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HF characterization and modeling of magnetic materials for the passive components used in EMI filters / Caractérisation et modélisation HF des matériaux magnétiques pour la conception des composants passifs des filtres CEMCuellar Quispe, Carlos Enrique 07 October 2013 (has links)
Les commutations des interrupteurs dans les convertisseurs statiques sont à l’origine des principales perturbations faisant l’objet de la compatibilité électromagnétique (CEM). La réduction de ces perturbations se fait, entre autre, à l’aide de filtres CEM qui nécessitent l’utilisation de noyaux magnétiques. Ces noyaux doivent posséder des propriétés physiques adaptées pour assurer le bon fonctionnement du filtre CEM dans la gamme des hautes fréquences (HF), et ce, quel que soit les contraintes d’utilisation. Ainsi, dans ce travail, des méthodologies et des modèles sont développés afin de dimensionner le filtre CEM dans les conditions réelles de fonctionnement. Tout d’abord, le noyau magnétique est étudié pour de faibles signaux d’excitation en proposant une méthode de caractérisation de la perméabilité magnétique complexe en HF. Deux modèles, l’un analytique et l’autre en circuit équivalent, sont développés. Dans un second temps, le matériau est considéré saturable. C’est pourquoi, une approche non-linéaire est développée pour représenter le matériau, avec et sans hystérésis, tout en y incluant le comportement capacitif du matériau en HF. De plus, une méthode expérimentale, basée sur l’utilisation d’une spire plate, est proposée pour caractériser l’hystérésis magnétique.Enfin, une amélioration de la méthode d’injection de courant est proposée, notamment par l’utilisation de nouvelles sondes, pour caractériser l’impédance d’entrée d’un convertisseur. Cette impédance, combinée avec les modèles précédents de matériaux, sont utilisée pour déterminer la perte d’insertion d’un filtre CEM. Les résultats de simulations sont validés par la mesure expérimentale. / The switching semiconductor devices in static-converters are the main source of electromagnetic interference (EMI). Reduction of these emissions can be achieved by different techniques including the use of EMI filters which design requires the use of magnetic cores. These must have adequate physical properties allowing the EMI filter to fulfill its task within a specified frequency range whatever the operating conditions (saturation, temperature…). Therefore, in the present work, some methodologies and models are developed in order to be able to design the EMI filter within its real conditions of operation. First, the magnetic core is considered in small-signal conditions and a method is proposed to measure the complex magnetic permeability in high frequency (HF). Two models, analytical and lumped-circuit network, are developed to account for the HF characteristics. In a second step, the material is considered saturable as the EMI filter can be subjected to more important currents, leading to the modification of its main characteristics. Then, a non-linear modeling approach, with and without hysteresis effect, including a material capacitance is considered for modeling the magnetic core. Additionally, a technique is proposed to characterize in HF the magnetic hysteresis loop from a single turn flat coil configuration.Finally, an improved current injection method, with new designed current probes, is used to characterize the input impedance of a converter. The impedance, combined with the developed small-signal and high-signal material models, is used to predict the insertion loss of an EMI filter. Simulation results are validated by the experiment.
