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Spatiotemporal streamflow variability in a boreal landscape : Importance of landscape composition for catchment hydrological functioning / Avrinningens rumsliga och tidsmässiga variation i ett borealt landskap : Landskapets betydelse för avrinningsområdets hydrologiska funktionKarlsen, Reinert Huseby January 2016 (has links)
The understanding of how different parts of a landscape contribute to streamflow by storing and releasing water has long been a central issue in hydrology. Knowledge about what controls streamflow dynamics across landscapes can further our understanding of how catchments store and release water, facilitate predictions for ungauged catchments, and improve the management of water quality and resources. This thesis makes use of data from the Krycklan catchment in northern Sweden. Streamflow data from 14 catchments (0.12 - 68 km2) with variable landscape characteristics such as topography, vegetation, wetland cover, glacial till soils and deeper sediment soils were used to investigate spatial patterns and controls on runoff. The differences in specific discharge (discharge per unit catchment area) between nearby catchments were large at the annual scale, and have the same magnitude as predicted effects of a century of climate change or the observed effects of major forestry operations. This variability is important to consider when studying the effects of climate change and land use changes on streamflow, as well as for our understanding of geochemical mass balances. Streamflow from different catchments was strongly related to landscape characteristics. The distribution of wetland areas had a particularly strong influence, with an annual specific discharge 40-80% higher than catchments with high tree volume on till soils. During drier periods, catchments with deeper sediment soils at the lower elevations of Krycklan had a higher base flow compared to both forested till and wetland catchments. This pattern was reversed at high flows. The storages releasing water to streams in downstream sediment areas were able to maintain base flow for longer periods and were less influenced by evapotranspiration compared to the more superficial till and wetland systems. The results of this thesis have led to a better understanding of the landscape wide patterns of streamflow during different seasons and time scales. The strong associations to landscape characteristics and variable spatial patterns with season and antecedent conditions form the basis for a conceptual understanding of the processes and spatial patterns that shape the heterogeneity of streamflow responses in boreal catchments. / Hur olika delar av landskapet påverkar vattenbalansen och bidrar till avrinning har länge varit en central fråga inom hydrologin. Kunskap om vad som styr avrinningsdynamiken i ett landskap kan öka vår förståelse av hur olika delar av landskapet bidrar till avrinning, hur avrinningsområden lagrar vatten och bildar avrinning, underlätta prognoser för avrinningsområden utan vattenföringsmätningar och förbättra hanteringen av vattenkvaliteten och vattenresurser. Denna avhandling använder data från Krycklans avrinningsområde i norra Sverige. Vattenföringsdata från 14 delavrinningsområden (0.12 - 68 km2) med olika landskapskarakteristik såsom topografi, vegetation och jordarter, användes för att undersöka rumsliga mönster hos avrinningen över olika tidsperioder samt hur landskapet påverkar variabiliteten. Skillnaderna i specifik avrinning (avrinning per areaenhet) mellan närliggande avrinningsområden var stor för årliga värden, och är i samma storleksordning som effekterna av stora skogsavverkningar samt av förutspådda effekter av det kommande seklets förväntade klimatförändringar. Denna variation är viktig att ta hänsyn till när man studerar hur klimatförändringar och ändrad markanvändning påverkar avrinningen, liksom för vår förståelse av geokemiska massbalanser. Avrinning från olika områden var starkt relaterad till deras landskapsegenskaper. Förekomsten av våtmarker hade ett särskilt starkt inflytande. Områden med en stor andel våtmarker hade 40-80% högre årlig specifik avrinning än områden med hög trädvolym på moränjordar. Under torrare perioder hade områden med djupare sedimentjordar hög avrinning jämfört med både områden med skog på morän och med våtmarker. Under höga flöden var detta mönster omvänt. De vattenlager som bidrar till avrinning i sedimentområden kan upprätthålla basflöde under längre tidsperioder och påverkas mindre av evapotranspirationen än de ytligare flödessystemen i morän och våtmarker. Avhandlingen har givit en bättre förståelse av avrinningens rumsliga variation under olika årstider och i olika tidsskalor. Det starka sambandet mellan landskapskarakteristik och avrinningens varierande mönster under olika årstider och lagringsförhållanden utgör en grund för en begreppsmässig förståelse av de processer och rumsliga mönster som skapar heterogeniteten i flödesrespons i boreala områden.
