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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Simulação de escoamentos gás-sólido reativos em leitos fluidizados circulantes / Simulation of reactive gas-solid flows in circulating fluidized beds

Christian Léa Coelho da Costa Milioli 02 May 2006 (has links)
Reatores de leito fluidizado circulante são intensamente utilizados em aplicações de larga escala como craqueamento catalítico de petróleo e combustão de carvão. Projeto e desenvolvimento nestas áreas são fortemente baseados em plantas de demonstração, a custos elevadíssimos. Nesse contexto, tratamentos utilizando mecânica dos fluidos computacional assumem considerável relevância. Os complexos padrões de escoamento gás-sólido que se desenvolvem nos reatores de leito fluidizado circulante determinam taxas de reação e exigem, portanto, descrições hidrodinâmicas rigorosas. Os modelos Eulerianos do contínuo ou de dois fluidos são correntemente considerados a escolha mais prática na busca destas descrições. Estas formulações são baseadas na aplicação da hipótese de meio contínuo tanto para fases macroscopicamente contínuas quanto dispersas. Neste trabalho, desenvolve-se simulações numéricas para descrever processos hidrodinâmicos e reativos em reatores de leito fluidizado circulante aplicando modelagem de dois fluidos. Considera-se situações típicas de combustão em leito fluidizado circulante de carvão mineral. Como processo reativo considera-se a absorção de dióxido de enxofre por calcário. Realiza-se análises hidrodinâmicas, e de efeitos hidrodinâmicos sobre a reação de interesse. Realiza-se simulações de regime permanente e de regime transiente. Mostra-se que as simulações de regime permanente permitem análises qualitativas do processo, e provêem condições iniciais para simulações transientes diretamente no regime de escoamento estatisticamente permanente. Em relação à hidrodinâmica, conclui-se que os modelos de dois fluidos correntes são ainda bastante crus. São claramente necessárias melhores descrições reológicas e relações constitutivas sub-grade mais acuradas. Em relação à reação química, conclui-se que predições reativas acuradas somente poderão ser obtidas se descrições hidrodinâmicas rigorosas forem combinadas com descrições reativas igualmente rigorosas. / Circulating fluidized bed reactors are widely used in large scale applications such as catalytic cracking of petrol and coal combustion. Development and design in those areas are strongly based on demonstration plants, at extremely high costs. In this context, treatments applying computational fluid mechanics assume considerable relevance. The complex gas-solid flow patterns which develop inside the circulating fluidized bed reactors determine reaction rates, so that rigorous hydrodynamic descriptions are required. The continuum Eulerian or two-fluid models are currently considered the more practical choice for providing such descriptions. Those formulations are based on the application of the continuum hypothesis for both macroscopically continuous and dispersed phases. In this work numerical simulation is performed to describe both hydrodynamics and reactive processes in circulating fluidized beds applying two-fluid modeling. Typical situations of circulating fluidized bed coal combustion are considered. The reactive process considered is the absorption of sulfur dioxide by limestone. Analyses are performed of hydrodynamics, and regarding hydrodynamic effects over the concerning reaction. Both steady state and transient simulations are performed. It is shown that steady state simulations allow qualitative analyses, and do provide initial conditions for transient runs straightly inside the statistical steady state flow regime. Concerning hydrodynamics, it is concluded that the current two-fluid models are still very crude. Clearly, better rheological descriptions are required alongside with more accurate sub-grid constitutive relations. Regarding chemical reaction, it is concluded that accurate reactive predictions shall only be found if rigorous hydrodynamic descriptions are combined with equally rigorous reaction descriptions.

