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Zusammenhang zwischen der Glykierung und dem allergenen Potential von Karotte (Daucus carota L.) und Erdnuss (Arachis hypogaea L.)Wellner, Anne 01 March 2013 (has links)
Schätzungsweise 1 – 2 % der europäischen Bevölkerung reagieren allergisch auf bestimmte Lebensmittel. Die verantwortlichen Allergene sind meist Proteine und können während der Lebensmittelverarbeitung, vor allem infolge thermischer Prozesse, erheblich modifiziert werden. Daraus kann sowohl eine Senkung als auch eine Erhöhung des allergenen Potentials resultieren. Insbesondere die Entstehung von sog. „Neoepitopen“ in der Folge der Maillard-Reaktion ist bereits diskutiert worden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde der Zusammenhang zwischen der Glykierung und dem allergenen Potential von Lebensmitteln, im Speziellen von Karotten und Erdnüssen, untersucht.
Die Karottenallergie ist in der europäischen Bevölkerung relativ häufig. Etwa 23 – 25 % aller Nahrungsmittelallergiker leiden an dieser meist pollenassoziierten Allergie. Es ist bekannt, dass das allergene Potential von Karotten durch Hitzebehandlung, infolge der irreversiblen Denaturierung des Hauptallergens Dau c 1, stark gesenkt wird. Daher stellte sich die Frage, ob bestimmte Maillard-Reaktionsprodukte (MRP) als Indikatoren für die Senkung des allergenen Potentials infolge der Hitzebehandlung geeignet sind.
Da zum Ausmaß der Maillard-Reaktion in hitzebehandelten Karotten bisher kaum Daten vorlagen, wurden zunächst Untersuchungen zu relevanten Glykierungsprodukten und zur resultierenden Aminosäuremodifizierung durchgeführt. In verschiedenen Handelsproben (Säfte, Breie, Konserven und getrocknete Karotten) waren neben Fru-Lys die Amadori-Produkte (AP) zahlreicher Aminosäuren, wie Fru-Ala und Fru-GABA nachweisbar. Als Produkte der fortgeschrittenen Phase der Maillard-Reaktion (advanced glycation endproducts, AGEs) wurden erstmals Pyrralin, Carboxymethyllysin (CML) und Pentosidin detektiert. Die resultierenden Aminosäure-modifizierungen waren in Produkten mit hohem Wasseranteil (Säfte, Breie sowie Konserven) mit bis zu 5 % gering. Dagegen zeigten getrocknete Karotten sehr hohe Derivatisierungsgrade (z. B. Lysin bis 58 %). Dabei war besonders die frühe Phase der Glykierung von Bedeutung, während die fortgeschrittene Phase kaum eine Rolle spielte.
Das AP Fru-Lys bzw. dessen Hydrolyseprodukt Furosin gilt zwar als anerkannter Erhitzungsmarker für Lebensmittel, erwies sich aber in Karottenprodukten aufgrund von schnell stagnierenden Gehalten nur als bedingt geeignet. Insbesondere FM-GABA zeigte eine wesentlich bessere Korrelation mit der Intensität der Hitzebehandlung. Zudem korrelierte der Anstieg dieses AP gut mit der Senkung des Gehaltes an IgE-reaktivem Dau c 1. Damit ist FM-GABA ein geeigneter Parameter sowohl für die Hitzebehandlung von Karotten als auch für die damit verbundene Senkung des allergenen Potentials.
Die Erdnussallergie gewinnt mit dem ansteigenden Verzehr von Erdnüssen zunehmend an Bedeutung. Diese Allergie zeichnet sich durch eine mitunter sehr schwere Symptomatik aus, so dass Erdnüsse hinsichtlich lebensbedrohender und letal verlaufender Nahrungsmittel-allergien an erster Stelle stehen. Bereits der Verzehr kleinster Mengen an Erdnuss, selbst Hautkontakt oder Inhalation können eine allergische Reaktion auslösen. Die Hauptallergene der Erdnuss, Ara h 1 und Ara h 2, sind bekanntermaßen stabil und behalten ihr allergenes Potential während der Hitzebehandlung bei. Dennoch besteht die Vermutung, dass die Zubereitung von Erdnüssen deren Allergenität maßgeblich beeinflusst. Daher wurde der Einfluss des Röstens bereits untersucht, jedoch sind die erhaltenen Ergebnisse bisher sehr widersprüchlich. Während in einigen Studien keine Unterschiede zwischen rohen und gerösteten Erdnüssen beobachtet wurden, berichteten andere Autoren von einer 90-fachen Erhöhung des IgE-Bindungsvermögens infolge der Röstung, die mit der Bildung von Neoepitopen durch die Maillard-Reaktion in Verbindung gebracht wurde. Aus diesem Grund wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit der Einfluss der Röstung und insbesondere der Glykierung auf das allergene Potential von Erdnüssen untersucht.
