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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Index aus Diameter der Vena cava inferior und Aorta abdominalis bei Neugeborenen – eine praxisrelevante Methode zur Erfassung einer Hypovolämie

Behnke, Simone 09 October 2023 (has links)
Problem: Bei kranken Neugeborenen steht häufig eine Hypovolämie im Vordergrund der klinischen Probleme. Eine effiziente, schonende Diagnostik ist für eine adäquate Therapie entscheidend. Sonographische Untersuchungen entsprechen diesen Anforderungen. Um die Volumensituation der Kinder zu beurteilen, wird eine Relation aus Durchmessern der Vena cava inferior (IVC) und der Aorta abdominalis (Ao) erfasst. Patienten und Methoden: 97 reife, gesunde Neugeborene wurden am 1. und 3. Tag untersucht. Es erfolgte an definierten Punkten die Messung der Diameter der IVC, Ao und Berechnung des Index IVC/Ao. Korrelationsanalysen wurden zur Ermittlung der Abhängigkeit der Messungen vom Geburtsgewicht und Gewichtsverlust in den ersten 3 LT. durchgeführt. Ergebnisse: Der Durchmesser der Ao betrug am 1. Tag 6,1 (+/- 0,6) mm, am 3. Tag 6,2 (+/- 0,6) mm, der Diameter der IVC am 1. LT 2,5 (+/- 0,5) mm, am 3. LT 2,6 (+/- 0,5) mm. Der Index aus IVC/ Ao lag bei 0,4 (+/- 0,1) am 1.LT, 0,4 (+/- 0,1) am 3. LT. und korreliert mit dem Geburtsgewicht. Es ließ sich ein signifikanter Unterschied zwischen den Indices bei SGA- und LGA- Neugeborenen feststellen (0.36 vs 0,47).Die Gewichtsabnahme von 1. zum 3. LT (160 +/- 216 g) hatte keinen Einfluss auf die Diameter und Index der Gefäße. Schlussfolgerung: Die Studie liefert Normalwerte für die Diameter der Ao, IVC sowie des Index. Damit ist eine Einschätzung des Volumenzustandes möglich. Die Ergebnisse können ebenso einen Beitrag zum Verständnis der Pathophysiologie bei SGA- Neonaten sein.:1. Einleitung 2. Publikation 3. Zusammenfassung 4. Literaturverzeichnis / Abstract: Problem: Hypovolemia is one of the important problems in sick neonates. Ultrasound is a safe, noninvasive diagnostic tool for the assessment of volume status. For that reason, the aim of the study was to determine normal values of the diameter of inferior vena cava (IVC), abdominal aorta (Ao) and the index IVC/Ao. Patients and methods: 97 healthy, term neonates were included in the study and investigated at first and third day of life. The diameter of IVC, Ao was measured and the index from IVC/Ao was estimated. Using statistics mean and median values of the parameters and correlations to birth weight were determined. Results: Diameter of Ao at first day was 6.1 (+/- 0.6) mm and at third day 6.2 (+/- 0.6) mm, of IVC at first day was 2.5 (+/- 0.5) and at third day 2.61 (+/- 0.5). The Index from diameters of IVC/Ao was evaluated at day 1 as 0.4 (+/- 0.1) and day 3 as 0.4 (+/- 0.1). We found a positive correlation to the birth weight. We identified a significant difference of the index in SGA and LGA – neonates (0.36 vs 0.47). Despite a significant reduced weight from first to third day in the neonates, we determined no influence on the diameter of IVC, Ao and the index IVC/Ao. Conclusion: We determined normal values of diameter of IVC and Ao and the Index of IVC/Ao . It is our opinion, that it is possible to assess the intravascular volume using the index. The importance of the index can be underlined by the results in SGA-neonates. More research is needed to understand some points of the pathophysiology in SGA.:1. Einleitung 2. Publikation 3. Zusammenfassung 4. Literaturverzeichnis

Biomechanics of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis and Inferior Vena Cava Filter Perforation

