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Estudos de mésons vetoriais pesados no detector Phenix / STUDY OF HEAVY VECTOR MESONS AT PHENIX DETECTOR.Cesar Luiz da Silva 27 September 2007 (has links)
Neste trabalho são reportadas medidas realizadas no detector PHENIX do RHIC sobre J/Psi em colisões p+p e Au+Au a s^(1/2) = 200 GeV na região de rapidez central e Psi\' em colisões p+p nas mesmas condições. As medidas incluem a dependência com o momento transverso da produção de charmônio e o fator de modificação nuclear de J/Psis para vários regimes de centralidade de colisão. / This work reports measurements done by the PHENIX detector at RHIC about J/Psi in p+p and Au+Au collisions at s^(1/2) = 200 GeV in the mid-rapidity range and Psi\' in p+p collisions in the same conditions. The measurements include the transverse momentum dependence of charmonium production and J/Psi nuclear modification factor in different centrality regimes.
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Medidas da produção de J/, \' e polarização de J em colisões p+p a s = 200 GeV com o detector PHENIX / Measurement of J/´psi´e ´psi´ production and J/´psi polarization im p+p collisions at ´(s pot.1/2)´ with the phenix detectorMarisílvia Donadelli 08 May 2009 (has links)
A produção de J/, e 0 em colisões p+p a uma energia no referencial do centro de massa (ps) de 200 GeV foi estudada no Experimento PHENIX no RHIC. A amostra de dados coletada durante o período de aquisição de 2006 permitiu não somente a determinação das seções de choque absolutas, mas também o estudo da polarização de J/, através de seu decaimento no canal de dieltrons em região de rapidez central. As medidas incluem a dependência com o momento transverso e são comparadas com aquelas de outros experimentos em diferentes intervalos de rapidez e energias de colisão, e com previsões teóricas. A medida da polarização de J/, deve trazer limitações aos mecanismos de formação de charmonium e a medida de feed-down de J/, s provenientes de ´ é de importância para o entendimento da produção prompt de J/, assim como para a supressão observada em colisões A+A no RHIC. / The production of J/´psi´e ´psi´collisions at the nucleon center of mass energy ´(s pot.1/2)´ have been studied in the PHENIX Experiment at RHIC. The sample collected during the 2006 data taking period allowed not only the determination of absolute cross sections but also the study of J= polarization through its decays into the dielectron channel at mid rapidity. The measurements include transverse momentum dependence and are compared to that of other experiments in different rapidity ranges and collision energies and to theoretical model predictions. The J= polarization results should provide a constraint on charmonium formation mechanisms and the measurement of the feed down of 0 to J= is of importance for understanding prompt J= production as well as the suppression observed in A+A collisions at RHIC.
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Measurement of the J/ψ elliptic flow in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN=5.02TeV with the muon spectrometer of ALICE at the LHC / Mesure du flot elliptique du J/ψ dans les collisions Pb-Pb à avec le Spectromètre à Muons de l’expérience ALICE au LHCFrancisco, Audrey 24 September 2018 (has links)
Les conditions extrêmes de température et de densité d'énergie créées lors des collisions d'ions lourds ultra-relativistes au sein du Grand collisionneur de hadrons (LHC) fournissent une occasion unique d'étudier les propriétés de la matière. Une transition de phase de la matière hadronique vers un milieu déconfiné de quarks et de gluons (PQG) est prédite par la chromodynamique quantique et des efforts théoriques et expérimentaux considérables ont été investis pour étudier ses propriétés. Parmi les sondes éminentes du PQG, les quarks lourds jouent un rôle prépondérant car ils sont créés lors des processus durs initiaux, avant la formation du PQG, et leur nombre est conservé durant les phases partoniques et hadroniques de la collision. Les états liés de quarks lourds– quarkonium (charmonium pour cc et bottomonium pour bb), constituent des sondes remarquables