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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

C. Flaminius und die Anfänge der römischen Kolonisation im Ager Gallicus /

Oebel, Lothar. January 1993 (has links)
Texte remanié de: Diss.--Aachen--Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule, 1992. / Notes bibliogr. Bibliogr. p. 144-166.

Au sujet de certaines fortifications de la Cisalpine romaine

Massa, Gabriella A. 25 April 2018 (has links)
Les villes de la Cisalpine romaine sont le témoignage de l'esprit pratique des Romains. Aquileia, Rimini, Vérone (à l'est), Aoste et Turin (à l'ouest) qui ont été construites comme têtes de pont de la conquête romaine, sont des exemples uniques d'architecture militaire, à la fois solide, monumentale et d'harmonie de formes. Nous avons voulu étudier leurs structures et à l'aide des vestiges nous avons comparé les modes de constructions et les analogies avec les conseils que donnent les architectes anciens, au sujet de la fortification. / Québec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 2013

Cultura teatrale e scenari urbani nella Milano del Triennio Cisalpino (1796-1799) : Tra impianti tradizionali e influenze francesi / Culture théâtrale et scénarios urbains à Milan pendant le Triennio Cisalpin (1796-1799) : entre installations traditionnelles et influences françaises. / Theatrical culture et urban sceneries in Milan during the Cisalpine Triennium (1796-1799) : between traditional installations and french influences

Salvi, Greta 12 June 2013 (has links)
Dans le Triennio 1796-1799 se déroule la courte vie de la République Cisalpine, l’une des unités politiques fondées par Napoléon Bonaparte pendant la Campagne d’Italie. Cette thèse étudie la culture théâtrale et les aspects de la représentation théâtrale qui caractérisent la République Cisalpine et surtout sa capitale, Milan, dans cette conjoncture historique. La thèse avancée concerne l’emploi des pratiques de la représentation théâtrale en tant qu’instrument d’éducation populaire et de diffusion des principes de la Révolution de 1789. Un but poursuivi, avec des intentions différentes, par les autorités françaises autant que par les patriotes italiens qui étaient pour la Révolution Française.L’étude traite trois questions fondamentales : les changements urbanistes et architecturaux qui investissent Milan pendant le Triennio, le théorie et la pratique théâtrale, les fêtes publiques. Les relations culturelles entre Italie et France ont été l’objet d’une attention particulière. La documentation sur laquelle la présente étude est fondée est constituée par des éditions imprimées de pièces théâtrales, des descriptions de fêtes, des édits, des correspondances et des périodiques de l’époque, gardés dans des bibliothèques et des archives milanaises et parisiennes. / In the Triennium 1796-1799 took place the short life of the Cisalpine Republic, one of the political units founded by Napoleon Bonaparte during the Italian Campaign.This work studies the theatrical culture and the performing aspects which characterized the Cisalpine Republic and particularly its capital, Milan, in that historical juncture. The thesis asserted here is about the use of performing practices as an instrument of popular education and spreading of the principles of the 1789 Revolution. This aim was pursued by both French authorities and Italian pro-Revolution patriots.This work tackles three main points: the architectural and urban changes which affected Milan during the Triennio (Triennium), the theory and practice of theatre, the public celebrations. The cultural relations between Italy and France have been investigated with special attention. This study is based on some documents kept in archives and libraries of Milan and Paris, such as printed editions of theatrical plays, records of celebrations, correspondence and periodicals from the age of the Cisalpine Republic.


ORIOLO, FLAVIANA 30 March 2012 (has links)
Il tema del progetto di ricerca è lo studio della pittura romana nell’area della Cisalpina orientale, con particolare riferimento alle problematiche connesse alla definizione dei processi formativi e delle peculiarità delle maestranze. L’ambito geografico considerato è compreso tra Altino e Trieste: all’interno di questo comparto territoriale Aquileia e Altino hanno costituito i due ambiti privilegiati della ricerca, anche per la possibilità di condurre un’indagine rigorosa su tutto il materiale pittorico conservato presso i Musei Archeologici. L’esame autoptico condotto con un approccio metodologico volto a considerare il supporto e la superficie dipinta è stato incrociato con l’analisi delle fonti documentarie inedite, che nel caso di Aquileia hanno rappresentato un imprescindibile strumento per la restituzione dei contesti: sono stati riqualificate nel senso topografico alcune partizioni edite, che assieme a numerose altre inedite vanno a restituire una nuova immagine alle abitazioni scavate nel secolo scorso. Lo studio ha messo in evidenza un panorama ricco dal punto di vista quantitativo che ho offerto significativi spunti di analisi sui caratteri della produzione, soprattutto nell’ottica del riconoscimento delle peculiarità regionali elaborate dalle officine pittoriche operanti sul territorio. / The subject of this research project is the study of Roman wall-painting in eastern Cisalpine Gaul, more specifically dealing with the aspects of the creation and development of the local workshops and their peculiar characteristics. The area taken into consideration is set between Altino and Trieste: within this territory Aquileia and Altino have represented the two privileged research fields, given the possibility to analyse thoroughly all the wall-painting evidence preserved in the Archaeological Museums. Direct examination, conducted with a specific attention to the plaster bearer and the painted surface, has been combined with the analysis of unpublished documentation which, in the case of Aquileia, has represented an indispensable instrument for the reconstruction of the original contexts. In this way it has been possible to re-define topographically some well known examples of wall-paintings which, together with many yet unpublished examples, contribute to give a new image of the private houses excavated during the last century. This research has revealed an outline very rich in respect of the quantities and which has offered interesting starting points for the analysis of the different aspects of the production, specifically aimed to the recognition of local peculiarities developed by the workshops operating in this area.

