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Potřeba zavedení holistického přístupu v péči o dítě s diagnózou dětská mozková obrna / The need of holistic approach concerning the treatment of child diagnosed with cerebral palsyŠLECHTOVÁ, Dana January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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E-learning a jeho používání z pohledu výuky společenských věd. / E-learning and Its Use in Tuition of Social SciencesRůžanská, Hana January 2015 (has links)
This doctoral thesis provides a comprehensive treatise of contemporary modern methods of education including e-learning. In its preface the author presents its content, purpose, basis and objectives and sets the main goal of the thesis, namely an intention to analyse and evaluate the latest trends in e-learning, modern forms of education and use of information technology in organisation of studies. Sub-objectives of this dissertation relate to the structure of its prime objective and correspond with its individual chapters in which it presents the history of e-learning within the history of science and institutional education, evaluates the position of e-learning and other modern forms of education in the scope of political and legislative priorities of the European Union and of the Czech Republic and presents several core strategic and legislative documents covering this area also in connection with the concept of lifelong learning. The key theoretical part of the thesis contains a detailed overview of main theoretical issues related to e-learning and other modern forms of education in contemporary local and international literature. This part describes e-learning as a part of the concept of lifelong learning, provides basic definitions of e-learning as well as an analysis of related terms,...
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Specifika vzdělávání pedagogických pracovníků / The specifics of teacher's educationShánilová, Ivana January 2014 (has links)
Dissertation is focused on the continuing education of teachers in terms of the current legisla-tion of the European Union and the Czech Republic as one of the key adaptive mechanisms that ensure the ability of the education system to adequately respond to the ever changing so-cial conditions in today's globalized world. The theoretical part through the analysis of different theoretical approaches to further education, defines and describes the issue of further education of teachers, the system - specific conditions, areas and its financing. It deals with the areas of the teacher's profession, their competences, career structure and professional standards. The empirical part of this dissertation, based on empirical research, describes the system of further education of teachers both in terms of school managment, and from the perspective of teachers and it maps specific factors affecting the quality of the current further education of teachers. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Pojmové mapy a jejich využití v učení vysokoškolských studentů / Concept Maps and Their Use in Learning of University StudentsZůnová, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
This thesis presents concept maps as an alternative tool for learning of adult university students. The theoretical part explains the changes in the ability to learn of these adult students. The thesis presents basic information about concept maps and describes specific examples for their use by university students. I describe the advantages and disadvantages which bring them this information recording graphical tool. The empirical part combines all topics of the theoretical part. Qualitative research presents the subjective views of adult university students on changes in their ability to learn. They try to create concept map and then they give their subjective views on this tool and their previous experience with it.
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Vzdělávací aktivity vybrané společnosti / Educational activities of a chosen companyKořínková, Eliška January 2012 (has links)
This master thesis on the theme Educational activities of a chosen company deal with the program for graduates called ČP Naděje which is organized by Česká pojišťovna. The thesis is divided into five chapters. The first one explains the terms of human resources and human capital and characterize the concept of personnel work. There is also derived from knowledge of organizational structures how important human resources are for organizations. The second chapter is about adult education. This chapter consists of learning process characterization and determination of position of corporate learning and development in the educational system. The third chapter deals with the corporate training and development. There are mentioned personnel planning, recruitment and selection of new workers because these come before training and development of human resources. The fourth chapter focuses on the company Česká pojišťovna and its human resources department. The fifth chapter discusses the program for university graduates ČP Naděje. This chapter describes the form and development of the program. There are discussed the results of questionnaire survey performed among the program participants. The final chapter includes also comparison of the program ČP Naděje with program for graduates organized by competing company.
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Hodnocení stavebního projektu z hlediska celoživotních nákladů / Evaluation of Construction Project from aspect of Whole Life CostsFoitlová, Lucie January 2018 (has links)
The theoretical part deals at the beginning with evaluation of effectiveness of the project, as well as with the information about individual stages of the life cycle of the building, wear and tear of the buildings, lifetime of the elements and whole life costs of the building that are of particular interest to the investor. In conclusion, there are mentioned wastes and emissions. The thesis is completed by a case study of the family house where the whole life costs of the building life cycle are solved.
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Environmentální porovnání dřevostavby a zděné stavby bytového domu / Environmental assessment of timbered house and brickwork block of flatsOstrovský, Milan January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the evaluation of sustainable construction. It is a multi-criteria evaluation focused on building environmental, socio-cultural sphere, economics and management. The reviews I chose passive apartment house in two of designs. The purpose of this study is to compare the standard insulated brick buildings and in our non-traditional wood construction. At the beginning there will explain the basic concepts associated with the topic. After that, the problems of the sustainable construction and environmental impact assessment, which will describe the basic concepts, methodologies, criteria, description of evaluation. The last part will be made an example of evaluation SBToolCZ brick and wooden buildings passive residential Duma. Comparison of both results achieved certification and think about the advantages or disadvantages of both options. The aim of this thesis is dedicated readers and explain to them the issues of this topic.
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Komunitní služby knihovny pro uživatele střední generace / The library community services for users of the middle generationVýskalová, Petra January 2015 (has links)
Thesis Community services of library for middle-aged citizens deals with ways, which transform services of libraries from traditional borrowing services to community services in recent years. Most importantly, it discusses which kind of events are seen as interesting for middle-aged citizens aged 40-55, or more precisely what makes this group visit the library. First part of the thesis deals with definition of basic terms, such as community library, services of libraries, middle-age citizens and lifelong education. Further, it describes examples of new concept of libraries and library services in practice in age, when printed documents are not as necessary for users as they used to be. Next step of the thesis is the analysis of statistic figures, services and events hosted by three chosen libraries - Masaryk public library in Vsetín, town libraries in Nový Jičín and Valašské Meziříčí. The survey of interest preferences of middle-aged users is divided into two parts. First part deals with effects of survey research among users and potential users of libraries in monitored age, where interest preferences and relationship of respondent to library and its services. Second part summarizes answers of nine of them, who were asked to comment on composition of events, which occurred in libraries in course...
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Problematika celoživotního vzdělávání v kontextu profese knihovníka a informačního pracovníka ve zdravotnictví. Analýza potřeb a návrh konceptu / The issue of lifelong learning in the context of the profession of librarian and information professional in health care. Needs analysis and a proposal of the conceptBouzková, Helena January 2018 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the profession of librarian and information professional in health care in the context of lifelong learning. The target group are professionals of information institutions in the network of public health information services in the Czech Republic. Content analysis of Czech and foreign materials and sociological quantitative research carried out by questionnaires in the Czech Republic's health information institutions are methods for analysing the needs of the librarian and information specialist in the health care sector in the Czech Republic. The output is a proposal of the concept of a lifelong professional education program called Competencies of the medical librarian for the performance of library and information activities. The lifelong education of medical librarians in connection with the concept of lifelong education of librarians in the Czech Republic is a process that will enable to gain necessary qualifications (professional knowledge and skills, general skills and soft skills) to perform this responsible and demanding profession.
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Knihovnická regionální vzdělávací centra (analýza činnosti) / Library regional educatuional centers (activity analysis)Kniezková, Michaela January 2012 (has links)
The thesis work deals with the system of linking-up education of librarians, which is implemented through the region's education centres which work in the county libraries.In this centre there is National Library of The Czech Republic, which in the partnership of the professional institutions digestedly operates and coordinates the function of the provided services which are operate by regional centres.The target is to provide relevant information, which might be use while framing the education activities of librarian regional centres.The part of my work is the research aimed to analyze of the partial implications, which might effect the quality and the enforcement of its function.
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