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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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ELIAS DA CONCEICAO RODRIGUES 20 June 2018 (has links)
[pt] A performance de protocolos geralmente empregados na caracterização reológica de pastas de cimento é investigada. Para este fim duas pastas de cimento foram utilizadas, Pasta A e Pasta B, com a mesma densidade e razão água-cimento, diferindo quanto aos aditivos empregados. O procedimento API (American Petroleum Institute), tal qual, sua modificação é estudada. Curvas de escoamento são determinadas com o auxílio de um reômetro rotacional através de três diferentes métodos (ramp up/ramp down, ramp down e viscosidade mínima). O procedimento API gerou curvas de escoamento que superestimaram (Pasta A) ou subestimaram (Pasta B) a viscosidade dentro da faixa de cisalhamento estudada. Os desvios tornam-se particulamente maiores em baixas taxas, e para Pasta B, por causa de efeitos tixotrópicos, o regime permanente não é atingido. A modificação do protocolo API investigada resultou em curvas de escoamento similares ao método de viscosidade mínima. Um novo modelo constitutivo fenomenológico irreversível é proposto para descrição reológica de pastas de cimento (voltadas para poços de petróleo) sob escoamento de cisalhamento simples. Para esse objetivo uma série de experimentos foram realizados, como taxa de deformação constante, construção e destruição da microestrutura. O modelo proposto utiliza a própria fluidez, recíproca da viscosidade, para descrever a evolução da estrutura da pasta. O efeito macroscópico do fenômeno de hidratação na reologia é introduzido por meio de uma função exponencial para tensão limite de escoamento. Todos os dez parâmetros necessários no modelo são experimentalmente obtíveis. Os resultados mostraram boa concordância entre os dados experimentais e a modelagem, embora pequenas diferenças tenham sido observadas para taxas de deformação abaixo de 7,1 s(−1). / [en] The performance of reological protocols usually employed for the rheological characterization of oil well cement slurries is investigated. To this end two cement slurries were employed, namely Paste A and Paste B. The API procedure is addressed and a modification to it is investigated. Flow curves are determined with the aid of a rotational rheometer using three different methods (ramp up/down, ramp down, and minimum-viscosity). The API procedure yielded flow curves that significantly overestimate (Paste A) or underestimate (Paste B) the viscosity throughout the whole range of shear rate. The deviations become particularly dramatic in the low end of this range and for Paste B, clearly because the steady state is not attained due to a thixotropic behavior. The investigated modification to the API procedure resulted in flow curves similar to the ones based on the minimum-viscosity method. A novel irrevesible phenomenological constitutive model is proposed to describe oil well cement slurry rheology under simple shear flow. To this end several rheological experiments were conducted, namely constant shear rate, construction and microstructural destruction experiment. The proposed model employ the fluidity itself, reciprocal of viscosity, to describe the paste s structure evolution. The macroscopical rheological effect of hydration phenomena is introduced in the model by means of a yield stress exponential function. All ten parameters needed in the model are experimentally obtainable. The present results have shown a good agreement between experimental data and modeling, albeit minor differences were observed for low shear rates below 7.1 s(−1).

Análise numérica da perfuração e cimentação de poços de petróleo em evaporitos / Numerical analysis of petroleum well drilling and cementing in evaporite

