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Efeitos da atividade física em marcadores biológicos da carcinogênese química do cólon de ratos Wistar / Physical activity effects on chemical colon carcinogenesis biomarkers in rats.Marcelo Marcos Piva Demarzo 04 May 2005 (has links)
Estudos epidemiológicos vêm demonstrando que quantidades apropriadas de atividade física regular estão associadas a significativa redução do risco para o desenvolvimento de câncer de cólon em até 40% entre os indivíduos mais fisicamente ativos. Por outro lado, tem sido observado que o exercício físico exaustivo aumenta a produção sistêmica de radicais livres, com concomitante aumento dos danos oxidativos ao DNA, além de deprimir a função imune global, eventos relacionados ao aumento do risco para o desenvolvimento de câncer. Relativamente, poucos estudos experimentais exploram essas relações, principalmente no que concerne ao exercício exaustivo e o câncer. A taxa de proliferação celular epitelial, os focos de criptas aberrantes (FCAs) e as criptas com acúmulo de beta-catenina (CABC) têm sido marcadores biológicos (biomarcadores) usados para a identificação precoce de fatores que poderiam influenciar a carcinogênese colônica em ratos. Através da aplicação do carcinógeno químico 1,2dimetilhidrazina (DMH), logo após os protocolos de exercício, foram estudados quatro grupos principais de ratos previamente sedentários (grupo-controle, e três grupos submetidos, respectivamente, ao treinamento crônico de natação, à natação até a exaustão, e à natação até a exaustão após treinamento crônico), sendo sacrificados quinze dias após a injeção da DMH. Após análise histológica e imunohistoquímica, os biomarcadores estudados mostraram resultados coerentes nas diferentes situações experimentais aferidas. Foi observada uma diminuição estatisticamente significante da resposta hiperproliferativa, do número de FCAs e de CABC no grupo que realizou o treinamento crônico, enquanto o grupo submetido ao exercício exaustivo apresentou aumento estatisticamente significante dos parâmetros citados, quando comparados ao grupo-controle. No grupo submetido à associação dos dois protocolos de exercício, quando comparado ao grupo-controle, não houve alterações significantes nos biomarcadores de transformação neoplásica estudados. Nesse estudo experimental, o treinamento físico crônico teve efeito protetor contra o desenvolvimento dos biomarcadores precoces de transformação neoplásica do cólon, enquanto o exercício físico exaustivo aumentou a prevalência destes em ratos sedentários. O treinamento físico crônico, quando associado ao exercício físico exaustivo, não alterou a prevalência dos biomarcadores estudados. Desse achado, acrescido do que se pode encontrar na literatura científica atual, levanta-se a hipótese de que, de maneira similar à relação entre exercício físico e infecções, também o exercício poderia ou proteger contra o desenvolvimento, ou aumentar o risco para o câncer, dependendo do tipo, intensidade e duração da atividade desenvolvida. / Ephitelial cell proliferation, aberrant crypt foci (ACF) and â-catenin-accumulated crypts (BCAC) have been used for early detection of factors that influence colorectal carcinogenesis in rats. It has been observed that moderate and regular physical activity may prevent colon cancer up to 40% in humans. However, exhaustive exercise increases free radical DNA oxidative damage and depresses immune function, events also related to the increased risk for cancer development. Fifteen days after either a single exhaustive swimming bout or a swimming physical training for 8 weeks, or both, in untrained rats treated with a colon carcinogen, we observed a statistically significant decreased number of those biomarkers in rats under training protocol, and a statistically significant increased number of them in rats under exhaustive protocol, when compared to the non-exercised group. For the rats under exhaustive protocol after being trained, data was not evident. Thus, we concluded that training protected against the biomakers development and exhaustive exercise improved colorectal carcinogenesis biomarkers development in sedentary rats. From our finding and literature data, we hypothesize that, similarly to the suggested relationship between exercise and infections, exercise could be protective against cancer or it could increase the risk for this disease depending on its type, dose and duration.
