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Procena stanja volemije kod pacijenata na hemodijalizi primenom ultrazvuka pluća / Lung ultrasound for volume status assessment in patients on hemodialysisVeselinov Vladimir 08 July 2019 (has links)
<p>Uvod: Pacijenti na hemodijalizi (HD) imaju visoku stopu ukupnog i kardiovaskularnog morbiditeta i mortaliteta. Preko 80% bolesnika na HD ima neki tip kardiovaskularne bolesti. Hipervolemija značajno doprinosi njihovom nastanku, dovodeći do hipertenzije, hipertrofije miokarda leve komore, srčane insuficijencije i nastanka plućnog edema. Procena stanja volemije kod pacijenata na HD najčešće se vrši kliničkim pregledom, uprkos nezadovoljavajućoj specifičnosti i senzitivnosti. Hipervolemija je prisutna kod određenog broja pacijenata, uprkos normotenziji, odsustvu edema i urednom auskultatornom nalazu na plućima. Različite metode se koriste za procenu stanja volemije, svaka sa određenim manama. Upotreba analize bioelektrične impedanse zahteva skupu opremu i potrošni materijal, vrednosti B-tipa natriuretskog peptida (BNP) i njegovog N terminalnog propeptida (NT-proBNP) zavise i od stanja volemije i od srčane funkcije, kao i od tipa dijalizne membrane. Ehokardiografija (EHO) i ultrazvuk donje šuplje vene (UZ ICV) sa određivanjem dijametara u inspirijumu i ekspirijumu (IVCDi i IVCDe) zahteva posebno obučen kadar. Ultrazvuk pluća (UZ pluća) je jednostavna, brza i jeftina metoda za detekciju ekstravaskularne plućne tečnosti (EVLW). EVLW predstavlja onu količinu tečnosti koja se nalazi u plućnom intersticijumu. UZ pluća detektuje EVLW kao UZ artefakte zvane „B linije“. Količina EVLW zavisna je od pritiska punjenja leve komore i povećava se u stanjima hipervolemije, što se na UZ pluća manifestuje kao veći broj detektovanih „B linija“. Zbir svih „B linija“ detektovanih na definisanim mestima na grudnom košu naziva se „skor B linija“ (BLS) i koristi se za kvantifikaciju EVLW pomoću UZ pluća. Cilj: Uporediti adekvatnost i efikasnost UZ pluća u proceni stanja volemije kod pacijenata na HD u odnosu na standardne tehnike UZ donje šuplje vene, EHO i BNP-a. Proceniti mogućnost pojednostavljenja protokola UZ pregleda pluća redukcijom broja analiziranih plućnih polja. Materijal i metode: Istraživanje je sprovedeno kao studija preseka od aprila 2016. do juna 2017. godine na 83 pacijenta koji su se nalazili na hroničnom programu HD u Službi za HD Odeljenja za internu medicinu Opšte bolnice Kikinda. Ispitanicima je prvog dana HD u nedelji neposredno pre HD urađen UZ pluća, UZ IVC, EHO, i uzorkovanje krvi za određivnje vrednosti BNP-a. Potom su pacijenti dijalizirani prema svojim utvrđenim HD protokolima. Neposredno nakon HD ponovljeni su UZ pluća, UZ IVC, EHO, a uzorkovanje krvi za BNP je ponovljeno pre započinjanja sledeće HD u nedelji, da bi se izbegao neposredni postdijalizni skok BNP-a. Za poređenje varijabli korišćeni su T test parova odnosno Vilkoksonov test, a za ispitivanje korelacije Pirsonov odnosno Spirmanov test, u zavisnosti od distribucije varijabli. Razlike između grupa ispitanika ispitivane su pomoću jednofaktorske analize varijanse (ANOVA) za kontinuirane varijable, a za kategorijske je korišćena analiza kontingencijskih tabela. Analiza glavnih komponenata (PCA) je korišćena za procenu mogućnosti redukcije broja ispitivanih plućnih polja. Rezultati: Utvrđena je signifikantna razlika između predijaliznih (pre HD) srednjih vrednosti BLS-a (18,85) i postdijaliznih (post HD) srednjih vrednosti BLS-a (7,30); između srednjih vrednosti BNP-a pre HD (894,89 pg/ml) i post HD (487,74 pg/ml); između srednjih vrednosti IVCDe pre HD (10,45 mm) i post HD (7,85 mm); između srednjih vrednosti IVCDi pre HD (7,20 mm) i post HD (4,41 mm); između srednjih vrednosti indeksa kolapsibilnosti IVC pre HD (32%) i post HD (45%). Utvrđene su i signifikantne razlike između srednjih vrednosti sledećih EHO parametara: dijametar leve pretkomore pre HD (3,78 cm) i post HD (3,53 cm), dijametra leve komore u dijastoli pre HD (5,21 cm) i post HD (4,96 cm), dijametra leve komore u sistoli pre HD (3,69 cm) i post HD (3,43 cm) i zapremine leve pretkomore u