du milieu. Les observations expérimentales de quarkonia aux énergies du LHC dans les collisions A-A sont reproduites au travers de deux mécanismes antagonistes : la suppression séquentielle, proposée très tôt comme signature du PQG, et la (re)génération de quarkonia par (re)combinaison de quarks déconfinés. Cependant des incertitudes importantes sont associées aux prédictions théoriques et de nombreuses inconnues demeurent. L'anisotropie azimuthale de l'espace des moments (désignée sous le terme de flot elliptique, v2) de la production de charmonium devrait permettre d'avoir une meilleure vue d'ensemble et de contraindre davantage les paramètres des modèles théoriques. Si les quarks charmés se (re)combinent en paires cc, les J/ψ produits devraient hériter de leur flot. Les études précédentes ont montré des premiers signes d'un v2positif du J/ψ dans les collisions Pb-Pb à √sNN=2.76TeV. Cette thèse porte sur la mesure de l'anisotropie azimuthale du J/ψ dans les collisions Pb-Pb à√sNN=5.02TeV où une (re)combinaison légèrement plus importante est prédite par rapport aux énergies inférieures et une augmentation statistique d'un facteur 3 a été enregistrée. L'étude du flot elliptique du J/ψ fournit des informations clés sur la magnitude et la dynamique des mécanismes de suppression et de (re)génération de charmonia. Par ailleurs elle offre un regard unique sur l'évolution et les interactions des quarks charmés au sein du milieu en expansion. / Extreme temperatures and energy densities produced in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions at the Large Hadron Collider provide a unique opportunity to study the properties of matter. A phase transition of the hadronic matter to a deconfined medium of quarks and gluons, the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP), is predicted by Quantum Chromodynamics and considerable theoretical and experimental efforts have been invested to study its properties. Among the prominent probes of the QGP, heavy quarks play a crucial role since they are created in primary hard-scattering processes, before the QGP formation, and their number is conserved throughout the partonic and hadronic phases of the collision. Bound states of heavyquarks – quarkonium (charmonium for cc and bottomoniumbb) provide remarkable probes of the medium. At LHC energies, experimental observations of quarkonium in A-Acollisions are reproduced through two antagonist mechanisms: a sequential suppression of the quarkonium states, early suggested as a signature of the QGP, and quarkonium (re)generation by (re)combination of deconfined quarks. However, theoretical predictions carry large uncertainties and many unknows remain. The momentum space azimuthal anisotropy of charmonium production (referred as elliptic flow v2) should help to clarify the picture and to constrain the model parameters. If charm quarks (re)combine in the medium into cc pairs, the J/ψ originating from (re)combination should inherit their flow. Previous studies have shown first hints of a positive J/ψ v2 in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN=2.76TeV. This thesis focuses on the measurement of J/ψ azimuthal anisotropy in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN=5.02TeV where a slightly stronger (re)generation component is predicted with respect to lower collision energies, and a factor of 3more data were collected. The study of J/ψ v2 provides important information on the magnitude and dynamics of charmonium suppression and (re)generation mechanisms. In addition, it offers a unique insight on charm quark evolution and interactions in the expanding medium.
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Estudo da largura de estados exóticos do Charmonium usando as regras de soma da QCD / Study of the Exotic Charmonium States Width using the QCD Sum RulesDias, Jorgivan Morais 22 September 2015 (has links)
