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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Derivatização de celulose sob condições homogêneas: cinética e mecanismo de acilação do biopolímero em LiCI/DMAC e liquídos iônicos/solventes apróticos dipolares / Cellulose derivatization under homogeneous conditions: kinetics and mechanism of biopolymer acylation in LiCl/DMAC and ionic liquids-dipolar aprotic solvents

Haq Nawaz 05 February 2014 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar a reatividade de acilação de celulose por anidridos de ácidos carboxílicos sob condições homogêneas em solventes apróticos dipolares (SAD), incluindo LiCl/N,N-dimetilacetamida (DMAC) e líquidos iônicos (LIs)/SAD. Os factores que contribuem para a reatividade foram quantificados através do estudo da dependência das constantes de velocidade e parâmetros de ativação sobre a composição do solvente. Após estabelecer que a condutividade é uma técnica experimental adequada para calcular as constantes de velocidade, foi estudada a acilação não catalisada e catalisada de celulose microcristalina, MCC. Foram empregados anidridos de ácidos carboxílicos com diferentes grupos acila (acetil a hexanoil; Nc = 2 a 6) nos seguintes sistemas de solventes: LiCl/DMAC, misturas de LI cloreto de 1-alil-3-metilimidazólio ( AlMeImCl ) e acetonitrila (MeCN), DMAC , dimetilsulfóxido (DMSO ) e sulfolano. Na celulose, a unidade anidra de glucose possui um grupo hidroxila primário e dois hidroxilas secundários. Usamos ciclohexilmetanol, CHM, e trans-1 ,2- ciclo-hexanodiol, CHD , como compostos modelo para os grupos (OH) primário e secundários, respectivamente. As razões das constantes de velocidade de acilação dos compostos modelo (CHM; Prim-OH) e (CHD; SEC-OH) foram empregados, após correção, a fim de dividir as constantes de velocidade global da reação de MCC em contribuições dos grupos (OH) presentes. Para os compostos modelo, verificou-se que k3 (Prim-OH) /k3 (Sec-OH) > 1, semelhante as reações de celulose sob condições heterogéneas; esta relação aumenta como uma função do aumento da Nc. As constantes de velocidade globais e parciais de acilação de MCC diminuim de anidrido etanóico a butanóico e, em seguida, aumentam para anidrido pentanóico e hexanóico, devido a mudanças sutis em - e compensações da entalpia e entropia de ativação. As constantes de velocidade para a acetilação de MCC, por anidrido etanóico na presença de concentrações crescentes do LI em DMAC, MeCN, DMSO e sulfolano foram calculados a partir de dados de condutividade. As constantes de velocidade de terceira ordem mostraram dependência linear sobre [LI]. Estes resultados foram explicados assumindo que o reagente é celulose ligado ao LI por ligação de hidrogénio. Isto foi confirmado pelos dados cinéticos da acetilação de CHM, espectroscopia de IV do último composto, e de celobiose nas misturas de LI/SAD e condutividade das misturas de solventes binários, na ausência e presença de MCC. A acetilação de celulose é mais rápida nas misturas de em LI com DMAC e DMSO do que com MeCN e sulfolano. Esta diferença é explicada, em parte, com base na alta viscosidade das soluções de biopolímeros em LI/sulfolano. Obteve-se mais informações sobre os efeitos do solvente molecular a prtir das propriedades microscópicas dos solventes e simulações por dinâmica molecular, DM. Os dados solvatocrômicos (polaridade empírica e basicidade) têm mostrado a importância da basicidade do solvente; solventes mais básicos formam ligações de hidrogênio mais fortes com os grupos (OH) da celulose, aumentando sua acessibilidade e, consequentemente sua reatividade. Este é o caso de DMAC e DMSO. Os resultados das simulações por DM indicaram a formação de ligações de hidrogénio, entre os grupos (OH) da unidade de glucose anidra do MCC, (Cl-) de LI, e o dipolo do DMAC e DMSO . Observamos que a acilação de celulose em LiCl/DMAC é eficientemente catalisada por imidazol, mas não pelo cloreto de tosila. Resultados de IV de FT e RMN de 1H indicaram a formação de N-acilimidazol que é o agente de acilação. As constantes globais