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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Možnosti dalšího vzdělávání sester v agenturách domácí péče / Options in further training of home care agency nurses

PEČLOVÁ, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the possibilities of further education in the agencies of domiciliary care. This is a very current topic. Like any other profession, the nursing profession requires a particular education. The development of the new methods in the medical treatment and home care demands more thorough and specialised education of the nurses employed by the domiciliary-care agencies. The aim of the thesis was to find out the present situation of the nurses´ education in the domiciliary-care agencies, the professional specialisation of nurses, the possibilities of education, the nurses´ need of further education and the employers´ willingness to enable the nurses of the agencies to take part in the further education in their field. It can be said that the aims of the research have been fulfilled.

Vzdělávání a rozvoj zaměstnanců ve vybrané firmě / Employee Education and Development in the Selected Company

KOUPALOVÁ, Marie January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis investigates the current issues of the education structure and the company education system. The main object of the thesis is analysing the education and development process in the selected company, further to characterize and assess the existing processes and give a suggestion for options to improve the present situation.

Nové směry v rozvoji lidských zdrojů a podniková kultura / New trends in human resources development and company culture

HOVORKOVÁ, Ivana January 2007 (has links)
The main objective of my diploma work is to specify the current management of human resources including the analysis of corporate culture with the focus on further development of human resources. The analysis and research were carried out in a producer cooperative in České Budějovice that is engaged in metal working, tool manufacture and locksmith´ s trade. For the purposes of the research of corporate culture and human resources development an investigation was carried out in the form of a questionnaire. The company management acknowledges management of human resources as a matter of high priority. The company strives for a better competitiveness and good position both on the domestic and foreign markets. The part of the concept is to create conditions for an appropriate working environment, modernization of production facilities, social certainties for employees and improvement of corporate culture. The efforts for a transition to the new way of human resources management however faces lack of interest on the part of employees with regards to further training, lower personal involvement and, last but not least, the fact that most of the company employees are above the age of 45. It would be advisable for the company management to focus on the personal involvement, better acquaintance and motivation of workers in respect of employee benefits and possibilities of professional growth.

MOŽNOSTI CELOŽIVOTNÍHO VZDĚLÁVÁNÍ A PROFESNÍ RŮST PEDAGOGŮ VOLNÉHO ČASU / Options of Lifelong Education and the Professional Growth of Pedagogical Employees

KŘÍŽOVÁ, Lucie January 2010 (has links)
This dissertation deals with the options of livelong education in Czech republic. The theoretical part describes the livelong education from the historical and nowadays view. It mentions circumstances of education due to membership in European union, later on, conditions and opportunities of education in Czech republic. On the tail end of disertation it deals with pedagogues of free time and their profesional growth possibilities The practical part consists of research, which goal is to analyze factors and circumstances that can affect the pedagogue of free time proffesional growth. It speaks about qualitative empirical research. Due to interview metod it probes how the pedagogues of free time deal with education. It probes which factors can affect the education.

Význam pozitivního pracovního prostředí v práci sestry / The influence enviroment on nurse´s work

PULZOVÁ, Alena January 2009 (has links)
This work deals with the influence of a positive working environment in the work of nurses. At present, this issue is widely discussed, since there are large changes in the health sector. The problem concerns the lack of nurses, which is caused by nurses leaving to foreign countries to seek better working conditions. A lack of nurses is also caused by increasing demands on nurses, which is due to a reduced quality of health and nursing care. Furthermore, nurses are very badly paid. Another reason why nurses do not want to work in this profession is certainly the unhealthy working environment. An unhealthy environment reduces the performance of nurses, and often causes stress; long-term stress often has considerable consequences and nurses are forced to leave the workplace. If nurses are satisfied then patients are satisfied and the quality of care provided thus increases. This topic interested me because the issue of nurses working environment is currently very topical. I am also interested in how satisfied are nurses in the hospitals in which this research is carried out. In this research, I would like to learn how a positive work environment could be created for nurses. The research was conducted in hospitals in České Budějovice, Písek, Plzeň and Prague, through questionnaires and quantitative research. The research is based on a number of nurses working in these hospitals. The aim of this work is to see how a positive work environment affects nurses{\crq} work. The first hypothesis suggests that nurses need to perform their work a positive working environment. The second hypothesis should confirm that nurses need to perform their profession for a sufficient salary. The third hypothesis suggests that nurses need to perform their profession in a safe working environment. The fourth hypothesis should confirm that nurses welcome the opportunity of further education.