Da bisher kaum Daten zu MRP-Gehalten in Erdnüssen vorlagen, wurden zunächst verschiedene handelsübliche Proben (ungeröstete und geröstete Erdnüsse, Erdnussbutter und Erdnussflips) auf ihre Gehalte an Glykierungsprodukten und die resultierende Aminosäure-modifizierung untersucht. Dabei wurde erstmals das AP Fru-Lys und die AGEs Pyrralin und CML identifiziert und quantifiziert. Definierte Erhitzungsexperimente zeigten, dass während der Röstung von Erdnüssen insbesondere Pyrralin in hohen Mengen gebildet wird. Während in erhitzten Lebensmitteln üblicherweise Fru-Lys das dominierende MRP darstellt, trug Pyrralin in gerösteten Erdnüssen in vergleichbarem oder höherem Maße zur Lysinmodifizierung bei als das AP. Aufgrund der stetigen Zunahme ist Pyrralin als Erhitzungsparameter in Erdnüssen wesentlich besser geeignet als das Hydrolyseprodukt Furosin, dessen Gehalt schnell ein Plateau erreichte.
Durch die Röstung von Erdnüssen wurden hohe Lysinmodifizierungen bis zu 55 % erreicht, die jedoch nur zu einem Zehntel durch die gemessenen MRP erklärbar waren. Da zahlreiche andere Aminosäuren ebenfalls deutliche Abnahmen zeigten, müssen andere Reaktionen neben der Maillard-Reaktion einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Aminosäurederivatisierung leisten. Aufgrund des hohen Gehaltes an ungesättigten Fettsäuren liegt die Vermutung nahe, dass es sich um Reaktionen mit Lipidperoxidationsprodukten handeln könnte.
Der Einfluss der Röstung auf das allergene Potential der Erdnüsse wurde anhand des Antikörperbindungsvermögens bewertet. Dabei zeigten die Proteinextrakte roher und gerösteter Erdnüsse keine Unterschiede in der IgE-Reaktivität. Jedoch sind aufgrund der schlechten Extrahierbarkeit gerösteter Erdnussproteine keine Rückschlüsse auf das allergene Potential der gesamten Erdnüsse möglich. Vor allem das Allergen Ara h 1 bildete zunächst Di- und Trimere, unter drastischeren Bedingungen kam es zur weiteren Aggregation und damit zur Unlöslichkeit. Analog wurde auch die Löslichkeit aller anderen Erdnussproteine deutlich reduziert. Folglich konnten insbesondere stark modifizierte, aggregierte Proteine mit der verwendeten Extraktionsmethode nicht erfasst werden. Mittels Immunoblot wurde gezeigt, dass das IgE-Bindungsvermögen des Ara h 1 bei der Röstung nicht verändert wurde, solange das Allergen noch löslich war. Aussagen zum allergenen Potential des aggregierten Proteins waren noch nicht möglich. Hingegen wurden deutliche Hinweise auf die Erhöhung der IgE-Reaktivität des Ara h 2 infolge der Röstung erhalten.
Um den Einfluss der Maillard-Reaktion im Einzelnen auf die beiden Hauptallergene der Erdnuss, Ara h 1 und Ara h 2, untersuchen zu können, wurden diese Allergene aus rohen Erdnüssen isoliert und unter röstungsrelevanten Bedingungen glykiert. Durch diese Modifizierung wurde deren Antikörperbindungsvermögen jedoch nicht beeinflusst. Folglich liegen keine Hinweise auf die Bildung von Neoepitopen im Zuge der Maillard-Reaktion vor. Die beobachtete Erhöhung der IgE-Reaktivität des Ara h 2 infolge der Röstung ist daher auf andere Reaktionen, vermutlich mit Produkten der Lipidperoxidation, zurückzuführen.
