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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Presenting results of software model checker via debugging interface / Presenting results of software model checker via debugging interface

Kohan, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
Title: Presenting results of software model checker via debugging interface Author: Tomáš Kohan Department: Department of Software Engineering Supervisor of the master thesis: RNDr. Ondřej Šerý, Ph.D., Department of Distributed and Dependable Systems Abstract: This thesis is devoted to design and implementation of the new debugging interface of the Java PathFinder application. As a suitable inte- face container was selected the Eclipse development environment. The created interface should visualize results of JPF and details of paused JVM state, es- pecially a list of variables and their values. Two subprojects were created, i.e. debug4jpf and JPFDeb.core. The first one is responsible for controlling and communication with the JPF instance. The latter one is an Eclipse plugin and provides user interface which is similar to the interface of standard Java debugger. These two components communicate with each other by using the ad-hoc communication protocol created for this purpose. Keywords: Java, verification, model checker, JPF, debugging interface

Presenting results of software model checker via debugging interface / Presenting results of software model checker via debugging interface

Kohan, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
Title: Presenting results of software model checker via debugging interface Author: Tomáš Kohan Department: Department of Software Engineering Supervisor of the master thesis: RNDr. Ondřej Šerý, Ph.D., Department of Distributed and Dependable Systems Abstract: This thesis is devoted to design and implementation of the new de- bugging interface to the Java PathFinder application. As a suitable interface container was selected the Eclipse development environment. The created inter- face visualizes results of JPF and details of paused JVM state, especially a list of variables and their values. Two subprojects were created, i.e. debug4jpf and JPFDeb.core. The first one is responsible for controlling and communication with the JPF instance. The latter one is an Eclipse plugin and provides user interface which is similar to the interface of standard Java debugger. These two components communicate with each other by using the ad-hoc communication protocol created for this purpose. Keywords: Java, verification, model checker, JPF, debugging interface

Computational Verification of Published Human Mutations.

Kamanu, Frederick Kinyua. January 2008 (has links)
<p>The completion of the Human Genome Project, a remarkable feat by any measure, has provided over three billion bases of reference nucleotides for comparative studies. The next, and perhaps more challenging step is to analyse sequence variation and relate this information to important phenotypes. Most human sequence variations are characterized by structural complexity and, are hence, associated with abnormal functional dynamics. This thesis covers the assembly of a computational platform for verifying these variations, based on accurate, published, experimental data.</p>

