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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Do Dynamic Capabilities influence the Growth of Start-Ups? : A Study within the German E-Commerce Sector

Henrichs, Matthias, Kreutz, Michael January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Vägar till överlevnad. : En kvalitativ studie avseende hur åtta företag inom privat sektor förhåller sig till och bemöter förändrade förutsättningar för att överleva på marknaden.

Damm, Susanne, Norén, Susanna January 2013 (has links)
Studien avser att ur ett ledningsperspektiv undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar privata företag samt hur företagen arbetar för att vara flexibla och skapar förhållningssätt i relation till dessa. Vidare vill vi jämföra det empiriska materialet med det teoretiska resonemang som producerats i den vetenskapliga arenan för att bidra med insikter som kan utveckla forskning inom området. Det empiriska resultatet bygger på åtta kvalitativa intervjuer med representanter från HR-funktionen i företag inom privat sektor. Både resultat och vetenskaplig genomgång har visat på variationer av såväl påverkan som förhållningssätt. Företagens val av förhållningssätt eller strategi har gjorts med bakgrund av varierande orsaker och har lett till olika effekter beroende på verksamhetsspecifika förutsättningar. Detta medför svårigheter avseende definitionen av vad som påverkar, hur det påverkar samt hur företag bör förhålla sig. Vissa strategier visade sig fungera bra i en typ av verksamhet medan samma typ av strategi inte påstods vara möjlig i andra. Sammanfattningsvis kan vi konstatera att företagens möjlighet att förhålla sig till förändrade förutsättningar utgör deras överlevnads förmåga. Vidare har det visat sig att detta omfattar både företagets flexibilitet och dess förmåga att minska flexibilitetsbehovet.

Team collaboration capabilities as drivers for innovation performance: The case of Spanish technology-based startups