Schickel, Maureen Erin 29 December 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Transplante hepático com preservação da veia cava inferior e anastomose porto-cava temporária ou com ressecção da veia cava inferior e \"bypass\" veno-venoso: estudo comparativo / Liver transplantation with inferior vena cava preservation and temporary portocaval anastomosis or with venovenous bypass: comparative study

Rezende, Marcelo Bruno de 11 September 2006 (has links)
O transplante hepático com a técnica convencional envolve a ressecção da veia cava inferior retrohepática como parte da hepatectomia do receptor e conseqüente clampeamento da mesma acima e abaixo do fígado, bem como o clampeamento da veia porta durante a fase anepática. Este procedimento pode se caracterizar por alterações hemodinâmicas importantes, disfunção renal e maior sangramento em áreas de dissecção submetidas a um regime de maior pressão. Pacientes idosos, previamente instáveis do ponto de vista hemodinâmico ou muito graves, gealmente, não toleram esta situação. Para evitar estes distúrbios, um \"bypass\" venovenoso, é habitualmente utilizado, permitindo com que o sangue da veia porta e da veia cava inferior retorne à circulação sistêmica através da veia axilar. O \"bypass\" venovenoso, foi adotado por muitos centros transplantadores como procedimento de rotina, enquanto outros empregavam este apenas quando o clampeamento da veia cava inferior determinasse grave alteração hemodinâmica, buscando assim, redução do custo, do tempo de operação e das complicações em função do uso \"bypass\", tais como: hipotermia, coagulopatia e fenômenos tromboembólicos. Outra alternativa técnica, que consiste na preservação da veia cava inferior durante a hepatectomia foi descrita com o intuito de preservar o fluxo na veia cava inferior durante a fase anepática. Além disto, uma anastomose porto-cava temporária pode ser confeccionada para evitar o clampeamento da veia porta e conseqüente congestão esplâncnica. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar os resultados imediatos do transplante hepático com preservação da veia cava inferior e anastomose porto-cava temporária, ou com o uso do \"bypass\" venovenoso. De outubro de 1999 a outubro de 2001, 104 pacientes submetidos ao transplante hepático foram analisados retrospectivamente. O \"bypass\" venovenoso foi utilizado em 50 pacientes e a técnica de \"piggy back\" em 54. Ambos os grupos foram comparáveis em termos de idade, sexo, diagnóstico e grau de função hepática pré-operatória. Nosso estudo demonstrou não haver diferença entre as duas técnicas em relação à duração da hepatectomia, à duração da operação e à necessidade de transfusão de hemoderivados. Observou-se uma fase anepática mais breve e um menor tempo de permanência na unidade de terapia intensiva no período pós operatório dos pacientes submetidos à técnica que reserva a veia cava inferior, além disto o estudo aponta para uma tendência à redução no tempo de internação, no índice de insuficiência renal pós-operatória e para um melhor funcionamento do enxerto quando os fluxos da veia cava inferior e da veia porta são preservados. / The liver transplant with conventional technique involves the resection of the retrohepatic inferior vena cava as part of the recipient hepatectomy and consequent clamping of the same above and below the liver, as well as the clamping of the portal vein during the anhepatic phase. This procedure can be characterized by critical hemodynamic alterations, renal disfunction and greater bleeding in dissection areas submitted to higher pressure conditions. Elderly patients, previously unstable on a hemodynamic point of view or in very serious conditions, usually do not tolerate this situation. In order to avoid these disturbances, a venovenous bypass is commonly applied, allowing blood from the portal vein and inferior vena cava to return to the systemic circulation through the axilar vein. The venovenous bypass has been adopted by many transplant centers as a routine procedure, while others have applied this procedure only when clamping of the inferior vena cava determines a serious hemodynamic alteration, eeking, in this way, cost cutting, reduction of operation time and complications caused by usage of the bypass, such as: hypothermy, coagulopathy and romboembolic phenomenae. Another technical alternative, which consists of preservation of the inferior vena cava during the hepatectomy was described focusing preservation of the inferior vena cava flow during the anhepatic phase. Besides, a temporary portocaval shunt can be made to avoid clamping of the portal vein and consequently splanchnic congestion. The objective of this study was compare the immediate results of the liver transplantation with inferior vena cava preservation and temporary portocaval shunt or using the venovenous bypass. From October 1999 to October 2001, 104 patients submitted to an liver transplantat were analyzed retrospectively. The venovenous bypass was applied in 50 patients and the \"piggy back\" technique in 54. Both groups were comparable in terms of age, gender, diagnosis and preoperative hepatic conditions. Our study has demonstrated that there was no difference between the two techniques in relation to the hepatectomy and operation time and the need of hemoderivate transfusion. As a result, a shorter anhepatic phase was observed, as well as a shorter stay in intensive care unit during the postoperative period, in relation to patients submitted to the technique that preserves the inferior vena cava. Additionally, the study points out a trend towards reduction of hospital stay, postoperative renal insufficiency, and a better graft function when the inferior cava and portal veins are preserved.