Ynaê Almeida Ferreira 13 October 2014 (has links)
Os hidrocarbonetos são encontrados sob alta pressão em rochas porosas, denominadas rochas reservatório. A camada pré-sal apresenta rochas reservatório cobertas por uma camada impermeável de sal de grande espessura. Ocorrências de estruturas salinas são favoráveis para o aprisionamento dos hidrocarbonetos e aumentam a probabilidade de sucesso na prospecção de óleo e gás, pois são excelentes rochas capeadoras, de porosidade e permeabilidade praticamente nulas. As rochas salinas apresentam deformação lenta e contínua quando submetidas a tensões constantes, fenômeno conhecido como fluência. Durante a perfuração de poços através de espessas camadas de sal podem ocorrer problemas operacionais, como o aprisionamento da coluna de perfuração e o colapso do poço. Ainda, a fluência pode levar ao colapso os revestimentos de um poço de petróleo revestido. Estes contratempos geram grandes desafios e criam oportunidades de evolução na indústria do petróleo. Neste contexto, este trabalho consiste na análise numérica da escavação de poços em rochas salinas para exploração de petróleo, com o estudo do comportamento geomecânico do sal utilizando o programa de elementos finitos Abaqus®. O efeito da fluência do sal durante e após a perfuração e cimentação dos poços foi verificado utilizando diferentes pesos de fluido de perfuração, simulado como não penetrante. Análises dos deslocamentos, deformações e tensões na parede do poço e em sua vizinhança foram realizadas por meio de análises de deformação plana e análises axissimétricas. Após a instalação do revestimento e cimentação do poço que engloba tanto o processo de endurecimento do cimento, quanto a resposta de fluência da camada de sal, pôde-se analisar os deslocamentos, deformações e o comportamento das tensões na fronteira sal-cimento, evitando possíveis intervenções em poços que acarretam perdas econômicas. Sendo assim, este estudo auxilia no monitoramento e controle do fechamento de poços de petróleo em evaporito, após a escavação e cimentação do poço, evitando os diversos problemas decorrentes do comportamento de fluência do sal. / Hydrocarbons are found under high pressure in porous rocks, called reservoir rocks. The presalt layer shows reservoir rock covered by an impermeable salt thick layer. Occurrences of salt structures are favorable for trapping of hydrocarbons and increase the probability of success in oil and gas prospecting. They are excellent cap rocks with porosity and permeability practically nil. Salt rock present creep when subjected to continuous and constant stress. During well drilling through thick salt layers operational problems may occur like the imprisonment of the drill string and the collapse of the well. Also, creep may cause the collapse of the well casing. These setbacks create great challenges and opportunities for the evolution of the oil industry. In this context, this work proposes the numerical analysis of well excavation in salt rock for oil exploration with the study of the geomechanical behavior of salt using a finite element method (FEM) software Abaqus®. The effect of salt creep during and after drilling and cementing of wells was verified using different weights of the drilling fluid assumed to be non-penetrable with respect to the wellbore formation. Analysis of displacements, strains and stresses on the face of the wellbore and into the salt formation were performed with plane strain and axisymmetric techniques. After installation of the well casing, cementing is simulated encompassing cement hardening as well as salt creep. It was possible to analyze displacements, strains and the behavior of the stress interactions between the existing boundary cement-salt formation, avoiding possible unnecessary workover operations that cause economical losses. Thus, this study assists in the control and monitoring of closing oil wells in evaporite, after excavation and cementing the well, avoiding many problems stemming from the behavior creep of salt.

Desenvolvimento de pastas cimentantes utilizando cimentos portland compostos para cimenta??o de po?os petrol?feros