e parciais de velocidade de acilação do MCC diminuiram de anidirido etanóico a butanóico e depois aumentou para anidrido pentanóico e hexanóico, devido a mudanças sutis em- e compensações da entalpia e entropia de ativação. / The objective of this work is to study the reactivity in cellulose acylation by carboxylic acid anhydrides under homogeneous conditions in dipolar aprotic solvents (DAS), including LiCl/ N,N-dimethylacetamide (DMAC) and ionic liquids (ILs)/DAS. Factors that contribute to reactivity were quantified by studying the dependence of reaction rates on temperature and solvent composition. After establishing that conductivity is an appropriate experimental technique to calculate the rate constants, we studied the kinetics of the homogeneous uncatalyzed and catalyzed acylation of microcrystalline cellulose, MCC, with carboxylic acid anhydrides with different acyl chain-length (Nc; ethanoic to hexanoic) in the following solvent systems: LiCl/DMAC; mixtures of the IL, 1-allyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride, (AlMeImCl) and acetonitrile (MeCN), DMAC, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and sulfolane. The anhydroglucose unit of cellulose carries one primary- and two secondary hydroxyl groups. We used cyclohexylmethanol, CHM, and trans-1,2-cyclohexanediol, CHD, as model compounds for the hydroxyl groups of the anhydroglucose unit of cellulose. The ratios of rate constants of acylation of primary (CHM; Prim-OH) and secondary (CHD; Sec-OH) groups were employed, after correction, in order to split the overall rate constants of the reaction of MCC into contributions from the discrete OH groups. For the model compounds, we have found that k3 (Prim-OH)/k3 (Sec-OH) > 1, akin to reactions of cellulose under heterogeneous conditions; this ratio increases as a function of increasing Nc. The overall and partial rate constants of the acylation of MCC decrease from ethanoic- to butanoic anhydride and then increase for pentanoic- and hexanoic anhydride, due to subtle changes in- and compensations of the enthalpy and entropy of activation. Rate constants for the acetylation of MCC, by ethanoic anhydride in the presence of increasing concentrations of the ionic liquid, IL, 1-allyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride in dipolar aprotic solvents, DAS, N,N-dimethylacetamide, DMAC, acetonitrile, MeCN, dimethylsulfoxide, DMSO and sulfolane, have been calculated from conductivity data. The third order rate constants showed a linear dependence on [IL]. These results have been explained by assuming that the reactant is cellulose hydrogen-bonded to the IL. This is corroborated by kinetic data of the acetylation of cyclohexyl methanol, FTIR spectroscopy of the latter compound, and cellobiose in mixtures of IL/DAS, and conductivity of the binary solvent mixtures in absence, and presence of MCC. Cellulose acetylation is faster in IL/DMAC and IL/DMSO than in IL/MeCN and IL/Sulfolane. This difference is explained, in part, based the high viscosity of the biopolymer solutions in IL-Sulfolane. Additional explanation came from microscopic solvents properties and molecular dynamics, MD simulations. The solvatochromic data (empirical polarity and basicity) have shown the importance of solvent basicity; basic solvents hydrogen-bond to the hydroxyl groups of cellulose increasing its accessibility, hence its reactivity. This is the case of DMAC and DMSO. Results of MD simulations indicated hydrogen-bond formation between the hydroxyl groups of the anhydroglucose unit of MCC, (Cl-) of the IL, and the dipole of the DMAC and DMSO. It has been observed that cellulose acylation in LiCl/DMAC is efficiently catalyzed by imidazole, but not by p-tosyl chloride. FTIR and 1H NMR have indicated the formation of N-acylimidazole which is the acylating agent. The overall and partial rate constants of the acylation of MCC decreased from ethanoic- to butanoic-anhydride and then increased for pentanoic- and hexanoic anhydride, due to subtle changes in- and compensations of the enthalpy and entropy of activation.