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Defective IL-23/IL-17 Axis Protects p47phox−/− Mice from Colon CancerRichter, Cornelia, Herrero San Juan, Martina, Weigmann, Benno, Bergis, Dominik, Dauber, Katrin, Muder, Michael H., Baretton, Gustavo B., Pfeilschifter, Josef Martin, Bonig, Halvard, Brenner, Sebastian, Radeke, Heinfried H. 19 July 2017 (has links) (PDF)
In the colon, a sophisticated balance between immune reaction and tolerance is absolutely required. Dysfunction may lead to pathologic phenotypes ranging from chronic inflammatory processes to cancer development. Two prominent modulators of colon inflammation are represented by the closely related cytokines interleukin (IL)-12 and IL-23, which initiate adaptive Th1 and Th17 immune responses, respectively. In this study, we investigated the impact of the NADPH oxidase protein p47phox, which negatively regulates IL-12 in dendritic cells, on colon cancer development in a colitis-associated colon cancer model. Initially, we found that IL-12−/− mice developed less severe colitis but are highly susceptible to colon cancer. By contrast, p47phox−/− mice showed lower tumor scores and fewer high grade tumors than wild-type (WT) littermates. Treatment with toll-like receptor 9 ligand CpG2216 significantly enhanced colitis in p47phox−/− mice, whereas tumor growth was simultaneously reduced. In tumor tissue of p47phox−/− mice, the IL-23/IL-17 axis was crucially hampered. IL-23p19 protein expression in tumor tissue correlated with tumor stage. Reconstitution of WT mice with IL-23p19−/− bone marrow protected these mice from colon cancer, whereas transplantation of WT hematopoiesis into IL-23p19−/− mice increased the susceptibility to tumor growth. Our study strengthens the divergent role of IL-12 and IL-23 in colon cancer development. With the characterization of p47phox as a novel modulator of both cytokines our investigation introduces a promising new target for antitumor strategies.
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Defective IL-23/IL-17 Axis Protects p47phox−/− Mice from Colon CancerRichter, Cornelia, Herrero San Juan, Martina, Weigmann, Benno, Bergis, Dominik, Dauber, Katrin, Muder, Michael H., Baretton, Gustavo B., Pfeilschifter, Josef Martin, Bonig, Halvard, Brenner, Sebastian, Radeke, Heinfried H. 19 July 2017 (has links)
In the colon, a sophisticated balance between immune reaction and tolerance is absolutely required. Dysfunction may lead to pathologic phenotypes ranging from chronic inflammatory processes to cancer development. Two prominent modulators of colon inflammation are represented by the closely related cytokines interleukin (IL)-12 and IL-23, which initiate adaptive Th1 and Th17 immune responses, respectively. In this study, we investigated the impact of the NADPH oxidase protein p47phox, which negatively regulates IL-12 in dendritic cells, on colon cancer development in a colitis-associated colon cancer model. Initially, we found that IL-12−/− mice developed less severe colitis but are highly susceptible to colon cancer. By contrast, p47phox−/− mice showed lower tumor scores and fewer high grade tumors than wild-type (WT) littermates. Treatment with toll-like receptor 9 ligand CpG2216 significantly enhanced colitis in p47phox−/− mice, whereas tumor growth was simultaneously reduced. In tumor tissue of p47phox−/− mice, the IL-23/IL-17 axis was crucially hampered. IL-23p19 protein expression in tumor tissue correlated with tumor stage. Reconstitution of WT mice with IL-23p19−/− bone marrow protected these mice from colon cancer, whereas transplantation of WT hematopoiesis into IL-23p19−/− mice increased the susceptibility to tumor growth. Our study strengthens the divergent role of IL-12 and IL-23 in colon cancer development. With the characterization of p47phox as a novel modulator of both cytokines our investigation introduces a promising new target for antitumor strategies.
