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Further development of distributed hydrological models with reference to the Institute of Hydrology distributed modelRogers, C. January 1986 (has links)
No description available.
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A soil moisture, throughflow and water balance study of an upland catchmentBevan, J. R. January 1984 (has links)
No description available.
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Hydrological, Biogeochemical and Landscape Controls on Mercury Distribution and Mobility in a Boreal Shield Soil LandscapeOswald, Claire Jocelyn 11 January 2012 (has links)
Mercury (Hg)-contaminated freshwater fisheries are a global toxicological concern. Previous research suggests that the slow release of Hg in runoff from upland soils may delay the recovery of Hg-contaminated aquatic systems. Four complementary studies were undertaken in a small boreal Shield headwater catchment as part of the Mercury Experiment to Assess Atmospheric Loading in Canada and the U.S. (METAALICUS) to assess the controls on the retention and release of historically-deposited Hg (ambient Hg) and newly-deposited (spike Hg) in the soil landscape. In the first study, hydrometric and GIS-based methods were used to quantify thresholds in terrestrial water storage and their relationship to observed rainfall-runoff response. It was found that event-scale hydrologic response displayed a threshold relationship with antecedent storage in the terminal depression and predictions of event runoff improved when storage excesses from upslope depressions were explicitly routed through the catchment. In the second study, it was shown that the dominant source of ambient Hg to the lake was likely derived from shallow soil-water flowing through the lower, well-humified organic soil horizon. Throughout the catchment, ambient Hg to soil organic carbon (SOC) ratios increased with depth and the experimentally-applied spike Hg was concentrated in the surface litter layer, suggesting that the vertical redistribution of Hg in the soil profile is a function of the rate of decomposition of SOC. In the third study, canopy type was found to be a good predictor of ambient Hg and spike Hg stocks in the lower organic horizon, while drainage conditions were not, suggesting that vertical fluxes of Hg dominate over lateral fluxes in topographically-complex landscapes. Lastly, it was shown that catchment discharge, antecedent depression storage and antecedent precipitation were the best predictors of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), ambient Hg and spike Hg concentrations in catchment runoff. A comparison of DOC, ambient Hg and spike Hg dynamics for two storm events showed that distinct shifts occurred in the concentration-discharge relationship as a result of differences in antecedent moisture conditions. Combined, the results of the four studies demonstrate the need to incorporate hydrological, biogeochemical and landscape controls into predictive models of terrestrial-aquatic Hg export.
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Hydrological, Biogeochemical and Landscape Controls on Mercury Distribution and Mobility in a Boreal Shield Soil LandscapeOswald, Claire Jocelyn 11 January 2012 (has links)
Mercury (Hg)-contaminated freshwater fisheries are a global toxicological concern. Previous research suggests that the slow release of Hg in runoff from upland soils may delay the recovery of Hg-contaminated aquatic systems. Four complementary studies were undertaken in a small boreal Shield headwater catchment as part of the Mercury Experiment to Assess Atmospheric Loading in Canada and the U.S. (METAALICUS) to assess the controls on the retention and release of historically-deposited Hg (ambient Hg) and newly-deposited (spike Hg) in the soil landscape. In the first study, hydrometric and GIS-based methods were used to quantify thresholds in terrestrial water storage and their relationship to observed rainfall-runoff response. It was found that event-scale hydrologic response displayed a threshold relationship with antecedent storage in the terminal depression and predictions of event runoff improved when storage excesses from upslope depressions were explicitly routed through the catchment. In the second study, it was shown that the dominant source of ambient Hg to the lake was likely derived from shallow soil-water flowing through the lower, well-humified organic soil horizon. Throughout the catchment, ambient Hg to soil organic carbon (SOC) ratios increased with depth and the experimentally-applied spike Hg was concentrated in the surface litter layer, suggesting that the vertical redistribution of Hg in the soil profile is a function of the rate of decomposition of SOC. In the third study, canopy type was found to be a good predictor of ambient Hg and spike Hg stocks in the lower organic horizon, while drainage conditions were not, suggesting that vertical fluxes of Hg dominate over lateral fluxes in topographically-complex landscapes. Lastly, it was shown that catchment discharge, antecedent depression storage and antecedent precipitation were the best predictors of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), ambient Hg and spike Hg concentrations in catchment runoff. A comparison of DOC, ambient Hg and spike Hg dynamics for two storm events showed that distinct shifts occurred in the concentration-discharge relationship as a result of differences in antecedent moisture conditions. Combined, the results of the four studies demonstrate the need to incorporate hydrological, biogeochemical and landscape controls into predictive models of terrestrial-aquatic Hg export.
