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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Have the Tsetse Clearings in the Babati District, Tanzania, Influenced the Spread of Agriculture Land?

Burström, Annika January 2009 (has links)
<p>The clearing of woodland to eradicate the tsetse fly in the Babati district, Tanzania, was a governmental initiative. The clearings were mainly carried out in the mid 20<sup>th</sup> century and managed to reduce the tsetse fly by a great amount. The clearings opened up remote areas and made it possible to access areas that had previously been unavailable for humans. The clearing also had an enormous impact on the environment. This is a case study on five different areas in the Babati district that have all been subjected to tsetse clearings. The studied areas are Bonga, Kiru Erri Kiru Valley, Magugu and Mamire.</p><p>The fieldwork consisted of semi-structured interviews and transect walks. The purpose was to study if the clearings have had any influence over the spreading of agriculture land that were not cultivated before and to inquire into the most significant environmental impact that the clearings had.</p><p>Different outcome in agriculture land spreading due to the clearings could be seen in the five studied areas. In Bonga and Kiru Valley no agriculture started after the clearings, but in Kiru Erri, Magugu and Mamire some of cleared land is nowadays used for agriculture. The result of the fieldwork indicates that the clearings have had noticeable influence over the spreading of agriculture land but there were also other important driving forces. These were increase in population, land degradation, land shortages and the politic agenda. The most important negative environmental impact due to the clearings was erosion.</p>

Have the Tsetse Clearings in the Babati District, Tanzania, Influenced the Spread of Agriculture Land?

Burström, Annika January 2009 (has links)
The clearing of woodland to eradicate the tsetse fly in the Babati district, Tanzania, was a governmental initiative. The clearings were mainly carried out in the mid 20th century and managed to reduce the tsetse fly by a great amount. The clearings opened up remote areas and made it possible to access areas that had previously been unavailable for humans. The clearing also had an enormous impact on the environment. This is a case study on five different areas in the Babati district that have all been subjected to tsetse clearings. The studied areas are Bonga, Kiru Erri Kiru Valley, Magugu and Mamire. The fieldwork consisted of semi-structured interviews and transect walks. The purpose was to study if the clearings have had any influence over the spreading of agriculture land that were not cultivated before and to inquire into the most significant environmental impact that the clearings had. Different outcome in agriculture land spreading due to the clearings could be seen in the five studied areas. In Bonga and Kiru Valley no agriculture started after the clearings, but in Kiru Erri, Magugu and Mamire some of cleared land is nowadays used for agriculture. The result of the fieldwork indicates that the clearings have had noticeable influence over the spreading of agriculture land but there were also other important driving forces. These were increase in population, land degradation, land shortages and the politic agenda. The most important negative environmental impact due to the clearings was erosion.

Flore et végétation des clairières intraforestières sur sol hydromorphe dans le Parc National de l'Ivindo (Nord-Est Gabon)

