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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Hanzelka, Michael January 2017 (has links)
This paper aims to define methods for measuring CLV in the segment of internal customers of companies operating in the financial market. It's about finding such a method to determine the value of internal customers to predict and measure whether an internal customer pays off to the company. The standalone task is to quantify the internal customer's contributions to the overall value of the company. The area of CLV determination for internal customers of the company is not described in the literature. From this point of view, the determination of CLV internal customers in the strategic management system will be a major scientific achievement. Similarly to external customers (markets), as well as internal customers express greater or lesser affinities with their behavior and performance, in the first case the brand and in the latter case the employer. Therefore, CLV modeling for internal customers requires qualified predictions and expressions of a whole range of both hard (eg, cash flow indicators) and Soft (indicators of qualitative research such as loyalty) of indicators and their use in the calculation of CLV internal customers. An important prerequisite for CLV for both internal customers is their segmentation.

Další vzdělávání pedagogických pracovníků v oblasti digitálních kompetencí z pohledu managementu vzdělávání / Further teacher's education in the area of digital skills from the perspective of educational management

Krhovská, Gabriela January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the topic of further education of teachers in the field of digital competencies from the perspective of educational management. This subject was chosen not only of its topicality, but also due to the strategic dimension of further education of teachers and their digital skills, which reflect the key documents of MŠMT. The theoretical part of the diploma thesis focuses on theses related to educational management, further education of teachers and ends with a chapter dealing with digital competencies. The research part of the diploma thesis pays attention to the offer and demand of further education of teachers and the reflection of digital competencies of teachers through qualitative research and data analysis. Specifically, the research survey consists of semi- structured interviews conducted with primary school teachers in the capital city of Prague, analysis of data from the Teacher's digital competences framework and analysis of selected websites collecting the offer of further education of teachers. The aim of the diploma thesis is to analyze and critically evaluate the offer and demand for further education of teachers in the field of digital competencies and to reflect the current digital competencies of teachers that they use in practice. KEYWORDS further...

Další vzdělávání a profesní rozvoj příslušníků Policie České republiky / Further education and professional development of members of the Police of the Czech Republic

Kratochvíl, Martin January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on problematic of further professional education and development of Czech Republic police officers. The theoretical part of the diploma thesis deals with lifelong education, professional development and further education. In this part of this thesis basic terms and definitions are defined. Furthermore, in the theoretical part the diploma thesis analyzes competency profile and professional requirements for police officers of Czech Republic. Next part of the thesis analyzes educational institution of Czech Republic Police and also Conception of lifelong education of Czech Republic police officers. Marginally the theoretical part also discusses lifelong education of The County Police Headquarters of Prague. Lastly the theoretical part focuses on comparison of police officers in different countries around the globe. The practical part of the diploma thesis focuses on motivation and effectiveness of further professional education of Czech Republic police officers. In this part hypotheses are formulated. These hypotheses are either proven true or false by evaluation of questionnaire survey. Research has been done in police district of District Directorate for Prague III on local police departments and at Office of Service of Criminal Police and Investigation. One of the...

Možnosti uplatnění konceptu celoživotního vzdělávání v pražských základních uměleckých školách / Possibilities of Application of the Concept of Lifelong Education in Basic Art Schools in Prague

Brejcha, Petr January 2016 (has links)
1 ABSTRACT The thesis discusses possibilities of application of the concept of lifelong education in Basic Art Schools. The goal of the thesis is to propose a basic model of adult education which could be applied in Basic Art Schools. It focuses on the analysis of the literature on lifelong learning, lifewide learning, further education, and also on the analysis of strategic documents of the European Union and the Czech Republic in the field of lifelong learning and further education. Based on the analyses of the documents and external environment, a model of adult education in Basic Art Schools is proposed, the applicability of which is verified by a research investigation. A survey research examines the existence of education of diverse target groups of adults (both laymen and experts) in Basic Art Schools in Prague, the ratio of adult to younger students and the employed methods of their education. Structured interviews among five headteachers of Basic Art Schools in Prague clarify specific details of the process of educating adults in Basic Art Schools and provide more observations on the topic. The thesis contributes to the advancement of the concept of lifelong learning in the sphere of Basic Art Schools. Also, it brings forward possibilities of use of vacancies in Basic Art Schools for adult...

Strategie překonávání bariér účasti na vzdělávání dospělých / Strategies for Overcoming Barriers to Participation in Adult Education

Píša, Martin January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the issue of barriers to participation in adult education. Survey, which investigates the strategies used for overcoming the barriers to participation in adult education by parents on parental leave, has been prepared on the basis of the contemporary theoretical knowledge on barriers to participation in adult education and inequalities in participation in adult education. Parents on parental leave are one of the groups with uneven access to adult education and they are deterred from participation in education because of situational barriers. Research participants (n = 6, M = 34.5) participated in semi-structured interview, which consists of seven topics related to the respondent's personal history, his academic and professional career and the circumstances of his life. Based on the data, the conditions and mechanisms that help to overcome group-specific barriers to participation in adult education were identified. On the basis of the common elements of respondents' answers the economically oriented strategy for overcoming barriers and the alternative strategy for overcoming barriers were defined. Key words: adult education, continuing education, lifelong learning, lifelong education, barriers to participation in adult education, deterrents to participation in adult education,...