Nesta tese, discutimos em detalhes a técnica das Regras de Soma da QCD (RSQCD) e suas aplicações em sistemas hadrônicos situados na região de massa do charmônio. Em particular, calculamos a massa, as constantes de decaimento e acoplamento, bem como a largura de decaimento dos estados $Y(4260)$,$Y(3940)$ e $Z_c^+(3900)$. Além disso, consideramos a existência do parceiro estranho deste último, o $Z^+_{cs}(3970)$, e calculamos sua largura de decaimento de modo a prever seu valor em futuros experimentos. Usamos modelos ditos exóticos para descrever tais estados. Para o $Y(4260)$ e o $Y(3940)$ usamos correntes de mistura charmônio - tetraquarks. Para os estados carregados usamos uma corrente de tetraquarks. Como resultado das aplicações das RSQCD nesses sistemas, obtivemos valores de massa e largura compatíveis com os valores experimentais medidos pelas colaborações BESIII, Belle, Babar e CLEO-c. Dessa forma, podemos afirmar que os modelos utilizados fornecem uma boa interpretação para esses estados. Investigamos também, aplicando técnicas de teorias efetivas, os estados carregados $Z^+_c(4025)$ e novamente o $Z_c^+(3900)$, além dos estados no setor do bottom $Z^+_b(10610)$ e $Z_b^+(10650)$. Usamos as Lagrangianas da Simetria Oculta de Calibre Local (HGS) e também as regras da Simetria de Spin do Quark Pesado (HQSS) para determinarmos as interações $D\\bar{D}^*$, $D^*\\bar{D}^*$, $B\\bar{B}^*$ e $B^*\\bar{B}^*$ via troca de mésons vetoriais pesados e devido à troca de dois píons correlacionados e não correlacionados entre si. Determinamos o potencial para cada interação e, com isso, procuramos por pólos na solução da matriz $T$ na equação de Bethe-Salpeter, cujo kernel é dado pelo potencial. Como resultado desses estudos, obtivemos para as interações no setor do charme, estados ligados cuja massa e largura estão em razoável acordo com os estados carregados $Z^+_c(4025)$ e $Z_c^+(3900)$. Para as interações no setor do bottom, obtemos um estado fracamente ligado próximo do limiar de massa $B\\bar{B}^*$ cuja largura e massa são compatíveis com a estrutura $Z_b^+(10610)$ observada pela Colaboração Belle. Obtivemos um cusp no limiar de massa $B^*\\bar{B}^*$ próximo do valor da estrutura $Z_b^ (10650)$ / In this thesis, we discuss in details the QCD Sum Rules (QCDSR) technique and its application to the study of hadronic systems situated in the charmonium mass region. In particular, we applied QCDSR to calculate hadronic properties such as the mass, the coupling contants as well as the total decay width of the $Y(4260)$, $Y(3940)$ and $Z_c^+(3900)$ charmoniumlike states. We have also predicted the decay width of the strange partner of the $Z_c^+(3900)$, called $Z_{cs}^+(3970)$, to be searched in future experiments. In order to describe these states, we used exotic models. For $Y(4260)$ and $Y(3940)$ states we used mixed charmonium-tetraquarks interpolating currents. For the charged states we used tetraquark currents. As a result of the application of QCDSR to these systems, we obtained masses and decay widths in good agreement with the experimental values measured by BESIII, Babar, and CLEO-c collaborations. Therefore, the currents we used within QCDSR approach provide a good interpretation for these states. Furthermore, applying effective field theories techniques, we also investigated the charged states $Z_c^+(4025)$ and $Z_c^+(3900)$, in addition to $Z^+_b(10610)$ and $Z_b^+(10650)$ in the bottom sector. Specifically, we used hidden local symmetry Lagrangians (HGS) together with heavy quark spin symmetry rules (HQSS) in order to study the interactions $D\\bar{D}^*$, $D^*\\bar{D}^*$, $B\\bar{B}^*$ and $B^*\\bar{B}^*$ by means of the heavy vector exchange and also from the exchange of two pions, interacting and noninteracting among themselves. We obtained the potencial for each interaction, then we used them as a kernel of the Bethe-Salpeter equation in order to look for poles in the $T$-matrix. Our aim was to relate these poles with the charmoniumlike states of interest. As a result, in the charm sector, we obtained bound states whoses masses and widths are in a good agreement with the charged states we have studied. With respect to the bottom sector, we have found a loosely bound state very close to the $B\\bar{B}^*$ threshold with mass and width compatible with the structure $Z_b(10610)$ observed by Belle colaboration. We have obtained a cusp in the $B^*\\bar{B}^*$ threshold very close to the mass of the $Z_b^+(10650)$ state.