Bel?m, Francisco Ademir Teles 11 October 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:08:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FranciscoATB_DISSERT.pdf: 170574 bytes, checksum: 1c8ab112e2d611ca8a276251605aaaa3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-10-11 / The Compound Portland cements are commonly used in construction, among them stand out the CPII-Z, CPII-F and CPIV. These types of cement have limited application on oil well cementing, having its compositional characteristics focused specifically to construction, as cement for use in oil wells has greater complexity and properties covering the specific needs for each well to be coated. For operations of oil wells cementing are used Portland cements designed specifically for this purpose. The American Petroleum Institute (API) classifies cements into classes designated by letters A to J. In the petroleum industry, often it is used Class G cement, which is cement that meets all requirements needed for cement from classes A to E. According to the scenario described above, this paper aims to present a credible alternative to apply the compound cements in the oil industry due to the large availability of this cement in relation to oil well cements. The cements were micro structurally characterized by XRF, XRD and SEM tests, both in its anhydrous and hydrated state. Later technological tests were conducted to determine the limits set by the NBR 9831. Among the compound cements studied, the CPII-Z showed satisfactory properties for use in primary and secondary operations of oil wells up to 1200 meters cementing / Os cimentos Portland Compostos s?o comumente utilizados na constru??o civil, dentre eles destacam-se os CPII-Z, CPII-F e o CPIV. Estes tipos de cimento t?m sua aplica??o limitada para cimenta??o de po?os de petr?leo, tendo em vista suas caracter?sticas composicionais direcionadas especificamente para a constru??o civil. Cimentos para uso em po?os de petr?leo possuem uma maior complexidade e propriedades que d?o suporte ?s necessidades especificas para cada po?o a ser revestido. Para as opera??es de cimenta??o de po?os petrol?feros, s?o usados cimentos Portland desenvolvidos especialmente para tal finalidade de acordo com as normas API (American Petroleum Institute), os quais s?o classificados por classes, designadas pelas letras de A a J. Na ind?stria do petr?leo, comumente se utiliza o cimento da classe G, por ser um cimento que atende praticamente todas as condi??es previstas para os cimentos das classes A at? E. De acordo com o cen?rio descrito acima, esse trabalho teve como objetivo apresentar uma alternativa confi?vel para aplica??o de cimentos compostos na ind?stria do petr?leo em fun??o da grande disponibilidade destes cimentos em rela??o aos cimentos petrol?feros. Os cimentos foram caracterizados microestruturalmente atrav?s de ensaios de FRX, DRX e MEV, tanto em seu estado anidro quanto hidratado. Posteriormente, foram realizados ensaios tecnol?gicos para determinar os limites estabelecidos pela norma NBR 9831. Dentre os cimentos compostos estudados, o cimento CPII-Z apresentou propriedades satisfat?rias para aplica??o em opera??es de cimenta??o prim?ria e secund?ria de po?os petrol?feros at? 1200 metros

Efeito de adi??es polim?ricas na ader?ncia de pastas de cimento a tubos met?licos ap?s ciclagem t?rmica

