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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Chiral fermions on the lattice

Chiarappa, Thomas 09 December 2004 (has links)
Das Ziel dieser Doktorarbeit ist die Berechnung, aus ersten Prinzipien, von Niedrigenenergiekonstanten (NEK), welche die chirale Störungsheorie (ChST) parametrisieren, durch Simulationen auf dem Gitter. Diese Arbeit ist eine Pilotstudie und will deshalb nicht zu definitiven und präzisen quantitativen Vorhersagen führen, sondern wir möchten qualitative Leitlinien für zukünftige genauere Erforschungen der epsilon-Entwicklung der ChST geben. Letztere ist ein Gebiet in dem die chirale Symmetrie wiederhergestellt ist und wo die Compton-Wellenlänge der leichtesten Mesonen grösser als die lineare Dimension des endlichen Volumens ist. Die epsilon-Region ist weiterhin durch die wichtige Rolle der topologischen Ladung, nu, charakterisiert, so dass die Untersuchung der mesonischen Zweipunkt-Korrelationsfunktionen in definierten topologischen Sektoren vorzunehmen ist. Aus diesem Grunde haben wir chirale Fermionen auf dem Gitter simuliert, wobei der overlap Formalismus für den Dirac Operator, mit dem gewöhnliches Wilson Dirac Operator als Kern, in der quenched Approximation genommen wurde. Wir demonstrieren dass der Sektor mit neutraler topologischer Ladung, nu = 0, numerisch sehr schwierig zu untersuchen ist, weil die Daten von erheblichen Spitzen beeinflusst werden, die aufgrund sehr kleiner, nicht verschwindender Eigenwerte herrühren. Diese Beobachtung findet eine Übereinstimmung in einer Studie der Random Matrix Theory (RMT), die besagt, dass man eine Statistik von mehr als 10000 Konfigurationen benötigt, falls man auf kleine Eigenwerte empfindlich reagierende physikalische Grössen, im triviale topologische Sektoren simulieren möchte. Weniger Probleme ergeben sich in dem nicht-trivialen Sektoren |nu| > 0: wir präsentieren deshalb unsere Ergebnisse aus dem topologisches Sektor nu = 1 und den Daten aus das Sektor mit nu = 2 nur als Gegenprobe. Wir zeigen die Existenz einer unteren Schranke für das physikalisches Volumen bei V > 1 fm zur vierten Potenz für die Gültigkeit der ChST, übereinstimmend mit einer vorherigen Beobachtung aus der RMT. Wir beschränken deshalb unsere Untersuchung auf ein grösseres Gitter, wo wir die Daten des axialen Korrelators mit den Vorhersagen der ChST in der Valenzquark-Approximation fitten und eine stabile Bestimmung der gequenchten Pionen-Zerfallskonstante, F, erhalten. Die skalaren und pseudoskalaren Korrelationsfunktionen sind durch mehrere NEK parametrisiert. Dadurch ist der Vergleich mit den Vorhersagen der ChST schwieriger, und deshalb präsentieren wir nur einige Abschätzungen, die mit der entsprechenden Literatur verglichen werden. Zum Schluss präsentieren wir mögliche Implementierungen von verbesserten Algorithmen für die Inversion des overlap Operators, die die Simulationkosten reduzieren. / The aim of this thesis is the computation of Low Energy Constants (LEC) which parameterise Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT) from a first principles analysis via lattice simulations. The thesis provides a pilot study and will not give definitive and precise quantitative predictions, but rather our aim is to provide qualitative hints for future accurate investigations of the epsilon-expansion of ChPT, where chiral symmetry is restored and the Compton wavelength of the lightest meson is larger than the linear size of the finite volume. One of the property characterising the epsilon-regime is the important role played by the topological charge, nu, leading to the investigation of the two-point meson correlation functions in distinct topological sectors. To this end, we simulate chiral fermions on the lattice adopting the overlap formalism for the Dirac operator in the quenched approximation, with the kernel provided by the usual Wilson Dirac operator. We demonstrate that the neutral topological sector, nu = 0, is very difficult to explore numerically, as the data are affected by large spikes due to the presence of very small, non-zero eigenvalues. This observation is in agreement with a study of Random Matrix Theory (RMT), which indicates that a statistic of more than 10000 configurations is required when physical quantities sensitive to small eigenvalues are investigated in the neutral topological sector. Therefore, we present our results corresponding to the topological sector nu = 1. Due to the modest statistic, we only use the nu = 2 data as a crosscheck. We find a lower bound on the physical volume V > 1 fm to the four for ChPT to be used, in agreement with a previous observation using RMT. Restricting our attention to a larger lattice, we fit the data of the axial correlation function with the predictions of quenched ChPT, obtaining a stable determination of the quenched pion decay constant, F. The scalar and pseudoscalar correlation functions are parameterised by a larger number of LEC, rendering the comparison with ChPT predictions much more difficult and hence we present only some estimates that are compared with other determinations in the literature. Finally, we present possible implementations of improved algorithms used in the ``inversion'''' of the overlap operator, whose aim is to reduce the computational cost of the simulations.