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Effects of Wildfire Burn on Permafrost Landcover and Catchment Hydrology in Manitoba, CanadaAndersson, Andreas January 2019 (has links)
Permafrost is a strongly controlling factor on Arctic hydrology due to its effect on ground permeability, and thus surface and ground water flow paths. As wildfires are increasing in occurrence and magnitude in permafrost regions, they may alter the hydrological regime via permafrost thaw and degradation that increases ground permeability. Thus, it is hypothesized that in permafrost regions catchments exposed to severe wildfire burn may display a river discharge behavior different to that of unburned catchments, with reduced maximum and increased minimum flows corresponding to higher infiltration of precipitation and extended sub-surface flow paths. This study compares the seasonality and magnitude of runoff in severely burned (Odei River) and unburned (Taylor River) catchments in the sporadic permafrost region in the Canadian Shield Taiga. The investigated time span consists of 25 full calendar years with complete daily and monthly river discharge data between 1980 and 2016. They are used in conjunction with burned area data, climate data and landcover data to investigate patterns in hydrology behavior. An emerging trend is a sharply declining maximum flow and increasing minimum flow relative to precipitation in the burned catchment, indicating an accelerated increase in infiltration and buffer capacity of the soil relative to the unburned catchment. Over the entire period the apparent annual catchment storage change is decreasing in both catchments, but at a 115% faster rate in the burned catchment despite being exposed to ~1.5 C lower mean annual temperature, a factor that likely increases the rate of climate-driven aggradation of permafrost in the contrasting unburned catchment. The discrepancy found in catchment streamflow regime between the burned and unburned catchment and its alignment with the suggested permafrost disturbance effects from previous studies suggest that streamflow may serve as a useful and resource efficient indicator of wildfire-driven permafrost degradation.
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Information transfer for hydrologic prediction in engaged river basinsPatil, Sopan Dileep 08 November 2011 (has links)
In many parts of the world, developed as well as developing, rivers are not gauged for continuous monitoring. Streamflow prediction at such "ungauged" river catchments requires information transfer from gauged catchments that are perceived to be hydrologically similar to them. Achieving good predictability at ungauged catchments requires an in-depth understanding of the physical and climatic controls on hydrologic similarity among catchments. This dissertation attempts to gain a better understanding of these controls through three independent research studies that use data from catchments across the continental United States.
In the first study, I explore whether streamflow similarity among nearby catchments is preserved across flow conditions. Catchments located across four river basins in the northeast United States are analyzed to quantify the spatio-temporal variability in streamflows across flow percentiles. Results show that similarity in catchment stream response is dynamic and highly dependent on flow conditions. Specifically, the coefficient of variation is high at low flow percentiles and gradually reduces for higher flow percentiles. This study concludes that high variability at low flows is controlled by the dominance of high evaporative demand, whereas low variability at high flows is controlled by the dominance of precipitation input relative to evapotranspiration.
In the second study, I examine whether streamflow similarity among catchments exists across a wide range of climatic and geographic regions. Data from 756 catchments across the United States is used and daily streamflow at each catchment is simulated using distance-based streamflow interpolation from neighboring catchments. With this approach, high predictability at a catchment indicates that catchments in its vicinity have similar streamflows. Results show that high predictability catchments are mainly confined to the Appalachian Mountains, the Rocky Mountains, and Cascade Mountains in the Pacific Northwest. Low predictability catchments are located mostly in the drier regions of US to the west of Mississippi river. Results suggest that streamflow similarity among nearby catchments is more likely in humid runoff-dominated regions than in dry evapotranspiration-dominated regions.
In the third study, my goal is to identify what constitutes the essential information that must be transferred from gauged to ungauged catchments in order to achieve good model predictability. A simple daily time-step rainfall-runoff model is developed and implemented over 756 catchments located across the United States. Results show that the rainfall-runoff model simulates well at catchments in humid low-energy environments, most of which are located in the eastern part of the US, the Rocky Mountains, and to the west of Cascade Mountains. Within these regions, transfer of the parameter characterizing hydrograph recession provides reliable streamflow predictions at ungauged catchments, with a loss in prediction efficiency of less than 10% in most catchments.