Freitas, Jair Joventino de 21 July 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:57:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JairJF_TESE.pdf: 2222193 bytes, checksum: b572697498429b717de3a15791bc4a09 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-07-21 / Thermal recovery methods, especially steam injection, have been used to produce heavy oils. However, these methods imply that the metallic casing-cement sheath interface is submitted to thermal cycling. As a consequence, cracking may develop due to the thermal expansion mismatch of such materials, which allows the flow of oil and gas through the cement sheath, with environmental and economical consequences. It is therefore important to anticipate interfacial discontinuities that may arise upon Thermal recovery. The present study reports a simple alternative method to measure the shear strength of casing-sheath interfaces using pushthrough geometry, applied to polymer-containing hardened cement slurries. Polyurethane and recycled tire rubber were added to Portland-bases slurries to improve the fracture energy of intrinsically brittle cement. Samples consisting of metallic casing sections surrounded by hardened polymer-cement composites were prepared and mechanically tested. The effect of thermal cycles was investigated to simulate temperature conditions encountered in steam injection recovery. The results showed that the addition of polyurethane significantly improved the shear strength of the casing-sheath interface. The strength values obtained adding 10% BWOC of polyurethane to a Portland-base slurry more than doubled with respect to that of polyurethane-free slurries. Therefore, the use of polyurethane significantly contributes to reduce the damage caused by thermal cycling to cement sheath, improving the safety conditions of oil wells and the recovery of heavy oils / Atualmente, os m?todos com maior ?ndice de sucesso de recupera??o de ?leos pesados s?o os t?rmicos, principalmente a inje??o de vapor. Este m?todo de recupera??o coloca a interface entre o revestimento met?lico e a bainha de cimento em ciclagem t?rmica, que devido ? diferen?a de coeficientes de expans?o entre os dois materiais pode provocar o surgimento de trincas, possibilitando a passagem de fluidos pela bainha de cimento. Isto ocasiona s?rios riscos s?cio-econ?micos e ambientais. Para minimizar este problema, foi realizado um estudo que consiste em mensurar a resist?ncia ao cisalhamento entre um tubo de a?o e uma bainha de cimento. Ao material cimentante foram adicionados pol?meros, como poliuretana e borracha reciclada triturada de pneus. A adi??o de pol?meros visa melhorar a plasticidade do material cimentante e, assim, aumentar a ader?ncia da pasta endurecida sobre o revestimento, bem como a energia de ruptura do conjunto. Diante disso, a meta principal desse estudo foi avaliar a ader?ncia de comp?sitos cimentantes para po?os de petr?leo com revestimentos met?licos ap?s ciclagens t?rmicas, simulando as condi??es de varia??o de temperatura a que po?os de petr?leo s?o submetidos durante a recupera??o de ?leos pesados por m?todos t?rmicos. Observou-se que com a adi??o de poliuretana houve uma melhoria significativa da ader?ncia da interface revestimento met?lica - bainha de cimento com rela??o ? pasta padr?o, sem pol?meros. Os melhores resultados obtidos foram com pastas contendo 10% de poliuretana, que apresentaram aumento de mais de 100% na resist?ncia ao cisalhamento, em rela??o ? pasta padr?o. A adi??o de poliuretana ? pasta de cimento contribui de forma significativa para reduzir o dano causado pela ciclagem t?rmica a bainhas de cimento, melhorando a seguran?a e as condi??es de produ??o de po?os de petr?leo sujeitos ? recupera??o secund?ria por m?todos t?rmicos

Studium a modelování karbonatace betonu / Investigation and Modelling of Concrete Carbonation

Rovnaníková, Markéta January 2012 (has links)
The corrosion of steel reinforcement is probably the most frequent type of degradation of reinforced concrete structures. Reinforcing bars are protected from corrosion by a thin iron oxide layer which is formed on their surface due to a high alkalinity of the surrounding concrete. Corrosion may start when this layer is destroyed (i) either by chloride ion penetration (when the concentration of dissolved chloride at the depth of the reinforcing steel exceeds a critical value) or (ii) by a reduction in the pH value of pore solution to values below 9.5. Such a reduction in alkalinity is the result of carbonation of the Ca(OH)2 in the concrete mass, i.e. of its reaction with the atmospheric CO2. The main aim of this work is an experimental investigation and modelling of carbonation process. The effect of relative humidity, curing period and replacement of Portland cement by supplementary cementing materials (SCM - fly ash, blast furnace slag and metakaolin) on carbonation process has been studied. Calcium hydroxide content in the presence of SCM and their pozzolanic activities have been also determined. Furthermore, lots of parametric studies and comparison of carbonation models have been provided. The software tools based on the introduced models and considering the input data to be statistically independent random variables have been described and used for other parametric studies.