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Upplevelsen som skapare av värde : En kvalitativ studie av caféverksamheters erbjudande till besökarnaJonsson, Anneli, Eriksson, Karolina January 2012 (has links)
Vi vill i denna studie bidra med både praktisk och teoretiska förståelse för kundvärde och upplevelseskapande i en cafékontext samt besvara frågan: Hur skapar caféer värde för sina kunder? Syftet med studien är att med upplevelsen som studielins undersöka hur caféer i Umeå arbetar för att skapa värde för sina kunder samt att öka förståelsen för huruvida upplevelseskapande är en del av verksamhetserbjudandet. En kvalitativ forskningsmetod har använts för att nå den förståelse och det djup som anslås av syftet. För att insamla empirisk data har fem caféer i centrala Umeå använts, vilka har valts genom ett icke-sannolikhetsurval. Semistrukturerade intervjuer har förts med en management- och marknadsföringsansvarig på varje företag. Vidare har även kortare kundintervjuer genomförts på dessa verksamheter och på två kompletterade caféer, vid olika tillfällen. För att ge en inriktning för empiriinsamlingen och för att analysera denna empiri har teorier som belyser kundvärde samt både praktisk och strategiskt skapande av upplevelser används. I analysen relateras teori och empiri till varandra för att studera upplevelser som värdeskapare i caféverksamheter. Studien visar att ett cafébesök både kan vara av hedonistisk och utilitaristisk karaktär samt ofta är en kombination av dessa i förening av nytta och nöje. Det kan ses tydliga indikationer på att upplevelser används för att skap värde inom caféverksamheter. Det finns från både caféernas och kundernas sida en tanke om att ett cafébesök ska erbjuda något mera än bara ett tillfredsställt behov av mat och dryck. Ett cafébesök kan möjliggöra många olika typer av upplevelser, men hur detta skapar värde för kunden beror på verksamhetsutbudet, besökstillfället samt hur kunderna tolkar och är medskapare av detta. Det pris som kunden betalar för detta cafébesök kan vara bidragande till det värde som kunden får samt bidrar till att skapa uppfattningen om att unna sig en upplevelse utöver det vanliga i vardagen. Alla caféer som medverkade i vår studie hade skapat ett unikt verksamhetserbjudande och strävade mot att kunden skulle uppfatta en enighet i konceptet där personalen på olika sätt var inblandad. Vi fann även en stor koppling mellan hur lokalens och dess attribut, upplevelserummets, utformning och atmosfär, samt olika typer av stimuli, påverkar hur kunden upplever besöket på caféet. Medkonsumenter visade även sig ha en betydande roll i värdet som kunden upplever av besöket och visade sig oftast vara ett positivt inslag samt sågs som en nödvändig aspekt i upplevelserummet för många kunder.
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Contribution à la modélisation prédictive CEM d'une chaine d'entrainementDoorgah, Naraindranath 14 December 2012 (has links)
Pas de résumé / No abstract
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A novel approach for environmental and durable design of reinforced concrete structures altered by carbonation / Méthode innovante pour la conception environnementale et durable de structures en béton armé soumis à la carbonatationTa, Van Loc 20 November 2017 (has links)
Ces travaux présentent une nouvelle méthode de conception dont l’objectif est de maximiser la durée de vie d’une structure en béton armé soumise à la carbonatation et de minimiser ses impacts environnementaux sur son cycle de vie. Cette approche est basée sur le développement d’un nouveau métamodèle de carbonatation couplé à une approche d’Analyse de Cycle de Vie (ACV). Une recherche de leviers d’actions sur la durabilité et les impacts environnementaux est réalisée via une combinaison de deux méthodes d’analyse de sensibilité. Nous définissons les leviers d’action comme étant des paramètres technologiques influents sur la durée de vie et/ou les impacts environnementaux de la structure en béton armé étudiée. Notre approche est appliquée au cas d’étude d’une structure en béton armé soumise à la carbonatation pour une durée de vie prévue de 100 ans située à Madrid, dans une classe d’exposition XC4 selon la norme EN 206-1. Pour ce cas d’application nous trouvons que la solution la plus durable et la plus respectueuse de l’environnent est celle utilisant du ciment CEM III/C, en minimisant le rapport eau sur ciment, l’épaisseur du béton d’enrobage, et la distance de la centrale fournissant le béton au site de construction. / This thesis presents a new design approach of which objective is to maximize service life of reinforced concrete structure and minimize its environmental impacts. This approach is based on the development of a new carbonation meta-model coupled with Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). A search for action levers on both durability and environmental impacts is conducted using a combination of two sensitivity analysis methods. We define action levers as technological parameters that are found influential on service life and/or environmental impacts for the studied reinforced concrete structure. Our approach is applied to a case study of a reinforced concrete structure design for a 100-year service life and located in Madrid within a XC4 exposure class according to the EN 206-1 standard. In that case study, we find that the most favorable solution for the RC structure is designed with the lowest cement content, water-to-cement ratio, concrete cover depth and distance from the concrete factory to the site, in association with the CEM III/C cement type.
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The Influence of Computer Electronic Mail (CEM) on the Performance and Competence of Middle Level English as a Second Language (ESL) Students in the State of KuwaitAli, Bader Nader 28 April 1999 (has links)
This research was designed to investigate the utility, relevance, and efficacy levels in the application of Computer Electronic Mail (CEM) as a tool for the teaching and learning of English as a second language (ESL). The participants in the study consisted of 26 students (18 females and 8 males) selected from the population of full time middle-level students of English as a Second Language Kuwaiti Students (ESLKS) in Kuwait University (KU).
