Spelling suggestions: "subject:"soils""
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High Sensitivity Nuclear Magnetic Resonance at Extreme PressuresMeier, Thomas 06 June 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Moderne Hochdruckforschung entwickelt sich rasant zu einer der vielfältigsten und
überraschensten Disziplinen der Festkörperphysik. Unter Benutzung von Diamantstempelzellen
können Drücke erreicht werden, die den Bedingungen im Inneren unserer Erde
Eine Anwendung von Kernmagnetischen Resonanzexperimenten (NMR) in Diamantstempelzellen
galt jedoch für lange Zeit als unmöglich. In der vorliegenden Arbeit
wird ein neuartiger Ansatz weiterentwickelt, der Radiofrequenz-(RF)-Mikrospulen benutzt,
die direkt zwischen den Diamantstempeln platziert werden, und somit zu einer
signifikanten Sensitivitätssteigerung führen.
Es ist gelungen, Hochdruckzellen zu entwickeln, die für die speziellen Anforderungen
der NMR zugeschnitten sind. Des Weiteren konnte eine nicht metallische, nicht
magnetische Dichtung entwickelt werden, die zudem zu einer signfifikanten Stabilisierung
des Probenvolumens führt. Eine breit angelegte Analyse der Leistungsfähigkeit dieser
neuartigen NMR-Hochdruckprobenköpfe zeigt deren Leistungsfähigkeit mit sehr hohen
Empfifindlichkeiten sowie einer exzellenten RF Anregung und Zeitauflösung.
Drei Anwendungsbeispiele, die das Potenzial dieses Ansatzes in dieser Arbeit
unterstreichen, werden vorgestellt. Bei Drücken von bis zu 4 GPa werden die elektronischen
und dynamischen Eigenschaften von elementarem Gallium untersucht. Unter
höheren Drücken ist es gelungen, einen druckinduzierten Isolator-Metall-Übergang in
dem ternären Chalkogenid AgInTe2 zu beobachten. Schlussendlich ist es gelungen, die
strukturellen und elektronischen Eigenschaften von Rubin bei Drücken von bis zu 30.5
GPa zu untersuchen, was einer Verdreifachung des bisher zugänglichen experimentellen
Druckbereiches entspricht und die NMR für moderne Hochdruckanwendungen möglich
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The design, implementation and applications of a beam rocking system for a nuclear microprobeKerckhove, Diane G. de January 1999 (has links)
No description available.
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Modélisation, réalisation et caractérisation d'antennes supraconductrices pour la micro-IRM du cerveau de souris à 4,7 T / Modelisation, realisation and caracterisation of superconducting coils for micro-MRI of mouse brain at 4.7 TLambert, Simon 08 April 2011 (has links)
En IRM haute résolution du petit animal, un rapport signal sur bruit (RSB) convenable demande habituellement l'utilisation d'un champ magnétique statique beaucoup plus élevé, (jusqu'à 20 T) que pour les applications cliniques quotidiennes (1,5 et 3 T). Une alternative est offerte avec le développement récent d’antennes miniatures en matériau supraconducteur à haute température critique (HTS). Cependant de nombreux problèmes liés à ce type d'antennes subsistent et limitent leur diffusion à grande échelle. Le présent manuscrit présente le développement théorique et expérimental d'une antenne de surface HTS de très petite dimension destinée à l’imagerie du cerveau de souris in vivo à 4,7 T.La première partie traite de la modélisation électromagnétique 3D, à l’aide d’un logiciel commercial (CST-Microwave Studio), de structures monolithiques auto-résonantes adaptées à l'obtention de facteurs de qualité extrêmement élevés (105). Le modèle numérique permet, par rapport à un modèle analytique approché, une meilleure prise en compte de la complexité géométrique de l’antenne et de son environnement cryogénique proche, dont les effets sur les caractéristiques radiofréquences de