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Etude des communautés microbiennes fonctionnelles benthiques impliquées dans le cycle du méthane (Lac du Bourget) / Methane cycling microbial benthic communities in lake (Lake Bourget)Billard, Elodie 17 July 2015 (has links)
Les communautés microbiennes benthiques participent activement au recyclage de la matière organique et de fait au fonctionnement biogéochimique des écosystèmes lacustres. Ces communautés comportent de nombreux phyla mais leur diversité fonctionnelle est encore incomplètement connue. Ce travail vise à appréhender les modifications de structure et d'abondance des gènes fonctionnels en lien avec la distribution spatiale verticale (liée au gradient d'oxydoréduction), la variabilité spatiale horizontale (zone côtière vs pélagique) et la dynamique saisonnière liée au brassage de la colonne d'eau (ré-oxygénation des interfaces benthiques), de même que l'identification de la diversité des méthanotrophes et des méthanogènes.Pour cette étude, des carottes sédimentaires ont été prélevées sur un transect zone côtière – zone pélagique, à différentes dates au cours d'un cycle annuel. Chaque carotte sédimentaire a été analysée dans la verticalité entre l'interface eau-sédiment et 20 cm. Les communautés microbiennes participant au cycle du méthane ont été ciblées par 2 gènes de fonction et étudiées en termes de structure, de diversité et d'abondance; par ailleurs, des marqueurs phylogénétiques ont été utilisés pour caractériser les communautés bactériennes et archéennes totales.Les résultats de l'étude spatiale montrent que, si à l'échelle locale (station d'échantillonnage) une relative homogénéité des communautés microbiennes (totales et fonctionnelles) est observée, des variabilités fortes sont détectées d'une part à l'échelle des transects horizontaux en lien avec des changements de conditions environnementales et d'autre part dans la verticalité des sédiments sous l'effet des conditions d'oxydoréduction. La communauté bactérienne étant la plus affectée dans la verticalité, avec des changements de structure entre toutes les strates étudiées. Dans cette même étude, une analyse comparative de la structure des communautés (totales et fonctionelles) a démontré que l'analyse d'échantillons individuels permettait d'obtenir un plus grand nombre d'OTU que l'analyse des mêmes échantillons regroupés en pools.Les résultats de l'étude de la dynamique temporelle des communautés méthanogènes et méthanotrophes révèlent des changements de structure et abondance, principalement à l'interface eau - sédiment en lien avec la dynamique d'oxygénation du lac. Quant à l'analyse de la diversité, elle montre une dominance des Methanomicrobiales (Methanoregula principalement) pour les méthanogènes, mais les Methanosarcinales (Methanosarcina) et les Methanobacteriales (Methanobacterium) ont également été identifiés. Pour les méthanotrophes, la diversité est dominée par Methylobacter en zone profonde et par Methylococcus en zone côtière, les méthanotrophes de Type II (Methylosinus et Methylocystis) ont aussi été identifiés.L'ensemble de ces travaux souligne l'importance de prendre en compte, à la fois la variabilité spatiale (horizontale et verticale) et la variabilité temporelle, des communautés méthanogènes et méthanotrophes lors de l'étude de ces communautés. Les changements quant à leurs structures et leurs abondances sont des paramètres non négligeables pour comprendre les processus impliqués dans le cycle du méthane. / Benthic microbial communities are actively involved in organic matter recycling and fact biogeochemical functioning of lake ecosystems. These communities comprise many phyla but their functional diversity is still incompletely known. This study is focused on the benthic microbial communities involved in the methane cycle in lacsutrine suystems. We aimed understanding the structural and abundance changes of functional genes related to the vertical distribution (redox gradient in sediment), the horizontal variability (coastal vs. pelagic benthic zone) and seasonal dynamics related to mixing of the water column (re-oxygenation of benthic interface). The composition of methanotrophic and methanogenic communities was characterized by sequencing analyses.For this study, sedimentary cores were sampled along a transect from coastal to pelagic zone, at different times during an annual cycle. In addition, each sediment core was analyzed in its verticality from the water-sediment interface to 20 cm depth. Microbial communities involved in the cycle of methane (methanogenesis and methanotrophy) were targeted by 2 functional genes (mcrA and pmoA). Furthermore, phylogenetic markers were used to characterize the total bacterial and archaeal communities. These communities are studied in terms of structure (genotyping), diversity (sequencing) and abundance (qPCR, DNA) of their functional genes.The results of the study showed that, on a spatial scale, a low heterogeneity was detected for a given sampling station in terms of structure of microbial communities (total and functional), however, a high variability was detected both at an horizontal scale along a transect (costal vs. pelagic zone), due to contrasted environmental conditions, and at a vertical scale (upper to deeper layers in the core) under the effect of redox conditions. The bacterial community being the most affected in the verticality, with structural changes among all strata studied. In the same study, a comparative analysis of the structure (for all of the communities), between pooled samples and individual samples, demonstrated that the analysis of individual samples provided a greater number of OTU for the majority of microbial communities.Moreover the study of the temporal dynamic of methanogen and methanotroph communities revealed changes in the structure and abundance, mainly at the water - sediment interface, according to the oxygenation levels that varied through time. The analysis of diversity showed a dominance of Methanomicrobiales (Methanoregula mainly) for methanogens, but Methanosarcinales (Methanosarcina) and Methanobacteriales (Methanobacterium) were also identified. The methanotrophs' community was dominated by Methylobacter on deeper stations and by Methylococcus in coastal station. Type II methanotrophs (Methylosinus and Methylocystis) were also identified.This work highlights the importance of taking into account both the spatial variability (horizontal and vertical) and the temporal variability of methanogen and methanotroph communities. Changes on their structures and abundances are significant parameters for understanding the processes involved in the methane cycle.