Efeito da estrutura de espinélios mistos de cobalto e manganês na decomposição catalítica do peróxido de hidrogênio para aplicação em propulsores de satélites / Effect of cobalt and manganese mixed spinel structure on the catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide for application in satellite propellers

Pereira, Luís Gustavo Ferroni 02 February 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento de materiais catalíticos à base de espinélios de cobalto e manganês, para serem empregados como catalisadores na decomposição do peróxido de hidrogênio (H2O2) 90%, em massa, proporcionando múltiplas partidas a frio em um micropropulsor de satélites a monopropelente. Os materiais foram avaliados, preliminarmente, na decomposição espontânea do H2O2 (teste da gota). Este teste permitiu selecionar os materiais que proporcionaram uma decomposição do H2O2 90% mais rápida e vigorosa, com um baixo tempo de indução. Os materiais catalíticos selecionados no teste da gota foram avaliados em um micro reator de leito fixo, que permitiu determinar a composição e a granulometria ideais para o catalisador. Em seguida, os materiais foram submetidos a testes cinéticos, onde foram determinadas a ordem, a constante e a energia de ativação da reação de decomposição do H2O2. Por fim, o catalisador denominado Co0,5Mn2,5-900, por apresentar os melhores resultados nos ensaios cinéticos e no micro reator, foi testado em um micropropulsor de 2 N, onde apresentou um desempenho rápido e repetitivo, sendo capaz de decompor espontaneamente o H2O2 sem sofrer desativação ou fragmentação após os testes. Os catalisadores foram caracterizados pelas técnicas de Espectrometria de Emissão Ótica por Fonte de Plasma (ICP-OES), Adsorção de Nitrogênio, Quimissorção de CO, Picnometria a Hélio, Difratometria de Raios X, Espectroscopia Fotoeletrônica de Raios X e por análises de Resistência Mecânica a Compressão, visando estabelecer uma correlação entre as propriedades físico-químicas e a atividade catalítica de cada material na decomposição H2O2 concentrado. / This work aimed to develop catalytic materials based on cobalt and manganese spinels to be used as catalysts in the decomposition of 90% (mass) hydrogen peroxide, allowing multiple starts in a microthruster of monopropellant satellites. The catalysts were preliminarily evaluated in the spontaneous decomposition of H2O2 (drop test). This test allowed to select the materials that provide spontaneous and vigorous decomposition of H2O2, with a low induction time. Then, the best performing catalysts were evaluated in a fixed bed micro reactor, which allowed to determine the best composition and granulometry for the catalyst. After this, the materials were submitted to kinetic tests, where the order, the constant and the activation energy of the H2O2 decomposition reaction were determined. Finally, the catalyst called Co0,5Mn2,5-900, due its best performance, was tested in a 2 N microthruster, where it presented a fast and repetitive performance, being able to spontaneously decompose the H2O2 without suffer deactivation or fragmentation after the testes. All catalysts were characterized by Inductively Coupled Plasma - Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES), Nitrogen Adsorption, CO Chemimetry, Helium Picnometry, X-ray Diffractometry, X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Mechanical Compression Resistance analysis aiming to correlate their physicochemical properties with their activity in the catalytic decomposition of concentrated hydrogen peroxide.

Métodos avançados da química quântica relativística aplicados em estudos de cinética química / Advanced methods of relativistic quantum chemistry applied in chemical kinetics studies