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High Field <sup>1</sup>H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy Based Metabolomics and Complex Mixture Analysis by Multidimensional NMR and Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS)Paudel, Liladhar 02 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Optimization of differential ion mobility and segmented ion fractionation to improve proteome coverageWu, Zhaoguan 09 1900 (has links)
La sensibilité et la profondeur de l'analyse protéomique sont limitées par les ions isobares et les interférences qui entravent l'identification des peptides de faible abondance. Lorsque nous analysons des échantillons de grande complexité, une séparation extensive de l'échantillon est souvent nécessaire pour étendre la couverture protéomique. Ces dernières années, la spectrométrie de mobilité ionique à forme d'onde asymétrique à haut champ (FAIMS) a gagné en popularité dans le domaine de la protéomique pour sa capacité à séparer les ions isobares, à améliorer la capacité de pic et la sensibilité de la spectrométrie de masse (MS). Nous rapportons ici l'intégration d'un appareil FAIMS Pro™ à un Q-Exactive HF™ ainsi qu'un spectromètre de masse Orbitrap Exploris 480™. Des expériences protéomiques sur des digestions d'extraits protéiques issues de cellules Hela à l'aide d'un spectromètre de masse avec FAIMS ont amélioré le rapport signal sur bruit (S/N) et réduit les ions interférents, ce qui a entraîné une augmentation du taux d'identification des peptides de plus de 42 %. FAIMS est également combiné avec le fractionnement ionique segmenté (SIFT), qui utilise tour à tour une fenêtre de 100 ~ 300 m/z au lieu de la large plage traditionnelle (700 ~ 800 m/z), augmentant ainsi la profondeur de la couverture protéomique tout en réduisant la proportion de spectres MS/MS chimériques de 50% à 27%. Dans l'analyse quantitative, nous démontrons l'application de FAIMS pour améliorer les mesures quantitatives lorsque le marquage peptidique isobare est utilisé. Par rapport aux expériences LC-MS/MS conventionnelles, la combinaison des expériences FAIMS et SIFT réalisées sur un modèle à deux protéomes a montré une amélioration de 65 % de la précision des mesures quantitatives. Les digestions tryptiques d'extraits protéiques de différentes lignées cellulaires du cancer colorectal ont été utilisées pour l'évaluation de stratégie combinée FAIMS et SIFT sur un spectromètre de masse Orbitrap Exploris 480™ offre un gain d'identification de 70 % par rapport à l'approche conventionnelle et combinée aux données transcriptomiques elle facilite l’identification de variants protéiques. / The sensitivity and depth of proteomic analysis in mass spectrometry (MS) is limited by isobaric
ions and interferences that hinder the identification of low-abundance peptides. For high
complexity samples, extensive separation is often required to expand proteomic coverage. In
recent years, high-field asymmetric waveform ion mobility spectrometry (FAIMS) has gained
popularity in the field of proteomics for its ability to resolve confounding ions, improve peak
capacity, and sensitivity. This thesis presents the integration of a FAIMS Pro™ interface with
electrical and gas embedded connections to a Q-Exactive HF™ as well as an Orbitrap Exploris
480™ mass spectrometer. Proteomic experiments on tryptic digests of HeLa cell line using a
FAIMS integrated mass spectrometer improved signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) and reduced the
occurrence of interfering ions. This enabled a 42% increase in peptide identification rate. Also,
FAIMS was combined with segmented ion fractionation (SIFT), which in turn scans with windows
of 100~300 m/z width instead of the traditional width (700~800 m/z), further increasing the depth
of proteome coverage by a reducing from 50% to 27% in terms of MS/MS chimeric spectra
numbers. The application of FAIMS gain improvement on quantitative measurements with TMT
labeling method is presented. Compared to conventional LC-MS/MS tests, the combination of
FAIMS and SIFT experiments showed a improvement by 65% in quantitative accuracy when
performed on a human-yeast two-proteome model. As an application of the method, the tryptic
digests from different colorectal cancer cell lines were used for the evaluation. FAIMS-SIFTcombined strategy on an Orbitrap Exploris 480™ mass spectrometer provides a 70% gain in
identification compared to the conventional LC-MS/MS approach for the same sample amount
and instrument time. This enhanced sensitivity facilitates single amino acid mutations confirmed
by RNAseq analyses.
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