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The Charm of Excited Glue : Charmonium in <i>e</i><sup>+</sup><i>e</i><i>–</i> and <i>ppbar</i> collisionsLundborg, Agnes January 2007 (has links)
<p>This thesis treats the mass range of charmonium states and excited gluonic fields in two experiments, BESII and PANDA, and outlines a phenomenological model that connects them.</p><p>In BESII, <i>e</i><sup>+</sup><i>e</i><sup>–</sup> form a charmonium initial state, which is utilised as a source for secondary particles. The analysed channels, <i>ψ</i>´→ <i>γK</i><sup>+</sup><i>K</i><sup>–</sup> and <i>ψ</i>´→ <i>γπ</i><sup>+</sup><i>π</i><sup>–</sup>, give access to intermediate scalar states such as the two glueball candidates: f<sub>0</sub>(1500) and f<sub>0</sub>(1710). The f<sub>0</sub>(1710) is indeed observed in decay into both <i>π</i><sup>+</sup><i>π</i><sup>–</sup> and <i>K</i><sup>+</sup><i>K</i><sup>–</sup> and the f<sub>0</sub>(1500) is accepted as a necessary part of the <i>π</i><sup>+</sup><i>π</i><sup>–</sup> signal at the moderate 5% level. In addition, we observe the two tensor states f<sub>2</sub>(1270) (in both channels) and f<sub>2</sub>´(1525) (in <i>K</i><sup>+</sup><i>K</i><sup>–</sup>), but the need for the f<sub>2</sub>´(1525) is not firmly established. The region around 2 GeV/<i>c</i><sup>2</sup> is fitted with an f<sub>4</sub>(2050) and an f<sub>0</sub>(2200) in <i>π</i><sup>+</sup><i>π</i><sup>–</sup>. This region is fairly flat in <i>K</i><sup>+</sup><i>K</i><sup>–</sup> with a slight peak at the f<sub>0</sub>(2200). Branching ratios for all eight channels are given. A fit to the angular distribution of ψ´→ γ f<sub>2</sub>(1270) → <i>γ π</i><sup>+</sup><i>π</i><sup>–</sup>gave two possible solutions for the relative importance of helicity projections zero, one and two.</p><p>The future <i>pp</i>bar experiment PANDA is still in the development phase; important physics goals have been defined and we are now taking on the laborious task of constructing a detector that is able to fulfil them. A simulation investigation of a theoretically preferred <i>J</i><i>PC</i>=1<sup>–+</sup> charmonium hybrid (<i>H</i><i>c</i>) is presented: <i>ppbar</i> → <i>H</i><i>c</i><i>π</i><sup>0</sup>/<i>η</i>, <i>H</i><i>c</i> → <i>χ</i><i>c</i><sub>1</sub> (<i>π</i><sup>0</sup><i>π</i><sup>0</sup>)<i>S–wave</i>, <i>χ</i><i>c</i><sub>1</sub> → <i>J</i>/<i>ψπ</i><sup>0</sup>, with a final state of seven photons and a lepton pair. To detect this channel next to full coverage of CM phase space is needed and as little material as possible before the electromagnetic calorimeter. </p><p>A second simulation study of <i>pp</i>bar → <i>η</i><i>c</i> → <i>γγ</i> at PANDA, suggests that the channel should be possible to detect with a signal-to-background ratio of 5±1 and a detection efficiency of at least 10%. </p><p>By assuming a constant matrix element we obtain a relation between the decay width for <i>ψ</i> → <i>pp</i>bar+<i>m</i>, which has been measured at BES for several cases, and the cross section for <i>pp</i>bar charmonium production in association with the same light meson, <i>m</i> (at for example PANDA). Cross sections of ~300–3000 pb were predicted for J/ψ production and ~30 pb for <i>ψ</i>' production. Isoscalars seem to be preferred to isovectors in <i>J</i>/<i>ψ</i> production, this might however be an artefact of simplifications within the model. A comparison with the only measured cross section, <i>pp</i>bar → <i>J</i>/<i>ψπ</i><sup>0</sup>, suggests that the model is useful as a first estimate.</p>
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The Charm of Excited Glue : Charmonium in e+e– and ppbar collisionsLundborg, Agnes January 2007 (has links)
This thesis treats the mass range of charmonium states and excited gluonic fields in two experiments, BESII and PANDA, and outlines a phenomenological model that connects them. In BESII, e+e– form a charmonium initial state, which is utilised as a source for secondary particles. The analysed channels, ψ´→ γK+K– and ψ´→ γπ+π–, give access to intermediate scalar states such as the two glueball candidates: f0(1500) and f0(1710). The f0(1710) is indeed observed in decay into both π+π– and K+K– and the f0(1500) is accepted as a necessary part of the π+π– signal at the moderate 5% level. In addition, we observe the two tensor states f2(1270) (in both channels) and f2´(1525) (in K+K–), but the need for the f2´(1525) is not firmly established. The region around 2 GeV/c2 is fitted with an f4(2050) and an f0(2200) in π+π–. This region is fairly flat in K+K– with a slight peak at the f0(2200). Branching ratios for all eight channels are given. A fit to the angular distribution of ψ´→ γ f2(1270) → γ π+π–gave two possible solutions for the relative importance of helicity projections zero, one and two. The future ppbar experiment PANDA is still in the development phase; important physics goals have been defined and we are now taking on the laborious task of constructing a detector that is able to fulfil them. A simulation investigation of a theoretically preferred JPC=1–+ charmonium hybrid (Hc) is presented: ppbar → Hcπ0/η, Hc → χc1 (π0π0)S–wave, χc1 → J/ψπ0, with a final state of seven photons and a lepton pair. To detect this channel next to full coverage of CM phase space is needed and as little material as possible before the electromagnetic calorimeter. A second simulation study of ppbar → ηc → γγ at PANDA, suggests that the channel should be possible to detect with a signal-to-background ratio of 5±1 and a detection efficiency of at least 10%. By assuming a constant matrix element we obtain a relation between the decay width for ψ → ppbar+m, which has been measured at BES for several cases, and the cross section for ppbar charmonium production in association with the same light meson, m (at for example PANDA). Cross sections of ~300–3000 pb were predicted for J/ψ production and ~30 pb for ψ' production. Isoscalars seem to be preferred to isovectors in J/ψ production, this might however be an artefact of simplifications within the model. A comparison with the only measured cross section, ppbar → J/ψπ0, suggests that the model is useful as a first estimate.