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Gait Variability for Predicting Individual Performance in Military-Relevant TasksUlman, Sophia Marie 03 October 2019 (has links)
Human movement is inherently complex, requiring the control and coordination of many neurophysiological and biomechanical degrees-of-freedom, and the extent to which individuals exhibit variation in their movement patterns is captured by the construct of motor variability (MV). MV is being used increasingly to describe movement quality and function among clinical populations and elderly individuals. However, current evidence presents conflicting views on whether increased MV offers benefits or is a hindrance to performance. To better understand the utility of MV for performance prediction, we focused on current research needs in the military domain. Dismounted soldiers, in particular, are expected to perform at a high level in complex environments and under demanding physical conditions. Hence, it is critical to understand what strategies allow soldiers to better adapt to fatigue and diverse environmental factors, and to develop predictive tools for estimating changes in soldier performance. Different aspects of performance such as motor learning, experience, and adaptability to fatigue were investigated when soldiers performed various gait tasks, and gait variability (GV) was quantified using four different types of measures (spatiotemporal, joint kinematics, detrended fluctuation analysis, and Lyapunov exponents).
During a novel obstacle course task, we found that frontal plane coordination variability of the hip-knee and knee-ankle joint couples exhibited strong association with rate of learning the novel task, explaining 62% of the variance, and higher joint kinematic variability during the swing phase of baseline gait was associated with faster learning rate. In a load carriage task, GV measures were more sensitive than average gait measures in discriminating between experience and load condition: experienced cadets exhibited reduced GV (in spatiotemporal measures and joint kinematics) and lower long-term local dynamic stability at the ankle, compared to the novice group. In the final study investigating multiple measures of obstacle performance, and variables predictive of changes in performance following intense whole-body fatigue, joint kinematic variability of baseline gait explained 28-59% of the variance in individual performances changes.
In summary, these results support the feasibility of anticipating and augmenting task performance based on individual motor variability. This work also provides guidelines for future research and the development of training programs specifically for improving military training, performance prediction, and performance enhancement. / Doctor of Philosophy / All people move with some level of inherent variability, even when doing the same activity, and the extent to which individuals exhibit variation in their movement patterns is captured by the construct of motor variability (MV). MV is being increasingly used to describe movement quality and function among clinical populations and elderly individuals. However, it is still unclear whether increased MV offers benefits or is a hindrance to performance. To better understand the utility of MV for performance prediction, we focused on current research needs in the military domain. Dismounted soldiers, in particular, are expected to perform at a high level in complex environments and under demanding physical conditions. Hence, it is critical to understand what strategies allow soldiers to better adapt to fatigue and diverse environmental factors, and to develop tools that might predict changes in soldier performance. Different aspects of performance were investigated, including learning a new activity, experience, and adaptability to fatigue, and gait variability was quantified through different approaches. When examining how individual learn a novel obstacle course task, we found that certain aspects of gait variability had strong associations with learning rate. In a load carriage task, variability measures were determined to be more sensitive to difference in experience level and load condition compared to typical average measures of gait. Specifically, variability increased with load, and the experienced group was less variable overall and more stable in the long term. Lastly, a subset of gait variability measures were associated with individual differences in fatigue-related changes in performance during an obstacle course. In summary, the results presented here support that it may be possible to both anticipate and enhance task performance based on individual variability. This work also provides guidelines for future research and the development of training programs specifically for improving military training, performance prediction, and performance enhancement.