Σχεδιασμός, κατασκευή και αξιολόγηση ελληνικού γραμματικού διορθωτή

Γάκης, Παναγιώτης 07 May 2015 (has links)
Στόχος της παρούσας διδακτορικής διατριβής είναι ο σχεδιασμός και η υλοποίηση ενός ηλεκτρονικού εύχρηστου εργαλείου (γραμματικού διορθωτή) που θα προβαίνει στη μορφολογική και συντακτική ανάλυση φράσεων, προτάσεων και λέξεων με σκοπό τη διόρθωση γραμματικών και υφολογικών λαθών. Βάση για την αντιμετώπιση όλων αυτών των ζητημάτων συνιστούν οι ρυθμίσεις της Γραμματικής (αναπροσαρμογή της Μικρής Νεοελληνικής Γραμματικής του Μανόλη Τριανταφυλλίδη), η οποία αποτελεί την επίσημη, από το 1976, γραμματική κωδικοποίηση της νεοελληνικής γλώσσας. (Κατά την εκπόνηση της διατριβής δεν έχουν ληφθεί υπόψη οι -ελάχιστες- διαφορές της νέας σχολικής γραμματικής Ε΄ και Στ΄ Δημοτικού). Με δεδομένη την απουσία ενός τέτοιου εργαλείου για τα ελληνικά, η ανάπτυξη του προϊόντος θα βασίζεται καταρχήν στη λεπτομερή καταγραφή, ανάλυση και τυποποίηση των λαθών του γραπτού λόγου και στη συνέχεια στην επιλογή του λογισμικού εκείνου που θα περιγράφει φορμαλιστικά τα γραμματικά λάθη. Η διατριβή παρουσιάζει στατιστικά στοιχεία που αφορούν τη σχέση των λαθών με το φύλο ή με το κειμενικό είδος των κειμένων στα οποία και συναντούνται όπως επίσης και την αναγνώρισή τους από μαθητές. Στην παρούσα έρευνα παρουσιάζεται ο φορμαλισμός υλοποίησης που χρησιμοποιήθηκε (Mnemosyne) και παρουσιάζονται οι ιδιαιτερότητες της ελληνικής γλώσσας που δυσχεραίνουν την υπολογιστική επεξεργασία της. Ο φορμαλισμός αυτός έχει ήδη χρησιμοποιηθεί για αναγνώριση πολυλεκτικών όρων καθώς και για την υλοποίηση ηλεκτρονικών εργαλείων (γραμματικών) με στόχο την αυτόματη εξαγωγή πληροφορίας. Με αυτό τον τρόπο όλοι οι χρήστες της γλώσσας (και όχι μόνο αυτοί που έχουν την ελληνική ως μητρική γλώσσα) μπορούν να κατανοήσουν καλύτερα όχι μόνον τη λειτουργία των διαφόρων μερών του συστήματος της γλώσσας αλλά και τον τρόπο με τον οποίο λειτουργούν οι μηχανισμοί λειτουργίας του γλωσσικού συστήματος κατά τη γλωσσική ανάλυση . 14 Οι βασικές περιοχές γραμματικών λαθών όπου θα παρεμβαίνει ο γραμματικός διορθωτής θα είναι: 1) θέματα τονισμού και στίξης, 2) τελικό -ν, 3) υφολογικά ζητήματα (ρηματικοί τύποι σε περιπτώσεις διπλοτυπίας, κλιτικοί τύποι), 4) ζητήματα καθιερωμένης γραφής λέξεων ή φράσεων της νέας ελληνικής γλώσσας (στερεότυπες φράσεις, λόγιοι τύποι), 5) ζητήματα κλίσης (λανθασμένοι κλιτικοί τύποι ονομάτων ή ρημάτων είτε λόγω άγνοιας είτε λόγω σύγχυσης), 6) ζητήματα λεξιλογίου (περιπτώσεις εννοιολογικής σύγχυσης, ελληνικές αποδόσεις ξένων λέξεων, πλεονασμός, χρήση εσφαλμένης φράσης ή λέξης), 7) ζητήματα ορθογραφικής σύγχυσης (ομόηχες λέξεις), 8) ζητήματα συμφωνίας (θέματα ασυμφωνίας στοιχείων της ονοματικής ή της ρηματικής φράσης), 9) ζητήματα σύνταξης (σύνταξη ρημάτων) και 10) περιπτώσεις λαθών που απαιτούν πιο εξειδικευμένη διαχείριση ορθογραφικής διόρθωσης. Βάση για την υλοποίηση του λεξικού αποτελεί το ηλεκτρονικό μορφολογικό λεξικό Neurolingo Lexicon1, ένα λεξικό χτισμένο σε ένα μοντέλο 5 επιπέδων με τουλάχιστον 90.000 λήμματα που παράγουν 1.200.000 κλιτικούς τύπους. Οι τύποι αυτοί φέρουν πληροφορία: α) ορθογραφική (ορθή γραφή του κλιτικού τύπου), β) μορφηματική (το είδος των μορφημάτων: πρόθημα, θέμα, επίθημα, κατάληξη, που απαρτίζουν τον κλιτικό τύπο), γ) μορφοσυντακτική (μέρος του λόγου, γένος, πτώση, πρόσωπο κτλ.), δ) υφολογική (τα υφολογικά χαρακτηριστικά του τύπου: προφορικό, λόγιο κτλ.) και ε) ορολογική (επιπλέον πληροφορία για το αν ο τύπος αποτελεί μέρος ειδικού λεξιλογίου). Το λεξικό αυτό αποτελεί και τον θεμέλιο λίθο για την υποστήριξη του γραμματικού διορθωτή (Grammar Checker). Η αξία και ο ρόλος του μορφολογικού λεξικού για την υποστήριξη ενός γραμματικού διορθωτή είναι αυτονόητη, καθώς η μορφολογία είναι το πρώτο επίπεδο γλώσσας που εξετάζεται και το συντακτικό επίπεδο βασίζεται και εξαρτάται από τη μορφολογία των λέξεων. Μείζον πρόβλημα αποτέλεσε η λεξική ασάφεια, προϊόν της πλούσιας μορφολογίας της ελληνικής γλώσσας. Με δεδομένο αυτό το πρόβλημα σχεδιάστηκε ο σχολιαστής (tagger) με αμιγώς γλωσσολογικά κριτήρια για τις περιπτώσεις εκείνες όπου η λεξική ασάφεια αποτελούσε εμπόδιο στην αποτύπωση λαθών στη χρήση της ελληνικής γλώσσας. Στον γραμματικό διορθωτή δόθηκαν προς διόρθωση κείμενα που είχαν διορθωθεί από άνθρωπο. Σε ένα πολύ μεγάλο ποσοστό ο διορθωτής προσεγγίζει τη διόρθωση του ανθρώπου με μόνη διαφοροποίηση εκείνα τα λάθη που αφορούν τη συνοχή του κειμένου