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Respiratory dysfunction in chronic neck painDimitriadis, Zacharias January 2011 (has links)
Background: Patients with chronic neck pain have a number of factors that could constitute a predisposition for respiratory dysfunction. However, the existing evidence is limited and not well established, and many questions such as the association of neck pain deficits with respiratory function remain unanswered. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate whether patients with chronic neck have accompanying respiratory dysfunction and which are the neck pain deficits which principally predispose to these respiratory disturbances.Methods: In this case-control observational study, 45 patients with chronic idiopathic neck pain (>6 months, at least once per week) and 45 healthy age-, gender-, height- and weight-matched controls were voluntarily recruited. A third group of 10 patients with chronic non-spinal musculoskeletal pain was also used, but only for future reference. Participants' neck muscle strength and endurance were measured by an isometric neck dynamometer and craniocervical flexion test respectively. Range of movement was assessed by using an ultrasound-based motion analysis system. Forward head posture was assessed by obtaining lateral photographs and calculating the craniovertebral angle. Disability and neck pain intensity were assessed through the Neck Disability Index and Visual Analogue Scale. Psychological assessment was performed by using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, the Pain Catastrophizing Scale and the Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia. Spirometry was used for assessing pulmonary volumes, flows and maximal voluntary ventilation. Respiratory muscle strength was assessed by using a mouth pressure meter. Finally, PaCO2 was assessed by using transcutaneous blood gas monitoring.Results: Patients with chronic neck pain were found to have weaker respiratory muscles than healthy controls (p<0.05). Their pulmonary volumes and maximal voluntary ventilation were also found to be reduced (p<0.05). Their mean respiratory flows were found to be unaffected (p>0.05), whereas their peak flows were reduced (p<0.05). Their partial pressure of carbon dioxide was also found to be affected (p<0.05), revealing existence of hypocapnia (PaCO2<35mmHg). The neck pain deficits that were found to be mostly correlated with these respiratory parameters were the neck muscle strength, neck muscle endurance, kinesiophobia, catastrophizing and pain intensity (r>0.3, p<0.05). Finally, the regression models revealed that neck pain deficits and especially neck muscle strength can provide a quite generalizable accurate estimation of this respiratory dysfunction (R2=0.28-0.52).Conclusions: Patients with chronic neck pain present dysfunction of their respiratory system which can be mainly manifested as respiratory weakness and/or hypocapnia. Pain intensity, neck muscle weakness, fatigue and kinesiophobia seem to be the most important deficits predisposing to this respiratory dysfunction. The understanding of this dysfunction could have a great impact on various clinical aspects notably patient assessment, rehabilitation and drug prescription. However, further research is suggested mainly directed towards optimizing treatment protocols and developing classification systems improving clinical reasoning.
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Chronic neck pain : An epidemiological, psychological and SPECT study with emphasis on whiplash-associated disordersGuez, Michel January 2006 (has links)
Chronic neck pain, a common cause of disability, seems to be the result of several interacting mechanisms. In addition to degenerative and inflammatory changes and trauma, psychological and psychosocial factors are also involved. One common type of trauma associated with chronic neck pain is whiplash injury; this sometimes results in whiplash-associated disorder (WAD), a controversial condition with largely unknown pathogenetic mechanisms. We studied the prevalence of chronic neck pain of traumatic and non-traumatic origin and compared the prevalence of, sociodemographic data, self-perceived health, workload and chronic lowback pain in these groups. In a ready-made questionnaire (MONICA study), we added questions about cervical spine and low-back complaints. 6,000 (72%) completed a self-administered questionnaire. 43% reported neck pain: 48% of women and 38% of men. Women of working age had more neck pain than retired women, a phenomenon not seen in men. 19% of the studied population suffered from chronic neck pain and it was more frequent in women. A history of neck trauma was common in those with chronic neck pain. Those with a history of neck trauma perceived their health worse and were more often on sick-leave. About 50% of those with traumatic and non-traumatic chronic neck pain also had chronic low-back pain. We assessed the subjective and objective neuropsychological functioning in 42 patients with chronic neck pain, 21 with a whiplash trauma, and 21 without previous neck trauma. Despite cognitive complaints, the WAD patients had normal neuropsychological functioning, but the WAD group especially had deviant MMPI results—indicating impaired coping ability and somatization.WAD patients had no alterations in cerebral blood-flow pattern, as measured by rCBF-SPECT and SPM analysis, compared to healthy controls. This contrasts with the non-traumatic group with chronic neck pain, which showed marked blood-flow changes. The blood-flow changes in the non-traumatic group were similar to those described earlier in pain patients but— remarkably enough—were different from those in the WAD group. Chronic neck pain of whiplash and non-traumatic origin appears to be unique in some respects. A better understanding of the underlying pathological mechanisms is a prerequisite for prevention of the development of such chronic pain syndromes and for improvement of the treatment of patients with severe symptoms.
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Srovnání účinnosti manuální terapie a terapie s využitím cvičení ve svalových posturálních zřetězeních při bolestivých syndromech šíjové oblasti. / Comparison of the effectiveness of manual therapy and therapy using exercises in muscle postural ligations for painful neck syndromesHeger, Mikuláš January 2017 (has links)
Title: Comparison of the effectiveness of manual therapy and therapy using exercises in muscle postural ligations for painful neck syndromes. Objective: The main aim of this work is to compare commonly used physiotherapeutic techniques, exercise and mobilization, (manipulation) techniques in chronic, painful neck syndromes. Methods: The study involved a total of 30 probands with chronic neck pain, randomly divided into three groups of 10. In the first group the subject was health exercise, in the second group therapy with mobilization (manipulations) techniques and in the third group was a combination of both therapies. Probands were individually treated in five visits, 30 minutes for one visit. The evaluation methods were NRS, NDI and goniometry. The data was evaluated in Microsoft Office Excel. Results: The results showed that after 5 therapies there was a statistically significant reduction in pain on the NRS scale in all three groups. Within the NDI questionnaire there was a very small reduction in the ADL limitation, for all three groups, the changes were statistically significant. There were no changes in goniometry in any of the groups and changes were not statistically significant. Keywords: chronic neck pain, cervical spine, exercise, mobilization, NDI
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Nacksmärta : Styrketräningens effekt på nacksmärta - en litteraturstudieWiderlund, Izabella, Franzén, Johanna January 2022 (has links)
Background: Neck pain has a prevalence at 15-30 % in diffrent populations with diffrent causes like whiplash or tension in the muscle. It has proven a positive association between reduced pain and inhibiting the endorphin systems with physical activity. No recent review has been made since 2015, so there was a need to compile recent studies in the field. Objective: Searches for litterature were made in the databses PubMed, PEDro and CINAHL to find randomized controlled studied that investigated strengthening training of the neck and the thoracal part of the back in persons with neckpain. All of the included articles were appraised by the PEDro-scale and the level of reliability was graded using GRADEstud. Results: Six studies were included in this review with 382 participants. In one of six studies a significant between group diffrence was seen, the results should be discussed according to the studie's diffrent intervention/control groups. Three studies showed high quality and three showed moderate quality according to PEDro-scale. The grading in evidence showed that strengthening training of the neck and the thoracic back as treament for neckapin has a high level of evidence (++) to not reduce pain according to GRADEstud. The variation in population and time resulted in point deduction for lack of precision. Conclusion: The results shows that strengthening training of the neck and the thoracic back does not reduce neckpain. Only one of six studied could show a significant between group diffrence. According to GRADEstud a high level of evidence is shown that the treatment dose not give effekt. The results of this study should be drawn with caution due to a low number of studies and the lack of precision in the interventions.