Scalar Meson Effects In Radiative Decays Of Vector Mesons

Kerman Solmaz, Saime 01 November 2003 (has links) (PDF)
The role of scalar mesons in radiative vector meson decays is investigated. The effects of scalar-isoscalar f_{0}(980) and scalar-isovector a_{0}(980) mesons are studied in the mechanism of the radiative Phi-&gt / pi{+}pi{-}gamma and phi-&gt / pi{0}eta gamma decays, respectively. A phenomenological approach is used to study the radiative phi-&gt / pi{+}p{-}gamma decay by considering the contributions of sigma-meson, rho-meson and f_{0}-meson. The interference effects between different contributions are analyzed and the branching ratio for this decay is calculated. The radiative phi-&gt / pi{0}eta gamma decay is studied within the framework of a phenomenological approach in which the contributions of rho-meson, chiral loop and a_{0}-meson are considered. The interference effects between different contributions are examined and the coupling constants g_{phi a_{0} gamma} and g_{a_{0}K{+}K{-}} are estimated using the experimental branching ratio for the phi-&gt / pi{0}eta gamma decay. Furthermore, the radiative rho{0}pi{+}pi{-}gamma$ and rho{0}-&gt / pi{0}pi{0}gamma decays are studied to investigate the role of scalar-isoscalar sigma-meson. The branching ratios of the rho{0}-&gt / pi{+}pi{-}gamma and rho{0}-&gt / pi{0}pi{0}gamma decays are calculated using a phenomenological approach by adding to the amplitude calculated within the framework of chiral perturbation theory and vector meson dominance the amplitude of sigma-meson intermediate state. In all the decays studied the scalar meson intermediate states make important contributions to the overall amplitude.

In-medium width of the η' meson

Niblaeus, Carl January 2013 (has links)
In this master’s thesis the width of the <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Ceta'" /> meson is studied as a function of temperature. We consider a background medium consisting of a pion gas and assume a vanishing net baryon chemical potential. The width is obtained in the framework of large <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?N_%7Bc%7D" /> chiral perturbation theory and we consider terms up to next-to-leading order in the effective Lagrangian. We use a low-density approximation to calculate the width increase due to scattering with pions from the heat bath. The results suggest that the in-medium width for the <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Ceta'" /> may become of considerable size: at a temperature <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?T%5Capprox%2075" /> MeV we find a width increase of <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5CDelta%5CGamma%5Capprox%203-4" /> MeV, comparable to the inverse lifetime of the fireball created in a heavy-ion collision. The <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Ceta'" /> is of particular interested since it is intimately connected to the <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?U(1)_%7BA%7D" /> anomaly of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). It has been speculated that <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?U(1)_%7BA%7D" /> may become a symmetry of QCD at high temperatures and studies of the <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Ceta'" /> could indicate if that is the case. Depending on for how large temperatures the results from large <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?N_%7Bc%7D" /> can be trusted, they indicate that the <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Ceta'" /> may be possible to study experimentally in heavy-ion collisions due to its sizable in-medium width.

Konstrukce pseudoskalárních mezonových amplitud v chirální poruchové teorii za použití disperzních metod / Construction of pseudoscalar meson amplitudes in chiral perturbation theory using a dispersive approach

Zdráhal, Martin January 2012 (has links)
Title: Construction of pseudoscalar meson amplitudes in chiral perturbation theory using a dispersive approach Author: Martin Zdráhal Department: Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague Supervisor: RNDr. Jiří Novotný, CSc. Abstract: We have developed a method enabling a construction of two-loop 2 → 2 scatter- ing amplitudes of pseudoscalar mesons based on the dispersion and the unitarity relations. This method is illustrated on the construction of the amplitudes of all such processes in chiral perturbation theory in isospin limit taking into account strong interactions only. Then it was used for the construction of ππ scattering amplitudes and of K → 3π and η → 3π decay amplitudes including isospin breaking effects induced by different masses of the particles belonging to the same isomultiplet. These parametrizations are prepared for various phenomenological analyses of the ππ scattering lengths and of the isospin breaking effects, both of which could pro- vide us important information for the understanding of quantum chromody- namics at low energies. Finally, we have performed the phenomenological study of η → 3π decay and obtained a value of the quark mass ratio 1/R = (md − mu)/(ms − ˆm). Our conservative estimate is R = 39.6+2.5 −5.1....