και κατ’ επέκταση όλα τα νοηματικά λάθη. / The aim of this thesis is to design and then to implement a useful and friendly electronic tool (grammar checker) which will carry out the morphological and syntactic analysis of sentences, phrases and words in order to correct syntactic, grammatical and stylistic errors. Our foundation so as to deal with all these issues, is the settings of Grammar (adaptation of Little Modern Grammar of Manolis Triantafyllidis), which is the formalconstituted codified grammar of Modern Greek, since 1976. (In the presentation of this thesis it has not been taken into account the -minimum- differences that appear in the new Greek grammar book of the fifth and sixth grade of the elementary school). Bearing in mind that there is a total absence of such a tool in Greek language, the development of the product is based on the detailed record, on the analysis and on the formulation of the errors of writing speech. Additionally, for its development the right software is chosen in order to describe the grammatical errors. In this thesis the statistics demonstrate the link between the errors and the students’ gender or between the errors and the textual type in which these errors appear. Finnally, through the statistics, the link among the errors and their recognition by the students is presented . This research presents the formalism used (the Mnemosyne) and also the particularities of the Greek language that hinder the computational processing. The formalism has already been used to identify multi-word terms and to phrase grammars, aiming to the automatic information extraction. In this way, all speakers (native or not) will be able to understand better not only the function of various parts of the system of the Greek language but also the way the mechanisms of linguistic analysis operate in the conquest and more broadly in the linguistic realization. The main areas of the grammatical errors with which the grammar checker will interfere, are: 1) Punctuation problems, 2) Final -n, 3) Stylistic issues (verb forms in cases of duplicates, inflectional types), 4) Standardization issues (stereotyped phrases, words of literary origin), 5) Inclination issues (incorrect declension of names or verbs either through ignorance or because of confusion) 6) Vocabulary issues (cases of conceptual confusion, Greek translation of foreign words, redundancy and use of incorrect word or phrase), 7) Orthographic confusion issues (homonymous words), 8) Agreement issues (cases of elements of nominal or verbal phrase disagreement), 9) Syntax issues (verbs) and 10) Cases of errors that require more specialized management of the spelling correction. The basis for the implementation is the electronic morphological lexicon (Neurolingo Lexicon), a 5-level lexicon which consists of, at least 90,000 entries that produce ~1,200,000 inflection types. These types carry information: a) spelling (write spelling of inflectional type), b) morpheme information (type of morphemes: prefix, theme, suffix, ending), c) morphosyntactic information (part of speech, gender, case, person, etc.), d) stylistic information (the stylistic characteristics of the type: oral, archaic, etc.) and e) terminology (additional information about whether the word form is part of a special vocabulary).This electronic lexicon is the foundation that supports the grammar checker. The value and the key role of the morphological lexicon in supporting the Greek grammar checker is obvious, since the first level in which the language is examined is the morphology level and since the structural level is not only based but also depends on the morphology of the words. A major problem in processing the natural language was the lexical ambiguity, a product of the highly morphology of the Greek language. Given that the major problem of modern Greek is the lexical ambiguity we designe the Greek tagger grounded on linguistic criteria for those cases where the lexical ambiguity impede the imprint of the errors in Greek language. The texts that were given for correction to the grammar checker were also corrected by a person. In a very large percentage the grammar checker approximates in accuracy the human-corrector. Only when the grammar checker had to deal with mistakes concerning the coherence of the text or with meaning errors, the humman corrector was the only accurate corrector.