Sonographie des Durchmessers der Vena cava inferior und Bioimpedanzanalyse

Dietel, Tobias 03 August 2005 (has links)
Der Wasserhaushalt von Dialysepatienten bewegt sich ondulierend zwischen Überwässerung vor der Behandlung und gezielter Dehydratation nach der Dialyse. Das Ziel der Behandlung ist ein e Flüssigkeitsbalance. Das Gewicht nach der Dialyse bei dem dieser Zustand erreicht ist, wird als Trockengewicht oder Dialysezielgewicht bezeichnet. Zur Zeit ist kein einzelner Parameter verfügbar, von dem sich ein adäquates Trockengewicht der Dialysepatienten ableiten ließe. Die Einschätzung des Trockengewichtes von dialysepflichtigen Kindern stützt sich auf die sorgfältige klinische Untersuchung. Die Bioimpedanzanalyse und die Messung des Durchmessers der Vena cava inferior sind zwei nicht invasive Verfahren, die bereits an erwachsenen Dialysepatienten untersucht und zur Beurteilung des Trockengewichtes sowie des Extrazellulärvolumens angewandt werden. Für Kinder sind keine Referenzwerte für beide Verfahren verfügbar. Aus diesen Grund entschlossen wir uns, Normalwerte für diese Altersgruppe (6,8 bis 16 Jahre) zu erheben. Es zeigte sich ein enger Zusammenhang zwischen Resistanz (BIA) und Durchmesser der Vena cava inferior auf der einen und Werten wie z.B. Alter, Gewicht und Körperoberfläche auf der andren Seite. Resistanz und Durchmesser stehen ebenfalls in enger Beziehung zueinander. Bei der Untersuchung von 31 Dialysepatienten zeigten sich Wachstumsverzögerung und verspätete Pubertät. Daraus wird deutlich das altersbezogene Referenzwerte zu einer falschen Einschätzung des Wasserhaushaltes führen würden. Die kombinierte Anwendung beider Verfahren mit der Körperoberfläche als Bezugswert, kann im Vergleich zu den Veränderungen des Körpergewichtes wertvolle Informationen zur Optimierung des Trockengewichtes geben. / The hydration state of a dialysis patient reflects the balance between fluid overload, normovolemia and underhydration. The goal of the treatment is a fluid balance that is close to normal. The weight after dialysis in which this is achieved is the so called "dry weight". However, there is no single parameter to define the adequate dry body weight of a dialysis patient. In the assessment of dry body weight in dialysis-dependent children one must rely on careful and repeated clinical observation. Bioimpedance analysis and inferior vena cava diameter (IVCD) have been evaluated and utilized in adults as noninvasive parameters for the assessment of dry weight and extracellular volume. Since there are no data available for normal children, we performed a prospective study to establish reference standards for a pediatric population (111 females and 95 males, aged 6.8-16 years). We found strong correlations of both resistance (BIA) and IVCD with age, height, weight, and, in particular, with body surface area. IVCD and resistance also correlated with each other. We also investigated 31 pediatric dialysis patients who showed growth retardation and delayed puberty. Applying age-related reference intervals to pediatric dialysis patients resulted in an underestimation of overhydration. The combination of both methods using body surface area-corrected values with the clinical features of deviation of dry weight will serve as an adjunct to the assessment of post-dialysis dry weight.