Simulação numérica euleriana de escoamento gás-sólido em riser com dimensões reduzidas aplicando malhas refinadas / Eulerian numerical simulation of gas-solid flows in risers of reduced dimensions applying refined meshes

Santos, Fernando Luiz Pio dos 13 May 2008 (has links)
Dada a complexidade hidrodinâmica de escoamentos gás-sólidos em leitos fluidizados muitas pesquisas têm sido realizadas abordando questões relativas a natureza altamente instável desse processo de fluidização. O conhecimento dessa hidrodinâmica permite estabelecer os parâmetros corretos para reação e transporte de massa em um reator de leito fluidizado, permitindo tomada de decisões à respeito do desempenho do reator. Modelos Eulerianos do contínuo, onde as fases coexistentes são tratadas como meios contínuos interpenetrantes, representam a aproximação mais prática para simular a hidrodinâmica de escoamentos gás-sólido em reatores de leito fluidizado. Aplicando-se procedimentos de médias de Euler obtêm-se os modelos hidrodinâmicos A e B desenvolvidos por GIDASPOW [27] do IIT/ANL, representando as equações conservativas e constitutivas de modelos de duas fases separadas para escoamentos gás-sólido. Neste trabalho, aplica-se um modelo Euleriano de duas fases separadas, desenvolvendo simulações numéricas para diferentes dimensões de colunas ascendentes de leito fluidizado circulante. Para resolução das equações discretas no domínio bidimensional, aplicam-se malhas refinadas. Analisam-se os efeitos nos resultados de simulação causados por essas malhas. Apresenta-se uma discussão geral sobre o modelo aplicado em torno dos resultados obtidos. / Due to the hydrodynamic complexity of gas-solid flows in fluidized beds, several researches have been conducted addressing issues concerning the highly unstable nature of this fluidization process. The knownledge of its hydrodynamics allows establishing the correct parameters for the reaction and mass transport in a fluidized bed reactor, improving its performance. Continuous Eulerian models, where the phases are treated as a continuum, represent the most practical approach to simulate the hydrodynamics of gas-solid flows in fluidized bed reactors. By applying Euler average procedures, it is possible to obtain the hydrodynamic models A and B, developed by GIDASPOW [27] at IIT/ANL. These models represent the conservative and constitutive equations for the models of two separate phases for gas-solid flows. In this work, an Eulerian two-fluids model is applied, developing numerical simulations for different risers of circulating fluidized bed. For the resolution of the discrete equations in the two-dimensional domain, refined meshes are used. An analysis of their effects on the results of the simulation is performed. A general discussion about the results obtained by the model applied is also presented.

Caracterização de regimes estatisticamente permanentes em leitos fluidizados circulantes / Characterization of statistically permanent schemes in circulating fluidized bed combustion

Ricci, Vanessa Burque 17 November 2008 (has links)
Reatores de leito fluidizado circulante são caracterizados por escoamentos altamente heterogêneos e instáveis. Devido a isso, operam em regimes pseudo-estacionários ou estatisticamente permanentes, onde os parâmetros do escoamento oscilam em torno de valores médios bem definidos. Neste trabalho estuda-se o comportamento de uma solução numérica para um escoamento típico de reatores de leito fluidizado circulante na região estatisticamente permanente. A simulação numérica foi realizada com o modelo de dois fluidos. A partir dos dados de simulação são estabelecidas médias e auto-correlações para as várias variáveis de interesse, considerando-se diferentes tempos de simulação ou diferentes tempos de observação. A partir destes resultados discute-se a questão do tempo mínimo de simulação necessário para que os resultados temporais médios sejam representativos do processo. Embora os resultados sugiram que 10 segundos de fluidização sejam suficientes para a geração de resultados médios temporais representativos, uma demonstração mais rigorosa permanece por ser executada. / Circulating fluidized bed reactors are characterized by highly heterogenic and instable flow. Due to this flow, the reactors operate under either pseudo-stationary or statistically permanent patterns, where the flowing parameters vary among well defined average values. This paper aims to study the behavior of a numeric solution for a typical flow of circulating fluidized bed reactors in the statistically permanent region. The numeric simulation was performed with the two-fluid model. From the simulation data both average and self-correlations are established for several variables of interest, considering either different simulation time or different observation time. From these results, the minimum simulation time necessary is discussed, so that the average temporal results can be considered representative in the process. Although the results suggest 10 seconds of fluidization are enough to generate the average temporal results, a more rigorous demonstration is supposed to be executed.