Automatinio paskirstytų sistemų testavimo metodo naudojančio UML modelius sudarymas ir tyrimas / Formation and research of an automated distributed system test method using UML models

Prapuolenis, Jonas 26 August 2013 (has links)
Didžioji dalis programinės įrangos šiais laikais yra paskirstyta. Jos testavimas bei verifikavimas yra sudėtingas. Dažniausiai testavimas yra būtina, tačiau daug laiko bei išteklių reikalaujanti, programinės įrangos kūrimo proceso dalis. Automatiniai testavimo įrankiai palengvina paskirstytų sistemų testavimą. Šiame darbe pateikiamas automatinis paskirstytų sistemų testavimo metodas naudojantis UML modelius, sukurtas įrankis šio metodo pagrindu bei atliktas eksperimentinis tyrimas. Pirmoje dalyje aprašoma atlikta paskirstytų sistemų testavimo problemų analizė bei bėdos esant lygiagretumui bei lenktynių dėl resursų sąlygoms. Pateikiamos modelių tikrintuvo naudojimo galimybės atliekant paskirstytų sistemų testavimą bei UML modelių naudojimas testavimo tikslams. Antroje dalyje pateikiamas naudojamas metodas, o trečioje dalyje šį metodą realizuojančios programinės įrangos projektas. Programinė įranga sukurta Java kalba, naudojamas Java PathFinder modelių tikrintuvas dviejų klientų simuliavimui. Serveris veikia už modelio tikrintuvo ribų. UML klasių diagramos, su tam tikrų stereotipų pagalba, naudojamos serverio testavimo parametrams nurodyti. Eksperimentinėje dalyje pateikiami atlikti bandymai su sukurta programine įranga. Testavimui panaudotos dvi paprastos paskirstytos sistemos. Panaudojant mutacinį testavimą sužinotas metodo aptinkamų mutantų kiekis, kuris yra palygintas su JUnit testų aptinkamu kiekiu. Atlikta aptiktų bei neaptiktų mutantų analizė parodė metodo privalumus bei... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Most applications today communicate with other processes over a network. Testing and verification of such systems is complex. In many cases testing is an essential, but time and resource consuming activity in the software development process. Automated test methods are used to make testing of such distributed systems easier. In this document an automated distributed system test method using UML models is presented. It uses a couple of clients communicating with server and is able to detect resource racing related failures. The first section describes a research of distributed system testing issues, concurrency and resource racing error detection, and ways of using model checker for testing distributed systems as well as the use of UML models for test purposes. The second section presents a testing method used for the tool. Tool is described in the third section. It is based on Java and uses Java PathFinder model checker for simulating two clients. Server is run outside of model checker. UML class diagrams are used for defining server test parameters by applying certain stereotypes on methods being tested. The investigation section describes a performed experiment with created tool. Two simple distributed systems are presented for mutation test purposes. Mutation testing is performed with defined mutation operators and results are analyzed. Additionally results are compared to basic JUnit tests.

Computational Verification of Published Human Mutations.

