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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Štípaná kamenná industie v kontextu starší doby bronzové / Chipped stone industry in the context of the Early Bronze Age

Rychtaříková, Tereza January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on studies of chipped stone industry of the Early Bronze Age in Bohemia and deals with questions connected to its occurrence in settlement and burial sites. The first part of this study presents the results of artefact analysis. The anylised complex of artefacts consists of 108 items and originates in following localities: Kolín - ringroad, Pátek near Poděbrady, Polepy near Kolín, Velké Přílepy a Vliněves. The analysis included the typological and morphological characteristics, used material and the links to their position in settlement objects and other finds. The second part of this diploma thesis summarizes present knowledge of prestigious artefacts such as silicite daggers, axes and arrowheads. Furthermore, it investigates the matter of contacts between Central Bohemia and Moravia on the basis of Moravian stone materials distribution. A catalogue of chipped stone industy from Central Bohemia is also included in this diploma thesis.

Skogsbränslets fraktionsfördelning / Fraction Distribution of Forest Fuels

Ljungberg, Magnus January 2015 (has links)
This study has analyzed particel size distribution and needle content in chipped logging residuals (branches and tops) delivered to the district heating plant Ryaverket in city of Borås, Sweden. Two fuel assortments has been analyzed: Chipped logging residuals from pure softwood and from mixed fuel (connifers and broadleaves). The samples has been sieved at Linneaus University laboratory. The study of particle sizes indicates that only 53,2 % of delivered fuel is within the fuels specification (7– 45 mm). The needle content is in this study 12,4 % (dry mass) which is higher than expected. / Sedan oljekriserna på 1970 talet har den svenska energiförsörjningen ändrats i grunden. Idag har stora delar av de tidigare petroleumbaserade bränslena ersatts med olika förnybara biobränslen. Skogsbränsle delas upp i olika bränslesortiment utifrån trädslag samt olika fysikaliska och tekniska egenskaper. Till Borås Energi & Miljö Ab´s värmeverk Ryaverket levereras det årligen ungefär 550000 kubikmeter skogsbränsle fördelat på cirka 30 olika sortiment. Fraktionsfördelningen, det vill säga storleken på bitarna i materialet, samt barrinnehåll är två viktiga kvalitetsfaktorer på bränslet. Denna rapport är en redovisning av en fraktionsanalysstudie på två av bränslesortimenten till Ryaverket. Dels flisad grot av rent barrträ och dels blandsortimentet flisad grot av barr och lövträ. I studien har också gjorts en analys av barrinnehållet i bränslet. Studien har gjorts genom sållning av prover från inkommande bränsleleveranser. Analysen visar att stora delar av det, till värmeverket, inkomna bränslet ligger utanför uppsatta bränslespecifikationer. Av materialet finns 53,2 % inom storleksområdet 7 -45 mm (acceptflis). Delvis bekräftar detta resultat tidigare forskning på området. Barrandelen är hög: 12,4%. Detta är en högre siffra än vad som var förväntat och högre än vad som framkommit i tidigare studier. Slutsatsen är att det troligen krävs omtänkande/nytänkande för att dagens grotbränsle skall fungera optimalt i moderna värmeverk. Skall flisningsutrustningen konstrueras om? Skall ny teknik för online och kontinuerlig mätning av bland annat fraktionsfördelning införas? Vilket är optimalt: att köpa in olika bränslesortiment lassvis och blanda själv på värmeverket? Eller är det mest optimalt att köpa färdigblandat bränsle från leverantör?

Les périodes Archaïque et Préclassique dans la Vallée de Oaxaca, Mexique, vues par une analyse comparative du matériel lithique taillé. / The Archaic and Preclassic periods of the Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico, viewed through a comparative analysis of chipped stone material