Self-optimizing control of oxy-combustion in circulating fluidized bed boilers

Niva, L. (Laura) 27 November 2018 (has links)
Abstract Energy production in combustion power plants is a significant source of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions. The targets of international climate agreements call for utilizing all available technologies to achieve rapid and cost-effective emission reductions. Carbon capture and storage is one of the possible technical solutions applied in combustion power plants. Circulating fluidized bed boilers have gained increasing popularity due to advantages in availability, emission control, fuel flexibility and option for using challenging fuels, and the possibility of using high-efficiency steam cycles. In the novel process of oxy-combustion, combustion air is replaced by a mixture of oxygen and recycled flue gas to facilitate the capture of carbon dioxide from the flue gas flow. Additional degrees of freedom become available for combustion control as the gas flow and composition can be controlled separately for fluidization and combustion purposes. In the research for this thesis, self-optimizing control was applied for the control structure design of a circulating fluidized bed boiler. Self-optimizing control offers a systematic tool for the early phases of control design, in which decisions have traditionally been made based on intuition, heuristics and previous experience. The self-optimizing control approach searches for controlled variables without a need for constant setpoint optimization when the process is affected by disturbances and implementation errors. Results presented in the thesis show that self-optimizing control can be applied in the control structure design of circulating fluidized bed combustion. A range of control structure alternatives were evaluated using steady-state approximations of a validated process model. For the novel oxy-combustion process, promising control structures were identified and could be dynamically demonstrated. / Tiivistelmä Energiantuotanto polttovoimalaitoksissa on merkittävä hiilidioksidipäästöjen lähde. Kansainväliset ilmastotavoitteet edellyttävät kaikkien käytettävissä olevien teknologioiden hyödyntämistä päästövähennysten aikaansaamiseksi nopeasti ja kustannustehokkaasti. Hiilidioksidin talteenotto on yksi mahdollisista teknisistä ratkaisuista polttovoimalaitoksissa. Kiertoleijukattilat ovat saavuttaneet kasvavaa suosiota etuinaan hyvä käytettävyys, tehokas päästöjen hallinta, soveltuvuus erilaisten haastavienkin polttoaineiden hyödyntämiseen ja mahdollisuus tehokkaiden höyrykiertojen käyttöön. Uudessa happipolttoprosessissa palamisilma korvataan hapen ja kierrätetyn savukaasun seoksella, mikä mahdollistaa hiilidioksidin talteenoton savukaasuista. Kiertoleijupolton säädön kannalta vapausasteet lisääntyvät, sillä leijutukseen ja polttamiseen käytettävän kaasun määrää ja koostumusta voidaan säätää erikseen. Väitöstutkimuksessa käytettiin itseoptimoivaa säätöä kiertoleijukattilan säätörakenteiden suunnitteluun. Itseoptimoiva säätö tarjoaa systemaattisen menetelmän säätösuunnittelun alkuvaiheeseen, jossa päätöksenteko on perinteisesti tehty esimerkiksi intuition, heuristiikan ja aiempien ratkaisujen perusteella. Menetelmän tavoitteena on löytää säädettävät muuttujat, joiden asetusarvot eivät vaadi jatkuvaa optimointia, vaikka prosessiin vaikuttavat erilaiset häiriöt ja mittausvirheet. Väitöstutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että itseoptimoiva säätö soveltuu kiertoleijupolton säätörakenteiden suunnitteluun. Erilaisten säätörakenteiden toimivuutta arvioitiin käyttäen validoidun prosessimallin tasapainotilan approksimaatioita. Uudelle happipolttoprosessille löydettiin lupaavia säätörakenteita, joiden toimintaa voitiin demonstroida myös dynaamisesti.