Santiago, Régis Tadeu 18 October 2018 (has links)
O emprego da química computacional fornece subsídios para a interpretação dos estudos experimentais e permite fazer previsões sobre as propriedades de sistemas ainda não sintetizados. Devido aos avanços computacionais, métodos de química quântica com diferentes níveis de tratamento de estrutura eletrônica são mais facilmente encontrados. Entretanto, certas aproximações ainda são necessárias devido à grande demanda por recursos computacionais dos métodos mais avançados. Desta forma, os resultados obtidos podem não representar adequadamente as propriedades dos sistemas estudados. Para compostos contendo elementos pesados, como é o caso de muitos catalisadores, seriam necessários estudos que levem em conta os efeitos relativísticos. Desta forma, foi realizado um estudo cinético de quatro tipos de reações envolvendo sistemas contendo átomos pesados. Na determinação das geometrias otimizadas verificou-se que os efeitos relativísticos escalares são geralmente predominantes e que não há diferença significativa entre os resultados do método de dois componentes ZORA em relação ao tradicional tratamento RECP. No entanto, cálculos DKH2 não conseguiram descrever os parâmetros geométricos de compostos de platina com a mesma eficácia. Por outro lado, foi possível observar que os efeitos relativísticos são muito mais importantes para uma determinação confiável de outras propriedades relacionadas à cinética química, como as energias relativas ao longo do mecanismo de reação. Neste caso, além dos efeitos relativísticos escalares, o acoplamento spin-órbita também se torna crucial para uma descrição acurada das barreiras de ativação em compostos com elementos do sexto período em diante. Assim, recomenda-se o uso de um tratamento combinado em duas etapas para uma correta descrição dos sistemas. Em geral, a etapa de otimização de geometrias pode ser realizada em nível RECP. Entretanto, para a obtenção de valores acurados de energia por métodos relativísticos, sugere-se a utilização dos tratamentos de quatro componentes, como Dirac-Coulomb (DC), e dos formalismos exatos de dois componentes, como X2C-MMF. / The use of computational chemistry provides support for the interpretation of experimental studies and allows making predictions about the properties of systems not yet synthesized. Quantum chemistry methods with different levels of electronic structure treatments are more easily found due to computational advances. However, some approximations are still required because of the significant demand for computational resources associated to more advanced methods. Thus, the results obtained may not adequately represent the properties of the systems studied. In the case of compounds containing heavy elements, such as many catalysts, studies that take into account the relativistic effects would be need. Thus, a kinetic study of four reaction categories involving systems containing heavy atoms was conducted. It was noticed that the scalar relativistic effects are generally predominant and that there is not significant differences between the results from the ZORA method in relation to the traditional RECP treatment during the determination of optimized geometries. Nevertheless, the DKH2 calculations failed to describe the geometric parameters of platinum compounds with the same efficiency. On the other hand, it was possible to observe that relativistic effects are very important for a reliable determination of other properties related to chemical kinetics, such as the relative energies along the reaction mechanism. In this case, in addition to scalar relativistic effects, the spin-orbit coupling also becomes crucial for an accurate description of the activation barriers in compounds with elements from the sixth period and beyond. Therefore, a two-step combined treatment is recommended for a correct description of the systems. In general, the geometry optimization step can be performed at the RECP level. However, in order to obtain accurate energy values by relativistic methods, we suggest the use of four-component treatments such as Dirac-Coulomb (DC) and exact two-component formalisms like X2C-MMF.

Estudo termogravimétrico da absorção de dióxido de enxofre por calcário / Thermogravimetric study of sulfur dioxide absorption by limestone

Ávila, Ivonete 27 April 2005 (has links)
Neste trabalho determina-se, através da termogravimetria, o efeito da temperatura e atmosfera sobre a conversão, a cinética e a efetividade da absorção de 'SO IND.2' por calcário. Aplica-se temperaturas e tamanho de particulado típicos do processo de combustão de carvão em leito fluidizado. Foram realizados ensaios isotérmicos em diferentes temperaturas (entre 650 e 950 graus Celsius), na pressão atmosférica local (~ 697 mmHg), em atmosferas dinâmicas de ar e de nitrogênio. Os resultados de sulfatação foram avaliados empregando-se a cinética de Arrhenius. A ordem de grandeza dos valores de energia de ativação obtidos (4,446 kJ/mol em ar e 3,748 kJ/mol em nitrogênio) sugere que o processo reativo seja controlado por difusão de Knudsen. A temperatura ótima de conversão resultou entre 800 e 850 graus Celsius em ar, e muito próxima de 900 graus Celsius em nitrogênio. Definiu-se efetividade como a relação entre o coeficiente de taxa de reação instantâneo e o seu valor máximo, indicando o decaimento temporal da reatividade da amostra com o progresso da sulfatação. Determinou-se a efetividade média para todas as temperaturas no intervalo de tempo em que a sulfatação se desenvolveu, sempre em torno de 200 s nos vários ensaios. Os maiores valores de efetividade média foram a 800 graus Celsius em atmosfera de ar (0,2854), e a 900 graus Celsius em atmosfera de nitrogênio (0,3142) / In this work thermogravimetry is applied to determine the effect of temperature and atmosphere on conversion, kinetics and effectiveness of 'SO IND.2' absorption by limestone. Ranges of temperature and particle size were applied that are typical of the fluidized bed coal combustion process. Isothermal experiments were performed for different temperatures (between 650 and 950 Celius degrees), at local atmospheric pressure (~ 697 mmHg), in dynamic atmospheres of air and nitrogen. The results of sulfation were evaluated using Arrhenius' kinetics. The order of magnitude of the resulting activation energies (4.446 kJ/mol in air and 3.748 kJ/mol in nitrogen) suggest the reaction to be controlled by Knudsen diffusion. Optimum conversion resulted between 800 and 850 Celsius degrees in ar, and around 900 Celsius degrees in nitrogen. Effectiveness was defined as the ratio between the instantaneous reaction rate coefficient and its maximum value, indicating the time decay of reactivity as sulfation advances. The average effectiveness was determined for all the temperatures considering the whole sulfation time interval, which was always around 200 seconds. The highest values of average effectiveness were found at 800 Celsius degrees in air atmosphere (0,2854), and 900 Celsius degrees in nitrogen atmosphere (0,3142)