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Dor cervical crônica e postura em trabalhadores de escritório usuários de computador / Chronic neck pain and posture in computer office workersBragatto, Marcela Mendes 12 February 2015 (has links)
Introdução: A prevalência de disfunção musculoesquelética entre trabalhadores usuários de computador (TUC) pode variar entre 10 a 62% e os lugares mais acometidos são os membros superiores, pescoço, cabeça e a coluna vertebral. As queixas musculoesqueléticas nesses trabalhadores apresentam etiologia multifatorial e dentre as principais causas é possível citar aspectos posturais e fatores psicossociais. O Maastricht Upper Extremity Questionnaire (MUEQ-Br) é uma das poucas ferramentas existentes na literatura para avaliar aspectos ergonômicos e psicossociais relacionados ao trabalho com uso do computador. A dor cervical é a queixa musculoesquelética mais comum em trabalhadores de escritório usuários de computador. A coexistência entre dor cervical e disfunção temporomandibular (DTM) é comumente citada na literatura. A adoção da postura em anteriorização da cabeça para uso do computador pode estar associada ao aparecimento de sintomas orofaciais e cervicais. A posição sentada é a mais adotada nos ambientes de trabalho especialmente quando este envolve o uso de computador, entretanto, a manutenção dessa posição por tempo prolongado pode acarretar a adoção de posturas inadequadas e intensificar a sobrecarga nas estruturas do sistema musculoesquelético. Desta forma, a manutenção da postura sentada pode estar relacionada ao desenvolvimento de alterações de postura corporal, DTM e disfunção cervical. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar associações entre dor cervical, DTM e alterações na postura estática em trabalhadores de escritório usuários de computador com e sem relato de dor cervical crônica. Material e Métodos: A amostra desse estudo foi selecionada a partir da aplicação do Maastricht Upper Extremity Questionnaire que contempla 7 domínios (posto de trabalho, postura corporal, controle do trabalho, demanda de trabalho, pausas, ambiente de trabalho e suporte social), preenchidos por trabalhadores usuários de computador. Participaram deste estudo 52 mulheres trabalhadoras de escritório usuárias de computador em dois grupos: Grupo com dor cervical crônica e incapacidade (GD, n=26 - 36.50 anos - IC95%: 33.40-36.60; 66.37 kg - IC 95%: 62.48-70.26 e 1.62 m - IC95%: 1.60-1.65) e Grupo sem relato de dor cervical (GS, n=26 - 33.81 anos - IC 95%: 33.66-36.95, 71.75 kg - IC95%: 65.90-77.60 e 1.64 m - IC95%: 1.62-1.67). Como critérios de inclusão as funcionárias deveriam exercer a mesma função há pelo menos 12 meses (GD, 110 meses - IC95%: 73-147 /GS, 91 meses - IC95%:63-119) e utilizar o computador ao menos 4 horas por dia durante a jornada de trabalho (GD, 7.46 horas/dia - IC95%: 7.10-7.83 /GS, 7.58 horas/dia - IC95%: 7.23-7.92). No grupo com dor cervical crônica as trabalhadoras deveriam apresentar relato positivo de dor crônica cervical e se enquadrarem nos seguintes critérios: a) dor cervical há pelo menos 3 meses; b) dor de intensidade 3 na maioria dos dias em uma escala numérica de dor (END) (0 a 10, sendo 0 = sem dor e 10 = pior dor possível) e c) limitação funcional, pelo menos leve, no Índice de incapacidade relacionada ao pescoço (NDI): 10-28% (5-14 pontos) - incapacidade leve; 30-48% (15- 24 pontos) - incapacidade moderada; 50-68% (25 35 pontos) - incapacidade severa;72% ou mais (36 pontos ou mais) incapacidade completa. Foram realizadas avaliações clínicas para diagnóstico da DTM por meio do Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD), avaliação da dor cervical e mastigatória através da palpação manual e algometria por pressão para obtenção do limiar de dor por pressão (LDP) de estruturas crânio-cervicais, bem como avaliação da postura corporal estática dessas trabalhadoras usando a fotogrametria. Os dados demonstraram distribuição normal de acordo com o teste Shapiro Wilks. O teste-t de student para amostras independentes (p<0.05) foi utilizado para comparar a pontuação máxima de cada domínio do MUEQ-Br entre os grupos sem e com dor cervical crônica. Para verificar diferenças entre os valores médios de LDP e palpação muscular entre os grupos de trabalhadores sem dor e com dor cervical crônica e para verificar diferenças entre os ângulos posturais foi utilizado também o teste-t de Student. Para análise das associações entre as variáveis disfunção temporomandibular, incapacidade relacionada à disfunção cervical, cervicalgia e aspectos do trabalho (domínios do MUEQ) foi utilizada a análise de regressão linear múltipla. Para verificação de diferenças entre valores de porcentagem foi utilizado o teste de Qui-quadrado (p<0.05). O pacote estatístico utilizado foi o SPSS versão 22. Resultados: Os resultados deste estudo demonstraram que ao compararmos os domínios do MUEQ-Br, o grupo com dor cervical crônica obteve maior pontuação no domínio postura corporal (GD, 12.58 - IC95%: 11.21-13.94/ GS, 9.42 - IC95%: 8-10.84) e no item queixas (GD, 17.46- IC95%: 14.17-20.75/ GS, 8.58 - IC95%: 6.14-11.02), bem como na pontuação total do questionário (GD, 40.08 - IC95%: 35.01-45.15/ GS, 33.31 - IC95%: 28.99-37.63). Os voluntários com dor cervical apresentaram maior porcentagem de diagnósticos de DTM quando comparados com o grupo sem dor (42.30% vs. 23.07%, p<0.05). O grupo com dor apresentou maior intensidade de dor na palpação manual dos músculos cervicais, trapézio (ponto médio) lado direito (GD, 4.03 - IC95%: 3.02-5.06/ GS, 1.46 - IC95%: 0.69-2.23) e suboccipitais direito (GD, 2.58 - IC95%: 1.64-3.51/ GS, 1.0 - IC95%: 0.42-1.58) e esquerdo (GD, 2.15 - IC95%: 1.21-3.09/ GS, 1.0 - IC95%: 0.46-1.54), porém os valores do LDP não foram significativos para nenhum dos músculos avaliados entre os grupos com e sem dor cervical crônica. Também não foram encontradas diferenças significativas na avaliação postural entre os grupos para os ângulos analisados no plano frontal face e vista anterior e para os ângulos analisados no plano sagital. Na análise de associação entre as variáveis, foi observado que quando a incapacidade foi considerada variável dependente em relação à cervicalgia, total da pontuação do MUEQ-Br (aspectos de trabalho) e DTM, foi observado um R2 = 0.93 e todos os preditores mostraram-se significativos no modelo. Nossos resultados demonstram que a incapacidade cervical é influenciada pela DTM, dor no pescoço e aspectos físicos e psicossociais relacionados ao trabalho com uso do computador. Os trabalhadores com dor