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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação dos critérios de invasão do seio cavernoso nas imagens de ressonância magnética de adenomas hipofisários: utilização da regressão logística na análise estatística e correlação dos exames com os achados cirúrgicos / Evaluation of cavernous sinus invasion criteria in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of pituitary adenomas: utilization of the logistic regression in the statistical analysis and correlation of the images with the surgical findings

Joaquim Oliveira Vieira Junior 16 December 2004 (has links)
O objetivo do autor neste trabalho foi definir critérios pré-operatórios de invasão do seio cavernoso em imagens de Ressonância Magnética (RM) de pacientes com adenomas hipofisários. Neste estudo retrospectivo, foram revisadas as imagens de RM de 103 pacientes com adenomas hipofisários tratados cirurgicamente (48 com invasão do seio cavernoso) e compararam 8 sinais de imagem com os achados cirúrgicos (critério de referência para invasão). A análise estatística foi realizada utilizando o teste de qui-quadrado (X2), e a sensibilidade, especificidade, valor preditivo positivo(VPP) e valor preditivo negativo (VPN) foram obtidos para cada grupo de sinais. Também foram calculados, por regressão logística, os valores de \"odds ratio\" dos critérios mais significativos, e realizada a regressão logística múltipla para análise conjunta desses critérios. O seio cavernoso não estava invadido com certeza quando: a glândula hipofisária normal estava interposta entre ele e o adenoma (VPP, 100%); o compartimento venoso medial foi visibilizado (VPP, 100%); a porcentagem de envolvimento carotídeo pelo tumor foi menor que 25% (VPN, 100%) e o tumor não cruzava a linha intercarotídea medial (VPN, 100%). A invasão do seio cavernoso era certa (VPP, 100%) se: a porcentagem de envolvimento carotídeo era igual ou maior que 45%; 3 ou mais compartimentos venosos não eram visibilizados e o compartimento venoso lateral não era visibilizado. A presença de invasão era altamente sugestiva quando: o compartimento venoso inferior não era visibilizado (VPP, 92,8%); o tumor cruzava a linha intercarotídea lateral (VPP, 96,1%) e quando a parede dural lateral do seio cavernoso estava abaulada (VPP, 92,3%). Na análise conjunta, o critério com maior significância estatística para invasão foi o envolvimento carotídeo pelo adenoma > 30% / The author\'s objective in this study was to define preoperative MRI criteria of cavernous sinus invasion by pituitary adenoma. In this retrospective study, the authors reviewed the MR images of 103 patients with pituitary adenomas treated surgically (48 with cavernous sinus invasion) and compared 8 groups of MR imaging signs with the surgical findings (the standard of reference criterion for invasion). Statistical analysis was performed using a qui-square test (X2), and the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) were obtained for each group of signs. The odds ratio of the most significant criteria was also obtained and the multiple logistic regression test was used to evaluate the criteria all together. The cavernous sinus was definitely not invaded when: normal pituitary gland was interposed between the adenoma and it (PPV, 100%); the medial venous compartment was depicted (PPV, 100%); the percentage of encasement of the intracavernous internal carotid artery (ICA) was lower than 25% (NPV, 100%) and the medial intercarotid line was not crossed (NPV, 100%). Invasion of the cavernous sinus was certain (PPV, 100%) if: the percentage of encasement of the intracavernous ICA was 45% or greater and three or more venous compartment or the lateral venous compartment was not depicted. It was highly probable invaded if: the inferior venous compartment was not depicted (PPV, 92,8%); the lateral intercarotid line was crossed (PPV, 96,1%) and the lateral dural wall of the cavernous sinus was bulged (PPV, 92,3%). The most valuable criterion of cavernous sinus invasion by statistical analysis was the percentage of encasement of intracavernous ICA >30%.

