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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evropský program Grundtvig jako jedna z možností profesního rozvoje jedinců v oblasti vzdělávání dospělých / European programme Grundtvig as an option of persons' development in adult education

Bachurová, Aneta January 2012 (has links)
and keywords The thesis "European programme Grundtvig as an option of persons' development in adult education" is conceived as an analytical insight into lifelong learning and education with an orientation on European education programme Grundtvig. The goal of this thesis is to emphasize a significance of the community programme Grundtvig, which support a new European strategy and to point out another option of adults' professional development. This thesis is particularly addressed to a lifelong learning progress in last years and described particular education activities within the frame of Lifelong Learning Programme 2007 - 2013. The main part is focused on the key issues in adult learning. Particularly is focused on current adult education situation in Europe, European Union strategic documents and on success implementation of the lifelong learning concept within particular national politics. At the end are also discussed European structural funds, which represent other possibility of European Union support in terms of adult education. The conclusions can be summarized as follows: although European Union significantly supports particular members in area of adult education, whether by programme Grundtvig or structural funds, there is a strong need to implement, support and propagate the lifelong...

Inovace v řízení neformálního vzdělávání / Innovations in the management of non-formal education

Gaydošová, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
This final thesis deals with innovations in the management of informal education. The main objective is to highlight the importance of innovations in informal and leisure education, and bring inspiration to the managers of informal and leisure education in the form of examples of good practice. In the theoretical part informal and interest education is incorporated into the overall educational system of the Czech Republic and its development is illustrated on the laws and decrees from 1948 to present. The research in the form of structured interview with respondents revealed their view on innovations in leisure education and showed their experience with the introduction of innovations in their own organizations. The process and the conclusions of structured interviews clearly highlighted the need for innovation in informal and leisure education for the competitiveness of informal education organizations. The executives of school facilities for leisure education as well as organizations of informal education can hereby find inspiration for each specific innovation in the examples of good practice.

Aktivační centra - celoživotní vzdělávání dospělých osob s mentálním postižením / Activation centres - lifelong learning of adults with mental disability

Máchová, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
The master thesis deals with the problem of lifelong learning of adults with mental disability in Activation Centre courses. The aim of this thesis is to introduce the pilot project of Activation Centres as one of the lifelong learning posibilities for adults with mental disability. The mental retardation and adulthood of people with mental disability are briefly defined. The common system of education of people with mental disability in the Czech Republic is described with the emphasis on crucial area of lifelong learning. Activation Centres are defined in detail. The survey, which is monitoring the circumstances of existing education in Activation Centres from the lecturers'and methodists'point of view, is introduced in the conclusion. An essential part of this thesis comprises of the interviews with courses participants themselves. Keywords Mental retardation, adulthood, education, education of people with mental disability, lifelong learning, Activation Centre, quality of life.

Změny na trhu práce v éře globalizace / Labour market changes in the era of globalization

Stočková, Eva January 2013 (has links)
This thesis introduces issues of globalization in the context of work (not only employment) and education. Further, it follows up the impacts of globalization processes on forms of work and on (working) individuals. The topic of globalization is examined in more detail in the first part of the thesis with emphasis on different concepts and approaches to globalization. At the same time this part defines the contemporary globalization. Work as such is introduced by historical excursion and by a list of changes of work in modern society. There are also presented some of the experts' solutions or recommendations for the labour markets including solutions through long-life education and learning. In most cases the "pros and cons" of changes of work and the submitted solutions are confronted. Main findings of this study are: globalization brings contradictory conclusions which provide advantages and disadvantages to various people and groups; there is a link between globalized economy and working individuals; and at the same time that the link between globalization processes and education is in such a sense that changes in education are often derived from the ideas of economics.

Praktické využití dokumentu "Plán adaptačního procesu všeobecných sester na jednotce intenzivní péče" v ČR a jeho srovnání s praxí ve Velké Británii / Practical use of the document "The Adaptation Process Plan for Nurses in Intensive Care Unit" in the Czech Republic and its comparison with the practice in the United Kingdom

Skřivanová, Eva January 2017 (has links)
The Adaptation Process Plan document should serve as a tool for ensuring that the adaptation process of a new employee to an intensive care unit is properly led. It is also supposed to help with feedback and evaluation of the level of the newcomer's skills. The main goal of this thesis was to find out how effectively the Adaptation Process Plan document is currently used for nurses in intensive care units in the Czech Republic. We furthermore aimed to ascertain how the plans are filled in, whether their individual parts are filled in on a regular basis, as well as whether the parts which have been graded as insufficient are explained again to the employee. Last but not least, we tried to compare how the document is used in the Czech Republic and in the United Kingdom. The qualitative research was carried out by interviewing three nurses who have completed the adaptation process to intensive care units - one in the United Kingdom and two in the Czech Republic. The results show that according to our research group, the Adaptation Process Plan document is not effectively used in the Czech Republic, especially in comparison with the United Kingdom. The ways of filling in the document differ in these countries, particularly with regard to its regularity and thoroughness. The parts which had been graded...

