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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Demonstrate and document : the development of a best practice model for biometric access control management

Norris-Jones, Lynne January 2011 (has links)
This thesis investigates the social, legal and ethical perceptions of participants towards the implementation of biometric access control systems within a sample of United Kingdom work-based environments. It focuses on the application of fingerprint scanning and facial recognition systems, whilst alluding to the development of more advanced (bleeding edge) technologies in the future. The conceptual framework is based on a tripartite model in which Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is applied to the workforce whilst the principles of Utilitarianism and the Psychological Contract are applied to both management strategies and workforce perceptions. A qualitative paradigm is used in which semi-structured interviews are conducted with management and workforce participants within a sample of United Kingdom-based organisations (represented by Case Studies A-D). Discourse from these interviews are analysed, leading to the development of a series of first-cut findings for suggested "Best Practice " in the social, legal and ethical management of biometric access control systems. This process is subsequently developed with a refined sample of respondents (Case Studies A and C) culminating in the presentation of a suggested "Best Practice Model" for application to all four case studies. The model is based upon elements of a pre-determined Code of Practice (ISO/IEC 27002lnformation Technology - Security techniques - Code of Practice for Information Security Management) towards fostering acceptance of biometric technology within the workplace, in answering the question: How should organisations using biometric access control systems address social, legal and ethical concerns in the management of specific working environments in the United Kingdom?

Verglichende Ökobilanz zweier Fahrzeugkomponenten aus unterschiedlichen Werkstoffen und Herstellungsprozessen

Herrmann, Jana, Michel, Sara, Scheel, Ramona, Seipt, Juliane, Grasshoff, Nico, Klapper, Helge, Plischtil, Max, Seifert, Johannes 09 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Unternehmen sind mehr und mehr dem globalen Wettbewerb, strengeren gesetzlichen Regelungen und veränderten Kundenbedürfnissen ausgesetzt. Durch eine Neuausrichtung des Unternehmens auf Stakeholder-Management können sich Entscheidungsträger an veränderte Marktbedingungen anpassen. Der vorliegende Beitrag ist ein Leitfaden zum Stakeholder-Management der gemeinsam mit Nachhaltigkeitsexperten von PricewaterhouseCoopers entwickelt wurde. Er besteht aus den Schritten (i) Strategisch Denken, (ii) Analyse und Priorisierung der Stakeholder und ihrer Ansprüche, (iii) Aufbau von Kapazitäten zum Stakeholder-Management, (iv) Stakeholder-Kommunikation sowie (v) Kommunikation und Lernen. Der vorliegende Leitfaden ist der erste, der explizit die Bedürfnisse von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen und Familienunternehmen einbezieht. Obwohl diese Unternehmen oft explizit oder implizit Stakeholder-Management in ihrer Unternehmensphilosophie verankert haben, fehlen häufig strukturierte Ansätze und Management-Tools hierfür. Dieser Leitfaden gibt Managern in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen sowie Familienunternehmen eine praktische Handhabe für ihr Stakeholder-Management. / Firms are facing more global competition, more stringent regulation and a faster change of customer needs. Managers can adapt to changed market dynamics with increased stakeholder management. Together with sustainability experts from Pricewaterhouse Coopers we develop a guideline for stakeholder management consisting of the steps (i) think strategically, (ii) analysis and prioritization of stakeholders and their stakes (iii) capacity building for stakeholder management (iv) stakeholder information (v) communication and learning. It builds on Freeman (1984) and defines stakeholder as “any group or individual who can affect or can be affected by the achievement of anorganisation’s objectives”. The proposed stakeholder guideline is the first, which fulfils the needs of small and medium sized enterprises and family owned businesses. While these companies often have explicitly or implicitly embodied stakeholder management corporate philosophy, structured approaches and management tools are still missing. Our guideline givesmanagers in small and medium sized enterprises and family owned businesses a practical tool for stakeholder management.

Produkce květin v rozvojovém světě : případ Keni / Flower production in the developing world: the case of Kenya

Lomozová, Kateřina January 2011 (has links)
The thesis examines the Kenya's cut-flower industry in the wider context of global commodity networks. The Kenya's floriculture sector as a part of these networks has been influenced by notions of environmental and social responsibility in the past two decades. The first part of the thesis describes floriculture in Kenya and the cut flower supply chain. The second half analyses current ethical trading practice in the flower industry in Kenya. In this respect codes of conduct which embody notions of responsible business in practice are discussed here. In view of the fact that codes can't guarantee adequate working conditions to flower farm workers in many cases the thesis tries to explain why this concept of ethical trade failed.