Gazéification de la biomasse en lit fluidisé dense et circulant entre 750 et 850°C : étude hydrodynamique et réactive / Biomass gasification in a dense and circulating fluidized bed between 750 and 850°C : hydrodynamic and reactive study

Pécate, Sébastien 12 October 2017 (has links)
La conversion thermochimique de la biomasse en lit fluidisé circulant permet la production d’un gaz à haute valeur ajoutée, utilisable dans de nombreuses applications. L’objectif de ces travaux est de mieux comprendre et modéliser les phénomènes couplés, hydrodynamiques et réactifs, se déroulant en lit fluidisé circulant. Dans un premier temps, un pilote de pyrogazéification de 20 kg/h de biomasse en lit fluidisé circulant a été conçu. L’étude hydrodynamique de ce pilote a ensuite été réalisée entre 20 et 950 °C. Les résultats ont permis d’établir des règles de design et de fonctionnement de réacteurs de gazéification en lit fluidisé circulant. Dans un second temps, une étude de la pyrogazéification de la biomasse a été réalisée en lit fluidisé dense ainsi qu’en lit fluidisé circulant, entre 750 et 850 °C. L’étude de l’influence de nombreux paramètres opératoires (températures, pression partielle de la vapeur d’eau, débit de biomasse, débit de circulation, inventaire et nature du média, forme de la biomasse) sur les performances de la gazéification a permis d’identifier les paramètres clés permettant de contrôler la composition ainsi que le volume de gaz de synthèse produit. Par ailleurs, à partir des résultats expérimentaux, un schéma réactionnel est proposé pour la pyrolyse de la biomasse étudiée. Enfin, un outil de modélisation du réacteur de gazéification de la biomasse en lit fluidisé dense et circulant, intégrant les réactions de pyrolyse, de gazéification, de water-gas shift et de reformage des goudrons a été développé et validé sur les résultats expérimentaux. / The biomass thermochemical conversion in fast internally circulating fluidized bed (FICFB) allows producing a high-added value syngas that can be used in many end-use applications. This work aims to better understand and model the coupled phenomena, hydrodynamic and reactive, occurring in FICFB processes. In a first time, a 20 kg/h FICFB biomass pyrogasification pilot was designed and erected. Then, the hydrodynamic study of this pilot was carried out between 20 and 950 °C. Results led to propose some design and operation rules for FICFB gasifiers. In a second time, biomass pyrogasification was studied in a dense fluidized bed (DFB) as in a FICFB, between 750 and 850 °C. From the survey of the effect of numerous operating parameters (temperatures, steam partial pressure, biomass feeding rate, circulation flow rate, bed material inventory and nature, biomass shape) on the gasification performances, the key parameters for the control of produced syngas volume and composition were identified. Finally, a modelling tool of DFB and FICFB biomass gasifiers, integrating pyrolysis, gasification, water-gas shift and tars reforming reactions was developed and validated on the experimental results.

Simulação numérica euleriana de escoamento gás-sólido em riser com dimensões reduzidas aplicando malhas refinadas / Eulerian numerical simulation of gas-solid flows in risers of reduced dimensions applying refined meshes

