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Rimbaud Um Subalterno Híbrido em Contexto Pós Colonial?BARBOSA, L. J. 11 March 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-03-11 / Esse trabalho visa produzir reflexões sobre subalternidade e hibridização, a partir de uma leitura indiciária da obra e vida de Arthur Rimbaud, cujo objetivo maior é desvendar o seu silêncio e afastamento da poesia enquanto indícios de uma atitude de ruptura e conflito interno e externo. No primeiro capítulo, construindo um campo de visões/enunciações da subalternidade presentes em suas obras. Destaco o ocidente subalterno, propondo a leitura da "enunciação poética" de Rimbaud enquanto uma enunciação subalterna em contexto colonial. Ao discutir o poeta hibrido, proponho a noção de subjetividade subalterna e enfatizo a importância das teorias que tratam dos processos de hibridação para uma melhor compreensão dos complexos fenômenos de formação e transformação das subjetividades em condições de subalternidade, buscando respostas para as seguintes questões: o colonialismo pode ser considerado capaz de produzir o mesmo tipo de ruptura observada no contexto pós colonial? Podemos localizar Rimbaud enquanto uma instância histórica de insurgência de um enunciado subalterno localizado num contexto colonial?
Palavras-chave: Subalternidade, hibridização, Colonial.
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Análisis de intervenciones históricas y lineamientos para una intervención contemporánea. Casa Rivas en Bogotá - ColombiaGiraldo Cano, Manuela January 2015 (has links)
Seminario de Postítulo en Conservación y Restauración Arquitectónica
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The Colonial Ministry and Governments-General in the French Empire before 1914Leitch, D. A. January 1985 (has links)
No description available.
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La consitencia material del cuadro-objeto colonial : pinturas cusqueñas en los siglos XVII y XVIIICastro Concha, Alejandra January 2013 (has links)
Tesis para optar al grado de Magíster en Estudios Latinoamericanos
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The policy of indirect rule in Northern Rhodesia (Zambia) 1924-53Datta, K. January 1976 (has links)
In 1929 the Government of Northern Rhodesia consolidated the role of chiefs in rural administxution by introducing Native Authorities and Courts. Further legislation in 1936 gave to the Native Authorities financial responsibilities and extended the Bcope of the 1929 ordinances to Barotseland. This study surveys the origins and development of Native Authorities and Court. up to the impoaition of the Central African Pederation in 1953. In particular6 it examines the frequently divergent .iews ot oolonial otficia18 6 and attempts to show how the.e, .a .ell aa other local pre •• ures, atfected the e.olution ot go.ernment policy. To some extent Government orticials were influenced by ideaa which underlay 'Indirect Rule' elaewhere in Africa: it waa thought that the political advancement of Atricans was beat promoted by developing, rather than replacing, their 'traditional' institutions ot government. But in Northern Rhodesia in particular, such a beliet conflicted with the realities or modern economic and social change. The early years ot 'Indirect Rule' coincided not only with the world-wide Depre.sion but also with the growth ot the great mining industry on the Copperbelt. In the 1930., aenior Government otficials attached little importance to Atrican attairs, a. is evident rror. the abolition ot the ortice ot SNA tor four years. Native Authoritie. tended to remain bhe preserve of old. illiterate and conservative Atricans. In 1944 and 1948 the Government made erforts to draw educated young men into the Native Authoritie., 80 that they could play a tuller part in rural development. But the available salaries tailed to attract the few qualified Africans. Under preS8ure trom local Europeans, the Government concentrated on developing the line-of-rail area dominated by European enterprise. Lack ot money undermined the prestige of Native Authorities just when mea8ures of land conservation and the growth of African nationalism offered new challenges to the authority of chiefas.
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Indian elites, urban space and the restructuring of Ahmedabad City, 1890-1947Raychaudhuri, Siddhartha January 1997 (has links)
No description available.
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Diálogos en el tiempo en la serie San Francisco de Asís de Marco ZapataRebolledo Carvajal, Carolina January 2016 (has links)
Magíster en artes, mención teoría e historia del arte / En esta investigación se propone realizar una análisis del programa
iconográfico que compone la serie de pintura colonial cusqueña: San Francisco
de Asís de Marco Zapata, relacionándola con el arte de la memoria como una
forma de integrar imágenes y texto, las cuales fueron utilizadas en el contexto
del proyecto de evangelización del mundo americano, como instrumento eficaz
de conocimiento teológico y espiritual, apoyando e instando a la meditación
piadosa de la comunidad Capuchina.
