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Posun funkčnosti office automation v důsledku nástupu cloudových služeb / Shift of the functionality of office suites in the era of cloud computingJonák, Stanislav January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with shift of the functionality of office suites in the era of cloud computing. The author examines the changing concept of office application software in the time of commercial software and the time of cloud computing and concludes that office applications are shifting their functionality from simple tools replacing just a calculator or typewriter into core corporate tools that affect the way how people communicate and collaborate.
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SaaS ve web designu / SaaS in Web DesignMíka, Filip January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is aimed to evaluate if the current SaaS market is able to meet functional re-quirements of web design in order to appropriately support web design's activities. The theoretical part introduces the web design model which describes web design's functional requirements. The next section presents a research concept that describes model assessment (i.e. solutions delivered as SaaS that support web design) and evaluation process. The results show that the current SaaS market is able to meet the requirements of web design in areas where SaaS solutions are able to provide an essential added value to customers in comparison to on-premise software.
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Služby cloud computing v České republice / Cloud computing services in Czech republicVeber, Jaromír January 2009 (has links)
Modern approaches of providing services such as cloud computing are increasingly used worldwide, and it is a promising way to provide information technology services. Cloud computing promises to increase the efficiency of the management of information technology services, optimize costs and also allows rapid deployment of IT services. The aim of this work is to find where to utilize cloud computing services in the Czech Republic, and how. The objectives were realized through research. Subsequently based on the results of this research there is proposed a model for selecting cloud management solutions for businesses in the Czech Republic. Studies were conducted, among others, in form of a questionnaire survey aimed to analyze the current situation and to deliver data for subsequent analysis of the interaction between the factors that may affect the organization during selection of cloud solutions. Further research was focused on the analysis of the conditions of the Czech Republic in terms of cloud computing and to find differences that distinguish the Czech Republic from other countries around the world. The thesis brings realization of the proposed model that will help organizations to decide whether and how to use cloud services, an overview of the current situation and analysis of the specifics that affect cloud services in the Czech Republic.
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Možnosti využití Cloud Computingu ve veřejné správě na příkladu úřadů českých diplomatických misí / Possibilities of Cloud Computing application in public administration on the example of Czech diplomatic missionsKabuďová, Zuzana January 2014 (has links)
Cloud Computing is currently frequently discussed concept. Access to IT via a web browser is increasingly desired means of providing information and communication technology across the whole society, public administration included. This thesis focuses on the possibilities of Cloud Computing employment in the Czech Republic's Public Administration, specifically on the example of Czech diplomatic missions and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to which they are directly subordinated. As a starting point the comparison with the United States, thw Great Britain, Australia, Switzerland, Japan and the European Union is taken. These examples demonstrate that Cloud Computing can work in public administration and that it will remain a trend prevalent in government offices on a global scale. Equally important is the comparison with the situation within the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic, which has already been using Cloud Computing services for couple of years. Based on the comparison with all above mentioned countries, with the Ministry of the Interior and given the international, European and national legal requirements, potential cloud services for email communication and document management system are identified to be envisaged for diplomatic missions and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
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金融科技通用平台建置-以理財機器人為例 / Implementation of universal platform on FinTech - By the Case of Robo-Advisor莊迪凱, Chuang,Ti Kai Unknown Date (has links)
