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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Os processos circulares como instrumento para a investigação dos elementos que contribuem para a relação harmoniosa entre professor e aluno

Nalzira Medalha dos Santos 23 April 2015 (has links)
This work is related to a research about teacher-student relationship developed with seventeen teachers from a public school, from a country town in São Paulo State. The aims are: from the educator point of view, investigate which elements contribute to a harmonious relationship between teacher and student and inquire, from the same point of view, which are the obstacles that challenge the current teacher-student relationship. For that, the circular process technique was used as a methodology, where some questions related to the teacher and student relationship were proposed, they were recorded and then transcribed for further analysis, according to the model of Bardin. The theoretical basis was mainly from Vygotsky concerning to: the close relation between cognition and affectivity, to the importance of the environment as a source for the individual development, and still considering the relation between thinking and language, the meaning of words, being all this together with the concept of perezhivanie, fundamental inputs for this research. According to the analysis of the collected answers, reported by the subjects of the research about their emotional experiences relating to the memories of the elements that characterize the good relationship between teacher and student, it was observed that the subjects value the human and emotional aspects, but do not stop to consider the aspects of technical and pedagogical character, which also represent the appreciation and respect of teachers by students, resulting in personal appreciation that enables to create affective bonds. As for the difficulties and challenges of teacher-student relationship today, a large percentage of answers showed factors outside the school (lack of values in the family and society) as the main responsible. These responses encourage a reflection on how to solve this problem. In the view of the surveyed teachers, the found alternatives take again the importance of human and affective aspects. It is believed that this work will contribute to the reflection on the harmonious coexistence between teachers and students, as this relationship becomes a key factor in the educational process. / Este trabalho diz respeito a uma pesquisa sobre a relação professor-aluno realizada com dezessete professores de uma escola municipal de uma cidade do interior paulista. Os objetivos são: investigar, segundo o ponto de vista docente, quais elementos contribuem para uma relação harmoniosa entre professor e aluno e inquirir, segundo o mesmo ponto de vista, as dificuldades que caracterizam os desafios da atual relação professor-aluno. Para tanto, utilizou-se como metodologia a técnica do Processo Circular em que foram propostas algumas questões referentes à relação professor-aluno, as quais foram gravadas e posteriormente transcritas, a fim de serem analisadas segundo os constructos da análise de conteúdo de Bardin. A fundamentação teórica apoiou-se sobretudo em Vygotsky no que diz respeito à indissociação entre cognição e afetividade, ao papel do ambiente como fonte de desenvolvimento, abordando ainda a relação entre pensamento e linguagem, o sentido da palavra, sendo estes, juntamente com o conceito de perezhivanie, aportes fundamentais para esta pesquisa. De acordo com a análise das respostas colhidas a partir do relato das experiências emocionais dos sujeitos de pesquisa referentes às memórias acerca dos elementos que caracterizam a boa relação entre professor-aluno, foi possível observar que os sujeitos valorizam os aspectos humanos e afetivos, mas não deixam de considerar os aspectos de caráter técnico-pedagógico, os quais também representam o apreço e o respeito do professor pelo aluno, traduzindo-se em valorização pessoal, capaz de criar vínculos afetivos. Quanto às dificuldades e desafios da relação professor-aluno nos dias atuais, um grande percentual de respostas apresentou os fatores externos à escola (falta de valores na família e na sociedade) como os principais responsáveis. Essas respostas incentivam uma reflexão acerca de como resolver essa problemática. Na visão dos professores pesquisados, as alternativas encontradas retomam a importância de aspectos humanos e afetivos. Acredita-se que esse trabalho poderá contribuir para a reflexão sobre a convivência harmoniosa entre professores e alunos, uma vez que tal relação torna-se um fator fundamental no processo educativo.

Upcycling inom hemtextil : En undersökning om hur textiliernas livscykel kan förlängas / Upcycling in Home Textiles : An Investigation into Extending the Lifecycle of Textiles

Jacobsson, Louise, Heiman, Ella January 2024 (has links)
Sveriges textilkonsumtion har genom åren ökat och med det tillkommer även en större mängd avfall. Textilindustrins negativa påverkan på miljön diskuteras idag som ett av världens största miljöhot och kräver därför en förändring som kommer påverka både konsumenter och företag. Avfallshanteringen har hittills inte varit reglerad, men på grund av industrins påverkan på miljön har nu nya avfallsdirektiv föreslagits för att bekämpa klimatförändringarna. Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka möjligheten för att införliva principer om cirkulär ekonomi genom att använda upcycling som metod. Studien ämnar att studera hur upcycling kan användas i hemtextilföretag för att förlänga textilers livslängd. I studien undersöks potentialen, samt de utmaningar och möjligheter som uppkommer vid implementeringen av upcycling inom ett hemtextilföretag. Metoden som använts i denna studie är aktionsforskning, då författarna samarbetar med ett hemtextilföretag för att få en djupare förståelse och en mer verklighetsbaserad bild av processen. Denna metod anses vara mest lämpad då den öppnar upp för nya insikter och möjligheter inför nästkommande cykel. Resultatet baseras på en praktisk undersökning där produkterna påslakan och handdukar återanvändes för att skapa fyra stycken nya produktgrupper. Resultatet kompletteras med etablerad teori och kommentarer från hemtextilföretaget. De upcyclade produkterna demonstrerar att upcycling kan integreras i hemtextilföretag och ger svar på de utmaningar och möjligheter som tillkommer. Resultaten visar att upcycling inom hemtextil erbjuder betydande potential för innovation och hållbarhet, vilket öppnar upp för ytterligare forskning inom detta fält. Denna studie undersöker endast design- och produktionsperspektivet av upcycling, och avgränsar sig från det ekonomiska- och konsumentperspektivet. / Sweden's textile consumption has increased over the years, leading to a greater amount of waste. The textile industry's negative impact on the environment is now discussed as one of the world's greatest environmental threats, necessitating changes that will affect both consumers and companies. Waste management has not been regulated until now, but due to the industry's environmental impact, new waste directives have been proposed to combat climate change. The purpose of this study was to explore the possibility of incorporating principles of circular economy by using upcycling as a method. The study aims to examine how upcycling can be utilized in home textile companies to extend the lifespan of textiles. It explores the potential, as well as the challenges and opportunities that arise during the implementation of upcycling in a home textile company. The method used in this study is action research, as the authors collaborate with a home textile company to gain a deeper understanding and a more reality-based view of the process. This method is considered most suitable as it opens up new insights and opportunities for the upcoming cycle. The results are based on a practical investigation where products such as duvet covers and towels were reused to create four new product groups. The results are supplemented with established theory and comments from the home textile company. The upcycled products demonstrate that upcycling can be integrated into home textile companies and address the challenges and opportunities that arise. The findings suggest that upcycling within home textiles offers significant potential for innovation and sustainability, opening up further research in this field. This study only examines the design and production perspective of upcycling, excluding economic and consumer perspectives.

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