Verglichende Ökobilanz zweier Fahrzeugkomponenten aus unterschiedlichen Werkstoffen und Herstellungsprozessen

Herrmann, Jana, Michel, Sara, Scheel, Ramona, Seipt, Juliane, Grasshoff, Nico, Klapper, Helge, Plischtil, Max, Seifert, Johannes 09 May 2014 (has links)
Unternehmen sind mehr und mehr dem globalen Wettbewerb, strengeren gesetzlichen Regelungen und veränderten Kundenbedürfnissen ausgesetzt. Durch eine Neuausrichtung des Unternehmens auf Stakeholder-Management können sich Entscheidungsträger an veränderte Marktbedingungen anpassen. Der vorliegende Beitrag ist ein Leitfaden zum Stakeholder-Management der gemeinsam mit Nachhaltigkeitsexperten von PricewaterhouseCoopers entwickelt wurde. Er besteht aus den Schritten (i) Strategisch Denken, (ii) Analyse und Priorisierung der Stakeholder und ihrer Ansprüche, (iii) Aufbau von Kapazitäten zum Stakeholder-Management, (iv) Stakeholder-Kommunikation sowie (v) Kommunikation und Lernen. Der vorliegende Leitfaden ist der erste, der explizit die Bedürfnisse von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen und Familienunternehmen einbezieht. Obwohl diese Unternehmen oft explizit oder implizit Stakeholder-Management in ihrer Unternehmensphilosophie verankert haben, fehlen häufig strukturierte Ansätze und Management-Tools hierfür. Dieser Leitfaden gibt Managern in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen sowie Familienunternehmen eine praktische Handhabe für ihr Stakeholder-Management. / Firms are facing more global competition, more stringent regulation and a faster change of customer needs. Managers can adapt to changed market dynamics with increased stakeholder management. Together with sustainability experts from Pricewaterhouse Coopers we develop a guideline for stakeholder management consisting of the steps (i) think strategically, (ii) analysis and prioritization of stakeholders and their stakes (iii) capacity building for stakeholder management (iv) stakeholder information (v) communication and learning. It builds on Freeman (1984) and defines stakeholder as “any group or individual who can affect or can be affected by the achievement of anorganisation’s objectives”. The proposed stakeholder guideline is the first, which fulfils the needs of small and medium sized enterprises and family owned businesses. While these companies often have explicitly or implicitly embodied stakeholder management corporate philosophy, structured approaches and management tools are still missing. Our guideline givesmanagers in small and medium sized enterprises and family owned businesses a practical tool for stakeholder management.

Stop spreading the news! : How disinformation spreads on social media and what politicians are doing about it

Hjorth, Patric January 2020 (has links)
Following the rise of social media, the world has found itself in a hyperconnected state. Through the press of a button, it is today possible to reach every corner of the world. This has brought opportunities for freedom and liberation, but in the past years it has also become a danger for these ideas. The rise of disinformation has been declared a major threat to democracy and our society by several major institutions, one of them being the European Union. They have also made it clear that the tech companies, through whose products disinformation primarily spreads, not only inadequately prevent it, but also question if they have enough incentive to do so. The executive branch of the EU, the European Commission, has therefore put forth an action plan in which they outline their work going forward in mitigating the crisis. Comparing with previous research on the vital parts of disinformation, there are heavy indications that the EU’s work will focus on reactionary measures; discovery and sharing of data on ongoing disinformation campaigns between neighbouring and Member States, as well as societal media literacy efforts. For now, due to what seems to be a fear of over-regulating freedom of expression, the responsibility to battle creation and spread is left to the Code of Practice on Disinformation, a plan created by tech companies that hold the platforms that are center in the spread of disinformation. After a first yearassessment, the EU indicates that the results of this Code of Practice is unsatisfactory, and further action might be needed. / Med uppkomsten av sociala medier så befinner sig världen nu i ett hyperuppkopplat tillstånd. Genom ett simpelt knapptryck är det idag möjligt att nå hela världen. Med detta har vi sett möjligheter till en förhöjd frihet, men under de senaste åren finns det också exempel på när just idéer som dessa har satts under hård press. Ökningen av desinformation har förklarats ett stort hot mot demokrati och dagens samhälle av flera stora institutioner, en av dem den Europeiska Unionen. De har gjort tydligt att stora teknikbolag, genom vilkas produkter desinformation i synnerhet sprids, inte bara gör för lite för att förhindra det, men också ifrågasätter ifall de har tillräckligt med incitament för att göra det. EU:s verkställande gren, Europeiska Kommissionen, har därför satt fram en handlingsplan där de redogör för sitt arbete för att hantera krisen. I en jämförelse med tidigare forskning om de mest vitala delarna av desinformation så finns det tunga indikationer att EU:s arbete kommer att fokusera på reaktionära åtgärder: upptäckande och delning av data mellan grannländer och medlemsstater om pågående desinformationskampanjer, samt ansträngningar för samhällskunskap så som källkritik. I vad som verkar vara en rädsla för överreglering av yttrandefrihet lämnas ansvaret för bekämpningen av skapande och spridning till en desinformationspraxis skapad av de teknikföretag som har de plattformar som är centrala i spridningen av desinformation. Efter en första årsutvärdering indikerar dock EU att resultaten dittills ej är tillfredsställande, och att ytterligare åtgärder kan vara nödvändiga.