sistoli pre HD (60,54 ml) i post HD (52,36 ml). Sve razlike su bile signifikantne na nivou p<0,0001. Dokazana je signifikantna pozitivna korelacija između BLS-a pre HD i BNP-a pre HD (ρ=0,49, p<0,01) i BNP-a post HD (0,43, p<0,01); BLS-a pre HD i IVCDe pre HD (ρ=0,29, p<0,01), IVCDi pre HD (ρ=0,30, p<0,05) i IVCDi post HD (ρ=0,23, p<0,05) kao i između BLS-a post HD i BNP-a pre HD (ρ=0,44, p<0,01) i BNP-a post HD (ρ=0,42, p<0,01), između BLS-a post HD i IVCDe pre HD (ρ=0,29, p<0,05) IVCDi pre HD (ρ=0,33, p<0,05) i IVCDi post HD (ρ=0,23, p<0,05). Utvrđeno je da su bolesnici sa višim BLS-om imali niže vrednosti hemoglobina (p=0,006) i više vrednosti visoko senzitivnog troponina T (p=0,02), kao i veće dijametre leve komore u sistoli (p=0,04). Pomoću PCA utvrđeno je da je moguća redukcija broja ispitivanih plućnih polja na 4 do 12 plućnih polja, koja bi bila odgovorna za 75,38% odnosno 84,51% varijabilnosti BLS-a. Zaključak: UZ pluća može adekvatno i efikasno da proceni stanje volemije i može se koristiti za ovu svrhu kod pacijenata na hroničnom programu HD. UZ pluća je brz, jednostavan i jeftin pregled koji se može izvoditi u bolesničkoj postelji i koji daje pouzdan podatak o bolesnikovom statusu volemije u realnom vremenu. UZ pluća bez većih teškoća mogao uključiti u kliničke protokole u svim centrima sa dostupnom opremom. Postoji mogućnost redukcije broja ispitivanih plućnih polja i time pojednostavljenja samog UZ pregleda pluća. UZ pluća može koristiti u proceni srčane funkcije kod pacijenata na HD. Pacijenti koji su procenjeni kao hipervolemični pomoću UZ pluća imaju povećan kardiovaskularni rizik, kao i pacijenti procenjeni kao hipervolemični pomoću vrednosti BNP-a i dijametra DŠV.</p> / <p>Introduction: Patients on hemodialysis (HD) have a high general morbidity and all-cause mortality, as well as high cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. More than 80% of patients on HD have some cardiovascular disease. Hypervolemia plays a significant role here, contributing to hypertension, left ventricular hypertrophy, heart failure and pulmonary edema. Fluid status assessment in HD is still mostly clinical, despite having low specificity and sensitivity. A number of patients remain hypervolume, despite being normotensive, without edema or bibasilar crackles on lung auscultation. Different methods are used for volume status assessment in HD setting, no method without its flaws. Bioelectric impedance analysis requires expensive equipment and supplies. B type natriuretic peptide (BNP) values, and those of its terminal propeptide (NT-proBNP) depend on volume status, cardiac function as well as type of dialysis membrane used. Echocardiography (ECHO) and ultrasonography of inferior vena cava (IVC US) with measurements of its diameters in inspirum and expirium (IVCDi and IVCDe) require trained medical personnel. Lung ultrasound (LUS) is a simple, fast and inexpensive method for detection of extravascular lung water (EVLW), which is the water contained in the lung interstitium. LUS detects EVLW as ultrasonographic artefacts called „B lines“. EVLW is dependent on left ventricular filling pressures and is increased in volume overload, manifesting as more „B lines“ on LUS. The sum of all „B lines“ detected on predetermined places on the chest is called „B line score“ (BLS) and is used to quantify EVLW using LUS. Goal: Compare the adequacy and efficacy of LUS in assessment of volume status in patients on HD to other methods (IVC US, ECHO, BNP). Assess the possibility of simplifying LUS by reducing the number of examined lung fields. Materials and methods: A cross-section study was performed from April 2016 to June 2017. on 83 dialysis patients in Dialysis unit of Internal medicine department of General hospital Kikinda. LUS, ECHO, IVC US and blood sampling for BNP were performed on the first dialysis day of the week, just prior to HD. Patients were then dialyzed according to their dialysis protocols. After HD all tests were repeated, except blood sampling for BNP, which was sampled just prior to the next HD session in order to avoid elevated BNP values after HD. Variables were compared using double sample T test or Wilcoxon test. Correlation was assessed using Pearson’s or Spearman’s test, depending on variable distribution. Differences between groups were tested using one-way analysis of variance for continuous variables and contingency tables for categorical variables. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to assess the possibility of lung field reduction. Results: There was a significant difference between BLS predialysis (pre HD) (mean 18,85) and BLS postdialysis (post HD) (mean 7,30); between IVCDe pre HD (mean 10,45 mm) and IVCDe post HD (mean 7,85 mm); between IVCDi pre HD (mean 7,20 mm) and IVCDi post HD (mean 4,41 mm); between CCI pre HD (mean 32%) and CCI post HD (mean 45%), between BNP pre HD (mean 894,89 pg/ml) and BNP post HD (mean 487,74 pg/ml). There was also a significant difference between the following ECHO parameters: left atrial diameter pre HD (mean 3,78 cm) and post HD (mean 3,53 cm), left ventricular internal diameter in diastole pre HD (mean 5,21 cm) and post HD (mean 4,96 cm) and left ventricular internal diameter in sistole pre HD (mean 3,69 cm) and post HD (mean 3,43 cm), left atrial volume in sistole pre HD (mean 60,54 ml) and post HD (mean 52,36 ml). All differences were significant at a level of p<0,0001. There was a significant positive correlation between BLS pre HD and BNP pre HD (ρ=0,49, p<0,01) and BNP post HD (ρ=0,43, p<0,01); BLS pre HD and IVCDe pre HD (ρ=0,29, p<0,01) IVCDi pre HD (ρ=0,30, p<0,05) and IVCDi post HD (ρ=0,23, p<0,05); between BLS post HD and BNP pre HD (ρ=0,44, p<0,01) and BNP post HD (ρ=0,42, p<0,01); between BLS post HD and IVCDe pre HD (ρ=0,29, p<0,05), IVCDi pre HD (ρ=0,33, p<0,05) and IVCDi post HD (ρ=0,23, p<0,05). Subjects with higher BLS had lower hemoglobin levels (p=0,006), higher troponin T levels (p=0,02) and greater left ventricular internal dimensions in sistole (p=0,04). PCA showed that there is a possibility of lung field reduction to 12 lung fields and even down to 4 lung fields, which would account for 84,51% or 75,38% of BLS variability. Conclusion: LUS can be used to adequately and effectively assess volume status in patients on HD. LUS is simple, fast and inexpensive exam with bedside capability, which gives accurate volume status data in real time. The exam can be implemented into dialysis unit protocols without difficulty. There is a possibility of simplifying LUS by reducing the number of examined lung fields. LUS can be used in assessment of cardiac function in patients on HD. Patients rated as hypervolemic by LUS have increased cardiovascular risk, as well as patients rated as hypervolemic by BNP levels or IVC diameters.</p>
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Faisabilité de l'écho-Doppler de la veine hépatique dans un département d’urgenceOmakinda Luhaka, Rémy 03 1900 (has links)
Au sein des unités de médecine d'urgence, l'état de choc est une condition courante et par le fait même, une cause majeure de mortalité en Amérique du nord. Il est donc essentiel d'en rechercher rapidement les causes.
Dans cette recherche, l'évaluation clinique, l'examen des signes vitaux et les tests de laboratoire se révèlent souvent imprécis car ils ne permettent pas d'évaluer de façon optimale le statut hémodynamique des patients instables. Or, le risque d'une évaluation insuffisante de l’état hémodynamique conduit à l'instauration d'un traitement inapproprié dont la conséquence peut être fatale. Une simple surestimation du besoin de remplissage vasculaire peut entraîner des complications telles que l'œdème pulmonaire et inversement, la sous-estimation peut avoir pour conséquence une hypovolémie persistante avec une hypoperfusion ou un état de choc non reconnu susceptible de générer une insuffisance des organes cibles.
Actuellement, pour évaluer le statut hémodynamique, les méthodes les plus utilisées sont la pression veineuse centrale (PVC), les cathéters de Swan-Ganz et l’échocardiographie transoesophagienne. Bien que déjà difficiles à réaliser à l’urgence, toutes ces méthodes sont invasives et conservent un potentiel élevé de morbidité.