Die Grundvoraussetzung für eine allergische Reaktion ist, dass die verantwortlichen Epitope die gastrointestinale Verdauung überstehen und intakt aufgenommen werden. Durch thermische Behandlung und die daraus resultierende Umfaltung sowie kovalente Modifizierung kann die Verdauungsresistenz erheblich beeinflusst werden. Daher wurde mit Hilfe einer simulierten gastrointestinalen Verdauung der Einfluss der Röstung von Erdnüssen sowie der Glykierung von Ara h 1 und Ara h 2 auf die Verdaubarkeit der Allergene untersucht. Diese orientierenden Verdauungsstudien gaben Hinweise auf eine erhöhte Verdauungsresistenz der Proteinaggregate in gerösteten Erdnüssen. Durch Glykierung der Allergene Ara h 1 und Ara h 2 wurde hingegen keine Veränderung der Verdaubarkeit erreicht. Für die hohe Proteolyseresistenz der Proteine in gerösteten Erdnüssen sind offenbar wiederum Reaktionen mit peroxidierten Erdnusslipiden verantwortlich.
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Effects of Soil Fumigations with Telone and Nemagon on Physio-Chemical and Ultrastructural Changes in Carrot Roots and Sweet Corn SeedsChen, Maureen Mei-chu 01 May 1971 (has links)
Carrots (Daucus carota L. cv. Royal Chantenay) and sweet corn vi (Zea mays L. cv. Iochief) were grown rm the Utah State University's Greenville farm in 1969 and 1970. The soil was fumigated with Telone (a mixture of 1, 3-dichloropropene and other chlorinated hydrocarbons) at the rates of 10, 20, and 30 gal/acre and Nemagon (1, 2-dibromo-3-chloropropane) at the rates of 1, 2, and 3 gal/acre one week before planting. Samples of uniformly mature carrot roots were taken for the studies of total carotenes, β-carotene, total and reducing sugars, respiration, and ultrastructural changes; and those of sweet corn seeds for the studies of total carotenoids , starch, total sugar, and total nitrogen changes.
Compared to the controls, carrots grown on fumigated soil had a significantly higher content of total carotenes, β-carotene, and total sugars, and a lower rate of respiration. The electron microscopic study indicated that the carrots from Telone (30 gal/acre) and Nemagon (3 gal/acre) fumigated soil had larger chromoplasts that contained more globuli and crystals than those of the controls. The soil fumigations with Telone and Nemagon also brought about the increase in total carotenoid content in sweet corn seeds.
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Assessment of the food losses and waste along the tomato and carrot value chain in Sweden: A value chain analysis approachNdagijimana, Valery January 2023 (has links)
Assessing food losses and waste in the tomato and carrot value chain in Sweden is essential for achieving sustainable development. This study uses a mixed method to analyze the extent of food loss and waste along the tomato and carrot value chain and related causing factors. It identifies reduction opportunities for enhancing the food system's sustainability. The study collected primary data from household consumers and retailers using a Google questionnaire. In addition, it also gathered secondary data from academic journals and public and private organizations' reports covering agricultural production, retailers, and consumption stages. In agricultural tomato production, food loss ranges from 1% to 20-25% of the total production. Meanwhile, carrot food loss ranges from 25-28% to a maximum of 58%. It has been observed that a percentage of approximately 1-2% of the total retail sales of tomatoes and carrots result in wastage weekly. This phenomenon is observed across carrot and tomato consumers at the household level. From the primary data analysis remark, food wastage in the supply chain for tomatoes and carrots varies across stages. The top causes are expiration dates and contamination factors, followed by inadequate packaging, with both responsible for 40% of wastage at the retail stage. Many factors contribute to food waste at the consumption level, including spoilage, leftovers, poor quality, and over-purchasing. These factors were confirmed to account for 42.1%, 33.3%, 28.6%, and 27.8% of food waste, respectively. Metadata analysis identified various causes of food waste, including natural factors, product-specific issues, supply chain challenges, operational processes, infrastructure and equipment, and behavioural factors. To effectively reduce food waste, it is crucial to implement strategies that address the root causes of the problem. These include avoiding excessive purchases, changing consumption habits, educating consumers, and understanding labelling terms: management strategies, technology, and quality-related dimensions. To sustain the vegetable value chain, it is vital to prevent food waste through policies, establish effective management strategies, and invest in innovative technology.
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Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum: detection, characterization, new hosts and epidemiology in SpainRibeiro Teresani, Gabriela 11 December 2015 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ is a α-Proteo
bacteria, Gram-negative, restricted to plant phloem and to the
haemolymph of psyllids that act as vectors. This emerging
bacterium has been associated with different diseases in different
hosts and associated with carrot (Daucus carota) in Spain.
Vegetative disorders of unknown etiology have also been observed
in celery (Apium graveolens) since 2008.