Migration internationale des infirmiers haïtiens au Québec : potentiel des accords bilatéraux

Clerveau, Vanessa 02 1900 (has links)
Mémoire de fin d'études de maitrise réalisé par l'étudiante Clerveau Vanessa, sous la direction du professeur Denis Jean-Louis et Johri Mira pour l'obtention de la maitrise en administration des services de santé, option santé mondiale / La pénurie de main-d’œuvre en santé représente une problématique de santé mondiale et sa gestion par les pays de destination pourrait entraîner de graves conséquences sur les systèmes de santé des pays d’origine. Afin d’en atténuer certaines, l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) a créé le Code de pratique mondiale. Nous avons exploré le potentiel des accords bilatéraux proposés par ce Code dans le processus de migration des infirmiers haïtiens au Québec. Une analyse qualitative exploratoire a été menée avec des données de la littérature grise, scientifique et du grand public, ainsi que des entrevues semi-dirigées d’experts d’Haïti et de Québec selon un échantillon raisonné, au moyen d’un guide d’entrevue. Elles ont été transcrites manuellement, enregistrées sur Teams et analysées sur Nvivo. La formation des infirmiers haïtiens nécessaire au renouvellement de la main-d’œuvre, le renforcement des capacités du système de santé haïtien, le transfert de connaissances et de compétences, et l’intégration du personnel infirmier haïtien font partie des éléments clés évoqués par les experts en vue d’explorer le potentiel des accords bilatéraux. Haïti et le Québec devraient désigner des éléments nécessaires définissant clairement les besoins respectifs de leur système de santé. Cependant, la mise en œuvre pourrait être compromise par les enjeux d’équité, de dynamique, de pouvoir et d’instabilité en Haïti. Les accords bilatéraux dans le processus de migration des infirmiers haïtiens pourraient servir de levier d’amélioration des politiques de santé publique et de la coopération internationale entre Haïti et le Québec. / The shortage of healthcare workers is a global health issue, and its management by destination countries could impact healthcare systems in countries of origin. The World Health Organization (WHO) has taken steps to mitigate some of these issues by implementing the Global Code of Practice. We explored the potential of the bilateral agreements proposed by this Code in the migration process of Haitian nurses to Quebec. An exploratory qualitative analysis was conducted using data from the grey, scientific, and public literature, as well as semi-structured interviews with experts from Haiti and Quebec based on a purposive sample, using an interview guide. They were manually transcribed, recorded on Teams, and analyzed on Nvivo. The training of Haitian nurses needed to renew the workforce, capacity building of the Haitian healthcare system, transfer of knowledge and skills, and integration of Haitian nurses were among the key elements raised by experts to explore the potential of bilateral agreements. Haiti and Quebec should identify the necessary elements that clearly define the respective needs of their healthcare systems. However, implementation could be compromised by issues of equity, dynamics, power, and instability in Haiti. Bilateral agreements in the Haitian nurse migration process could serve as a lever for improving public health policies and international cooperation between Haiti and Quebec.

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