Transplante hepático com preservação da veia cava inferior e anastomose porto-cava temporária ou com ressecção da veia cava inferior e \"bypass\" veno-venoso: estudo comparativo / Liver transplantation with inferior vena cava preservation and temporary portocaval anastomosis or with venovenous bypass: comparative study

Marcelo Bruno de Rezende 11 September 2006 (has links)
O transplante hepático com a técnica convencional envolve a ressecção da veia cava inferior retrohepática como parte da hepatectomia do receptor e conseqüente clampeamento da mesma acima e abaixo do fígado, bem como o clampeamento da veia porta durante a fase anepática. Este procedimento pode se caracterizar por alterações hemodinâmicas importantes, disfunção renal e maior sangramento em áreas de dissecção submetidas a um regime de maior pressão. Pacientes idosos, previamente instáveis do ponto de vista hemodinâmico ou muito graves, gealmente, não toleram esta situação. Para evitar estes distúrbios, um \"bypass\" venovenoso, é habitualmente utilizado, permitindo com que o sangue da veia porta e da veia cava inferior retorne à circulação sistêmica através da veia axilar. O \"bypass\" venovenoso, foi adotado por muitos centros transplantadores como procedimento de rotina, enquanto outros empregavam este apenas quando o clampeamento da veia cava inferior determinasse grave alteração hemodinâmica, buscando assim, redução do custo, do tempo de operação e das complicações em função do uso \"bypass\", tais como: hipotermia, coagulopatia e fenômenos tromboembólicos. Outra alternativa técnica, que consiste na preservação da veia cava inferior durante a hepatectomia foi descrita com o intuito de preservar o fluxo na veia cava inferior durante a fase anepática. Além disto, uma anastomose porto-cava temporária pode ser confeccionada para evitar o clampeamento da veia porta e conseqüente congestão esplâncnica. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar os resultados imediatos do transplante hepático com preservação da veia cava inferior e anastomose porto-cava temporária, ou com o uso do \"bypass\" venovenoso. De outubro de 1999 a outubro de 2001, 104 pacientes submetidos ao transplante hepático foram analisados retrospectivamente. O \"bypass\" venovenoso foi utilizado em 50 pacientes e a técnica de \"piggy back\" em 54. Ambos os grupos foram comparáveis em termos de idade, sexo, diagnóstico e grau de função hepática pré-operatória. Nosso estudo demonstrou não haver diferença entre as duas técnicas em relação à duração da hepatectomia, à duração da operação e à necessidade de transfusão de hemoderivados. Observou-se uma fase anepática mais breve e um menor tempo de permanência na unidade de terapia intensiva no período pós operatório dos pacientes submetidos à técnica que reserva a veia cava inferior, além disto o estudo aponta para uma tendência à redução no tempo de internação, no índice de insuficiência renal pós-operatória e para um melhor funcionamento do enxerto quando os fluxos da veia cava inferior e da veia porta são preservados. / The liver transplant with conventional technique involves the resection of the retrohepatic inferior vena cava as part of the recipient hepatectomy and consequent clamping of the same above and below the liver, as well as the clamping of the portal vein during the anhepatic phase. This procedure can be characterized by critical hemodynamic alterations, renal disfunction and greater bleeding in dissection areas submitted to higher pressure conditions. Elderly patients, previously unstable on a hemodynamic point of view or in very serious conditions, usually do not tolerate this situation. In order to avoid these disturbances, a venovenous bypass is commonly applied, allowing blood from the portal vein and inferior vena cava to return to the systemic circulation through the axilar vein. The venovenous bypass has been adopted by many transplant centers as a routine procedure, while others have applied this procedure only when clamping of the inferior vena cava determines a serious hemodynamic alteration, eeking, in this way, cost cutting, reduction of operation time and complications caused by usage of the bypass, such as: hypothermy, coagulopathy and romboembolic phenomenae. Another technical alternative, which consists of preservation of the inferior vena cava during the hepatectomy was described focusing preservation of the inferior vena cava flow during the anhepatic phase. Besides, a temporary portocaval shunt can be made to avoid clamping of the portal vein and consequently splanchnic congestion. The objective of this study was compare the immediate results of the liver transplantation with inferior vena cava preservation and temporary portocaval shunt or using the venovenous bypass. From October 1999 to October 2001, 104 patients submitted to an liver transplantat were analyzed retrospectively. The venovenous bypass was applied in 50 patients and the \"piggy back\" technique in 54. Both groups were comparable in terms of age, gender, diagnosis and preoperative hepatic conditions. Our study has demonstrated that there was no difference between the two techniques in relation to the hepatectomy and operation time and the need of hemoderivate transfusion. As a result, a shorter anhepatic phase was observed, as well as a shorter stay in intensive care unit during the postoperative period, in relation to patients submitted to the technique that preserves the inferior vena cava. Additionally, the study points out a trend towards reduction of hospital stay, postoperative renal insufficiency, and a better graft function when the inferior cava and portal veins are preserved.