The Statistical findings of the study indicate that CEM is a useful and effective tool for the study of English as a second language among ESLKS. Positive significant differences were observed comparing pre-CEM and post-CEM scores in sentence structure, syntax, spelling, vocabulary, and the clarity of writing skills. A second dimension of the study was a survey of the participants' opinions and attitudes about CEM. The opinion survey assessed participants' perceptions of the relevance, usefulness, and effectiveness of CEM as a means of communication and as a tool for the learning of the English language. The study involved a pretest, a seven-week training in the use of CEM to communicate with native American English speakers, and a posttest of participants' performance in five critical language skills. This portion of the study also indicates the participants' overall satisfaction with CEM as useful tool both for developing English language skills, facilitating learning, building self-confidence in contacting and communicating with other people, stimulating interest in the learning of the English language, and helping in homework assignments. Participants also seem to perceive the relevance of CEM not only in the learning of English as a second language, but also in communication and in transmitting information, generating ideas, striking friendships, solving problems, and increasing work output. / Ph. D.
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Corpos dançantes: experiências e memórias em dois grupos de dança de periferias brasileiras / Dancing bodies: experiences and memories in two dance groups from Brazilian low-income neighborhoodsAlencar, Yasmim Nóbrega de 30 October 2018 (has links)
A presente dissertação apresenta resultados da pesquisa Corpos dançantes: experiências e memórias em dois grupos de dança de periferias brasileiras, sob orientação da Profª. Drª. Régia Cristina Oliveira, no contexto do mestrado acadêmico em Estudos Culturais, na Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades, da Universidade de São Paulo, entre os anos 2016 e 2018. Tendo dois grupos de dança contemporânea (Centro de Experimentações em Movimento e Núcleo de Dança Pélagos) como objeto de pesquisa, o objetivo deste trabalho foi apreender das experiências e memórias de indivíduos de classes populares de São Paulo e Fortaleza, ex-integrantes dos grupos, como a dança transformou o percurso profissional e pessoal de cada um(a) deles. No âmbito teórico-metodológico, trabalhou-se fundamentalmente com os seguintes conceitos e autores(as): corpo e simbolismos (Le Breton), conatus/afetos/afetações (Espinosa), corpo-mente (Espinosa), corpo-rascunho (Le Breton), corpo político, dança contemporânea (Louppe, Primo, Faro e etc), memória (Bosi), descolonização (Fanon), hibridez (Bhabha), racismo estrutural (Almeida), interseccionalidade (Crenshaw), culturas e empoderamento (Berth). Partindo da consideração do corpo como produção social e cultural, buscamos discuti-lo no contexto da dança, das potências e limites apresentados nas experiências dos sujeitos. A abordagem metodológica foi qualitativa, com técnicas de pesquisa. Trabalhamos com entrevista etnobiográfica, história de vida, levantamento de dados documentais (notícias de jornal e fotos de arquivo pessoal dos entrevistados) coleta de dados na internet, em acervos pessoais e registro de trabalho de campo. Concluímos que ocorreram transformações profundas na subjetividade, na vida dos sujeitos, em suas relações e na forma como passaram a lidar com as próprias emoções. Verificamos que as afetações exerceram papel crucial nessas transformações. Ao mesmo tempo, os sujeitos ainda enfrentam limites socioeconômicos, políticos e culturais provenientes da desigualdade social, individual e coletiva em que vivem, em suas respectivas cidades. São problemas decorrentes do racismo, machismo, da misoginia, da negação do Direito à cidade, à moradia e a tantas outras questões que encontram pelo caminho. Contudo, lutam e atuam em iniciativas de resistência cultural e política onde residem, impactando a realidade da qual são parte ativa nos processos, pressionando gestões culturais e influenciando políticas públicas de cultura locais e também nacionais, além de contribuírem em espaços formativos e criativos para as juventudes de periferias paulistanas e cearenses, experiências artísticas afetivas e transformadoras como foram o CEM e o Pélagos, no passado / This master thesis presents the results of the research Dancing bodies: experiences and memories in two dance groups from Brazilian low- income neighborhoods, advised by Professor Régia Cristina Oliveira, PhD, within the context of a master\'s degree in Cultural Studies, at the College of Arts, Sciences and Humanities, of the University of São Paulo, from 2016 to 2018. With two contemporary dance groups (Centro de Experimentações em Movimento and Núcleo de Dança Pélagos) as the object of the research, this work was intended to apprehend, from the experiences and memories of individuals from underprivileged classes of the cities of São Paulo and Fortaleza, former members of the groups, how dance transformed the professional and personal paths of each one of them. Within the theoretical-methodological