cervical apresentaram maior porcentagem de diagnósticos de DTM quando comparados com o grupo de trabalhadores sem dor, bem como a intensidade da dor à palpação dos músculos cervicais mostrou-se significativamente maior nos trabalhadores usuários de computador com dor cervical. Assim, é possível sugerir uma associação entre relato de dor cervical, incapacidade cervical e DTM no contexto de trabalho envolvendo o computador em mulheres com dor relato de dor cervical crônica. / Introduction: The prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders among computer office workers (COW) can vary between 10-62% and the most affected regions affected are the upper extremities, neck, head and spine. Musculoskeletal complaints in these workers have a multifactorial etiology and the main causes are postural aspects and psychosocial factors. The Maastricht Upper Extremity Questionnaire (MUEQ-Br) is one of the few tools available in the literature to evaluate ergonomic and psychosocial aspects of work related to computer use. Neck pain is the most common musculoskeletal complaints in COW. Coexistence between neck pain and Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) are commonly cited in the literature. The adoption of forward head posture for computer use may be linked to the onset of orofacial symptoms. The sitting position is the most widely adopted in the workplace especially when it involves the use of computer, however, to maintain this position for long periods, the adoption of awkward postures could be necessary, increasing the strain on the musculoskeletal system structures. Thus, maintenance of sitting posture may be related to the development of changes in body posture, TMD and neck disorders. Aim: The aim of this study was to examine associations between neck pain, TMD and changes in static body posture on COW with and without chronic neck pain. Material and Methods: The sample of this study was selected from the application of the Maastricht Upper Extremity Questionnaire which includes seven domains (work station, body posture, job control, job demands, break time, work environment and social support). The study included 52 women which work using computer into two groups: Group with chronic neck pain and disability (NPG, n = 26 - 36.50 years confidence interval 95% (CI): 33.40-36.60; 66.37 kg -CI: 62.48-70.26 and 1.62m - 95% CI: 1.60-1.65) and group without neck pain (WONPG, n = 26 - 33.81 years - CI: 33.66-36.95, 71.75 kg - CI: 65.90-77.60 m and 1.64 - CI: 1.62-1.67). As criteria inclusion, the employees should exercise the same function for at least 12 months (NPG, 110 months - CI: 73-147 / WONPG, 91 months - CI: 63-119) and use the computer for at least 4 hours day during the work day (NPG, 7:46 hours / day - CI: 7.10-7.83 / WONPG, 7:58 hours/day - CI: 7.23-7.92). In the group with chronic neck pain workers should present a positive report of chronic neck pain and falling within the criteria: a) neck pain for at least 3 months; b) pain intensity 3 on most days on a numerical pain scale (NPS) (0-10, where 0 = no pain and 10 = worst possible pain) and c) Neck pain related disability at least mild in the Neck Disability Index (NDI): 10-28% (5-14 points) - mild disability; 30-48% (15- 24 points) - moderate disability; 50-68% (25 - 35 points) - severe disability, 72% or more (36 or more points) - Complete. Clinical assessments for diagnosis of TMD was conducted using the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD), evaluation of masticatory and neck pain through manual palpation and algometry pressure to obtain the pressure pain threshold (PPT) of craniocervical structures as well as evaluation of the static body posture by the use of photogrammetry. The data showed normal distribution according to the Shapiro Wilks test. The Student\'s t-test for independent samples (p <0.05) was used to compare the maximum score for each domain MUEQ-Br between the groups with and without chronic neck pain. Differences between the mean values of LDP and muscle tenderness between groups of workers without pain and chronic neck pain and to check for differences between the postural angles were verified by student t-test. For analysis of associations between TMD, disability related to neck pain, neck pain and \"aspects of the job\" (domains of MUEQ) a multivariate regression analysis was used. Differences between the percentage values were verified using chi-square test (p <0.05). The statistical package used was SPSS version 22. Results: The results showed that when comparing the domains of MUEQ-Br, the group with chronic neck pain scored highest in the area posture (NPG, 12.58 points - CI: 11.21-13.94 / WONPG, 9.42 - CI: 8-10.84) and complaints item (NPG, 17.46 - CI: 14.17-20.75 / WONPG, 8.58 - CI: 6.14 -11.02), and the total score of the questionnaire (NPG, 40.08 - CI: 35.01-45.15 / WONPG, 33.31 points - CI: 28.99-37.63). The volunteers with neck pain showed a higher percentage of diagnoses of TMD when compared with the group without pain (42.30% vs. 23:07%, p <0.05). The group with pain had higher pain intensity on manual palpation of the neck muscles, trapezius (midpoint) right (NPG, 4.03 - CI: 3.02-5.06 / WONPG, 1.46 - CI: 0.69-2.23) and right suboccipital (WONPG, 2.58 NPS - CI: 1.64-3.51 / WONP, 1.0 - CI: 0.42-1.58) and left (NPG, 2.15 - CI: 1.21-3.09 / WONP, 1.0 - CI: 0.46 -1.54) but the values of the LDP were not significant for any of the muscles tested between the groups with and without chronic neck pain. Also no significant differences were found in postural assessment between groups for the analyzed angles in the frontal plane face and anterior views and angles analyzed in the sagittal plane. The analysis of association between the variables, it was observed that when disability was considered the dependent variable in relation to the neck pain, total score MUEQ-Br (aspects of work) and TMD, we observed a strong association (R2 = 0.93) and all predictors showed significant in the model. Our results demonstrate that cervical disability is influenced by the TMD, neck pain and physical and psychosocial aspects of the computer work. Workers with neck pain showed a higher percentage of diagnoses of TMD when compared with the group of workers without neck pain, and the pain intensity on palpation of the neck muscles was significantly higher in computer workers with neck pain. Thus, it is possible to suggest an association between reporting of neck pain, neck related disability and TMD in the context of work involving the computer in women reporting chronic neck pain.