A real-time PCR protocol specific to ‘Ca. L. solanacearum’
detection, using TaqMan probe and direct sample preparation
methods have been developed. This technology has been validated
in an intra-laboratory study (sensitivity 1, specificity 1 and accuracy
100%) and is available commercially as a complete kit. It has been
demonstrated that ‘Ca. L. solanacearum’ is associated with the
observed syndrome in celery and a new bacterium haplotype (E)
has been identified. With these results it is concluded that celery is a
new host of ‘Ca. L. solanacearum’ (Teresani et al., 2014a).
Using the newly developed real-time PCR protocol ‘Ca. L.
solanacearum’ has been detected in 42,6% of the carrot seeds lots
tested and in individual seeds. The number of cells/seeds has been
estimated in 4.8±3.3 to 210±6.7, which only 5% were viable. After
150 days post-germination, 12% of seedlings showed symptoms
and tested positive for ‘Ca. L. solanacearum’. Liberibacter-like cells
were observed in the phloem sieve elements of the seed coat and in
the phloem of carrot leaf midrib from seedlings. These results demonstrated that ‘Ca. L. solanacearum’ is transmitted by carrot
seeds (Bertolini et al., 2014b).
The collected arthropods were classified into families, and
the superfamily Psylloidea was identified to the species level
resulting Bactericera trigonica, B. tremblayi and B. nigricornis the
main identified species. The population dynamics of different
psyllids species visiting carrot, celery and potato has been
determined, concluding that the highest populations are captured
during summer. The bacterium has been detected in the different
Bactericera species previous cited additionally to Bactericera sp.
The psyllid species carrying the bacteria can be considered as
possible vectors of the bacterium (Teresani et al. 2014b).
Electrical Penetration Graphs showed that B. trigonica was
able to feed in the phloem of carrot, celery and potato but not in the
phloem of tomato plants. Experimental transmission showed that B.
trigonica transmitted ‘Ca. L. solanacearum’ from carrot to carrot,
celery, potato and tomato. More efficient transmission occurred
with ten individuals, and the transmission rates were 100% in
celery, 80% in carrot and 10% in potato and tomato. The
experimental transmission to potatoes threatens this crop (Teresani
et al., 2014c).
These combined results have built a scientific foundation of
the biological and epidemiological aspects of ‘Ca. L. solanacearum’
contributing to new scientific information that is key in cultivation
of celery and carrot to establish bacteria control strategies. The use of bacteria-free carrot seed lots will definitely contribute to mitigate
damage and reduce risks of transmission to solanaceous crops. / Ribeiro Teresani, G. (2014). Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum: detection, characterization, new hosts and epidemiology in Spain [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/48459 / Compendio
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Comportamento in vitro de explantes de matrizes de cenoura (Daucus carota L.) tratadas com variáveis níveis de potássio. / In vitro behaviour of explants from potassium treated carrot matrixes (daucus carota l.).Amaral, Antonio Francisco de Campos 01 July 2003 (has links)
O crescimento de plantas, órgãos, tecidos e células in vitro depende do desenvolvimento de meios de cultura otimizados para a perfeita interação de componentes essenciais como fitorreguladores, fonte de carbono e nutrientes minerais. Os fatores que limitam o crescimento de órgãos ou tecido in vitro são similares a aqueles que limitam o crescimento in vivo. Com o objetivo de testar a influência do estado nutricional de plantas matrizes de cenoura Daucus carota Link em potássio na morfogênese in vitro, plantas obtidas de sementes germinadas em substrato e cultivadas em vasos com areia em condições de casa de vegetação, foram submetidas a tratamentos com soluções nutritivas contendo variáveis níveis de potássio. Decorridos 30 e 60 dias de tratamento, explantes dessas plantas (internódios) foram coletados, desinfetados e inoculados em meio de cultura sólido de MS contendo também diferentes concentrações de potássio e acrescido de 0,1mg.L -1 da auxina 2,4-D buscando indução de calogênese na ausência de luz. Diferenciação celular via embriogênese somática foi conseguida em ausência de auxina em condições de fotoperíodo de 16/8 horas (claro/escuro). A avaliação da calogênese foi feita aos 60 dias após a inoculação, com base na massa de matéria fresca e seca dos calos formados por explante. A avaliação da diferenciação celular (número de plantas/explante) e taxa de diferenciação celular (número de plantas/g de matéria seca de calos) foi realizada após 30 dias de cultivo em condições de luz. A indução de calogênese e crescimento celular nos explantes de matrizes tratadas foi influenciada pelo tratamento pelos níveis de K + na solução nutritiva e pela duração dos tratamentos. Explantes de matrizes tratadas com alta concentração de K + resultaram em indução e crescimento de calos em matéria fresca e seca inversamente proporcional à concentração de K + no meio de cultura tanto para tratamento por 30 dias como para 60 dias. Tratamentos de curta duração (30 dias) com altos níveis de K + nas soluções nutritivas e baixos níveis de K + no meio de cultura influenciaram negativamente a regeneração de plantas (nº plantas/explante) nos calos dos explantes das matrizes tratadas. No entanto, taxas mais altas de diferenciação celular (nº plantas/g de matéria seca de calos) ocorreram nos calos de