Lopez Hernandez, Anna Karina 20 May 2019 (has links)
[ES] Las Startups de Base Tecnológica (SBT) son nuevas empresas emprendedoras lanzadas típicamente por un equipo con el propósito de llevar productos o servicios innovadores al mercado y lograr la escalabilidad de sus modelos de negocios. Hoy en día, se reconoce ampliamente que las SBT desempeñan un papel muy importante en la economía como fuente de innovaciones disruptivas y radicales y en la creación de nuevos empleos. Sin embargo, la mayoría de las TBS se enfrentan a retos significativos asociados con conflictos que surgen entre los miembros del equipo y con cambios en el entorno, aspectos que afectan a su rendimiento de innovación y supervivencia. De hecho, a pesar de la potencial novedad de sus productos y servicios, muchas SBT fracasan e incluso desaparecen y con ellas también sus innovaciones. En esta tesis proponemos el concepto de "Capacidades de Colaboración en Equipo" (CCE) referido a la interacción entre los miembros del equipo de una SBT como una condición organizativa esencial que permite la construcción de nuevas capacidades dinámicas estratégicas. En concreto, la tesis se centra en la relación entre CCE, capacidades operativas y resultados en innovación. Consideramos cuatro elementos como las dimensiones principales de las CCE, que comprenden: la confianza, la comunicación, la resolución de problemas y la eficacia del equipo. En primer lugar, la confianza del equipo, que les permite estar abiertos a compartir sus ideas, tener confianza y expresar sus sentimientos y comentarios constructivos. En segundo lugar, la comunicación, que consiste en fomentar el intercambio abierto de ideas e información que beneficien a los proyectos y a la organización. En tercer lugar, la resolución de problemas, que fomenta el establecimiento de protocolos para dar solución a los desacuerdos que puedan surgir a diario. En cuarto lugar, la eficacia del equipo para lograr los objetivos, resolver tareas difíciles a través del esfuerzo conjunto, gestionar problemas inesperados, ser competente y aumentar la autoeficacia para realizar las tareas y la gestión eficiente de los recursos. El estudio empírico se basa en una encuesta con el objetivo de identificar las CCE y sus relaciones con las capacidades operativas y los resultados en innovación de las SBT. Se obtuvieron 45 respuestas válidas de SBT, en su mayoría empresas que han participado en programas de aceleradoras como STARTUPV, EIT Climate KIC Valencia Accelerator Program y Fundación Repsol Entrepreneurs Fund, Social NEST y el Parque Científico de Madrid. La muestra incluye SBT con actividades centradas en el desarrollo de productos y servicios en una amplia gama de sectores, incluyendo medio ambiente, energías renovables, tecnologías limpias, transporte, consultoría, servicios de gestión industrial, arte, ocio y entretenimiento. Dadas las condiciones particulares de nuestra muestra y el tipo de datos recopilados a través de la encuesta, utilizamos la técnica de modelos de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM). Este método permite una estimación basada en componentes para el modelado de causa-efecto con variables latentes. El modelo ha sido estimado utilizando el software Smart PLS 3. Los hallazgos sugieren que el desarrollo de CCE en las SBT contribuye a la creación de nuevas capacidades operativas que resultan en mayores resultados en innovación. Asimismo, proponemos futuras líneas de investigación sobre el papel de las CCE en las colaboraciones externas. Por ejemplo, se podría estudiar la existencia de iniciativas públicas que tengan en cuenta las fases críticas del desarrollo de las SBT, como por ejemplo la promoción de la atracción de talento y el fomento de esquemas de compensación que lo retengan. Finalmente, se plantea estudiar la colaboración entre las SBT y otros agentes externos en proyectos de innovación abierta. Consideramos que estas colaboraciones favorecerían su supervivencia y competitividad. / [CA] Les Startups de Base Tecnològica (SBT) són noves empreses emprenedores llançades típicament per un equip amb el propòsit de portar productes o serveis innovadors al mercat i aconseguir l'escalabilitat dels seus models de negocis. Hui dia, es reconeix àmpliament que les *SBT exerceixen un paper molt important en l'economia com a font d'innovacions disruptivas i radicals i en la creació de noves ocupacions. No obstant això, la majoria de les *TBS s'enfronten a reptes significatius associats amb conflictes que sorgeixen entre els membres de l'equip i amb canvis en l'entorn, aspectes que afecten el seu rendiment d'innovació i supervivència. De fet, malgrat la potencial novetat dels seus productes i serveis, moltes SBT fracassen i fins i tot desapareixen i amb elles també les seues innovacions. En aquesta tesi proposem el concepte de "Capacitats de Col·laboració en Equip" (CCE) referit a la interacció entre els membres de l'equip d'una SBT com una condició organitzativa essencial que permet la construcció de noves capacitats dinàmiques estratègiques. En concret, la tesi se centra en la relació entre CCE, capacitats operatives i resultats en innovació. Considerem quatre elements com les dimensions principals de les CCE, que comprenen: la confiança, la comunicació, la resolució de problemes i l'eficàcia de l'equip. En primer lloc, la confiança de l'equip, que els permet estar oberts a compartir les seues idees, tindre confiança i expressar els seus sentiments i comentaris constructius. En segon lloc, la comunicació, que consisteix a fomentar l'intercanvi obert d'idees i informació que beneficien als projectes i a l'organització. En tercer lloc, la resolució de problemes, que fomenta l'establiment de protocols per a donar solució als desacords que puguen sorgir diàriament. En quart lloc, l'eficàcia de l'equip per a aconseguir els objectius, resoldre tasques difícils a través de l'esforç conjunt, gestionar problemes