The results presented in this dissertation show that climate exerts a strong control on hydrologic similarity among catchments. The results further suggest that an understanding of the interaction between climate and topography is essential for quantifying the spatial variability in catchment hydrologic behavior at a regional scale.
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In surface hydrology, much attention is paid to the effects of changing water fluxes, however there is less of a focus on the effects of changing energy fluxes. These energy fluxes are an important driver of many hydrological processes such as evapotranspiration and snow sublimation/ablation. The hypothesis that varying energy fluxes are important to the hydrological features of a catchment is tested by an experiment that involves calculating mean transit times for a number of catchments that drain different aspects of a large dome located in the Valles Caldera, New Mexico, called Redondo Peak. These catchments have different orientations and therefore receive different amounts of solar radiation. There is a general correlation between mean transit times, as determined by lumped-parameter convolution, and aspect, suggesting that in the Valles Caldera, transit times might be affected by a variety of features that are influenced by exposure to solar radiation, such as slope steepness, vegetation patterns, and soil depth. To put these transit times into context, I also used a distributed physically-based model to simulate a number of factors simultaneously to determine how hydrological features are influenced by aspect. This modeling excercise has illuminated the aspect-dependence of hydrological features such as the timing and intensity of snowmelt and soil moisture patterns, and it has quantified differences in energy and water fluxes on different aspects. These factors affect both water storage and water fluxes, and are therefore tied to transit times.
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Multiple hydrological steady states and resiliencePeterson, Tim J. January 2009 (has links)
Many physically-based models of surface and groundwater hydrology are constructed without the possibility of multiple stable states. For such a conceptualisation, at the cessation of a transient hydrological disturbance of any magnitude, the model will return to the original stable state and therefore will have an infinite resilience. Ecosystem resilience science propose a very different dynamic where, if the system has a positive feedback, disturbances may shift the system over a threshold where, upon cessation of the disturbance, the system will move to a different steady state. This dissertation brings together concepts from hydrology and ecosystem resilience science to highlight this often implicit assumption within hydrology. It tests the assumption that dry land water-limited catchments always have only one steady state (henceforth referred to as 'attractor'). Following a discussion of this implicit assumption within hydrology, approaches for rigorous testing that could result in its falsification are considered and that of numerical modelling is adopted. The aims of the research were to test this assumption by proposing a biophysically plausible hydrological model; utilise it to investigate the catchment attributes likely to result in multiple attractors; and to assess the model's validity by way of implementation and calibration. (For complete abstract open document.)
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Groundwater response to climate variability and land cover change is important for sustainable management of water resources in the Southwest US. Global Climate Models (GCM) project that the region will dry in the 21st century and the transition to a more arid climate may be under way. In semiarid Basin and Range systems, this impact is likely to be most pronounced in Mountain System Recharge (MSR), a process which constitutes a significant component of recharge in these basins. Despite the importance of MSR the physical processes that control MSR, and hence the climate change impacts, have not been fully investigated because of the complexity of recharge processes in mountainous catchments and limited observations. In this study, methodologies were developed to provide process-based understanding of MSR based on empirical and data-driven approaches. For the empirical approach, a hydrologically-based seasonal ratio the Normalized Seasonal Wetness Index (NSWI) was developed. It incorporates seasonal precipitation variability and temperature regimes to seasonal MSR estimation using existing empirical equations. Stable isotopic data was used to verify recharge partitioning. Using the NSWI and statistically downscaled monthly GCM precipitation and temperature data, climate change impacts on seasonal MSR are evaluated. Second, a novel data-based approach was developed to quantify mountain block recharge based on the catchment storage-discharge (S-Q) relationships and informed by isotopic data. Development of S-Q relationships across the Sabino Creek catchment, Arizona, allowed understanding of MBR dynamics across scale.Two ArcGIS desktop applications were developed for ArcGIS 9.2 to enhance recharge and evapotranspiration (ET) estimation: Arc-Recharge and RIPGIS-NET. Arc-Recharge was developed to quantify and distribute recharge along MODFLOW cells using spatially explicit precipitation data and a digital elevation model. RIPGIS-NET was developed to provide parameters for the RIP-ET package and to visualize MODFLOW results. RIP-ET is an improved MODFLOW ET module for simulating ET. RIPGIS-NET improves alluvial recharge estimation by providing spatially explicit riparian ET estimates. Using such tools and the above methods improves recharge and ET estimation in groundwater models by incorporating temporally and spatially explicit data and hence the assessment of climate variability and land cover change on groundwater resources can be improved.