Současný pohled mezinárodních organizací na koncept celoživotního učení - srovnání UNESCO a OECD / Contemporary Perspectives of International Organisations on the Concept of Lifelong Learning - A Comparison of UNESCO and OECD

Moss, Linda January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis presents the concept of lifelong learning as an ambitious political project born in the field of international organisations at the beginning of the 1970s which now reaches far beyond the borders of national states and education policy. The sphere of education still remains the responsibility of national governments, however, even here strong globalising tendencies have occurred since the 1990s, as a result of which the national policy is more and more being influenced by supranational institutions. Although the concept of lifelong learning now serves as a common framework, it has been interpreted differently during its evolution and a consensus on what it exactly means and how it should be put into practice still does not exist. Based on analysis of key documents, this thesis aims to compare the view of lifelong learning held by the international organisation UNESCO with that of OECD, as two distinctive perspectives on this issue. The comparison draws on Rubenson's model (2004), which examines lifelong learning through three key categories representing the main actors of social life - the state, the market and civil society. As this topic has not been widely explored in the Czech Republic, this thesis aims to present a complete overview, including a critical assessment of both...

Vzdělávání ředitele školy - komparace České republiky, Bavorska a Severního Porýní-Vestfálska / Education of a School Headmaster - Comparison of the Czech Republic, Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia

Jícha, Zbyněk January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this work is to answer the following question: ‚Is it possible to compare qualification training and forms of further training of headmasters in different countries?' The author of this thesis deals with headmaster training in the Czech Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany (Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia). He obtained information about education systems and education opportunities in these countries through selected research methods which were a questionnaire and interviews with school headmasters. The need for proper managerial qualification of headmasters necessary for them to meet requirements for discharge of the function is proved by the fact that today headmasters have to cope with demands made on their competency readiness which they can receive through good specialized training. The information obtained can be used as a pattern or methodical recommendations because in every country the managerial education follows different qualifying models. KEYWORDS: lifelong training, further training of teachers, professional career, further training of headmasters, headmaster competence, competence profile, qualifying model

Aktuální otázky vzdělávání pracovníků v pomáhajících profesích / Current issues of personnel training in the helping professions

Plassová, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with personnel training in the helping professions. The main objective of this thesis is to report on the current state and trends of the future orientation of personnel education in the helping professions. The theoretical part deals with the definition of the components involved in the process of personnel training in the helping professions, possible attitudes of organizations to education of their employees, supervision, as a form of further education, legislation related to the topic of workers' education in the helping professions and implemented projects supporting the education of these workers. The empirical part is devoted to the analysis of documents, which tries to determine whether there have been changes in personnel training in the helping professions in the monitored period in Hradec Králové Region in connection with the implementation of quality standards of social services and the amendment of the Act on Social Services. The empirical part also includes a quantitative analysis. It is a research probe using the method of scaling questionnaire. The questionnaire was distributed to participants of training courses. The questionnaire evaluates the connection between educational needs, the topic of the courses and the way of implementation of training courses....

Komparace metod vzdělávání ve školství, vězeňské službě a zdravotnictví / Comparison of education methods in education, prison and health services

Slánská, Nikola January 2016 (has links)
The master thesis deals with further education and training in the fields of prison and health services and education. It describes which methods are required in further education and why they can contribute to more efficient planning of education in the particular areas. The theoretical part defines the basic concepts of lifelong learning, analyzes the similarities and differences in the understanding of lifelong learning in strategic documents. Education forms an important part of human resources development and its efficiency depends on the choice of suitable teaching methods and on understanding learners' motivations. In theory, it surveys also training in the particular areas. The findings from the theoretical part are based on the practical part of the degree work, which forms the main point. This practical part is based on the opinions of the employees that have been identified through a questionnaire. The results provide information not only about the specifics of the education methods used in the monitored areas, but also about mutual similarities, and they get closer to the main motivating factors for education. It results from the survey that applied educational methods, which are basically consistent with respondents' views on their benefits and suitability of employees'...

Profesní vzdělávání pedagogických pracovníků v ČR - současnost a možnosti celoživotního vzdělávání se zaměřením na vybrané instituce / Vocational education of pedagogical workers in Czech republic - contemporary situation and posibilities of lifelong learning oriented to representative organisations

Houšková, Helena January 2012 (has links)
anglicky The work is focused on professional training of teachers in terms of the concept of lifelong learning. Notes the role and importance of universities in the context of modernization of the content ofteaching profession and its importance for the development of the whole society. Attention is focused on the specific activity of the implementation of programs of continuing professional education of teachers in further education at nine faculties in the Czech Republic. Through comparison and analysis of educational programs, information resources brings lifelong appreciation of the performance features of high schools as a contribution to the development of socially relevant competence and professional groups throughout the company. Specifies the notion of a European educational policy in the field of training and competence development of teachers and works with comparative approaches to the professional education of teachers in selected European countries (Great Britain, Germany, Finland, Poland). Based on the results of internal analysis and comparison with the surroundings gives examples of good practice and recommendations for improvement activities in the field of further education. Keywords: lifelong learning, vocational education, teacher training, further education for teachers, high...

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