Espinosa Vazquez, Maria Alejandra 10 December 2013 (has links)
Les vestiges archéologiques découverts dans les Vallées centrales de Oaxaca ont permis de documenter une séquence d'occupation continue au moins depuis le début de l'Holocène. Il s'agit de l'une des régions les mieux documentées sur les périodes archaïque et préclassique du centre sud du Mexique; les connaissances sur ces périodes restent, malgré tout, encore lacunaires. D'importants processus développés au cours de l'Archaïque et du Préclassique (cf. domestication de plantes et sédentarité) ont contribué à modifier les modes de vie des individus. Dans cette thèse, nous étudions la transition entre ces deux périodes chronologiques. Ce travail s'attache à analyser le matériel lithique taillé de la fin de la période archaïque et du début du Préclassique afin de mieux caractériser les industries. À travers une approche technologique et une étude détaillée des matières premières, nous avons tenté de rapprocher les ensembles lithiques de chaque période. Les résultats nous ont permis de proposer des modalités d'exploitation et de production particulières. la mise en parallèle des données issues d'un abri rocheux précéramique avec des informations provenant de deux hameaux agricoles préclassiques nous a aidé à éclaircir certains aspects sur le contexte de production de l'outillage et sur l'emploi des matières premières minérales disponibles dans la Vallée. / Archaeological evidence from the Valley of Oaxaca has documented a continual sequence of occupation from at least the early Holocene (ca. 8000 BC). While the Valley of Oaxaca is one of the better-documented regions for the Archaic and Preclassic in southern Mexico, knowledge of these periods remains significantly incomplete. The development of plant domestication and sedentism during this time contributed to major changes in human life ways. The present research studies the transition from the Archaic to the Preclassic by characterizing chipped stone industries from both periods. I compare lithic collections from a preceramic rock shelter and from two preclassic hamlets using a technological approach and through a detailed study of the raw materials used during each period. The results allow definition of specifie modalities of exploitation of raw materials available in the valley and of contexts of stone tool production.

Investigation into the Short-term Effects of Chipped Branch Wood (CBW) on Soil Fertility, Plant Growth and Soil Microbiology in an Agricultural Context

Mercer, Theresa 09 1900 (has links)
The principal objective of this project was to evaluate the short-term effects of CBW incorporation into soil in terms of soil fertility, plant growth and soil microbiology. Treatments consisted of a control, standard woodchip treatment (incorporation rate of 150m3/ha), woodchip + woodland litter incorporation treatment (woodland litter incorporation of 10-20g/m2), woodchip + fertiliser treatment (KNO3 applied at 50kgN/ha at start and a continuous fertiliser application treatment) and double woodchip treatment. Standard soil NO-3 tests were conducted to determine soil fertility. To assess plant growth and development, plant DW, S:R DW and plant K levels were measured Finally, microbiological analyses were carried out through serial dilutions and plate counts, with in-depth microscopy. Results indicated that there were obvious differences between treatments throughout the study period. In all measurements, woodchip treatments were found to have significantly lower values than the control. The exception to the rule was the WC + fertiliser treatment (continuous complete nutrient fertiliser application), which showed comparable results with the control. The addition of woodland litter did not seem to affect any of the soil fertility, plant growth or microbial measurements. The differences between the unfertilised woodchip treatments and the control were explained by a general nutrient deficiency resulting from a ‘dilution effect’ to soil nutrients by adding woodchips. This was further exacerbated by immobilisation of nutrients from the micro-organisms in the soil.

Lithics and Mobility at Land Hill and Hidden Hills: A Study of the Stone Tools and Debitage at Sites in the Santa Clara River Basin and on the Shivwits Plateau

Mangum, Megan Ellice 01 August 2018 (has links)
The Land Hill and Hidden Hills study areas were the site of the 2006 and 2007 Brigham Young University's archaeological field schools. The two study areas are located in contrasting environments; the Land Hill area is located along the Santa Clara River in southwestern Utah, and the Hidden Hills area was is located on the Shivwits Plateau in northwestern Arizona. The Land Hill study area is located within a well-watered environment which would support a primarily horticultural lifestyle. The Hidden Hills study area is located in an arid environment without permanent streams which would support a more mobile hunting lifestyle. The contrasting environments of these two study areas allowed for a study of the similarities and differences in the use of stone tools. Based on the results of the analysis and comparison of the stone tool and debitage assemblages, from sites in both areas throughout time, suggests that the people in the Land Hills study area actually seemed to be living a lifestyle similar to the people in the Hidden Hills area.

Residential Mobility of Paleoarchaic and Early Archaic Occupants at North Creek Shelter (42GA5863): An Analysis of Chipped Stone Artifacts

Bodily, Mark L. 16 March 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Early human activity in the arid west has been of interest for many researchers over the last century. However, relatively little is known about Paleoarchaic occupants of the Colorado Plateau and Great Basin because stratified Paleoarchaic sites in these regions are rare. Linked with the climatic Late Pleistocene/Early Holocene transition, the Paleoarchaic to Early Archaic transition has also captured interest in the central Great Basin with recent data coming out of Bonneville Estates Rockshelter—a site containing Pre-Archaic and Early Archaic components in eastern Nevada. These new data provide a model for testing differences in the chipped stone assemblage inferring changes in residential mobility at a new Paleoarchaic site on the Northern Colorado Plateau. Recently excavated, North Creek Shelter (42GA5863) is the only known stratified Paleoarchaic site on the Colorado Plateau for which we have data. Located in south-central Utah, this site was occupied during both the Paleoarchaic (~10,000-9,000 rcybp) and Early Archaic (~9,000-8,000 rcybp) time periods. Differences in the chipped stone assemblage inferring residential mobility between these time periods will be evaluated using Ted Goebel's (2007) model from Bonneville Estates Rockshelter. Based upon Bonneville Estates Rockshelter's lithic assemblage, Goebel inferred that the Pre-Archaic occupants exhibited higher levels of residential mobility than subsequent Early Archaic occupants. A similar tendency was expected for the Paleoarchaic occupants of North Creek Shelter; however, it appears that there is little difference between the North Creek Shelter Paleoarchaic and Early Archaic chipped stone assemblages inferring differences in residential mobility. What little difference there is may be the result of multiple factors, but if it is the result of residential mobility, then the data suggest that North Creek Shelter Paleoarchaic occupants were only slightly more mobile than the Early Archaic occupants.