Estimativa de recursos minerais e otimização de cava aplicados a um estudo de caso de uma mina de calcário / Mineral resource estimation and pit optimization applied to a case study of a limestone mine

Pereira, Paulo Elias Carneiro 08 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2017-04-13T13:08:22Z No. of bitstreams: 12 Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira (1).pdf: 17644242 bytes, checksum: ab5fa50d404a6c4a211b84194b2443f2 (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira (2).pdf: 16660004 bytes, checksum: cf5e68fe373f5599a5185def4cd2dbc9 (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira (3).pdf: 16826382 bytes, checksum: d132111aea6718262b141b27469610cf (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira (4).pdf: 18524080 bytes, checksum: f823b94af26d66b0c3372283946a4faf (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira - 2017 (5).pdf: 18542428 bytes, checksum: fcbc6bc33ae4ce8f406d45226db9cec1 (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira - 2017 (6).pdf: 16491972 bytes, checksum: 700456f830447b127f5ebba098ae0777 (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira - 2017 (7).pdf: 17053967 bytes, checksum: 282d9a25fc2337ddbbe0d09a801e9821 (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira - 2017 (8).pdf: 13201210 bytes, checksum: c784be01d079249a502dd2dff455ca27 (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira - 2017 (9).pdf: 16669209 bytes, checksum: caf85a078ee9178fcd2989dca14ad6c6 (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira - 2017 (10).pdf: 16406537 bytes, checksum: 9019ab1ca27b30efd351da8c77f3ac36 (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira - 2017 (11).pdf: 3595306 bytes, checksum: 2cc84e96aca8430238c275c770941926 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2017-04-13T13:17:38Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 12 Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira (1).pdf: 17644242 bytes, checksum: ab5fa50d404a6c4a211b84194b2443f2 (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira (2).pdf: 16660004 bytes, checksum: cf5e68fe373f5599a5185def4cd2dbc9 (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira (3).pdf: 16826382 bytes, checksum: d132111aea6718262b141b27469610cf (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira (4).pdf: 18524080 bytes, checksum: f823b94af26d66b0c3372283946a4faf (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira - 2017 (5).pdf: 18542428 bytes, checksum: fcbc6bc33ae4ce8f406d45226db9cec1 (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira - 2017 (6).pdf: 16491972 bytes, checksum: 700456f830447b127f5ebba098ae0777 (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira - 2017 (7).pdf: 17053967 bytes, checksum: 282d9a25fc2337ddbbe0d09a801e9821 (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira - 2017 (8).pdf: 13201210 bytes, checksum: c784be01d079249a502dd2dff455ca27 (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira - 2017 (9).pdf: 16669209 bytes, checksum: caf85a078ee9178fcd2989dca14ad6c6 (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira - 2017 (10).pdf: 16406537 bytes, checksum: 9019ab1ca27b30efd351da8c77f3ac36 (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira - 2017 (11).pdf: 3595306 bytes, checksum: 2cc84e96aca8430238c275c770941926 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-13T13:17:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 12 Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira (1).pdf: 17644242 bytes, checksum: ab5fa50d404a6c4a211b84194b2443f2 (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira (2).pdf: 16660004 bytes, checksum: cf5e68fe373f5599a5185def4cd2dbc9 (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira (3).pdf: 16826382 bytes, checksum: d132111aea6718262b141b27469610cf (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira (4).pdf: 18524080 bytes, checksum: f823b94af26d66b0c3372283946a4faf (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira - 2017 (5).pdf: 18542428 bytes, checksum: fcbc6bc33ae4ce8f406d45226db9cec1 (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira - 2017 (6).pdf: 16491972 bytes, checksum: 700456f830447b127f5ebba098ae0777 (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira - 2017 (7).pdf: 17053967 bytes, checksum: 282d9a25fc2337ddbbe0d09a801e9821 (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira - 2017 (8).pdf: 13201210 bytes, checksum: c784be01d079249a502dd2dff455ca27 (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira - 2017 (9).pdf: 16669209 bytes, checksum: caf85a078ee9178fcd2989dca14ad6c6 (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira - 2017 (10).pdf: 16406537 bytes, checksum: 9019ab1ca27b30efd351da8c77f3ac36 (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira - 2017 (11).pdf: 3595306 bytes, checksum: 2cc84e96aca8430238c275c770941926 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-08 / A