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Relação de flexão-relaxamento dos músculos cervicais e dor cervical crônica em trabalhadores de escritório usuários de computador / Flexion-relaxation ratio in neck muscles and chronic neck pain in office workers computer usersPinheiro, Carina Ferreira 17 April 2015 (has links)
A dor cervical é um problema musculoesquelético comum, cuja ocorrência é estimada em torno de 30-50% da população adulta em geral e também muito frequente entre os trabalhadores usuários de computador. A alteração no padrão de atividade muscular dos músculos flexores e extensores é uma das características da dor cervical, que nos usuários de computador parece estar associada à manutenção da postura sentada com anteriorização da cabeça ou flexão cervical. Dois fatores de análise importantes para avaliar déficits na atividade muscular são o fenômeno flexão-relaxamento (FFR) e a relação flexão-relaxamento (RFR). O objetivo principal deste estudo foi avaliar, através da eletromiografia de superfície, a ocorrência do FFR e mensurar a RFR nos músculos extensores da coluna cervical de trabalhadores usuários de computador com e sem dor cervical crônica e de indivíduos saudáveis, não usuários de computador. Foram avaliados 60 indivíduos, 20 usuários de computador com dor cervical crônica (GD), 20 usuários de computador sem dor cervical (GS) e 20 indivíduos saudáveis, não usuários de computador (GC). Os indivíduos responderam o Maastricht Upper Extremity Questionnaire (MUEQ-Br) e o Índice de Incapacidade Relacionada à dor no Pescoço (IIRP), e o FFR e RFR foram analisados através da eletromiografia de superfície dos músculos Semi-espinhal da Cabeça(SC), Esplênio da Cabeça(EC) e Trapézio Superior(TS). O limiar de dor por pressão (LDP) também foi avaliado nestes músculos e no músculo esternocleidomastóideo. Os resultados mostraram maior pontuação do grupo de trabalhadores com dor cervical crônica no domínio Posto de Trabalho do MUEQ-Br (GS 0,35, IC95% 0,14-0,56; GD 0,80, IC95% 0,32-1,28; p<0,05) e maior LDP do músculo EC no grupo com dor cervical em relação ao controle (GD 1,77, IC95% 1,55-2,00; GC 2,38, IC95% 2,02-2,75; p<0,05). O FFR foi verificado em proporção igual em todos os grupos, não sendo observado em todos os indivíduos. A integral do envoltório linear foi maior nos grupos de trabalhadores em relação ao controle no músculo SC em repouso (GS 0,91, IC95% 0,90-0,93; GD 0,90, IC95% 0,88-0,93; GC 0,86, IC95% 0,83-0,90; p<0,05). A relação entre flexão total e a extensão mostrou maior atividade EMG do SE dos grupos de trabalhadores na extensão em relação ao controle (GS 0,38, IC95% 0,32-0,43; GD 0,37, IC95% 0,30-0,44; GC 0,56, IC95% 0,52-0,60; p<0,05). A RFR foi maior no grupo de trabalhadores com dor cervical, diferenciando este grupo do controle (GS 2,33, IC95% 1,93-2,74; GD 3,10, IC95% 2,50-3,70; GC 1,99, IC95% 1,81-2,17; p<0,05). O teste da CIVM dos extensores cervicais apresentou reprodutibilidade boa a excelente, principalmente na CIVM e no grupo com dor cervical (CIVM GS ICC médio SE 0,93; ICC médio EC 0,57; ICC médio TS 0,19) (CIVM GD ICC médio SC 0,50; ICC médio EC 0,84; ICC médio TS 0,96). Os resultados demonstram que a dor cervical crônica e a incapacidade cervical são influenciadas por aspectos físicos relacionados ao trabalho com uso do computador. As relações entre a atividade EMG dos músculos extensores durante os movimentos de flexão e extensão sugerem que o uso de computador recrute de forma contínua a musculatura extensora, que apresenta alta atividade durante o repouso na posição neutra e a extensão, e se mantém ativa durante a flexão e flexão total. Além disso, o trabalho com computador, quando associado à queixa de dor cervical crônica, parece aumentar a sensibilidade dolorosa à pressão na musculatura extensora cervical / Neck pain is a common musculoskeletal problem, the occurrence of which is estimated at around 30-50% of the adult population in general and also very common among office workers. Activity muscle pattern alterated of flexion and extension muscles is one of the characteristics of neck pain, that office workers is associated with the maintenance of the sitting posture with forward head posture or neck flexion. Two important factor analysis to assess deficits in muscle activation are flexion-relaxation phenomenon (FFR) and the flexor-relaxation ratio (RFR). The aim of this study was to evaluate, using surface electromyography, the occurrence of FFR and measure the RFR in extension neck muscles of office workers with and without chronic neck pain and healthy subjects, not computer users. Sixty subjects were evaluated, 20 office workers with chronic neck pain (GD), 20 office workers without neck pain (GS) and 20 healthy subjects, not computer users (GC). Participants completed the Maastricht Upper Extremity Questionnaire (MUEQ-Br) and Neck Disability Index (IIRP), and the FFR and RFR were analyzed by surface electromyography of the semispinal capitis (SC) splenius capitis (EC) and Upper Trapezius (TS). Pressure pain threshold (PPT) was also evaluated in these muscles and the sternocleidomastoid. Results showed higher scores of the group of workers with chronic neck pain in the workplace domain MUEQ-Br (GS 0.35, 95% CI 0.14 to 0.56; GD 0.80, 95% CI 0.32 to 1 28, p <0.05) and higher EC LDP in the neck pain group compared to control group (GD 1.77, 95% CI 1.55 to 2.00; GC 2.38, 95% CI 2.02 to 2.75; p <0.05). FFR was observed in the same proportion in all groups, not being observed in all subjects. The integral of linear envelope was higher in workers groups than control group in SC at rest posture (GS 0.91, 95% CI 0.90 to 0.93; GD 0.90, 95% CI 0.88 to 0.93 ; GC 0.86, 95% CI 0.83 to 0.90; p <0.05). The relationship between full flexion and extension showed higher SE EMG activity of workers groups in extension compared to control group (GS 0.38, 95% CI from 0.32 to 0.43; GD 0.37, 95% CI 0.30 to 0.44; GC 0.56, 95% CI 0.52 to 0.60; p <0.05). The RFR was higher in the neck pain workers than control group (SG 2.33, 95% CI 1.93 to 2.74; GD 3.10, 95% CI 2.50 to 3.70; GC 1 99, 95% CI 1.81 to 2.17; p <0.05). The test of MVIC of neck extensor muscles showed good to excellent reproducibility, especially in the MVIC and in neck pain group (MVIC GS - ICC SE 0.93; ICC EC 0.57; ICC TS 0.19) (MVIC GD - SC ICC 0.50, EC ICC 0.84, TS ICC 0.96). The results showed that physical factors are related to chronic neck pain disability in office workers. Relations between the EMG activity of the extensor muscles during flexion and extension movements suggest that computer use recruit continuously the extensor muscles, which shows high activity during rest in the neutral position and extent, and remains active during flexion and full flexion. In addition, work computer use, when associated with chronic complaint of neck pain, seems to increase pain sensitivity to pressure on the neck extensor muscles
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Srovnání účinnosti manuální terapie a terapie s využitím cvičení ve svalových posturálních zřetězeních při bolestivých syndromech šíjové oblasti. / Comparison of the effectiveness of manual therapy and therapy using exercises in muscle postural ligations for painful neck syndromesHeger, Mikuláš January 2018 (has links)
Title: Comparison of the effectiveness of manual therapy and therapy using exercises in muscle postural strings for painful neck syndromes. Objective: The main aim of this work is to compare the effect of active and passive approaches, combinations thereof, used in normal physiotherapy practice for painful neck syndromes. Active physiotherapy techniques represent the concept of Dr. Raševa, exercises in open and closed kinematic strings and elements of developmental kinesiology. Passive physiotherapy techniques are soft tissue techniques, mobilization and manipulation. The combination of these techniques is the application of active and passive techniques, i.e. the concept of Dr. Rašev, exercises in open and closed kinematic strings, elements of developmental kinesiology and soft tissue techniques, mobilization and manipulation. Methods: The study involved a total of 30 probands with chronic neck pain, randomly divided into three groups of 10. The first group (LTV - health exercise) included active treatment approaches, i.e. the concept of Dr. Raševa, exercises in open and closed kinematic strings and elements of developmental kinesiology. In the second group (TMT - soft tissue techniques) the contents were passive therapeutic approaches, i.e. soft tissue techniques, mobilization and manipulation....