Boupoya-Mapikou, Clay-Archange CA 01 October 2010 (has links)
L’étude de la flore et de la végétation des clairières sur sol hydromorphe a été menée dans le Parc National de l’Ivindo au Nord-est du Gabon. La méthode phytosociologique de Braun-Blanquet (1932) a été retenue pour la réalisation des relevés au sein des deux principales formations végétales qui composent ce biotope: la prairie et la lisière qui la ceinture. Cent trente trois relevés ont permis de recenser 229 espèces réparties en 175 genres et 72 familles. Les matrices formées à partir de ces relevés et de ces espèces ont été analysées par la méthode Indicator Value (IndVal) ; des analyses canoniques redressées (DCA) et des analyses canoniques des correspondances (CCA) ont servi pour les ordinations. Des analyses de variance (ANOVA) suivies des tests post hoc de Bonferonni ont permis de voir si les valeurs des paramètres environnementaux et structuraux mesurés au sein des différents groupes sont différentes. La flore globale des clairières est dominée par les Cyperaceae, les Rubiaceae et les Leguminosae-Caesalpinoideae. Cinq espèces (Fuirena stricta subsp. stricta, Pycreus subtrigonus, Pycreus mundtii, Rhynchospora perrieri et Leptochloa coerulecens) sont signalées pour la première fois au Gabon. Huit groupements sont décrits: 5 pour les prairies et 3 au niveau des lisières. Quatre des groupements des prairies (le groupement pélophyte semi-aquatique à Costus afer et Centotheca lappacea ; le groupement hélophyte semi-aquatique à Pycreus mundtii et Pycreus subtrigonus ; le groupement pélophyte semi-aquatique à Virectaria multiflora et Kyllinga pumila ainsi que le groupement nitrophyte à Tristemma leiocalyx et Bacopa crenata) appartiennent à la classe des Phragmitetea tandis que le dernier (le groupement aquatique à Schoenoplectus mucronatus et Nymphaea heudelotii) se rattache à la classe des Potametea. Deux des groupements de lisières (le groupement pélophyte pré-forestier à Ludwigia africana et Nephrolepis bisserata; le groupement hygrophyte des forêts marécageuses à Anthocleista schweinfurthii et Uapaca guineensis) appartiennent à la classe des Mitragynetea et le dernier (le groupement nitrophyte pré-forestier marécageux à Leptochloa coerulescens et Echinochloa indica) à celle des Phragmitetea. L’hydromorphie et la profondeur de la vase ainsi que la fréquentation animale constituent les variables environnementales qui influencent significativement le déterminisme de ces groupements au sein des prairies, alors que ces variables n’ont aucun effet sur les groupements de lisière. La richesse spécifique varie de 62 à 164 pour les groupements de lisière tandis qu’au sein des prairies, elle varie de 35 à 63. Les indices de diversité moyens pour l’ensemble des groupements des clairières sont 4,4 ± 0,5 (Shannon), 0,07 ± 0,03 (Simpson) et l’équitabilité de Piélou est de 0,78 ± 0,05. La flore étudié n’est inféodée aux clairières du Gabon, les espèces endémiques guinéo-congolaises sont dominantes au niveau des lisières alors que ce sont les espèces à large distribution qui prédominent dans les prairies. Les géophytes et des thérophytes dominent dans les prairies tandis que les phanérophytes sont dominants dans les lisières. La zoochorie et l’anémochorie constituent les modes de dissémination les plus rencontrés au sein de la flore étudiée. Mots clés : clairière intraforestière, flore, groupements végétaux, phytosociologie, Gabon. Abstract The study of the flora and the vegetation of the swampy clearings on hydromorphic soils were realized in the National Park of Ivindo in north-eastern of Gabon. The phytosociological method of Braun-Blanquet was adopted for the realization of the relevés within the two principal vegetation type which form this biotope: the central meadow and the edge which girdles it. 133 relevés made it possible to count 229 species divided into 175 genera and 72 families. The matrices made starting from these relevés and of these species were analyzed by the method Ind Val; DCA made it possible to obtain groupings; CCA made it possible to evaluate the environmental link between parameter and the vegetation. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) follow-up of the tests post hoc of Bonferonni made it possible to see whether the values measured within the various groups are different. The flora is dominated by Cyperaceae, Rubiaceae and Leguminosae-Caesalpinoideae. Five species, Fuirena stricta subsp stricta, Pycreus subtrigonus, Pycreus mundtii, Rhynchospora perrieri and Leptochloa coerulescens are announced for the first time to Gabon. Eight associations are described: 5 for the meadows and 3 on the level of the edges. Four of the associations of the meadows (the pelophyte semi-aquatic association with Costus afer and Centotheca lappacea; the helophyte semi-aquatic association with Pycreus mundtii and Pycreus subtrigonus; the pelophyte semi-aquatic association with Virectaria multiflora and Kyllinga pumila; the nitrophyte association with Tristemma leiocalyx and Bacopa crenata) belong to the class of Phragmitetea while the last (the aquatic association with Schoenoplectus mucronatus and Nymphaea heudelotii) is belong to the class of Potametea . Two of the associations of edges (the pelophyte pre-forester association with Ludwigia africana and Nephrolepis bisserata; the hygrophyte association of the marshy forests with Anthocleista schweinfurthii and Uapaca guineensis) belong to the class of Mitragynetea and the third (the nitrophyte marshy pre-forester association with Leptochloa coerulescens and Echinochloa indica) to Phragmitetea. The hydro-morphology and the depth of the mud as well as the animal frequentation constitute the environmental variables which influence the occurrence of these associations within the meadows, whereas they do not have any effect on the association edge. The species richness varies from 62 to 164 for the association edge while within the meadows it varies from 35 to 63. The average indices of diversity for the whole of the associations of the clearings are 4.4 ± 0.5 (Shannon), 0.07 ± 0.03 (Simpson) while Piélou’s evenness is 0.78 ± 0.05. The flora is not uniquely linked with the clearings of Gabon, although, on the phytogeographical level, the guineo-congolian endemics are dominant on the level of the edges whereas in fact the species with broad distributions prevail in the meadows. The analysis of the biological types shows the preponderance of the geophytes and the therophytes for the meadows while the edges are largely dominated by phanérophytes. The zoochory and the anemochory constitute the modes of dissemination most met within the studied flora. Key words: Swampy clearings on hydromorphic soils, flora, association, phytosociology, forest clearings, Gabon.