mining enterprise is composed of a set of successive and interdependent phases between them, which may or may not culminate in the exploitation of the mineral assets. The project begins with a Mineral Exploration phase, whose objective is to discover and subsequently evaluate the deposit for the feasibility of its extraction. This process involves setting the shape, dimensions and grades, resulting in a model that will be used to determine the recoverable reserves, that is, the economically usable part of the mineral resource, which will base the decision on the implementation or not of the enterprise, based mainly on technicaleconomic criteria. The elaboration of the physical form of the geological bodies that control the mineralization (geological model) and the estimation of the geological variables that characterize the quality of the different materials can be done by two approaches: by traditional or by geostatistical methods. The latter approach is currently being preferred, as it is a more accurate alternative and therefore, more reliable over traditional methods. The work uses indicator kriging (IK) and ordinary kriging (OK), both geostatistical tools, for the determination of the geological model and estimation of the geological variables (grades), respectively, of a limestone deposit located at Indiara city, Goiás State. Finally, from the obtained model the optimal limits of the extraction were established, based on the algorithm of Lerchs-Grossmann, that maximize the net present value of the enterprise. The results showed a significant deviation between themodel calculated by IK and the reality (samples), which can have as consequence the present spatial configuration of the sample data. The estimated geological variables also showed important deviations (overestimation and/or underestimation), particularly MgO oxide. The areas of occurrence of such deviations were coincident for all variables, which makes evident the existence of problems with the current sampling grid (spacing between samples and presence of very different sample supports), in such a way that it is recommended to collect additional samples, particularly with standardized supports. The optimal pit delimited a total reserve of 109,436,160.43 tons, with a total strip ratio of 0.13, which makes the venture, at first, attractive. This configuration, however, tends to be modified according to the collection of new geological evidence. / Um empreendimento mineiro é composto por um conjunto de fases sucessivas e interdependentes entre si, as quais podem culminar ou não na explotação do bem mineral. O projeto se inicia com uma fase de Exploração Mineral, cujo objetivo é descobrir e subsequentemente avaliar o depósito quanto à viabilidade de sua extração. Tal processo envolve estabelecer a forma, as dimensões e os teores, resultando em um modelo que será utilizado para a determinação das reservas lavráveis, ou seja, a parte economicamente aproveitável do recurso mineral, a qual fundamentará a decisão sobre a implantação ou não do empreendimento a partir de critérios principalmente técnico-econômicos. A elaboração do formato físico dos corpos geológicos que controlam a mineralização (modelo geológico) e a estimativa das variáveis geológicas que caracterizam a qualidade dos diferentes materiais podem ser feitas a partir de duas abordagens: por métodos tradicionais ou por geoestatísticos. Os últimos têm sido utilizados recentemente como uma proposta mais precisa em relação aosmétodos tradicionais. O trabalho utiliza a krigagem indicadora (KI) e a krigagem ordinária (KO), ambas ferramentas geoestatísticas, para a determinação do modelo geológico e estimativa das variáveis geológicas (teores), respectivamente, em um depósito de calcário situado no município de Indiara, estado de Goiás. Por fim, a partir do modelo obtido estabeleceu-se os limites ótimos da extração baseados no algoritmo de Lerchs-Grossmann, que maximizamo valor presente líquido do empreendimento. Os resultados mostraram um desvio significativo entre o modelo calculado pela KI e realidade (amostras), o que pode ter como consequência significativa a atual configuração espacial da amostragem. As variáveis geológicas estimadas também demonstraram desvios (sobrestimativa e subestimativa) importantes, particularmente o óxido MgO. As áreas de ocorrência de tais desvios foram coincidentes para todas as variáveis, o que torna evidente a existência de problemas com a atual malha de amostragem (espaçamento entre amostras e presença suportes amostrais muito diferentes), de tal forma que se recomenda a coleta de amostras adicionais, e de suportes padronizados. A cava ótima delimitou uma reserva total de 109.436.160,43 toneladas, com uma relação estéril-minério (REM) total de 0,13, o que torna o empreendimento, a princípio, atrativo. Tal configuração, entretanto, tende a ser alterada conforme a coleta de novas evidências geológicas.