scope, we worked mostly with the following concepts and author(s): body and symbolisms (Le Breton), conatus/affects/affections (Spinoza), body-mind (Spinoza), body- draft (Le Breton), political body, contemporary dance (Louppe, Primo, Faro et al), memory (Bosi), decolonization (Fanon), hybridity (Bhabha), structural racism (Almeida), intersectionality (Crenshaw), cultures and empowerment (Berth). Considering the body as a social and cultural production, we sought to discuss it within the context of dance, of the potencies and limits presented in the subjects\' experiences. The methodological approach was qualitative, with research techniques. We worked with ethno-biographical interviews, life stories, surveying of documental data (newspaper articles and pictures from the interviewees\' personal archives), data collection from the Internet, personal files and fieldwork records. We concluded that deep transformations occurred to the subjects\' subjectivity, to their lives, relationships and to the manner in which they started to deal with their own emotions. We found that the affections played a crucial role in such transformations. At the same time, the subjects still face socio- economic, political and cultural limitations arising from the social, individual and collective inequality in which they live, in their respective cities. There are issues arising from racism, sexism, misogyny, denial of the right to the city, to housing and many other issues they face along the way. However, they fight and are part of cultural and political resistance initiatives where they live, impacting the reality of which they are an active part in the processes, putting pressure on cultural management and influencing public cultural policies at both local and national levels, in addition to contributing to educational and creative spaces for the youths of low-income neighborhoods of the States of São Paulo and Ceará, which are affective and transformative artistic experiences such as CEM and Pélagos were, in the past
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Corpos dançantes: experiências e memórias em dois grupos de dança de periferias brasileiras / Dancing bodies: experiences and memories in two dance groups from Brazilian low-income neighborhoodsYasmim Nóbrega de Alencar 30 October 2018 (has links)
A presente dissertação apresenta resultados da pesquisa Corpos dançantes: experiências e memórias em dois grupos de dança de periferias brasileiras, sob orientação da Profª. Drª. Régia Cristina Oliveira, no contexto do mestrado acadêmico em Estudos Culturais, na Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades, da Universidade de São Paulo, entre os anos 2016 e 2018. Tendo dois grupos de dança contemporânea (Centro de Experimentações em Movimento e Núcleo de Dança Pélagos) como objeto de pesquisa, o objetivo deste trabalho foi apreender das experiências e memórias de indivíduos de classes populares de São Paulo e Fortaleza, ex-integrantes dos grupos, como a dança transformou o percurso profissional e pessoal de cada um(a) deles. No âmbito teórico-metodológico, trabalhou-se fundamentalmente com os seguintes conceitos e autores(as): corpo e simbolismos (Le Breton), conatus/afetos/afetações (Espinosa), corpo-mente (Espinosa), corpo-rascunho (Le Breton), corpo político, dança contemporânea (Louppe, Primo, Faro e etc), memória (Bosi), descolonização (Fanon), hibridez (Bhabha), racismo estrutural (Almeida), interseccionalidade (Crenshaw), culturas e empoderamento (Berth). Partindo da consideração do corpo como produção social e cultural, buscamos discuti-lo no contexto da dança, das potências e limites apresentados nas experiências dos sujeitos. A abordagem metodológica foi qualitativa, com técnicas de pesquisa. Trabalhamos com entrevista etnobiográfica, história de vida, levantamento de dados documentais (notícias de jornal e fotos de arquivo pessoal dos entrevistados) coleta de dados na internet, em acervos pessoais e registro de trabalho de campo. Concluímos que ocorreram transformações profundas na subjetividade, na vida dos sujeitos, em suas relações e na forma como passaram a lidar com as próprias emoções. Verificamos que as afetações exerceram papel crucial nessas transformações. Ao mesmo tempo, os sujeitos ainda enfrentam limites socioeconômicos, políticos e culturais provenientes da desigualdade social, individual e coletiva em que vivem, em suas respectivas cidades. São problemas decorrentes do racismo, machismo, da misoginia, da negação do Direito à cidade, à moradia e a tantas outras questões que encontram pelo caminho. Contudo, lutam e atuam em iniciativas de resistência cultural e política onde residem, impactando a realidade da qual são parte ativa nos processos, pressionando gestões culturais e influenciando políticas públicas de cultura locais e também nacionais, além de contribuírem em espaços formativos e criativos para as juventudes de periferias paulistanas e cearenses, experiências artísticas afetivas e transformadoras como foram o CEM e o Pélagos, no passado / This master thesis presents the results of the research Dancing bodies: experiences and memories in two dance groups from Brazilian low- income neighborhoods, advised by Professor