Sukcese vegetace na plochách po těžbě dřeva v oblastech borových lesů / Vegetation succession at the clearings at the pine forest areas

Šmidrkalová, Monika January 2015 (has links)
Vegetation succession at the clearings at the pine forests areas was studied in the sandstone landscapes of the Czech Republic (Bohemian Paradise, Doksy region, Bohemian Switzerland). The aim of the study was to reveal the course of succession, the rate of changes, the factors influencing succession and the differences between the vegetation succession trajectory at the clearings and the burnt places. Space-for- time substitution method was used to record overall 249 phytocenological relevés (100 m2 ) at the clearings from 1 to 170 years, divided into 7 successional stages. The results showed the total number of species did not change significantly during the succession. There were differences in the species composition between successsional stages. The youngest successional stages (to 5 years) differed the most from the older stages by the occurence of shade-intolerant ruderal species. The eldest stages (over 40 years) were similar in the species composition. The type of planted tree and locality influenced the species composition the most within 10 years. The comparative study between the succession at the clearings and the burnt places showed significantly lower total number of species at the clearings. The development of the...

Vliv lesních pasek na ptačí populace / The effects of forest clearings on bird populations

Eršil, Lukáš January 2013 (has links)
The most widespread way of extraction of forest is still clearlcuting. It is almost impossible to find commercial forest without forest clearings. Forest clearing can be perceived as a special element in a connected forest. I am trying to find out the influence of these forest distributions on the bird community. I was interested how important the forest clearings will be in the different type of forests. In seven localities were collected set of environmental variability's and bird data, which were counted by point count method. There were deciduous and mixed forests as well as the coniferous monocultures. The data collection was conducted in the breeding season 2011 and 2012. I expected, that the forest glades ensure the heterogeneity in forest space and will increase the number of bird's species. I expected this influence more important in the coniferous than in the deciduous and mixed forests. This assumption was partly confirmed. The glades in the coniferous forests have higher influence, but it depends on the forest area. In large coniferous monocultures is the importance of glades high. In the case of deciduous and mixed forests the size of forests did not have a value. The tree richness has the bigger importance. With this variable correlate Common Chiffchaff, Eurasian Wren, Yellowhammer,...