Diálogos transatlánticos: un “Boom” De Ida Y Vuelta

Pedrós-Gascón, Antonio Francisco 30 August 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Retrospektive Analyse von Diagnostik, Klinik und Verlauf bei Patienten mit Vena-cava-superior-Syndrom (obere Einflussstauung) / A retrospective analysis of the diagnosis, treatment and course in patients with superior vena cava syndrome

Bertram, Nick 04 March 2015 (has links)
No description available.

L’analyse de la faisabilité et la sécurité de l’approche chirurgicale trans-péricardique vers l’atrium droit à travers le diaphragme par la cavité abdominale : une étude cadavérique

Zhernovoi, Ihor 04 1900 (has links)
Malgré des progrès significatifs dans le diagnostic précoce, on constate ces dernières années une nette tendance à l'augmentation du nombre de patients atteints de carcinome à cellules rénales (CCR) présentant une complication spécifique sous la forme d'un thrombus tumoral (TT) s'étendant le long de la lumière de la veine cave inférieure (VCI) au-dessus du niveau du diaphragme, jusqu'à l'atrium droit. Le seul traitement efficace du CCR avec TT reste la chirurgie. La chirurgie conventionnelle comprend la néphrectomie radicale avec thrombectomie, nécessitant des techniques de pontage cardio-pulmonaire et l'arrêt de la circulation sanguine, ce qui implique toujours des complications graves. Pour les éviter, diverses options d'accès chirurgical à la partie supradiaphragmatique de la VCI et à l'atrium droit ont été proposées exclusivement par le côté abdominal, en utilisant diverses options de diaphragmotomie et de péricardotomie avec isolement de la VCI dans la cavité péricardique. L'un des points les plus importants dans le traitement chirurgical du CCR avec TT supradiaphragmatique, est le contrôle de l'extrémité distale du TT. Cette étape dépend largement de l'accès choisi. Dans ce travail, afin d'optimiser les techniques chirurgicales pour les patients atteints de TT supradiaphragmatique, nous avons comparé la faisabilité et la sécurité des différents accès chirurgicaux transdiaphragmatiques. Nous avons également proposé un accès transdiaphragmatique transpéricardique combiné comprenant des diaphragmotomies en forme de T et circulaires, combinées à des péricardotomies longitudinales et circulaires. Nous avons utilisé quatre corps préservés avec la méthode Thiel pour réaliser les simulations chirurgicales. La néphrectomie radicale avec thrombectomie a été réalisée par deux experts de manière indépendante. Quatre approches chirurgicales de la VCI supradiaphragmatique ont été réalisées consécutivement. Nous avons utilisé des simulateurs de TT de différents diamètres et densités pour étudier la palpation de l'apex du TT et son déplacement. La faisabilité et la sécurité de chaque accès et de chaque procédure chirurgicale ont été évaluées à l'aide du test du Chi carré, avec correction des comparaisons multiples (Bonferroni). Notre travail a confirmé la faisabilité et la sécurité des approches transdiaphragmatiques. Les accès transpéricardiques sont préférables dans les cas où les TT sont plus élevés. Ils constituent une alternative adéquate à la chirurgie conventionnelle en cas de TT flottant supradiaphragmatique, jusqu’à l’atrium droit. / Despite significant progress in early diagnosis, there has been a clear trend in recent years towards an increasing number of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) patients with a specific complication in the form of a tumor thrombus (TT) extending along the lumen of the inferior vena cava (IVC) above the level of the diaphragm into the right atrium. The only