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Relação de flexão-relaxamento dos músculos cervicais e dor cervical crônica em trabalhadores de escritório usuários de computador / Flexion-relaxation ratio in neck muscles and chronic neck pain in office workers computer usersCarina Ferreira Pinheiro 17 April 2015 (has links)
A dor cervical é um problema musculoesquelético comum, cuja ocorrência é estimada em torno de 30-50% da população adulta em geral e também muito frequente entre os trabalhadores usuários de computador. A alteração no padrão de atividade muscular dos músculos flexores e extensores é uma das características da dor cervical, que nos usuários de computador parece estar associada à manutenção da postura sentada com anteriorização da cabeça ou flexão cervical. Dois fatores de análise importantes para avaliar déficits na atividade muscular são o fenômeno flexão-relaxamento (FFR) e a relação flexão-relaxamento (RFR). O objetivo principal deste estudo foi avaliar, através da eletromiografia de superfície, a ocorrência do FFR e mensurar a RFR nos músculos extensores da coluna cervical de trabalhadores usuários de computador com e sem dor cervical crônica e de indivíduos saudáveis, não usuários de computador. Foram avaliados 60 indivíduos, 20 usuários de computador com dor cervical crônica (GD), 20 usuários de computador sem dor cervical (GS) e 20 indivíduos saudáveis, não usuários de computador (GC). Os indivíduos responderam o Maastricht Upper Extremity Questionnaire (MUEQ-Br) e o Índice de Incapacidade Relacionada à dor no Pescoço (IIRP), e o FFR e RFR foram analisados através da eletromiografia de superfície dos músculos Semi-espinhal da Cabeça(SC), Esplênio da Cabeça(EC) e Trapézio Superior(TS). O limiar de dor por pressão (LDP) também foi avaliado nestes músculos e no músculo esternocleidomastóideo. Os resultados mostraram maior pontuação do grupo de trabalhadores com dor cervical crônica no domínio Posto de Trabalho do MUEQ-Br (GS 0,35, IC95% 0,14-0,56; GD 0,80, IC95% 0,32-1,28; p<0,05) e maior LDP do músculo EC no grupo com dor cervical em relação ao controle (GD 1,77, IC95% 1,55-2,00; GC 2,38, IC95% 2,02-2,75; p<0,05). O FFR foi verificado em proporção igual em todos os grupos, não sendo observado em todos os indivíduos. A integral do envoltório linear foi maior nos grupos de trabalhadores em relação ao controle no músculo SC em repouso (GS 0,91, IC95% 0,90-0,93; GD 0,90, IC95% 0,88-0,93; GC 0,86, IC95% 0,83-0,90; p<0,05). A relação entre flexão total e a extensão mostrou maior atividade EMG do SE dos grupos de trabalhadores na extensão em relação ao controle (GS 0,38, IC95% 0,32-0,43; GD 0,37, IC95% 0,30-0,44; GC 0,56, IC95% 0,52-0,60; p<0,05). A RFR foi maior no grupo de trabalhadores com dor cervical, diferenciando este grupo do controle (GS 2,33, IC95% 1,93-2,74; GD 3,10, IC95% 2,50-3,70; GC 1,99, IC95% 1,81-2,17; p<0,05). O teste da CIVM dos extensores cervicais apresentou reprodutibilidade boa a excelente, principalmente na CIVM e no grupo com dor cervical (CIVM GS ICC médio SE 0,93; ICC médio EC 0,57; ICC médio TS 0,19) (CIVM GD ICC médio SC 0,50; ICC médio EC 0,84; ICC médio TS 0,96). Os resultados demonstram que a dor cervical crônica e a incapacidade cervical são influenciadas por aspectos físicos relacionados ao trabalho com uso do computador. As relações entre a atividade EMG dos músculos extensores durante os movimentos de flexão e extensão sugerem que o uso de computador recrute de forma contínua a musculatura extensora, que apresenta alta atividade durante o repouso na posição neutra e a extensão, e se mantém ativa durante a flexão e flexão total. Além disso, o trabalho com computador, quando associado à queixa de dor cervical crônica, parece aumentar a sensibilidade dolorosa à pressão na musculatura extensora cervical / Neck pain is a common musculoskeletal problem, the occurrence of which is estimated at around 30-50% of the adult population in general and also very common among office workers. Activity muscle pattern alterated of flexion and extension muscles is one of the characteristics of neck pain, that office workers is associated with the maintenance of the sitting posture with forward head posture or neck flexion. Two important factor analysis to assess deficits in muscle activation are flexion-relaxation phenomenon (FFR) and the flexor-relaxation ratio (RFR). The aim of this study was to evaluate, using surface electromyography, the occurrence of FFR and measure the RFR in extension neck muscles of office workers with and without chronic neck pain and healthy subjects, not computer users. Sixty subjects were evaluated, 20 office workers with chronic neck pain (GD), 20 office workers without neck pain (GS) and 20 healthy subjects, not computer users (GC). Participants completed the Maastricht Upper Extremity Questionnaire (MUEQ-Br) and Neck Disability Index (IIRP), and the FFR and RFR were analyzed by surface electromyography of the semispinal capitis (SC) splenius capitis (EC) and Upper Trapezius (TS). Pressure pain threshold (PPT) was also evaluated in these muscles and the sternocleidomastoid. Results showed higher scores of the group of workers with chronic neck pain in the workplace domain MUEQ-Br (GS 0.35, 95% CI 0.14 to 0.56; GD 0.80, 95% CI 0.32 to 1 28, p <0.05) and higher EC LDP in the neck pain group compared to control group (GD 1.77, 95% CI 1.55 to 2.00; GC 2.38, 95% CI 2.02 to 2.75; p <0.05). FFR was observed in the same proportion in all groups, not being observed in all subjects. The integral of linear envelope was higher in workers groups than control group in SC at rest posture (GS 0.91, 95% CI 0.90 to 0.93; GD 0.90, 95% CI 0.88 to 0.93 ; GC 0.86, 95% CI 0.83 to 0.90; p <0.05). The relationship between full flexion and extension showed higher SE EMG activity of workers groups in extension compared to control group (GS 0.38, 95% CI from 0.32 to 0.43; GD 0.37, 95% CI 0.30 to 0.44; GC 0.56, 95% CI 0.52 to 0.60; p <0.05). The RFR was higher in the neck pain workers than control group (SG 2.33, 95% CI 1.93 to 2.74; GD 3.10, 95% CI 2.50 to 3.70; GC 1 99, 95% CI 1.81 to 2.17; p <0.05). The test of MVIC of neck extensor muscles showed good to excellent reproducibility, especially in the MVIC and in neck pain group (MVIC GS - ICC SE 0.93; ICC EC 0.57; ICC TS 0.19) (MVIC GD - SC ICC 0.50, EC ICC 0.84, TS ICC 0.96). The results showed that physical factors are related to chronic neck pain disability in office workers. Relations between the EMG activity of the extensor muscles during flexion and extension movements suggest that computer use recruit continuously the extensor muscles, which shows high activity during rest in the neutral position and extent, and remains active during flexion and full flexion. In addition, work computer use, when associated with chronic complaint of neck pain, seems to increase pain sensitivity to pressure on the neck extensor muscles