Tecnologia lítica: estudo da variabilidade em sítios líticos do nordeste do estado de São Paulo / Lithic Technology: a study of assemblage variability on lithic archaeological sites in Northeastern São Paulo State

Galhardo, Danilo Alexandre 28 April 2010 (has links)
O objetivo do presente trabalho é o estudo da tecnologia de produção artefatual lítica lascada e suas cadeias operatórias em sítios líticos a céu aberto localizados no nordeste do Estado de São Paulo. Inicialmente foi levantada a bibliografia amadora e especializada dentro da área de estudo, dedicando atenção às tecnologias líticas produtivas e procurando nelas tópicos como preferências locacionais dos sítios líticos e os tipos de matérias-primas e seus suportes; em outras palavras, as economias de matéria-prima levadas a cabo pelos artesãos. Todo o aporte teórico-metodológico do conceito de cadeia operatória foi empregado, inclusive buscando-se o gestual dos artesãos - análise diacrítica, tentando reconstruir por meio do processo operatório e seu gestual o projeto mental do artesão, que se encontra sob uma matriz técnica, a tradição cultural. Por fim apresentamos os resultados das análises alcançados, sintetizando as cadeias operatórias praticadas e ilustrando os artefatos líticos por meio de croquis. Embora tenham sido estudados diretamente os artefatos líticos, com atenção a seus atributos técnicos, é fato que representam mais do que um contexto particular, e propiciam, mesmo que indiretamente, a possibilidade de que todo um sistema de sítios venha a ser pensado. / The main objective of this research is the study of the production technology of chipped stone artifacts and their operational sequence on lithic archaeological sites located in Northeastern São Paulo State. A bibliographic research was made based, firstly, on the amateur and specialized archaeological literature related to this specific subject, paying attention to the lithic production technology and looking for different topics such as locational preferences of the archaeological sites and the types of raw materials and their supports, in other words, the raw materials economy chose by the artisans. All methodological and theoretical operational sequence (\"chaîne opératoire\") was used, including the search for the artisans\' gestures - a diacritical analysis, intending to reconstruct through the operational processes and the gesture sequence the artisans\' mental project, related to a technical matrix - their technical tradition. Finally, the analytical results are presented, summarizing the operational sequences and illustrating lithic artifacts with drawings. Although lithic artifacts had been studied directly, focusing attention on its technical attributes, it is known that they represent more than a particular context, they may provide, even indirectly, interpretations about a whole system of sites.

Pozdní paleolit v Čechách a na Moravě / Late Palaeolithic in Bohemia and Moravia

Moník, Martin January 2014 (has links)
This work gives an overview of up to date knowledge of the Final Pleistocene in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia, within the period known in archaeology as Late Palaeolithic. Apart from the review of results of previous research, six Late Palaeolithic chipped stone assemblages have been analyzed on techno-typological level. These assemblages have been put in context with contemporaneous sites in given region to create a map of Late Palaeolithic settlement. Quantification of most raw materials used in different sites made it possible to distinguish three to five raw material provinces, i.e. areas supplied with a concrete raw material type. These areas are probably identical with hunting territories of Late Palaeolithic hunters of Bohemian, Moravian and Silesian territory. Keywords: Late Palaeolithic, chipped stone industry, raw materials, operational sequences, Bohemia, Moravia 2

Tecnologia lítica: estudo da variabilidade em sítios líticos do nordeste do estado de São Paulo / Lithic Technology: a study of assemblage variability on lithic archaeological sites in Northeastern São Paulo State