Estudo termogravimétrico da absorção de dióxido de enxofre por calcário / Thermogravimetric study of sulfur dioxide absorption by limestone

Ivonete Ávila 27 April 2005 (has links)
Neste trabalho determina-se, através da termogravimetria, o efeito da temperatura e atmosfera sobre a conversão, a cinética e a efetividade da absorção de 'SO IND.2' por calcário. Aplica-se temperaturas e tamanho de particulado típicos do processo de combustão de carvão em leito fluidizado. Foram realizados ensaios isotérmicos em diferentes temperaturas (entre 650 e 950 graus Celsius), na pressão atmosférica local (~ 697 mmHg), em atmosferas dinâmicas de ar e de nitrogênio. Os resultados de sulfatação foram avaliados empregando-se a cinética de Arrhenius. A ordem de grandeza dos valores de energia de ativação obtidos (4,446 kJ/mol em ar e 3,748 kJ/mol em nitrogênio) sugere que o processo reativo seja controlado por difusão de Knudsen. A temperatura ótima de conversão resultou entre 800 e 850 graus Celsius em ar, e muito próxima de 900 graus Celsius em nitrogênio. Definiu-se efetividade como a relação entre o coeficiente de taxa de reação instantâneo e o seu valor máximo, indicando o decaimento temporal da reatividade da amostra com o progresso da sulfatação. Determinou-se a efetividade média para todas as temperaturas no intervalo de tempo em que a sulfatação se desenvolveu, sempre em torno de 200 s nos vários ensaios. Os maiores valores de efetividade média foram a 800 graus Celsius em atmosfera de ar (0,2854), e a 900 graus Celsius em atmosfera de nitrogênio (0,3142) / In this work thermogravimetry is applied to determine the effect of temperature and atmosphere on conversion, kinetics and effectiveness of 'SO IND.2' absorption by limestone. Ranges of temperature and particle size were applied that are typical of the fluidized bed coal combustion process. Isothermal experiments were performed for different temperatures (between 650 and 950 Celius degrees), at local atmospheric pressure (~ 697 mmHg), in dynamic atmospheres of air and nitrogen. The results of sulfation were evaluated using Arrhenius' kinetics. The order of magnitude of the resulting activation energies (4.446 kJ/mol in air and 3.748 kJ/mol in nitrogen) suggest the reaction to be controlled by Knudsen diffusion. Optimum conversion resulted between 800 and 850 Celsius degrees in ar, and around 900 Celsius degrees in nitrogen. Effectiveness was defined as the ratio between the instantaneous reaction rate coefficient and its maximum value, indicating the time decay of reactivity as sulfation advances. The average effectiveness was determined for all the temperatures considering the whole sulfation time interval, which was always around 200 seconds. The highest values of average effectiveness were found at 800 Celsius degrees in air atmosphere (0,2854), and 900 Celsius degrees in nitrogen atmosphere (0,3142)