Radiocirurgia e radioterapia estereotática no tratamento de meningeomas sintomáticos do seio cavernoso / Radiosurgery and stereotactic radiotherapy in the treatment of symptomatic cavernous sinus meningiomas

Sebastião Francisco Miranda Corrêa 18 July 2014 (has links)
Introdução: Radiocirurgia estereotática (RCE) e radioterapia estereotática fracionada (RCEF) são inovações modernas de procedimentos radioterápicos, de alta precisão que modelam o feixe de radiação para coincidir com o contorno da lesão, por meio de um sistema de imobilização exata do paciente ao aparelho, com definição do alvo através da fusão de imagens de RM, TC, Angiografia e PET/CT; em que pelas coordenadas de referência estereotática, determina-se que a dose de radiação de alta energia prescrita pelo médico seja depositada somente no volume-alvo, com preservação dos tecidos sadios, órgãos ou estruturas localizadas em suas adjacências. Meningeomas do seio cavernoso (MSCs) representam um problema especial porque podem evoluir comprimindo ou infiltrando estruturas neurovasculares presentes no seio cavernoso. Há evidências de que a RCE e a RCEF proporcionam controle satisfatório do crescimento dos meningeomas do seio cavernoso (MSCs) com efeitos adversos reduzidos. Objetivo: Avaliar resultados da avaliação clínica e da neuroimagem de doentes sintomáticos com MSCs tratados com RCEF ou RCE exclusivamente ou de modo adjuvante à neurocirurgia. Casuística e métodos: Estudo tipo coorte e retrospectivo sobre a avaliação de 89 doentes com MSC sintomático tratados com RCE (36%) ou RCEF (64%) entre janeiro de 1994 e março de 2009 e acompanhados até o final de 2012. Haviam sido submetidos à ressecação neurocirúrgica parcial (Simpson IV) ou à biopsia (Simpson V) previamente à radioterapia 29,2% dos doentes. A dose média de RCE foi de 14Gy, e a dose total de RCEF variou entre 50,4 e 54Gy, sendo fracionada em 1,8-2Gy/dose/dia. Resultados: O período de acompanhamento variou entre 36 e 180 meses (mediana de 73 meses). A percentagem de melhora dos sintomas neuroclínicos individuais e de melhora clínica e radiológica (p > 0,05) apresentou valores semelhantes nos doentes tratados com RCE ou RCEF, sendo respectivamente de 41,6% e 48,3%. Em 37% dos doentes, houve manutenção de, pelo menos, uma queixa neurológica apresentada antes do tratamento e, em 43,8%, a imagem do MSC manteve-se inalterada. O período livre de progressão do MSC em 5, 10 e 15 anos foi de 98,8%, 92,3% e 92,3%, respectivamente. Houve progressão da doença em quatro doentes (4,5%). A melhora dos sintomas neurológicos em doentes submetidos previamente à neurocirurgia ocorreu de maneira mais lenta em relação aos não operados, em razão de manipulação de nervos cranianos. Alguns sintomas pós-operatórios, como a ptose palpebral unilateral, persistiram permanentemente. Nenhuma complicação grave foi observada. Sete doentes apresentaram neuropatia óptica transitória durante 3 meses que melhorou com o uso de corticoides, dois neuropatia trigeminal que melhorou com uso de esteroides e um doente apresentou obstrução total da artéria carótida interna sem repercussão neurológica. Letargia e cefaléia foram os sintomas temporários imediatos mais frequentes. Conclusões: A RCEF e a RCE são métodos seguros e eficazes para tratar doentes com MSC sintomático. Proporcionam melhora ou estabilização da sintomatologia na maioria dos casos, e estabilização ou regressão do tumor demonstrado pela neuroimagem em mais de 90% deles. Ocorreu recuperação dos sintomas neurológicos preexistentes mais rapidamente em doentes não submetidos previamente à neurocirurgia. Houve recorrência do tumor em 4,5% dos doentes. Em até 15 anos de acompanhamento, não se evidenciou indução tumoral com o tratamento / Introduction: Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) and fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy (FSRS) are modern innovations in radiotherapy procedures, precision shaping the radiation beam to match the contour of the lesion, through a system of accurate patient immobilization to the device, defining target through the fusion of MRI, CT, angiography and PET / CT, which is determined by reference to stereotactic coordinates. The radiation dose of high