Danilo Alexandre Galhardo 28 April 2010 (has links)
O objetivo do presente trabalho é o estudo da tecnologia de produção artefatual lítica lascada e suas cadeias operatórias em sítios líticos a céu aberto localizados no nordeste do Estado de São Paulo. Inicialmente foi levantada a bibliografia amadora e especializada dentro da área de estudo, dedicando atenção às tecnologias líticas produtivas e procurando nelas tópicos como preferências locacionais dos sítios líticos e os tipos de matérias-primas e seus suportes; em outras palavras, as economias de matéria-prima levadas a cabo pelos artesãos. Todo o aporte teórico-metodológico do conceito de cadeia operatória foi empregado, inclusive buscando-se o gestual dos artesãos - análise diacrítica, tentando reconstruir por meio do processo operatório e seu gestual o projeto mental do artesão, que se encontra sob uma matriz técnica, a tradição cultural. Por fim apresentamos os resultados das análises alcançados, sintetizando as cadeias operatórias praticadas e ilustrando os artefatos líticos por meio de croquis. Embora tenham sido estudados diretamente os artefatos líticos, com atenção a seus atributos técnicos, é fato que representam mais do que um contexto particular, e propiciam, mesmo que indiretamente, a possibilidade de que todo um sistema de sítios venha a ser pensado. / The main objective of this research is the study of the production technology of chipped stone artifacts and their operational sequence on lithic archaeological sites located in Northeastern São Paulo State. A bibliographic research was made based, firstly, on the amateur and specialized archaeological literature related to this specific subject, paying attention to the lithic production technology and looking for different topics such as locational preferences of the archaeological sites and the types of raw materials and their supports, in other words, the raw materials economy chose by the artisans. All methodological and theoretical operational sequence (\"chaîne opératoire\") was used, including the search for the artisans\' gestures - a diacritical analysis, intending to reconstruct through the operational processes and the gesture sequence the artisans\' mental project, related to a technical matrix - their technical tradition. Finally, the analytical results are presented, summarizing the operational sequences and illustrating lithic artifacts with drawings. Although lithic artifacts had been studied directly, focusing attention on its technical attributes, it is known that they represent more than a particular context, they may provide, even indirectly, interpretations about a whole system of sites.

Manifestación neoartesanal en los mates burilados de Huancayo: transformación del lenguaje visual a partir de los cambios en la funcionalidad en los últimos diez años

Lujan Ingaruca, Guiomara Pierina 02 July 2021 (has links)
La presente investigación analiza la transformación del lenguaje visual del estilo de mate burilado de Huancayo a partir de los cambios en su funcionalidad en los últimos diez años. Se parte de la hipótesis que, debido a la necesidad de abarcar un nuevo mercado, los materos de Huancayo han cambiado el lenguaje visual de los mates burilados, empleando también el tema transcultural navideño. Asimismo, estos mates burilados cumplen una nueva funcionalidad a causa del nuevo lenguaje visual. La investigación se centró en el estudio cualitativo. El tipo de muestreo fue por conveniencia. Los criterios fueron la localidad, el lenguaje visual y la temporalidad. Asimismo, los resultados obtenidos en el análisis descriptivo fueron complementados con la realización de entrevistas a informantes claves, los mismos artesanos, quienes fueron seleccionados por su localidad, participación y experiencia. Entre los principales resultados se encontraron cinco formas de interpretación de las transformaciones según cómo las representaciones integran elementos transculturales, como los navideños. Primero, se encuentran los mates con agregados transculturales; segundo, los mates transculturales; tercero, los mates parcialmente transculturales; cuarto, los mates mestizos navideños y; quinto, híbridos entre subcategorías. Se concluyó que estamos frente a una manifestación neoartesanal, ya que se encontró una hibridación cultural y una necesidad de satisfacer un mercado. Asimismo, se llegó a la conclusión que la forma del mate influye en otorgar una nueva función, la forma será el principal factor que va determinar si se puede introducir una nueva función y no la transformación del lenguaje visual. / This research analyzes the transformation of the visual language of Huancayo burilared mate style from the changes in its functionality in the last ten years. It is based on the hypothesis that, due to the need to encompass a new market, the mats have changed the visual language of the chipped mates, also using the cross-cultural Christmas theme. Likewise, these chipped mattes fulfill a new functionality due to the new visual language. The research focused on the qualitative study. The type of sampling was for convenience. The criteria were locality, visual language, and temporality. Likewise, the results obtained in the descriptive analysis were complemented by conducting interviews with key informants, the artisans themselves, who were selected for their location, participation and experience. Among the main results, five ways of interpreting the transformations were found according to how the representations integrate cross-cultural elements, such as Christmas. First, there are the mates with cross-cultural aggregates; second, the cross-cultural mates; third, the partially cross-cultural mates; fourth, the Christmas mestizo mates and; fifth, hybrids between subcategories. It was concluded that we are facing a neo-artisanal manifestation, since a cultural hybridization and a need to satisfy a market was found. Likewise, it was concluded that the shape of the mate influences granting a new function, the shape will be the main factor that will determine whether a new function can be introduced and not the transformation of the visual language. / Trabajo de investigación

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