Fernando Luiz Pio dos Santos 13 May 2008 (has links)
Dada a complexidade hidrodinâmica de escoamentos gás-sólidos em leitos fluidizados muitas pesquisas têm sido realizadas abordando questões relativas a natureza altamente instável desse processo de fluidização. O conhecimento dessa hidrodinâmica permite estabelecer os parâmetros corretos para reação e transporte de massa em um reator de leito fluidizado, permitindo tomada de decisões à respeito do desempenho do reator. Modelos Eulerianos do contínuo, onde as fases coexistentes são tratadas como meios contínuos interpenetrantes, representam a aproximação mais prática para simular a hidrodinâmica de escoamentos gás-sólido em reatores de leito fluidizado. Aplicando-se procedimentos de médias de Euler obtêm-se os modelos hidrodinâmicos A e B desenvolvidos por GIDASPOW [27] do IIT/ANL, representando as equações conservativas e constitutivas de modelos de duas fases separadas para escoamentos gás-sólido. Neste trabalho, aplica-se um modelo Euleriano de duas fases separadas, desenvolvendo simulações numéricas para diferentes dimensões de colunas ascendentes de leito fluidizado circulante. Para resolução das equações discretas no domínio bidimensional, aplicam-se malhas refinadas. Analisam-se os efeitos nos resultados de simulação causados por essas malhas. Apresenta-se uma discussão geral sobre o modelo aplicado em torno dos resultados obtidos. / Due to the hydrodynamic complexity of gas-solid flows in fluidized beds, several researches have been conducted addressing issues concerning the highly unstable nature of this fluidization process. The knownledge of its hydrodynamics allows establishing the correct parameters for the reaction and mass transport in a fluidized bed reactor, improving its performance. Continuous Eulerian models, where the phases are treated as a continuum, represent the most practical approach to simulate the hydrodynamics of gas-solid flows in fluidized bed reactors. By applying Euler average procedures, it is possible to obtain the hydrodynamic models A and B, developed by GIDASPOW [27] at IIT/ANL. These models represent the conservative and constitutive equations for the models of two separate phases for gas-solid flows. In this work, an Eulerian two-fluids model is applied, developing numerical simulations for different risers of circulating fluidized bed. For the resolution of the discrete equations in the two-dimensional domain, refined meshes are used. An analysis of their effects on the results of the simulation is performed. A general discussion about the results obtained by the model applied is also presented.

Caracterização de regimes estatisticamente permanentes em leitos fluidizados circulantes / Characterization of statistically permanent schemes in circulating fluidized bed combustion

Vanessa Burque Ricci 17 November 2008 (has links)
Reatores de leito fluidizado circulante são caracterizados por escoamentos altamente heterogêneos e instáveis. Devido a isso, operam em regimes pseudo-estacionários ou estatisticamente permanentes, onde os parâmetros do escoamento oscilam em torno de valores médios bem definidos. Neste trabalho estuda-se o comportamento de uma solução numérica para um escoamento típico de reatores de leito fluidizado circulante na região estatisticamente permanente. A simulação numérica foi realizada com o modelo de dois fluidos. A partir dos dados de simulação são estabelecidas médias e auto-correlações para as várias variáveis de interesse, considerando-se diferentes tempos de simulação ou diferentes tempos de observação. A partir destes resultados discute-se a questão do tempo mínimo de simulação necessário para que os resultados temporais médios sejam representativos do processo. Embora os resultados sugiram que 10 segundos de fluidização sejam suficientes para a geração de resultados médios temporais representativos, uma demonstração mais rigorosa permanece por ser executada. / Circulating fluidized bed reactors are characterized by highly heterogenic and instable flow. Due to this flow, the reactors operate under either pseudo-stationary or statistically permanent patterns, where the flowing parameters vary among well defined average values. This paper aims to study the behavior of a numeric solution for a typical flow of circulating fluidized bed reactors in the statistically permanent region. The numeric simulation was performed with the two-fluid model. From the simulation data both average and self-correlations are established for several variables of interest, considering either different simulation time or different observation time. From these results, the minimum simulation time necessary is discussed, so that the average temporal results can be considered representative in the process. Although the results suggest 10 seconds of fluidization are enough to generate the average temporal results, a more rigorous demonstration is supposed to be executed.