DEBORA CRISTINA FERREIRA DA SILVA 25 November 2024 (has links)
[pt] Diversas operações da indústria petrolífera, como o fechamento e abandono de poços, operações de cimentação e reinício de escoamento em tubos gelificados, utilizam deslocamento de um fluido por outro em tubos anulares. Existem muitas variáveis que podem afetar a eficiência do deslocamento, nomeadamente o comportamento reológico dos fluidos, as relações de viscosidade e densidade e a geometria do poço. A interação desses parâmetros pode levar a instabilidades na interface entre os fluidos, resultando em processos de deslocamento de fluxo ineficientes. Nessas circunstâncias, é necessário um procedimento eficaz para prevenir problemas que possam resultar em perigos e perdas financeiras significativas. Neste trabalho, apresentamos resultados experimentais da eficiência de deslocamento por um tubo anular. A análise é realizada para números de Reynolds baixos, com um fluido newtoniano (água) sendo deslocado por um fluido não newtoniano (solução de goma de xantana), simulando uma operação de fechamento e abandono de poço. O estudo experimental é realizado usando um dispositivo de teste que consiste em um tubo de aço e uma carcaça transparente com diâmetros que refletem um cenário real. Estudamos o processo de deslocamento usando duas inclinações diferentes, geometrias concêntricas e excêntricas, e vibração de tubulação. Para avaliar o impacto desses parâmetros na eficiência de deslocamento, realizamos visualização de fluxo no equipamento experimental e avaliamos a instabilidade da interface. / [en] Several oil industry operations, such as plugging and abandonment wells, cementing operations, and restarting flows of gelled pipes, use the displacement of one fluid by another in annular tubes. There are many variables that can affect the displacement efficiency, namely the rheological behavior of the fluids, the density ratios, and the well geometry. The interaction of these parameters can lead to instabilities at the interface between fluids that will result in inefficient flow displacement processes. In these circumstances, an effective procedure is required to prevent issues that could result in dangers and significant financial losses. In this work we present experimental results of displacement efficiency through an annular tube. The analysis is done for low Reynolds numbers, with a Newtonian (water) fluid being displaced by a non-Newtonian (xanthan gum solution) one, to simulate a plug & abandonment operation. The experimental study is done using a test rig that consists of a steel tubing and a transparent casing with diameters that reflect a real-case scenario. We study the displacement process using two different inclinations, concentric and eccentric geometries, and tubing vibration. To assess the impact of these parameters on displacement efficiency, we perform flow visualization at the experimental rig and evaluate interface instability.

Estudo do uso de agregado reciclado de resíduos de construção e demolição em misturas solo-agregado / Study of the use of recycled aggregate of construction and demolition waste in soil-aggregate mixtures

Orioli, Monigleicia Alcalde 24 July 2018 (has links)
A construção civil gera impactos ambientais que merecem atenção especial, uma vez que é uma das áreas que mais produz resíduos dentre as atividades econômicas. Os agregados reciclados de resíduos de construção e demolição podem ser utilizados em diversas áreas, apresentando desempenhos mecânico e hidráulico adequados quando comparados aos agregados naturais. Esta pesquisa consiste em estudar a viabilidade o uso de agregado reciclado misto (ARM) e misturas solo-ARM como materiais geotécnicos em camadas de bases e sub-bases de pavimentos. Para isso, foram realizados ensaios de caracterização física e comportamento mecânico. Para comparação, foram estudados também um agregado natural (AN) e uma mistura de solo-AN. Os resultados mostraram que a energia de compactação teve efeito positivo sobre o comportamento do ARM e misturas de solo-ARM. Observou-se ainda que o ARM apresentou ganho de resistência e rigidez devido ao efeito de auto-cimentação. No que se refere à adição de solo, as misturas de solo-ARM apresentaram uma diminuição no valor de CBR em relação a misturas compostas exclusivamente por ARM, contudo houve um aumento nas demais propriedades mecânicas. Com base nos resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que o ARM e as misturas solo-ARM apresentam características físicas e comportamento mecânico adequados para uso em camadas de base e sub-base de pavimentos urbanos. / Civil construction generates environmental impacts that deserve special attention, since it is one of the areas that produces the most waste among economic activities. The recycled aggregates of construction and demolition waste can be used in several areas, presenting adequate mechanical and hydraulic performances when compared to natural aggregates. This research consists of studying the feasibility of using recycled mixed aggregate (RMA) and soil-RMA mixtures as geotechnical materials in base and sub-base layers of pavements. For that, tests of physical characterization and mechanical behavior were carried out. For comparison, a natural aggregate (NA) and a soil-NA mixture were also studied. The results showed that the compaction energy had a positive effect on the behavior of RMA and soil-RMA mixtures. It was also observed that the RMA showed strength gain and stiffness due to the self-cementing properties. Concerning soil addition, the soil-RMA mixtures presented a decrease in the CBR value in relation to mixtures exclusively composed by RMA, but there was an increase in the other mechanical properties. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the RMA and the soil-RMA mixtures present physical characteristics and mechanical behavior suitable for the use in base and sub-base layers of urban pavements.