l’antenne sont considérables.Une deuxième partie présente l'étude des effets du champ statique (de 0 à 4,7 T) et de la température (de 65 à 83 K) sur les caractéristiques électriques d’une antenne HTS, dans le domaine de fréquences de l'IRM pour lequel les propriétés des supraconducteurs ont été peu étudiées jusqu'ici. L'étude montre que les effets délétères du champ sur la sensibilité de l’antenne sont partiellement compensés par une diminution modérée de sa température de fonctionnement. Cette diminution est accessible avec un dispositif original de contrôle de température qui évite de faire appel à un système cryogénique complexe limitant le domaine d’application des antennes HTS.La troisième partie présente les résultats obtenus en imagerie à 4,7 T avec une antenne de surface en matériau HTS dont la taille (diamètre de 6 mm) a été optimisée pour obtenir les meilleures performances en RSB, en vue d'une intégration dans un réseau de 4 antennes. Un RSB 4,5 fois supérieur à celui obtenu avec une antenne en cuivre de même géométrie a été démontré sur fantôme. Ce travail aboutit à la réalisation de la première image de cerveau de souris in-vivo à une valeur de champ supérieure à 3 T avec une antenne HTS. La mise en réseau d'antennes de ce type devrait permettre de couvrir le cerveau de souris complet en imagerie très haute résolution à 4,7 T, avec un RSB comparable à celui qui est accessible aujourd'hui à la limite supérieure de champ magnétique. / High resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of small animals requires generally higher static magnetic field (up to 20 T) than those used for clinical applications (1,5 and 3 T) in order to reach a satisfactory signal to noise ratio (SNR). An alternative can be the use of miniature surface coils made of high temperature superconducting (HTS) material. However, several issues remain with such coils and limit their use at a large scale. In this work we present the theoretical and experimental development of a miniature HTS surface coil dedicated to mouse brain imaging at 4.7 T.The first chapter presents 3D electromagnetic simulations to design monolithic self-resonant structures with very high quality factors (≈105) using a commercial software (CST-Microwave Studio). In contrast to an analytical model, a numerical model allows to handle the complex geometry of the coil and its cryogenic environment, which may influence notably the radiofrequency characteristics of the coil.The second chapter presents a study of the coupled effects of the static magnetic field B0 (from 0 to 4,7 T) and temperature (from 66 to 80 K) on the electrical properties of a HTS coil in the frequency range involved in MRI, for which HTS properties have been poorly studied. This study shows that deleterious effects of B0 on coil sensitivity can be partially compensated by a moderate decrease of its working temperature. An original cryogenic system was designed to enable temperature regulation avoiding the use of more complex systems that limit the use of HTS coils for MRI experiments.The third chapter presents MRI results obtained at 4.7 T using a small HTS surface coil. The 6 mm coil has been optimized for best SNR performances and in order to be integrated in a 4-element coil array in a future refinement. A 4.5 fold SNR enhancement as compared to the one achieved using a copper coil with the same geometry was demonstrated. This work provides the first in-vivo imaging of a mouse brain using a HTS coil at a B0 value higher than 3 T. Arrays made of such coils will allow to perform very high resolution imaging of the complete mouse brain at 4.7 T with SNR values that are comparable to those achieved at the highest B0 fields accessible today.