energy prescribed by the doctor to be delivery only in the target interest, with preservation of healthy tissues, organs or structures located in their vicinity. Cavernous sinus meningiomas (CSMs) pose a special problem because they can evolve compressing or infiltrating the neurovascular structures present of the cavernous sinus. There are evidences that SRS and FRS are efficient in the treatment of CSMs. Objectives: The evaluation of the long-term clinical results and neuroimaging findings in patients with symptomatic CSM treated with FSRT or SRS as single therapy or after a previous neurosurgical treatment. Patients and methods: Retrospective cohort study involving 89 patients with symptomatic CSMs treated with SRS (36%) or FSRS (64%) from January 1994 to March 2009, and followed until the end of 2012. Previous neurosurgical partial resection (Simpson IV) or biopsies (Simpson V) had been performed in 29.2% of the patients. The median dose of SRS was 14Gy and the total dose of FSRT ranged from 50.4 to 54Gy, fractionated in 1.8 to 2Gy/dose/day. Results: The follow-up period ranged from 36 to 180 months (median= 73months). There was improvement in the individual symptoms and in the clinical and radiological findings regardless the radiotherapeutic method in 41.6% and 48.3% of the patients treated with SRS or FSRT, respectively (p > 0,05). In 37% of the patients, at least one neurological complaint present before the treatment did not change and in 43.8% patients, the image of the tumor remained stable. The progression-free survival in 5, 10 and 15 years was 98.8%, 92.3% and 92.3%, respectively. The improvement of neurological symptoms in patients previously treated with neurosurgery was slower or did not occur as in nonpreviously operated patients. Lethargy and headache were the most frequent transient immediate post-radiotherapy symptoms. Seven patients presented transient optic neuropathy during 3 months and improved with corticosteroids, 2 presented trigeminal neuropathy that remitted rapidly with steroids, and one, had total occlusion of the internal carotid artery without neurological consequences. Conclusions: Both FSRT and SRS were equally safe and effective in the management of symptomatic CSMs. There was improvement or stabilization of the neurological symptoms in the majority ofthe patients and stabilization or regression of the neuroimaging of the lesion in more them 90% of them. The recovery of preexisting cranial neuropathies occurred faster and was more frequent in patients not previously treated with surgical procedure. There was recurrence in 4.5% of the patients. No radiation-induced tumor was observed term during the longest 15 years follow-up

Etude anatomique et fonctionnelle de l’innervation pelvipérinéale de la femme : cartographie tridimensionnelle de l’expression de la forme neurale de l’enzyme de synthèse de l’oxyde nitrique (nNOS) / Morphologic and functional study of female pelvic-perineal innervation

Moszkowicz, David 19 October 2012 (has links)
Si les connaissances anatomiques supportent l’élaboration des techniqueschirurgicales, peu d’informations étaient disponibles sur l’anatomie et la physiologie del’innervation pelvi-périnéale. La détermination précise de l’origine, du trajet péri-viscéral, desrapports anatomiques avec les organes et les vaisseaux de voisinage et de la terminaison deces nerfs au niveau d’organes dont ils commandent la fonction était jusqu’alors peu accessibleaux techniques anatomiques classiques de dissection macroscopique sur sujet cadavérique.Dans le domaine de la chirurgie pelvienne pour cancer, l’amélioration de la qualité de vie desmalades passe par la préservation de ces structures nerveuses, la dimension fonctionnelle étantdésormais indissociable des impératifs carcinologiques. En effet, l’intégrité de ces nerfs estindispensable aux fonctions de continence sphinctérienne et de sexualité. Par ailleurs, lamajorité des travaux s’intéressant aux séquelles fonctionnelles postopératoires sont réaliséschez l’homme et très peu de travaux concernent exclusivement les femmes dont les troublessexuels sont plus difficiles à identifier. La réduction de ces troubles fonctionnelspostopératoires passe donc