Kamanu, Frederick Kinyua. January 2008 (has links)
<p>The completion of the Human Genome Project, a remarkable feat by any measure, has provided over three billion bases of reference nucleotides for comparative studies. The next, and perhaps more challenging step is to analyse sequence variation and relate this information to important phenotypes. Most human sequence variations are characterized by structural complexity and, are hence, associated with abnormal functional dynamics. This thesis covers the assembly of a computational platform for verifying these variations, based on accurate, published, experimental data.</p>

L'apport des correcticiels pour la correction de textes d'élèves du secondaire

Mireault, Marie-Hélène January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Computer based writing support for dyslexic adults using language constraints

Carter, Marina January 2002 (has links)
Computers have been used effectively to provide support for people with a variety of special needs. One such group is adults with dyslexia. Dyslexia is commonly recognised as a learning disorder characterised by reading, writing and spelling difficulties. It inhibits recognition and processing of graphic symbols, particularly those pertaining to language. Computers are a useful aid for dyslexic adults, especially word processors and their associated spelling tools. However, there are still areas where improvements are needed. Creating an environment, which minimises visual discomfort associated with proof reading and making selections from lists would be of benefit. Furthermore providing the correct type and level of support for spelling, grammar and sentence construction may result in higher standards being achieved. A survey of 250 dyslexic adults established their requirements and enabled the development of a specialist word processing system and associated spelling support tools. The hypothesis, that using a language with enforced structure and rigid constraints has a positive affect for dyslexic adults, was also tested. A support tool, which provided a controlled environment, to assist with sentence construction for dyslexic adults was developed from this. Three environments were created using the word processing system: environment 1 used the basic system with no support, environment 2 provided spelling support suggested by the survey subjects and environment 3 used the sentence constructing tool providing support and control. Using these environments in controlled experiments indicated that although environment 2 achieved high academic standards, environment 3 produced written work to an even higher standard and at the same time, the subjects derived greater satisfaction in using it. This research proves that working in a controlled, rigid environment, where structure is enforced, substantially benefits dyslexic adults performing computer-based writing tasks.

Computational verification of published human mutations

Kamanu, Frederick Kinyua January 2008 (has links)
Magister Scientiae - MSc / The completion of the Human Genome Project, a remarkable feat by any measure, has provided over three billion bases of reference nucleotides for comparative studies. The next, and perhaps more challenging step is to analyse sequence variation and relate this information to important phenotypes. Most human sequence variations are characterized by structural complexity and, are hence, associated with abnormal functional dynamics. This thesis covers the assembly of a computational platform for verifying these variations, based on accurate, published, experimental data. / South Africa

Hardware languages and proof

Richards, Dominic Anthony January 2011 (has links)
Formal methods play a significant and increasing role in hardware verification, but their effectiveness can be impaired by the ac hoc nature of mainstream hardware languages such as VHDL, Verilog and SystemC, which have convoluted semantics that often necessitate contrived proof techniques. This dissertation investigates the application of formal reasoning to hardware architectures expressed in an alternative class of semantically elegant languages, which support efficient design, whilst also having been developed with proof techniques in mind. A network-on-chip architecture belonging to the SpiNNaker many-core processor is specified in Concurrent Haskell, and a hand proof is presented which verifies a novel routing mechanism by mathematical induction. A subset of Bluespec SystemVerilog (BSV) is embedded in the higher order logic of the PVS theorem prover. Owing to the clean semantics of BSV, application of monadic techniques leads to a surprisingly elegant embedding, in which hardware designs are translated into logic almost verbatim, preserving types and language constructs. Proof strategies are written in the PVS strategy language; these automatically verify temporal logic theorems concerning the resulting monadic expressions, by employing a combination of model checking and deductive reasoning. The subset of BSV which is embedded includes module definition and instantiation, methods, implicit conditions, scheduling attributes, and rule composition using methods from instantiated modules. The aforementioned subset of BSV is also embedded in the specification language of the SAL model checker, and a verification strategy is presented which combines the specialised model checking capabilities of SAL with the diverse proof strategies of PVS.

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