Riser hydrodynamic study with Group B particles for Chemical Looping Combustion / Étude hydrodynamique du riser avec des particules du groupe B pour la Combustion en Boucle Chimique

Da silva Rodrigues, Sofia 04 November 2014 (has links)
La combustion en boucle chimique (CLC) est un procédé du type oxy-combustion où des particules sont utilisées pour fournir de l'oxygène à la combustion. Des études sont nécessaires pour l'extrapolation et l'optimisation du procédé CLC, fonction des propriétés des particules du groupe B et de la technologie CFB. Les études hydrodynamiques ont été faites dans un riser de 18 m de hauteur. Des profils axiaus de pression, ainsi que les profils radiaux de flux et de quantité de mouvement ont été obtenus. Trois types de particules ont été utilisées ayant un diamètre de Sauter entre 250 et 300 μm et une densité entre 2600 et 3300 kg/ m3. Un impact de la sphéricité des particules sur la perte de charge a été révélé. Dans des conditions identiques, les billes de verre génèrent des pertes de charge d'environ 50% inférieures à celles du sable. Dans la zone d'écoulement développée, la présence du régime cœur-anneau a été détectée. Un modèle hydrodynamique 1D du riser qui est à la fois fondé sur des données expérimentales et sur les équations gaz-solide Euler-Euler, a été développé. Une nouvelle corrélation pour la force de traînée moyennée sur la section est proposée. Une nouvelle corrélation des conditions limite dans la partie inférieure du riser a aussi été établie. Le modèle 1D final est en mesure de prédire la perte de charge du riser pour différentes conditions opératoires et en tenant compte des propriétés des particules, comme la densité, la taille et la forme. Une étude sur la pertinence de l'utilisation du logiciel Barracuda CPFD® pour simuler des particules du groupe B en régime de transport a été réalisée. Il a été montré que le code sous-estime la perte de charge pour le sable / Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) is an oxy-combustion like process where particles are used to supply oxygen to combustion. Further work is still needed for extrapolation and optimization of the CLC process, concerning properties of Group B particles and CFB technology. Hydrodynamic tests were made on a 18 m tall riser. Axial pressure profiles as well as radial flux profiles and radial momentum quantity profiles were obtained. Three types of Group B particles were used with Sauter mean diameters between 250 and 300 μm and densities between 2600 and 3300 kg/m²s. An important impact of particle sphericity on riser pressure drop has been revealed. At identical conditions, glass beads present about half the pressure drop generated by sand. In the developed region of the riser, the core-annulus regime has been found. A 1D model of the riser, based on experimental results and on the Euler-Euler gas-solid equations, has been developed. Moreover, a new cross section averaged drag force correlation is presented. A new boundary condition on the bottom of the riser has been investigated. The final 1D model is capable of predicted riser pressure drop from the operating conditions and it takes into account particle properties such as density, size and shape. A study on the adequacy of the use of the commercial CFD code Barracuda to simulate risers with Group B particles was made. It was shown that the code under estimates pressure drop along the riser for sand simulations

Phasing out peat from a co-fired 50 MWth circulating fluidized bed boiler : A theoretical sulfation potential study