explantes de matrizes tratadas por 30 dias com solução nutritiva contendo maiores níveis de potássio e inoculados em meio de cultura contendo concentrações iguais ou maiores de que a do meio MS. / The growth of plants, organs, tissues and cells in vitro culture depends on the development of optimized culture medium for the perfect interaction among essential components such as phytoregulators, carbon source and minerals nutrients. The factors limiting the growth of organs or tissues in vitro conditions are similar to those limiting growth in vivo conditions. The objective of this work was aimed at studying the influence of the potassium nutritional status of matrixes plants of carrot Daucus carota Link on the in vitro morphogenesis. Matrixes plants were obtained from seeds germinated in organic substratum and cultivated in plastic pots containing washed sand in greenhouse conditions. The matrixes plants were then submitted to treatments with nutrients solutions containing variable potassium levels. After 30 and 60 days treatment, explants (internodes) were collected, disinfested and inoculated in solid culture medium of Murashige and Skoog (MS) containing different potassium concentrations and supplemented with 0,1mg.L -1 of 2,4-D for callogenesis induction in dark conditions. Cell differentiation by somatic embryogenesis was pursued by culturing the calli in auxina-free same culture medium in growth room under photoperiod of 16/8 hours (light/dark). The evaluation of the callogenesis induction and cell growth was carried out 60 days after explants inoculation, based on the mass of fresh and dry matter accumulation on each explant. The evaluation of cell differentiation (plant formed/explant) and of cell differentiation rate (number of plants formed/g of dry matter of callus) was carried after 30 days of culturing under light conditions. Callogenesis induction and cell growth on the explants of treated matrixes plants were affected by the potassium treatment levels in the nutrient solution and by the duration of the treatments. Explants from treated plants with the higher K + concentrations showed callus induction and growth inversely proportional to the concentration of K + in the culture medium for both (30 and 60 days) treatment duration. However the callogenesis accumulated after 60 days treatment was twice as much as that of 30 days treatments. Short time treatments duration (30 days) with higher levels of K + in the nutrient solutions and low concentrations of K + in the culture medium influenced the cell differentiation negatively (nº plants/explant) in the callus of the explants from treated plants. Cells from calli induced on explants from matrixes plants for 30 days were more morphogenic than the cells in the 60 days treatment where high callogenesis was observed. Also better cell differentiation rate was observed on calli induced on explants from treated matrixes plants with nutrient solutions containing the highest potassium levels and inoculated on MS culture medium containing highest potassium concentrations.
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Obtenção, caracterização e aplicação tecnológica da fécula irradiada de açafrão (Ccurcuma longa l.) em bolo de cenouraMoura, Bruna Araújo de 06 July 2017 (has links)
A fécula de açafrão (Curcuma longa L.) apresenta grande potencial para a indústria de alimentos,
pois está presente em abundância nos rizomas do açafrão, podendo assim, ser considerada uma
fonte alternativa aos amidos já comercializados. Muitos amidos tem passado por modificações
físicas, como a aplicação da irradiação gama, para que este adquira novas características e
aumente sua aplicabilidade. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi estudar a influência de diferentes doses
de radiação sobre a fécula de açafrão (Curcuma longa L.) e avaliar sua aplicação tecnológica em
bolo de cenoura. A composição centesimal não foi influenciada significativamente pelas doses
de radiação. No entanto, a textura dos géis foi afetada, bem como as soluções gelatinizadas. A
solução não gelatinizada apresentou comportamento dilatante e a gelatinizada foi caracterizada
como pseudoplástica. Em relação a substituição parcial da farinha de trigo pela fécula de açafrão
sob todas as doses estudadas, o resultado se mostrou viável na elaboração do bolo de cenoura,
indicando que esta fécula pode ser aplicada em diversos alimentos, sem provocar a rejeição do
produto final. / The saffron starch (Curcuma longa L.) presents great potential for the food industry, as it is
present in abundance in the saffron rhizomes, and can therefore be considered an alternative
source to already commercialized starches. Many starches have undergone physical
modifications, such as the application of gamma irradiation, so that it acquires new characteristics
and increases its applicability. The objective of this research was to study the influence of
different doses of radiation on safflower starch (Curcuma longa L.) and to evaluate its
technological application in carrot cake. The centesimal composition was not significantly
influenced by radiation doses. However, the texture of the gels was affected, as well as the
gelatinized solutions. The non-gelatinized solution presented dilating behavior and the
gelatinized solution was characterized as pseudoplastic. Regarding the partial substitution of
wheat flour for saffron starch under all doses studied, the result was viable in the preparation of
the carrot cake, indicating that this starch can be applied in several foods without causing the
rejection of the final product.