Para enfrentar los objetivos recién descritos nos valdremos de herramientas
desde las ciencias sociales para comprender el contexto histórico al que
pertenecen los cuadros revisando la historiografía latinoamericana y cusqueña
para comprender así, el marco en el que fue trabajada la serie, acudiendo al
archivo de las religiosas y realizaremos una revisión bibliográfica de arte
colonial tanto chileno como de América latina. A continuación se abordará el
desarrollo del arte de la memoria como herramienta doctrinal en particular el
utilizado en la serie y el tratamiento de la imagen y palabra como sistema mixto
de comunicación. Finalmente se realizará una revisión iconográfica de la serie y
los elementos que comprenden este sistema de representación
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Iconología material aplicada al estudio técnico del cuadro San Francisco niño reparte el pan a los pobres, Cusco-Chile, c. 1684Jiménez Martínez, Victoria Francisca. January 2017 (has links)
Magíster en artes con mención en teoría e historia del arte / En las últimas décadas, la pregunta sobre materialidades y técnicas de producción artística, ha contribuido con nuevas perspectivas a la historia del arte. Recurrir a estudios de laboratorio tales como radiografías, fotografía infrarroja, microscopía electrónica de barrido o microanálisis EDS para conocer las sustancias de trabajo constitutivas de una pieza artística, permite ampliar nuestra mirada y lecturas históricas sobre ella. No obstante su existencia y utilidad, dichos procedimientos no se han aplicado sistemáticamente en investigaciones histórico artísticas nacionales. Tras examinar las ideas y metodologías propuestas por Thomas Raff y Gabriela Siracusano, esta tesis propone aplicar el método material iconológico al estudio de la técnica pictórica del cuadro San Francisco niño reparte el pan a los pobres, con el propósito de establecer el modo en que la aplicación de ciertas materialidades y la cultura del espectador, pudieron cargar simbólicamente una cadena operativa desarrollada en un taller de Cusco Virreinal. Los datos de laboratorio fueron cotejados con fuentes escritas para mostrar las relaciones y diferencias entre el proceso cusqueño y la herencia técnica europea. Aunque la identificación de formas particulares del taller -y sus pintores- al momento de concebir un cuadro, pueda asociarse a la aceptación de un sistema pictórico y visual europeo, la flexible adhesión y la presencia de criterios materiales, procesuales y compositivos característicos de esta obra son, sin embargo, sintomáticas de un implícito modo de valorarlas por los comitentes y pintores, con cánones distintos a los promovidos por las academias y tratados de pintura europea. Desde la mirada material iconológica, nuestra tesis revela un modo particular de concebir no solamente un cuadro, sino una cultura manifestada en recursos representativos originales, aunque estrechamente adjuntos a la visualidad del culto católico impuesto desde Europa.
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Scarcity, government, population: The problem of food in colonial Kenya, c. 1900-1952Duminy, James January 2018 (has links)
Food security in Africa is a foremost development challenge. Dominant approaches to addressing food security concentrate on availability and increasing production. This 'productionist' focus arguably limits the capacity of government policies to address contemporary food problems. It does so by obscuring both the specific food insecurity dynamics linked to the continent's ongoing urban transitions, as well as the potential for more systemic food strategies. Yet existing research provides an inadequate historical understanding of how a production and supply-oriented bias has emerged and become established in the African context. This undermines the capacity of scholars and policymakers to critique and reform food security thought and practice. The thesis addresses this gap in knowledge by critically and historically examining the emergence of food scarcity as a specific problem of government in a particular African context: colonial Kenya. Understanding how colonial officials and other actors conceived of and responded to food scarcities in Kenya is the primary question addressed. The specific roles and duties of the state in relation to this problem are also investigated. The thesis employs a Foucauldian-inspired approach to the historical analysis of government and problematizations. Primary data were gathered from archives in the United Kingdom. The argument is that food scarcity, as a problem of government, shifted from an uncertain and localized rural issue to a risk encompassing the balance between market supply and demand at a territorial scale. The role of the state shifted from a last-resort provider of relief to a regulator of maize production and demand, with a focus on ensuring adequate supply for territorial self-sufficiency. Accordingly, anti-scarcity techniques became increasingly economic and calculative in nature, and longer term in focus. This mode of conceiving and addressing food scarcity existed in Kenya by the end of the Second World War, and was stabilized in the immediate post-war period. Elements of this system are recognizable in contemporary food security policies in Kenya and elsewhere in Africa. The thesis contributes to historical knowledge of African food insecurity and colonial government. It moves beyond previous work by focusing on Kenya, and by examining food scarcity as a distinct problem of colonial government. It enhances knowledge of the conditions under which contemporary modes of food governance have come into existence.
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A use of narrative and biographical history to describe how economic creolization developed French Louisiana.
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