera Query Containment-algoritmer för queryspråket XPath. Query Containment är problemet att avgöra om resultaten av en query är en delmängd av resultaten av en annan query, oavsett databas. Query Containment-algoritmer kan användas för ändamålet att optimera queryingprocessen i databassystem. Två algoritmer har implementerats och jämförts, The Canonical Model och The Homomorphism Technique. Algoritmerna har jämförts med avseende på hastighet, lätthet att implementera, exakthet och användbarhet i riktiga databassystem. Prestandatester utvecklades för att mäta exekveringstider för algoritmerna på specifikt framtagna queries. Ett enkelt databassystem utvecklades för att undersöka prestandavinsten av att använda algoritmerna. Slutsatsen att The Homomorphism Technique presterar bättre än The Canonical Model i samtliga testfall med avseende på hastighet drogs. The Canonical Model är dock mer exakt än The Homomorphism Technique. Båda algoritmerna var lätta att implementera, men The Homomorphism Technique var lättare. I databassystemet fanns det en prestandavinst i att använda Query Containment-algoritmer för en viss typ av queries, men i de flesta fall var det en prestandaförlust. Ett databassystem som använder Query Containment-algoritmer för optimering bör för varje query avgöra om en sådan algoritm ska användas.

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