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Charmonium in Hot MediumZhao, Xingbo 2010 December 1900 (has links)
We investigate charmonium production in the hot medium created by heavy-ion collisions by setting up a framework in which in-medium charmonium properties are constrained by thermal lattice QCD (lQCD) and subsequently implemented into kinetic approaches. A Boltzmann transport equation is employed to describe the time evolution of the charmonium phase space distribution with the loss and gain term accounting for charmonium dissociation and regeneration (from charm quarks), respectively. The momentum dependence of the charmonium dissociation rate is worked out. The dominant process for in-medium charmonium regeneration is found to be a 3-to-2 process. Its corresponding regeneration rates from different input charmquark momentum spectra are evaluated. Experimental data on J/[psi] production at CERN-SPS and BNL-RHIC are compared with our numerical results in terms of both rapidity-dependent inclusive yields and transverse momentum (pt) spectra. Within current uncertainties from (interpreting) lQCD data and from input charm-quark spectra the centrality dependence of J/[psi] production at SPS and RHIC (for both mid-and forward rapidity) is reasonably well reproduced. The J/[psi] pt data are shown to have a discriminating power for in-medium charmonium properties as inferred from different interpretations of lQCD results.
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Première mesure de l'asymétrie azimutale de la production du J/psi vers l'avant dans les collisions Au+Au à 200 GeV par paire de nucléons avec l'expérience PHENIX.Silvestre Tello, Catherine 24 October 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Un des objectifs principaux de l'expérience PHENIX est l'étude de la matière nucléaire soumise à des conditions extrêmes de température et de densité d'énergie. Dans les collisions ultra-relativistes Au+Au à 200~GeV par paires de nucléon, il serait possible de former un état de la matière pour lequel les quarks et les gluons ne seraient plus liés au sein des nucléons mais pourraient évoluer de façon quasi-libre sur des distances plus grandes que la taille caractéristique de ces derniers. Cet état est dénommé le Plasma de Quarks et de Gluons (QGP).<br /><br />L'étude de la production du $\jpsi$, particule lourde formée d'une paire de quarks charme ($c \bar c$), est une des sondes initialement proposée pour étudier le QGP. Une suppression de la production du $\jpsi$ était en effet attendue en présence d'un QGP, en raison de l'écrantage du potentiel de liaison entre les quarks charme le constituant par la présence du milieu dense coloré environnant. De nombreuses mesures du $\jpsi$ ont eu lieu depuis au SPS (CERN) et à RHIC (BNL). Elles ont permis de mettre en évidence non seulement l'existence d'une telle suppression, mais également la présence de mécanismes supplémentaires, rendant plus difficile l'interprétation des résultats correspondants.<br /><br />L'expérience PHENIX est la seule des quatre expériences de RHIC capable de mesurer le $\jpsi$ à rapidité positive via sa désintégration en deux muons. En 2007 des collisions Au+Au à une énergie par paire de nucléons dans le centre de masse $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=200$~GeV ont été réalisées à BNL, ce qui a permis d'augmenter d'un facteur quatre la statistique disponible pour l'étude du $\jpsi$ par rapport aux résultats publiés précédemment. Cette augmentation, ajoutée à la mise en oeuvre de nouveaux détecteurs dans PHENIX, a permis de préciser les mesures précédentes, et de mesurer des observables jusqu'alors inaccessibles telles que l'asymétrie azimutale de la production du $\jpsi$.<br /><br />Ce manuscrit présente la compréhension actuelle de la production de quarkonia et l'utilisation de cette sonde dans l'étude du QGP. L'analyse conduisant à la première mesure de l'anisotropie azimutale du $\jpsi$ à rapidité positive dans les collisions Au+Au à 200~GeV par paire de nucléons est détaillée. Cette mesure devrait permettre de préciser le mécanisme de production du méson, en particulier en ce qui concerne la part de recombinaison des quarks $c$ en $\jpsi$.