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CEO - uma infraestrutura para orquestração de workflows de serviços em ambientes computacionais híbridos / CEO - an infrastructure to service workflow orchestration in hybrid computational systemsSenna, Carlos Roberto, 1956- 26 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Edmundo Roberto Mauro Madeira / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-26T19:17:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Ao longo dos últimos anos bons resultados foram alcançados em iniciativas de computação paralela e distribuída que culminaram nas nuvens computacionais, transformando a Internet em uma usina virtual de processamento. Aplicações complexas organizadas através de workflows em geral são candidatas à paralelização e podem ter seu desempenho fortemente beneficiado quando executadas em grades, nuvens ou ambientes híbridos. No entanto, ainda cabe ao usuário uma parte significativa da preparação desse ambiente (software e hardware) antes de efetivamente usar todo esse poder computacional na execução de workflows. Esta tese apresenta uma infraestrutura para gerenciamento da execução de workflows de serviços fortemente acoplados em ambientes híbridos compostos por grades e nuvens computacionais. A infraestrutura denominada Cloud Execution Orchestration (CEO) é composta por um middleware que faz a gerência da execução de workflows e por uma linguagem (CEO Language - CEOL) especialmente desenhada para a construção de workflows de serviços para esses ambientes. A infraestrutura proposta suporta a execução de workflows interagindo com os domínios do ambiente (grades e nuvens) de forma transparente sem qualquer intervenção do usuário. Com a CEOL o usuário pode construir workflows abstratos, sem a localização dos recursos computacionais, pois os recursos serão escolhidos em conjunto com o escalonador e serão devidamente preparados pelo CEO para a execução. Além das funcionalidades para aprovisionamento de serviços sob demanda durante a execução de workflows, a macro arquitetura facilita a conexão da nuvem privada com nuvens públicas e oferece suporte ao processamento paralelo na medida em que opera em ambientes totalmente híbridos formados pela combinação de grades e nuvens computacionais / Abstract: Over the last few years good results have been achieved in initiatives of parallel and distributed computing that culminated in computational clouds, transforming the Internet into a virtual processing plant. Complex applications organized by workflows in general are candidates for parallelization, and can have their performance strongly benefited when executed on grids, clouds, or hybrid environments. However, it is still up to the user a significant part of preparing this environment (software and hardware) before using all that computing power for execution of workflows. This thesis presents an infrastructure for managing the execution of workflows with tightly coupled services in hybrid environments composed of grids and computational clouds. The Infrastructure, called Cloud Execution Orchestration (CEO), consists of a middleware that makes the management and execution of workflows through the CEO Language (CEOL) specially designed for building workflows of services for these environments. The proposed infrastructure supports the execution of workflows interacting with the domains of the environment (grids and clouds) transparently without any user intervention. With CEOL the user can build abstract workflows, without the location of computational resources, since resources will be chosen in conjunction with the scheduler and the CEO going to prepare them before the execution. Besides of functionalities for provisioning services on demand during the execution of workflows, the macro architecture facilitates the connection of private cloud with public cloud and supports parallel processing because may operate in hybrid environments formed by the combination of computational grids and clouds / Doutorado / Ciência da Computação / Doutor em Ciência da Computação
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Oferecimento de QoS para computação em nuvens por meio de metaescalonamento / Providing QoS to cloud computing by means metaschedulingMaycon Leone Maciel Peixoto 13 August 2012 (has links)
Este projeto apresenta a proposta de uma arquitetura de Metaescalonador que leva em consideração o emprego de qualidade de serviço (QoS) para o ambiente de Computação em Nuvem. O Metaescalonador é capaz de realizar a alocação dos recursos dinamicamente, procurando atender as restrições temporais. Em resposta a esse dilema de escalonamento aplicado a Computação em Nuvem, este projeto propõe uma abordagem chamado MACC: Metascheduler Architecture to provide QoS in Cloud Computing. A função principal do MACC é distribuir e gerenciar o processamento das requisições de serviços entre os recursos disponíveis, cumprindo os termos agregados na SLA - Service Level Agreement. São apresentados resultados obtidos considerando-se diferentes algoritmos de roteamento e de alocação de máquinas virtuais. Os resultados apresentados são discutidos e analisados de acordo com as técnicas de planejamento de experimentos / This project proposes a Metascheduler architecture that takes into account the use of quality of service (QoS) to cloud computing environment. The Metascheduler is capable of dynamically allocating resources, trying to meet the timing constraints. In response to this scheduling dilemma applied to cloud computing, this project proposes an approach called MACC - Metascheduler Architecture to Provide QoS in Cloud Computing. The main function of the MACC is to distribute and to manage the service requests among the available resources, meeting the aggregate terms in the SLA - Service Level Agreement. Results are presented considering different routing algorithms and allocation of virtual machines. The results are discussed and analyzed in accordance with the techniques of experimental design