Desenvolvimento de misturas tern?rias para remo??o de reboco de fluido de perfura??o sint?tico

Pinheiro, Francisca Sheldakelle Holanda Torres 01 April 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:42:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FranciscaSHTP_TESE.pdf: 2918129 bytes, checksum: e712b711537d456c1dd4eaa0f003f3af (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-04-01 / The construction of wells is one of the most important activities of the oil industry. The drilling process is the set of activities and operations to design, program and perform the opening thereof. During this process, the cuttings are removed by the drilling fluid, or mud, and carted to the surface. This fluid is injected into the drill string and returns to the surface through the annular space between the well walls and the drill string. After the descent of the column casing, the annular space between the casing string and the walls of the borehole is filled with cement so as to secure the spine and prevent any migration of fluids between the various permeable zones traversed by the well behind of the coating. To ensure the good quality of the cementation scrubbers are used mattresses which are pumped ahead of the cement slurry so as to avoid contamination of the drilling fluid paste, or vice versa, and assist in the removal of plaster, formed by drilling fluid of the borehole walls, thus enabling a better cement bond to the well. Within this context, this work aims to evaluate the efficiency of mattresses scrubbers, the basis of ionic and nonionic surfactants, on the removal of nonaqueous drilling fluid, based on n-paraffin in oil wells, and the compatibility between the Mattress relations washer / drilling fluid bed scrubber / cement paste mattress washer / cement slurry / drilling fluid and the drilling fluid / cement slurry using laboratory tests rheology, thickening time and compressive strength. Also technique was performed X-ray diffraction (XRD) for a more detailed analysis of these mixtures with hydrated cement paste. In compatibility tests the conditions of temperature and pressure used in the same laboratory procedure simulating the conditions of oil wells, the well is considered the depth of 800 m. The results showed that the compositions of the mattress washer nonionic, KMS obtained a 100% efficient in removing the non-aqueous drilling fluid, and the best formulation showed good results with respect to compliance testing / A constru??o de po?os ? uma das atividades mais importantes da ind?stria do petr?leo. O processo de perfura??o de po?os ? o conjunto de atividades e opera??es destinadas a projetar, programar e realizar a abertura dos mesmos. Durante este processo, os cascalhos s?o removidos pelo fluido de perfura??o, ou lama, e carreados at? a superf?cie. Este fluido ? injetado no interior da coluna de perfura??o e retorna ? superf?cie atrav?s do espa?o anular entre as paredes do po?o e a coluna de perfura??o. Ap?s a descida da coluna de revestimento, o espa?o anular entre a coluna de revestimento e as paredes do po?o ? preenchido com cimento, de modo a fixar a coluna e evitar que haja migra??o de fluidos entre as diversas zonas perme?veis atravessadas pelo po?o, por tr?s do revestimento. Para garantir a boa qualidade da cimenta??o, s?o utilizados os colch?es lavadores, que s?o bombeados ? frente da pasta de cimento, de modo a evitar a contamina??o da pasta pelo fluido de perfura??o, ou vice-versa, al?m de auxiliar na remo??o do reboco, formado pelo fluido de perfura??o, das paredes do po?o, possibilitando assim uma melhor ader?ncia do cimento ao po?o. Dentro deste contexto, este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a efici?ncia de colch?es lavadores, a base de tensoativos i?nico e n?o i?nico, na remo??o do fluido de perfura??o n?o aquoso, ? base de n-parafina, em po?os de petr?leo, e a compatibilidade entre as rela??es colch?o lavador/fluido de perfura??o, colch?o lavador /pasta de cimento, colch?o lavador /pasta de cimento/fluido de perfura??o e fluido de perfura??o/pasta de cimento utilizando os ensaios laboratoriais de reologia, tempo de espessamento e resist?ncia ? compress?o. Tamb?m foi realizada a t?cnica difra??o de raios X (DRX) para uma an?lise mais detalhada dessas misturas com a pasta hidratada de cimento. Nos ensaios de compatibilidade as condi??es de temperatura e press?o utilizadas nos procedimentos laboratoriais simularam as mesmas condi??es dos po?os de petr?leo, sendo a profundidade do po?o considerada de 800 m. Os resultados mostraram que as composi??es do colch?o lavador n?o i?nico, o KMS, obtiveram uma efici?ncia de 100% na remo??o do fluido de perfura??o n?o aquoso e a sua melhor formula??o apresentou resultados satisfat?rios em rela??o aos testes de compatibilidade