Régia Cristina Oliveira, PhD, within the context of a master\'s degree in Cultural Studies, at the College of Arts, Sciences and Humanities, of the University of São Paulo, from 2016 to 2018. With two contemporary dance groups (Centro de Experimentações em Movimento and Núcleo de Dança Pélagos) as the object of the research, this work was intended to apprehend, from the experiences and memories of individuals from underprivileged classes of the cities of São Paulo and Fortaleza, former members of the groups, how dance transformed the professional and personal paths of each one of them. Within the theoretical-methodological scope, we worked mostly with the following concepts and author(s): body and symbolisms (Le Breton), conatus/affects/affections (Spinoza), body-mind (Spinoza), body- draft (Le Breton), political body, contemporary dance (Louppe, Primo, Faro et al), memory (Bosi), decolonization (Fanon), hybridity (Bhabha), structural racism (Almeida), intersectionality (Crenshaw), cultures and empowerment (Berth). Considering the body as a social and cultural production, we sought to discuss it within the context of dance, of the potencies and limits presented in the subjects\' experiences. The methodological approach was qualitative, with research techniques. We worked with ethno-biographical interviews, life stories, surveying of documental data (newspaper articles and pictures from the interviewees\' personal archives), data collection from the Internet, personal files and fieldwork records. We concluded that deep transformations occurred to the subjects\' subjectivity, to their lives, relationships and to the manner in which they started to deal with their own emotions. We found that the affections played a crucial role in such transformations. At the same time, the subjects still face socio- economic, political and cultural limitations arising from the social, individual and collective inequality in which they live, in their respective cities. There are issues arising from racism, sexism, misogyny, denial of the right to the city, to housing and many other issues they face along the way. However, they fight and are part of cultural and political resistance initiatives where they live, impacting the reality of which they are an active part in the processes, putting pressure on cultural management and influencing public cultural policies at both local and national levels, in addition to contributing to educational and creative spaces for the youths of low-income neighborhoods of the States of São Paulo and Ceará, which are affective and transformative artistic experiences such as CEM and Pélagos were, in the past
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Design of an electro-mechanical hexapod for accelerated life testing of optical fiber assembliesSoukup, Ian Michael 25 October 2010 (has links)
The quantity and length of optical fibers required for the Hobby-Eberly Telescope Dark Energy eXperiment (HETDEX) create unique fiber handling challenges. More than 33,000 optical fibers will enable the Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET) to collect data on at least one million galaxies that are 9 billion to 11 billion light-years away, yielding the largest map of the universe ever produced [1,2]. The design advantages made possible by optical fibers also forms challenges to prevent damage to the fragile fibers that can lead to Focal Ratio Degradation (FRD) [3]. Therefore, a life cycle test must be conducted to study fiber behavior and measure FRD as a function of time.
This thesis describes the design and design methodology of an electro-mechanical test apparatus for accelerated life testing of optical fiber assemblies. The design methodology summarizes the development of functional requirements and constraints that drove the design. The test apparatus design utilizes six linear actuators to replicate the movement of the fiber system deployed on HETDEX for over 65,000 accelerated cycles, simulating five years of actual operation. The electro-mechanical test apparatus will provide insight into the effects of load history on the performance of optical fibers which published data has thus far been lacking. Performance of the electro-mechanical test apparatus will be demonstrated through simulation, modeling and calculations. The test results that will be generated from the accelerated life test will be of great interest to designers of robotic fiber handling systems for major telescopes. / text
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Pay tracing tools for high frequency electromagnetics simulationsSefi, Sandy January 2003 (has links)