inesperats, ser competent i augmentar la autoeficacia per a fer les tasques i la gestió eficient dels recursos. L'estudi empíric es basa en una enquesta amb l'objectiu d'identificar les CCE i les seues relacions amb les capacitats operatives i els resultats en innovació de les SBT. Es van obtindre 45 respostes vàlides de SBT, en la seua majoria empreses que han participat en programes d'acceleradores com STARTUPV, EIT Climate KIC València Accelerator Program i Fundació Repsol Entrepreneurs Fund, Social NEST i el Parc Científic de Madrid. La mostra inclou SBT amb activitats centrades en el desenvolupament de productes i serveis en una àmplia gamma de sectors, incloent medi ambient, energies renovables, tecnologies netes, transport, consultoria, serveis de gestió industrial, art, oci i entreteniment. Donades les condicions particulars de la nostra mostra i el tipus de dades recopilades a través de l'enquesta, utilitzem la tècnica de models d'equacions estructurals (SEM). Aquest mètode permet una estimació basada en components per al modelatge de causa-efecte amb variables latents. El model ha sigut estimat utilitzant el programari Smart PLS 3. Les troballes suggereixen que el desenvolupament de CCE en les SBT contribueix a la creació de noves capacitats operatives que resulten en majors resultats en innovació. Així mateix, proposem futures línies d'investigació sobre el paper de les CCE en les col·laboracions externes. Per exemple, es podria estudiar l'existència d'iniciatives públiques que tinguen en compte les fases crítiques del desenvolupament de les SBT, com per exemple la promoció de l'atracció de talent i el foment d'esquemes de compensació que el retinguen. Finalment, es planteja estudiar la col·laboració entre les SBT i altres agents externs en projectes d'innovació oberta. Considerem que aquestes col·laboracions afavoririen la seua supervivència i competitivitat. / [EN] Technology-Based Startups (TBSs) are newly emerged entrepreneurial ventures typically launched by a team with the purpose of bringing innovative products or services to market and achieving the scalability of their business models. Today, it is widely recognized that TBSs play a very important role in the economy as a source of disruptive and radical innovations and creation of new jobs. However, most TBSs face significant challenges associated with conflicts among team members and with changes in the environment, which affect their innovation performance and survival. In fact, despite the potential novelty of their products and services, many TBSs fail and even disappear together with their innovations. In this thesis we propose the concept "Team Collaboration Capabilities" (TCCs) referred to the interaction among TBS team members as an essential organizational condition to allow the construction of new strategic dynamic capabilities. In particular, the thesis focuses on the relationships between TCCs, operational capabilities and innovation performance. We consider four elements as the main dimensions of TCCs: trust, communication, problem solving and team efficacy. Firstly, team trust, which allow team members to be open to sharing their ideas, be confident and expressing their feelings and constructive feed-back. Secondly, team communication that encourages open sharing of ideas about information that favors the commitment between members and benefit the projects and the organization. Thirdly, team problem-solving encouraging the establishment of protocols that give solutions to the disagreements that may arise in the daily basis. Fourthly, team efficacy in achieving teams' goals, solving difficult tasks through joint efforts, manage together unexpected problems, be competent and increase the self-efficacy to perform the tasks and the efficient management of resources. The empirical study is based on a survey of TBSs based in Spain, aimed to the analysis of TCCs and their relationships with the operational capabilities and the TBS innovation performance. We draw on 45 valid responses of TBSs. Most of the companies in our sample were participants in accelerator programs such as STARTUPV, EIT Climate KIC Valencia Accelerator Program, Fundación Repsol Entrepreneurs Fund, Social NEST and Scientific Park of Madrid. The sample covers TBSs with activities focused on the development of products and services in a wide range of sectors, including environment, renewable energies, clean technologies, transport, consulting, industrial management services, art, leisure and entertainment. Given the particular conditions of our sample and the type of data collected through the survey, we use structural equation modeling (SEM). This method allows a component-based estimation for cause-effect modeling with latent variables. The model has been estimated using Smart PLS 3 software. The findings suggest that the development of TCCs in TBSs contribute to building new operational capabilities that result in greater innovation performance. We also propose future lines of research for the role of TCCs in external collaborations. For example, to assess public initiatives that take into account the critical phases of TBSs development, the promotion of talent attraction and the furtherance of compensation schemes that retain it. Finally, it would be interesting to study the collaboration between the TBSs and other external agents in open innovation projects. We believe that these collaborations would favor their survival and competitiveness. / La investigación que condujo a los resultados de esta tesis doctoral fue financiada en su totalidad por mi beca para estudios en el extranjero otorgada en México por el Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACyT). / Lopez Hernandez, AK. (2019). Team collaboration capabilities as drivers for innovation performance: The case of Spanish technology-based startups [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/121143