par une meilleure compréhension de l’anatomie nerveuse pelvipérinéale,qui peut être éclaircie par de nouvelles techniques d’étude / Anatomical knowledge is required for the development of surgical techniques,but little is known about the anatomy and physiology of innervation in the pelvic/perinealarea. The origin, perivisceral trajectory, anatomical relationships to organs and neighbouringvessels and of the endings of these nerves in the organs they control has not, to date, beeneasy to determine precisely by classical anatomical techniques based on the macroscopicdissection of cadavers. In the domain of pelvic cancer surgery, improvements in the quality oflife of patients are dependent on the preservation of these nervous system structures; themaintenance of function cannot be dissociated from oncological imperatives. Indeed, theintegrity of these nerves is essential for sphincter continence and sexual functions. Moststudies have focused on the functional sequelae of surgery in men. Very few studies havefocused exclusively on women, in whom sexual problems are more difficult to identify. Thereduction of such postsurgical functional problems thus requires a more completeunderstanding of the anatomy of the pelvic/perineal nervous system. This may be possiblethrough the use of new investigative techniques

L’innervation intra-pelvienne : étude anatomique et immuno-histochimique avec reconstruction tridimensionnelle / The intra-pelvic innervation : anatomical and immuno-histochemical study with three-dimensional reconstruction

Alsaid, Bayan 06 May 2011 (has links)
Introduction : L’utilisation des méthodes anatomiques classiques rend difficile la localisationprécise des micro-fibres nerveuses et ne permet pas de déterminer leur nature ni leur fonction.La chirurgie pelvienne est associée à des séquelles urinaires et sexuelles fréquentes causéespar lésion iatrogène des nerfs pelviens. La connaissance de l’anatomie et de la physiologie del’innervation intra-pelvienne est fondamentale pour tenter de réduire le taux de troublesfonctionnels postopératoires.Objectifs : i) étudier l’anatomie topographique et la nature de fibres nerveuses intrapelvienneen utilisant la reconstruction tridimensionnelle des coupes histologiques immunomarquéesii) standardiser la technique de Dissection Anatomique Assistée par Ordinateur(DAAO) et vérifier sa faisabilité sur des sujets adultes et iii) établir grâce à cette technique deDAAO des modèles pédagogiques tridimensionnels afin d’améliorer la compréhension desdysfonctions sphinctériennes et sexuelles survenant après la chirurgie (rectale et prostatique)et d’adapter éventuellement la technique opératoire.Matériel et méthodes : Des coupes histologiques sériées de pelvis ont été réalisées chez septfoetus masculins, sept foetus féminins et six cadavres adultes masculins. Les coupes ont ététraitées par des méthodes histologiques (Hématoxyline-Eosine et trichrome de Masson) etimmuno-histochimiques pour détecter les fibres nerveuses (anti-S100), les fibres somatiques(anti-PMP22), les fibres adrénergiques (anti-TH), cholinergiques (anti-VAChT), sensitives(anti-SP/CGRP) et nitrergiques (anti-nNOS) ainsi que l’actine lisse des sphincters. Les lamesont ensuite été numérisées par un scanner de haute résolution optique et les imagesbidimensionnelles ont été reconstruites en trois dimensions grâce au logiciel WinSurf.Résultats: La reconstruction tri-dimensionnelle des coupes histologiques immuno-marquéesa permis d'identifier l’anatomie topographique et structurelle de l’innervation intra-pelvienne.Les structures nerveuses afférentes du plexus hypogastrique inférieur (PHI) : nerfssplanchniques pelviens (NSP) et nerfs hypogastriques (NH) véhiculent de façon mixte l’influxsympathique et parasympathique pelvien.Les fibres nerveuses issues de la partie distale du PHI sont responsables de la continenceurinaire et de la fonction sexuelle. Elles sont regroupées et associées au pédicule vasculairepour former la bandelette neuro-vasculaire (BNV). Trois efférences principales sont issues decette BNV : i) des fibres antérieures destinées au sphincter urétral, ii) des fibres antérolatérales,par rapport à la prostate et au vagin, constituant le nerf caverneux