Elucidação de mecanismos reacionais em regime longe do equilíbrio termodinâmico / Elucidation of reaction mechanisms under far from thermodynamic equilibrium regime

Raphael Nagao de Sousa 06 December 2013 (has links)
A formação espontânea de padrões espaço-temporais auto-organizados longe do equilíbrio termodinâmico é um comportamento característico de sistemas de reação-transporte. De fato, essa estruturação espacial pode ser entendida como um comportamento coletivo de um grande número de elementos individuais no sistema. Consequentemente o padrão emerge como o resultado da interação entre a dinâmica local dessas subunidades e o mecanismo de acoplamento espacial. Dinâmica não-linear do tipo multi-estável, excitável e oscilatória são exemplos típicos de padrões temporais complexos geralmente associados à estruturação espacial. Nesta tese de doutorado são apresentadas duas frentes de trabalho utilizando-se da dinâmica química não-linear na elucidação de mecanismos reacionais longe do equilíbrio termodinâmico: (a) a investigação da natureza química e efeito do drift nas séries temporais transientes em osciladores eletroquímicos. A análise da evolução temporal do parâmetro de bifurcação foi baseada em um método empírico de estabilização, sendo o acúmulo superficial de espécies oxigenadas o principal responsável pelo drift; (b) o desacoplamento das rotas eletroquímicas paralelas na formação de CO2 pela combinação de experimentos, modelagem e simulações numéricas durante a eletro-oxidação oscilatória de metanol em platina policristalina. O efeito dos ânions perclorato e sulfato nas reações paralelas foi investigado por meio da produção global de CO2 e HCOOCH3. Notavelmente, ânions sulfato inibiram mais fortemente a atividade catalítica proveniente da via direta em contraste com a pequena alteração na via indireta. Em paralelo às duas frentes de trabalho, foi construído um setup experimental com a finalidade de acompanhar a evolução espaço-temporal de uma reação eletroquímica com um sistema de aquisição de dados multicanal. A descrição do processo de confecção da célula e eletrodo de trabalho multicanal, o tratamento de dados e alguns resultados experimentais preliminares são inseridos como um capítulo adicional. A ideia central dessa tese converge na obtenção de informações da cinética química envolvida que não é observada em condições próximas ao equilíbrio termodinâmico. Essa interpretação pode ser utilizada como uma metodologia alternativa no estudo da eletrocatálise em reações químicas complexas. / The spontaneous formation of self-organized spatiotemporal patterns under far from thermodynamic equilibrium conditions is a characteristic behavior in reaction-transport systems. Indeed, this spatial structuration can be understood as a collective behavior of a large number of individual elements in the system. Consequently the pattern emerges as a result of the interaction between the local dynamic of these subunits and the spatial coupling. Multistable, excitable and oscillatory nonlinear dynamics are typical examples of complex temporal patterns usually associated to the spatial structuration. In this doctoral thesis, two work fronts are presented using the nonlinear chemical dynamics in the elucidation of reaction mechanisms under far from thermodynamic equilibrium regime: (a) the investigation of the chemical nature and effect of the drift in the transient time-series in electrochemical oscillators. The analysis of the temporal evolution of the bifurcation parameter was based on an empiric method of stabilization, being the slow accumulation of oxygenated species the main responsible for the drift; (b) the decoupling of the parallel electrochemical routes for CO2 production by a combination of experiments, modeling and numerical simulations during the oscillatory electro-oxidation of methanol on polycrystalline platinum. The effect of perchlorate and sulfate anions in the parallel reactions was investigated by the global production of CO2 and HCOOCH3. Remarkably, sulfate anions inhibited more strongly the catalytic activity from direct pathway in contrast to the small alteration in the indirect pathway. In parallel to the two work fronts, an experimental setup was built in order to obtain a spatiotemporal evolution of a electrochemical reaction with a multichannel data acquisition system. A description of the confection process of the cell and the multichannel working electrode, data treatment and some preliminary experimental results are included as an additional chapter. The main idea of this thesis converges in the obtainment of chemical kinetic information which is not observed in conditions close to the thermodynamic equilibrium. This interpretation might be used as an alternative methodology in the study of electrocatalysis in complex chemical reactions.