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Dimensionnement d'un moteur supraconducteur HTc / Study and analysis of HTS motorBendali, Sofiane 07 December 2012 (has links)
L'apparition des supraconducteurs à hautes températures (HTc) a permis un développement continu des moteurs supraconducteurs. Ces dispositifs supraconducteurs permettent d'obtenir des puissances et des couples massiques et volumiques très élevés, et sont des alternatives intéressantes aux machines conventionnelles. Le dimensionnement des ces moteurs nécessite une bonne connaissance des caractéristiques électromagnétiques, thermiques et mécaniques des supraconducteurs HTc. Ainsi, le travail présenté ici traite du dimensionnement de machines HTc avec la prise en compte des contraintes liées aux fils supraconducteurs. Le manuscrit débute par une étude bibliographique approfondie dans laquelle trois points sont abordés : les fils supraconducteurs, description des réalisations remarquables de machines HTc de fortes puissances et une analyse statistique sur ces réalisations. Ensuite, la caractérisation DC des fils supraconducteurs HTc et la détermination de leurs pertes AC sous champ variable sont abordées. Des méthodes numériques sont utilisées pour la modélisation et les résultats obtenus sont comparés à ceux de l'expérience. La dernière partie aborde le dimensionnement électromagnétique de moteurs supraconducteurs HTc par des méthodes analytiques et numériques, avec la prise en compte des contraintes liées aux courants critiques dans les bobinages. Les premiers résultats concernant le dimensionnement électromagnétique et thermique d'une structure de machine synchrone supraconductrice à pôles saillants sont donnés. Les solutions techniques envisagées sont largement commentées / The appearance of high-temperature superconductors (HTS) has led to a continuous development of superconducting motors. These superconducting devices allow high power and torque densities, so they constitute and novel alternative to conventional motors. The design of such motors requires a deep knowledge of the electromagnetic, thermal and mechanical characteristics of the HTS materials. Hence, the work presented here is related to the design of HTS motors which includes the constraints due to the HTS conductors. The manuscript begins with an extensive literature review where three main points are discussed, viz. HTS conductors, already constructed HTS motors and statistical analysis on these achievements. The dc characterization of HTS superconductors as well as their ac losses under time varying magnetic fields are theoretically and experimentally studied. In so doing, numerical techniques are used and the obtained results are compared the measurements. The last part deals with the design of HTS motors by analytical and finite element methods. A particular attention is given to the constraints introduced by the use of HTS materials. The first results of the electromagnetic and thermal design of a salient pole HTS synchronous machine are provided with the emphasis of the adopted technical solutions
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"Desenvolvimento e aplicações clínicas de um sistema integrado transdutor/bobinas de gradientes de alto desempenho para obtenção de imagens por ressonância magnética em 0.5 TESLA" / "Development and clinical applications of a high performance radio-frequency/gradient coil integrated system for Magnetic Resonance Imaging in 0.5 Tesla"Salmón, Carlos Ernesto Garrido 25 February 2005 (has links)
Este trabalho descreve o desenvolvimento de um sistema integrado transdutor/bobinas de gradientes de alto desempenho para Imagens por Ressonância Magnética. Este sistema é composto por um transdutor de radiofreqüência tipo sela e um conjunto de 3 bobinas locais assimétricas. No desenho do transdutor foram otimizados os parâmetros: relação sinal ruído e uniformidade do campo magnético por ele gerado. A densidade de corrente de cada bobinas local foi otimizada mediante técnicas numéricas estocásticas para gerar um gradiente de campo magnético uniforme em cada uma das 3 direções do espaço numa região das dimensões do crânio. O conjunto de bobinas de gradientes construído possui um diâmetro livre de 31.5 cm e gera em média 25 mT/m/A por bobina, com indutâncias inferiores a 310 mH. São mostradas as aplicações clínicas desenvolvidas nas áreas de imagens tridimensionais e angiografia, a partir das seqüências de pulsos implementadas e aproveitando o uso do sistema integrado, em um tomógrafo de ressonância magnética de 0.5 Tesla. Imagens de phantom foram adquiridas em menos de 500 ms usando o conjunto integrado e técnicas do tipo Echo Planar Imaging. Aspectos referentes à caracterização e correção de campos magnéticos estáticos e homogêneos são também comentados. As soluções descritas nesta tese têm um amplo conteúdo tecnológico e beiram nas fronteiras da Física Aplicada e a Engenharia Biomédica. / Here we describe the development of a high performance radio-frequency/gradient coil integrated system for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. A saddle radio-frequency coil and a three-axis asymmetric local gradient coil composed this system. Two parameters were optimized in the RF coil design: signal-to-noise ratio and magnetic field uniformity. The current density of each local coil was optimized using stochastic numerical techniques, in order to generate a uniform magnetic field gradient by axis in a region representing a human head. The build gradient coil set has an inner diameter of 31 cm. The average gradient efficient of the three-axis is 25 mT/m/A and the maximum inductance is less than 310 mH. We show the clinical applications performed in three-dimensional and angiography imaging areas in a 0.5 Tesla magnetic resonance tomograph. These applications were optimized to taking advantage from the integrated system. Phantom images were acquired in less than 500 millisecond using echo planar techniques and the integrated set. Some aspects about static and homogeneous magnetic field characterization and correction are also commented. In this work we described solutions with wide technologic content close to the boundaries of the Applied Physics and Biomedical Engineering.