<p>Over the past 20 years, the development in ComputationalElectromagnetics has produced a vast choice of methods based onthe large number of existing mathematical formulations of theMaxwell equations. None of them dominate over the others,instead they complement each other and the choice of methoddepends on the frequency range of the electromagnetic waves.This work is focused on the most popular method in the highfrequency scenario, namely the Geometrical Theory ofDiffraction (GTD). The main advantage of GTD is the ability topredict the electromagnetic field asymptotically in the limitof vanishing wavelength, when other methods, such as the Methodof Moments, become computationally too expensive.</p><p>The low cost of GTD is due to both the fact that there is noruntime penalty in increasing the frequency and that the raytracing, which GTD is based on, is a geometrical technique. Thecomplexity is then no longer dependent on electrical size ofthe problem but instead on geometrical sub problems which aremanageable. For industrial applications the geometricalstructures, with which the rays interact, are modelled bytrimmed Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (NURBS) surfaces, themost recent standard used to represent complex free-formgeometries.</p><p>Due to the introduction of NURBS, the geometrical subproblems tend to be mathematically and numerically cumbersome,but they can be highly simplified by proper Object Orientedprogramming techniques. This allowed us to create a flexiblesoftware package, MIRA: Modular Implementation of Ray Tracingfor Antenna Applications, with an architecture that separatesmathematical algorithms from their implementation details andmodelling. In addition, its design supports hybridisationtechniques in combination with other methods such as Method ofMoment (MoM) and Physical Optics (PO).</p><p>In a first hybrid application, a triangle-based PO solveruses the shadowing information calculated with the ray tracerpart of MIRA. The occlusion is performed between triangles andtheir facing NURBS surfaces rather than between their facingtriangles, thus reducing the complexity. Then the shadowinginformation is used in an iterative MoM-PO process in order tocover higher frequencies, where the contribution of theshadowing effects, in the hybrid formulation, is believed to bemore significant.</p><p>Thesis presented at the Royal Institute of Technology ofStockholm in 2003, for the degree of Licentiate in ScientificComputing.</p>
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"Vi säljer upplevelser" : En studie om hur motorcykelbranschen kan stärka sitt erbjudande över hela året genom en omnikanalstrategi / “We sell experiences” : A study on how the motorcycle industry can strengthen its offering throughout the year through an omnichannel strategyHenrik, Strand, Östlund, Oskar January 2019 (has links)
Titel ”Vi säljer upplevelser” - En studie om hur motorcykelbranschen kan stärka sitt erbjudande över hela året genom en omnikanalstrategi Nyckelord Omnikanalstrategi, säsongsförsäljning, upplevelseekonomi, motorcykelbransch, touchpoints, CEM, CRM Forskningsfråga På vilka sätt kan motorcykelbranschen med säsongsbetonad försäljning använda sig av en omnikanalstrategi för att stärka sitt varumärke och skapa erbjudanden genom hela året? Syfte Syftet med studien är att öka kunskapen om hur MC-branschen kan använda en omnikanalstrategi som hjälper motorcykelåterförsäljare att stärka sitt varumärke och öka försäljningen och sina erbjudanden under hela året oberoende av säsong. Metod Studien har använt en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi med ett abduktivt angreppssätt. Studien bygger på relevant teori som skapat frågor till sju semistrukturerade intervjuer med representanter av ett kvoturval. Slutsats För att motorcykel återförsäljare ska stärka sitt varumärke och skapa relevanta erbjudanden genom hela året bör en omnikanalstrategi implementeras. Inom denna strategi bör företaget prioritera kundbemötande och skapa upplevelser samt långsiktiga och lojala kundrelationer. Synkronisera alla kanaler för en sömlös upplevelse, skapa en varrumärkesupplevelse och engagemang genom hela året med kreativa erbjudanden. Utforma servicelandskap både traditionellt och virtuellt som bidrar till varimärkesupplevelse, värdeskapande och gemenskap. / Abstract Title “We sell experiences” - A study on how the motorcycle industry can strengthen its offering throughout the year through an omnichannel strategy Keyword Omni-Channel Strategy, Seasonal Sales, Experience Economi, Motorcycle Industry, Touchpoints, CEM, CRM Research Question In what ways can the motorcycle industry with seasonal sales use an omnichannel strategy to strengthen its brand and create offers throughout the year? Purpose The purpose of the study is to increase knowledge of how the MC industry can use an omnichannel strategy that helps motorcycle dealers strengthen their brand and increase sales and offers throughout the year regardless of season. Method The study has used a qualitative research strategy with an abductive approach. The study is based on relevant theory that created questions for seven semi-structured interviews with representatives of a quota selection. Conclusion In order for motorcycle dealers to strengthen their brand and create relevant offers throughout the year, an omnichannel strategy should be implemented. In this strategy, the company should prioritize customer service and create experiences as well as long-term and loyal customer relationships. Synchronize all channels for a seamless experience, create a brand experience and commitment throughout the year with creative offerings. Design service landscapes both traditional and virtual that contribute to brand experience, value creation and community.
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