Hughes, Robert T. 01 January 2018 (has links)
This study explores the reactions and related species of NOx pollutants in methane flames in order to understand their production and consumption during the combustion process. To do this, several analytical simulations were run to explore the behavior of nitrogen species in the pre-flame, post- flame, and reaction layer regions. The results were then analyzed in order to identify all "steady-state" species in the flame as well as the determine all the unnecessary reactions and species that are not required to meet a defined accuracy. The reductions were then applied and proven to be viable.

Catalytic reduction of nitric oxide by carbon monoxide or hydrogen over a Monel metal catalyst

Crawford, Ian Stewart. January 1987 (has links) (PDF)
Includes summary. Includes bibliographies.

Ethoxylation reactor modelling and design

Chiu, Yen-ni, chiuyenni@yahoo.com.au January 2005 (has links)
The manufacture of nonionic surfactants generally involves ethoxylation via ethylene oxide condensation onto a hydrophobe substrate, mostly in the presence of an alkaline catalyst. Nonionic surfactants are used widely in industrial applications, such as detergents, health and personal care, coatings, and polymers. In Australia, approximately one-third of the annual consumption of nonionic surfactants is imported from offshore manufacturers; the market is highly competitive with the local manufacturer facing increasing competition from imports. Optimisation is a pressing need for the current manufacturing plant of the industrial partner for this research project, Huntsman Corporation Australia Pty Limited, the sole domestic manufacturer of nonionic surfactants in Australia. Therefore, the objectives of this research project were to gain a better understanding of the various chemical and physical processes occurring simultaneously in an ethoxylation process; to identify the process limitation in an existing production plant operated by Huntsman Corporation Australia, and to explore measures for enhancing the asset productivity of the production plant. An ethoxylation process working model, describing the chemical kinetics and the physical transport processes involved, was developed to aid the exploration of optimisation opportunities, which would otherwise be empirical. Accordingly, this research project was structured into a two-stage program. The first stage determined the ethoxylation kinetics experimentally. The second stage investigated the interactions of physical transport processes numerically using a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) technique. The manufacturing scheme discussed in this thesis gave particular emphasis to the ethoxylation process operated in semi-batch stirred reactors. In the first stage, a series of kinetic experiments was performed in a well-stirred laboratory autoclave under base-catalysed conditions. The experimental outcomes were developed into a comprehensive kinetic model which took into account the non-ideal features in the reactor operation. Time-dependent physical changes of the reaction system, such as liquid volume, ethylene oxide solubility and density were also included. The ethoxylation behaviour predicted by the model was shown to be in good agreement with the experimental measurements. This indicated that the kinetic model was sufficiently robust to reproduce the reaction behaviour of a commercially operated ethoxylation operation. In the second stage, numerical simulations of an existing ethoxylation reactor system were presented. In addition, two components were addressed: identification of the process limitation and increasing productivity of the industrial-scale ethoxylation plant. An important assumption was made for the ethylene oxide injection system used in this research project which subsequently simplified the ethoxylation system into a single liquid with miscible chemical species. In the identification of the process limitation, three possible rate-limiting factors were examined: mixing, heat removal and reactor pressure rating. Examination and analysis of the physical data available from plant batch reports found that the reactor pressure rating and the presence of nitrogen padding were the rate-limiting factors to the ethoxylation operations in the industrial reactors. It was recommended that the reactor pressure rating be increased to raise the asset productivity of the reactor. In the numerical simulations of the ethoxylation reactor, time-dependent CFD models were developed for two systems: the ethylene oxide injection pipe and the stirred ethoxylation reactors. The heat transfer of ethylene oxide liquid injection was calculated in a two-dimensional model of the dip-leg pipe used in an industrial-scale ethoxylation reactor. The computation gave the temperature of the injection outflow which was validated against the calculated value by empirical correlation. The effects of various surrounding reaction temperatures, injection rates and pipe sizes on the heat transfer rate were investigated. From these, a range of operating conditions yielding a liquid ethylene oxide outflow was selected. Furthermore, it was found that boiling of ethylene oxide was significantly reduced with increasing pipe diameters. It was recommended that the asset productivity of the reactor be improved by keeping more ethylene oxide injected as a liquid in the reaction mixture to raise the reaction rate and shorten the reaction time. Three-dimensional simulations of a baffled reactor agitated by a single- or a dual-Rushton impeller were presented for both non-reactive and reactive flows. Multiple frames of reference and sliding grid methods were used in sequence to describe the relative motion between the rotating impeller and the stationary baffles. The turbulence parameters were modelled with the standard k- � turbulence model. The simulations of non-reactive flow were compared with the literature velocity data obtained from both the experiments and simulations. Good agreement was achieved. The model was then extended to incorporate ethoxylation flow with integration of the kinetics established in the first stage. Both the laboratory autoclave and the industrial-scale reactors were simulated. The former took into account the ethoxylation exotherm and the latter was carried out isothermally. Both simulations were validated against reaction data obtained from physical experiments, either the kinetic experiments or the plant batch productions. The validated model allowed us to determine the optimum operating condition and explore a new reactor system with enhanced asset productivity. A 50% increase in productivity could be accomplished if the ethoxylation was operated closer to the current design pressure limit. Furthermore, the operating pressure of a new reactor system needed to be doubled if the asset productivity were to be increased to approximately three times the current performance.