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Novel Concepts for RF Surface Coils with Integrated ReceiversTobgay, Sonam 19 April 2004 (has links)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a powerful non-invasive reconstruction tool used primarily in the medical community to produce high quality images of the human anatomy. Surface coils are Radio Frequency (RF) systems typically deployed for receiving the MR signals. Multiple surface coils, or an array of coils, are employed to obtain a localized improvement in the signal-to-noise ratio without limiting the field of view. In this research, a novel modeling and design method for decoupling RF surface coils in a phased array is investigated. This method employs an impedance transformation interface circuit along with a high input reflection coefficient preamplifier to decouple the coil. In this research report both the theory and design methodology are discussed in detail.
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Développement d'un micro-dispositif intègre pour le contrôle de la fréquence de résonance d'une antenne à haute sensibilité pour l'IRM / Development of a micro-device to control the resonance frequency of a small high - sensitivity coil for MRIGuisiano, Jean-clément 27 September 2011 (has links)
L’utilisation d’antennes miniatures à haute sensibilité basées sur le principe des lignes de transmission a permis, lors de l’étude de pathologies chez l’Homme ou le petit animal , une amélioration significative de la qualité des images obtenues en micro Imagerie par Résonance Magnétique (IRM). Les performances élevées de ces antennes et leurs dimensions réduites entrainent cependant des difficultés critiques pour traiter et conditionner le signal de Résonance Magnétique Nucléaire (RMN) détecté. Plus particulièrement, le réajustement de la fréquence de résonance de l’antenne de détection, au cours d’une expérience d’IRM, ne peut être réalisé à l’aide de composants rapportés, comme c’est le cas avec les antennes d’IRM conventionnelles, ceci afin de ne pas dégrader leurs performances.Notre étude a consisté à développer deux techniques d’accord originales et dédiées aux antennes miniatures à lignes de transmission. Ces techniques sont basées sur le déplacement micrométrique d’un élément d’accord à proximité de l’antenne entrainant une variation de l’environnement électromagnétique de celle-ci, et donc de la fréquence de résonance, par couplage (diélectrique ou inductif). L’ensemble des résultats obtenus (par des caractérisations expérimentales, des simulations numériques et des modélisations analytiques) a servi de base à la conception et la réalisation d’un dispositif de micro-déplacement chargé d’assurer le réglage fin de la fréquence de résonance à travers le déplacement de l’élément d’accord.La mise en œuvre d’une antenne accordée à l’aide du dispositif a été réalisée au sein d’un imageur à 4,7 T. Des images de démonstration sur fantôme ont été obtenues et validées, montrant ainsi la pertinence d’un tel dispositif et la faisabilité de systèmes résonants auto-accordés dédiés à l’IRM haute sensibilité. / The use of miniature transmission lines coils, in the study of diseases in humans or small animals, has allowed for significant improvements in Micro Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). The high sensitivity of such coils combined with their small size, however, leads to critical problems in treating and conditioning the detected Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) signal. In particular, the adjustment of the resonant frequency of these detection coils, during a MRI experiment, cannot be achieved using reported components, as is the case of conventional MRI coils, in order not to degrade their performances.We have developed two original tuning techniques for such coils. These techniques are based on the micrometric displacement of a tuning element near the coil surface, which modifies the electromagnetic environment of the coil by coupling, resulting in a change of the resonant frequency. The obtained results have enabled the design and construction of a micro-displacement device responsible for the fine tuning of the coil, through the displacement of a tuning element.The tuned coil and micro-device have been implemented in a 4.7 T MRI. Sample images were obtained and validated, showing the relevance and feasibility of using an auto-tuning resonant system, dedicated to high sensitivity MRI.