Resumovaná chirální poruchová teorie a studium Kl4 rozpadů / Resumovaná chirální poruchová teorie a studium Kl4 rozpadů

Motloch, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
The F and G formfactors of Kl4 decays are calculated to O(p4 ) in isospin limit in Resummed Chiral Perturbation Theory. Formulae for reparametrization of low-energy constants L1 - L3 in terms of physical observables are derived. They are used to obtain values of these low-energy constants from recent experimental data, theoretical error of the result is estimated and dependence on parameters X, Z of spontaneous symmetry breaking of SU(3) × SU(3) chiral symmetry and quark mass ratio r is investigated. Convergence of the formfactors in Resummed Chiral Perturbation Theory is discussed and it is suggested that inclusion of σ as an explicit degree of freedom into Chiral Perturbation Theory could significantly improve overall covergence of chiral series. 1

Některé aspekty QCD při nízkých energiích v éře přesných měření / Some aspects of low-energy QCD at the precision frontier

Husek, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
Title: Some aspects of low-energy QCD at the precision frontier Author: Tomáš Husek Department/Institute: Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics Supervisor of the doctoral thesis: doc. RNDr. Karol Kampf, Ph.D. Abstract: This thesis concentrates on some low-energy aspects of QCD, namely on those which are connected to the electromagnetic decays of lightest neutral pseudoscalar mesons. Calculations of radiative corrections to neutral pion decays (the Dalitz decay and the rare decay) and a novel model for the pion electro- magnetic transition form factor are subjects discussed in the attached papers, which this work is based on. The associated theoretical aspects including Chiral Perturbation Theory or the large-Nc limit are introduced. We also discuss the complications which arise when the calculations of radiative corrections for η(′) Dalitz decays are performed. Some details about the collaboration with experi- ments which incorporate the calculation of the published corrections are provided. Last but not least, some techniques related to loop integrals are shown. Keywords: Chiral Perturbation Theory, large-Nc limit, radiative corrections, pion electromagnetic transition form factor 1

Studies of the axial-vector transition form factors of the process Ω− → W−Ξ0 in chiral perturbation theory

De Munck, Hélène January 2023 (has links)
This work is included in a broader research of the hadron theory group of Uppsala University and its collaborators tackling the quest for an understanding of the quark distribution inside hadrons by joining threedifferent approaches of QCD namely chiral perturbation theory, dispersion theory and lattice QCD. This thesis contributes by computing in chiral perturbation theory, the quark-masses dependence of form factors. The next-to-next-to-Leading order (NNLO) contribution to the form factors is calculated from one-loop diagrams which brings hadron-masses dependences. The hadron masses are themselves dependent on quark masses. Consequently, the quark-mass dependence of the hadron masses is also addressed in this thesis.The studied process Ω− → W−Ξ0 possesses too many one-loop diagrams to be treated entirely here. This work focuses on the axial-vector sector and more specifically the part coming from the diagrams linear in the low-energy constant hA (see figure 2).To do so, Mathematica and specifically the packages FeynCalc, FeynHelpers and Package X are used. Vector transition form factors at NNLO are presented in the thesis of my colleague Magnus Bertilsson.The present thesis demonstrates that the calculational framework is feasible and paves the way for a complete NNLO calculation.

On the vector transition form factors in the Ω- → Ξ0 W- decay

Bertilsson, Magnus January 2023 (has links)
To learn more about the structure of hadrons we study form factors. In the semi-leptonic decay Ω- → Ξ0W- two types of form factors arise namely the vector and axial-vector transition form factors. We focus on the vector transition form factors at next-to-next-to-leading order in the power counting of chiral perturbation theory and study their quark mass dependence. They are related to the scattering amplitude for the transition and therefore we have to calculate Feynman diagrams. Next-to-next-to-leading order Feynman diagrams translate to 1-loop diagrams and at this order there is a substantial amount of them. This study is a feasibility study and therefore we limit this study to diagrams containing the low-energy constants HA and hA from the leading order chiral Lagrangian. There are 5 such diagrams, three with two propagators in the loop (bubble diagrams) and two with three propagators in the loop (triangle diagrams). We derive explicit expressions for all 5 diagrams. To calculate these diagrams numerically we use Mathematica and FeynCalc. We provide numerical results for the three bubble diagrams but not the triangle diagrams due to the long computing time for these diagrams. Therefore, we show that performing form factor calculations at NNLO seems feasible but there needs to be more investment into figuring out the coding aspects regarding the triangle diagrams.