Bergstrand, Axel January 2022 (has links)
The chemical company Perstorp AB has a 50 MWth circulating fluidized bed to supply the production plant with process steam. The fuel mixture used shows a large variation with about 20 different fuel fractions that can be divided into the categories, residue wood chips, sludge, forest fuel, animal waste, industrial residues, and peat. From an economic and environmental perspective, the use of peat should be minimized because it is classified as a fossil fuel. Peat has positive combustion characteristics due to a combination of sulfur and silica based minerals that can reduce alkali chloride related corrosion. Therefore it is not always possible phase out peat without negatively affecting the boilers availability. Besides reducing CO2 emissions, it is desirable to reduce the use of additives such as limestone and to use cheap waste fractions as fuels when operating a boiler. Similar to peat, reduced use of limestone and the introduction of a new waste fractions can affect the boiler availability negatively. If less limestone is used the risk of agglomeration can increase and often waste products can contain ash elements problematic in both a agglomeration and corrosion perspective.The aim of this master thesis is to investigate the possibility of reducing the usage of peat by minimizing the limestone content and to see if it would be possible to add a new Na-rich waste fraction to the fuel mixture. This was investigated by determining first what fuels that are used and in what amounts. Each fuel was either sent for new elemental analysis or existing analyses were used depending on if it was deemed to be still representative. With the help of experienced personnel working with the boiler, future possible cases for fuel mixtures could be determined: Case 1. Replacing peat with forest fuels. Case 2. Replacing peat with residue wood chips. Case 3. Replacing both peat and animal waste with residue wood chips. Case 4. Introducing Na-rich fuel. The theoretical available SO2 content could be determined for each case and three limestone levels. For each case the CO2 emissions and the economic savings could be estimated when the peat were fully removed and the limestone content halved. From an SO2 perspective, the results indicate that it could be possible to phase out peat for cases 1-2 by adjusting the limestone levels but this would not be enough for case 3. Adding the Na-rich fuel could also be problematic and more investigation has to be put into potential additives and fuels to compensate for the additional Na.When peat is fully phased out in case 1-3 the CO2 emission would decrease by 10 000 tonCO2/year. Due to the cost of CO2 emissions, this could result in considerable monetary savings. From the results it is estimated that case 1 could save 9.1 million SEK/year, case 2 10.3 million SEK/year, and case 3 6.5 million SEK/year when the peat is fully removed. This does not include changes in availability and maintenance costs. / Kemiindustriföretaget Perstorp AB har en 50 MWth cirkulerande fluidiserad bädd panna för att förse produktionen med processånga. Bränsleblandningen som används visar en stor variation med ett 20-tal olika bränslefraktioner som kan delas in i kategorierna returflis (RT-flis), slam, skogsbränsle, slaktrester, industrirester och torv. Från ett ekonomiskt- och miljöperspektiv bör användningen av torv minimeras eftersom den är klassad som ett fossilt bränsle. Dock har torv positiva förbränningsegenskaper vilket beror på dess innehåll av såväl svavel som kiselbaserade mineraler vilka minskar korrosions förmågan för alkali-klorider. Därför är det inte alltid möjligt att fasa ut torven utan att riskera att försämra pannans tillgänglighet. Andra aspekter förutom minskade CO2 utsläpp som är fördelaktiga vid drift av en panna, är att minimera användningen av tillsatser som kalksten samt använda restprodukter som bränsle i största möjliga mån. Dock kan, som i fallet med torv, en minskad användning av kalksten och ett nytt restproduktbränsle ha potentiella negativa konsekvenser för pannans tillgänglighet. Om kalksten används i mindre utsträckning kan risken för klumpbildning i pannan, agglomerering, öka och ofta kan restprodukter från produktionen innehålla höga halter av problematiska grundämnen både i ett korrosions och agglomererings perspektiv.Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att undersöka möjligheterna att minska användningen av torv och kalksten samt möjligheten att tillföra ett nytt Na-rikt bränsle till bränsleblandningen. Detta undersöktes genom att först bestämma vad som eldades och i vilka mängder. Genom att använda data från leveransrapporter (för bränslen och additiv) och bränsleanalyser. I de fall det fanns representativ bränsleanalys användes dessa, i övrigt provtogs och beställdes nya bränsleanalyser. Med hjälp av erfaren personal som jobbar med pannan kunde olika möjliga framtida bränsleblandningar bestämmas. Dessa bränsleblandningar delades in i olika scenarion eller case som det kallas här: Case 1. Ersätta torv med skogsbränsle. Case 2. Ersätta torv med RT-flis. Case 3. Ersätta både torv och biomal (slaktrester) med RT-flis. Case 4. Introduktion av Na-rikt restbränsle. Baserat på en tidigare kartläggning av askomvandlingen i pannan kunde det teoretiska tillgängliga SO2 halten i rökgaserna bestämmas för varje case för tre olika kalkstenshalter. För varje case kunde sedan CO2 utsläppen samt de ekonomiska besparingarna estimeras då torv var helt urfasad och kalkstensinnehållet halverat. Från ett SO2 perspektiv pekar resultaten på att det skulle vara möjligt att fasa ut torven helt genom att minska kalkstenen mellan 0-50 vikt% för case 1 och 2 men inte för case 3. Att tillsätta det Na-rika bränslet kan potentiellt vara problematiskt. För att elda detta Na-rika bränslet kan det krävas en ny additiv eller ett S-rikt bränsle för att balansera tillskottet av Na och därmed minska korrosionsrisken.Vid utfasning av samtlig torv minskar CO2 utsläppen i case 1-3 med runt 10 000 tonCO2/år. Eftersom utsläpp av fossil CO2 är beskattat, uppskattas de möjliga besparingarna som betydande, 9.1 miljoner SEK/år i case 1, 10.3 miljoner SEK/år case 2 och 6.5 miljoner SEK/år i case 3 inklusive inköps- och askhanteringskostnader.