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Estudo da largura de estados exóticos do Charmonium usando as regras de soma da QCD / Study of the Exotic Charmonium States Width using the QCD Sum RulesJorgivan Morais Dias 22 September 2015 (has links)
Nesta tese, discutimos em detalhes a técnica das Regras de Soma da QCD (RSQCD) e suas aplicações em sistemas hadrônicos situados na região de massa do charmônio. Em particular, calculamos a massa, as constantes de decaimento e acoplamento, bem como a largura de decaimento dos estados $Y(4260)$,$Y(3940)$ e $Z_c^+(3900)$. Além disso, consideramos a existência do parceiro estranho deste último, o $Z^+_{cs}(3970)$, e calculamos sua largura de decaimento de modo a prever seu valor em futuros experimentos. Usamos modelos ditos exóticos para descrever tais estados. Para o $Y(4260)$ e o $Y(3940)$ usamos correntes de mistura charmônio - tetraquarks. Para os estados carregados usamos uma corrente de tetraquarks. Como resultado das aplicações das RSQCD nesses sistemas, obtivemos valores de massa e largura compatíveis com os valores experimentais medidos pelas colaborações BESIII, Belle, Babar e CLEO-c. Dessa forma, podemos afirmar que os modelos utilizados fornecem uma boa interpretação para esses estados. Investigamos também, aplicando técnicas de teorias efetivas, os estados carregados $Z^+_c(4025)$ e novamente o $Z_c^+(3900)$, além dos estados no setor do bottom $Z^+_b(10610)$ e $Z_b^+(10650)$. Usamos as Lagrangianas da Simetria Oculta de Calibre Local (HGS) e também as regras da Simetria de Spin do Quark Pesado (HQSS) para determinarmos as interações $D\\bar{D}^*$, $D^*\\bar{D}^*$, $B\\bar{B}^*$ e $B^*\\bar{B}^*$ via troca de mésons vetoriais pesados e devido à troca de dois píons correlacionados e não correlacionados entre si. Determinamos o potencial para cada interação e, com isso, procuramos por pólos na solução da matriz $T$ na equação de Bethe-Salpeter, cujo kernel é dado pelo potencial. Como resultado desses estudos, obtivemos para as interações no setor do charme, estados ligados cuja massa e largura estão em razoável acordo com os estados carregados $Z^+_c(4025)$ e $Z_c^+(3900)$. Para as interações no setor do bottom, obtemos um estado fracamente ligado próximo do limiar de massa $B\\bar{B}^*$ cuja largura e massa são compatíveis com a estrutura $Z_b^+(10610)$ observada pela Colaboração Belle. Obtivemos um cusp no limiar de massa $B^*\\bar{B}^*$ próximo do valor da estrutura $Z_b^ (10650)$ / In this thesis, we discuss in details the QCD Sum Rules (QCDSR) technique and its application to the study of hadronic systems situated in the charmonium mass region. In particular, we applied QCDSR to calculate hadronic properties such as the mass, the coupling contants as well as the total decay width of the $Y(4260)$, $Y(3940)$ and $Z_c^+(3900)$ charmoniumlike states. We have also predicted the decay width of the strange partner of the $Z_c^+(3900)$, called $Z_{cs}^+(3970)$, to be searched in future experiments. In order to describe these states, we used exotic models. For $Y(4260)$ and $Y(3940)$ states we used mixed charmonium-tetraquarks interpolating currents. For the charged states we used tetraquark currents. As a result of the application of QCDSR to these systems, we obtained masses and decay widths in good agreement with the experimental values measured by BESIII, Babar, and CLEO-c collaborations. Therefore, the currents we used within QCDSR approach provide a good interpretation for these states. Furthermore, applying effective field theories techniques, we also investigated the charged states $Z_c^+(4025)$ and $Z_c^+(3900)$, in addition to $Z^+_b(10610)$ and $Z_b^+(10650)$ in the bottom sector. Specifically, we used hidden local symmetry Lagrangians (HGS) together with heavy quark spin symmetry rules (HQSS) in order to study the interactions $D\\bar{D}^*$, $D^*\\bar{D}^*$, $B\\bar{B}^*$ and $B^*\\bar{B}^*$ by means of the heavy vector exchange and also from the exchange of two pions, interacting and noninteracting among themselves. We obtained the potencial for each interaction, then we used them as a kernel of the Bethe-Salpeter equation in order to look for poles in the $T$-matrix. Our aim was to relate these poles with the charmoniumlike states of interest. As a result, in the charm sector, we obtained bound states whoses masses and widths are in a good agreement with the charged states we have studied. With respect to the bottom sector, we have found a loosely bound state very close to the $B\\bar{B}^*$ threshold with mass and width compatible with the structure $Z_b(10610)$ observed by Belle colaboration. We have obtained a cusp in the $B^*\\bar{B}^*$ threshold very close to the mass of the $Z_b^+(10650)$ state.