Utilization Of Ggbfs Blended Cement Pastes In Well Cementing

Alp, Baris 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In well cementing, the cement slurry is exposed to the conditions far different than those of ordinary Portland cement (PC) used in construction. After placement, hardened cement paste should preserve integrity and provide zonal isolation through the life of the well. American Petroleum Institute (API) Class G cement is the most common cement type used in various well conditions. Class G cement has a high degree of sulfate resistance which makes it more stable than PC when subjected to the compulsive well conditions. Ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) blended cement has a long history of use in the construction industry, but is not extensively used in well cementing applications. This study presents an experimental program to investigate the applicability of CEM I and GGBFS blended cement pastes in the well cementing industry. Class G cement and blends of CEM I and GGBFS with the proportions (80:20), (60:40), (40:60) and (20:80) are prepared with same water/cement ratio (0.44) as restricted for Class G cement in API Specification 10A to be tested. The cement pastes are cured for ages of 1 day, 7 days and 28 days at 80

Mechanical behavior of concentric and eccentric casing, cement, and formation using analytical and numerical methods

Jo, Hyunil, 1977- 27 September 2012 (has links)
The first main goal of this research is to develop comprehensive analytical and numerical models for the stress distribution around an inclined cased wellbore by considering all wellbore processes and to amend erroneous models of most previous work. The second main goal is to apply the developed models to explain near wellbore phenomena such as cement failure and sand production. To achieve these goals, this work checked the eligibility of using simple elastic approaches for the system by using a poroelastic undrained condition and a steady state condition for stresses induced by wellbore temperature variation. It utilized the generalized plane strain to compensate for the limitation of the plane strain which most previous work had used. In addition, this research developed comprehensive models to improve previous work by using superposing principles. For applying the developed models to cement failure, Mogi-Coulomb criterion for shear failure instead of Mohr-Coulomb and Drucker-Prager criteria was used to properly consider the intermediate stress. Additionally, ABAQUSr was utilized for numerical models with the "model change" option to simulate and combine all individual wellbore processes while MATLABr was used for analytical models. For predicting sand production, fully coupled poroelastic solutions for an inclined open wellbore were modified to obtain the stress distribution around a perforation tunnel after perforating. Then, modified Lade failure criterion was used to calculate the critical drawdown when sand production occurs, that is, when the perforation tunnel starts failure. This research obtained the following results. For developing models, the analytical models improved the previous research. However, the numerical results under a vertical tectonic stress showed discrepancies because of the difference between the generalized plane strain and numerical models. For cement failure, Young's modulus of cement, wellbore pressure and wellbore temperature variation could affect shear failure more significantly than the other factors. The numerical results showed closer to the failure envelopes than the analytical results. For predicting sand production, well completion affected sand production near wellbore and the critical drawdown converged to asymptotic values. In addition, perforating along the minimum horizontal stress direction was most preferable in a vertical cased wellbore under a normal stress regime. / text

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