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Dor cervical crônica e postura em trabalhadores de escritório usuários de computador / Chronic neck pain and posture in computer office workersMarcela Mendes Bragatto 12 February 2015 (has links)
Introdução: A prevalência de disfunção musculoesquelética entre trabalhadores usuários de computador (TUC) pode variar entre 10 a 62% e os lugares mais acometidos são os membros superiores, pescoço, cabeça e a coluna vertebral. As queixas musculoesqueléticas nesses trabalhadores apresentam etiologia multifatorial e dentre as principais causas é possível citar aspectos posturais e fatores psicossociais. O Maastricht Upper Extremity Questionnaire (MUEQ-Br) é uma das poucas ferramentas existentes na literatura para avaliar aspectos ergonômicos e psicossociais relacionados ao trabalho com uso do computador. A dor cervical é a queixa musculoesquelética mais comum em trabalhadores de escritório usuários de computador. A coexistência entre dor cervical e disfunção temporomandibular (DTM) é comumente citada na literatura. A adoção da postura em anteriorização da cabeça para uso do computador pode estar associada ao aparecimento de sintomas orofaciais e cervicais. A posição sentada é a mais adotada nos ambientes de trabalho especialmente quando este envolve o uso de computador, entretanto, a manutenção dessa posição por tempo prolongado pode acarretar a adoção de posturas inadequadas e intensificar a sobrecarga nas estruturas do sistema musculoesquelético. Desta forma, a manutenção da postura sentada pode estar relacionada ao desenvolvimento de alterações de postura corporal, DTM e disfunção cervical. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar associações entre dor cervical, DTM e alterações na postura estática em trabalhadores de escritório usuários de computador com e sem relato de dor cervical crônica. Material e Métodos: A amostra desse estudo foi selecionada a partir da aplicação do Maastricht Upper Extremity Questionnaire que contempla 7 domínios (posto de trabalho, postura corporal, controle do trabalho, demanda de trabalho, pausas, ambiente de trabalho e suporte social), preenchidos por trabalhadores usuários de computador. Participaram deste estudo 52 mulheres trabalhadoras de escritório usuárias de computador em dois grupos: Grupo com dor cervical crônica e incapacidade (GD, n=26 - 36.50 anos - IC95%: 33.40-36.60; 66.37 kg - IC 95%: 62.48-70.26 e 1.62 m - IC95%: 1.60-1.65) e Grupo sem relato de dor cervical (GS, n=26 - 33.81 anos - IC 95%: 33.66-36.95, 71.75 kg - IC95%: 65.90-77.60 e 1.64 m - IC95%: 1.62-1.67). Como critérios de inclusão as funcionárias deveriam exercer a mesma função há pelo menos 12 meses (GD, 110 meses - IC95%: 73-147 /GS, 91 meses - IC95%:63-119) e utilizar o computador ao menos 4 horas por dia durante a jornada de trabalho (GD, 7.46 horas/dia - IC95%: 7.10-7.83 /GS, 7.58 horas/dia - IC95%: 7.23-7.92). No grupo com dor cervical crônica as trabalhadoras deveriam apresentar relato positivo de dor crônica cervical e se enquadrarem nos seguintes critérios: a) dor cervical há pelo menos 3 meses; b) dor de intensidade 3 na maioria dos dias em uma escala numérica de dor (END) (0 a 10, sendo 0 = sem dor e 10 = pior dor possível) e c) limitação funcional, pelo menos leve, no Índice de incapacidade relacionada ao pescoço (NDI): 10-28% (5-14 pontos) - incapacidade leve; 30-48% (15- 24 pontos) - incapacidade moderada; 50-68% (25 35 pontos) - incapacidade severa;72% ou mais (36 pontos ou mais) incapacidade completa. Foram realizadas avaliações clínicas para diagnóstico da DTM por meio do Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD), avaliação da dor cervical e mastigatória através da palpação manual e algometria por pressão para obtenção do limiar de dor por pressão (LDP) de estruturas crânio-cervicais, bem como avaliação da postura corporal estática dessas trabalhadoras usando a fotogrametria. Os dados demonstraram distribuição normal de acordo com o teste Shapiro Wilks. O teste-t de student para amostras independentes (p<0.05) foi utilizado para comparar a pontuação máxima de cada domínio do MUEQ-Br entre os grupos sem e com dor cervical crônica. Para verificar diferenças entre os valores médios de LDP e palpação muscular entre os grupos de trabalhadores sem dor e com dor cervical crônica e para verificar diferenças entre os ângulos posturais foi utilizado também o teste-t de Student. Para análise das associações entre as variáveis disfunção temporomandibular, incapacidade relacionada à disfunção cervical, cervicalgia e aspectos do trabalho (domínios do MUEQ) foi utilizada a análise de regressão linear múltipla. Para verificação de diferenças entre valores de porcentagem foi utilizado o teste de Qui-quadrado (p<0.05). O pacote estatístico utilizado foi o SPSS versão 22. Resultados: Os resultados deste estudo demonstraram que ao compararmos os domínios do MUEQ-Br, o grupo com dor cervical crônica obteve maior pontuação no domínio postura corporal (GD, 12.58 - IC95%: 11.21-13.94/ GS, 9.42 - IC95%: 8-10.84) e no item queixas (GD, 17.46- IC95%: 14.17-20.75/ GS, 8.58 - IC95%: 6.14-11.02), bem como na pontuação total do questionário (GD, 40.08 - IC95%: 35.01-45.15/ GS, 33.31 - IC95%: 28.99-37.63). Os voluntários com dor cervical apresentaram maior porcentagem de diagnósticos de DTM quando comparados com o grupo sem dor (42.30% vs. 23.07%, p<0.05). O grupo com dor apresentou maior intensidade de dor na palpação manual dos músculos cervicais, trapézio (ponto médio) lado direito (GD, 4.03 - IC95%: 3.02-5.06/ GS, 1.46 - IC95%: 0.69-2.23) e suboccipitais direito (GD, 2.58 - IC95%: 1.64-3.51/ GS, 1.0 - IC95%: 0.42-1.58) e esquerdo (GD, 2.15 - IC95%: 1.21-3.09/ GS, 1.0 - IC95%: 0.46-1.54), porém os valores do LDP não foram significativos para nenhum dos músculos avaliados entre os grupos com e sem dor cervical crônica. Também não foram encontradas diferenças significativas na avaliação postural entre os grupos para os ângulos analisados no plano frontal face e vista anterior e para os ângulos analisados no plano sagital. Na análise de associação entre as variáveis, foi observado que quando a incapacidade foi considerada variável dependente em relação à cervicalgia, total da pontuação do MUEQ-Br (aspectos de trabalho) e DTM, foi observado um R2 = 0.93 e todos os preditores mostraram-se significativos no modelo. Nossos resultados demonstram que a incapacidade cervical é influenciada pela DTM, dor no