effective treatment for RCC with TT remains surgery. Conventional surgery includes radical nephrectomy with thrombectomy, requiring cardiopulmonary bypass techniques and cessation of blood flow, which always involves serious complications. To avoid them, various options for surgical access to the supradiaphragmatic part of the IVC and the right atrium have been proposed exclusively from the abdominal side, using various options of diaphragmotomy and pericardotomy with isolation of the IVC in the pericardial cavity. One of the most important issues in the surgical treatment of RCC with supradiaphragmatic TT is the control of the distal end of the TT. This step depends largely on the access chosen. In this work, to optimize surgical techniques for patients with supradiaphragmatic TT, we compared the feasibility and safety of different transdiaphragmatic surgical accesses. We also proposed a combined transdiaphragmatic transpericardial access including T-shaped and circular diaphragmotomies combined with longitudinal and circular pericardotomies. We used four bodies preserved with the Thiel method to perform the surgical simulations. Radical nephrectomy with thrombectomy was performed by two experts independently. Four supradiaphragmatic ICV surgical approaches were performed consecutively. We used TT simulators of different diameters and densities to study palpation of the TT apex and its displacement. The feasibility and safety of each access and surgical procedure were evaluated using the Chi-square test with correction for multiple comparisons (Bonferroni). Our work confirmed the feasibility and safety of transdiaphragmatic approaches. Transpericardial accesses are preferable in cases with higher TT. They are an adequate alternative to conventional surgery in cases of supradiaphragmatic floating TT, up to the right atrium.

The inferior vena caval compression theory of hypotension in obstetric spinal anaesthesia : studies in normal and preeclamptic pregnancy : a literature review and revision of fundamental concepts

Sharwood-Smith, Geoffrey H. January 2011 (has links)
Three clinical investigations together with a combined editorial and review of the cardiovascular physiology of spinal anaesthesia in normal and preeclamptic pregnancy form the basis of a thesis to be submitted for the degree of Doctor of Medicine at the University of St Andrews. First, the longstanding consensus that spinal anaesthesia could cause severe hypotension in severe preeclampsia was examined using three approaches. The doses of ephedrine required to maintain systolic blood pressure above predetermined limits were first compared in spinal versus epidural anaesthesia. The doses of ephedrine required were then similarly studied during spinal anaesthesia in preeclamptic versus normal control subjects. The principal outcome of these studies, that preeclamptic patients were resistant to hypotension after a spinal anaesthetic, was then further investigated by studying pulse transit time (PTT) changes in normal versus preeclamptic pregnancy. PTT was explored both as beat-to-beat monitor of cardiovascular function and also as an indicator of changes in arterial stiffness. The cardiovascular physiology of obstetric spinal anaesthesia was then reviewed in the light of the three clinical investigations, developments in reproductive vascular biology and the regulation of venous capacitance. It is argued that the theory of a role for vena caval compression as the single cause of spinal anaesthetic induced hypotension in obstetrics should be revised.

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