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Spatiotemporal streamflow variability in a boreal landscape : Importance of landscape composition for catchment hydrological functioning / Avrinningens rumsliga och tidsmässiga variation i ett borealt landskap : Landskapets betydelse för avrinningsområdets hydrologiska funktionKarlsen, Reinert Huseby January 2016 (has links)
The understanding of how different parts of a landscape contribute to streamflow by storing and releasing water has long been a central issue in hydrology. Knowledge about what controls streamflow dynamics across landscapes can further our understanding of how catchments store and release water, facilitate predictions for ungauged catchments, and improve the management of water quality and resources. This thesis makes use of data from the Krycklan catchment in northern Sweden. Streamflow data from 14 catchments (0.12 - 68 km2) with variable landscape characteristics such as topography, vegetation, wetland cover, glacial till soils and deeper sediment soils were used to investigate spatial patterns and controls on runoff. The differences in specific discharge (discharge per unit catchment area) between nearby catchments were large at the annual scale, and have the same magnitude as predicted effects of a century of climate change or the observed effects of major forestry operations. This variability is important to consider when studying the effects of climate change and land use changes on streamflow, as well as for our understanding of geochemical mass balances. Streamflow from different catchments was strongly related to landscape characteristics. The distribution of wetland areas had a particularly strong influence, with an annual specific discharge 40-80% higher than catchments with high tree volume on till soils. During drier periods, catchments with deeper sediment soils at the lower elevations of Krycklan had a higher base flow compared to both forested till and wetland catchments. This pattern was reversed at high flows. The storages releasing water to streams in downstream sediment areas were able to maintain base flow for longer periods and were less influenced by evapotranspiration compared to the more superficial till and wetland systems. The results of this thesis have led to a better understanding of the landscape wide patterns of streamflow during different seasons and time scales. The strong associations to landscape characteristics and variable spatial patterns with season and antecedent conditions form the basis for a conceptual understanding of the processes and spatial patterns that shape the heterogeneity of streamflow responses in boreal catchments. / Hur olika delar av landskapet påverkar vattenbalansen och bidrar till avrinning har länge varit en central fråga inom hydrologin. Kunskap om vad som styr avrinningsdynamiken i ett landskap kan öka vår förståelse av hur olika delar av landskapet bidrar till avrinning, hur avrinningsområden lagrar vatten och bildar avrinning, underlätta prognoser för avrinningsområden utan vattenföringsmätningar och förbättra hanteringen av vattenkvaliteten och vattenresurser. Denna avhandling använder data från Krycklans avrinningsområde i norra Sverige. Vattenföringsdata från 14 delavrinningsområden (0.12 - 68 km2) med olika landskapskarakteristik såsom topografi, vegetation och jordarter, användes för att undersöka rumsliga mönster hos avrinningen över olika tidsperioder samt hur landskapet påverkar variabiliteten. Skillnaderna i specifik avrinning (avrinning per areaenhet) mellan närliggande avrinningsområden var stor för årliga värden, och är i samma storleksordning som effekterna av stora skogsavverkningar samt av förutspådda effekter av det kommande seklets förväntade klimatförändringar. Denna variation är viktig att ta hänsyn till när man studerar hur klimatförändringar och ändrad markanvändning påverkar avrinningen, liksom för vår förståelse av geokemiska massbalanser. Avrinning från olika områden var starkt relaterad till deras landskapsegenskaper. Förekomsten av våtmarker hade ett särskilt starkt inflytande. Områden med en stor andel våtmarker hade 40-80% högre årlig specifik avrinning än områden med hög trädvolym på moränjordar. Under torrare perioder hade områden med djupare sedimentjordar hög avrinning jämfört med både områden med skog på morän och med våtmarker. Under höga flöden var detta mönster omvänt. De vattenlager som bidrar till avrinning i sedimentområden kan upprätthålla basflöde under längre tidsperioder och påverkas mindre av evapotranspirationen än de ytligare flödessystemen i morän och våtmarker. Avhandlingen har givit en bättre förståelse av avrinningens rumsliga variation under olika årstider och i olika tidsskalor. Det starka sambandet mellan landskapskarakteristik och avrinningens varierande mönster under olika årstider och lagringsförhållanden utgör en grund för en begreppsmässig förståelse av de processer och rumsliga mönster som skapar heterogeniteten i flödesrespons i boreala områden.
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