pescoço e aspectos físicos e psicossociais relacionados ao trabalho com uso do computador. Os trabalhadores com dor cervical apresentaram maior porcentagem de diagnósticos de DTM quando comparados com o grupo de trabalhadores sem dor, bem como a intensidade da dor à palpação dos músculos cervicais mostrou-se significativamente maior nos trabalhadores usuários de computador com dor cervical. Assim, é possível sugerir uma associação entre relato de dor cervical, incapacidade cervical e DTM no contexto de trabalho envolvendo o computador em mulheres com dor relato de dor cervical crônica. / Introduction: The prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders among computer office workers (COW) can vary between 10-62% and the most affected regions affected are the upper extremities, neck, head and spine. Musculoskeletal complaints in these workers have a multifactorial etiology and the main causes are postural aspects and psychosocial factors. The Maastricht Upper Extremity Questionnaire (MUEQ-Br) is one of the few tools available in the literature to evaluate ergonomic and psychosocial aspects of work related to computer use. Neck pain is the most common musculoskeletal complaints in COW. Coexistence between neck pain and Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) are commonly cited in the literature. The adoption of forward head posture for computer use may be linked to the onset of orofacial symptoms. The sitting position is the most widely adopted in the workplace especially when it involves the use of computer, however, to maintain this position for long periods, the adoption of awkward postures could be necessary, increasing the strain on the musculoskeletal system structures. Thus, maintenance of sitting posture may be related to the development of changes in body posture, TMD and neck disorders. Aim: The aim of this study was to examine associations between neck pain, TMD and changes in static body posture on COW with and without chronic neck pain. Material and Methods: The sample of this study was selected from the application of the Maastricht Upper Extremity Questionnaire which includes seven domains (work station, body posture, job control, job demands, break time, work environment and social support). The study included 52 women which work using computer into two groups: Group with chronic neck pain and disability (NPG, n = 26 - 36.50 years confidence interval 95% (CI): 33.40-36.60; 66.37 kg -CI: 62.48-70.26 and 1.62m - 95% CI: 1.60-1.65) and group without neck pain (WONPG, n = 26 - 33.81 years - CI: 33.66-36.95, 71.75 kg - CI: 65.90-77.60 m and 1.64 - CI: 1.62-1.67). As criteria inclusion, the employees should exercise the same function for at least 12 months (NPG, 110 months - CI: 73-147 / WONPG, 91 months - CI: 63-119) and use the computer for at least 4 hours day during the work day (NPG, 7:46 hours / day - CI: 7.10-7.83 / WONPG, 7:58 hours/day - CI: 7.23-7.92). In the group with chronic neck pain workers should present a positive report of chronic neck pain and falling within the criteria: a) neck pain for at least 3 months; b) pain intensity 3 on most days on a numerical pain scale (NPS) (0-10, where 0 = no pain and 10 = worst possible pain) and c) Neck pain related disability at least mild in the Neck Disability Index (NDI): 10-28% (5-14 points) - mild disability; 30-48% (15- 24 points) - moderate disability; 50-68% (25 - 35 points) - severe disability, 72% or more (36 or more points) - Complete. Clinical assessments for diagnosis of TMD was conducted using the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD), evaluation of masticatory and neck pain through manual palpation and algometry pressure to obtain the pressure pain threshold (PPT) of craniocervical structures as well as evaluation of the static body posture by the use of photogrammetry. The data showed normal distribution according to the Shapiro Wilks test. The Student\'s t-test for independent samples (p <0.05) was used to compare the maximum score for each domain MUEQ-Br between the groups with and without chronic neck pain. Differences between the mean values of LDP and muscle tenderness between groups of workers without pain and chronic neck pain and to check for differences between the postural angles were verified by student t-test. For analysis of associations between TMD, disability related to neck pain, neck pain and \"aspects of the job\" (domains of MUEQ) a multivariate regression analysis was used. Differences between the percentage values were verified using chi-square test (p <0.05). The statistical package used was SPSS version 22. Results: The results showed that when comparing the domains of MUEQ-Br, the group with chronic neck pain scored highest in the area posture (NPG, 12.58 points - CI: 11.21-13.94 / WONPG, 9.42 - CI: 8-10.84) and complaints item (NPG, 17.46 - CI: 14.17-20.75 / WONPG, 8.58 - CI: 6.14 -11.02), and the total score of the questionnaire (NPG, 40.08 - CI: 35.01-45.15 / WONPG, 33.31 points - CI: 28.99-37.63). The volunteers with neck pain showed a higher percentage of diagnoses of TMD when compared with the group without pain (42.30% vs. 23:07%, p <0.05). The group with pain had higher pain intensity on manual palpation of the neck muscles, trapezius (midpoint) right (NPG, 4.03 - CI: 3.02-5.06 / WONPG, 1.46 - CI: 0.69-2.23) and right suboccipital (WONPG, 2.58 NPS - CI: 1.64-3.51 / WONP, 1.0 - CI: 0.42-1.58) and left (NPG, 2.15 - CI: 1.21-3.09 / WONP, 1.0 - CI: 0.46 -1.54) but the values of the LDP were not significant for any of the muscles tested between the groups with and without chronic neck pain. Also no significant differences were found in postural assessment between groups for the analyzed angles in the frontal plane face and anterior views and angles analyzed in the sagittal plane. The analysis of association between the variables, it was observed that when disability was considered the dependent variable in relation to the neck pain, total score MUEQ-Br (aspects of work) and TMD, we observed a strong association (R2 = 0.93) and all predictors showed significant in the model. Our results demonstrate that cervical disability is influenced by the TMD, neck pain and physical and psychosocial aspects of the computer work. Workers with neck pain showed a higher percentage of diagnoses of TMD when compared with the group of workers without neck pain, and the pain intensity on palpation of the neck muscles was significantly higher in computer workers with neck pain. Thus, it is possible to suggest an association between reporting of neck pain, neck related disability and TMD in the context of work involving the computer in women reporting chronic neck pain.