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Impacto das rajadas no desempenho de serviços executados em ambientes em nuvens / The impact of bursts in the performance of services executed in cloud environmentsAdriana Molina Centurion 26 May 2015 (has links)
Esta tese apresenta a caracterização de desempenho dos serviços executados em um ambiente em nuvem, quando são consideradas rajadas de diferentes origens, intensidades e variabilidades nas cargas de trabalho. Os resultados mostram que a presença de rajadas no processo de chegada das requisições e/ou nas demandas de serviço, ocasiona uma considerável degradação no desempenho dos serviços e, portanto, devem ser consideradas nos modelos de cargas de trabalhos e nas atividades voltadas para avaliação de desempenho em computação em nuvem. Considerando-se a grande influência das rajadas, é proposta e validada uma metodologia que permite monitorar uma carga de trabalho e determinar a ocorrência de rajadas tanto nas taxas de chegadas de requisições quanto nas demandas de serviços. A metodologia utilizada na condução deste trabalho consta de diferentes modelos de cargas de trabalho com rajadas de diferentes variabilidades e intensidades, desenvolvidos e integrados à arquitetura CloudSim-BEQoS proposta nesta tese. Utilizando-se essa arquitetura é possível executar um conjunto de experimentos que possibilitam a obtenção dos resultados que caracterizam o desempenho dos serviços quando são criadas condições de rajadas nas cargas de trabalho submetidas à nuvem. / This thesis presents the performance characterization of the services executed in a cloud environment, when bursts are considered from different sources, intensity and variability in the workload. The results show that the presence of bursts in the arrival process of requests and/or in service demands, causes a significant degradation in the performance of services and therefore should belong to the models of workloads and in the activities considered for performance evaluation in cloud computing. Considering the great influence of bursts, a methodology to monitor a workload and predict the occurrence of bursts in both the rates of request arrivals and the service demands is proposed and validated. The methodology used in the conduction of this work consists in different types of workloads with bursts of different variability and intensity, developed and integrated into the CloudSim-BEQoS architecture proposed in this thesis. By using this architecture it is possible to execute a set of experiments that enable the achievement of the results that characterize the performance of services when bursts conditions are created in the workload submitted to the cloud.
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Extensão da geração de carga do Bench4Q para benchmark de desempenho em regime transiente / Extension of the load generation for Bench4Q benchmark performance transient regimeFlavio Luiz dos Santos de Souza 08 April 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho de mestrado apresenta o desenvolvimento de uma extensão no benchmark Bench4Q. A extensão proposta é uma nova funcionalidade para o benchmark. O referido framework é utilizado para gerar carga sintética para um sistema e-commerce acoplado ao benchmark. Seu principal emprego na literatura tem sido em avaliação de desempenho sob carga estacionária. Contudo, recentes pesquisas tem apresentado interesse no estudo de arquiteturas adaptativas de autogerenciamento de recursos, o que implica em responder às perturbações e atender os requisitos de desempenho em regime transiente propostos para o sistema. No entanto, este benchmark não abrange os estados transiente do sistema. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo estender o benchmark Bench4Q acrescentando-lhe capacidade de excitar a resposta transiente do sistema mediante as perturbações da carga de trabalho. Para isso, o software foi acrescido de funcionalidade capaz de gerenciar a modulação da carga de trabalho. Os experimentos foram executados em um ambiente multicamadas que apresentou resultados compatíveis ao objetivo, representando contribuições para a área de avaliação de desempenho. A motivação da pesquisa, inserção em outros trabalhos em andamento e direções futuras são introduzidas. / This master thesis introduces the development of an extension for the Bench4Q benchmark. The referred framework is utilized to generate sinthetic workload for a companion e-commerce benchmark. The software package Bench4q is a benchmark for cloud computing applications which simulates various aspects of conventional architectures and workloads in this kind of environment. It is mainly referenced in the literature in works on performance evaluation under stationary load. Recent research works have broaden its interest to the study of adaptive architectures of resource self-management, what implies in responding to disturbances and meeting performance requirements in transient regime. This work aims at extending Bench4q adding it capabilities to excite the transient response of the system by means of applying disturbances during execution time. To this end, the piece of software shall be enriched with functionalities for generating non-stationary workload and programmed disturbances. Experients have been carried out in a multi-layer enviroment and have yielded positive result, representing contributions to the state of the art. The motivation of this piece of work, insertion in other ongoing research and directions are introduced.