Capabilities for frequent innovation : Managing the early project phases in the pharmaceutical R&D process

Biedenbach, Thomas January 2011 (has links)
Despite their recognized significance for project success and innovation, the management of the early project phases is still an under-researched area in project management. For organizations to secure a continuous stream of innovation, the utilization of capabilities is crucial for managing the early phases of R&D projects. The purpose of this dissertation is to advance the understanding of the management of the early project phases in hypercompetitive environments. The thesis addresses the research question of how organizations manage the early project phases of R&D in hypercompetitive environments for frequent innovation by taking a dynamic capabilities perspective. The first conceptual study reviews the literature covering organizational change in hypercompetitive environments with a focus on projects as the vehicle to create the necessary flexibility. The study found that organizational aspects and capabilities have to go hand in hand as enabler and facilitator for a successful emergent change process. The second qualitative study investigates how organizations organize the early project phases of R&D in the pharmaceutical industry for an outcome of frequent innovation. The findings show that an optimization of combinative capabilities that balances dynamic, project and multi-project capabilities can be used as a powerful leverage to boost the outcome of frequent innovation. The third study investigates the philosophical stances and related methodologies used within the last 15 years of project management research at the example of IRNOP conferences. The findings show that ontological subjectivism and epistemological interpretivism are dominating. Moreover, case studies and qualitative methods were the most common methods, whereas mixed method studies were lacking despite their value for developing an increasingly complex research field. The final mixed method study explores how absorptive, innovative and adaptive capabilities within the early phases of pharmaceutical R&D affect project and portfolio performance. Based on the results of quantitative study, the set of capabilities has an overall effect on the set of performance outcomes and thus confirms the results of the qualitative study that a distinct capability mix is needed in the pharmaceutical R&D process. To conclude, the dissertation has comprehensively explored the management of the early project phases through four studies and by applying a multitude of methodologies.

The Development of Capabilities for Servitization from a Dynamic Capability Perspective : a single-case study within the context of product-oriented servitization

Brandin, Jacob, Hugne, David January 2022 (has links)
Purpose – The purpose of this master thesis was to extend the understanding of the capabilities needed to enable the organizational transformation required throughout the servitization process. This research aims to identify what capabilities for servitization were important for the case company and understand how these capabilities were developed by adopting a dynamic capability perspective. Methodology – This research adopted a single-case study design to collect and analyze in-depth information about the interviewee’s experiences and perceptions about the case company’s servitization process. Findings – This research developed a holistic set of capabilities for servitization which were critical for the case company to enable organizational transformation within the context of product-oriented servitization. Four main capabilities for servitization were uncovered Strategic Alignment, Customer Relationship, PSS Innovation, and PSS Delivery. Moreover, a framework was created dividing the capabilities into higher- and second-order dynamic capabilities, hence explaining the importance of dynamic capabilities for the development of capabilities. Theoretical Implications – This study extended the understanding of capabilities for servitization by mapping them within the context of the case company. This research also displayed the role of high-order dynamic capabilities as the case company’s capacity to transform and manipulate the organization with the purpose to build second-order dynamic capabilities; therefore, denoting a capability hierarchy by which to distinguish between high- and second-order dynamic capabilities within the context of servitization. Managerial Implications – This research provides managers with a comprehensive collection of capabilities to take into consideration when formulating or executing strategy within the context of product-oriented servitization. Additionally, the distinction among high- and second-order dynamic capabilities for servitization may provide servitizating manufacturers with a new approach to map, organize and prioritize capability development based on the understanding of their function and related micro-foundations.


Schuite, Gerard 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 25-28, 1999 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / The aim of this presentation is to give an overview of TFDC’s capabilities as a flight test centre and the approach with respect to the management of flight testing.

Sense and reference on the Web

Halpin, Harry January 2010 (has links)
This thesis builds a foundation for the philosophy of theWeb by examining the crucial question: What does a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) mean? Does it have a sense, and can it refer to things? A philosophical and historical introduction to the Web explains the primary purpose of theWeb as a universal information space for naming and accessing information via URIs. A terminology, based on distinctions in philosophy, is employed to define precisely what is meant by information, language, representation, and reference. These terms are then employed to create a foundational ontology and principles ofWeb architecture. From this perspective, the SemanticWeb is then viewed as the application of the principles of Web architecture to knowledge representation. However, the classical philosophical problems of sense and reference that have been the source of debate within the philosophy of language return. Three main positions are inspected: the logicist position, as exemplified by the descriptivist theory of reference and the first-generation SemanticWeb, the direct reference position, as exemplified by Putnamand Kripke’s causal theory of reference and the second-generation Linked Data initiative, and a Wittgensteinian position that views the Semantic Web as yet another public language. After identifying the public language position as the most promising, a solution of using people’s everyday use of search engines as relevance feedback is proposed as a Wittgensteinian way to determine sense of URIs. This solution is then evaluated on a sample of the Semantic Web discovered by via using queries from a hypertext search engine query log. The results are evaluated and the technique of using relevance feedback from hypertext Web searches to determine relevant Semantic Web URIs in response to user queries is shown to considerably improve baseline performance. Future work for the Web that follows from our argument and experiments is detailed, and outlines of a future philosophy of the Web laid out.