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Measurement of J/ψ and ψ(2S) Production inProton-Nucleus Interactions Using the HERA-BExperimentVukotić, Ilija 01 September 2005 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wird die Erzeugung der Charmonium-Zustände J/psi und psi(2S) in Proton-Kern-Reaktionen bei Schwerpunktsenergien von 42 GeV untersucht. Die Daten wurden mit dem HERA-B-Experiment aufgenommen, das in HERA den Protonstrahl nutzt, um Protonen an den Kernen verschiedener Drahttargets zu streuen. Mehr als 150 000 J/psi und 2400 psi(2S)-Zerfälle in Myon-Paare wurden beobachtet. Die HERA-B-Daten decken den kinematischen Bereich in Feynman-x (x_F) zwischen -0.36 und 0.10 und im Transversalimpuls (p_T) bis 4.5 GeV/c ab. Die x_F - und p_T-Verteilungen für die Produktion von J/psi und psi(2S) wurden für Kohlenstoff- und Wolfram-Targets gemessen. Die x_F-Verteilung stimmt gut mit nicht-relativistischen QCD-Rechnungen überein. Bei der p_T-Verteilung findet man einen klaren Anstieg des mittleren p_T für schwerere Kerne: Kohlenstoff = 1.244 +- 0.003 +- 0.034 GeV/c und Wolfram = 1.336 +- 0.004 +- 0.041 GeV/c. Der Vergleich der Erzeugungsraten von psi(2S) und J/psi ergibt: (B''_{muon muon} sigma(psi(2S)) ) / (B_{muon muon} sigma(J/psi)) = 165 +- 9 +- 4 ( x 0.0001) für Kohlenstoff und 154 +- 16 +- 8 ( x 0.0001) für Wolfram. Diese Verältnisse wurden auch für die x_F - und p_T-Verteilungen bestimmt. / In this thesis the production of the charmonium states J/psi and psi(2S) in proton-nucleus collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 42 GeV is studied. The data have been taken by the HERA-B experiment which uses the HERA proton beam to scatter protons off the nuclei of different wire targets. Over 150 x 10^3 J/psi and 2400 psi(2S) decaying to muon pairs are observed. The HERA-B data cover the kinematical range in Feynman x (x_F) between -0.36 and 0.10 and in transverse momentum (p_T) up to 4.5 GeV/c. The x_F and p_T differential distributions for the production of J/psi and psi(2S) mesons are measured for carbon and tungsten target materials. The J/psi x_F distribution agrees well with non-relativistic QCD calculations. From the p_T distributions we find a clear increase of the average p_T for heavier nuclei: Carbon = 1.244 +- 0.003 +- 0.034 GeV/c and Tungsten = 1.336 +- 0.004 +- 0.041 GeV/c. We compared the production rates of psi(2S) to J/psi mesons: (B''_{muon muon} sigma(psi(2S)) ) / (B_{muon muon} sigma(J/psi)) = 165 +- 9 +- 4 ( x 0.0001) for carbon and 154 +- 16 +- 8 ( x 0.0001) for tungsten. These ratios have also been determined for the x_F and p_T distributions.
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