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A pesca do camarão-sete-barbas na área marinha costeira do Porto de Santos-SP e adjacências. / The Seabob shrimp fishery in the coastal marine area of the port of Santos-SP and adjacent areas.Kolling, Juliana Almeida 29 August 2018 (has links)
Ecossistemas marinhos costeiros são explorados por diversas atividades, como a portuária e a pesqueira, gerando impactos ambientais, além de interferências entre elas, visto que, frequentemente, apresentam sobreposição espacial na área de atuação. A identificação e avaliação dos padrões espaço-temporais e interações entre essas atividades são de extrema importância para a realização de um manejo eficaz, considerando os diversos usos de forma integrada. Esta Tese visa avaliar espaçotemporalmente a variação da pesca de arrasto-duplo de pequeno porte, e na abundância de sua espécie alvo, o camarão-sete-barbas (Xiphopenaeus kroyeri), na região do Porto de Santos, SP, Brasil, e áreas adjacentes, durante um período de 6 anos (2009 a 2014). Modelos lineares generalizados foram aplicados aos dados de captura e esforço pesqueiro da espécie, e a partir dos coeficientes destes, foi calculada a captura-por-unidade-de-esforço (CPUE; kg/ dia de pesca) padronizada por célula de 1 milha náutica (MN) de lado e ano, a qual é representativa da abundância da espécie. Técnicas de semivariograma e krigagem foram utilizadas para avaliar a existência de dependência espacial nos dados e estimar os valores da CPUE em locais não amostrados. Geovisualizações tridimensionais interativas foram aplicadas para identificar padrões espaço-temporais na variação das áreas preferenciais das pescarias e da abundância da espécie. Foram ajustados modelos esféricos de semivariograma, os quais mostraram padrão de dependência espacial e foram utilizados para estimar a abundância da espécie nos vazios amostrais. Conclui-se que, durante o período analisado as operações de pesca de arrasto-duplo de pequeno porte, na área de interferência do porto de Santos, apresentaram padrões de variação espaço-temporal relacionados ás mudanças nas atividades portuárias. Por sua vez, não foi identificado um padrão na variação espaço-temporal da abundância de sua espécie alvo, o camarão-sete-barbas, na região. / Coastal marine ecosystems around the world are exploited by various activities, including serving as ports and supporting fishing, which create important environmental impacts. These activities can interfere with each other because they often have spatial overlap. Identify and evaluate the spatiotemporal patterns and interactions between the activities is of great importance for a coastal management that considers the different uses in a integrate way. This thesis aims to evaluate the spatiotemporal variability in small double-trawl fisheries, and in the abundance of its target species, the Seabob shrimp (Xiphopenaeus kroyeri), in a region with port activity and adjacent environmental protection areas, during a 6-year period (2009 to 2014). Generalized linear models were applied to the catch, and effort data and model coefficients were used to calculate the catch per unit effort (CPUE, kg/fishing day) standardized per square nautical mile and year. Semivariogram and kriging techniques were used to evaluate the existence of spatial dependence in the data and to estimate the standardized CPUE in unsampled areas. Interactive three-dimensional geovisualization were applied to identify spatiotemporal patterns in fishing operations and in the species abundance. Spherical isotropic semivariogram models that showed a pattern of spatial dependence were fitted and used to estimate the species abundance in unsampled areas. It is concluded that, during the analyzed period, the small double-trawl fisheries operations in the port of Santos presented spatiotemporal patterns that are related to changes in port activities. On the other hand, a spatiotemporal pattern variation on the abundance of its target species, the Seabob shrimp, was not identified in the region.