Il existe toutefois des méthodes alternatives valides qui permettent d'obtenir une estimation non invasive de la pression moyenne de l'oreillette droite, entre autre l’échographie sous-costale avec les mesures échographiques de la collapsibilité de la veine cave inférieure (VCI) et les mesures de Doppler échographiques sur la veine hépatique (VH). Il convient cependant de noter que la mesure de la collapsibilité de la VCI n’a pas réussi à devenir un standard d’évaluation de la volémie parce qu’elle reste sujette à plusieurs facteurs confondants.
La mesure du flot de la VH, quant à elle, semble être une option plus intéressante pour mieux évaluer la pression de remplissage de l’oreillette droite. En effet, l'échographie Doppler de la veine hépatique reste donc un instrument potentiellement prometteur qui peut bien refléter les pressions de l’OD et donc de la pression veineuse centrale.
Il importe de souligner que pour le patient instable, chaque minute est précieuse et qu’un gain de temps inestimable contribue à éliminer les facteurs susceptibles de compromettre le pronostic vital.
L’objectif principal de notre étude, étant la mesure du temps nécessaire pour l’acquisition d’images ; nous avons comparé la durée de l'acquisition d'images entre l'échographie de la VCI et le Doppler de la VH chez des sujets sains. Le temps moyen d'acquisition d'images de la VCI était de 89,1 secondes et de 117,8 pour la VH. La différence de la moyenne de temps était de 28,6 secondes (IC95% -73,2 · +15,8 ; t=1.33, 24 dl ; p=0.196). La différence de délai pour le temps d’acquisition d’images était inférieure à 30 secondes. En pratique, nous pensons que cette différence peut être considérée comme cliniquement acceptable pour une prise de décision rapide.
En ce qui concerne le taux d’échec entre les deux techniques, nous n’avons pas trouvé de différence significative : 1 échec pour la VCI et 5 échecs pour la VH avec une différence de 13% (0.133), p=0.09 ; alors que le taux de réussite est le même, soit 25 pour chacune.
L’évaluation de la veine hépatique par échographie était faisable, simple et rapide dans la majorité des volontaires sélectionnés dans notre étude.
Mots-clés : échographie Doppler, veine cave inférieure, veines hépatiques, état de choc, statut hémodynamique. / Shock is a common condition and a major cause of death in emergency units. Clinical evaluation, vital signs and laboratory tests can lack specificity to identify the cause of shock and do not allow an optimal evaluation of the hemodynamic status of unstable patients. A poor evaluation of the hemodynamic state could lead to inappropriate treatment and the consequence may be fatal. Overestimation of the need for vascular filling can lead to complications such as pulmonary edema; while underestimation may give rise to persistent hypovolemia with hypoperfusion or unrecognized shock resulting in multi-organ failure.
The current methods used to assess hemodynamic status are central venous pressure, Swan-Ganz catheters, and trans-esophageal echocardiography. Although already difficult to perform in the emergency department, all of these methods are invasive and retain a high potential for morbidity. However, there are valid alternative methods for obtaining a non-invasive estimate of the average pressure of the right atrium, including subxiphoid ultrasound with measurements of the inferior vena cava (IVC) collapsibility and ultrasound Doppler measurements of the hepatic veins (HV). However, the measurement of the collapsibility of the IVC is subject to several confounding factors and has failed to become a standard of care for evaluating patients’ volemic status. Measuring the flow of the hepatic vein, on the other hand, seems to be a more interesting option for better assessing the filling pressure of the right atrium. Indeed, the Doppler ultrasound of hepatic veins remains a potentially promising instrument that may well reflect the pressures of the right atrium and thus of the central venous pressure. It is important to emphasize that for the unstable patient, every minute is precious and that saving time contributes to eliminate factors likely to compromise the vital prognosis.
The main objective of our study is to measure the time it takes to acquire images. We compared the duration of image acquisition between IVC ultrasound and HV Doppler in healthy volunteers. The average image acquisition time for the IVC and HV was 89.1 and 117.8 seconds respectively. The difference in mean time was 28.6 seconds (95% CI -73.2 · + 15.8, t = 1.33, 24 dL, p = 0.196). The difference for image acquisition time was less than 30 seconds. In practice, we believe that this difference can be considered clinically acceptable for rapid decision-making.
Regarding the failure rate between the two techniques, we did not find any significant difference: 1 failure for IVC and 5 failures for HV with a difference of 13% (0.133), p = 0.09; while the success rate is the same, 25 for each.
The evaluation of the hepatic vein by ultrasonography was feasible, simple and fast in the majority of volunteers selected in our study.
Key words: Doppler ultrasonography, inferior vena cava, hepatic veins, shock, hemodynamic status
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