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Analýza vzdělanostní struktury pracovníků ve vysokoškolských knihovnách ČR / Analysis of the educational structure of employees in the university libraries of the Czech RepublicKulová, Sára January 2021 (has links)
(English) The aim of this diploma thesis is to assess the current state of the educational structure of staff in university libraries on a research sample of university libraries, which are members of the Association of Libraries of Czech Universities. In the introduction, the thesis presents a brief historical excursion into the development of the position of the university librarian. At present, greater demands are placed on the skills and knowledge of the university librarian. The librarian can obtain them by starting school, retraining courses, or lifelong learning. The legislation does not yet specify the requirements of the professional competence for work as a librarian in the library. The practical part deals with the analysis of the educational structure of staff and the management of university libraries. I am interested in their attitude to further education and also what they would appreciate in this area. Data collection is ensured via a combination of a questionnaire survey and subsequent interviews, which complete the results of the questionnaires. Chosen research methods were intended for both groups. The conclusion of the thesis evaluates all findings and offers possible solutions to the problems existing in the field of further education.
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Vzdělávání dospělých na základních uměleckých školách / Adult Education at Basic Art SchoolsPelikánová, Anna January 2020 (has links)
The thesis focuses on art education of adults, more specifically on art education of adults at basic art schools in Prague and Central Bohemia. The thesis discusses the low frequency of exploiting of this kind of education and its reasons and presents suggestions to broaden education of adults at basic art schools. Theoretical part of the thesis defines leisure education of adults at the beginning and continues with definition of cultural and aesthetic education of adults, while it focuses on art and music education. The final chapter of theoretical part describes basic art schools and their associations. Statistical and other data connected to edult education at basic art schools in Prague and Central Bohemia are analysed in analytical part of the thesis. The research is completed with a questionnaire inquiry and is followed by suggestions for more frequent exploiting of adult education at basic art schools. The results are summarized at the end of the thesis. KEYWORDS Andragogy, Basic Art Schools, Adult Education, Lifelong Learning, Leisure Education, Art Education
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Analýza vzdělávacích potřeb zaměstnanců ve fakultní nemocnici / Faculty hospital employee educational requirement analysisDubovický, Miroslav January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on topic of educational needs of hospital and faculty of medicine employees, concretely doctors performing medical and pedagogical services. The theoretical part deals with the issue of employee management and development and with legislative confirmation of doctors need to constantly educate themselves. Lifelong learning, by extension, andragogy, is a tool for more active using of innovative methods and instruments for developing digital competences. Economical, sociological and sociopolitical analysis reflect educational needs analysis and emphasize the need for lifelong learning without regard for subjective or objective typological dimension. The major goal of this thesis is to analyze current condition of doctor's educational needs who perform medical and pedagogical services considering continual digitization development. I chose qualitative research investigation, two methods of questioning to gain required data. The analysis of doctor's educational needs in university hospital proved that current industrial revolution is professionally included not only by reason of subjective dimension of needs but also because of protecting themselves and their employers at particular performances.
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Problematika dalšího profesního vzdělávání odborných zaměstnanců Vězeňské služby České republiky / Issues of further professional education of employees of the Prison Service of the Czech RepublicKříž, Jaroslav January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of further professional education of professional employees working in the Prison Service of the Czech Republic (VS ČR) and the possibilities of its development. The aim of the diploma thesis is to conceptualize and characterize further vocational education, with emphasis on the analysis and identification of educational needs and motivation of professionals to continue their education. Furthermore, to carry out research aimed at monitoring the use of methods and forms of education and development of employees. The theoretical part of the diploma thesis deals with the definition and relationship of basic concepts in the field of further education, systematic education, analysis of educational needs, organizational structure of VS ČR, description of selected aspects of further vocational education in the context of lifelong learning. Attention is paid to the system of education, structure and identification of educational needs in the field of public administration in the Czech Republic. Furthermore, a description of the model of the concept of management of further education of VS ČR employees is implemented. At the end of the theoretical part of the work we deal with professional training and further education of prison staff abroad. The...