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A pesca do camarão-sete-barbas na área marinha costeira do Porto de Santos-SP e adjacências. / The Seabob shrimp fishery in the coastal marine area of the port of Santos-SP and adjacent areas.Juliana Almeida Kolling 29 August 2018 (has links)
Ecossistemas marinhos costeiros são explorados por diversas atividades, como a portuária e a pesqueira, gerando impactos ambientais, além de interferências entre elas, visto que, frequentemente, apresentam sobreposição espacial na área de atuação. A identificação e avaliação dos padrões espaço-temporais e interações entre essas atividades são de extrema importância para a realização de um manejo eficaz, considerando os diversos usos de forma integrada. Esta Tese visa avaliar espaçotemporalmente a variação da pesca de arrasto-duplo de pequeno porte, e na abundância de sua espécie alvo, o camarão-sete-barbas (Xiphopenaeus kroyeri), na região do Porto de Santos, SP, Brasil, e áreas adjacentes, durante um período de 6 anos (2009 a 2014). Modelos lineares generalizados foram aplicados aos dados de captura e esforço pesqueiro da espécie, e a partir dos coeficientes destes, foi calculada a captura-por-unidade-de-esforço (CPUE; kg/ dia de pesca) padronizada por célula de 1 milha náutica (MN) de lado e ano, a qual é representativa da abundância da espécie. Técnicas de semivariograma e krigagem foram utilizadas para avaliar a existência de dependência espacial nos dados e estimar os valores da CPUE em locais não amostrados. Geovisualizações tridimensionais interativas foram aplicadas para identificar padrões espaço-temporais na variação das áreas preferenciais das pescarias e da abundância da espécie. Foram ajustados modelos esféricos de semivariograma, os quais mostraram padrão de dependência espacial e foram utilizados para estimar a abundância da espécie nos vazios amostrais. Conclui-se que, durante o período analisado as operações de pesca de arrasto-duplo de pequeno porte, na área de interferência do porto de Santos, apresentaram padrões de variação espaço-temporal relacionados ás mudanças nas atividades portuárias. Por sua vez, não foi identificado um padrão na variação espaço-temporal da abundância de sua espécie alvo, o camarão-sete-barbas, na região. / Coastal marine ecosystems around the world are exploited by various activities, including serving as ports and supporting fishing, which create important environmental impacts. These activities can interfere with each other because they often have spatial overlap. Identify and evaluate the spatiotemporal patterns and interactions between the activities is of great importance for a coastal management that considers the different uses in a integrate way. This thesis aims to evaluate the spatiotemporal variability in small double-trawl fisheries, and in the abundance of its target species, the Seabob shrimp (Xiphopenaeus kroyeri), in a region with port activity and adjacent environmental protection areas, during a 6-year period (2009 to 2014). Generalized linear models were applied to the catch, and effort data and model coefficients were used to calculate the catch per unit effort (CPUE, kg/fishing day) standardized per square nautical mile and year. Semivariogram and kriging techniques were used to evaluate the existence of spatial dependence in the data and to estimate the standardized CPUE in unsampled areas. Interactive three-dimensional geovisualization were applied to identify spatiotemporal patterns in fishing operations and in the species abundance. Spherical isotropic semivariogram models that showed a pattern of spatial dependence were fitted and used to estimate the species abundance in unsampled areas. It is concluded that, during the analyzed period, the small double-trawl fisheries operations in the port of Santos presented spatiotemporal patterns that are related to changes in port activities. On the other hand, a spatiotemporal pattern variation on the abundance of its target species, the Seabob shrimp, was not identified in the region.
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Bayesian modelling of integrated data and its application to seabird populationsReynolds, Toby J. January 2010 (has links)
Integrated data analyses are becoming increasingly popular in studies of wild animal populations where two or more separate sources of data contain information about common parameters. Here we develop an integrated population model using abundance and demographic data from a study of common guillemots (Uria aalge) on the Isle of May, southeast Scotland. A state-space model for the count data is supplemented by three demographic time series (productivity and two mark-recapture-recovery (MRR)), enabling the estimation of prebreeder emigration rate - a parameter for which there is no direct observational data, and which is unidentifiable in the separate analysis of MRR data. A Bayesian approach using MCMC provides a flexible and powerful analysis framework. This model is extended to provide predictions of future population trajectories. Adopting random effects models for the survival and productivity parameters, we implement the MCMC algorithm to obtain a posterior sample of the underlying process means and variances (and population sizes) within the study period. Given this sample, we predict future demographic parameters, which in turn allows us to predict future population sizes and obtain the corresponding posterior distribution. Under the assumption that recent, unfavourable conditions persist in the future, we obtain a posterior probability of 70% that there is a population decline of >25% over a 10-year period. Lastly, using MRR data we test for spatial, temporal and age-related correlations in guillemot survival among three widely separated Scottish colonies that have varying overlap in nonbreeding distribution. We show that survival is highly correlated over time for colonies/age classes sharing wintering areas, and essentially uncorrelated for those with separate wintering areas. These results strongly suggest that one or more aspects of winter environment are responsible for spatiotemporal variation in survival of British guillemots, and provide insight into the factors driving multi-population dynamics of the species.
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