Évolution du territoire et lieux de culte en Gaule Cisalpine occidentale et dans les vallées alpines : le rôle des sancturaires dans l'organisation d'une région romaine (IIe siècle av. J.-C. - IIIe siècle ap. J.-C.) / Cult places and territorial evolution in western Cisalpine Gaul and the alpine valleys : the role of sanctuaries in the organization of a Roman region (2nd century B.C. - 3rd century A.D.)

Pestel, Anne-Lise 04 December 2018 (has links)
Les lieux de culte antiques constituent des observatoires privilégiés des évolutions que connaissent les communautés. Ils sont le lieu où s'établit de manière privilégiée la communication entre la communauté et ses dieux. Ils font souvent l'objet d'un investissement financier et symbolique important et contribuent à exprimer l'identité de la communauté qui s'y rassemble. Ce travail de thèse s'intéresse au rôle joué par les lieux de culte de la Transpadane occidentale et centrale, dans l'organisation du territoire des peuples puis des cités de la plaine padane et des vallées alpines. L'intégration de la région dans l'Italie romaine fut très progressive et fut l'objet de plusieurs expérimentations administratives. Après avoir été alliés à Rome par la signature de traités, les habitants de la région reçurent en 89 av. J-C. le droit latin et furent organisés sous forme de colonies. Puis, en 49 av. J-C., Je droit romain leur fut concédé. Sous Auguste, les vallées alpines conquises furent rattachées à l'Italie selon le régime de l'« adtributio ». Ces changements de statut modifièrent en profondeur l'organisation politique et territoriale des peuples intégrés. En s'appuyant sur un recensement des lieux de culte connus par la documentation littéraire, épigraphique et archéologique, ce travail cherche d'une part à expliquer leurs évolutions - leur mise en place, leur abandon et leurs transformations - dans le contexte de la conquête et de la mise en place du cadre administratif romain, et d'autre part à montrer comment, à travers une telle étude, on peut écrire l'histoire des territoires et des communautés de la plaine du Pô et des vallées alpines. / The study of ancient cult places affords remarkable insights into the evolutions that shape the communities using and managing them. Since these are the places where the community and its gods communicate and since that function distinguishes cult places from other parts of the territory, they often are the objects of important investments, both financial and symbolic. They, in turn, become an expression of the identity of the community that gathers there. Cult places are distinct from other space-structuring elements because they manifest, within a certain region, the presence of a given group and help to define this group's territory. This dissertation studies the role of Cisalpine cult places - of Western and Central Transpadana to be exact- in the territorial organization of the peoples then cities, of the plain of Padania and the alpine valleys. The chosen period begins with the start of the Roman domination in the region, at the beginning of the 2nd century B.C., and ends in the 3rd century A.D., when the epigraphic evidences become scarce. The length of this period answers the need for a dyachronic study of the relationships between territory and cult places. The integration of the region in Roman Italy was indeed a slow one and was marked by several administrative experiments. The region's inhabitants first signed treaties of alliance with Rome. They received Latin Rights in 89 B.C. and were reorganized into colonies, before receiving Roman Rights, in 49 B.C.. The alpine valleys were conquered under Augustus and incorporated within Italy as adtributi. These changes in status implied a deep political and territorial reorganisation for the locals. Based on an inventory and study of the cult places known from literary, epigraphic and archaeological evidences, this dissertation aims, on the one hand, to explain their evolution - creation, abandon and transformations- within the context of the Roman conquest and imposition of the Roman administrative structure, and, on the other hand, to show how, through such a study, one can write the story of the territories and communities of Padania and the alpine valleys.