Modelling the middle atmosphere and its sensitivity to climate change

Jonsson, Andreas January 2005 (has links)
<p>The Earth's middle atmosphere at about 10-100 km has shown a substantial sensitivity to human activities. First, the ozone layer has been reduced since the the early 1980s due to man-made emissions of halogenated hydrocarbons. Second, the middle atmosphere has been identified as a region showing clear evidence of climate change due to increased emissions of greenhouse gases. While increased CO<sub>2 </sub>abundances are expected to lead to a warmer climate near the Earth's surface, observations show that the middle atmosphere has been cooling by up to 2-3 degrees per decade over the past few decades. This is partly due to CO<sub>2</sub> increases and partly due to ozone depletion.</p><p>Predicting the future development of the middle atmosphere is problematic because of strong feedbacks between temperature and ozone. Ozone absorbs solar ultraviolet radiation and thus warms middle atmosphere, and also, ozone chemistry is temperature dependent, so that temperature changes are modulated by ozone changes.</p><p>This thesis examines the middle atmospheric response to a doubling of the atmospheric CO<sub>2</sub> content using a coupled chemistry-climate model. The effects can be separated in the intrinsic CO<sub>2</sub>-induced radiative response, the radiative feedback through ozone changes and the response due to changes in the climate of the underlying atmosphere and surface. The results show, as expected, a substantial cooling throughout the middle atmosphere, mainly due to the radiative impact of the CO<sub>2</sub> increase. Model simulations with and without coupled chemistry show that the ozone feedback reduces the temperature response by up to 40%. Further analyses show that the ozone changes are caused primarily by the temperature dependency of the reaction O+O<sub>2</sub>+M->O<sub>3</sub>+M. The impact of changes in the surface climate on the middle atmosphere is generally small. In particular, no noticeable change in upward propagating planetary wave flux from the lower atmosphere is found. The temperature response in the polar regions is non-robust and thus, for the model used here, polar ozone loss does not appear to be sensitive to climate change in the lower atmosphere as has been suggested recently. The large interannual variability in the polar regions suggests that simulations longer than 30 years will be necessary for further analysis of the effects in this region.</p><p>The thesis also addresses the long-standing dilemma that models tend to underestimate the ozone concentration at altitudes 40-75 km, which has important implications for climate change studies in this region. A photochemical box model is used to examine the photochemical aspects of this problem. At 40-55 km, the model reproduces satellite observations to within 10%, thus showing a substantial reduction in the ozone deficit problem. At 60-75 km, however, the model underestimates the observations by up to 35%, suggesting a significant lack of understanding of the chemistry and radiation in this region.</p>

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