Proměna vzdělávání učitelů chemie v České republice / Transforming teacher education of chemistry in the Czech republic

Čerňanská, Božena January 2011 (has links)
Title: Transforming teacher education of chemistry in the Czech Republic Abstract: The title of the dissertation is 'Transforming teacher education of chemistry in the Czech Republic'. The work describes and analyzes the current system of the pregraduate prospective teachers' training of chemistry at universities and faculties of science focused on teaching science as well the subsequent in-service education of chemistry teachers in this country. The work also takes into account the post-war development of education in the republic from 1945 until present and the list of all the universities and faculties that educate chemistry teachers. The most important section of this work identifies and analyzes the current state of training and further education of chemistry teachers and the design of chemistry teachers educational conception in the Czech Republic. Key words: teaching profession, undergraduate pre-service teacher training, continuing in-service teacher training/education, educational institutions, curriculum reform, lifelong educatio

Informální učení při výkonu dobrovolnické činnosti / Informal Learning within Volunteering Activities

Štvánová, Alena January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis elaborates on the topic of informal learning within volunteering activities with children and youth. It is based on the concept of lifelong learning and describes characteristics of informal learning and volunteer work. It pays attention to types of motivation for volunteering and shows the possibilities of informal learning within volunteering activities with children and youth. The empirical research uses the questionnaire to examine the forms of self-directed learning. In particular, it examines the areas in which the self-directed learning is most frequently carried out and the impact of the most frequently held function on choice of areas of self-directed learning. The research also focuses on the impact of reciprocal motivation on the proportion of self-directed learning realized within volunteering activities and on the perception of selected activities as the source of new incentives and information. The ending part of the thesis contains interpretation of results and recommendation for future research in the field.

Aplikace kompetenčního modelu v podmínkách veřejné obchodní akademie / Applying the Competence Model in the Public Business Academy

Dobaková, Petra January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with the use of competences and competency model as an effective tool of personnel management of the organization. Competency - based / HR / Management (CBM) is an actively used model primarily in the commercial sphere. However, in recent years, more and more government organizations have also approached this governance model. The theoretical and empirical part of the thesis deals with the issue of acquiring and using various types of competencies, compiling a competency model and their subsequent application in personnel management. The definition of basic terms and principles of competency management is based on the study of professional literature and binding documents that link the principles of competence management to the lifelong learning strategy and learning organization models. The empirical part first deals with the actual use of competencies and competency models in the conditions of public business academies in Prague and Central Bohemia. It describes the current state of use of human resources management by competency of the director of public business academies in the region. The observed state is compared with the results of the Trexima, spol. s r.o. in the commercial organizations, which was implemented in 2014. The empirical part is further focused on the...

Rozvoj a další profesní vzdělávání osobních trenérů fitness / Development and further professional education of personal fitness trainers

Jančovičová, Nikola January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with the issue of adult education and development, is specially focused on the group of personal fitness trainers, their development and further professional education. In the theoretical part of the thesis, great attention is paid to the conceptualization and systemization of adult education, instead of adult education within the concept of lifelong learning. The thesis deals with one of the most important areas of education, namely further education. It deals with individual subsystems of further education with an emphasis on further professional adult education. The work also brings information about the possibilities of education and development of people in organizations, it deals with the importance of company education. The need for strategic and systematic staff training is highlighted. The work describes individual methods of education, both in the workplace and outside the workplace. A separate chapter focuses on personal fitness trainer, its characteristics, professional competencies and selected forms of coaching education. The aim of this thesis is to identify and to analyze the educational and development needs of personal fitness trainers. Quantitative research is carried out by a questionnaire survey and the data are supplemented with the results of semi-structured...


TRČKOVÁ, Miroslava January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to examine all aspects relating to the e-learning and information apply to the possibility of lifelong education in the field of accounting has just through e-learning. This is mainly on the evaluation of the effectiveness of e-learning in the teaching of accounting and the identification of the problematic circuits.

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