La cisalpina orientale tra la fondazione di Aquileia e la fine dell'età repubblicana: la ceramica come indicatore di continuità e di trasformazione

DONAT, PATRIZIA 25 March 2011 (has links)
Oggetto dello studio è la distribuzione delle ceramiche sia di produzione locale che d’importazione nella Cisalpina più orientale dalla fondazione di Aquileia alla fine dell’età augustea. La ceramica viene utilizzata come strumento di comprensione delle dinamiche di trasformazione sociale e di sviluppo culturale che interessano questo territorio durante il processo di “romanizzazione”. Il quadro metodologico di riferimento è l’archeologia spaziale. Il periodo considerato è stato diviso in più fasi: fase 1. Dalla fondazione di Aquileia (181 a.C.) al 90 a.C. Sono stati studiati 420 reperti, relativi a 18 contesti; fase 2. Dal 90 a.C. all’inizio dell’età imperiale (27 a.C.). Sono stati studiati 786 reperti, relativi a 89 contesti. l’età augustea. Sono state considerate solo le ceramiche analizzate nelle due fasi precedenti, per seguirne l’esaurimento definitivo. Sono stato studiati 328 reperti, relativi a 22 contesti. Lo studio della ceramica ha comportato una riflessione metodologica, sulla terminologia e sul rapporto forma/funzione/impasto. Classi ceramiche analizzate: vernice nera, ellenistica a rilievo, pareti sottili, comune, anfore, lucerne, con un approfondimento sulla ceramica comune L’indicatore ceramico, permette di focalizzare alcuni elementi di continuità con il sostrato protostorico (veneto, locale, La Tène), e di individuare nuovi flussi d’importazioni a lungo raggio dall’Italia peninsulare e dal Mediterraneo. / This dissertation analyses the distribution of pottery, both imported and of local production, in the Eastern Cisalpine, from the foundation of Aquileia to the end of the Augustan age. Pottery is used as a means to understand the dynamics of social transformation and cultural development that affect this area through the process of "Romanization". “Spatial archaeology” is used as a methodological reference. The period taken into consideration has been divided in three phases: 1. Foundation of Aquileia (181 B.C.) - 90 B.C. Studied 420 findings from 18 contexts; 2. 90 B.C. - beginning of imperial age (27 B.C.). Studied 786 findings from 89 contexts; 3. Augustan age. Only ceramics already studied for the preceding phases have been analysed, in order to follow the final steps of their productions. Studied 328 findings, from 22 contexts. Studying ceramic has made it necessary to re-consider methods as well as terminology and the relation between form/function/ceramic bodies. Analysed pottery classes: black slip ware, hellenistic relief ware, thin walled pottery, coarse ware, amphorae, lamps, with a special study on coarse ware. Pottery as an indicator enables us to focus some elements of continuity form the Proto-historical substrate (Venetian, local or La Tène) and to recognize new long-range import flows from peninsular Italy and the Mediterranean.


SALVI, GRETA 12 June 2013 (has links)
Nel Triennio 1796-1799, si svolge la breve parabola della Repubblica Cisalpina, una delle unità politiche fondate da Napoleone Bonaparte nel corso della Campagna d’Italia. Il presente lavoro studia la cultura teatrale e gli aspetti performativi che caratterizzano la Cisalpina e soprattutto la sua capitale, Milano, in questa congiuntura storica. La tesi che si vuole sostenere riguarda l’uso delle pratiche performative come strumento di educazione popolare e di diffusione dei principi della Rivoluzione del 1789. Un intento perseguito, con differenti finalità, tanto dalle autorità francesi quanto dai patrioti italiani filo-rivoluzionari. La trattazione si articola intorno a tre nuclei fondamentali: i mutamenti urbanistici e architettonici intervenuti a Milano durante il Triennio, la teoria e la pratica teatrale, la forma para-performativa delle feste pubbliche. Le relazioni culturali tra Italia e Francia sono state oggetto di particolare attenzione. La documentazione su cui lo studio si basa è costituita da edizioni a stampa di testi teatrali, descrizioni di feste, editti, corrispondenza e periodici dell’epoca conservati presso biblioteche e archivi milanesi e parigini. / In the Triennium 1796-1799 took place the short life of the Cisalpine Republic, one of the political units founded by Napoleon Bonaparte during the Italian Campaign. This work studies the theatrical culture and the performing aspects which characterized the Cisalpine Republic and particularly its capital, Milan, in that historical juncture. The thesis asserted here is about the use of performing practices as an instrument of popular education and spreading of the principles of the 1789 Revolution. This aim was pursued by both French authorities and Italian pro-Revolution patriots. This work tackles three main points: the architectural and urban changes which affected Milan during the Triennium, the theory and practice of theatre, the public celebrations. The cultural relations between Italy and France have been investigated with special attention. This study is based on some documents kept in archives and libraries of Milan and Paris, such as printed editions of theatrical plays, records of celebrations, correspondence and periodicals from the age of the Cisalpine Republic.

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