Flore et végétation des clairières intraforestières sur sol hydromorphe dans le Parc National de l'Ivindo, Nord-Est Gabon

Boupoya-Mapikou, Clay-Archange 01 October 2010 (has links)
L’étude de la flore et de la végétation des clairières sur sol hydromorphe a été menée dans le Parc National de l’Ivindo au Nord-est du Gabon. La méthode phytosociologique de Braun-Blanquet (1932) a été retenue pour la réalisation des relevés au sein des deux principales formations végétales qui composent ce biotope: la prairie et la lisière qui la ceinture. Cent trente trois relevés ont permis de recenser 229 espèces réparties en 175 genres et 72 familles. Les matrices formées à partir de ces relevés et de ces espèces ont été analysées par la méthode Indicator Value (IndVal) ;des analyses canoniques redressées (DCA) et des analyses canoniques des correspondances (CCA) ont servi pour les ordinations. Des analyses de variance (ANOVA) suivies des tests post hoc de Bonferonni ont permis de voir si les valeurs des paramètres environnementaux et structuraux mesurés au sein des différents groupes sont différentes. <p>La flore globale des clairières est dominée par les Cyperaceae, les Rubiaceae et les Leguminosae-Caesalpinoideae. Cinq espèces (Fuirena stricta subsp. stricta, Pycreus subtrigonus, Pycreus mundtii, Rhynchospora perrieri et Leptochloa coerulecens) sont signalées pour la première fois au Gabon. <p>Huit groupements sont décrits: 5 pour les prairies et 3 au niveau des lisières. Quatre des groupements des prairies (le groupement pélophyte semi-aquatique à Costus afer et Centotheca lappacea ;le groupement hélophyte semi-aquatique à Pycreus mundtii et Pycreus subtrigonus ;le groupement pélophyte semi-aquatique à Virectaria multiflora et Kyllinga pumila ainsi que le groupement nitrophyte à Tristemma leiocalyx et Bacopa crenata) appartiennent à la classe des Phragmitetea tandis que le dernier (le groupement aquatique à Schoenoplectus mucronatus et Nymphaea heudelotii) se rattache à la classe des Potametea.<p>Deux des groupements de lisières (le groupement pélophyte pré-forestier à Ludwigia africana et Nephrolepis bisserata; le groupement hygrophyte des forêts marécageuses à Anthocleista schweinfurthii et Uapaca guineensis) appartiennent à la classe des Mitragynetea et le dernier (le groupement nitrophyte pré-forestier marécageux à Leptochloa coerulescens et Echinochloa indica) à celle des Phragmitetea. <p>L’hydromorphie et la profondeur de la vase ainsi que la fréquentation animale constituent les variables environnementales qui influencent significativement le déterminisme de ces groupements au sein des prairies, alors que ces variables n’ont aucun effet sur les groupements de lisière. <p>La richesse spécifique varie de 62 à 164 pour les groupements de lisière tandis qu’au sein des prairies, elle varie de 35 à 63. Les indices de diversité moyens pour l’ensemble des groupements des clairières sont 4,4 ± 0,5 (Shannon), 0,07 ± 0,03 (Simpson) et l’équitabilité de Piélou est de 0,78 ± 0,05. <p>La flore étudié n’est inféodée aux clairières du Gabon, les espèces endémiques guinéo-congolaises sont dominantes au niveau des lisières alors que ce sont les espèces à large distribution qui prédominent dans les prairies. Les géophytes et des thérophytes dominent dans les prairies tandis que les phanérophytes sont dominants dans les lisières. La zoochorie et l’anémochorie constituent les modes de dissémination les plus rencontrés au sein de la flore étudiée. <p>Mots clés :clairière intraforestière, flore, groupements végétaux, phytosociologie, Gabon.<p>Abstract<p>The study of the flora and the vegetation of the swampy clearings on hydromorphic soils were realized in the National Park of Ivindo in north-eastern of Gabon. The phytosociological method of Braun-Blanquet was adopted for the realization of the relevés within the two principal vegetation type which form this biotope: the central meadow and the edge which girdles it. 133 relevés made it possible to count 229 species divided into 175 genera and 72 families. The matrices made starting from these relevés and of these species were analyzed by the method Ind Val; DCA made it possible to obtain groupings; CCA made it possible to evaluate the environmental link between parameter and the vegetation. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) follow-up of the tests post hoc of Bonferonni made it possible to see whether the values measured within the various groups are different.<p>The flora is dominated by Cyperaceae, Rubiaceae and Leguminosae-Caesalpinoideae. Five species, Fuirena stricta subsp stricta, Pycreus subtrigonus, Pycreus mundtii, Rhynchospora perrieri and Leptochloa coerulescens are announced for the first time to Gabon.<p>Eight associations are described: 5 for the meadows and 3 on the level of the edges. Four of the associations of the meadows (the pelophyte semi-aquatic association with Costus afer and Centotheca lappacea; the helophyte semi-aquatic association with Pycreus mundtii and Pycreus subtrigonus; the pelophyte semi-aquatic association with Virectaria multiflora and Kyllinga pumila; the nitrophyte association with Tristemma leiocalyx and Bacopa crenata) belong to the class of Phragmitetea while the last (the aquatic association with Schoenoplectus mucronatus and Nymphaea heudelotii) is belong to the class of Potametea .<p>Two of the associations of edges (the pelophyte pre-forester association with Ludwigia africana and Nephrolepis bisserata; the hygrophyte association of the marshy forests with Anthocleista schweinfurthii and Uapaca guineensis) belong to the class of Mitragynetea and the third (the nitrophyte marshy pre-forester association with Leptochloa coerulescens and Echinochloa indica) to Phragmitetea. <p>The hydro-morphology and the depth of the mud as well as the animal frequentation constitute the environmental variables which influence the occurrence of these associations within the meadows, whereas they do not have any effect on the association edge.<p>The species richness varies from 62 to 164 for the association edge while within the meadows it varies from 35 to 63. The average indices of diversity for the whole of the associations of the clearings are 4.4 ± 0.5 (Shannon), 0.07 ± 0.03 (Simpson) while Piélou’s evenness is 0.78 ± 0.05.<p>The flora is not uniquely linked with the clearings of Gabon, although, on the phytogeographical level, the guineo-congolian endemics are dominant on the level of the edges whereas in fact the species with broad distributions prevail in the meadows. The analysis of the biological types shows the preponderance of the geophytes and the therophytes for the meadows while the edges are largely dominated by phanérophytes. The zoochory and the anemochory constitute the modes of dissemination most met within the studied flora.<p>Key words: Swampy clearings on hydromorphic soils, flora, association, phytosociology, forest clearings, Gabon.<p><p> / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Význam prosvětlení lesa pro rostlinná společenstva v NP Podyjí / The importance of clearings on plant communities in Podyjí National Park

Pusztaiová, Zuzana January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis I deal with various aspects of influence of clearings on plant communities in NP Podyjí. Special space is dedicated to light-demanding, threatened and alien plant species, and their response to light improvement. The area of the Podyjí NP has been used by people continuously for a very long time. There is therefore a whole range of plant species, linked to a certain anthropogenic disturbance regime. I observed the development of plant communities using phytocenological relevés on six pairs of clearings (isolated and connected with open habitats), created in 2011 and 2012. At the same time, I also investigated the adjacent closed-canopy forests and open forests on the edge of the canyon. During the first year after cutting, there was a significant increase in diversity and species cover in the clearings. In the following years, significant changes took place on isolated clearings, as the zone of closed-canopy forest delayed low colonization by new individuals in first years. In the clearings, diversity and abundance of plants were significantly higher than in the closed-canopy forest and open forest. The number of endangered plant species was the highest in open forest. Several unique species of endangered plants have been recorded on clearings. These species have not been found in...

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