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Desenvolvimento de bobinas de RF transmissoras e receptoras do tipo phased arrays para experimentos de imagens por ressonância magnética em ratos / Development of RF transmitter coils and receivers NMR phased arrays for magnetic resonance imaging experiments on ratsPapoti, Daniel 25 March 2011 (has links)
Experimentos de Imagens por Ressonância Magnética (IRM) em pequenos animais, assim como em humanos, exigem um conjunto especifico de bobinas de Radiofrequência (RF) para maximizar ambos a homogeneidade de campo durante a transmissão e a Relação Sinal Ruído (RSR) durante a recepção. As geometrias mais comuns de bobinas transmissoras utilizadas em sistemas de humanos são as bobinas tipo gaiola ou Birdcage Coil. Dentre as geometrias de bobinas receptoras, o conceito de bobina tipo Phased Array é amplamente utilizado em aplicações que necessitam de alta RSR em uma grande região de interesse, além de permitirem obter imagens com metodologias de aquisição paralela. Este trabalho descreve o desenvolvimento de um conjunto de bobinas transmissoras e receptoras especificamente projetadas para a aquisição de imagens do cérebro de ratos para o estudo do hipocampo. As geometrias de bobinas transmissoras estudadas foram dois Birdcages com 8 e 16 condutores e a geometria proposta por nós chamada Double Crossed Saddle (DCS Coil). Para a recepção desenvolvemos uma bobina de superfície com dois loops e um Phased Array com dois canais de recepção. Os resultados confirmam que dentre as bobinas transmissoras desenvolvidas a geometria do tipo Birdcage com 16 condutores é a mais homogênea, produzindo campos de RF com alta uniformidade em regiões de interesse de até 80% do diâmetro interno das bobinas. No entanto, o elevado número de capacitores em sua estrutura faz com que a geometria DCS coil, devido à sua simplicidade e reduzido número de capacitores, represente uma alternativa em experimentos onde as condições de carga da amostra possam variar. Dentre as geometrias de receptoras estudadas a bobina de superfície obteve maior desempenho em termos de RSR em comparação com o Phased Array de 2 canais. A comparação dos resultados utilizando bobinas específicas para a transmissão e recepção com uma bobina volumétrica operando como transmissora e receptora simultaneamente comprova a superioridade em termo de RSR dos sistemas que utilizam bobinas dedicadas, sendo confirmados através de imagens in vivo do cérebro de ratos, possibilitando aquisições com mesma resolução e RSR em um tempo reduzido de experimento. / Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) experiments on small animals, as well as in human, require a specific RF coil set in order to maximize the Radiofrequency (RF) field homogeneity during transmission and Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) during reception. The most common geometries of RF transmitter coil used in human systems are the well known Birdcage resonators. Among the receiver coils geometry the concept of NMR Phased Arrays or multi channel coils is widely employed in applications that need a high SNR in a large region of interest (ROI), further allowing parallel imaging acquisition methodologies. The work reported here describes the development of a transmit-only and receive-only RF coil set actively detuned specifically designed to MRI acquisition of rats brain for purposes of neuroscience studies. The transmitter geometries developed were two Birdcages with 8 and 16 rungs and our proposed geometry named Double Crossed Saddle (DCS). For reception we developed one common surface coil made of two turn loops and a 2-channel Phased Array, both actively detuned during reception. The results have confirmed that the 16 rungs Birdcage are superior among other transmit coils in producing homogeneous RF field inside a ROI of 80% of coil´s inner diameter. However, the simplicity and reduced number of capacitors makes the DCS coil a good choice in experiments with different samples and load conditions. Among the receive coils developed, the surface coil showed a better SNR in comparison with the 2-channel Phased array, which has the advantage of producing a large area with high SNR. The SNR of both surface coil and 2-channel array was compared with a transceiver Saddle Crossed coil, available at our lab, specific designed to obtain rat brain images. These results have corroborated that transmit-only and receive-only RF coils have best performance than transceiver volume coils for obtain MRI images of rats brain, allowing image acquisition with same resolution and reduced scan time.
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Efficient data acquisition, transmission and post-processing for quality spiral Magnetic Resonance ImagingJutras, Jean-David Unknown Date
No description available.