Modelagem matemática e simulação numérica de escoamentos bifásicos gás-sólido em colunas de leito fluidizado circulante / Mathematical modeling and numerical simulation of gas-solid two-phase flows in risers of circulating fluidized beds

Cabezas Gómez, Luben 24 March 2003 (has links)
Foram desenvolvidos estudos de modelagem e simulação numérica de escoamentos bifásicos gás-sólido na coluna ascendente de leitos fluidizados circulantes utilizando um modelo Euleriano de duas fases separadas. O sistema de equações diferenciais parciais conservativas governantes foi obtido através de um procedimento tradicional. Ambas as fases foram assumidas como meio contínuo. Aplicou-se o procedimento de médias estatísticas de Euler, enfatizando a obtenção dos modelos hidrodinâmicos A e B desenvolvidos no IIT/ANL. Realizou-se análise comparativa de correlações para transferência de quantidade de movimento na interface. Discutiu-se a formulação de condições de contorno apropriadas. As equações diferenciais parciais médias foram discretizadas em volumes de controle Eulerianos. As equações de continuidade foram resolvidas implicitamente. As equações de quantidade de movimento foram resolvidas através de um procedimento explícito-implícito. Foram desenvolvidas simulações numéricas para uma coluna ascendente típica de leitos fluidizados circulantes. Desenvolveu-se análise paramétrica da influência de vários aspectos físicos e matemáticos sobre o escoamento. Avaliou-se resultados de simulação através de metodologia de identificação e caracterização de estruturas coerentes. Estudou-se o efeito da função de arrasto na interface sobre os processos dinâmicos que caracterizam estas estruturas coerentes. Foram realizados estudos numéricos de turbulência a partir de resultados de simulação direta. Várias conclusões e recomendações para futuros trabalhos foram propostas com base nas análises realizadas. Foram apresentadas algumas considerações gerais relativas a aspectos críticos na modelagem e simulação com modelo das duas fases separadas. / Studies were carried out on modeling and numerical simulation of gas-solid two-phase flows in the riser of circulating fluidized beds using an Eulerian two-fluids model. The system of conservative partial differential governing equations was derived through a traditional procedure. Both phases were assumed as a continuum. The Euler averaging procedure was applied emphasizing the derivation of the so called hydrodynamic models A and B developed at IIT/ANL. A comparative analysis was performed among correlations for momentum transfer at the interface. The formulation of suitable boundary conditions was discussed. The average partial differential conservative equations were discretized on Eulerian control volumes. The continuity equations were solved implicitly. The momentum equations were solved through an explicit-implicit procedure. Numerical simulation was performed for a typical circulating fluidized bed riser. A parametric analysis was carried out regarding the influence on the flow of various physical and mathematical aspects. Results of simulation were evaluated through a methodology of identification and characterization of coherent structures. The effect of the interface drag function on dynamic features of those coherent structures was addressed. Numerical studies on turbulence were performed from results of direct simulation. Several conclusions and recommendations for future work were put forward on the basis of the performed analyses. Some general considerations were presented regarding critical features of modeling and simulation through Eulerian two-fluids models.

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