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A data-driven solution for root cause analysis in cloud computing environments. / Uma solução guiada por dados de análise de causa raiz em ambiente de computação em nuvem.Rosangela de Fátima Pereira 05 December 2016 (has links)
The failure analysis and resolution in cloud-computing environments are a a highly important issue, being their primary motivation the mitigation of the impact of such failures on applications hosted in these environments. Although there are advances in the case of immediate detection of failures, there is a lack of research in root cause analysis of failures in cloud computing. In this process, failures are tracked to analyze their causal factor. This practice allows cloud operators to act on a more effective process in preventing failures, resulting in the number of recurring failures reduction. Although this practice is commonly performed through human intervention, based on the expertise of professionals, the complexity of cloud-computing environments, coupled with the large volume of data generated from log records generated in these environments and the wide interdependence between system components, has turned manual analysis impractical. Therefore, scalable solutions are needed to automate the root cause analysis process in cloud computing environments, allowing the analysis of large data sets with satisfactory performance. Based on these requirements, this thesis presents a data-driven solution for root cause analysis in cloud-computing environments. The proposed solution includes the required functionalities for the collection, processing and analysis of data, as well as a method based on Bayesian Networks for the automatic identification of root causes. The validation of the proposal is accomplished through a proof of concept using OpenStack, a framework for cloud-computing infrastructure, and Hadoop, a framework for distributed processing of large data volumes. The tests presented satisfactory performance, and the developed model correctly classified the root causes with low rate of false positives. / A análise e reparação de falhas em ambientes de computação em nuvem é uma questão amplamente pesquisada, tendo como principal motivação minimizar o impacto que tais falhas podem causar nas aplicações hospedadas nesses ambientes. Embora exista um avanço na área de detecção imediata de falhas, ainda há percalços para realizar a análise de sua causa raiz. Nesse processo, as falhas são rastreadas a fim de analisar o seu fator causal ou seus fatores causais. Essa prática permite que operadores da nuvem possam atuar de modo mais efetivo na prevenção de falhas, reduzindo-se o número de falhas recorrentes. Embora essa prática seja comumente realizada por meio de intervenção humana, com base no expertise dos profissionais, a complexidade dos ambientes de computação em nuvem, somada ao grande volume de dados oriundos de registros de log gerados nesses ambientes e à ampla inter-dependência entre os componentes do sistema tem tornado a análise manual inviável. Por esse motivo, torna-se necessário soluções que permitam automatizar o processo de análise de causa raiz de uma falha ou conjunto de falhas em ambientes de computação em nuvem, e que sejam escaláveis, viabilizando a análise de grande volume de dados com desempenho satisfatório. Com base em tais necessidades, essa dissertação apresenta uma solução guiada por dados para análise de causa raiz em ambientes de computação em nuvem. A solução proposta contempla as funcionalidades necessárias para a aquisição, processamento e análise de dados no diagnóstico de falhas, bem como um método baseado em Redes Bayesianas para a identificação automática de causas raiz de falhas. A validação da proposta é realizada por meio de uma prova de conceito utilizando o OpenStack, um arcabouço para infraestrutura de computação em nuvem, e o Hadoop, um arcabouço para processamento distribuído de grande volume de dados. Os testes apresentaram desempenhos satisfatórios da arquitetura proposta, e o modelo desenvolvido classificou corretamente com baixo número de falsos positivos.
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