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Estudo e desenvolvimento de um atuador planar com enrolamentos planificados e núcleo de material ferromagnético compósitoBaggio Filho, Nolvi Francisco January 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho trata do estudo, análise, construção e teste de uma nova configuração para um atuador planar. O dispositivo é composto de um núcleo de armadura ferromagnético plano, estático e sem ranhuras sobre o qual são montados dois conjuntos de enrolamentos planares, ortogonais entre si, com quatro bobinas cada, eletricamente independentes entre si. A parte móvel consiste de um carro equipado com ímãs permanentes de alto produto energético responsáveis pela produção de fluxo magnético de excitação. A movimentação bidirecional sobre o plano se dá pela interação entre esse fluxo e a corrente elétrica adequadamente aplicada aos enrolamentos. O atuador apresenta uma distribuição espacial da densidade de fluxo magnético em toda a sua estrutura. Este trabalho preocupa-se em analisar numérica e experimentalmente os fenômenos eletromagnéticos envolvidos, tanto em regime estático como dinâmico. O emprego de dois diferentes materiais utilizados separadamente no núcleo da armadura é investigado: o aço maciço (caso 1) e um compósito magneticamente macio de grão isolado (caso 2). Devido à movimentação do carro e conseqüentemente do fluxo magnético de excitação, uma força eletromotriz induzida aparecerá no núcleo da armadura, sendo responsável pelo estabelecimento de correntes elétricas induzidas no mesmo. Essas correntes, que também dependem da condutividade do material do núcleo, produzem um efeito de frenagem sobre o carro do atuador que afeta a sua dinâmica. Produzem ainda perdas Joule no núcleo da armadura. A redução desses efeitos pode ser obtida com a utilização de um material magnético isotrópico de alta resistividade, caso 2, que possibilita ainda a distribuição tridimensional da densidade de fluxo magnético na estrutura do atuador. Uma análise dinâmica a partir do método dos elementos finitos tornou possível a verificação da distribuição da densidade de corrente elétrica induzida no núcleo da armadura, bem como a obtenção dos seus valores em função da velocidade do carro e do material utilizado. Ainda, o efeito de frenagem foi quantificado em ensaios práticos, propondo-se então um coeficiente de atrito total, k, para cada um dos dois casos em estudo. Nessa caracterização, obteve-se que o coeficiente de atrito eletromagnético, devido às correntes induzidas, de 1,74469 Ns/m para o caso 1, enquanto que para o caso 2 esse valor fica em 0,261285 Ns/m. Os resultados numéricos e experimentais apontam que existem diferenças significativas na utilização dos dois materiais propostos, indicando que o caso 2, quando utilizado de maneira adequada no sistema, reduz as correntes elétricas induzidas minimizando seus efeitos. / The present work deals with the study, analysis, construction and testing of a new configuration of a planar actuator. The device comprehends a static ferromagnetic slotless core in form of slab, on which two sets of planar windings are assembled. They are orthogonal with respect to each other and have four independent coils. The moving part consists of a car, equipped with high energy product permanent magnets that deliver the excitation magnetic flux. The bidirectional movement on the plan is a result of the interaction between the excitation magnetic flux and the electric currents that fed the armature windings properly. The actuator features a spatial distribution of the magnetic flux density throughout its structure. This work is concerned with the numerical and experimental analyses of the electromagnetic effects involved in terms of static and dynamic behavior of the actuator. These effects are investigated for two different materials employed separately in the core of the armature: solid steel (case 1) and a grain isolated soft magnetic composite (case 2). Owing to the movement of the car and so the excitation magnetic flux, an induced electromotive force appears on the core of the armature and is responsible for the establishment of induced electrical currents in there. These currents, that also depend on the conductivity of the material of the armature core, produce a braking effect on the car that affects the dynamics of the actuator. It also produces Joule losses on that core. The reduction of those effects can be obtained with the use of an isotropic ferromagnetic material with high resistivity, case 2, that allows the 3d distribution of magnetic flux density on the structure of the actuator. A dynamic analysis by means of the finite element method made possible to verify the distribution of the induced electrical current density in the core of the armature, and to compute its value according to the speed of the car and to the material employed. Still, the effect of the braking force was quantified experimentally; as a result, a total friction coefficient, k, is proposed in order to take into account that force. By doing that, a resulting coefficient of electromagnetic friction due to the induced currents is 1.74469 Ns/m for case 1, while for case 2 it is 0.261285 Ns/m. The numerical and experimental results indicate that exist significant differences in the use of the two materials proposed, indicating that the case 2, when used in an appropriate manner, reduces the induced electrical currents minimizing its effects.
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