Úroveň mediální gramotnosti dospělých v současné české společnosti a cesty k jejímu získávání / Level of Media Literacy of Adults in Curent Czech Society and the Ways of its Achievement

Mašková, Hana January 2017 (has links)
This thesis outlines the current state of adult media literacy and education in the Czech Republic. It defines basic concepts, present and historical approaches of media literacy and its anchoring in the Czech legal order and international documents. It further focuses on current phenomena of media world and selected media institutions involved in media literacy development. The analytical part compares and evaluates Pan-European and Czech research aimed at measuring the level of media literacy of adults. Key words media literacy, media education, media, adult education, longlife learning, civic education

Kvalifikační struktura obyvatelstva versus nezaměstnanost v ČR / Qualification structure of population versus unemployment in the Czech Republic

Podlešáková, Markéta January 2007 (has links)
The economic policy of the Czech Republic is battled with rigidities of labour market, which decline its flexibility. One of this rigidities is inconvenient structure of potential skilled labour force. This thesis is also aimed at its analysis compared with actual needs of labour market. In theoretical part of this thesis are presented characteristics of the Czech educational system and qualification structure of population. The practical part is dedicated to the labour market -- its needs and discrepancies between suply and demand, which are caused by inconvenient qaulification structure of population. The pivot of this thesis is emphasis on lifelong learning, which is getting necessity today. As a result of this thesis are suggestions of possible solutions to shortage of skilled labour force.

Spokojenost a motivace zdravotních sester a nelékařského zdravotnického personálu ve vybraném zdravotnickém zařízení / Satisfaction and Motivation of Nurses and Paramedical Personnel in selected Health Care Facility

Pechová, Klára January 2011 (has links)
My thesis deals with the satisfaction and motivation of nurses. On the base of theoretic knowledges, specifically the theme of leading people, motivation of workers, education system for nurses and everything what influences the satisfaction was written up the practical part. The aim of this thesis is the analysis of satisfaction and motivation of nurses in the chosen medical institution. Part of the practical part is the assessment of the established aims and verification of the correctness of the hypotheses.

Aktuální otázky znalecké činnosti / The Topical Issues in Experts Activities

Škoch, Petr January 2011 (has links)
The Diploma thesis deals with general issues in the environment of Czech expertise from the view of ordinary experts. The study fosuses on a critical analysis of expert activities with special regards to remuneration issues, timing of expert fees, expertise, experts‘ inauguration and dismissal from a post and cooperation with government authorities. The methodology used is an array of reactions by experts to individual and specific points, which are then evaluated and possible methods of solution are proposed. The end of the thesis statistically summarises all problems in a graph and highlights the most critical ones.

Analýza vzdělanostní struktury pracovníků ve vysokoškolských knihovnách ČR / Analysis of the educational structure of employees in the university libraries of the Czech Republic

Kulová, Sára January 2021 (has links)
(English) The aim of this diploma thesis is to assess the current state of the educational structure of staff in university libraries on a research sample of university libraries, which are members of the Association of Libraries of Czech Universities. In the introduction, the thesis presents a brief historical excursion into the development of the position of the university librarian. At present, greater demands are placed on the skills and knowledge of the university librarian. The librarian can obtain them by starting school, retraining courses, or lifelong learning. The legislation does not yet specify the requirements of the professional competence for work as a librarian in the library. The practical part deals with the analysis of the educational structure of staff and the management of university libraries. I am interested in their attitude to further education and also what they would appreciate in this area. Data collection is ensured via a combination of a questionnaire survey and subsequent interviews, which complete the results of the questionnaires. Chosen research methods were intended for both groups. The conclusion of the thesis evaluates all findings and offers possible solutions to the problems existing in the field of further education.

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