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A produção de resíduos agroindustriais para a produção de amiloglucosidade. Aspergillus awamoriSantos, Genoveva dos 21 August 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-08-21 / Many types of agroindustrial wastes may be employed as substrate for enzyme production. Glucoamylase is an enzyme used by the food industry to elaborate, for example, glucose syrup. The glucoamylase production by fermentation processes may be done by Aspergillus awamori, because this microorganism is considered safe to be used in food industries. In the solid estate fermentation (SSF), the microorganism is inoculated in a substrate where the activity of water allows the growth and cellular metabolism; however that doesn´t exceed the maximum water holding capacity of the solid substrate. In this work it was studied the possibility of employing agroindustrial wastes (potato, carrot processing redidues and mixes of these residues), for glucoamylase production by the Aspergillus awamori NRRL 3112. The experiments were mde varying the following conditions: moisture levels of 90, 92 e 98%, fermentation time and agitation; moisture levels of 30, 50, 70 and 90%; supplementation with sources of nitrogen (level of 2,20g (NH4)SO4/Kg of substrate, with and without pH correction) and phosphorous (levels of 3,8, 7,6 and 11,4g Na2HPO4/Kg of substrate); determination of the enzymatic activity in different buffers: pH 4,2, 0,1M citrate-phosphate buffer pH 4,2, 0,02M acetate buffer. In the tested conditions, the time of 72 hours was the most apropriate for the fermentation and production of glucoamylase, being obtained up to 725,00 U/mL when potato processing wastes used. The agitation, as tested, was not efficient in the increment of the enzymatic activity. There were not great differences in the results of enzymatic activity with the studied moisture levels (90, 92 and 98%). In the experiments with moisture levels of 30, 50, 70 and 90%, the highest enzymatic activities verified were of 65,98 with 50% moisture for the carrot processing waste, 141,38 U/mL with moisture of 30% and use of the potato processing waste and 55,77 U/mL when teh substrate was prepared by mixing 50% of each wastes with moisture of 70%. In the experiments with substrate supplmented with sources of phosphorous, the best results of enzymatic activity obtanied they were 318,33% U/mL, with addition of 0,19 g of Na2HPO4/Kg for the substrate with potato processing waste, 33,33 U/mL when the carrot processing waste was ued with addition of 0,19 g of Na2HPO4/Kg for the substrate; and 125 U/mL was obtained when the substrate was a mix of 50% of each waste with addition of 0,19 g of Na2HPO4/Kg for the substrate. When phosfhorous and nitrogen sources was added, the best results obtained were of 875 U/mL with potato waste, without pH correction, being added 0,38 g of Na2HPO4/Kg for the substrate and without addition of nitrogen, 141,66 U/mL, with carrot waste, being added 0,38 g of Na2HPO4/Kg for the substrate, without addition of nitrogen and without pHcorrection. In the experiments with different buffer solutions, best results of enzymatic activity were of 51,66, 401,66 and 176, 66 U/mL, with carrot, potato wastes and their mix, respectively, being used the pH 4,2, 0,1 M citrate-phosphate buffer. It can be concluded that the use of those wastes as sources for production of glucoamylase is technically viable, contributing with the process of value aggregation to sub-products of the agroindustrial processing and avoiding the discard of these in the nature. / RESUMO
Muitos resíduos gerados na agroindústria podem ser utilizados como substrato para produção de enzimas. A amiloglucosidase (AMG) é uma enzima utilizada pela indústria de alimentos para a fabricação de xaropes de glucose. A produção de AMG por processos fermentativos pode ser feita com o uso do Aspergillus awamori, pelo fato de ser considerado um microrganismo seguro para a indústria alimentícia. Na fermentação em estado sólido (FES), o microorganismo é inoculado em um substrato onde a atividade de água assegure o crescimento e metabolismo celular e não excede à capacidade máxima de ligação de água com a matriz sólida. Neste trabalho foi estudada a possibilidade da utilização de resíduos agroindustriais (gerados a partir do processamento da batata, cenoura e mistura desses resíduos) para a produção da enzima amiloglucosidase (AMG) pelo microorganismo Aspergillus awamori NRRL 3112. Foram realizados ensaios variando as seguintes condições: teor de umidade de 90, 92 e 98%, relacionados ao tempo de fermentação e à agitação; teor de umidade de 30, 50, 70 e 90%; suplementação com fontes de