Dynamic Capabilities to Evolve an Ambidextrous IT Organization

Redden, Douglas 21 April 2016 (has links)
Digital disruptions are changing the healthcare ecosystem, requiring organizations to rethink IT strategies and develop new IT competencies. This study focuses on the exploitation and exploration tension that managers face within an IT organization of a global pharmaceutical company, and their response to the related environmental exigencies in healthcare. Dynamic capability theory (DC) provides the overall framing, while ambidexterity provides an understanding of top management’s response to the exploit–explore tensions that arise. This engaged scholarship longitudinal case study takes a shifting stories methodological approach to elicit participants’ reflections and interpretations of significant events, including their own role in evolving the ambidextrous posture of the IT organization. Through rich description stories, process related decisions have been revealed, and have provided an understanding into organizational reconfiguration of IT resources. Subsequently, this resulted in a situated grounded model for understanding DC and OA for this case. Practical insights are offered on how dynamic capability theory could be applied for IT management to be smarter at becoming more ambidextrous.

Accessibility and the capabilities approach : towards an aid to decision taking

Craig, Robert H. January 2014 (has links)
The concept of accessibility (hereafter “accessibility”) encapsulates the relationships between the availability of opportunities; an individual's ability to access, engage with and ‘benefit' from such opportunities, and; the problem of social exclusion. However, while “improving accessibility” has been a policy objective in the United Kingdom since 1997, an emphasis on economic and environmental considerations at the expense of social considerations has become a cause for concern. This thesis helps address that concern by exploring why and how accessibility should and could be made more directly relevant to people's everyday lives; and by proposing a form of and an approach to the implementation of accessibility that supports the provision of social interventions, irrespective of the origin and scale of the same. Consequently, this thesis critically reviews extant ideas of accessibility and redefines the concept using Amartya Sen's Capabilities Approach. It then explores the operationalization of that redefined concept through an action research case study in North-East Scotland. Finally, it examines the potential role of digital information and communication technology (ICT) in managing the accessibility related data needed to support decision taking in providing social interventions. The key findings are: (1) the capabilities approach enables the redefinition of accessibility as a holistic, more socially representative and agent centric concept; (2) that definition could be usefully related to the concept of social exclusion through the notion of risk; (3) this emerging theory and practise of accessibility requires further development to achieve broader acceptance; (4) that notwithstanding the philosophical arguments underpinning action research, the participation of ‘local' people in research can build stronger, more informed and productive (research) relationships, and; (5) the use of digital ICT is central to realising the full potential of accessibility.

Current Advancements of and Future Developments for Fourth Party Logistics in a Digital Future

Schramm, Hans-Joachim, Czaja, Caroline Nicole, Dittrich, Michael, Mentschel, Matthias 11 February 2019 (has links) (PDF)
This paper aims to analyze the potential future of the 4PL concept based on expert opinions with special regard to the influence of digitalization coming with a disruptive trans-formation of supply chains. Service arrangements, provider capabilities and benefits resulting from a 4PL partnership are compared in current and future configurations. The research follows an explorative mixed methods approach with semi structured interviews followed by an expert panel. This builds a basis for an online survey questionnaire to inquire on important future aspects for the 4PL concept by a sample of respondents from multinational companies. Our results show a clear trend away from simply organizing transportation and logistics activities towards the provision of an IT platform as well as further value-added service activities such as planning, analytics and monitoring. Along with this, IT capabilities appear to be an important differentiator for 4PL providers in the future. Moreover, relationships between 4PL providers and their clients become closer and more strategic, which leads to a customer valuing not only direct cost reductions but rather improvements resulting from optimized operations through superior analysis and planning functions.

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