B pi Excited State Contamination in B Meson Observables Obtained from Lattice QCD

Broll, Alexander Roland 29 January 2024 (has links)
Gittersimulationen der Quantenchromodynamik ermöglichen eine vollständig nichtperturbative Berechnung hadronischer Korrelationsfunktionen, allerdings müssen die Beiträge angeregter Zustände unter Kontrolle sein um verlässlich physikalische Größen wie Teilchenenergien und Matrixelemente extrahieren zu können. In dieser Arbeit wird eine effektive Feldtheorie, die Chirale Störungstheorie Schwerer Mesonen (ChSTSM), verwendet um die dominanten Beiträge der angeregten Zustände in B Meson Korrelationsfunktionen, die zur Extraktion von CKM Matrixelementen verwendet werden, analytisch zu bestimmen. Zuerst werden die Analoga der Quarkbilineare, die als interpolierende Felder in Gittersimulationen verwendet werden, in der ChSTSM hergeleitet. Diese hängen von Niedrig-Energie-Konstanten (NEKs) ab, deren Werte für lokale Felder bekannt sind. Geschmierte interpolierende Felder kann man andererseits durch verändern dieser numerischen Werte beschreiben. Dies wird im Laufe der Arbeit mehrfach genutzt um den Einfluss des Schmierens zu untersuchen. Mit den Feldern kann die Zweipunkt-Funktion des B Meson berechnet werden, aus der seine Masse und Zerfallskonstante sowie die jeweiligen Beiträge der angeregten Zustände bestimmt werden können. Aus Quotienten von passend gewählten Drei- und Zweipunkt-Funktionen werden weiterhin die ChSTSM NEK g, die Formfaktoren des semileptonischen B Zerfalls und die Matrixelemente, die neutrale B Oszillationen beschreiben, sowie die dominanten Beiträge der angeregten Zustände bestimmt. Letztere führen, abhängig von den Werten der NEKs, meist zu einem um ein paar Prozent höheren Wert für die Quotienten. Einige Ergebnisse hängen zusätzlich von weiteren unbekannten NEKs ab. Für diese werden Korrelationsfunktionen angegeben aus denen sie mittels Gitterrechnungen bestimmt werden können. Im Gegensatz zu den vorherigen Ergebnissen sind die Beiträge der angeregten Zustände für einen der semileptonischen Formfaktoren eine Größenordnung größer und negativ. / Lattice simulations of Quantum Chromodynamics allow for a fully non-perturbative computation of hadronic correlation functions, but for a reliable extraction of physical quantities such as particle energies and matrix elements the contribution of excited states needs to be under control. In this thesis, an effective field theory known as Heavy Meson Chiral Perturbation Theory (HM ChPT) is used to analytically compute the dominant excited states contamination of B meson correlators which are relevant for the extraction of CKM matrix elements. First, the analogues of the quark bilinears which are used as interpolating fields in lattice simulations are derived in HM ChPT. These depend on a set of low energy constants (LECs) which are known for local fields. On the other hand, smeared interpolating fields can be incorporated in the effective theory by changing the values of these LECs, a fact that will be used throughout this thesis for investigating the effect of smearing. The interpolating fields are used to compute the B meson two-point function from which the B meson mass and decay constant as well as the respective excited states contamination can be extracted. From suitably chosen ratios of three-point functions and two-point functions, the HM ChPT LEC g, the form factors of semileptonic B meson decay, and the matrix elements of neutral B meson oscillations were determined. The computed excited states contamination of these ratios usually leads to an overestimation of the order of a few percent, depending on the values chosen for the LECs. Some results depend on so far unknown LECs, for which suitable correlation functions for a lattice determination are presented. In contrast, the excited states contamination of one of the semileptonic form factors is an order of magnitude larger and negative.

Dvousmyčkové chirální korekce k rozpadu neutrálního pionu na elektron-pozitronový pár / Two-loop chiral corrections to the neutral pion decay to electron-positron pair

Farkaš, Kristián January 2019 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to the rare decay π0 → e+ e− . We firstly introduce all theoretical knowledge necessary for the description of the vertices used in this work. Subsequently, we introduce three two-loop chiral Feynman diagrams, which are of order O(α2 p4 ). These diagrams are firstly decomposed to Master integrals by Laporta algorithm. After that, we calculate each Master integral individually by the differential equation technique. We also focus on the renormalization of the process. Since we are working with the effective field theory, finite corrections χ from counterterm diagrams naturally appear. With use of the calculations listed in this thesis, the determination of the parameter χR could be further improved taking into account the whole two-loop correction. 1

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