nitrogênio (nível de 2,20 g(NH4)2SO4/Kg de meio, com e sem correção de pH) e fósforo (níveis de 3,8, 7,6 e 11,4 g Na2HPO4/Kg de meio); determinação da atividade enzimática em diferentes soluções tampão, citrato-fosfato 0,1M e pH 4,2 e tampão acetato 0,02M e pH 4,2. Dentro das condições empregadas, o tempo de 72 horas foi o mais adequado para a fermentação e produção de AMG, obtendo-se até 725,00 U/mL quando se utilizou resíduo do processamento de batata. A agitação, dentro dos níveis empregados, não se mostrou eficiente no incremento da atividade enzimática. Não houve grandes diferenças nos resultados de atividade enzimática em relação aos teores de umidade de 90, 92 e 98% utilizados. Nos ensaios com meios com teor de umidade de 30, 50, 70 e 90% as maiores atividades enzimáticas constatadas foram de 65,98 U/mL com emprego de umidade de 50% para o resíduo do processamento de cenoura, 141,38 U/mL com umidade de 30% na utilização do resíduo do processamento de batata e 55,77 U/mL onde se fez mistura de 50% de cada resíduos com umidade de 70%. Nos ensaios com meios suplementados apenas com fontes de fósforo, os melhores resultados de atividade enzimática obtidos foram 318,33 U/mL, com adição de 0,19 g de Na2HPO4/50g de meio para o resíduo do processamento de batata, 33,33U/mL quando se utilizou resíduo do processamento de cenoura com adição de 0,19 g de Na2HPO4/50g de meio, 125 U/mL foi obtido quando se fez a mistura de 50% de cada resíduo com adição de 0,19 g de Na2HPO4/50g de meio. Quando se adicionou fontes de fósforo e nitrogênio, os melhores resultados obtidos foram de 875 U/mL com resíduo de batata, sem correção de pH, adicionando-se 0,38 g de Na2HPO4/50g de meio, sem adição de fonte de nitrogênio, 141,66 U/mL com resíduo de cenoura adicionando-se 0,38g de Na2HPO4/50g de meio, sem adição de fonte de nitrogênio e sem correção de pH. Nos ensaios com diferentes soluções tampão obteve-se os melhores resultados de atividade enzimática, de 51,66, 401,66 e 176,66U/mL, com resíduos do processamento de cenoura, batata e mistura desses, respectivamente, utilizando-se o tampão citrato-fosfato 0,1M, pH 4,2. Pode-se concluir que a utilização desses resíduos como fonte para produção de AMG é tecnicamente viável, contribuindo com o processo de agregação de valor econômico a sub-produtos da agroindústria e evitando o descarte destes na natureza.
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Identification and Syntheses of Semiochemicals Affecting Mnesampela privata and Trioza apicalisNilsson, Anna January 2009 (has links)
<p>The Autumn gum moth, <em>Mnesampela privata </em>(Lepidoptera: Geometridae) is an endemic Australian moth whose larvae feed upon species of <em>Eucalyptus.</em> The moths favorite host plants are <em>E. globulus </em>and<em> E. nitens</em> which are the most important species used in commercial plantations of the Australian pulpwood industry. The autumn gum moth has become one of the most significant outbreak insects of eucalyptus plantations throughout Australia. As a consequence great financial losses to the forest industry occur. Today insecticides such as pyrethroids are used for control of eucalyptus defoliators as <em>M. privata</em>.</p><p>The carrot psyllid, <em>Trioza apicalis </em>(Homoptera: Psylloidea), is one of the major pests of carrot (<em>Daucus carota</em>) in northern Europe. The psyllid causes curling of the carrot leafs and reduction of plant growth. Today the carrot crops are protected with the pyrethroid insecticide cypermethrin, which is toxic to aquatic organisms and is, from 2010, prohibited for use in Sweden by the Swedish Chemicals Inspectorate.</p><p>An alternative to insecticides is to protect the seedlings with semiochemicals, a chemical substance or mixture of them that carries a message. This thesis describes the identification and the syntheses of semiochemicals from the above mentioned insect species.</p><p>From analysis of abdominal tip extracts of <em>M. privata</em> females from Tasmania a blend of (3<em>Z</em>,6<em>Z</em>,9<em>Z</em>)-3,6,9-nonadecatriene and (3<em>Z,6Z,9Z</em>)-3,6,9-heneicosatriene was identified as the sex pheromone of this species. The identification of the C<sub>19</sub>- and C<sub>21</sub>-trienes was confirmed by synthesis.</p><p>In the analysis of carrot leaf extracts we found a compound, α-<em>cis</em>-bergamotene, that induces antennal response in the carrot psyllid. This is just the beginning of the studies of trying to manipulate this psyllid with semiochemicals instead of insecticides.</p>
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Identification and Syntheses of Semiochemicals Affecting Mnesampela privata and Trioza apicalisNilsson, Anna January 2009 (has links)