destiné aux corpscaverneux du pénis/clitoris et iii) des fibres nerveuses postéro-latérales, par rapport à laprostate et au vagin, formant le « nerf spongieux » destiné aux corps spongieux/bulbesvestibulaires.Les communications autonomiques-somatiques entre le PHI supra-lévatorien et le nerfpudendal infra-lévatorien existent à trois niveaux ; proximal, intermédiaire et distal. Lacommunication distale caverno-pudendale est responsable de l’activité érectile segmentaireobservée au sein du nerf dorsal du pénis/clitoris.Conclusion: La DAAO est une méthode originale de recherche anatomique qui a étéprogressivement améliorée au sein de notre unité de recherche. Cette évolution illustre le faitque l'anatomie descriptive est encore une science dynamique. Notre étude a permis dedévelopper des modèles anatomo-physiologiques d’innervation pelvienne contribuant àaméliorer du point de vue morphologique, chirurgical et pédagogique la compréhension derégions anatomiques complexes comme le petit bassin. / Introduction: Classic anatomical methods have limitations in micro determination of nervefibre location. Furthermore, the precise detection of the nerve fibres nature is not possible bymeans of dissection. Pelvic surgery is associated with urinary and sexual consequence causedby iatrogenic damage of the pelvic nerves. Anatomic and physiologic knowledge of the intrapelvicinnervation is essential to reduce the rate of postoperative functional complication.Objectives: i) to study the topographic anatomy and the nature of intra-pelvic nerve fibersusing three-dimensional reconstruction of histological immuno-labeled sections ii)standardize the technique of Computer-Assisted Anatomic Dissection (CAAD) and check itsfeasibility on adult subjects iii) reconstructe three dimensional teaching models to improveunderstanding of urinary and sexual dysfunction occurring after surgery (of rectal and ofprostate) to ameliorate the operative technique.Materials and methods: serial histological sections of pelvic portion were performed inseven male foetuses, seven female foetuses and six adult male cadavers. The sections weretraited by histological methods (Hematoxylin-Eosin and Masson's trichrome) and immunohistochemicalmarker of the nerve fibers (anti-S100), the somatic fibers (anti-PMP22), theadrenergic (anti-TH), cholinergic (anti-VAChT), sensory (anti-SP/CGRP) and nitrergic (antinNOS)fibers and the actin smooth muscles. The slides were then digitized by a scanner ofhigh optical resolution and two-dimensional images were reconstructed in three dimensionsusing WinSurf software.Results: The three dimensional reconstruction of histological immuno-labelled sectionsidentified structural and topographic anatomy of intra-pelvic innervation. The afferencenerves of the inferior hypogastric plexus (IHP): pelvic splanchnic nerves (PSN) andhypogastric nerves (HN) contain both sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers.The nerve fibers from the distal part of the IHP is responsible for urinary continence andsexual function. They are grouped and associated with the vascular pedicle to form theneurovascular bundles (NVB). Efferences of this NVB are distributed in three maindirections: i) anterior fibers the urethral sphincter, ii) anterolateral fibers, compared withprostate / vagina, which constitute the cavernous nerve for the corpora cavernosa of the penis/ clitoris and iii) " spongious nerve”, which is the continuity of posterior-lateral nerve fibers,compared with prostate / vagina, for the corpus spongiosum / vestibular bulbs.Autonomic-somatic communications between supra-lavator IHP and infra-levator pudendalnerve are present at three levels; proximal, intermediate and distal communications. Cavernopudendaldistal communication provides segmental erectile activity of the dorsal nerve of thepenis / clitoris.Conclusion: The CAAD is an original method in anatomical research which has beenprogressively improved. This illustrates the fact that descriptive anatomy is still a dynamicscience. Our study has developed anatomico-physiological models of intra-pelvic innervationcontributing to a better understanding of complex anatomical

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