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Adaptação transcultural para o português-brasileiro, validação e confiabilidade do questionário para avaliação de dor cervical Profile Fitness Mapping Neck / Transcultural adaptation for Portuguese-Brazilian, Validation and Reliability From the Questionnaire for Cervical Pain Assessment Profile Fitness Mapping NeckFerreira, Mariana Candido 10 March 2016 (has links)
Objetivo: O presente estudo teve como objetivo realizar a adaptação transcultural e verificar a confiabilidade, consistência interna, validade estrutural e a validade de construto do ProFiMap-neck em indivíduos com relato de dor cervical crônica. Método: Participaram deste estudo pacientes do sexo feminino com relato de dor cervical há mais de 3 meses durante o movimento ou repouso A amostra foi composta por 30 indivíduos (33,43±10,32 anos) para a etapa de teste da versão pré-final, 100 indivíduos (38,89±10,84 anos) para a confiabilidade e 180 indivíduos (37,49±11,86 anos) para a validadade de construto, para a análise da consistência interna e validade estrutural. O processo de tradução e retrotradução ocorreu em 5 etapas: 1) Tradução inicial para o português, 2) Síntese de traduções, 3) Retrotradução, 4) Comitê de especialistas, e 5) O teste da versão pré-final. Para validade de construto a pontuação do ProFitMap-neck foi correlacionada com a pontuação do Neck Disability Index (NDI), além disso, foram utilizados para fins de correlação a Escala de Ansiedade e Depressão Hospitalar (HADS-A e HADS-D), a Escala Tampa de Cinesiofobia e o Short Form - 36 (SF-36). Para a análise fatorial exploratória foi utilizada a Análise de Componentes Principais, o indice de Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) e % de variância cumulativa. Para a análise da consistência interna foi utilizado o coeficiente de ? de Cronbach. Para a confiabilidade foi utilizando o Coeficiente de Correlação Intraclasse (CCI). O coeficiente de correlação de Pearson foi utilizado para verificação das correlações. A magnitude da correlação foi graduada da seguinte maneira: R<0,29: pobre; 0,3<R<0,69: moderada; R>0,7: forte. Resultados: Durante o processo de teste da versão pré-final não foram relatadas dúvidas pela amostra de pacientes ao responder o instrumento. Para a escala de Sintomas/Intensidade do ProFitMap-neck versão português brasileiro foram verificados dois domínios (Escala de Sintomas/Intensidade Geral e Escala de Sintomas/Intensidade Equilíbrio) com porcentagem de variância cumulativa de 57,33% e índice KMO=0,66. Para a escala de Sintomas/Frequência do ProFitMap-neck foi verificado apenas 1 domínio com porcentagem de variância cumulativa de 56,20% e KMO=0,84. Para a escala de Limitação Funcional do ProFitMap-neck foram verificados 2 domínios (Postura e AVDs e Movimento e Percepção de Saúde) com porcentagem de variância cumulativa de 56,28% e KMO=0,57. Todos os itens apresentaram carga fatorial superior a 0,2. A análise de consistência interna demonstrou valores de alpha de cronbach adequados (alpha>0.70) para todos os domínios do ProFitMap-neck. Na reprodutibilidade foram verificados valores de CCI excelentes para todos os domínios e escalas (ICC>0,75). Nossos achados demonstraram correlações moderadas/fortes e negativas entre a pontuação total do NDI e as pontuações dos domínios e escalas Sintomas/Intensidade, Sintomas/Frequencia e Limitação Funcional do ProFitMapneck (R=-0,65, R=-0,56 e R=-0,71, respectivamente). Foram verificadas correlações no geral moderadas/fortes e positivas entre os escores das ferramentas SF-36 e ProFitMap-neck. Para as correlações entre Ansiedade, Despressão e Cinesiofobia e as Escalas do ProFitMap-neck versão português brasileiro foram verificadas correlações em sua maioria moderadas e fortes (-0,32<R<-0,82). Conclusão: O ProFitMap-neck versão português-Brasil apresentou índices psicométricos adequados e, dessa forma, está disponível para ser empregado na prática clínica e pesquisa em pacientes com dor cervical crônica. / Objective: This study aimed to perform the cultural adaptation and verify the reliability, internal consistency, structural validity and construct validity of the Profile Fitness Mapping neck questionnaire (ProFiMap-neck) in individuals reporting chronic neck pain. Method: This study recruited female patients with neck pain for more than three months during motion or at rest The sample consisted of 30 individuals (33.43 ± 10.32 years) to test the pre-final version, 100 individuals (38.89 ± 10.84 years) for reliability and 180 individuals (37.49 ± 11.86 years) for construct validity, analysis of internal consistency and structural validity. The process of translation and back translation occurred in 5 steps: 1) Initial translation into Portuguese, 2) Summary of translations, 3) Back-translation, 4) Committee of Experts, and 5) The test of the pre-final version. Construct validity was verified correlating scores on ProFitMap-neck and Neck Disability Index (NDI), Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale (HADS-A and HADS-D), Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia and the Short Form - 36 (SF-36). Exploratory factor analysis was perfomed considering Principal Component Analysis, the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin index (KMO) and percentange of cumulative variance. For the analysis of internal consistenc, we used ? Cronbach and for reliability Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) was used. The Pearson correlation coefficient was used to investigate correlations and the strength was graded as follows: R <0.29: poor; 0.3 <R <0.69: moderate; R> 0.7: Strong. Results: During the test of the pre-final version, volunteers did no report doubts. Structural validity retained two domains for Symptoms/Intensity ProFitMap-neck Brazilian Portuguese version (General Symptoms Intensity and Symptoms Intensity/ Balance) with cumulative percentage of variance of 57.33% and KMO=0.66. For the Scale Symptoms/Frequency of ProFitMap-neck we identified one domain, with cumulative percentage of variance of 56.20% and KMO = 0.84. For Functional Limitation of the ProFitMap-neck, we identified two domains (Posture and Movement and Diary Life Activities and Health Perception) with cumulative percentage of variance of 56.28% and KMO = 0.57. All items had factors loadings greater than 0.2. The internal consistency analysis revealed adequate alpha Cronbach values (alpha>0.70) for all ProFitMap-neck domains. We obtained excellent ICC values for all domains and scales (ICC> 0.75). Our findings showed moderate/strong and negative correlations between the total score of the NDI and the scores of the domains and scales Symptoms/Intensity, Symptoms/Frequency and Functional Limitation of ProFitMap-neck brazilian portuguese version (R = -0.65, R = -0.56 and R = -0.71, respectively). Correlations between the scores of the SF-36 and ProFitMapneck tools were in the majority moderate/strong and positive. For correlations between anxiety, depression and kinesiophobia and the scales of the ProFitMap-neck brazilian portuguese version were observaded moderate and strong values (-0.32 <R <-0.82). Conclusion: ProFitMap-neck portuguese-Brazil version showed adequate psychometric indexes and, therefore, it\'s available to be apllied in clinical practice and research in patients with chronic neck pain.
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