The Autumn gum moth, Mnesampela privata (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) is an endemic Australian moth whose larvae feed upon species of Eucalyptus. The moths favorite host plants are E. globulus and E. nitens which are the most important species used in commercial plantations of the Australian pulpwood industry. The autumn gum moth has become one of the most significant outbreak insects of eucalyptus plantations throughout Australia. As a consequence great financial losses to the forest industry occur. Today insecticides such as pyrethroids are used for control of eucalyptus defoliators as M. privata. The carrot psyllid, Trioza apicalis (Homoptera: Psylloidea), is one of the major pests of carrot (Daucus carota) in northern Europe. The psyllid causes curling of the carrot leafs and reduction of plant growth. Today the carrot crops are protected with the pyrethroid insecticide cypermethrin, which is toxic to aquatic organisms and is, from 2010, prohibited for use in Sweden by the Swedish Chemicals Inspectorate. An alternative to insecticides is to protect the seedlings with semiochemicals, a chemical substance or mixture of them that carries a message. This thesis describes the identification and the syntheses of semiochemicals from the above mentioned insect species. From analysis of abdominal tip extracts of M. privata females from Tasmania a blend of (3Z,6Z,9Z)-3,6,9-nonadecatriene and (3Z,6Z,9Z)-3,6,9-heneicosatriene was identified as the sex pheromone of this species. The identification of the C19- and C21-trienes was confirmed by synthesis. In the analysis of carrot leaf extracts we found a compound, α-cis-bergamotene, that induces antennal response in the carrot psyllid. This is just the beginning of the studies of trying to manipulate this psyllid with semiochemicals instead of insecticides.
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Comparative sampling and detection of airborne ascospores of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum for forecasting risk of Sclerotinia rot of carrot, and assessment of induced resistance for disease managementParker, Monica L. 05 September 2012 (has links)
This thesis is an investigation of detecting and quantifying airborne inoculum of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary to improve the Sclerotinia rot of carrot (SRC) forecast model. A quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assay was developed to specifically detect and quantify DNA from airborne ascospores of S. sclerotiorum. The qPCR assay was evaluated on air samples collected using a Burkard Sampler, and showed that ascospores of S. sclerotiorum were specifically detected among a pool of foreign DNA. The concentration of detected ascospores was related to the observed incidence of SRC to suggest a preliminary threshold of 2 to 4 ascospores m-3 of air for SRC development. Evaluation of an Andersen Sampler, the blue plate test (BPT) and the qPCR assay showed that the latter two methods were equally effective in detecting and quantifying ascospores of S. sclerotiorum and consistently detected greater numbers of ascospores than an Andersen Sampler. Three days are required to confirm the presence of S. sclerotiorum using the BPT, while results from the qPCR assay can potentially provide results within five hours of air sampling. The choice of detection method depends on the available resources and need for a quick result. Analysis of data from nine years of air sampling using the BPT indicated that a single air sampling site is sufficient to detect ascospores when counts are low, increasing to two sites during periods when ascospores are detected near threshold levels and crop and environmental conditions are conducive to disease. Chitosan and canopy trimming were evaluated to manage SRC under field conditions. Chitosan reduced area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) by 55 and 42% in 2009 and 2011, respectively, which was comparable to a standard fungicide. Trimming enhanced chitosan efficacy, reducing AUDPC by 88 and 82% in 2009 and 2011, respectively. Trimming as a stand-alone treatment reduced AUDPC by 66% in 2011. Under controlled environmental conditions, chitosan inconsistently enhanced defense responses against S. sclerotinia. The results show that chitosan has potential to be integrated into SRC management systems, particularly when combined with foliar trimming in years with moderate to high disease risk. / National Research Council of Canada; University of Guelph; Department of Plant Agriculture; Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
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