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Vývoj neformálního vzdělávání v ČR po roce 1989 a jeho současný stav / The evolution of the informal education in the Czech Republic since 1989 up to the present days, and its situation todayBrzková, Martina January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to describe a topic which is difficult to define, i. e. the evolution of the informal education in the Czech Republic since 1989 up to the present days, and its present situation. The paper concentrates on the organizations working with children and youth and tries to identify the important moments of the evolution of the informal education and the aspects in which this type of education may be irreplaceable. The theoretical part of the paper deals with the evolution of the citizen society, the change of the position of people in its framework and the influence of the education and leisure time on the personality of present people. The quantitative, empirical part of the paper presents the results of a survey via questionnaires among organizations working with children and youth in the region of central Bohemia. Key words Non-Formal Education, Hobby Education, Lifelong Education, Leisure Time, NGO, Civil Society
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Podoba naplňování principů komunitního vzdělávání v praxi. Případová studie komunitní školy / The forms of implementation of the principles of community education in practice. Case study of a community school.Dvořáčková, Veronika January 2014 (has links)
2 Abstract The mail aim of this thesis is to set the concept of community education in the broader perspective of historical sociology and to do a case study to find out in which ways the selected Czech primary community school fulfils the principles of community education in practice. Firstly, the work focuses on the general presenta- tion of basic concepts, which are associated with community education (terms of education and community). This is followed by a description and analysis of the principles of community education and by an overview of its historical roots, first abroad and then in the Czech Republic. Attention is also paid to organizations which try to implement community education in the Czech Republic with emphasis on the role and cooperation of primary schools and civil society organizations. After this theoretically oriented part follows the empirical part, which is introduced by the design of the case study. Then the description of the community primary school is provided and results of the research are introduced. Key Words Community education, principles of community education, community, lifelong learning, community school, organizations of civil society
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Celoživotní vzdělávání zdravotních sester ve veřejněpolitické perspektivě / Continuing Professional Development of Nurses: a public policy perspective.Syrovátková, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with a topic of continuing professional development of nurses in the Czech Republic. The text is divided into two mutually connected dimensions. The first one focuses on a nurse as a stakeholder with certain motivations, strategies, and attitudes. The second dimension discusses the existing system of continuing professional development for nurses in terms of its implementation, form, as well as dysfunctional elements, and future challenges. The thesis shows a connection between the above dimensions. The formalised system of continuing professional development is supposed to affect nursing profession. At the same time, nurses are expected to be involved in the decision-making process. These assumptions are faced with the reality in the thesis. A qualitative study among nurses and experts leads to a conclusion that the current system does not fulfil nurses' both professional (in terms of quality and relevance of the education provided) and personal (financial and time burden) needs. Thus it hardly achieves its original goals. Should the system be changed, the nurses must engage in the decision-making process, which they currently do not. The continuing professional development might serve as one of the solutions to the insufficient political participation of nurses. Despite...
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Fiktivní firma jako prostředek osvojování cizího jazyka / Practice Enterprise as a Way of Acquiring Foreign LanguagesPecková, Simona January 2015 (has links)
TITLE: Practice Enterprise as a Way of Acquiring Foreign Languages AUTHOR: Simona Pecková DEPARTMENT: Department of the French Language and Literature SUPERVISOR: Dr.PhDr. Renáta Listíková, MCF ABSTRACT: The thesis deals with the potential that the subject called practice enterprise represents for acquisition of foreign languages. The aim of the work is to carry out a survey of the present situation, to find about the pupils' level of business language and also to discover what their attitude to the practice enterprise and their motivation to study foreign languages are. By focussing the language instruction on working life, we want to enhance their competitiveness on the labour market. Quantitative research methods are combined here with qualitative ones. Concerning the tools of research, we used didactic test, questionnaire, interview and focus group. We have found out that the practice enterprise has a positive influence on students' level of foreign languages. However, no connection between practice enterprise and pupils' attitude to foreign languages and their motivation to study them has been proved. In order to take a bigger advantage of the potential of practice enterprise as a means to acquire foreign languages, we recommend a bigger and a more systematic integration of language instruction into...
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Profesní vzdělávání kriminalistických techniků Vojenské policie / Professional education of criminalistic technicians of the Military PolicePlitz, Jaroslav January 2021 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the professional education of criminalistic technicians of the Military Police. In the first, theoretical part of the thesis, the author deals with education and training of criminalistic technicians of the Military Police in the context demarcating basic theoretical concepts from the area of further professional education, brief introduction to the structure of the Military Police and clarification of basic concepts from the area of criminalistic and technical activities of the Military Police. The aim of the second, practical part of the thesis, is to analyze the current professional education of criminalistic technicians of the Military Police with a focus on their needs.
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Další vzdělávání učitelů vyučujících tělesnou výchovu na základních a středních školách v České republice / Further education of teachers teaching physical education at elementary and high schools in the Czech RepublicHájek, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
Title: Further education of teachers teaching physical education at elementary and high schools in the Czech Republic Objectives: One of the aims of this diploma thesis was to analyse the current offer of accredited educational events DVPP (further education of educational workers) in the field of physical education. We were interested in data concerning the form and focus of events, hourly subsidy, number of expected participants, and participation fee. Another aim of this thesis was to find out what attitude teachers of physical education have in relation to their further continuous education. Among other things, we were interested in how often they participate in this education and what forms of educational events they find most suitable regarding the subject of physical education. Methods: In the first phase, the data obtained from the databases of granted accreditations in the DVPP system managed by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, were analysed. The data in the next part were obtained using an own questionnaire survey, which elementary and high school teachers of physical education have participated in. A total of 700 schools were addressed (25 elementary schools and 25 high schools from all regions of the Czech Republic). Results: Most accredited educational events were focused...
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